HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-05-04, Page 19CODERICH SIGNAL -STA, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1978 -PAGE 19 TOWN AND COUNTRY 1. Articles for sale CABINET model sewing machine, record player, tape recorder, pair of boy's soccer shoes size 3, night lamp, electric mixer, two snow tires and two summer tires with rims. Phone 524-8793.-18}. APPLES, Northern Spies. Top quality, very reasonable. Bring containers, anytime. Ross Middleton's Storage, Bayfield line, one mile northeast of Bayfield. -18-21 TWELVE FOOT 1977 Gypsy Queen truck camper, ten months old, fully equipped. Like new. Hardtop with storage below the back. Winterized unit' (furnace with automatic blower). Must be ...seen to be appreciated. Phone 357-1207.-18 LOVE SEAT, black vinyl, brand new, $45.00. Antique park bench, hest offer. Phone 524-4454,-18 PIANO in fair condition. Best offer. Phone 529-7382.-18 CCM 10 speed bicycle, needs work, $50.00; full set drums and cymbals, $250.00; camper -topper for long bed import pickup truck, $200.00. Phone 524-9286.-18 8 H.P. SIMPLICITY Wonder -Boy riding lawnmower, electric start, 30" cut, immaculate condition and well maintained. Please call after 6 p.m. 524-7850,-18,19 CHESTERFIELD and chair, matching swivel rocker. Phone 524-8649.-18 27 CUBIC FOOT freezer, as new, no longer needed. Phone 524- 6290.-18 7., HARDWOOD delivered`; in Goderich. 32 cubic feet of stove wood, 525.00; 44 cubic feet, of fireplace wood, $30.00. 10 percent off on 2 or more units. Phone 565- 2451.-18tf • 30" FINDLAY electric stove, avocado, automatic, good working condition, $45.00; drop style dining room pulley light, brass trim, 17" dia., $10.00; hall ceiling fixture, 8" drop with 9" refracting shade, 55.00. Phone 524-8935.-18x FOUR SEATER chesterfield and chair; coffee table; table lamps; telephone gossip bench; rubber underpad; office armchair, high back, swivel, and tilt on rollers. 524-7107.=18 '50 SERIES John Deere with loader, 5800.00. Phone 524-6777 after 6 p.m.-18nc CHEAP FOR CASH All Steel Building, 40 ft. wide x 60 ft. long,never been erec- ted, immediate possession. Call Jim: Toll Free 1-8.00-261-4840 AT FRASER'S Repair Service R.R. 1 BRUCEFIELD You can see the McKee -Ebro tractors ready for immediate delivery for spring. You can also see the line of plows and cultivators for soil preparation. We also handle Dunham Lehr and Turnco products. Phone 482-9286 CLASSIFICATIONS 1- Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles wanted 5. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real estate wanted 9. Accommodation to rent 10. Wanted to rent 11. Room and board 12. Help wanted 13. Wanted (general) 14. Employment wanted 15. Tenders 16. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales '18. Services available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal 22. Lost and found 23. Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunities 25. To give away 26. Births 27. Deaths 28. Engagements 29. Marriages 30. In memoriam 31. Cards of thanks DEADLINE Classified Ads 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY Ads cannot be accepted after 12 o'clock for that week's paper. CLASSIFIED - 11' per word, minimum $2.:s 1. Articles for sale CHROME SET, table and four chairs. Good condition. $50. Phone 524-6637.-18tfnc SFKINE 10 -speed, super deluxe white mems model with wheel reflectors, chain -lock.' Used one summer. $125. Phone 524- 6637.-18tTnc TURNTABLE with Audio Technica AT -11E cartridge. Two years old. $50. Phone 524- 6637.-I8tfnc FIVE SPEED bike, in good condition, only used few times. Phone 524-7598.-18 1969 YAMAHA 250 cc motorcycle in good condition. $350.00. Phone 529-7147 after'7 p.m. -18,19 THE FLEA MARKET is the •place where you can sell your unwanted odds and ends of furniture, ornaments, records, books, small appliances, dishes, crafts, and just about anything. Turn it all into cash this Oeekend. HURRY, bobk'your table now for another WHEELIN DEALIN WEEKEND. Door prizes. Phone 482-7077.-18ar LADY KENMORE - apartment size dryer:' Lloyd baby buggy, bassinet and 8 Playtex baby bottles. Will sell reasonable. Phone 524-8150.-18,19 USED Minneapolis 12 h.p. tractor with mower, excellent condition. Phone 524-7038.-18x MONROE 16 foot "Riviera" bow rider. 85 h.p. Mere motor, Explorer trailer. Phone 529- 7592.-18 FOR. SALE: 23" black and white console. Zenith TV, Excellent condition. Call 524-7919.-18x 1974 KAWASAKI 400 DeLuxe, excellent condition, $850,00. 1971 Honda 350, good condition; $350.00. • Call 524-8449 after 5. p.m. -18 1971 PACESHIP - C&C designed, P 23, four sails, 71/2 h.p• motor„ trailer, galley, head, and more. $8,000.00. Phone 524-2888 after 5 p.m. -18 FIVE H.P. roto tiller, forward and reverse. Excellent condition. Phone 482-9939.-18 G.E. WRINGER washing machine, in good shape. Phone 524-7629.-18 THE MENNONITE TREASURY OF RECIPES, 224 pages, spiral - wire -hound and plastic tab in- dexed. Now available by mail at $6.50 postpaid. No COD's. Write: The Mennonite Treasury, P.O. Box 1209, Steinbach, Man. ROA 2A0.-18BC Reach all of ONTARIO with your special classified ad Through a special arrangement between this newspaper and The Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association we now offer an Ontario -wide classified advertising service. Call . 524-8331. for details SI6NAl-Si1R PUBLISHING liU. r P 0 Box 220 Goderich Ontario T. Articles for sale ONE SX -70 Polaroid camera, with brown leather carry case, also has the accessory holder, lens shade, remote shutter, tripod mount, close-up lens and flash diffuser. A11 in good con- dition. Call between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. 524-4306.-17tfnc FOURTEEN FOOT Fiberglas canoe in good condition, $150.00. Phone 529-7849.-18 1975 HARLEY DAVIDSON 125 cc motorbike in excellent condition. Phone 524-8728.-18 THREE SPEED racing model bicycle in good condition, 550.00, Phone 524-6803 after 4 p.m. -18 WROUGHT iron dinette set, oval table with smoked glass top, 4 yellow upholstered chairs. New condition. Phone 524-8554.-18 KAWASAKI 100. Phone after 5 p.m. 524-4591.-18 ADMIRAL black and N4hite floor model TV, $25.00. Dining room set, $20.00. Double bed and mattress, $30.00. Phone 524- 4124.-18,19 TWELVE FOOT'plywood boat in good condition, $50.00. Phone 524- 8671 or apply 54 St. David Street.-18tf CHESTERFIELD and chair in excellent condition. Asking $250.00. Phone 524-4124,-17,18 1972 SUZUKI 250 c.c. Hustler, 2,400 miles. Perfect condition. $600.00. 1976 Suzuki 750 c.c. water cooled, triple, windshield, roll bar, saddle bags, 1,500 miles, as new; $2,200.00. Billson, 32 Seneca Street, Point Clark - weekends or call 271-7951.-17,18x AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Plum- bing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-ltfar SINGER - For authorized sales and service, se s ing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. We also do alterations and install zippers. Pratt's Sewing Centre, 73 H-amilton St., 524-8431, Goderich.-8TFAR SWIMMING POOLS while they last! We have above ground pools with walkway, patio, fencing, filter, etc. complete for 51,295.00. We can fit an inground or above ground pool into any budget. Rental pools also available. Don't delay - call right away - collect 416-878-4151.-16-19x STARCRAFT HARDTOP TRAILER with all the extras. Beautiful condition and priced to sell at $2100.00. Phone 524-8101 evenings.-15,16tf BOY'S three speed bicycle; record player; tape recorder; pair of boy's soccer shoes, size 3; • night lamp; two speakers; two snow tires, and twosummer tires with rims. Phone 524- 8793,-16,17,18 1. Articles for sale ASSORTMENT of wooden single glass windows, wooden frame. Phone 524-2731.-17=18x 19.75 HARLEY DAVIDSON 125 cc motorbike, in excellent condition. Phone 524-18728.-17x ,18 FLEA MARKET open every Saturday and Sunday. Something for everyone - books, candles, crafts, collectibles, brass, misc. gift items, etc. Two miles south, Clinton, Hwy. 4. Inquiries for table bookings call 482- 7077.-16tfar 1969 TRIUMPH CHOPPER, custom springer front-end, moulded frame, peanut tank, all parts chromed, newly painted and assembled, Will sacrifice $800.00. Phone 524-7556 after 5 p.m.-15tfnc 1967 YAMAHA 350 cc motorcycle, 5325.00 includes safety check. Call 524-2247.-17tf NINE FOOT truck camper, self contained. Like new condition. Phone 524-4126.-17,18 2. Mobile Homes NORTHLANDER MOBILE Home 60' x 12'. completely for- nished, 31 Iroquois St. on' the lake, Meneset Park. Phone 524- 8927,-17tf FOR SALE - 1976 Bendix Paramount 68' x 12' three bedroom, furnished, porch and storage shed. 68 Cherokee, Meneset Park. $16,300. 'phone 524- 9174.-17tf MUST SELL - two bec room 1975 Marlette set up at Huron Haven. Any .serious offer will be con- sidered on this beautiful home. Phone 526-7784.-4tf 1976 DOUBLE WIDE mobile home, 24 x 52. To be moved. $15,000.00 or best offer. Phone 357-1906.-15TF THREE BEDROOM mobile home, two years old, located on large lot. Phone , 482- 3198.-1.6,17,18 IN MENESET PARK - 12 x 55 ft. 1970 mobile home, fully win- terized, furnished and broadloomed, except kitchen floor, Price: $7,500. Phone 461- 0566 Thorndale.-16-18x PRIVATE SALE - 1974 Amherst mobile home 68' x 12', three bedrooms, carpeted living room, good sized kitchen, 4 piece bath. Refrigerator, stove, washer and dryer included. Partially fur- nished. New 10' x 20' cedar deck, 14' x 14' patio. Located on beautiful Lake Huron, Huron 'Haven Park, 2 miles from Gdderich. Skirted, sewers, cable TV, and telephone. Can he used as cottage or permanent home. $14,900.00. Phone 1-623-6740, hr after 7 p.m. 1-658-9963.-18-21ar 1976 MARLETTE. Better than new. $17,500. See many features of 3 -bedroom home. Phone 524- 2472 or 524-6576.-17,18,1.9 3. Articles for rent ONE GARAGE, 520 per month, concrete floor. Phone 524- 4615.-18,19 FORMAL RENTALS for all occasions. Free style brochure, Rawson's Shop for Men, Goderich.-1 tfar we can suit you for every occasion FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTAL Exclusively at CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Free catalogue FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524-6231. TREASURE HUNTERS!!' 4. Article wanted Garrett Metal detectors, L. W. Electronics. Phone 245-1994, Strathroy.-16-18x TRADE-iN YOUR OLI) bicycle now for a new Sekine, Raleigh or Norco standard or speed bicycle, also see our complete stock of parts and accessories, Don's BicyCle Repair, 305 Ontario St., Clinton 482-9941.-17.1Rnrne SEWING MACHINES - Singer. White and other r'nodels. Repair's fn'all makes. All machines and repairs guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 ' West Street, Goderich 524.2151,-17,18ar KURIOSiTY KORNER will buy outright complete household estates or single pieces of fur- niture. Best price paid or will sell by auction. Do not hesitate to call us. Our aim is to please. 67 Main St., Seaforth. Phone 527- 1336.-1 tfar WE ARE now handling lots or part lots of furniture and ap- pliances. If 'you have articles to sell privately or by auction. contact - Rathwell's Auction Service. Phone 482-3120 or 527- 1336.-'--ltfar 4. Articles wanted WANTED TO BUY` -old pianos, and benches, any condition. Phone Terry Taylor, 528-3216.-18 USED Singer sewing machine. Must he in first class condition. Phone 524-6037.-I8x ' WANTED - gas lawn mower in reasonably good working order. Phone 524-6404.-17,18 WANTED: old brick buildings for demolition and salvage purposes. , Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia,-8tf 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1976 FORD LTD Stationwagon, 41)0 engine, excellent condition, low mileage. Phone 524- 2725.-18tfar 1975 FORD LTD Brougham, silver, four door, vinyl top, power, clean, low mileage. Phone 524-7110.-18 50 POLICE CARS, TRUCKS, VANS .AND STATIONWAGONS: 8-1976 Dodge and =Plymouths; 4- 1975-76 Chevrolets; 1-1976 Mer- cury Montego; '3-1974 station - wagons, Dodge, Chev and Ambassador; 8-1972-74 half tons, Chevs, Dodges and -Fords; 5-1972- 74 Dodge club cabs and crew cabs; 6-Chev, Dodge and Ford 1 ton trucks, some with stake body and hoists; 12-1970-75 vans, Fords, Dodges and Che vs; I electric golf cart; 1-1976 Jawa 350 twin motorcycle; 2-1975 Plymouths, licence no. LJS 352 and no. LJS 365, your choice, $595.00. MIGHTON'S CAR SALES, 6 miles east of Hanover on no. 4 highway. Phone Durham 369-3136.-18 1974 PONTIAC . LEMANS, two door, 350 automatic, power steering, radio, new paint job, brakes, exhaust system, four new radial tires, 48,000 miles, A-1 condition. Safety checked. •52,600.00 or best offer. Phone 524. 2766.-18 1975 GRAN TORINO 351 Cleveland, p.s., p.b., automatic, radials, rear window defog, '78 plates, vinyl roof, original paint, certified. Best offer. Phone 524- 9077.-18,19 1974 BUICK LE SABRE, 4 door hardtop, dark blue; . power: windows, brakes, steering; AM - FM, tape stereo; automatic climate control; 35,000 miles; Snows, like new, $3,000. 529-7435. after 6 p.m.-17tfnc 1969 CAMARO, new body and paint, 327 high performance, 780 holley, hooker headers, 350 cam, custom dual exhaust, has to be seen. Phone 524-9008 after 6 p.m. -19,18,19,20 , BARGAIN - Toyota Corolla 1976, 19,000 miles, as new, spare' wheels with fitted snow tires, $2,750.00. Phone 524-4289.-17x,18 1973 VEGA, 52,000 miles, engine r/z year old, in excellent con- dition. Phone 524-7071.-17,18 CJ7-JEEP, four wheel drive, excellent condition. Phone 482- 3198.-16,17,18 Selling your car? Need a Safety Inspection? Call 524-2121 Nowonly$ 1 5.95 Eanaolnn A TIRE GODERICHI 6. Pets 13" P1JRFBRF.D Beagle pup. Phone 529-7382.-18 TROPICAL. fish, canaries, Complete pct supplies. Pat's Pet Shop, 350 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily and Friday evenings.-ltfar 9. Accommodation to rent BENNETT APARTMENTS TWO bedroom apartment - $275 per month; yearly lease. Stove, refrigerator, TV cable, telephone intercom and all utilities included. Also one bedroom bachelor, includes fridge, stove, cable TV and utilities. 524.4658 9. Accommodation to rent ATTRACTIVE two bedroom apartment for rent in Dungan- non. Fridge and stove included carpeted throughout. Possession immediate. Ideal for. elderly or retired persons. Phone 524-7186 after 6.-1 TFAR YEAR ROUND living in lovely two bedroom furnished mobile home, private treed area. North east pf Bayfield. Mature adults, references, Phone 482-7652.-9 t.f. SPACIOUS HEATED apartment, two large bedrooms, one com- pletely furnished. Halls and stairs maintained. Available May 1st. Call524-7907.-17tf ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment. Available im- mediately. Phone 524-6536.-18 LiGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, home privileges, one Klock from Square. Available . May 13th. Phone 524-2725.-18tfar FARM HOUSE for rent. Phone 526-7548.-18x AVAILABLE JULY 1st - Very roomy 2 bedroom apartment in private home. Newly decorated, fridge and stove supplied, carpet throughout. Heated, hookup available for washer and dryer. $225.00 per month plus hydro. No children or pets please. Call 524- 9l66.-18tf APARTMENT to share with two others. Separate bedrooms, close to Square, available im- mediately. Call 524-6617 before 9 a.m. or after 6 p.m., or 524-2711 days. -18 ONE BEDROOM apartment on Huron Road, all utilities paid. Phone 524-8821.-18ar RECENTLY NEW TWO hedrpom apartment only ten minute drive from Goderich. Phone 529-7775.-17tf MONTSERRAT, WEST INDIES Lease, rent or exchange of property in Canada. Ideal location, pictures available. Apply to drawer No. 45'c -o Signal - Star Publishing, Box 220, Goderich.-17-20x SPACIOUS 3 bedroom townhouse. Ample parking, recreational area and school. $180.00 per month plus hydro. Available now. Call 482-3031. -10tfar NEW EXECUTIVE home 8 miles north of Goderich, 4 bedrooms, 2t baths, family room, with fireplace and patio, close to beach. Rent $375 per month. Phone 529-7734.-17,18 ROOMS FOR RENT. Living room and kitchen privileges.. Phone 524-2731.-17,18x Available Soon Newly decorated 3 or 4 bedroom apartment with op- tional.study. Heated. Central location. Phone 524-6901 or 524-7206. TO RENT Office Space 524-8382 CAMPING HURON CLIFF PARK 5 miles North of Goderich on Hwy. No. 21 LAKEFRONT or TREED LOTS Rates: Daily '5."'s & up Seasonal '175.°OB up Phone 524-6438 MAPLE GROVE SENIOR RESIDENCE LODGE IS NOW COMPLETELY RENOVATED offering gracious living in private and semi -private rooms. Home cooked meals, close Jo downtown and most churches. Monthly rates from '300. and up FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 524-8610 or 524-7324 Maple Grove Senior Residents Lodge 10. Wanted to rent COTTAGE for summer months near Goderich. Phone 524- 6773,--16tf 10. Wanted to rent COTTAGE in vicinity of Goderich for July and August. Reply to Box 43, Signal -Star Publishing Limited, Box 220, Goderich, Ontario.-l6tf �. WANTED TO REN`- three bedroom house, first of June, central location, or handy Goderich. Phone 524-9814.-17-18 WANTED TO RENT - two or three bedroom house in Goderich for first of ,lune. Ph.one 524- „ 2549.-18,19x RETIRED COUPLE require two or three bedroom house in -Goderich. References supplied. Phone 482-3737.-18x TWO to three bedroom cottage last week July - 1st week August, Bayfield area. Phone Stratford 271-1893, ask for Nikkie.-18,19x COTTAGE August 17 to Sep- tember 4, on Lake Huron, Goderich are.a. Call collect 1-672- 8072. Will consider other dates. -18,19 11. Room and board VACANCIES now available downstairs, all private rooms, for retired people. Three meals served daily, 510.00 per day. Not a nursing home. Mrs. Ceriel Van Damme, Clinton, phone 482- 3685.-7tf ONE BEDROOM • private hath downstairs in Holiday Home, all meals served in main dining room. Mrs. Ceriel Van Damme, phone 482-3685.-18tfar 12. Help wanted EXPERIENCED form concrete builder. Must have supervisory ability. Phone 526-7287 after' 6 p.m. for appointment. -16-19 STUDENTS We pay '16.°° per evening based on two demonstrations. Must have own car, minimal driving, and neat in appearan- ce. Full or part-time positions available. Call 524-9077 evenings between 6 & 7. SHORT ORDER COOK -also- WAITRESSES Must be over 18, have pleasant personality, enjoy, meeting people. APPLY at the NEW Club Grill Kingston St., Goderich SECRETARY - TREASURER required Applications will be received until May 12th, 1978 for the above position. The successful candidate will undergo a short training period under the present Officials and must be bondable. Duties to commen- ce July 4th, 1978. Those interested, please apply in writing stating education, employment experience, references and anticipated salary. West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Dungannon, Ont. NOM 1RO Tel. 529.7961 12. Help wanted MATURE sales person requireu for retail store, part-time. Reply in own handwriting stating education, experience, etc. to drawer 42 Signal -Star Publishing, Box 220, Goderich.-l6tfar WE NEED MILLIONS OF DEWWORMS, MINNOWS, SMALL FROGS this spring and summer. Ready cash waiting for you. Phone 524-7632.-14TF REQUIRED immediately, part- time sales personnel. All ap- plicants please apply at office Metropolitan Store, Suncoast Mall.-18ar HOUSEKEEPER wanted to care for baby 6 months old and child 5 years old'. Phone 482-3290.-18x GROW CUCUMBERS for Bick's Pickles. For information, con- tracts and seeds, write Maurice Cronin, RR 3, Tees.water or phone 392-6290.-18-20 HURON County Public Library requires an assistant at the Goderich Branch, approximately fifteen hours a week, general duties. Position open June 2nd. Apply in writing to Mr. Wm. Partridge, Huron County Public Library, 60 Lighthouse Street, Goderich, N7A 4A4.-18,19ar START TOMORROW Real Estate sales representative required for our Goderich branch office. Licence required, however we invite inquiries from non - licenced people. Phone George Judge, Hanover 364-3110 or eve. Mount Forest 323-1423 or Goderich 524-8951. DON HOLST Real Estate Ltd.,, Realtor.-14tfar RETIRED PERSON needed 2 days a week for six week period to help supervise Huron Cliff Park. Apply in person on week- end at Park Office. Phone 524- 6438.-17,18ar ZEHR'S MARKETS require _ 9 Experienced Bakers For the bakery department in our Port Elgin store. Applican- ts should be familiar .rith all phases of a bakery operation and be capable of some heavy lifting. Permanent position and excellent opportunity for advancement. Send "resume to Zehr's Markets, 100 Holiday Inn Drive, Cambridge, N3C 3K1, or phone (519) 653-8200. 17. Auction sales FM= AUCTIONEERS LIQUIDATORS APPRAISERS Specializing in all types of auction sales * Business * Farm * Estates Free Verbal Appraisals Professional Sales Assistance PHONE 482-3120 or 527-1336 16 tfn WANTED ELEVATOR MANAGERS & TRAINEES The Pioneer Grain Company, Limited has openings In Saskatchewan and Alberta for Country Elevator Managers or Elevator Managersin training. Successful candidates will bra involved In all aspects of country elevator operation, including sale of fertilizers and Farm chemicals. Competitive salaries are offered, including bonuses, com- missions, living accommodation and an excellent program of benefits. Candidates who are bondable, in good health and can un- dertake strenuoUs physical work should write In confidence, stating details of training and work experience to: K.E. Young General Superintendent Pioneer Grain Company, Limited 2500 Richardson Building One Lombard Place Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0X8