HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-05-18, Page 48Page 8 A little touch makes a big difference Blinds are decorative improvements Home improvements aren't necessarily as major as roofing or siding, converting carport to playroom, re- modeling the kitchen or add- ing a bath. Sometimes they're more cosmetic than costly. Take children's rooms. There, chances are, you can do a lot with a little, and reap rewards of good behavior beyond all proportion to the time, effort and cash you ex- pend. Pillows and paint You'll start, probably, with a can of paint or a vinyl wallcovering that resists stains and smudges. Add a new bedspread, and pillows that are decorative yet tough enough for the inevitable tus- sles. Install blinds that are both decorative and func- tional. IN A ROOM CHILDREN SHARE, mount a Riviera blind on the ceiling as a room divider that is both practical and colorful in_solids or stripes. Another idea for a child's room is to paint a picture on a blind, to complement a design scheme. Energy savers Everyone knows that slender -slatted Rivieras by Levolor are useful at win- dows because they afford whatever degree of light con- trol and privacy one desires. They save energy and fuel by keeping rooms warm in win- ter, cool in summer. They offer excellent value because they're long-lasting. ,Clutter concealers Blinds can be used, too, to hide and divide; to create storage; to conceal clutter. For example, frame one as a room divider if children are sharing quarters and you want to separate them some- times. When the blind is low- ered, one child can 'read or study while the other watches TV. By simply rais- ing the blind, two rooms be- come one. Suppose in .your daugh- ter'_s _.r )o.m.._thece's..a -took that's not really usable, be- tween wall and window; your son's room Tacks closet space. Rivieras can solve both of these problems. In the nook, install shelves behind a blind made to.your exact measurement and perhaps striped, tq match a blind at the wi-ndoz. In your son's room, make a corner into a closet by installing Rivieras around it. Steal space! Attach a blind to a plywood panel two or three feet from thewall, "stealing" as much space as you can. Or substitute a- post for the panel, and hang two blinds at right angles, for access from both front and side. Ceramic . tile easyinstall to stall INSTALLING CERAMIC TILE basically consists of three steps: a sive with a notched trowel; setting the tile; and filling the joints with grout. adhe_ Cheap tools no bargain! Do not be tempted to buy cheap tools. Shoddy screw- drivers and hammers will break, causing injury and damaging your work. A cold chisel stamped out of metal that is too soft cannot do the jobs it was designed for. Tools should help mini- mize errors, not create them; an unsquare square, or any other such inaccuracy in a „tool, can make a home proj- ect an exercise in futility and frustration, even for the most skilled carpenter. Buy reputable name When selecting a tool, look for the name of a reputable m:. lufacturer. Heft the tool to test its balance, making sure it is neither too heavy to handle nor too light to do a good job. Test display mod- els of power,tools to observe them in operation. Always use •the right tool for the job. The wrong tool makes it impossible to achieve good results. P-•-xdff4r°1"—; Store Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Sat. 9:30- 5:30 Wed. 9:30-12:00 and Frt. 9:30-5:30 p.m vRN1S1'11N FINE F ®ECGRCONSUL-%ANT BED & BATw TAMPS 33 West St. Goderich 524-4400 SECOND FLOOR - ABOVE .BROWN'S DECOR DECORATIVE ACCESSORIES Designer color array Rivieras come in more than a hundred designer col- ors, from pale to bright to metallic. In patterns, too, so your daughter can have blue lace or pink gingham; your son, tortoise or cedar, among others. Artistic touches For artistic effect, create stripe combinations of two or more colors. Or be even more original: applique blinds with fabric, or paint pictures on them to carry out a design theme. Smart spring cleaning will Save on decorating dollars The Spring blight is soon to strike in many households. That's when the sun shining in does more than light up - your life; it also, strikingly points out the havoc a winter indoors has wreaked on your home furnishings! -- Don't- be too alarmed, though. A multitude of sins can be coped with easily and, inexpensively , with some simple Spring cleaning and planning. Take a survey First, take a survey of what refurbishing needs to be done. Then, map out a schedule for yourself of which tasks should be ac- complished first. Should you find that up- holstery, rugs and draperies are soiled, don't let thoughts of expensive, dry cleaning bills get you down. Some K2r® Spot -lifter applied to the dirty spots may do the trick, and literally save you hundreds of dollars on pro- fessional cleanings. Just apply spot -lifter to the spot- ted or stained portions of the fabrics, let dry to a white powder, and then simply vacuum or brush the powder—and the soil— away. A bit of "elbow -grease" and a good all-purpose clean-. er can often take the place of paint or new linoleum for re- vitalizing smudged and soiled walls and floors. Rearranging furniture and wall hangings can do, won- ders for a room,.too,,and_]t_. d -di -cost a cent.' For ex- ample, if last year's spacious look leaves you feeling. empty this year, try moving the couch and an arm chair or two into the center of the room to form a cozy "is- land." Planters perk up home decor For your TR Home VErover>nents... FIRST! Bill Counter WINDOWS I have a number of discon= tinued silent seal (double hung) window units at at- tractive Bargain Prices; as well as some excess Trimlite Wood Gliders at Prices you'll like. Let me quote your window requirements - you'll like my prices on all Dashwood Products. P DASNWOOD CLASSIC ENTRANCE and PATIO DOORS • always In stock Authorised Dealer for DASHWOOD WINDOWS - BEM PAINTS Always a good stock of SIDEWALK SLAB * PATIO STONES * SAKRETE MIXES J.M. FIBERGLASS INSULATION * PANELLING *PLYWOOD *CABINET & DOOR HARDWARE LUMBER *DOORS * TRIM * ROOFING CEDAR AND REDWOOD STAIN $6 49 • GAL. COUNTER CASH & CARRY Building Supplies RINCESS ST. WEST, CL INTON 482-961