HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-11-3, Page 27 «r 1 r T7TTTiTV 44444.8,4.8,4444.048,444. The Kingdom o The Blind B E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM. eeeeeee."' P -') CHAPTER XXX.-- s Sir Alfred leaned over the table. ein the fighting unde-e his eommand you "Den't be raeht Rennie," he tnivised.i were three times •apaarently taken us to emeseame And there .are the all. peeemnon to note the statemen. t let be eras.heel?" Grenet deeeer..eel. Sir Alfred shook his heel aeard yet, remenner this. The man is i"' ns yoeua appzent.ly (*ez . daeger, both to you. and to xneeeseape,i; • the informatien whieh e-ou - . ' , - --.. 3 '9 Sh 1 • • '1-'4) Tie number" ilies eveelve 10 reurele of food per . at. n -e jo-ush--7.S.lai we pear. "in meee mutter ef bulk the ferrn fain - "Pei eel: :Area thee Geemenv ealle importane queetioa II "I still .telieve teeit impessVe," he HP is the ('n'Y n'•31.1 v"':,' nas had 0•113 -•ea a t „vac . e a s of tune s I am asked thie question! daY- ett contraly;3•on vf:, t;le aNell. a eeee we,- .;,-,. e . ... e • aeata7,,, thing. le do with the Ietelligence De-eeseers; the information which exartly Two Kinds of Doctors. • , -.., ea kere ee7ee ie. worth at eirep at the time yen. were absent eeemed First there le the ollY skin that fer all faeailiee, whit+ eet (telly 141. peer .1e " I .wM be for the safety anti welfare of that force." • . . Granet's face eves suddenly rigid. He had turped a little paler aud his eyes flaehed. - .• . „ '"What do you raean?" he detaanded. \vas glanehig at •the °leen page. Thome at had removed his hand and "There are a few 'notes here about ,......._... . . Yon," he said.. "I will' not read them .4e . There is yeur fun name. and parent- the eanntry, representing atany'stypes alibi:it I will:give you some extraets. Cemplexion Problems. age, tmeing out the Lamottnt of fere We have learned. how to wash our cf .agrieulture. Intereeeing facts are mem mood which / find is in ..8,4n., rues properly, how to die.t properly brought to our. attention by the sure ea. yeport made to me by your Brig- the neeeseary amount of -cold. drinking tarlo, on bulky vegetablee and fruits, with vey. Cenditiene. are similar in On- veinee There is a. NTerbatira account of • ather-General, in Which it seems that water for the.daly internal bath, but In view of famine CemiltIou in f°r- there are still complexien problems for eign Iteede, it le &L t. far hamble. •ap- This guaranteed health tonic costs you nothing, the hens pay for it en eggs. It supplies Nature'e egrmaking elements. Pratts Poultry Regulator ADVICE IFIREZ Let us help you ran Food Co. of cazaga, Ltd. Toronto ZInd telFliv surey, eteore :-.;...„. • to 4,"0111:_x eniraeulonsly into the lanais --e eeeey meeels have. paeee e It ,,e. time o... tne :lingoes. -New go heyae, Roneee. . ..• . ear yr,: ("tune here,_,,eead, re7er vvra, of tile eraanxe. resteltod in eye2j greater due te digestia-e teetfbles whieh a plaia Meae, Min. v.:112-r,,t, cern tan', 1, tfavily The Rev. Dr. Channing had a brotle •70r . teee....... a; ter, wleet yen Were. When VO -.1 ,i;:aille Ileree'treuble• fer us.'" . di0t. v:ith attent'en to wegular bowel 1,.T.,,W•I'tr-'4es, 4:de:tear to be fat,een ft -,oil-' er, a playeletau, auel at one thee they . ,, }-,z ,:::,,tr,r1,-... g. f.j. .!..:.:,,.. ,i....,•,,„,. ,;,,,,11,1 1,0 If 11".Q.- wen': seal you te the. Prom a traitor?" Grenet asked fiercely. action willi do mu.r"enee•IY. Coie ..,,..p.is. I..mg:: ar.e r.. -t. used aq. -%;zu- both lived in Boston. A eour.trymen cream saeuld te need sPnritkee:Y tee tiae dentiy on farms ZP =Cr. g 1.74nr.., :::` in eearch of the divine knocked at the e3,,, , r, ee i !et, -ea.-fee-veer,. ee aeeeel Yea are gt-ing 1.Kaek an Engleeinnan.i "Do you insinuaie, then, that 1 ain rany,1,;zin,,,, cu.......rsiroi,7,331. .1.,;;.17:Irtn.zn .y.:7a11,i; it.N.,islI8,8.,i1,,.......in?„12,,,,..t.; latdcoTezlertliise.cd, wesoonlss jeil, rpute..r., girl afflicted with ;Tecate!: ekin aril large. A re:ative!Y small (V--nratiti ( f 01:Foloian's door. "Does Dr. eizana,Ing, F9'1,7: '1,>. :tr. F. Znruele)abeldlctiotffi,:e. eee e, ea, it is, two 1,. hut it green ar 1 stio.r?,;.:4..nt regetublz?. s.V3'1 Ike ht.'re?." he asked. eld'eee, sire* teeen up entire:ye ee the reported althon,gh farm familleA ba -.0 'Tan I see him?" "1 0141 he **Who's eeseeeeeee. eee. foe ,rete., wee, .y.7.1 are a!-,'^' brthor thtale for semeineinuate nothing," Thomson: re - 1 ...:A^e .'0;,;(,...'frOM.i2. .ye ere ftoe-; are, witleeut deubt, aware that my face is niopeed or dabbed with v„ ii,,,,le the beet ()Pe gralra l(r' fee eleewing :-.2 71 "rwi,.16.,:irra.nrue"Yperettaelabrpts: ,I.ttcoe,-te:. t,Mut,t. 1 stlat beL:cw that ho P;•"•st aS irtSPe.'Kar Of 11,0,P12.14b b a medieate 1 ukch•;,I on a. :pea ee ea. vegetables at beee.e. Twice ere riit,,41 altered eccsblerab'y sirce 2 I.e.,. i — .L.,...- . -. ...:-.",-,.7*,. 1.,,„...0. ..„.-„,2 2' 03 tue wito:0 ,systent. Yon mai, $191920, understand en,a, auother. you -. 71c,:car:1:11:::11:olizilan..t!Pi2::Ft:1.47.:1;:ikt;II:"..;:ialnillt; Itill:f*Ir1;4.air'neltie..1,1-4,itiDeiahglr:etleit ip3Dt:02,11.'..reo•Infleale:dtf.,:0(?,lleil .•.5 Ilisral'oe11,1:!pc::: c:: w::::: a 134'114-' II will .-::)ki-r-"T tlf2** PIC"' :177' :a1 't;;I:?:latg3C'31 *:a'f!r''''.:::::'`-::. ti'.'it',21,,';', ,i1e,rteyecl;.pe,„:211,e- 3-11-33:2; 2:1.,!;„: gee:ler-General and hroug,ht! 20 get " ct" 14ut fl'x I''''''''''' 13114" a k...941Qt.TS. )3.'..11: e ..;:,-, tx, 33 utt.ler,•%.r.Z I -?t... are nti-t: alica. now It is ray brother 1.v.,.:-.,.. ., 4,tc.), choose to tt,,..e. I lexce boon ravself to N W 41''S' ' - '11'- ''.-"" 44' 24411 ' citt°.c. •.:,*.1..t f.;ht. •,-...L.,-.. ,. ";c, .i...%ar „7-v.:e;.. . Lot ttA nr-..he the 1, ef t',.E7gs. leear Bri eeat of tzin i,".. ta fa,,e 4".1,!:74,..,,rol IT a '1'.-r ihzn, ".".e 41:0 --le1",e ?till). 7.:f.'0' l'''' ti.,•'0' 'tvh.z,°`%11:,(.4'''''h(-4 IE "n2 the ih4"? w124 - 7: • - ..A"..•"C4t. '1`.:"...1... Yea :ewe many yetere t, f Ele.i hCnte this repert, and if it is any. . .., ,,,,:..„.rc, 0,; t.„..„7..„,:,,T.1 t 4 ,•E.,.... Le: KatIsfa.:•*.: ma to y -::14 10 lit ir.v it, brougH aengerette Weazh that 4..'8-4:za:2".3 2ead 1114 s': 71`4n.r„ta %In cf Illre—'1T 11'.:4'r e ee„. !, e reee'etier To tO. tea with:it reeding 6 Jiff!. eft,..h;,...v, wo --.:;,-,,,,,'..? w;,s, also an tErg'ott tvq..,-...rst that yeu ehO'af 3 8.81 mereuey. S'etell :4 i',:t.f,Z, It tfp?..2(en al:.:e..4 et4rCIti; a ''-'1", tA grvAn 2 ans. rt . nee Le allowed te treeioin nay pare of' a rell:Intige intterel !.rtierv ..o. Ire 1"0 IfeLi/c.ra '-'1'441,!(7;i: .--r "-:-E" IN --'• ,,,, ,..--,,:...?! without thintiit4,0 6 riA":, • .%or.. . vazr.'" 3'4' 214'-a, .,-,.' r,:,,,,,, 1..) it,!, -7, fre.i„ IL,: lariae. filo fotve. ratio? lt:s etiettrea," "It was FinarqY rottera Wk..' Graret: l'aleele, and then be eautitate. A el.ear 11;-fezi ith"r' "I' i4.4 "..."'-'' i 1 41: eu:". • i•ar„.,,t*ai of wlrat N., 3 !way. S1-34 .tho “»(!ilej'Al.C.i•L the feria fat PirTZ 111:.-qce ar...1 1.N3 2 -..a, I -"r- ' in cr.r4i;:a4,.),-. -, Muttered. d ,-..;"utiort of bid -,r't Tate t f - "..- • p we tiverloyi• to.'''' 61'-..o'r -r IP' 1,,t-,0- ,.., .'" 7 -.1 -en! yo. tIttolr'llzItriViolt 0.;:i't,c)41'4r;o11„Vrplecrvectinetia. Ifirtvt:f;tuntloevas'e"' rj:'!*:1 bY 411°74:1:.er4.: ;(41441fr Wiii":":.::4e7" ' !"ii.le!* "e ''::11;471 "4:.'1 82 4:.: 1-.-a c.o. shoo:,;:lers pripetly, 1,:r,g;3114 or weQki ago at a luncheon party at the eJlif; t.:411;e fic"',1h,el€:.•'1,,,br nrellg:e21t ill(*EY'lr.r..1,' e';',"'.9 -."4--T. ::"It'v i'v;"-- , th,..l1;,,,,,,,,y. :„.-;; Yr:::. -e seine of leeth in Ritz. A lielklian waiter, who 1 1-4,,arr„. - mast oe 19F8-` t .a, oluey. 4 4: Jtilef er 11;...ili- W.A.' ,.ave tete .22..n.,127, Lae. li. Afa e en. IT ier't a rite! matter ed. lee latee Inquiries, wae present • :• . WF-eAr1"ff".,:.l,.e0:ee.,:ba. ,l,a-.':!,..*r:"e.fr:I*„...t,o".t:"1r1'•eV..: t ,I.:'eiwtay,e,';'Sd'; ;.,:* v:,•:7;•a:,'-.,,L•.•-.-• L.,,l..'• 2a. ¥2211','4,•. .—• ,. e,'..e-„", ,.,....",,. ..„.,,. '8 7 tI :. , 3 • i'r,..!-ae*•, :h:e'-"rc'u,7::zf0r.i.. •djI:. e;,;, lv- ""eo.-1...,•:A l.1mi:- ':,C,e1,.V'., ,, i.t:•e .,,,o:•am".1 ._ 't!a=1.,." a,r.t,at-e,• •a.o l:12-e‘s;,r.7... ,.2.r,,,'o.1y wi;.t'h Y t—e•a."e..4 .t1•V1t.0i.v-8a?2u„i.8•..-P •„N3.e..".1,..0.;,...,tn22r,..:3i:v,..8r•'.l • at-tt.tieqr l.y;c.:.,;..e 'e"nn gr..We-.;ko"e‘`,'.•l.1;*o*4:iyo,'-tm,,•;l,or 4-y. o;u,er- .,,,?Sae7.O.rl-,.•.ol:."A fe8e'." 1.1•1„,:,.:t„:i:lie.:‘• lY..e'i. 7W112 ,nn • .,•D0.,."tj.:h:. aw-3,l*Ihl11l•^.,h..:,te:.l,i,n' i:i,•fiece•dr. :.'. 411,1• , 1:,. 3 ‘ •e,...7..";.' ':.”4 '.. ‘.t: :• n.1 -.' (', „a'. -r.' : , ‘ el l-vt' .w.i"..e,' l.l.;i'el,... ." 2,4' r 80 8B*" :a.4•vg:1:71.1197111r. :',,2:2g2 ,lf, ,7pf7l. 4 2. ,. • t1.oo fohuntdi,)bo1Tjr,48.4,.EtInii,tr‘14vasr:ets.aaletia100 4;;„, 1.,V,"te snmp4aih511e24.BUR 81228812(1 to lPriinaroIttutpI4. - atwoy‘?Ao's mir-dry heuse,zvl440,„it is.44 ,0• Lg,ha" ,A, 8 .11U3132114911 0,20 ra,„1eornale,eea ,rr1a1ee„maeanyetatem,1nw, 1 0"1 114148 1 f 118' Vmnoilnple• c:canareto4ir14134Tliet•.130ethane4. 2.. 2.\2022 1.1-4.1412.C11.-2 1Le pervenvr.'Fg713:7111Z':1 44111:2::v":4aia:•111:,Aers-taft:1/:11::ru::;t:::;;ti;lTari18:8:L 4- 423' 4k.1,k:,,,:IW!SaA.7no.:ner.8aaz,i Folt:ia? ir:i tti:ooui;ta1h;;.,3111ii4;2,„t:9111 3i6,1:ci1;42;_,;,j:11:0433-, ThFe8.801,vr44i4trt 44,244ioub::Fs4.ra41,v4luac,C„;c..2re,42wyprt,.,: 34.94o 4,ticr v .„4. in4tS11”14tt8'!ier414,Iv Vei4:Maje:r A4'1 rentie'l ang 81 22Vt811228434 gre.tee 18-; 41 tegvIi7;_ar Int WIN feie:e eau 1.4,,24:,:11.11,rfF.r2rre- ,,,th'' l(xt 32 W4 44e ,4s,4h:v 31 232 ptiroaeo foAc1, to tra anI ▪ (24.4.021 Zive oueF11 t,A 01aqFt ri.:'f481II118TE'8 \4. ,01 • A littllater I lei ntak- .Arivergeal ri :,qffi:ierrettch Inea:ity che28, lAA I v 2 y''; R • 222,3' ameesiin our ewNow tee ar1 I 42 11" qn'31 4'- ratiM'. s 2. 223 steit,vi UM 2911Mfitat.SeeArart,i0sR. eak? I„,tro„,.;, in fat. Ie indce cenVrtss ene is p.1,44,i11er . 1 l:'r4331474!1171As.Tl3:!14oa..th,„2Ieoree0,Z1:12183' 44rriir, wtii s8a,0:E4ang f'34301,la 4.32 2422 oar wireedive1,4 s40ws,dad 1341 '2 :-uztv,IhCni4I0;30131;ttt-9;821Vsen eete a : A:• l''24' 4.=I1.11a• tI21114111 82.1 228 20 Poruttevlor sirtit-4the ,__ 4illt;13!411 6.Nr1.:f 24'” '1 94 toorne• t3 zuanher, ra191Toesiv'otf.P-11r,11:!1r i 5,47p0 3'0.4 to ?, 3 ,, 0eNle Fried'e, '8'8 4'8 Pa,2;io;6r4L:2lv,i:14. 8,, 131 22 4. W%tgMar'1221C,4.28ceer : t int 11!r?!i f a ew treeel.in eaet,,r„2 „ 1 1;'13"2' 3, ,,,a,,.,:ra,Wo.„,3 ;t,r03,4»*3.' .4:22"8t'2'•” titi. hr.. No air! whe !late,the rd , .. 'r 4. !8 ' e-„' ',4re=t27• Task▪ 1r44r1h18epre:.,...;1iL!"11r'WV2tUto1 i ithe slTaiil4. 21 is ever 4. 4 10 1' 4. l11vn•te,e ,a.eeee Letesehevmy 'at I thir.4 1 r an a.„„y24hiryorwaled b2i'.tart sothat 414S3',.4.' eAwl e,2alei,t. 41e lee meenew?” l4;::"i :11394lrilgll:::itr.il‘0Eyrr1;,„..ge,.n,1b 1t13441Lewon142wk.i44:7tt):n81,:2111::1t,in: ;e;eiieiiieteet It dI,PS 'ltiIPlb / att:t81,tr,..l,vti,45fle,fthewter'01 for mere thn t few minutVAet8,rrva,t„mi(8211-3spaynoa1 ,.t81218„vonvet lS'ivAiae teat! 1 --p *8, him '814 422 nterye• i 1 !A-«48 1ant hetiiii bput en 9'32 48 I m9 Pigila 4e 14"^lia03,!ne21 4.320 4. 1,4.1 " I 1:Fott.extThatus.twent on veel;1 t geed made of rtepow.lerIltr ailleher tintvtSew On I it1 AAni111'1.Niin""/4iIY";i4141.4 'h33441'Frewb3 114.1* 84.1 An 1 t word But titat le ai lantifiPr113ie21 Wei a y foundianlO• '12 h, e1 le I - tI 3213 lM1t4 1 sighedi *I Wii: Up tilthree 0t14,k 134 33 eaueeta rl110201 in 1,022. '38wLT rage-itIt ithe ft a gmlee, Bonnie,he 1' td, OzaI thonght I wason Ow trI 1191 1iy ..1.11 42 Twatthat *lM WttV 14) (Itrile 411 0 stleI 322 4.0 t1820 h°92 smellleaete pav itTheit1 11421224121to 11t 2141124124211 ttettoz,▪ 1 iet4.' 33 of an uo43 little 1:0nt 1,301011.088: ,9„As1", e..e),seat eaee rm1 lee, ler now thet ittate tif the ((4(38'' that 'vitr frtet32.4" 4., Iheforth in pilend dell ovtr , 1" 4. 2234. &4. t 2- 2(1' iertr3 12342812 24atinit 83111134.8 . 4.4. 4.4 tthFrenee eeextr fePowiiiin pubie is If iinbeen eeeneenal hal art again to-nsgrt on a deferhniteary tuna.he ees the havnttretinal 11183 2 1!.; a ial1112' mit tittrie.11eTh IU Glar.1 ntat1tlelti 9111111 how aptaitGrane3224.. 334.1 w3.etettn teeeen,e.14,,rxmak8, .F4.4t141.r24.14.4.. 09- .. f(re'eatl1l.ei,rrp'",:gt sr,tg ert!,./,,,,",sirm e'eeti .dlie madeqe 'no. atte8m'pt 1to s;hako hanfleIi,: .are eairy •.hm.ade „.go•od us. n3ew. !ThWe:n ns ..iaineider IHn allthheiueghgreefel . erhelraugie htgerte, eiwlerkm4', iiele 1e3 LAivI0e 84 4,12 a s12nCipten teeterblhthe4. l 1 1:1stIst' 4. 31 4.2' 11°11°n ""tel1`i ‘(1ranats revitwitehtet Il1 Ail g:11Ie ttlelf Et1212113'l beee for the nme Nery uts ,ater xranet enteree tee room. hal ign,,:iwith4„)1„ilipo,,,,,. :maeiitI in epy teeter i Bojust-loretit oirrolnygcerneentlee:e would or te take aAILThanwen looked teleepailieten was a frienli a mimethisAfritll (' ..1Ili by playerstf slmaothoethrtever haveien tampered with” at him eoldly. Dering tny vielt we iInd epetila f.ey doetor thet faze-pewr emaking Ech 12)004.4 eelPm. 6 aiteiani itforwarddhe 4.skt 4bruptlwhat politieseye doctor; richThere is something13o 34.224.141 and tenderde by coinThomon is eur nremainngautii 1 dtt for you(To le 4.0132232334. 3 i to think haat1 :t , 4. . i 12e .11 1310'e1 1 t ' P • — ng sintfirst hhalf reeogaized thingGratet replied, but I am go - me. We met, yetknew, in Belgium, ling to epend to -day and to-aorrow.1Dyed Her Sweater what 72",.,.,,, Folk letir;a...ti;;1 , 17' 2 ..a.T.„14,.f a 1Ic2 ;ri27.4wl: h 021:297,.,f31» ea21l-:1:; 1 IJle •k: '3 1.t" 11 84 /44rnra;!: zr2:".!:'120 ,22 '2%3'e2 OU 14gIefiit;.;:288 !I:rc:-,2!1t1i1:.°1 „:,2iai;ia,gt1,44rflv",,:.,;1t1„ni;.011:oLr 1;71 Bc4ate Electric or Gas th.• 3»II'an hea-Art „rtcre,, arta, (eel, et.„,e t'%era, ",‘ '81 (313 "etn."' but thete: Yelie„ etr i point ef tnahil'g (-4;4. eatnee; 222 '3914 el1 4, 220 (°' a la" , A r''12 "11 11:zt • ;•itta alrg4Z. 48'10.1 t91 221 1.411 a 41:';'I"'''''11.0'.,The h01100!. mam.e. t„n .r„. *arm ;irainte e:ee l.re. irxiy br#Pia:A. f‘oft, Witt:te cron brezdke but it.s wa;L:. wiatia for anki he faintel ion facr ht..r.ta oeat better than ga4 or electricity, has • • teAPol bv the 14. (loverrtawrit ti 35 3 21 30i012 It was jeet when I was• eoniing mit of to'', if :waste:ley, in this plum bother- fuee the GM1111111 lives.. Suir.ehow or other ' ing evel'Y 0212' I ever heard of. Youl ,, on the living conditione of hi`Je eountry Or derk or fair— and Silk Stockings . Unele Sam is keeping a sharp. eye hemust haro been on iny trate: ever ;have some influteI ae:, know. Get mel : aieli package il -Diamond 1)3 e, ; . 8 folk . A. survey of farm diet has been For wheel he ehows his heart's aloe'. since. I took no notice of it. I thought .11 jcb eut of this 4,0022211 l contains (1110(2101112 so simple that any , it was simply beenuee—hczause he Thorn4on raised his eyebrows slight -1 woman tam :30 01 tiilt 4.21*? eabbe made by the U.S. Department ef secret plate was telgagwi te Ger 3113128" Conyers. i la "You are rivals in love, too,ehri "You want to go abroad again?" 1 . . —farm families from different pale- e' ; skirts.. -dresses. waists, coats. sweaters. stoekings. hangings, uraperies. every.a e . e u. —Chrietopher Morley. Agrannture. The earvey inalodel 73 I etc her there! Sir Alfree rernericei. ! "Anyvvite.av--anyhowi if they won'ti - Geraldire Coeve-- ie. tae girl I want 'h'ere me Ilea in FI 3114,0 altheughl thing like lieW. ' e Buy -Dianiond Dyes" , —no other kind—then perfect home , to marry," Geanet admitted. heaven knows '22118, not, ern I be sent' "Thenteon." Sir Alfred murmured 'to the Dardanelles, or even East dyeing is guaranteed. even if you have' to hinnelf,----"Surg€,:n-Major Hugh Africa? Pil take out Torritor:als, if; never deed before. Ten your druggist Themson. He eeems. to be the only ,yoa like. I'll do anything elJener than, whether the material you wish to dye • mail, Ronnie, from whein we have the i be ordered to one of these infernafl is Woo; or silk. Or whether it is linen, least danger of fEar. Person:171y, I icountry towns to train young tra ios-i cotton, or mixed goods. Diamond Dyes . think I am secure. I de not believe epeople. If I don't worry, I know V never streak'.pot , fade, or run. that that single letter will be ever .. shall get a home appointment directlyt deciphered, and if it is, three parts of anal I don't want it. the Cabirlet are my friends. I con:d , Thomson studied his visitor, for al Wreath for British Dead euin the Steck Exchange to-neorrow, ; moment, • carefaly. aces Iris• h Delegtes. bring London's eredit, for a time, at l "So you want to be fighting. again,.1 any rate. below the credit of Bel -!ch?" he remarked. As they attend conferences in Down- grade." "I do." Granet answered fiemly. Ing Street every day the Irish peace "All the same, it seems to me," Major Thomson drew a little locked] delegates pass a cenotaph at which a Granet declared grimly, "that weebook towards him, unfastened it with' new wreath of laurel with large red, should both be more .ecenfortable if . a key from his chain and held his white and blue streamers was, laid re there were no Surgeon -Major Thome; hand over the page. It was notice- centlet. Atl.aehed to the wreath is a son." fable that his right hand slip.ped open, • . of "The very last eli.sp•atehes I ,had to!a few inches the etv eight -hand uraer card bearing thie inscription: deal with," Sir Alfred continued, i his desk. "Sacred to the memory of 565 ofil- "inade.• allusion to him. They don't "You have come to me,. Captaincers and non-commissioned men of love f.,ome of his work in Berlin, I Granet," be said, "to ask my aid in hie Majesty's army, navy and police can telt you. What sort of a man is igetting you a job. Well, if I could force who, having fought for King and he, Ronnie? Oan hebe bought? A Igive you one where I was Perfectly country in the great war, have since. hundred thousand pounds would be a icertain that you would be shot in your been foully murdered by the King's fortune to a. man like that." t first 'skirmish, I weuld give it to you, I enemies in Ireland." . There is oney one way of dealingiwith pleasure. Under present condi- with him," Granet said. fiercely. "1 tions, however, it is my itnpression have tried it once. I expeet I'll have 'that the further you are from any to try -again." I British fighting force, the better ...1 mon <ley She epeaks through him! Thtiefore, I say knew her, be her • Vtatir.Ctuality-Agcoti my e combination of purity. J..has made Ma4caki dEn quality and e.conorny . Powder tile Paw:lardg '111113altigg powder of Canada. Posittv ly- cOnta.ires no -1 ...warn or other irtittri substitutes: its use insuies perfect satisfaction. sts ova re Ilia tlie rclinaty kinds" Made in Canada E.NeeGILLET_T COMPANY LIME ITD "4"$"'" T° e0431'I•C*L Keep Millard's Liniment In the house. France Sending Fruit for English Tables. The sacred British breakfast of mar- malade is menaced by the Richborough train and ferry across tbe Straits of Dover, which during the war rendered invaluable service and which has just made its first peace trip, bringing de- licious Cha,sselas grapes for the Ring and Queea as thegift of the grape growers of Tara -et -Garonne. A through train from the vineyards arrived in London with the French and British Colors decorated with bou- quets of flowers from France. This train brought 300 tons of fruit along with h the gift to their Majesties. Fres fruit in,Erigland in winter has hither- to been scarce and high. It was announced that the use of the ferry will save 20 per cent. d ot the time usually taken for 'the transports: t)ion elfr , fuit frot,' Franee tOEnglend. The Only Path. The habit of half doing things, of doing things in a sloppy, slovenly way; the habit of aimless, purpose- less working, has ruined more careers than almost anything else. System, or- der a 11 d concentration, coupled with industry, will make a success of a one - talent man, while the habit of half doing things will ruin the biggest -brained man in the world. Efficiency is the only path to success. Girls' Heads Grow Quicker Than Boys'. The real reason wily girls are clever- er than boys up to a certain age was revealed by a woman investigator at the meeting of the British Association at, Edinburgh, says The London Daily Mail correspondent. Miss Fleming, a volunteer worker, has been measuring the heads ef some 2,000 British school chilthen, and re- measuring them at .certain intervals. She told the association of the more strileing retains. The size, but especially the breadth, of a girl's head increases very rapidly ep to the age of ten, vastly more quick- ly than that of a boy's, whose increase begins to grow rapid at about ten. The girl's head and the color of her hair and eyes are pretty, well fixed at the age of. fifteen. The boy may go on changing even as late as nineteen. . Tables that have been made of the intellectual capacity of girls and boys earrespond extraordinarily closely to the -variation of the head measure- ment and the fixing of definite color in 1.,81,e, hair and eyes. On. the whole; girls are, more round headed and boys more long headed. 112222128151152MOMreve7-20=MB are ehabby, dior spotted a..re Or will be astonished et the re - :gilts we get by our modem see tem of dyeing aucT cleaning. Pabricq .A-11—ss 1!-1.-e;;I:is---;nea's'1;r—ein—ent—s hav0 th at ; restore 1;:e already induced certain made like new. Werty con changes in particular schools. Children whose Send one :article or a parcel of eoaie heads have not swelled when they by post or exprees. We will pay ear. aught to have been given an extra nage one way, and our charges are year's ethooling, and the taexes have , raost reasonable. been differently treated. One boy I When yoa think of Aean- ing and dyeing, think of PARKER'S. Parker's Dye Works Limited Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yonge St. most delicate artieles, with a quite abnormally narrow head promises to be something of a literary' genius, .Miss Fleming told one delightful story. The children take great in- terest in the proceediege, especia.11y thevery young. An infant of under , five whose head Arise Fleming mea - sifted Asked at. the finish: "And what, type am I?" She replied: "You would maker .onto delightful fairy." en answer that made .1lieffigimazzeagemeimeter the little girl pont, and. restraiiiing her team, she said: "When the pro- fessor measured nu grandmother's head, he said she was mid -Mediterra- nean." This work of Miss Fleming's is largely new to anthropologists. "To some—unclouded skies and sunny M inardd•asyls7iniment used by Physicians. 'Thy Tenderness. To some --grey' weather and labori- ous ways: To all ---Thy grace: To those who fall--T_h!roltlenncloexrennebssa.i'n'. For Sale ELECTRIC WATER PUMPING OUTFIT 1 -lave it always. in the house wisE mothers keep a jar or a tube of "Vaseline" White Petroleum Jelly in the house for many childish ills, such as bumps, bruises, chafed skin, cradle cap. It is soothing, healing and grate- ful to the most irritated skin. l3e prepared for winter colds, too. "Vaseline" Ca.psicum jelly nailed on the chest, and "Vase- line" Eucalyptol Jelly snuffed: into the nostrils willecheek them quickly. CliESEBROUGH WS, COMPANY (Conaolidated) 1880 Chabot Ave., Montreal, P.Q. Il Complete -Water P•umping Outfit In -aselitie Trade Mark 13 hp. Wagner 'electric motor, single i e good condition, for sale at a bargain. phase, 25 cycle, 100 - 115 volts, with Lultweiler deep well ptunD. Real , Estates Corporation, 73 West Adelaide etreet, Zee:onto. ..e.4., --a ------- 3 JSSUE No. 44—'21. PETROLEUM JELLY