The Exeter Advocate, 1921-10-20, Page 7INDIAN SEARCHERS FIND
Dr. Chambers, of Toronto, Became Separated from His Com,
panion and Wandered in North Bush for Thirteens
Days Without Food.
A despatch from Fort William
eay.,s:—That he had fasted from Sept.
29, the day he was lost in the hush at
Clearwater Lake, near Atikokan, until
Oct. 13, because he could: not eat raw
partridge, was the statement made by
Dr, Graham Chambers, Toronto phy-
sician, missing for 13 days,
He was found late en Wednesday
afternoon by two Indian's belonging to t
the seareh party, and brought ea 'a
motor launch to Atikokan at 5.30
o'clock on Thursday afternoon.
Dr. C, P. Fitzpatrick and Dr. Cham'
hers' nephew were surprised at the
splendid physical condition he was in,
considering that he hacl had no food
for 13 days. Dr. Chambers was cheer-
ful, only complaining of the pain in
his feet, which were terribly blistered.
Re likened the trouble to trench feet.
The trip front Deer Lake was over
some a the roughest country in the
Nerth. The party" left Deer Lake at
7 o'clock Thursday morning. The dist
tante from Deer Lake to Atikokan is
nearly 18 utiles, aat1I four and three-
quarter utiles had for be portaged, Dr.
Chambers was carried on the stretch-
er over the portages and restrapped to
the motor launch for the water jour-
John and Joe Spate, father and
emaewho found Dr. Chambers, are
from the Wild Potato Reserve of In-
On his arrival at Fort Frances Dr.
Chambers was met by his wife, They
will stay at Fort Frances until the
doctor is recovered sufficiently to
undertake the train journey to their
Toronto home.
Dr. Chambers stated that when he
was out teeaar the Elizabeth Mine he
became separated from his nephew,
and saw two trails, one leading from
the mine and the other to an old saw-
mill and which he had travelled be-
fore. He thought they both led to
he Batter end, but they did not. He
thought he would finally emerge on
a familiar road, but realized he was
leet Same so stayed there all the rest
of the time.
After the first night he did not
move nitwit and did no tramping. That
was Wednesday- or Thursday, 'Sept.
28 or 29, he forgot whieh. He heard
some shots onee or twice, but dict not
like to leave where he was because it
was near a lake, There was a little
stream near the lake ruining to the
east. The lake had two big islands in
it, and was, he thought, called Deer
Lake, He felt that someone would
find him, so he stayed there.
Great Secrecy is Observed but
Result Appears Hopeful.
A despatch from London says:
The third 'session of the Irish Peace
O.nferenee w s held on Thursday at
.10Downing street. That is the extent
of the information officially available,
and it is universally regarded as good
ewe. If the same can be said at the
end a next weel. a :eueee.,sful issue
to the Conference is practically cer-
The whole British delegation was
preen:, Chamberlain having recover-
ed from hie illness, and the h ur and
a half during which the se ren lastest
was devoted to dis,ussicn ttf the work
of the committee appointe1 at the last
see ion to discuss breeches of truce.
The question cf the treatment of Irish
interned in prison and• •the Irish de-
mand for their release were also dis-
cussed, but so far na deeision was
reached. There has never been a Peace
Conference at which greater seereey
was observed than at this one.
meek as a Nreme
is Unbearable
A despateh from Pa.esaie, N.J.
ays:--The name of Trotsky is a
handicap no United States citizen
should be compelled to latter under,
County Judge Watson said recently.
He permitted Benjamin Trotsky to
Change his name to Benjamin Travers.
"I have been fighting against that
name of Trotsky ever sinee that fool
in Europe started things," the appli-
atnt—a butcher—told Judge Watson,
"Customers opine to my place •of busi-
ness, look at my window and then
pass on because of the name. I'm
erstk and tired of it and wana,
"To bed at 0and rice at 6; neer
use tobacco, intaticating liquors, o:
meat; avoid complaining and worr;,
and keep calm," are the rules of life
of an American (Tactor aged ninety-
Second Woman M.P. In England
Mrs. Toni Whitt—Ingham, who awae
elected in. the Louth byeleetinn un
Sept. 23rd., joins Lady Astor in the
House o. Commons as tho ceeond wo-
m:tu Member of Ptti'liument. Louth i'
the seat that was rellalea•t d vacant by
tete death of Mrs. Winh'infihanl's hus-
Britain is Building
the Most Ships
A de paltth from New � t, .i s:--
rinippiatg urtsler tate-traletion in all
countries of the world on September
30 I a:t amounted to 5,542,000 gross
tens leearding to a report of Lloyd's
Register cf Shipping. This amount,
the report .ay, is a reduction of mole
than 2,000,000 tons front that under
way en. January let this year.
Of the shipping under construction,
434,000 ton is credited to United
States sh:pyard.�, and 2,09.4,000 to
British builders.
,:The well-being of the people is
like a tree-agritulttitre is its r:ot;
manufacturing and commerce are its
branches and life. If the root is in-
jured the leaves fall, the.. branches
break and the tree diene"•—Old Chinese
This pretty picture was taken at the Fall Meet. It . how Mr. Gavin b.
Ogilvie and Master Hugh Ogilvie, the youngest huntsman of tele Meet.
From Coast to Coast
A despatch from Montreal says:—
The completion of itsfirst hundred
as an educational institution
was fittingly celebrated on Thursday,
by McGill University in the eonferring
of fifty-five honorary degrees and ad-
dresses by four distirg uishel reeipi
eats, speaking by ,aarr,rgenac.':, for
the whole, at a conation:ion hold iia F
St. James' Methodist C oreh.
Barton Eytag, of Vin:;., Goverr or -
Generaal7fof C s :daa; Sir Atacklo. 1
Geddes. British. t lr:P .Augai" to Was,:
ingten; Prern:er Tasty. treo, of Que-
bec; Pr:sidert Ang?'e i, e'f 'ya"e U
varsity,':.1 Dr. Co: ?y-, of Na;. York.
t'e"ivert. Frfg;lt
In the eour'e of his u.snrnl
dress, Ci::a: alior E. W. J :tt" >.tarn
i his autilien:e that there was one
t c t-ee al. dnagsr t'alt i, ei - 11 etas ESP ..^_:a
t sh u".1 fight, namely. the 11;oin''' of
a toa,,".n'h with the life n a into:i4otooi
Pat.eed,a of teles people. Too . c. .
he said. was •.:,t :tl.'' tae t ..' . tFT.e
p -epic. If the,le would not come
the the urirersity, the university must
> to the Teeple. do le ewe:ay of such
i ^ + v e:eprr•cnt are °are , the mil -
eta must , 1>leaa..ed to meet new
Et for t..trio an -1 to t } en: and d to keep
nveratea for ail, tit est` who aro
„nx::a s to obtain higher o'luaation.
Awor^ three who were tole recap'
tree . 'rf deer€ a s were>: ---C. V, f ar4.e !s
rt:r(!ol it lir :ger MSc' Nie•'ttel Co.,
COmiston, Unt.,• Gt4?'"ge F. Pre
E x;,1p James
SweeneyBishop of Toronto;I., 7. 1 . Ill £ T � :: „ Q., F' als . UT.ire
1<io: a Tat t• a
A nen' i,00 t'A :ISG it ftt;-
dcr.27- war 1,1".,2,..4
... nveilt-fl< k," "nis E.°..'o....."y LordByrs
fin ;he Arts Bo! iing t was 110':r11:-
.('7, * ooe w,�l ^Rs.: wen 1 .4;. *�:l, + Fox' , i-ol.. 241 were
awo:.,« la bad !!(:A>.
c : o 4 ie:,o.::':
Vancotnv-- E.C:--Apz'=• xr ate.y Halifax, nao c :ng REQ F.
teen times as rite it grain will 1":a'si taken to .mpr< " t• tee 4 314 _St? s! ippit g . NOW
faa4ieitie n: .., par:- f ti -n
of r,a,:
large nrSa:»_.R n�xr z.;': Cs ; r-.
Ya g to it:€- T". -^t s: ^a-irzg wtiwt a,ct
tee ate ,Tiir;? to an annonneentent
tia3°. f by the Hata '°; Board and o .t.$ e.
threugh the Fort of V aan .:fine: r• this
fade as lost, oecording to the € = in.,..,ea
of grain deniers. Last fol. l a..:.,.xr
a total of sixteen thousand tons. repast-
ly what, l,.ft her, foe Enrol r.
Felmenton, Alta. — Tweet -fh-e It is poi, '.Ftl tea halt? the :urge sha es A t.f 6a ?rea' fit°^F cc..vis:--�1
bushels of whcsat to the €a^.r°e �.^ill l;e at thc� T,tar c i°anl ti rrsr» r lr stet' �•;x t r p
t 1 . w r e .• r . ct•n llanit c,f ready for ten�F,;i°c„°y n>e c.:st?e Ti is star t I t w $ ,t"c.
1 e a e a„e in th ra th r l .. ... e1_�isloo. otn
C '4 C ire„ ... • tete
ct�i+a*ias SAres the iNiag of SalFani ' `t ut clary
S1'f,?sic B'«7 tn- Ines. ntgers 71 atherJaant ,, Sa '.3
y Lines. fl 'firth.
Albert:, this yetar,,reamer,:�; tel a gov- `he.1' iii : c._.t::.l.'t ,tent aft tett stent ,d IItr'1
err:anent estimate lust ieene,l. :: tie thr ereil 11::°:fax it'''-:. 11:n-i,Jy gored L peel She -len c q:ae vele ter I l:�
RCgil' Ste.11:—)T.,than 1,600 rete-' forlya -, .. , ti'?rc; e •. , 'Cn ., .tI` tl'� grc : .
turnsr1 els.:. r:; have been placed on ,t. Jok '• \`i1 Ti:+ L. t: ' /"rte of eels t� f0. r • r .i s+:
420,000 gicrea of l ar-t in the Regina alI t'x 3' .- tf X("Afvainer". '11 t"a' the Om -a tae,,yaa . •,e. w. -01,:r .,.Y.14- :c•1.
area, by the Soldier. Settlement ye. r' s 'wt.' Jar ntl. 1940. ;;lee°" 'lite' 4,..4s:t41, Ie ,.:••1 by trio 1.<o.I. t
as a,_... o ,seer: the sleet: Cat°' :a'e� :? t :.,• t...,at�•t ..:E 6� `6 El .
Board. In this arae of almost half a c'}4•�`" q 'a• h 1 r
millien arc the Boded has an in -'r'1 ';t10$ amouut t SL -'7,23,731. Ti;t' arta3 Cal tete T' e pre-o'er:rex '
s eetntent cf $8,500,000, of ss ui+:h mare = average , •.:1.t oft. 12t e'. pre �:, tv clan go-Ja r:4 e+ -t t:'4' 51:,::':/1"...:..!....'
than ll if is Ch'i,K ed e k tai thrisof ` arg the Tart 7.'it .),t'31.-1. it; 5-14'es-14 , tete estiefires e° ••"a oti, 4'' . . .
the :med. The steak ailed t'al:iipun€*nt ::f and ler the Seat five, a .•r3 t t< siti ' The reset'sere tn; tie. 4':„ :;'c..
tllesti Settler, are :'F1i'uurtil at $2,000,000. Pee.: -d ?Tltt,2ieat"tio. ani ler tea .teat oa ": .loo a a t,.t' c,::'
0 al, . a e lion t
Winnipeg. Man.- :,Melee than ixtt', live l erre(`! F2 e. t1t",,,• er mote thea I ser "# tree aril Cd'. a will .sett '.
thaeusarel tet::;, -leaches have bean int tl eu a.n c, t I a . ',,.. -, l�:eriel
porte,i into Winnipeg foo fill pl'nt-i ...._,........_.. , �....
ing in the grounds of p:llllie buildings, 13°n-
anti in g;al' All of 4l e.e l,alllts, roadel9ir,, Out
Sheet,, were pertai 1 in Holland, are niv ;5:; j+.
of the Darwin g ,:iia°,, ;ti:tt of Emmy '
varletie=. Daring f pee: wGeta, ,,- a aitt i..°1l l at" l * Int' a e =u tit t o
Ottawa, Ont.- -Thee outp't of coal a1 .ivea , • :a.. . ...tree ',f ,t.�, l:.',.int 1 ,-a .l; 11 -el ., l Triter`,
Errant t":l+aal;a far tit;' tit-+ cin i ntli- .e.111;:" t:: :"' r_a a;A.,ga1'' 4' ..:: it retie 13.aCf.•3mer: A pt,
:I:v.a:' tele. r
of ltt21 eas 4i 7i tate:ti, a 'oh a tote que.1t, rt. ,:'r•.'z. e .ianneer l de l:s Pees at . e..• "•s.nv, ..• i . L,
a n>.. ,.4,
spuite,• t $' 32,852,05%3, or an awt"raa:e of lr't•itutt eel 1?ittitt"' Wen: teen lerel- to M. / e t,,, =J ',,,,1 of thea" le t
S5,' per ton. Proluction in Nola tut' int aat:"..t�i:tittle stat-':':�.i :,', aaa:l pri.i-et (%,',...., ..
St'.en ;tint' :ntt"sl to °2,75,0.3'19 tens: Ba'am17:, r i'.'. ,!$ ;zt:" In, r't.h nee
view!1Rri,wat'a1a, (19,'230; Ali:e'rtat, '2,- the g•'en. .: 1 , 4 ;let' l'';',••'.;--", .T: i ;.:#i-
33"2,791; British tet}liire%iaa, 1:.185:x. 3, ,"St ti \.'e-.;; '''.al ;ell vi.. ane-'onerf
and Saskatehetsan 145,39e4. Ail ref the traria tit fere:. in lite ata:ll';I: ;:;lel in
!plovineee with the exception of Al- eneh eau d''t the regtt.•1 is for hi-
! herta ,reel Saskatoiie van proa,!_.eevi strut Oa: :'a 1 rghi.ait i tarot ore. Ib' -
only bituminous coal. lievinr, rill;' Snell :a n:'ravewent toworda
Toronto, Ont. ----It is eanti deed\ ex- higher F lu ation < to lt' ' f the intact
A ,teeeeete.,. neer. Ber:ie
a vo._ t' tri ti d wit'i1 yT F 5:13 ..r and *et-
t:W€ E .1:, e:.or
ren tiN Itnag:=e° of ;4,.ra£itt
t`£• . t ate._ r. nit,. Q i.,.& ter f,•Fknia
,tato 1 -, ►r;nts Th9.:ae
,,oow : l !oh . - :: Gels
is .^tee's,. t.., . .t D.:S::F .F`:'tv�r.tee the
este t .F`.,:) rgen nn'
pt. a,f 1. ar-
sees a
'r y Std':t it r
Tat• e .
. Loeerirg 4*..•11'':' er eer er, 4+"e,
t mete, «a tl�.;r t g.,;,;gra, t;, ,,• ,n;.» ,... , e'. ',
e at -;sat•. ,,;:a. i
'1j The tt-xt g $be of :,n t, »..Its,,, L ,, Z., i'qp
l i ;1 ,..diai.1IMt9git:4nt, e,. '1yy :a- I w:: , .,,e.•
peete.1 that in the early future it ills eneeuragirg ;i°:; ttf thie new era,
plant under Swirls mannrement, the the 1'erver5aty of TfroI'ii tit::i'S2C-
preeursor of several plants. to be main- taeing to pree le i; ,•truetion in all
net by colonies of Swiee work i,ee alt', ata -es ttf this kind Ott f er tee the :tele
will be established here, neeordrn; to. t^f its staff as t'? i t•, tf•::, In thin
the anno neement of the Swiss Con- lr'la'::nit:,"", aero' paroc the 'nattse sity
sulate General. Wage and labor ctalatii- h..s t1;:. cordial support et' the general
Mons are driving Swiss m`1n:afaa:turer.s l''1, ' beeau t' it is t'vtrywiaare rc wr-
i further afield, alter exhnuotive inve..4ti- n'.:t.1 that the iir.,v:n.131 a1n:wc'I.sity i-
gaatoaa of the situ Ctiaan throughout the in thie way- seethes the i'e':'vi'reelts of
Dominion hae been made by the Con- the ri• Yv.n:e*.
sulate-General Pro,,,pe:ts are that the
new industry will be e tahlia;he;l •
within a few months attended by elle Compere ation Sought
influx of a considerable annnunt of byIrish Constabulary'
capital and many families of Swiss
workers,. A th patch from Belfast
Montreal, Que.—In 1012 there was deputation of fourteen menders trent
a total of 2,319 elevators of all de-; the Irish constabulary left Dublin o:i'
seriptions in Canada with a total Thur: nay -for London to sets Mr. Llead
storage capacity of 127,224 550 'hush- George and Sir Hamar (It.e'aw.,c:l
els. Now there are 8,855 elevatsrC' con:eanrr;r' the pOSIt:in of tho f r:e in
with a capacity of 231,213,620 bushels,' uoso a settlement is rear•he.i on the
The number of country elevators in Irish question. They will t'e:":t guar -
1912 was 2,272, with a storage trans- ale re - that the n.0:1 'if the forte will
city of 70,883,050 bushels. These have be ealtemately coma east: tel:l in till'
increased to 3,7$9, with a total stor- event of a pait'al or general disxaan.}-
age capacity of 129,013 620. The eiz- nriv"nt.
vators at Fort William an:1 Part'
Arthur alone handle 54,655,000 b•:;sh-
ele. Alaskan Rivers
Swollen by Rains
A despatch from London ways:- breeders of Great Br•tain, whose inter -
The London Standard of Thursday eats have been {protected by the em
says: "It is ,the intention of the 'Gov- bango for the Last thirty years."
ernment'to acct on the recommendation The same paper is authority for the
of the Finlay Commission in favor of statement that Canadian and United
alb'olisehing the .emtbargo'on Canadian States ranchers are flooding the Eng-
stock.,cea,ttle,'althoug1h the Cabinet has dish market with cattle which must be
not yet fo'rma'lly rconsideredl it. The killed on arrival. During the pa;;L• ,six
feeling in Canada, on the .subject is months ,over 36,000 head have been
Intensely strong and the commis-' imported ,into ;the Mersey slaughter
enon':s conclusions will be held to out,: yards alone, whereas before March
w'e'igh the arguments, of - the cattle the number was negligible:
tery, Limited, capitalized at $25,000,
with head office at Simonds, has bean
incorporated with provincial -charter
for the purpose of acquiring the pot-
tery business now carried on under
the name of J. W. Foley and Co. W.
R. Fraser & Co., capital $24,000, with
head office at Fredericton, was also
incorporated. The object of this new
company is to carry on business as
importers, exporters, manufacturers,
wholesale and retail merchants and
dealers in furnishings of all kinds for
men, women and children.
FA12Mtla Ri'tlsa-s
I'El-� RuSti LS of g_
CONN AND Steel. s
f BUSFtEL, leit- i
DOES HE fit::'?
A d opatch from Prince Rupert, B.
C., . Serious floods along the
Salmon and Bear Rivers have foliow-
ed the heavy rains of l'ast week, ac-
cording to reports reaching here. Gov-
ernment bridges at Stewart are re-
ported washed out, while the town of
Ryden', on the Alaskan side, is prac-
tically submerged. The Kitault River
ferry at Alice Arm was swept away
and a number of bridges an the Dolly
`'arden Railroad undermined. The
water is now subsiding.
XICEMISIS 03.1•2= WAR Ciitr
1-1- rota A DollAR
IVES Ht eaET•?
G e. r. ;.,
w� 31_�
'la' t --Parttnt,\ta.
:a3iirtitel a astl. 1 ot i er'r.
S1,27, nainin s1; No. 2 N* . teras
$131,4, na,mai.aat; Ne. 3, el.'.e e. rem-
' .3.
tiI'tratttac' a t '—\;a^ 2 r v. tet ; :.
3 CV. 4'114t'; extra Nt'. 1 fool, 4ttli!
No. foul, 43e,
:ill nrtel ;a la ' y° -_N,3, :rt t i~; , Ott,'.
All that al:�swe era:.Y, liaay is r.�.
American e`.'1 • _ Net. :.} resew'. eat..
nontrr •n', Bay ports.
Ontario tees a a; hitt', to qts
4'Ontario awl:,,.«;, -•,-Ne. 2 Winter, ter
trl:t,81.10to$1.15; No. t3'iiinte•
$1.07 to $1..12: No. 1 eonanlerrial, 81 to,
$1.05; No, 2 Spring, 81.03 to $1.08;
No. 3 Spring, nominal.
13aa1ley \'o �, tette t, 60 'tti ti ta, :.
eordint", to freight: ttutsi:t:e.
Ilutloaltaat No. 2, 70 to i;..
nye---Ne. 2,:t5..
Manitcha flur----First rets., $$.141;
sezon.i ;:: .. $7.60, Torontta,
0r9 [inur-•--$5.50, belt. seelseer.I.
M r i'A: €.1---11e1., Montt -eel freigh±
bagsisle.. Bran. pee ton, 42`1;
shorts, per tt n. $25; seta:'• fetal fearer.
$1.70 to $1,80.
Sakti hay—nook. Ttt"rto per ..t.
Ott. 1, 823; Na. 2. $21; e,. `.t 1, .,,1..
Straw—Car telt,;, $11, boa la T r-
('lleef , New,l+.?rge 20 tel 21e; twins,
20L to 211th; triplets, 321:.•x•. to 23:.
Old, large, 25 to 2C'u; twins,
25? • to
231jxr; triplets, 26 to 27.; ,S.tiltzor .
new, 23 to 2-k.
Butter—Fresh dairy, oho • e, 33 to
35o; creamery, prints, fresh, No. 1,
42, to 43c; No. 2, 39 to 404'; cooking,
22 to 24':..
Drc ::aid poulitry—Sabin chicken;,
30e; roosters, 20c; fowl, 28e; duek-
linge, 30 to 35e; turkeys, a0 to 60e.
Live poultry—Spring chickens, 19
to 21e; rooster,, 16c; fowl, 16 to 20:;
ducklings, 25e; turkeys, -50.. •
Margarine -22 to 24c.
Eggs—No. 1 storage, 45 to 46e;
select, storage, 50 to 52e; new laid
straight, 57 to 58c; new Raid, in car-
tons, 60c.
reel., :12.7,P;
g1a,Y.l ,o::t
k Cts
11a f ti•-, 3744 11- °f,•
;'t r , ,i.," a 9, 111 a Y. per
3314I11- 81.50
t: tf•1 } '� U
f en P seen net . l3.eiTs,
•,3 rte° 2 qty t e': ,
, �fre'..., 27 to `«�tt f k.':.ii:. "t A �p
'to 81:' b:t alrfos... t+'..ronf ,l e •'6 " .
1 I;trol loroo,kfrait l0000to t;a
I4se; }.-',floe bee 1.1,o.o, 42 to 1.7.:t.
Carol meats 1 ono; el'ot#' taco ori. '
31e• ,Teter ia. '.t'o1$'r-" to 2442::4.
f I, rl .-Pelle* °+'ret o, 1$ to 14'ue°;
tubs. I1"l•, to 1t9. ; roils, tat to 1922o1
grin ,1",t,, aa.. $turt:n tug, ;leave,
113 t, 14e; tel.e. 14 •.a 1
111- tt', Wee; g,•:rt••:, Vitt t' 1,r.P::
I z• . t-, :a . r, a 1- '5;
t t 1: tt 86to ... ,
t:a 86110;
do, gou.l. 4is t , 1 n.75; .:�),
85; t°: ra' lure 4 .sate t 4 %,117 hn
hei4 .. ,'a:: ;•5.:,11
$4.:43 til 4'7%50;
e:3 to. tool eatter4 41 to,
$2; butrb°,t • g..:. good. $$.So to 84;
tit^, :.nt.. : ' $"t $2.77o �;'d a a ~. gi?!'8.1,.
t3(3 Yas., $5 to ,-s."'.,, ,n, a3.75
84; nn. `d°«' $se t, <g1Ef#; springers..
: 80 to "1;'s. tat:vi;�, . ecteairt , '11,.`,0 ;:+
!$13„ int:-.: .`'_+tt tax '4'10; ti:',
, $ to $5; l'iIa'.t'.?• g;t .', ,4,'-. ' 13 tet $S4.7-71::
do, ti., 45 tti$5.56; sia. •'t1, a'htai,:t.
$4 to 84.50; t`,t, g oo.i. $2 to. 83.50; do
heavy and bucks, $1 to 32; hogs, fee
a: at.' CI, $10 t/ ;310,25; do, off cars.
810.25 to $10,50; do, f.o.b., $9.25 to
89.50: .lo, country pone:ts. $9 to 89.25.
Oats—Can. West., No. 2, 55 to,
551,ce; uto, No. 3. 54 to 5411.a. Flour,
'Spring wheat pats. firsts, $8.10. Roll-
ed cat., bag 90 lbs... $3 to $3.10. Bran.
$23.25. Shoe ts, $25.25. Hay, No. 2,
per ton, ells lots, +27 to $28.
Cheese—Finest e.asterne, 154:: t:t
16c. Butter—Choice-st creamery. :ri?
to 40c. Eggs—Selected, 47c.
Corn. butcher cattle, $2.50 to $4;
caber, $3 to $10; lambs, $7.350 to $8;
sheep, $4.50; hogs, $10.
:Yl .,