HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-10-20, Page 5Don't Give Up Hope! The World's Greatest Remedy for ALL KIDNEY TROUBLES Relieves Cases of Long Standing Suffered For iti �yYears 1Fo' leap eu}11 afb9 Su 1 sutterOttA writ Triooill �t tit ss suet tr (IN PJ II, (Uk, _ o n4 fe at once, u d u do' ttltealat bt reap b , em to eieryoaea este$ with the same troie my Our Guarantee lf GR PILL&. do nut give you relief we will refund you the purchase price.. Filly cents a box every- where. Por free saple write. -- National Drug Se Chemical Co. of Canada ',limited, Toronto, Canada, 421 Display Advertising -.Made known on applecat on, Stray ,Artimals-..One insertion 50,:, three insertions $IAO. siiscc32aneous articles of not more thea. five lines, For Sale, To Rnt, Wanted, eacfi insertion 50e, Lost aed Found Weds 25e. an insertion. Lal reading notices, et:,, 10e„per line per insertion. No r<otiCe less than 25Y, Card of Thanke 50c. Auction Sales $3 for one insertion and $L50 for each subsequent in- sertio:a if under five inches in lenetll. Legal advertising IOC. and 50, aline. F3rna qtr Real Estate for Sale 50e. each inserts n. for one month of four insertions, The National Crisis cc My appal is to the whole people; to every man and woman who w nts,to do right by this country; to everyone who breathes the spirit of our fathers who fouxclyd this British Dominion." —ARTHUR MEIGHEN THE Election to be held December 6th will I be theomomentous S t in Canadian history ; for as men and women vote will depend the economic stability, the political stability- and, indeed, the national stability of this country. Today we find group striving against group, class against claim, the industrial and financial structure of the country assailed by false and unsound doctrines and theories, while o u r great neighbour to the south has adopted a trade exclusion policy directed against Canada's vast agricultural interests. The currencies of nearly every country in the world are depreciated. The Canadian dollar in the United Staten is subject to a heavy discount causing a loss of over one hundred minion dollars in exchange annually. Europe is overwhelmed with war debts ---unemploy- ment is acute — and the restoration • to prerwar conditions is slow. While Canada is in a much more favorable condition than many countries, yet there is evidence of stag- nation, tagnation, inability, unemployment and lack of con- fidence. Taxes are heavy because of the country's efforts in the Great War, but have become burdensome on account of the misconceived policies and blunders of Governments that directed Canada's affairs prior to 191E These conditions are largely' the direct aftermath of .:the war, but they must be 'dealt -with -fearlessly and Constructively. This is no time to consider experi- mental changes, or the theories of visionaries. This is no time for Crerar and his Free Trade policy. This is no time for King and his wobbling "charted" policies, varying with each provincial boundary. It is the time to cling to orderly, stable Government in the interest of all the people; to be guided by the experience of the past, proceeding upon lines that have been proven sound. It is the time to place the destinies of Canada again in the hands of a Government led by a sane, coura- geous. Canadian who has safely brought the country through the trying years of reconstruction, and upon whom we can rely to retain and initiate policies in the interest, not of a group or class but of all the people. • It is the time to support Arthur I teighen and his Candidates. aa111M1rw The National Liberal and Conservative Party 51 Publicity Committee y r Hansell Mr F. Sangster .of Peterbo,ro s visiertg .his brother, Mr. Wm. Sangster Mr Russell MacKay left a few days ago to attend ,dedieal College in Lon - den -Thos, Dickson, who has • been visiting frie,rels in the West, returned home last week... -Miss Bessie Urqu hart of New Yoe* is spending a. few we-ka with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D, Urquhart. -Mess Murray, trained nurse of New York,. was the guest of lfiss Hattie Sutherland, -Mr. J. M. :heal of Port Dalhousie, has beers ap- pointed manager of the Sterling Bank, arriving last week. -..Me. and Mrs. ma - too; Ortwen and Mr. and .Irs,• Jas. Patterson on. Friday motor d to Cros:- vs'etl, v eh.,=.to visit friends. :vers. Walter IIabkarir who has spent the •past two months with relatives and friends ;.n. the Nerelewest, has a'e•- tursaed home aneompanied by her daughter, Miss Agnes Habkires Mr. and Airs. Thos. Perlmer and sola Roy bare goaa to Guelph to reside. Mr. Parlmer is now engaged as a tra,a; el;-er and t':ids Guelph more central Mr, AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, kt et CREDITO\ EAST, on .III: RSDAY, OCT. 27, 1921 at 1.3`a o'clock, the following property Glass Cupboard, 2 bureaus, 2 ;,ouch es, 2 Vela and -bedroom suite, sewing raaaeh'ne, hat rackl• 2 rockers, 6 dining' om .hairs, ti ki2che a Ghaaxs, carpet "e .per,. 3 stands, curtain stretchers,: kaads of bedding, a quantity of •ishes, 2lamp.,, carpets, mats„ loom omplete, cook; stare and heater, :seal-; ars, Quantity of potatoes, i,'taare=, .;loek, m;rror, flour bin, vi-oud box, 3 hoes, buck saw, fork, wheel barrow, quantity of coal and wood. • Terms - Cash AIRS. L. ODAMR F. TAYLOR Proer',ettess, Au,:t, AUCTION SALE FARMS, FARM STOCK', IMPLE- MENTS, 110USI:1101.0 EFI:FCT' oo. Lot 12, Lake: Road, Hatt Totvash'in on \'f'h i.SI):VV. NOV. 2, 1921 At 1 o'clock shin, the fallowing: Horses -1 horse, 7—years, General; Purpose; 1 2 -yr :horse, Gen, I?arpose, Cattle -1 steer two years old, cow due 6th of March: farrow cow,'. 3 -years old. Implements -Set bobsleigh;, wagon, cutter, fldt ,hay amcn, sterar beet box,' gravel box, Mikado, °pert buggy, light', wagon, root pulper, De Laval cream separator, wheel barrow, 2000 pound'. scales, crosscut (law, wire stretcher,! 2 set double harness, 2 set single har- ness; double calf crate, single calf crate, plough, set harrows, oak barrel, ensilage and other forks, shovels, dit- ching spade, set whifftetreea, neck Yoke, ;ood, robe, ev;ool horse blankef, coal oil barrel, .step ,Ladder, small tater tank, 5 tons seeen1 class hay, several shocks of corn. Household Effects -Utility small range for wood or coal; small coal heater, box stove, voal scuttle, square piano, Williams; :glass cupboard, small cupboard, drop leaf table, small parlor table, two cellar tables, 'shriking clock, three-piece bedroom suit, dres- ser; kitchen lounge, 2 rocking chairs number other small chairs, Brutsrse1c rug, 12x9; toilet set, kit..hen mirror, wasli stand, granite covered bread pan, camp cot, 2 dor* 1 -qt sealers, 5 flat irons, number window blinds, 3 lamps, large strainer ,pa;j, nearly new; large cream can, nearly new; small barrel churn, New Idea Washing ma- chine, wringer, set curtain, stretchers, few large crocks, baby carriage. Real Estate -There will also be sold at the same time and place, aafilrsit class 50 acre tress farm, W 1-2 Lot 6 Con. 5, Hay; also 75 acre alarm, W 3-4 of • Lo t5, Coni.' 6, Hay; 10 acres in ;cheat, 13 acres Ery ryej, and thle rest in pasture,.. , Terms -All sums of ;10 and under, cash; over that amount 6 mopthslcre- dit on approved joint notes. 5' per cent. per annum 'off_ for cash on credit amounts. • Terms of real estate made known on day of sale. F. TAYLOR JAS. DEARING, Auct ', Prop, ARE YOU A MOTHER? Health is Your Most Valuable Asset. Hera is How to Take Proper Care of It Hamilton, Ont. -"I was advised by a practical nurse;to.take Dr. Pierce's. Favorite Prescrip- tion as a tonic dur- a n g expectancy and I have had every reason to be grateful for her advice,• because it kept me in per- fect health and I had practically no suffering. Doctor Pierce's F a v o r- ite Prescription not only benefits the mother but I am positive the the child is benefited, too. I would not hesitate to recommend Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription to every expectant mother." -Mrs. O. Spike, 46 Hess St. N. ARE YOU FRAIL? Read This London, Ont. -"I take great pleas- ure in recommending Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription as I received great benefit from its use. I have always been in frail and delicate health. I married late in life and I was in my fortieth year before beconiing a mother. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription carried me safely through. My lovely little girl is now four years old. I still take Fav- orite avorite Prescription when I feel the least bit weak or rundown- and it always builds me up." -Mrs. J. G. Baldry; 237 Clarence St. What Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription has done for other mothers, it will de for you. Get it this very, day from your neighborhood drug- gist in either liquid or tablet form, and write Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel In• Buffalo, N. Y., for free confiden- tial medical" advice or send 10c to- Dr, Pierce's Laboratory, Bridge bung; Out, for trial pkg. tablets. t, Better Rubber Footwear at the Regular Price If Ames Holden Rubber Footwear wasn't better—if it didn't wear longer—we would not support the iron -class guarantee that goes with every pair. These facts hold good with Ames Holden Leather 'Fops, The finest chrome leather Look for the Arne* Holden azar& o„ ,every pear upper is sewn over, not inside ie pure rubber bottom, sheds, water and dirt and gives longer wear with greater comfort. There's an sordes Holden Rubber Shoe or ,Boot exactly suited to the work you do, backed by the unusual guarantee and sold. by us. AMES HOLDEN RUBBER. FOOTWEAR "Every pair of Ames Holden Rubber Footwear is guaranteed to outwear any pair a similar shoes of any other shake, sold at the same price and worn vender tlae same coraditoas.» E. Heist vvha Stas corldueted a bat;e- sho, bare for two years, has %sold out to Mr. Cook. --31.r.; J. G. Troyer and little daughter of Toronto is the guest of this mother firs. Chas.Troyer i -Mr Bert Peck last week, met with a serious accident which might have proved fatal. Fie with two others was" working at the ,top, of p silo in Stan- ley tanley townsit;p when the srraffolding gay* way and the meat fell dist:moi. of 3Z lett. .Mr, Peck, was uncosuse1ous for nearly two pouts. He was badly in1ured, sustaining Iwo broken ribs, besides °,a. avyere ,sba1ung up, which'' will lay him off work for a time. One of the men had his arm broken, and the other was also injured. Zurich 4r, John DeLI-14tr, jlt, on Monday sold a two-year ,old Lilly to Uri Pierce ,of Forest ,scar $705; This is a nicer beast and has gone an eighth n 17 seconds. Miss Leila Siebert is, i. siting :n De- troit -Mr. Grenier,of Detroit 's vias ing wirch fir, and Mrs. R f ;1ir, and alrst. J. P. Ran return °cl hems after a tvv,o-weeks ,yisit at Detroit,- i1irs. Ruby, wiho liana bean with her father, yr. Ernest Gies, for Several months, has :returned to her home in at Cavalier, N. Dakota - 1r, Edward Hey of near Calgary, Alta., es visit- ing his %father, Mea. Chrle Hey, Baby- lon. Line. -The Zurich baking business bas .:hanged hands, Mr. Jos. Geiger disposing of same to Mr. Irvin stain also ;the dwelling property and bake shop. Grand Bend Mr,. and Mrs. Sutherland and fam- ily of Ailsa Craig, v'I,si;ted at the home of E. Gill. Sunday.—„Mrs and Mrs. P. Baker are visiting in Port Huron. -ell. Baynha.m ,has bought Bruce Bos ,senbery's dining iroom and had it moved over to dais lot behind the bowling alley. Bruce is putting up a new dining room'. -Mr. and Mrs. Ezra 'prenner, who have - been._ visiting • fin Detroit have arrivtd'laome=Mrs. Prank Germette who .has beery attending her sister, Mrs. •Truan. arrived here , last week Mr. and Mrs. Truan and daugh- ter came with tier, -Mrs. Yule of Win- nipeg is vis itiJ1g Mrsl. Rev. ,Carriere: Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus' Groan and fam- ily visited near Hei sel]. Sunday,. -Mr 1). Shaffer of Dashwood visited his sister, Mrs. :E„ Gill„ sr, Thursday, - Mr. and Mrs;. Shepherd' visited rela- tives around here on Sundays,- Yr. and Mrs, Delzel anucl con, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Pat- terson,. returned 'to Port Huron ,last week: Lumley We are sorry +to say that NIr. John, ~McQueen is not enjoying very good health at present -Mrd. Jasmes Broad - foot, Sr., who has beten. visiting .her' daughter -in: --law, Mrsl. Jas. Broadfoot, Jr„ returned ,home last week. -Mrs. Sherlock, who ,has ,been visiting pm this neighborhood vh,as just returned to her home in Vancouver; -Mr. and 4rs. Johan M. Glenn, accompanied by ,rs. Rob t.•,Cole and Mrs. E. Hillis, motored to London on, Saturday and spent Sunday with the formers t.oth- er and sister Mr. andMrs. Wm. Ker- slake visited friends Mitchell last w'e=k,-ligr, and Mrs. Arthur Jones and little son, Biilhie, a,pent last Sunday in Denfield • +---- SEAFORTH.-Thi death took place of Agnnesw, McKellar, widow of. ::the late James Gillespie of Hibbert Tp. A few weeks gen Mrs,. Gillespie met with a serious .accident when she fell down the cellar steps, and from which she never recovered, I'ARKHILL-Mrs. Law, who has been a read= sof Parkhill for the A xtast, 37 years, died on Oct. 5, aged i 99 years, --:hili. Thos, Gilbert, a ]1 b- ly respected resident °i th4 place, ani widow of ,the late Thomas 6Gtlbert„ died at the home of Cher son on Oct, 8th aged 70 years, 8 months,. Martha O'Brien WAS ,born h Lona= -'1'p, and she rived its Staph,, for 1Z }'ears: She is survived by four daughters and one soli. A sad feature is that her son John with whom sh;p made her .home bad his back severely' injured Friday while at work pa;nntrs; forthe G. T. and ire :d11 be r3avfine4 tat fot sono weeks, TUCKERS 41TH--.The funeral a% ti's➢liana Braadfoot, an esteemed resi- dent, who passed away* on Friday at the age et 78 years after a; brief nese, took too]: place on Saturday to Har purhey cemetery,. He was engaged in the grain 'business in Clinton for many tears, later re's; dans on la°.s farms here, SE AFORTH,-After a lona illness be death occurred of John J. Hurley; n esteemed resident. Seventy Years' Experience in Pipe or One -Register (PIPELESS) A warm home in Canada's winter is a comfort and a joy. A cold horde means discomfort, discon- tent, and, frequently, sickness. A good furnace, properly installed, means a warm House and the genial comfort of a home well ventilated and properly humidi- fied, healthful, .dustless,. balmy air. A poor furnace, or even a good one poorly installed, is an endless source of annoyance,. discomfort, and sometimes, of sickness in the family. A furnace is either a blessing or an afflic- tion in the home. The Sunshine Furnace (Pipe or One -Register) is built by McClary's, the largest furnace and stove concern in the British Empire. The Sunshine Furnace is right—it is the result' o4 seventy years' experience. It is the product of one of the finest industrial plants in Canada. It is guaranteed in its construction, installation and performance. Consult a McClary's"dealer,, or 'write for a 'de- scriptive booklet to any branch: S London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St, John, N.B., Hamilton, Calgary, Saskatoon, Edmonton. McClary's.;.Makers of those 'goo' stoves •and cpaking utensils'': For S,le by W. J. 138AM,N