HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-05-18, Page 35Etiologist Bob Walroth (left) and Lloyd Tigert have lifte8 over 425 trout from the Port Albert (fishwayduring the spawning run that began in mid-April. The fish pass through a concrete spillway that bypasses the Port Alert dam on Nine Mile River and are tem- porarily trapped in a wire cage that is lifted lom the water to net the fish out. The trap is lifted once every hour and tliis'lift resulted in the tagging of 10 good size trout. (Photo by Jeff Seddon) The condition of each fish that passes through the Port Albert fishway is noted and recorded in ministry of natural resources files. The fish are tagged for iden- tification and If caught in the future in another fishway the progress of the fish between spawning seasons can be monitored. This fish bears a Large scar indicating it suffered from a lamprey attack recently. The rainbow trout has been able to withstand lamprey more so than lake trout which were devastated by -the parasite. (photo by Jeff Seddon) For The Best In SPRAYERS HAND AND BACK PACK contact: F 8t H Sayles and Service CR. 4 GODERICH PHONE 524-7474 (Located I/4 miles east of Benmfller) Benmiller Acres - John Hazlltt 11111111111111111111.111111111111111111111111111/ GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 18. 1978—PAGE 13A The trout caught in the Port Albertiishway are weighed, measured and.tagged for future reference:for ministry. of natural resources records: ,The tag is dated and shows that the trout went through the fishway on Nine Mile River during the 1978 spawning run and records its size and condition during that time. Mere biologist Bob Walroth uses some fish line to attach the tag to the flesh of the trout as Lloyd Tigert holds it down. (Photo by Jeff Seddon) Port Albert fishway makes life easy for spawning trout BY JEFF SEDDON Anglers doubting the presence of rainbow trout in Nine Mile River at Port Albert need only witness ministry of natural resources employees tagging trout at the Port Albert fislwiway to have those doubts removed. Since April 17, when the first rainbow was caught in the fishway, over 425 trout have ignored the tasty morsels offered by fishermen at the river mouth and moved through the fishway on their way up river to spawn. The trout run, small in com- parison to other rivers em- ptying into Lake Huron, is the first to:r be helped up stream by the . recently constructed fishway. Bob Walroth, contract biologist at the fishway, said Thursday that the small numbers of trout trying to get up Nine Mile River to spawn is not surprising. He said the fish normally return 'to the same river they were born in and spawning in Nine Mile has been unsuccessful in the past. He said many of the trout trapped in the fishway are mature fish adding support to the theory that the Port Albert area has been unproductive in the past. Walroth said a combination of the Port Albert dam, bypassed now by the fishway, and large numbers of spori fishermen dipping their lines in the confined area between the dam and the river mouth, are the two main reasons for poor spawnings. He said very few trout made it past the dam because of its size ad- ding that the movement of fishermen through the water below the dam combined with the fish caught during the spawning run reduced the number of trout born recently in Nine Mile River significantly. •That fact should change with the installation of the fishway according to Walroth. He said the success of the fishway will not be known for another four or five years .. but claims that the number of trout returning to Nine Mile River in five years should increase tenfold. He said he expected about 500 fish to be trapped in the fish - way this year and about 5,000 in five years. Roy Bellinger, con- servation officer with the ministry, pointed out that it was almost impossible for Turn to page 15A • 1 DAVE HAYLOW ELECTRICAL Serving Industrial, Commercial, Residential Needs 524-6038 IFYOUDON'THAVE 10 INCHES` OF INSULATION IN YOUR ATTIC, YOU'RE LOSING HEAT AND WASTING MONEY. If your home is like 90% of Canadian homes, it's not properly insulated. This chart gives you an idea of how much you could save by bringing your home from the average level of insulation up to today's recommended standards. Of course, as energy costs go up, so will these savings. Oil Heat Gas Heat ST. 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