HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-05-18, Page 26LAST NIGHT THURS., MAY 18th ONE SHOWING 8:00 P.M. ONE BIG WEEK MAY 19-25 FRI. & SAT. 7:00 & 9:00 SUN. - THURS. 8:00 "ONE OF THE BEST PICTURES OF THE YEAR' TIME MAGAZINE "The Goodbye Girl' is a joyous comedy just what the doctor ordered. Neil Simon makes feeling good legal.." GENE SHALIT NBC-TV ACADEMY AWARD WINNER BEST ACTOR & ACTRESS A RAY STARK PRODUCTION OF A HERBERT ROSS FILM NEIL SIMON'S "THE GOODBYE GIRL RICHARD DREYEIJSS • MARSHA. MASON , 30 THE SQUARE' PHONE 524-7811 AIRCONOITIONED Program subject to change e PAGE 4A _GODERICH S1GNAL-STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 18. 1978 Channel 5 -Saginaw Schedule for May 18 to May 24 (Exclusive to Signal -Star Publishing) MORNINGS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 7:00 TODAY SHOW 7:30 TODAY SHOW 9:00 MARCUS WELBY M.D. 10:00 SANFORD AND SON 10:30 HOLLYWOOD SQUARES 11:00 WHEEL OF FORTUNE 11:30 KNOCKOUT 12:00 NEWS AFTERNOONS 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 12:30 CHICO AND THE MAN 1:00 THE GONG SHOW 1:30 DAYS OF OUR LIVES 2:30 THE DOCTORS 3:00 ANOTHER WORLD'' THURSDAY, MAY 18 AFTERNOON 4:00 - MOVIE FIVE: "THREE ON A COUCH" -' Jerry Lewis - Janet Leigh - Jerry wants to marry his psychiatrist -fiancee and take her on a honeymoon, but she won't go until her 'three patients are cured, Jerry gets into the act. EVENING 6;00 NEWS 6:30 N.B.C. NEWS 7:00 BEWITCHED 7:30 NIICHIGAME 8:00 - "THE BEASTS ARE IN THE STREETS" - Carol Lynley- Dale Robinette 10:00 - OPERATION RUNAWAY 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:0OA ALL NIGHT MOVIES: "I WALK THE LINE" - Gregory Peck -Tuesday Weld; "ALL THE YOUNG MEN" - Alan Ladd - Sidney Poitier; "QUEEN BEE" - Joan Crawford -Barry Sullivan '55 FRIDAY, MAY 19• AFTERNOON 4:00 - MOVIE FIVE: "DELICATE .DELINQUENT" - Jerry Lewis -Darren McGavin B&W - Darren McGavin is a cop who takes former delinquent Jerry onto the force. Jerry shakes up the department. - EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 N.B.C. NEWS 7:00 WILD KINGDOM 7:30 MUPPETS 8:00 LEGS: Comedy -Variety 9:00 ROCKFORD FILES 10:00 QUINCY 11:00 NEWS • 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW 2:30 ALL NIGHT MOVIES: "THE CAT CREATURE" Meredith Baxter -Stuart Whit- man; "REVENGE" - Shelley Winters -Carol Rossen '71; "LADY IN A CAGE" - Olivia De Havilland-Ann Sothern SATURDAY, MAY 20 MORNING , 7:00 SPACE SENTINELS 7:30 LAND OF THE LOST 8:00 HONG KONG PHOOEY 8:3Q GO GO GLOBETROTTERS 10:30 THE THINK PINK PAN- THER SHOW 11:00 BAGGY PANTS AND THE NITWITS 11:30 SOUL TRAIN AFTERNOON 12:30 SCIENCE FICTION THEATRE: "WOMEN OF THE PREHISTORIC PLANET" - Wendell Corey -Keith Larsen - Space ship enroute home crashes on an unexplored planet; sur- vivors name the planet "Earth". 2:15 TIGER' BASEBALL - Boston at Detroit 4:30 CANDID CAMERA 5:00 WOLFMAN JACK 5:30 SHA NA NA EVENING 6:00 SIX O'CLOCK NEWS 6:30 HEE HAW 7:30 GONG SHOW 8:00 PROJECT U.F.O. 9:00 NBC SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: "HUNTERS OF THE REEF" - Michael Parks -William Windom -Louise Weller a • 11:00 FILEVEN O'CLOCK NEWS SUNDAY, MAY 21 MORNING 6:45 DAVEY & GOLIATH 7:00 OPEN CAMERA 7:30 CARTOON CARDINAL 8:00 REX HUMBARD 9:00 ORAL ROBERTS 9:30 TELEVISED MASS 10:00 ABBOTT & COSTELLO THEATRE "LITTLE GIANT" - Country bumpkin moves to Los Angeles and begins a riotous career as a vacuum cleaner salesman. 11:30 DAKTARI AFTERNOON 12:30 SHERLOCK HOLMES THEATRE: "SHERLOCK HOLMES IN 'HOUSE OF FEAR" - Basil Rathbone -Nigel Bruce - Sherlock Holmes solves the machination of a unique murder club. 2:00 MEET THE PRESS 2:30 SUNDAY AFTERNOON MOVIE: "DUEL" - Dennis Weaver -Tim Herbert - Highway motorist becomes engaged in a game of death with a vengeful truck driver who tries to force him off the road. 4:00 SUNDAY SPECTACULAR: "HOUSEBOAT' - Cary Grant - Sophia Loren - A housemaid, concealing her identity as the daughter of a. symphony con- ductor, brings a father and his children closer together. Romance blooms. EVENING 6:00 SIX O'CLOCK NEWS 6:30 WILD WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS 7:00 THE WONDERFUL. WORLD OF DISNEY - "The Jungle Cat" 8:00 THE BIG EVENT: "'THE MAN AND HIS WOMEN" - Paul Shenar-Barbara Parkins -Valerie Perrine, Samantha Eggar 11:00 NEWS 11:00 CINEMA FIVE: "KLUTE" - Jane Fonda -Donald Sutherland - Suspense thriller about a small town detective who tries to save a New York call girl from becoming the victim of a psychotic. MONDAY, MAY 22 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "SKY HEIST" - Don Meredith -Stefanie Powers '75 - A daring theft by air of ten million in gold bullion calls out the L.A. air support police facility EVENING 6:00 SIX O'CLOCK NEWS 6:30 NBC NIGHTLY NEWS 7:00 BEWITCHED 7:30 ADAM 12 8:00 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE 9:00 NBC MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: "JUST ME AND YOU" - Louise Lasser -Charles Grodin 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW -1:00 TOMORROW TUESDAY, MAY 23 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "THE SUGAR LAND EXPRESS" - Goldie Hawn,e-Michael Sachs - Basedon a true incident. A police official pursues a fugitive couple across Texas. EVENING 6:00 SIX O'CLOCK NEWS - NBC 6:30 NBC NIGHTLY NEWS 7:00 BEWITCHED 7:30 TIGER BASEBALL Detroit and Baltimore 10:00 - BIG BATTLES 11 :00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW WEDNESDAY, MAY 24 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "SONS OF KATIE ELDER" - John Wayne - Dean Martin '65 - Four brothers return home for their mother's funeral and stay td avenge her death. EVENING 6:00 SIX O'CLOCK NEWS - NBC 11:30 MILLION $ MOVIE: "IN 6:30 NBC NIGHTLY NEWS HARM'S WAY-- John Wayne, ,7•00 BEWITCHED Kirk Douglas B&W - Naval 7:30 ADAM 12 career man beached o'n a 8:00 TIGER BASEBALL - technicality right after Pearl Detroit and Baltimore Harbor gets hack into action 10:30 TV5 NEWS SPECIAL: when his Admiral puts him in "TEIENS ON THE ROCKS" - In charge of a top-secret operation this half-hour special, News to capture strategic Japanese- Producer Linda Hunt' examines . held islands. (No FIVE STAR the problem of teen drinking. THEATRE this date due to length 11,00 NEWS of MILLION $ MOVIE). 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW *********************, Appearing This Week... WEDNESDAY, MAY 17 TO SATURDAY, MAY 20 VISIONS Al THE BEDFORD COURT. LOUNGE] Appearing Next Week... WEDNESDAY, MAY 24 TO SATURDAY, MAY 27 WATCH NEXT WEEK'S PAPER FOR THIS COMING ATTRACTION Magnifique! TRY OUR DELICIOUS SMORGASBORD TU ES. 12 - 1:30 p.m. g3.SO EACH WED. 6 - 1:30 p.m. 55.95 EACH, SUN. 5 & 7 p.m. 55.9SEACH * * * * * ,SQUARE MEAL SQUARE DEAL TRYIOW N'E'W FULLY LICENSED GOD.ERICH RESTAURANT STEAKHOUSE & TAVERN Ltd. LICENSED UNDER THE LIQUOR LICENSE ACT 42 WEST STREET GARAGE SALE Sat., May 20th From 10 a.m. At the Red Burnie Saltford Used Bikes, Storm Doors, 2 Used Cars for Parts, Toys, Lamps, Dishes, etc. PLUS BAKE SALE iYtwqu.•1 :o. •N VISIT TORONTO Home`of the CN Tower and the. Blue Jays Enjoy the LORD SIMCOE!S GETAValrapicua 2 liftt for two includes: • Free admission to the CN Tower • Modern guest room for 2 nights • Dinner one evening at the famous Captain's Table • Continental breakfast one morning, full American breakfast one morning. • Free overnight parking (From 6:00 p.m, to 8:30 a.m.only each day) 76 5 0 6ublect vance re $ glSUatn tD n0aoyou Con 2300 slay an exud nlynt fol aouOIe 011ly See your (ravel agent or reserve. direct. Inquiry for Blue Jay tickets can be made through our transportation desk. Lord Simcoe Hotel 150 Kong St. Wegt, Toronto Tel: (416) 362.1848 • to 0 1- 4 0 an ,- In FRIDAY AND SATURDAY — MAY 19 - 20 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT WARNING — bme scenes a91 lan`uaee maybe offensive rhnt,e, Branch Ontm, ITHE INCREDIBLE SPECTACLE OF MEN AND WAR! A BRIDGE 1XX) FAR 1)irk Ilogarrle lames Caan Michael Caine Sean (went,) Edmond lox Elliott (rlxlkl (:cyte Hackman AnthonyFlopkins Hardy Kruger laur once ()livid Ryan O'Neal Robert Redford Il Iaxiatilian Sehell Liv Ullmann METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER presents ADULT REDDPEARL z BAZLET " ANaa• IS THAT your MFTROCOLOR-... United Artists - -SUNDAY-DUSK TO DAWN ENTERTAINMEN1 DUSK TO DAWN SUNDAY ONLY MAY 21 FOUR FEATURES Did you ever want to lust shov: it and leave it alt pbe/(hhii/�inndj�??�'"jto n L.IY V it 143t fun... wblla it luteal HATTERBOX THE STORY • OF A WOMAN � WHO HAS A HILARIOUS ' WAY OF of EXPRESSING HERSELF. WARNING — Saran no,.. 'Joyride" .,..-...,... .- Desi Amaz,Jr.Robert Carraaine rr Anne Lockhart Melanie Griffith (- A MOVIE THAT SAYS IT ALL 'This was thenight of the CRAWLING TERROR! m Rub -a -dub -dub two men in a tub? Two was all that would fit into this tiny rubber dinghy used by Grade One students at Victoria Public School in their performance of Holidaying at the Cottage. The pair Jason Philipson and Brian Hutchins, were doing their part to raise money for a new adyenture playground for the school. The studentsput together a musical travelogue and will perform for two nights in the school gymnasium to raise some money for the playground equipment. (photo by Jeff Seddon) I .'sY Come to FLORIDA Visit WALT DISNEY WORLD only 17 minutes away when you stay with us in the Heart of Orange Grove Country "Planned to Pamper and Please" tathtt? Inn Florida Hwy. 50 (Exit 80—Florida Turnpike) WINTER GARDEN, FLORIDA 32787 Sp convenient to Disney World, the Kennedy Space Center, Sea World, .... Circus'World, Cypress Gardens, Stare, Hall of Fame, Busch '.----- Gardens .... see them all! , 1`- • f . Swimming pool, Efficiencies, Family rooms, all with free color TV, phones, air-conditioned, free parking. Delectable wining end dining. Lounge with live entertainment. Shopping Center adjacent. Limited number of rooms noa•avail- able, so hurry. For reservation information and confirmation send check or money order for S25.00.• Cancelled check guarantees your room. Kitchenette Rates.Available Children under 12 Free in same room.with parents Send coupon for information or reservations. CALL COLLECT 305-656-8695 v' 5Y 9/ • • ll y1 E�:,Agt°r UP TO 4 PERSONS Sept. 1 - Dec. '15 $14 Dec. 16 - June 14 $18 June 15 - Aug. 31 $22 WINTER GARDEN, FLORIDA WINTER GARDEN INN 1 P 0 Box 1486. Winter Garden, Florida 32787 I n, 1 Name I Address„ v ' i City, Staty, Dept. Fur a Tasty Treat Try P�HlNESE ) FOOD Phone 524-2242 Eat In or Take out HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. Fri. -Sat. Sun. 10 a.m.-10 p.m. 10 a.m.-12 p.m. 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Open Wednesdays Esquire Restaurant The Square Goderdch BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY SHOWTIME 8:45 MAY 19 -20th They're truckin' terrific!! The Rocky Comedy that's a Runaway Riot! COHVOYt SHUDIES 2 ALL NEW! - Ativentures of t➢ae true life hero... FINAL CHAPTER WALKING TALL In 1848 he rode across the great blains GRAYL Rr ., on. . , MOVIELAB • AN AMERICAN INTERNALONAI PE tE4'1E 3 SUNDAY, MAY 21 — ADAITTANCE RESTRICTED- TO PERSONS 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER 3) PLEASURE GAME 4) PLEASURE MACHINE HWY. 8 CODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 t - PHONE 5249981 Ott