HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-05-18, Page 24PAGE 2A-GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1978
The first impressions.....
• from page 1A
like`a business, sponsored by
the merchants in town. It is
based on that pioneer
tradition of carrying baskets
of food to newcomers. The
hostess does carry a basket
(decorated with flowers) but
instead of containing food, the
basket contains literature on
the town, letters of welcome
and small gifts and coupons
from local merchants. These
merchants ate the hostesses'
sponsors. They are billed by
Welcome Wagon° and the
hostess gets 45 percent of the
billings plus five percent of
any assistants' billings. In
turn, she is advertising for
the sponsor, on a one to one
basis with newcomers, by
bringing them gifts and
coupons and talking about
what the sponsor has to offer.
Mrs. Stiles says she thinks
this method of advertising is
very effective and she knows
Elva Bedard has been the Hi Neighbour hostess in
Goderich for about two and a half years now. She
welcomes newcomers to the town and presents them with
this folder full of coupons from town merchants and also
containing literature about the town. She answers
numerous questions from newcomers and says she really
enjoys meeting them all. (Photo by Joanne Walters)
of one sponsor (merchant)
who gets a 90 percent return
from this type of promotion.
Mrs. Stiles feels that
Welcome Wagon is good also
in that it promotes the town
and provides good public
relations. A lot of people, she
feels, would be disappointed
if the service did not exist.
People appreciate visits from
the Welcome'Wagon hostess,
she says, and older people
especially like to receive the
reading material which she
The town is very co-
operative, says Mrs. Stiles, as
Welcome Wagon stresses
civic activities. When she
runs out of letters •or pam-
phlets from town officials,
she simply phones for more
which she receives promptly.
She also has information on
the county and is glad to
carry any information about
clubs if the members get in
touch with her. She often
look through magazines to
see if she can send for any
free recipes or booklets on
various subjects to include in
her Welcome Wagon basket.
Mrs. Stiles also welcomes
new babies born in Goderich
hospital or born in London
hospital and coming home to
Goderich. She makes a short
visit to the hospital to give
the mother a baby pack which
includes pamphlets from the
health unit and various baby
gifts and coupons from
merchants specializing in
baby things. Many new
mothers ask her for advice
since she has three young
children herself, she says.
Welcome Wagon also has
various other programs,
many of which just operate in
cities. For instance, there is a
change of residence call in
the city because sometimes if
a person is moving from one
end of the city to the other,
it's just like moving to a new
town. There's also a new
executives' welcome in the
city in which instance the
hostess carries a brief case
instead of a basket. There are
also Welcome Wagon Clubs in
the city which are set up so
newcomers can get together
once in awhile., to form new
friendships and share
common newcomer
In cities where universities
and ,colleges are located,
there are also campus
Area artists featured
at big Blyth show
High quality antiques and
crafts will be on display and
for sale at the first Antique
and Craft Show at the Blyth
and District Community
Centre on May 20.
The event, sponsored by
Blyth Centre for the Arts, will
bring together 50 of the top
exhibitors from across the
province. Linda Lentz,
exhibition co-ordinator, said
the emphasis of the show has
been getting top quality
exhibitors and the work of all
those involved has been
carefully screened.
The art work and crafts of
several Goderich area people
will be: among those on
display at Blyth. Featured
will be handweaving by
Evelyn Hardy, toys by Edith
A. Craven, oil paintings by
Arie VanDer Ende and silk
screening by Mabel E. Fells.
Many of the craftspeople
present will also be
demonstrating their work for
visitors at the show to see.
There will also be very little
Terry Crowley
One well-known exhibitor
will be Blanche Pownall -
Garrett, a successful
Canadian author, whose
books on using 'and preser-
ving wild fruits and herbs.
have become popular in
Canadian kitchens.
Other antique dealers and
craftspersons will be present
from as far away as Wellartd,
Mississauga, London and
Campbellville as well as
many centres in Huron,
Bruce and Perth Counties.
The show will be open from
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The ad-
mission charge of 50 cents for
adults and free admission to
children under 12 is designed
to make it easy for the whole
family to enjoy the outing.
There will also be a refresh-
ment and bake sale.
All proceeds from the event
go to help support the Blyth
Summer Festival, a unique
professional summer theatre
presenting all Canadian _
It's spring and once again our beautiful
has blossomed
Come In and see it. Smell the fragrance of fresh money. Open
a °50.00 chequing or °100.00 savings account before May 31.
1978 and you could win It!
Member Canada Deposit
Insurance Corporation
Manager A.A. Weatherby
0ODE1ZICH 524.7381
welcomes. And there are such
things as vacationers'
welcomes which could be
carried on in Goderich except
that Mrs. Stiles says she and
her assistant would probably
then be run off their feet.
Being a hostess for
Welcome Wagon is a full-time
job for Mrs. Stiles. Goderich
is a busy spot for newcomers
and Mrs. o Stiles says her
assistant strives for 10
newcomers to visit each
month while she herself tries
to keep all the new babies up
to date along with some
newcomers, Between the two
of them, she says, they visit
about 30 newcomers in a busy
A good call takes from 45
minutes to an hour says Mrs.
Stiles. In that time, she is able
to give a precis of each
business she represents as
well as carrying on a pleasant
conversation and answering
'questions. She makes her
calls whenever it is most
convenient for the newcomer,
usually in afternoons or
evenings. She is supposed to
make the calls within 48 hours
after a newcomer's arrival
but this is often impossible
she says and she'd rather
make appointments. She
finds out about newcomers
through confidential sources,
by keeping her eyes open on
houses with For Sale signs or
through the newcomers
calling her themselves after
seeing the Welcome Wagon
number in the paper. All
newcomers are called on, no
matter what their religion,
race, income status, etc. and
the hostess carries something
of interest for every member
of the family. Mrs. Stiles says
she generally meets with a
good response.
To be a good hostess, one
has to be friendly and
outgoing. It's not everyone
who can just walk into a
house, introduce themselves
and start a conversation.. But
Mrs. Stiles says she enjoys
meeting people. Most of them
are very nice and she has met
several her own age, with
similar interests.
Many of the people Mrs.
Stiles visits are, in their 30s
and 40s. If she can, she likes
to talk to married newcomers
as a couple but in the
Turn to page 3A •
* Parts
* Service
* Accessories
* Rentals
kkiLL y
VARNA 262-5809
What's your opinion
of your hometown paper?
Reviewing the content of The Goderich Signal -Star is an ongoing
process, one which is necessary if you are to receive the best possible
community newspaper in this area. It is absolutely essential that the
Signal -Star staff knows your opinion. At the present time, an intensive
readership survey is underway in the community conducted in a
professional manner by telephone. You may already have been contac-
ted, or you may be called soon. Whether you have been called or not,
the staff of Signal -Star would be appreciative if you would complete
this mini -survey and return it to:
Shirley J. Keller, Editor,
The Goderich Signal -Star,
Box 220, Industrial Park, -
Goderich, N7A 4B6.
Thanks for your help.
The News:
1. How would you rate coverage of local news events?
very good goodfair poor
2. Would you like to see more coverage given to:
Goderich Town Council, municipal news
Colborne Township
Goderich Township
Ashfield Township
West Wawanosh Township
County government
School board and education
Police work
Court news
Hospitals and Health
Business and Industry
The Sports:
1. How would you rate coverage of the district sports events?
very good good fair poor
2. Keeping in mind that the Signal -Star is a community newspaper,
what else would you like to read about in the sports section?
3. Name your favorite"participation sport
4. Name your favorite spectator sport
What is Missing?
1. Would you enjoy?
Yes No
a horoscope column
a crossword puzzle
a cooking column
Bill Smiley's Sugar and Spice
More on cultural activities (Music, Art, Theatre,
Books etc.)?
a do-it-yourself corner
a garden column .
2. Would you like to see more features on? (check no more than three)
sports people fashion farm foods
artists theatre education Health_ kids
municipal figures church community affairs
3. If you could add anthing to the Signal -Star, what would it be?
4. If you could take anything out of the Signal -Star, what would it be?
In General:
1. How often do you read The Goderich Signal -Star?
every week every other week once a month
2. What do you turn to first?
3. Can you always find it easily? Yes No Sometimes
4. Do you believe what you read in The Signal -Star? Yes
No Sometimes
The Editorial Page
1. Do you read?
Regularly Sometimes Never
Dear Readers
Looking Back
Dear Editor
Provincial Points
Canada in Seven
2. Have you utilized the Letters to the Editor space to express your
opinion on matters of concern to you in the last year?
Yes No
3. Do you like the editorial page picture?
Always Sometimes Never
People in Particular:
1. Do you read?
Regularly Sometimes Never
Bridge scores
Church news
Club news
Theatre news
2. What feature stories you have read recently in the Signal -Star did
you enjoy most?
3. Does anyone in your family enjoy Captain Comet's page?
Yes No
How many What ages are they
The Columns:
1. Do you read the columns written by the following?
Regularly Sometimes
Dave Sykes
Jeff Seddon
Joanne Walters
Martha Rathburn
2. Do you read?
Civic Corner
One Foot in the Furrow
The Minister's Study
Jack's Jottings
Record Review
Regularly Sometimes Never
Business and Industry
1. How do you rate the coverage of Goderich and area businesses?
very good good fair poor
2. What business oriented columns would be of interest to you;