HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-10-20, Page 8EXETER ADVOCATE, THURBIJAI, LJCT. 29, 1921 Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY WEDNI✓SDAY Wheat .. .... 1.00 BarleyM.. 48 to 55 Oats ,....k., 50 Family Flour . 4.40 4.40 Peed Flour t 80 Shorts Bran. ,, 1.40 Creamery mery Butter ,,,42 to 451 Dane Butter ....a.. 36 48 E?as Lard ....a- .,. 20 Hay her ton ,, .. $15 to $10 Hee- 4.. ....... 9:00. TORAC('ONI$$T. lie ;:n? leased a. temporary <end !.Ir. Hockey's Barber shop. l will ez,:t up a supply counts for the sale o tob goes, cigars, cboeolatee l,ar,y elooyeat bum, etc. on. Friday, Ocz. i 4: eur petronate -ea O: C. Ward STRAY STEER. Ti—"ere stray.:i onto tau,premie.-o^ the nedersignol. Sede a s,.vv mill. on ':J"?aF" ..yh,; reel. yrarling steer. Us eer c. s .^...v„:•• same by p a.:^ng property and. paying egipnseS Sees S tart a.&e tlaa P.O. Local boil gsmr, C. B. Snell lastweek mol ad t u to b.,s fine hone! on, Ann street, *wawaThe Proclamations for the South Detroit concern promises to put Huron Election have been priotedend anew .car, on. the market that will posted, have brains concealed under the .hood to make up for the lack. of them R. R. Sloazz's apple orchard among drivers. n Goderieh township is loaded with The ratepayers of the town of Gad the choicest .of Spies, Baldwins, Ruse e r:: h will- rate ran a by-law auGo sets, eta„ till the branebo:1 are tirealc- a n = the berrow of $55,000 to pro, fruit Three thousand barrels of fruit as igiven as an estimate of the vgc, for the easmIlation of t filter amount in the .orchard. with the muneeipai works system A pretty wedding took place at James Street liethodst parsonage .at Fi?\\'1. teLPPER. Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 19th, when s:Vili4a n J. Veal of Usborn- was unit- The cowl supper given ut.der the el in marriage to eEss Annie Louise auseelees of the Triv tt Memorial Eiiord, daughter of fr and airs, Church in Dome Rink on the evenng 1lichael Elford of Exeter, Ret-. \L J. • Friday, Oa. 14th, was ,a decOled Wilson of—Poiret—log, onee se is every way. The weather t aii twat eoued be desired and as teem last�the ifirs; of their la1.3eage' • result aboat live ,hundred ucop?e games against Toronto in. Toronto on repast once d . b l partook a took of a de1i..lois Saturday, by a wore of 11-5i, The proved d for by sc.•ond game will be peayed in St. tate ladies. After supper the elver, aearys this eNestinesda afternoon and ass: ate 1 by the younger dement •of should be a good one.. Irk Toronto it a, churele, rendered a program which g was twelve -roan lacrosse,. in St,' sac eaaele.d by all, the re:,tor, Ree'.i liarys it will ,be. the ten..nnan game, Trunma alit ng ,as chairman,. It was , n � a 'c°enai.::'ng and an who easreted F1JLL REIeE 4.RSAL. e le b:. raatutelitncnted. on the results e+I tag w...11 ef their hovzr he, ro..eeds =ovate; About one hundred and seventy v e tires, representing Bewail, Zurich SIX ROADSTER FOR. SALE. Crediton, Centralia, Dashweea onto Al a;..a ': w$250, down, Taal»rn HODi�INS-SANDERS, ; Ville, Themes Road and Exeter at - I arranged Bagshaw, Exeter, tended the first full rehearsal of "The TIRE FOVN1). hey. 51 2; %est of Exeter. OOwaaer. y. *n 4:1vz s:nnn by proving property and raying e sip roses. App�;y at The Advocate Offiee. HOW' I:+ THE PUMP? New Iron Pet reps and FittioOs ht Stack I o e or wood pumps repaired. W eels purnoed ee,t or cleaned, s. l V. CANN. Phone 115 CONTRACTING. We ;wish a e call the atteratioa of the euhl'e et elite..: and surrounding ds - ;et tint we .are opea to accent, or 'e . "e r for co ntraets for all Elide or bolding We .ra experienced work- men and may se; et anent ion to Ntst- rez.s. we ,w T7: shar:' in the conatr:aot ..a of t:1; a..«'+*.r:fit. `.1'?,RE'` & PRYDb., Exeter jee, yt+lf alai '3.R11, 3ay.rn„ ee rat \ z Stet tit obi e:t. , 'a of the Oa - "zero s- t'+> t ' 6'G 4.a r. -41 t ya•l:� ,. i s ;red Eike total reetrm ante; tor C ria ,I Noe. :ions dieeasas, Hours, le to 12 :incl a o``r 5, ill e pooitnien a . };i s c :' eon+ ter W1r4A n anti Sand re street, APDL F BI7TTt'R AND ti 11)ER. -. tri" ea to melte \p ane But. ter end Cele, very Thur t:av ere I tJ Fridaytill further net,4 c to J. Can't 411:4t but pretty wedding was Messiah" in ,Janes Street Church en so:caantriee l at the James Street \Ie.1-. \onala:v evening. After an, hour and odist parsonage at 4 o'clock. Saturday halt .of practice a number of tddress- .3.oraeon, Ova 1A, when \Liss Lite, es were given, by the president, Mr A. tut Seeders, ek. L. L. '1T., youngest Hicks, ilii-...., the vice presidetnts.al- daugi'ter of Mr, end Mrs. William 1). so Rev.though, Rev, McConnell, Rev. enders of Stephen, was united in' Foote, end others, tomplimentary of marriage to \ir. 'Walter Hod- the work and ability of Prof. Aatier•' gams of Biddulph Tp. The pretty' ton toed the Sov:iety. Lunch was ser ssauthtul bride: looked lovely In her seed by lady members of ]goner Street wedding suit of brobrownbrcaa,l:IQth fit e;eureh. Prof Andcrtooa +hopes to trimmed with small feather hat laf red, have ",The Messiah" rendered in draped,draped,with a modest veil. Afterth: James Street Church about the second �.'4remons• the young couple notored Week in December to the station end took the 5 o'clock •nein for Ham:I.ton and other posts, vv her. a short honeymoon well be -.ea On their return, they: will take cap easel,:'e, :na on th° ,room's Tann ;rs Bleitlu 3afn, The bride. who is well ,ekee'neulis aed as music as favorably knownknownLit musical circles and her many leads > n evrta us in congratulation; goal Liz; st w:Sit : for a m onad EXETER H. tS. TAT. L1JCAN, The students of Exeter high School look, pact are the Sports givers by the Luean High School on, Friday last. aril were* twinners as follows,-- J ttL:car Events 1t+a rd. dash, E. Thomson 1 -et, U. Derwin 3rd Running high map., 1I, rents:et. edam )coy and bepeenese arndnLognan 2nd; Rutun:mg broad ;imp, E. pr a c sL1, : roneon. Ist. Sen;nr Events Koenig me, high ening. W. Lawson 2nd L..Stathann 3r4; Ruoatnfng broad jurnp. L. Statham+ 3rd. W. Lawson 4th; Run nine hop step „ail jump, W. Lawson est, L. Statham 2nd; Standing broad jump W. Lawson 2nd; Throwing base ball for distance, L. Statham 4th ; Half mile run, L. Stetham;lst, C.1104-1 PoriPori4th ; lnterskhool relay, Exeter 2nd ZURICH WINS THEL1 AGUE. Pt►„AIOES, A. e`:. .load of potatoes :s duo :Dare la,ut the end of this weds. We Will reel these for one wee?: only at $.1,75 pas 9,1.19,1.1?bis. Temps ,pian. JONES 8; MAY, Exet.r -V F. 0. \il22ETIXG. .\ meeting of the. U F. 0. Political t)rh :ni ,teen ut lb:Neter. w;;11 be held A a1 �n..as'� Hall, Exeter, on Saturday, TI e de'ieat of the 44ringham base eat, 222nd, at S (Aloe* ern the evening. ball teem at Zurich on, Saturday by :a, 411:4t411:4tvervonc ;ratt'rested as 'nvited to at- 'n sctarc of 8-6, gives the ZurivI, .inti. • team th- ehantpLAnshitip ;o£ elle North Wellington. League. Atter winning' o31 -LAND I3LUB , their ow.n <tistriet, they defeetieci the Now is the time to plant Bulbs for winners of the AL',lverton, district, the.' venter flowering. We have a cent- t\'oodstoek district aad the Win;bam' assortment of Hyacinths, Tulips. Nat- ,dietrict, The game ,on Saturday was 1 ssus and Daffodils fn aii popular an interesting one. Wirigham got a :,bodes Phone or leave your orderstzur goal lead, when Ohlert was taken -early as our supply is limited. POWELI.'.a B AZA AR 1 i:1 FOR teALE. The undersigned ;:s offering for ,ale fere deeerable saran in the Township atte;n'.a.r, being Lot 1.5, Con, 2, ;iodism co the Litathorn Farm, e r.- i....n n , Irk' : e•res. There .s net p.rem- icee a commodious two s ory ..ram: house and two good bank barns. The. f. .,n. well detined and fenced, bas a nice a orchard, spring cr..ek with a r:entiful supply Of water the year round; rine for stock; 15 acres seed. ed down, all fall plowing don., and tiger: are lar acres fall wheats Pos- ses :un g v in April lst, 1922.For part rola s apply trr L R. CAR LING, oetter, Soli. iter for the Adaninstra- t or. 551 ACRE FARM FOR SALE Being part of Lott 21, Con.' 13. Ste- ahe^, There. is .on the premises a ;teal brick house., bank barn, silo: teenty good water, well fenced and Or_:ine1; 3 acree all maple bush. good orchard For particulars apply on' the premises, or to undersigned. Pos- eee :e n trevrn April 1st. FELIX IN WILI], Dashwood P. 0 Fish! Fish.! We have made contract with W. H. McPherson of Port Stanley to supply us` with lash, one day each month during the winter, starting in November. Orders will be taken and the fish delivered upon arrival. Fish will consist of Herring, weighing from % to one pound each and will be fine for salting for the winter. Put up in 100 -Ib, cases. Phone your orders to WILSON'S GROCERY Phone 5 6. s SaleaY GOLD DUST WASHIN G POWDER 4 Pkgs. 25c CHOCOLATES Assor'e:i- Delleieus Chips Vanilla Maple Half Ib. , 17c C•heleie Raisins Valencias --ib , 22c N. P. SOAP Big Bar 21c Bulk 'Mixed TEA Special 39c RINSOi•. 3 for 23c Sweetheart` Peanut Better 1-1b 23c tram the pet per's box, and Hoffman tool: over the job, and from that 'bane on. the visitors were held to two runs; Zurich started the run, getting in the third inning, and the '\Vingltam pit.her tveakswning they soon had the lead, 6-4, each team adding a couple .to- ward the finish: An immense .:roved' of people saw the game, many of thein ancrtvring,seores ,of mile,; to see it. PLOWING MATCH. .A. plowing match will be held on October 28th, adjoining Exeter, un- der the auspices of the Exeter Dis- trict Plowmen's Association. W. Shapton, Secty. ONIONS. We will commence taking arta onions en Tuesday, Oct. 18th at the G. T. R Temperance House. 'The contract av aces -Onion, setts to be milled, screened and dry; to contain no sprouted onions; the wire not to ex- ceed 7-8 or be less than. 3-8 inches • diameeer,. A11 crates mutst be re- turned. -J. H, GRLIVE, Exeter. WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS trot "ALE -Box 174, Hay P. O. SALVATION AAR\IYe lEETINGS Sunday 11 a.m. Sunday School at 230 Evening service tat 7, Exeter North Meeting Tuesday night at 8 ,o'clock. Y. 1'. C. A. The "Y" Bowling Allies are still un- der repair for a few days. Opening as soon as possible. Trivitt Memorial Church Regular services next Sabbath at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev A. A. Trumper, Recton OAVEN PRESBY'ir:RTAW CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible classes. 11 aim -.Service ,as usual. 7 p,m-Service withdrawn; for Tham- es Road Anniversary. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. WiI1sora, B.A. Exeter District Messponary Program 11 atm: Ge,O. +Stanley of Lucank 3 Paan. -Sabbath School. 7 pere--Reay. L: Wil Hill, B,A., of Parkhill. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 Exeter District Mi!s;sionary Programa 11 a,m.--Rev. L. W. Hill, B.A., of Parkhill. 3 njn.-'Sabba'thi School` and Bible Classes, 7 p.m. -Geo. Stanley of Lueene AT BETHANY` 2,30 --Rev, Hill ref "Psc,rkh7ll,' DEATH OF MRS, BROOKS. After an illness of about three years from cancer .of the liver ,the death occurred at Crystal City, lean,, on Oct. 11, of ,Mary Treble, widow of the late Will:am Brooks, aged 72 years. The hast year she, had been, confined to her room and the end came slowly but surely. Deceased was born ran Ex- eter and ;_. i. .here until about 20 years ago when she; and her on, Mr. W. J, Brooks„ moved to Crystal City to reside. Her husband died an July 2, 1875 berg the vecttan of a run- away accident. One son, W. J., sur- vives, also ons brother, Mfr William Treble of Exeter; The remains were brought hereanal the funeral took Place on Saturday afternoon, from the residence of Mr. ,Treble, interment be- ling made in the Exeter Ceneeee.ry', The late errs. Brooks was a>f 1ceind and affectionate disposition, highly es- teemed and respected by all who knew her, and her passing• leaves a, vacancy a wide circle of friends. Mr. W. J. Brooks accompanied the .remains of his mother to Expecte lair. Win. Higgi(ins ` of Clinton was here" on. Saturday., Mr. Richard Bissett was up from London on Saturday. Mx. W. W. Tarrant and family and Mrs. Powell visited In Blyth Sunday. :4rr. W. J.:Westcott of Hamilton efts here attending lthe funeral of eefrs,,. Brooks. ,Tvlr. and Mrs, W. ie. Levert of Lon - den. spent a day ,or two last week at the Central Hotel. . Mrs. M. E, Gardiner left last week to v/slit relatives en: Chatham and. De- troit for 'a 'coup,Ie weeks. Air, and Mrs, Thos. Cooksoua, Wind- sor, spent a few days during the past week with ,friends in town. Mr. W. R. ,TaYyor, wihe has been in. the West for several months, returned home on Wednesday tot lastweek Mr. D. Tiernan land( ;amply ,of Dash- wood were guests atthe, home ; of Mr, G. S. Howard on Sunday afternoon,. Major and. Mrs. Heaman spent part of last weak in, Louridore where the former attended eta some m:i.I:3pray matters. \Liss Nh Bailie of Goderi.h and Mrs, H: Snyder et Clinton, visited at James Streit ,personage ,during' the Teach,. ers' Convention PHONE.41 JONES MAY PHONE 32 to 00 U 0 0 mom esoo r o sP o0 OL Great .Clearing Ladies' and Misses Fall and Winter Coats. The very Latest Style Every Ooat must go. 'rices Greatly Reduced These Coats are Reai, Bargains Bair gaits Furs PRICES OF FURS GREATLY Rf DU4`„.hl:►, wenclerful bargains --sets or separate p:e eea . Men's and Boys' Overcoats ALI. THE Nk.W STYLES NOW IN STOCK. PRICES 110I)tsRATR. Our Grocery Dept. OUR GROCERY PRICE` ARE. AS LOW AS ANY OF OUR COM- PETITORS, OR LOWER. WE INVITE A COMPARISON OF PRICitS. JONES & MAY I. R. Carling, B.A Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, btc. INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pr- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Funds, At existing prices from 6 ner cent, to 7 nes cent. can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Mosley to loan at lowest rates of itdterest. Office -Carling Bk., Main St, Exeter R. N. ROWS FURNITURE DEAL\ R FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Embalmers License No. 210 Motor Hearse Service Phones 203 and 20W. If you have anything to seal or you want to buy, try The Advoeate Want Column, TO CORRESPONDENTS Write otn one slide of the paper only. Check off this list, it .nay assist s'+ou to remember an isnpoa;fpstt item Deaths Marriages, Births. Accidents, aChorch News, Suppers or Presentations, Remota i, Visitors, ' Lodge News, Flee, Public Impn terve tai Law Cases, Tina Crops, tbs Sool Matters. Avoid all items reflecting on per- sonal character, but sieve ALL THE NEWS, CENTRAL S'TRAT,FORD.. ONT. a The Leading Commercial School of Western Ontario; a school' where you can get thorough courses under com- petent instructors in Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Depart- ments. Students get individual in- struction and may register at any timet. Graduates are assisted to pos- itions. Get our free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan, Principal SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Ladies' and Misses' Coats We are showing .some exceptionally Sfn.art Styles,. A new shipment bas been received thfr week Good value> at $115;00 up: 4o $50,00. STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR It always gives satys,fac,tion, The price bis away <lawni .this season. Blue Label : $2;50 Red Label *. 2.00 Last year's price was .$34.50 and $4.00 tra value -at /pier yard .: ,,,e.::,,,,, SUR), Mr. and Mrs. Dan. S hap dor and ,MINER PUBBaR BOOTS daughters, Gladys Hilda of Oder:- If au buyI Y 1 r Y n,vnua,ciirla Rubper Boots you get ehte laesit ;boat tta.at iiaone ton, who were attending the funeral can. buy. . You will need a pair for the wet muddy weather, Y of the late- Charles Fahnrr at Cid+';- toai, called an manly of their o!d fronds is the ,neighborhood, returocng home Ounday, ALL WOOL Sh,RGE In 5 shades -green, burgumldY, brown blue and black, Tinea s 4 b*aulti+fu all wool 'serge, 44 inches wiidet' hx- Bol thcoat Bros. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office -Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or ni DR. Al. E. TENNANT Veterinary. Surgeon McDonelI's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. Id. Sanders at the Advocate Of - ace. Strictly confidential; no wwtneib, Dr. G. F. Roulston, L. D. S., D. D.S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Ctobed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate Toronto Univertrity Office -over Gladman & , Stanliury,'i Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEUR AND VALUATOR for Counties of Hust►ai Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Fine Stock Sales • a S,peciajty. Office. at Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario, > FRANIZ4 TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfabtion "Guaranteed. Crediton. ,• Onntario, If you want to order a daily paPV or magazine, or renew a -present suer scription, leave your order at tte Advocate Office. We save you paper, envelope postage stamp and coat.- of money order leel when clubbing alit•." tie snore besides, MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount sof private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter