HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-04-27, Page 38PAG1~'OA—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1978 Colborne approves five permits Accounts totalling $20,403.15 were approved for payment when Colborne Township Council met on April 4. Council was informed that tax arrears notices had been mailed and that two property tax arrears were being processed for tax registration. A representative from the Frank Cowan Company Insurance was present at the council meeting to review the township insurance policies. Chris Kiar and Art Bour- . deau approached council regarding the Skyway •; Market property being zoned open commerical in the 1, The remaining two Rs FROM THE ENERGY CONSERVATION CENTRE Last week we listed ways in whit' we can all pitch in to $ave money and energy by recycling products. Following are some questions you• might ask yourself which may help you put the remaining 2R's to work - namely REJECT & RE -USE. Do you REJECT such items as: 1. Disposable paper plates, towels? 2. Over -packaged items? Packaging is the largest component of waste. Less packaged products cost le -ss money. Avoid "bubble" packaging and cardboard and heavy foil wrapped articles. Buy in bulk if possible, and take your own containers. Or how .about growing your own vegetables? Backyard gardens provide good food, lots of fun, lower food bills and hidden.energy savings. The energy you will use to cook them will be less than the energy used to prepare, precook and preserve a con- venience item. 3. Unsolicited mail? - Junk mail can be returned free if it is unopened; just mark it "Refused - Return to Sender" and drop in any mail box. Or have your name removed from all mailing lists by writing to the Canadian. Direct Mail Association, 130 Merton St., Toronto, Ont. M4S 1A4. 4. Aerosol cans? Aerosols can be 3 or 4 times more expensive than comparable products in simple,, non - pressurized containers, and cannot be re -used or recycled. They are now believed to be indirectly responsible for destruction of, the earth's ozone layer which blocks off dangerous levels of ultra violet light from reaching the earth. 5. Novelty or luxury items? - Do you really need an electric can opener, electric carving knife or electric toothbrush? 6. Appliances that are not built to last 'and are not easily repaired? Check the manufacturer's guarantee before you. buy. 7. Plastics? - Recycling is difficult and burning creates undesirable fumes. 8. Soft drink cans with aluminum tops? 9. Tin cans? Which aren't really tin, they're mostly, steel with a small amount of tin. Do you RE -USE such items as: 1. Gift wrapping, string, paper clips, rubber bands? r2,O1d tires'? •- can be retreaded and are available at: various retail outlets. Estimates are that we discard one tire per person every year in Canada. That is about 22 • million tires a year! 3. Buy recycled paper? - Look for the recycled symbol before buying stationery, notebooks, typewriter paper. 4. Old clothes and shoes? - Patching, sewing and mending are not lost arts. 5. Buttons? - Cut off clothes beyond repair and turn clothes into useful household rags. 6. Repair it? Instead of throwing it out, fix it. If you have any suggestions or questions we would like to hear from you. Please contact either of the Energy Conservation Centres listed below. Goderich: 36A West St. (above Bluewater Cleaners) Phone 524-4114•Hours: Tues. Wed. Thurs. Sat. - 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fri. 9a.m. -9 p.m. Lucknow: Campbell St. (beside- Lucknow Sentinel) Phone 528-3304 Hours: Wed. '- Sat. 9 a.m. - 5.p.m.; Thurs. Fri. -9a.m. -9p.m. • On Friday, April 28 at 7:30 p.m. the Energy Con- servation Centre at 36A West St.,. Goderich, is pleased to present a slide presentation and talk by Ian Finlayson, who recently attended an Alternative Energy Seminar at the Heathcote School of Living in Pennsylvania. Colborne Township Secon- dary Plan. By-law number 5 for 1978, being a bylaw accepting the Feagan Drainage Extension and Improvement Report, was approved. Five building permits were approved by council as was an applica'i.ion for a tile dr(inage loan of $3,000 and an application for a Home Renewal Loan. A grant of $25 was approved for the Canadian Cancer Society. Other items discussed were the problem of dogs in Saltford, rates of fees for building permits. dog tag fees, and a Home Renewal school and seminar. At the April 18 Colborne Township Council meeting, bylaw number 6 for 1978, being a., bylaw to adopt the estimates of the •sums required to provide for the expenditures for the year 1978 and to provide for the required mill rate to raise the taxation funds sufficient thereto, was approved. The road superintendent was instructed by council to obtain costs of having to worship roadways sprayed by a custom spray operator and •.1�•n fn nrt information regarding a roadside spraying licence. The date of Thursday, April 20 was set aside •for council to inspect the roads. Deputy -Reeve Durst, on behalf of Mrs. Joanne Mazzolini, discussed with council the upkeep of ' the township road to the former Albert Durst farm. No d,ecision was made except that council agreed that snowplowing with the road in its present state could not be guaranteed. It was decided that after the 1978 dog tags and licences are issued, all dogs caught without a tag will be destroyed. A new set of rates for dog tags was approved. Four building permits were approved by council. A new set of rules and regulations regarding the rent of the Township Hall was approved by council to take effect May 1. Council also approved the membership fee, the registration fee and expenses for the building inspector and the clerk to attend a sym- posium on property main- tenance to be held in Toronto on May 28 to 30 sponsored by the Ministry of Housing. Financial workshop here A one -day workshop for community workers, credit counsellors and professionals involved in helping p' ople with financial planning, and for creditors will be held in Goderich on May 17. It will run from 9:00 a.m. to" 4:00 p.m., in the conference room of the Family and Children's Services, 46 Gloucester Terrace. E.W. Lang, executive director, Consumers' Debt Counselling Service, London will be guest speaker and resource person for the day. Workshop co-ordinator will be Amy Cousineau who teaches personal and family finance in the Department of Family Studies, University of Guelph. Mr. Lang and Miss Cousineau will illustrate techniques for helping families budget successfully. Workshop participants will discuss ways of handling financial planning problems, as well as the need for financial counselling in Huron County and how that need can be met. This will be the second of a series of three workshops. The first dealt with "parenting" and the final one on May 31, . will consider nutrition education. All three workshops are being sponsored jointly by • Huron County Family and Children's Services, Huron County Health Unit, The University of Guelph's Rural Development Outreach Project, the Ontario Ministry of Community :and Social Services, and the department • of family studies at the University of Guelph. The fee for each day -long Inspector transferred - Inspector Robert F. Keene, at one time with the Goderich O.P.P. Detachment, was transferred from Number 15. District Headquarters, South Porcupine to Number 6 District Headquarters, Mount Forest, Ontario effective April 10. Inspector Keene joined the Force in May of 1948 and served from 1948 • to 1961 in Guelph, Grand Bend, Wiarton, Owen Sound and Mount Forest. In August of 1961, he was promoted to Sergeant and served at Glencoe Detachment. In July of 1967 he was transferred again at Goderich. In January of 1972 he was promoted to Staff Sergeant and transferred to Petrolia. In January of 1975, he received the Queen's Com- mission • in the rank of Inspector and served •at Number . 15 District Headquarters at South Porcupine until his transfer to Mount Forest. Inspector Keene and his wife, Ruth have two sons, Gary, with the Canadian. Forces at Trenton and Doug with the Ontario Provincial Police at Campbellford. Inspector and Mrs. Keene will become residents of the Mount Forest area. Inspector Keene replaces Inspector Norman Hogarth, who retired recently. INSPECTOR _ ROBERT F. KEENE COLOSSAL SPRING • FURNITURE • EORGANLECTRONIC S A L • GODERICH ARENA THUR..FRI.-SAT'.-APRIL 27, 28, 29 7 P.M. -9 P.M. 10 A.M.-9 P.M; 10 A.M.-5 P.M. BROUGHT TO YOU BY FURNITURE WORLD GLENMARK HOMECENTRE PULSIFER MUSIC SAVE $$$ (Fri., Sat. only),, • CHESTERFIELD SETS • BEDROOMS • DINING ROOMS • END TABLES • RANGES • REFRIGERATORS - • ELECTRONIC ORGANSMID MORE Budget Terms On The Spot Financing FREE. DELIVERY ON MAJOR ITEMS session is $15.00, and this includes" lunch and coffee breaks. Anyonejnterested in further information may call Louise Marritt inWingham at 357-9911. Ashfield to vote A liquor vote to ohange the status of Ashfield Township from dry to wet will be held on Monday, May 29. The vote was initiated by a petition signed by 25 per- cent of the qualified electors living in the municipality which was presented to the township council. The vote under the liquor licence act of 1975 will change the status of the municipality only upon the vote of 60 percent of the electors who actually vote on questions that are set out in the ballot. The questions to be submitted for the vote include: - Are you in favour of the sale of spirits, beer and wine under a dining lounge licence for consumption on licensed premises where food is available? - Are you in favour of the sale of spirits, beer and wine under a lounge licence for consumption on licensed premises? - Are you in favour of the sale of spirits, beer and wine under an entertainmeet lounge licence for consumption' on licensed premises? UMPIRE SCHOOL by Goderich Industrial Fastball League McKAY HALL BASEMENT TIME - 1:30 - Sunday, April 30 EVERYONE WELCOME - LADIES & GENTS instructors W.O.A.A. Officials contact Gerry Pitre - 524-7470 GODERICH AREA PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1978 a 7:30 P.M. ASSESSMENT BUILDING 57 NAPIER STREET PURPOSE: To discuss the incorporation of a policy statement•into the Of- ficial Plan regarding the maintenance and occupancy of property in the community. Copies of the draft policystatement and by-law are available on request at the Town Hall. Comments and participation by all interested . persons is welcomed. For more information, call 524-9492. A. Boutilier Secretary ELCOME The 'Employees of Exeter Ford uipment Sales Ltd. (Exeter) To Dental Plan7 These employees and their families have good reason to smile ... they have the best preven- tive dental plan available today. Everybody agrees goodteeth are one of the most impor- tant factors in good health. The Blue Cross Dental Plan 7 was designed to provide, basic dental treatment to group subscribers includ- ing such services as examinations, fillings and x-rays, through extractions and anaesthesia. "As your Ontario Blue Cross representative I am pleased to add my personal welcome, arid look forward to serving you along with the many others in this region already enjoying the protection Of a variety of Blue Cross Plans:' Phil deBarros 227 Queens Avenue London Ontario N6A 1J8 (5191439-4431 'lit'D e CROSS A DIVISION OF THE ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION