The Exeter Advocate, 1921-11-3, Page 3Surnames and !heir �-� o Wailing for a Living. j •
Few people know that wailing
`et side wan li
HOUSTON pound of w ' a "n r " salami, beneath i
of the Old City of Jere
the oz d st a#lt or the site where
once t
Racial Origin --Seo ttish,
Source—A locality,
The family names of Houston find
•3ustop may in some few. instances be
}corruption or variation of the fortis
Iugllson, but not in malty. It ie easy
efteit to account for the introduction
and elirninatton of many lettere from
Wen and family names in the course
of their development. The letter ''t."
or instance, is readily eliminated.
ut it's not easily introduced. and the
change from Hugbson, or Huson, to.
'IInston is not .a natural one.
Huston, or Housten (the spellings
)tre interchangeable) have developed
As family names from the place name
IA Houston. It is a parish da Renfrew.
nhire, Scotland.
Tradition has it. that the name or
igivated from one Iingh Padvinaied
who, do the reign of Malcolm IV. of
Scotland. about the year n59 AAD.. re-
ceived grants of land at tints place. in
lice barony of Hitpeter, front Baldwin
of Biggar, who was the Sheriff of
"stra" (which also giveie the nantne stood the Temple et Solonton, is sys-
Strathclyde) and "eeann"' or "chap," 1 tentatieally Clone by proxy.
Which you'll also find in the surname Pious Jews abroad, who cannot hope
of that famous Scottish historical to visit Jerusalem in person, send
figure 'Malcolm Ceanil-\Ior" (literally funds to local Jews, who goo to the
"Malcom Big -Head"). Wall and give expression to the ab
But in the combination the ,'eh"
sound dominates and eliminates the
"th," giving the promitleietion "stra-
ellait" rather than "strath-ehan,"
though more anciently the place was
colied "Strathaen:'
Racial Origin,Sc
Source—A loanlit
Tine family name is derived from
A parish mune ixi Kincardineshire.
laeteland. and of collate was borne In
the first place either by those who
field big Ia7n b in that place tar who.
upon travelling to other parts, became
tliariti by it its preference to their pre-
Mtiott:t home ;.
But though the family name has
'leen formed in the I nglielt rather
than in the Gafell' Inauner, the place
Name itself Is Gaelie.
its meaning is that t F .-lltale vol-
}sr or veltey-!lead." and it to a cope•
Variations .Macrankin, Rankine,
Racial Origin—Scottish.
Source-�-A given name.
The family navies of Ra:aktn, Ran-
kine and Macrankin are developments
of a name borne by one of the Clan
'Maclean of 3)uart.
This sept was called in the Gaelic,
"Clann Antic Ruing,"front tine given
manse of a chieftain prominent in. its
history. It was. however. accordion to
tradition, known as the "Clain Emilie"
nal more ancient times, and the Aide-
ranItins claim to be the descendants
of an Irli:h ehieftain named "dival ail•
sigh: '
The forms Rankin owl Rankine.
(entree, are only englleized farms
"Mlle Ruing," er "3iaeRaiatg,"
"lain In this case being the Fngtislt
egatiralent of clan or family-, anti not
a diminutive ending,
This sept of the Clan glacleau seems
to here been noted prineiDally for the
number and importance ot the bag-
pipe placers that It produced, and it
must be under toad, that under
Scottish clan sy stern the puler was al,
reat personage, a sort of custodian et
the clan traditions and a eonotant at
tenatant upon the head of the clan as
well as a mmletan,
sent one's grief. This money, known
"Betake Money," is one of the
mainstays of the Jewish colony in
Jerusalem. There are Schools of
WW'aaet's., and if sorrow at the Wall of
Wailing expresses itself in tears, these
are collected and sold abroad as pre-
ciaits relies.
Milieu the Zion Commission was es-,
tablisieed in Palestine, the "Halaka
Money" from Jews abroad toes did
vented largely into its coters, and the
financial support of the wailers fell
away seriensly. But it has been re-
stored since, either by subsides from
Zion :funds, or by' a. renewal of di-:
feet rubseriptions.
Success of Forestry in Frame.
One buhdred years ago the Landes,
some two million acres in extent, was
a barren waste, grazed by a poor and
healthy type Of sheep, aptly des-
cribed by a loess writer as swampy,
ver -ridden. lead desolate. The area,
intelligent +eo.operation between
te, coutMunes, ,and individual own.
tis been turned from the poorest
lu France into two of tine rich-
, epaaet>uemts of that, rich country.
:slat happy distriet praeticatiy tit?
local rates are paid, sire -woad eau be
had ainnost for the asking. Individual
peasants own up to 1004 to 300 tea -
tame (250 to 730 acres) ot what was
once barren soil, and now Is sorest
laaitl worth 41O9 per acre, and bring -
Mg in a teddy revenue from tui risen.
tine and trent pit plops for the British
market. The *Agee in the district axe
high. anti the shelter and, humus given'.
by the trees allow the once sandy
waete to be used For vine culture and
1 crepe.
Cobbler's Son As Prophet.
�Ie to sren,dt,idr;1 than any of his
t�atry wLe't i' the ttu,ry ttf Ii,;ts s ,1ii ;te r
aorea men nee.
tie ra•;39 t+ 4 April Mtg. Item. he
the &ilei 4 ay tag lettuce. en Isere t•ar1;,
.11b i yl;alo.t was a peer r ettittd r reed his
trie l i v eteettedie eirene. Ice+a'--* i to
lam as s mHie- ate wee, c ith•eatt
edetereem j+P':SPi.t:t Itie time melded
tIpni: ' cis' s; : and is ,nolle :,ia,.ke.
wee, e, lent he wee* lel ('+.! 1F,ou
v:r“te ;: crumb. r
were n tr t :, rr;,.,1, hit ;e
eeuiti. el.t;; dial he awl tial ;,
;it, t:'nt
hr, 1'int et :; emel, Mita l, ttt'tluit..t it
the ;arse t,i r 47,,a• hitt s'v'i•;,4tatell;
fit eeet'el Lit imittnattititem end went toil
a metre to no }~.;;a t. Ili' Hie 44:1;
)pent. mettle in travl'llite;, let wrttii.t
i5 wK elt :tui it It re.
11t? rate ewe tiling of a itre,piic•a» et,
All w'rt�te:
'Yes. in year* to enol• We .tltaIl fly
,tea they w rage, t f et' am Vigil in the air,
aver the nighty ocean. The airship
ams'.; it is eruwileat with paseellger;a,
tor the J tut 1'e y` i+< meeker thee by tea.
Mors le.ter 111-'4y fttnluuti 111e7t, 11-
3rl1.1tiirg the King ed Lte u n:nit-, father
pf Queues: Alexandria --anti he wrote
about then in bis books.
1 At the age of :evenly the pour tole
Sled's son 'lied. mourned by all: he
Wee buried lil:ce a ling.
How the Moon Was Made.
Many mili:;ius of years ago the
tarot ryas net the hard. solid manse
that It is now; it was a eoft, semi-
)iquiel globe. ceelnsitiug of matter in.
an almost molten state. Scientists
believe that at this time the mon
as flung
!R* off fr
oil the earth by whatits .
called centrifugal force.
t Any spinning wheel give an example
f this force, which endeavors to
row outwards matter that is adher-
g to its circumference. It is centri-
gal force that makes the rear wheel
4tf a hleyeae: splash tarot on the chat
ing of the ruler,
The earth in those* far -die -taut days
wail to spin starch taster there it tied
pieta, and as it resit/veil 11. tonaded t
diet; off greet t s'st'e. M' matter Demi
t a r ttrl.ION These r9,ta till collect ttl-
r. iae4er in the form of a g,igautie
t tele" at t]in4• pare let Of IN surffure. and
e.a a reelly^ the Melt" was tlaaeg luta e, where, owing to 1te '►svu rapid
t at;,:dte e. it t=5 ole bee ata'!ez tan' F;�eltin
aali the 0 tac,A;t.
1 f.'artaallan fall weather is extremely
hard on little ones. Ono day it is
warm and bright aat;d the next wet
4114 scut. These staddeu eltau" ea bring
ee i €o.ds, ritaps and (-elite and unless
baby's little „ ttantarh le neat tight the
recede may he serious. There Is motht
lug to eq,(.al Baby':. Own Tablets in
1;"eldilie ttw little tines well. They
erveeteen the ntetauaeh, regulate the
boweels, break up cold:: and make baby
thrive, The Tablets are sold by mede
ran dealers teat or by mail tit ., 2
e) cents a
box front The I)r. Williams' Medicine
('o., Brockville, Ont.
a:euiels in eha
,,!;:t11 Vial le
Lever 1:t1 ostial in the twat wltu> is an;eAle
e't il,. end that wilal. Ile it always
I7t -mail in the right direetien, alwaye
nt veli ftarw°$rd, llre suite' not be al -
'ttt •art a c,�e,
i,t .,. ..e e
$nit he .a.
►eSa'tey°s feting tefward hie goal. No
tnattf!r in taut way emus con idt•r this
mats, his appearance, his dress, his
mantifa of doing thirties, his initiative,
his bitten:, everything about him
'wars the stamp of progress, shows
that. Ise; is a nsnt ivIth a e.a=liuitce ,Citi
who is headed tawntele a definite gout.
The Boy Was Right,
One of the great public schools,
toy's the Lonilun elnrninlg Post, ltad a
fore master whe.,e ,tante Wu:; Bird. So
tempting a target watt hurd for the
boys to resist. Once on coming into
the t•lass'rc;omn the master found his
alas gazing with such profcund
gravity either at their deske or at the
ceiling that he looked round for symp-
y'nnptom of trouble. Sure enough, on the
blat'khcard was written the quotation:
Hail to thee, blithe spirit --
Bird thou never were
"Who wrote that"" the master de-
manded sharply.
There was dead silene for a mo-
ment, and then a small thin, studious-
looking boy in spectacles rose and re -
'Please, sir, I think it was Shelley:"
The foolish man who built
his house on the sand --
He gave an example in folly which anybody
can understand,
It isn't so easy, however, to sense the mistake
of trying to build the body on foods which lack
essential 'nourishment.
Here, again, is a foundation of sand which
gives 'way when the test comes.
Many a food that tastes good lacks honesty
of nourishment to `egilal its taste. T1nug it tempts
the appetite into mistakes that often are costly`.•
Grape -Nuts is a food which'helps build bodily
endurance for life's stress and storm. The full
nourishment of wheat and malted barley, together
with the vital mineral salts so neces`s'ary to bone
structure and red bloodcorpuscles, with phos-
phates for the brain,. 'is retained in Grape -Nuts.
The long baking process by which Grape -Nuts is
made gives the food a natural sweetness and an.
unusual case of digestibility and assimilation.
Served with cream or milk, Grape -Nuts is
fully nourishing, and whethef eaten as a cereal at
breakfast or lunch, or . made into a pudding for
dinner. Grape -Nuts has a particular delight for
the appetite. Sold by grocers.
Grape - Nus — the Body Builder
"There's a Reason"
Belgians Dig Fifty Feet
for Shell.
In the last year of the war a formid-
able ellen dropped from a height of
ti,t$iiO feet on tlw village tit Havay, be -
men Mous and alaubeuge, says a
Brussels despatch. It did not explode,!
but it made a hole in the earth about
•a0 fet't deep wilt e it l 1• 1 I#
a' tat Tema net .
This ellen two ions, and the
charge of explosive is estimated to
weigh from 16 cwt. to a tan, The Ger-
mans. who regarded the shell as of
emelt importance, tried to extract it,
but were tumble to do so.
The Belgian authorities succeeded
in pulling out the shell after making a
large ex.eavation about it. The work
demanded great pret'aution as a shell
of a similarita
r kind
to siteIl
o e buried at
Havay fell not far from the French
frontier and made a crater more than
100 feet in diameter.
Send. a Dominion Express Money
Order. They are payable everywhere.
International Court of
- Justice.
The League of Nations has consti-
tuted the international court of jus-
tice provided for in the Treaty of Ver-
sailles. As a matter of record we
give the names of the judges': Vis-
count Finlay, Great Britain; Dr. Yoro-
gu-Oda, Japan; Dr. Andrew Weiss,
France; Comniendatore D. Anzilotti,
Italy; Dr. Ruy Barbosa, Brazil: Dr.
B. T. C. Loder, Holland; Antonio S. de
Bustamente, Cuba; Judge Didirk Ni -
halm, Denmark; Dr. Max Huber, Swit-
zerland; Dr. Raphael y Crevea, Spain;
Dr. John Bassett Moore, United
States. Four deputy judges were also
elected: Dr. Neguleseo. of Roumania,
Dr. Jovanovic of Jugo-Slavia, Mr.
Wang of China and .judge Beichniann
of Norway.
Monarchist Menace ` in
After 1871 the French exiled all
members of the reigning family and
thereby removed an element of dan-
ger; a course that did much toward
consolidating the young republic. That,
the former kaiser- of Germany is still
awarding crosses of merit, though
three years out of power, that Prince
Oscar parades daily, while the baud
plays the royal hymn and that there
are monarchist demonstrations, all
over the country have finally „aroused
some of the German newspapers to
urge the Reichstag "to make 'an ex-
eeptional Iaw, applying to an ea:eep
tio•nal•case:" One ploposal is to •elite
all German princes, especially those
of the Hohenzollern and; VuTittlesbsch
Minard's Liniment 1 umberman's Friend
Good Advice Front One Who
Had Suffered Much.
:Rhof rtis indiges-
tion orit:etentso-callesd stoallntafocli troof uble ars
not due to the condition of the stom-
aeh at all. but are caused by other la -
'themes. The great contributing
cause of indigestion is thin blood
Goon blood and plenty of it is required
by the stomach to take care of the
food. 1t the blood is thin the stom-
ach functions sluggish. food lies undi-
gested, gas fortes and eauses pains in
various parts of the body. Instead ot
getting nourishment from the blood
the s.
em gets poison.
Relief from this condition can be
obtained by the tome treatment which
Jar. D. Shaw, 11t. Stewart, P.F.I., tried
and now warmly recemrnends to
others. Mr. Shaw says: "I suffered
from indigestion for over four years,
and have tried maw of the weld -
known remedies for such troubles,
but sever obtained more than tem-
porary relief. The trouble was ag-
RraVideil by eonstipation setting in
owing to the stomach failing to do tts
with, and Meat/yes only gave relief
to the bowels and left the stomach In
worse condition. The result was lay
blood was growing more and more
aimed:ie. I did mat sleep well at night
and was ,growing despondent. I was
iu this wretched condition wean a
;advised me to try Dr. ii ilifatns'
lis. I got three hexa anal by
lake they wore finished there was
minae change for toe better. This
greatly encouraged me and I continued
taking the pills for some three mouths.
by eateh time my stomach was ill
rlglat aagain, my blood goad. nerves
stro g and life was again worth llv.
Ire, ,11y advice to all who suffer from'
stomach trouble ie to give lir. AVIV'
llamas' Pink Pills a fair trial,"' f
Dr. Williams' Pitot fills can he ab•.,
Laine l through any medicine dealer,
sat' tta n9tait at ytt eyelets al cos. tar sic
;F.,s for $2-uO from The Dr. Minims'
Aie_eliclanae Co., Brockville. Out.
Not Lost At All.
Alike (to his soul—"•sow, you've
Leen lighting again You've 104 yer
two front tathe."
Fink -•-":otic, T ain't lost 'ern; I got
"ern in me pocket."
Got Her Answer.
Hearir:g a faint zitstie la tine darts "
hallway below, the elder sister, sup.
posing the y-oui:g roan Inset gone,
leaned over the Mat trade and ealied
out: "j' eN, Bessie. have you !ended
him?" There wasa. deep, sepulchral
`silence for some_ "
noi:t.pts. It was
broken by the Le -stating. eoaacrained
voice of the 'etas raxnn: "She dnaas:"
I3e Very Careful, ;r
is The Stitietly se;eool treat was in fuit ,
*wham. end after the games t o yotin�g-.'
stern ail sat down to a geoid feed. ]hit -
tie Jolinrie unaeceeteanesl to s.ueh
r;eb fare, basis eaten nr .per:agiy:, And
LF.ew. at the t'nd, lie wee feeling ranter
unc enifertable,
"'Can 1 lift yeti deem?" aeliei Citta
kited old Indy..,
"Yes, malatnz, g e to men lift me down,
replied Jobrauie; '•ttut"----and he looked
Pleadingly up into her lie e;> --:^please
don't bend rue."
Now Feels Fine end Strong
and Gratitude to Tanlac
is Unbounded.
"Teniae has built me up from a
mere frame weighing only ninety
pounds to a strong woman weighing
one hundred and twenty-five pounds
and my gratitude 1$ unbounded." said
Mm. Lydia Pickup, 12 Ramsay Lane,
Toronto, Ont.
"My stonttach tronblssl me so much
during the past three years that my
life was a perfect burden. 111 appe-
tite was gone entirely, gas would forut
and nearly set me wild with pin to
the pit of say stomach. The gas rear-
ly smothered nue .mal my heart acted
se queerly that 3t alarmed me. I could
get scarcely any ;:eels and was tired
and dull amd ail warn out. I often
homed so dizzy I could barely stoma
tljt, Senei at times lily meed hurt idle it
world burst open. I lost w€»slat until
tiny' elothes were entirely too kerne
and 1 was so weak I could barely
"One day i saw a stateemert about
Tanlac and I determines to try U. I
stave now tales ten laottles in all and
HQ He Won Ftcr, my appetite bas come back, I eat antie
Now Eit,rtee;,►r wa. very mimed ref tiling 1 want and as melt 4,u I want at
every meal without pain or any m
her small feet. '1'h1S fact was Wilt° i comtortabte feeling' afterwards. I tit?
well latur n to young .g 1a iihins. one of ,
her t umerous suite'rt, and he, deter- ` not have headaches tl. diver; tx spght
any more, I sleep soundly every- night
- twined to make gime use of it.
and get up felling that and strong in
After weenie of titelete toll Ira ate ; the morning:-
l ronelte;l leer with tats dma7'd Fci.r€Pg3. �; Teantne is sold by leading drat gists
''I F t it t:•ae " h4� a• tad, "1 la}
E; n
4F arty. temente at y.,ttr fee!:' n
• I•'alrtait t'" €lg p P i I laartc to ,E,veary gr,eat2 Sand t'naw i�Lta ttatlit'g mays
Sia .la t SiSs,tte teat 1'1,al l;idat ,.sig. ,a ttae'a:t i€a Ibe 'wn31': r. .be ecraoliu 1 it t"' g t nuty
1 . weritl to a
tE'I°onlletl �q i ii:,. a el int vi Sr?^;aid >nitlu tr stilton teF et;thus tai. m ' tehing great
iroya ante, t' 1.„2,4pa U' .' t n - feet of
Pauper invented Blanket.
P•a erty i,; reepousible for the iat-
seetien cat the blanket. Yearcl age a
won in ragtime lost ail hie wealth
anti t t°ae:amiie very poor. One triad s i't-
ter t aelht in 1340 he tread a piece of
'mega tta t n":: h4,t1 elath fee a heal ya4ra-P.
/ha: to, keep himself warns. and front
tb:- nt:aiteelrift heat eattivt'ririn
:t' blht'
NVIA111 1 tuthet. The Cattle of thiol
man was Thomas l.lanl;tit. and the
new hind of bedding has been known ,
matter the name of blanket ever ranee.
Ask for Minard's and take no other.
Olt. It is great, and there is no other
greatness, = to make tome nook of
God's creation more fruitful. better,
lliure worthy ttf God, to make some
human heart a little wiser, manlier,
happier,=suture blessed, les: aetmesed.
Fine -edged weapons should not be
rtsed en rough timber.
Cascarets To -Night for Liver,
Bowels, if Bilious,
Get a 10 -cent box now.
You're headachy! You have a ball
taste in your mouth, your eyes burn,
your skin is yellow, your lips parched.
No wonder you feel mean. Your sys-
tem is full of bile not properly passed
off, and what you need Is a cleaning up
inside. Don't continue being a bilious
nuisance to yourself and those who
love you, and don't resort to harsh
physics that irritate and injure. Re-
member that most disorders o1 the
stomach, liver and bowels aro gone by
morning with gentle, thorough Cascar-
ets—they work while you sleep. A
10 -cent box will keep your liver and
bowels clean; stomach sweet, and your
head clear for months. Children love
to take Cascarets too because they
never gripe or sicken.
Amerios's Pioneer Dog Remedies
Book on
and Flow to Feed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
H. Olay Glover Co., Ino,
118 West 91s Street
New York, U.S.A.
The 4:4t5 - i al's
stet to the Re -retie as rate ::a t.a• t3ae
ilii tan.
Mother l Move C ei
With California is Fig
purrs ncl'ei'c: l a .. a; oltil t
Immo. !l:e' 'Irnaty" .t.,:.',ef
i!.tnpa slid rt :.# ti. s'
Ile bowfin,' .S le a .teee'tte ti" -•1:.e may
prevent a 6iel. Made te-t re,w. If t ere
atlpated,. b419Nu;'. f,ee eei h. friend. la,au
cttdri, c°trill+, or if
,,,t18t ie b is titertt•.
tongue cuatee.l, breath l'ad, re:ueneber
a good e1e.,t:e•<lttt; eof the Iitit:et b&itetis
is often el: taut is niceeee° ;try,
.'lank y'ea. . '1•}'1 't Er,'t' g,•ttua:e tali.
iorela 1' t, Syrtm" :t"lt li:is eltre'(°tie:tdq
for butteat -1 a is,:ei:'e°ta elf ell ages
printed d em I , ", Heti ;,er: You must
say 'C'aiit •r:de" orr you may get an
imlt:ttolt lie,
A Health Saving
Dont wait until you net viae ---USE
was t. er .a'+aiE'ved 'rvYII.�4aut
9;...51 t tiro
a,r e; , lei.
OU can't do your best when
I your back and every muscle
aches with fatigue.
1 Apply Sloan's Liniment freely, with-
out rubbing, and enjoy a penetrative
glow of warmth and comfort.
Good for rheumatism, neuralgia,
sprains and strains, aches and pains
sciatica, sore muscles, stiff joints and
the after effects of weather exposure.
i` For forty years pain's enemy. Ask
your neighbor. Keep Sloan's lzsndy..
'At all druggists -35c, 70c,; $1.40»
- - - Made in Canada.
Nothing Else is Aspirin—say "Sayer'
eetarning!• Unless you see name
f`Bayes!' an tablets;, Yeti are riot get-
ting Aspirin at ail. Why take chances?
Accept only an unbroken Bayer"
package iethicll °'contains' ditectiees
trdrkea 'add °by pitysicittns,dur ing, 21.
years and, piioviil' 'safe• byinnlltone for
Colds, Headache, Earaehe, Toothache,
Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lum-
bago, and Pain. Made in Canade.
All druggists sell Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin in handy tin boxes of 12 tab-
lets,' and in bottles of 24 and 100.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
in, Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of
Monaaeeticacidester of Salicylieuacid.
While it is well known that Aspirin
means Bayer 'manufacture, to assist
the public against imitations, the Tab-
lets of Bayer Company will be stamp-
ed with their general trade mark, the
"Bayer Cross,'r
N 0001)
:.lit; ' ilial Per e
4 a to „4.4314,
roti ."� ,.anis ...fleet
Bulk Carlofs
InPimplesOnFacee Itched
So Had To Rub Them,
Burned and Hurts
"My face was a mass of pimples
and I had an unusual amount on
my forehead and chin. They were
hard and red and later they came to
white heads. They a itched so I would
rub them, and then they starred to
burn and. burt.
"I saw an advertisement for Ctr i-
cura Soap and Ointment and irk.!
them and found they helped me. I
purchased more and when I tins'
used three cases of Cuticura Sw; p
and one and a half boxes cf Caticrnrn
Ointment T was completely' healed."
(Si gn ed) Miss Anna Fyaika,Car rots,
Wash., Dec. 6, 1919.
Give Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum the care of your skin.
Soap25e, Oiotmeat2Saad50t, Taleam25c, Sold
throughouttheDominion. Canadian Depot:
Lyman, Limited, 344 St. Pial St.. W., Montreal.
air-Cuticura Soap *hove* without mug,
This Woman's Letter Tells
You How To Pass The
Crisis Safely.
Lascelles, P.Q._- "During the Change
of Life I felt so weak and run down I
could hardly do my work. The per-
spiration would pour over my face so
that I couldn't see what I was doing.
We live on alarm, so there is lots to do,
but many who felt as I did would have
been in bed, I took Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and it did me a
world of ggood. I tried other remedies
but I put Vegetable Compound ahead of
them all, and I tell every one I know
how .much good it has done me."-
Mrs. DUNCAN BaowN, Lascelles, Prov,
Such warning symptoms as sense of
suffocation, hot -:flashes, headaches,
backaches, dread ofimpending evil,
ihni.dity, sounds in the ear, palpitation
off' the 1: rt; sparks befers' the eyes
irregularttiee, cohst patiion, via aLle ap-
petite, weakness and dizziness should
be' heeded by middle-aged women, and
letLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound carry them safely through this
crisis'as'it did Mrs. Brown.
You are invited to write for free advice
No other nnedicine . has been so suc-
cessful in relievin • woman's suffering
as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable.
Compound. Women mayreceive frea
and helppful advice by writing the Lydia"
E, Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
ISSUE No, 44—'21.