HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-04-27, Page 15TOWN AND touNTey
18. Services available
Driveways, Farm Lanes,
Parking Lots, Repairs,
Driveway Sealing
Phone 524-7598
Backhoe -Bulldozing
Public and private
sewage systems
Government Licensed
Excavations of all types
Free Estimates
Gaetan Jacques
a 524-7104
Big or small we do them all!
Septic Tank Installations
Government Licenced
Sid Bruinsma
Phone 524-2401
Or 524-7044
Let us make your old furniture
better than new.
Large assortment of fabrics to
choose from.
Call for free estimate
RR 2 GODEitICH524-2395
Landscaping -Nursery
and Garden Centre
116 Bennett, Goderich
Complete line of
Everything needed for
19. Notice to creditors
ALL persons having claims
against the Estate of Adelaide
Torrance Lucas, late of the Town
of Goderich, in the County of
Huron, who died on or about the,
21st day of eVebruary, 1978, are
required to file the same with full
particulars with the undersigned
by the 13th day of May, 1978, as
after that date the assets of the
estate will be distributed.
DATED at Goderich, Ontario,
this 11th day of April, 1978.
Barristers, etc.,
33 Montreal Street,
Goderich, Ontario.
Solicitors for the Estate
All Persons having claims
against the Estate of Robert
Calvi,'McWhinney, late of RR 1,
Dungannon, Ontario, deceased,
who died on or about the 11th day
of January 1978, are hereby
notified to send in to the un-
dersigned Personal Represen-
tative of the said deceased on or
before the 15th day of May 1978,
full particulars of their claims.
Immediately after the said date
the said Personal•Representative
will distribute the assets of the
said deceased having regard only
to claims of which it shall then
have notice.
Dated.atGoderich this 14th day of
April, 1978.
1 Ontario Street,
Stratford, Ontario
19. Notice to creditors
LOUISA STURDY, late of the
City of Peterborough, in the
County of Peterborough,
Retired Teacher.
ALL PERSONS having claims
against the Estate of GER-
died on or about the 28th day of
January, 1978, are required to file
proof of same with the un-
dersigned solicitors on or before •
the 17th day of May, 1978. After
such last mentioned date, the
Executor will proceed to
distribute the Estate, having
regard only to the claims of
which they shall have had notice.
DATED at Peterborough, this
20th day of April, 1978.
Executor, by
Cameron, Johnston,
816 Lansdowne Street West,
P. O. Box 1198,
Peterborough, Ontario.
Solicitors for the Executor. -17-
19 AR'
21. Personal
Phone 524-6280.-17
CANADA WAS A noble ex-
periment. Those who believed we
should stand up for union with the
United States before this county
disintegrates, please write W.J.
Duncan, Box 276, Woodstock, N4S
23. Miscellaneous
FOR RENT — Garden land, any
size. Ready for planting. Phone
24. Business
You can earn up to '200.00 per
week part-time, in your own
auto appearance business.
Thousands of customers are
waiting to pay your '25.00 per
hour fee. Investment under
'700.00 Includes all equipment,
training and start-up assistan-
ce. Ideal for young man or
Write or call today for infor-
mation brochure.
90 Bessemer Rd.
London, Ontario N6E 1R1
Ph. (519) 601-2367
25. To give away
FOUR PUPPIES, six weeks old,
good pets & easy to train. Phone
26. Births
GREEN: At Alexandra Hospital,
Goderich, Ontario, on April 19,
1978, to Mr, and Mrs. Glenn
.Green; R. R. 5, Gbderich,
Ontario, a daughter. -17 nc
28. Engagements
Mr. and Mrs. William
Chowen, R. R. 3, Clinton, are
pleased to announce the for-
thcoming marriage of their
daughter Carolyn Jane to Mr.
Larry Thomas Mitchell, son of
Mrs. Ford Little, Goderich, and
the late Charles Mitchell. The
wedding is to take place in Knox
Presbyterian Church, Goderich,
on May 13, 1978, at 4.00 p.m. -17
Mr. and Mrs. John L.
Redmond, St. Catharines,
Ontario, are pleased to announce
the forthcoming marriage of
their daughter, Mary Anne, to
Mr. Ben Cornelious Van
Diepenbeek, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Van Diepenbeek, R. R. 7,
Lucknow, Ontario. The wedding
will take place on Saturday. May
6, 1978, in St. Peter's Roman
Catholic Church, Goderich
Ontario, at three o'clock. -17x
Mr. and Mrs. D. vanGoozen,
Sarnia, Ontario, are pleased to
announce the forthcoming
marriage of their daughter,
Phyllis Marie, to Wayne Kenneth
Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Jones, Goderich,
Ontario, on Saturday, May 6,
1978. Ceremony to take place at
four o'clock, at the groom's
home, with reception to follow at
the Candlelight. -17
28. Engagements
Mr. and Mrs. James
O'Neill, Kingsbridge, Ontario
are pleased to announce the
forthcoming marriage of their
youngest daughter, Margie
Marie` to Steven T. Collins, son of
Mr. and Mrs. K. Collins,
Queensville, Ontario. The
wedding will take place on
Saturday, May 6, 1978, at 5.00
p.m., in North Street United
Church, Goderich, Ontario. -17
31. Card of thanks
HARTMAN: I would like to thank
friends and relatives for the
cards, flowers and gifts received
while being a patient in
Alexandra Hospital. Special
thanks to Dr.. Cieslar, Dr.
Walker, and nurses and staff on
first and second floors. -Mrs.
Mildred Hartman. -17
HUTCHINS: I would like to thank
friends and relatives for cards,
flowers and gifts received while a
patient in Alexandra Hospital.
Special thanks to Pastor Day, Dr.
Deathe, Dr. Watts, Dr. Thomson
and nurses and staff second east.
Marguerite. -17
HUTCHINS: We would `like to
thank all our families for the
lovely evening they had for 'us at
the Candlelight Restaurant. -
George and Marguerite. -17
MORRIS: A very sincere "Thank
You" to all our relatives and
friends for all cards, letters,
flowers and gifts sent while I was
in Hospital in Florida and during
my convalescence there; for all
the prayers on my behalf we are
deeply grateful; to all our family
for their deep concern, telephone
calls, visits, and looking after our
home; to Jim, Kathi & girls four
meeting us in Detroit to bring us
home. ,To all the girls • at Morris
" Draperies for all their extra help
given to Fran while I was absent.
- Jean & Jim Morris. -17x
POLLOCK: I wish to thank my
relatives. and friends for visits,
cards, gifts and flowers I
received while I was a patient in
Goderich hospital. A special
thanks to Dr. J. W. Wallace and
nursing staff. -Laura Pollock.—17
STEWART: Rev. J. Ure Stewart
of Seaforth"':extores e7d lis.p-
preciation of the kindness shown
him while in hospital by his
friends and relatives in Goderich
and vicinity through their cards,
phone calls and visits. -17
VICKERS: I wish to thank my
family, friends, neighbors,
members of Legion Ladies
Auxiliary, Eastern Star, St.
George's Church, Sunset Circle,
Women's Institute, for the many
kindnesses shown me while in
Alexandra Hospital, and since
the recent sad bereavement in
the loss of my grandson, Robert
Ginn. -Mary Vickers. -17
WALTERS: I wishto thank all
my relatives and friends` for
visits, cards, flowers, ,and gifts
while a patient in Alexandra
Hospital: also special thanks to
Dr. Thomson and nursing staff. -
Nina Walters. -17
DAM: I would like to thank
everyone for visits, cards and
treats while I was a patient ih
Alexandra Hospital. Special
thanks to Dr. Hollingworth, Dr.
Lambert, and nurses and staff on
second floor. -Brian. -17
GINN: We would like t'o express
our appreciation to all those who
helped make our night such a
memorable one. Special thanks
to Goderich township officials,
and their wives, who organized
the evening. The painting by Ari
will be treasured always. Sin-
cerely, Gerry and Jean Ginn. -17
DAVIES: We wish to express our
sincere thanks to friends for their
thoughts and expressions of
sympathy at the loss of our aunt.
Special thanks to the Rev. King,
Huronview staff members, Stiles
Funeral Home, and Gladys
Wallis for their assistance and
acts. --The family of Mary Louise
(Mae) Davies.-17AR
Harbor Report
April 17 the E.B. Barber
arrived light from Conneaut
for salt.
April 17 the E.B. Barber
cleared harbor with salt for
Parry Sound.
April 18 the Judith M.
Pierson cleared harbor with
corn for Montreal.
April 21 the Algorail
arrived light from Calcite for
April 22 the E.B. Barber
arrived Tight from Conneaut
for salt.
April 22 the Heron Bay
arrived light from Bay Sorel
for wheat.
April 22 the Algorail
cleared harbor for Grand
Rapids Michigan with salt.
April 23 the E.B. Barber
cleared harbor for Parry
Sound with salt.
l 1 J
An,afternoon of Skits and entertainment by the students at
St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge on Friday was part of
Education Week. Kindergarten to Grade 8 students par-
ticipated. Here, part .of the Grade 7 class display the
costumes for their hillbilly skit. Front row, left to right, are
Denise Connelly, Theresa Van Rooy, Linda Sinnett, Carol
Foran and Cathy Chisholm. Back row, left to right, are Liz
Vogt, Harry Boyle, Kevin Smith, Brent Berry, Joe Gerdes,
Brent Van Osch and Marianne Knoop. (Photo by Joanne
Education week big
success in Kingsbridge
Sincere sympathy of this Bill Simpson, son of Mr.
community is extended to the and Mrs. Donald Simpson,
family, relatives and friends who has been employed in
of Mrs. Thomas O'Neill, the Calgary, Alberta arrived
former Eileen Bridget Carey, home last week to help with
who passed away on Satur- the spring seeding. Welcome
day, April 22 in Victoria back, Bill.
Hospital,' London inlier 69th Congratulations to Mary
year. Luanne Clare, daughter of
She .is survived by her Mr. and ' Mrs. Walter Clare
husband Thomas Edward, who was the runner-up in
Huronview; two daughters category 3 at the Royal
Mrs. William (Mary Ellen) Canadian District Effective
Gower, Saltford„ Mrs. LarSpeaking competitons held at
(Margaret Ann - Peggy .Owen Sound on Sunday, April
Harrison, Stratford and one
son Thomas Edward of
Kingsbridge, one brother and
seven grandchildren.
Her body rested at the
Stiles Funeral Home,
Goderich until Monday
morning when requium Mass
was celebrated by Reverend
Father Ed Dentinger, C.R. in
St. Joseph's Church,
Kingsbridge. Interment was
in St. Joseph's Cemetery,
Members of the Catholic
Women's League catered to
the meal.
23. The winners will proceed
to the Royal Canadian Legion
Provincial Contest to be held
in Ottawa on Friday, May 5.
Each contestant received a
gift of money and a desk pen
Plans are being made for a
bridal shower for Miss Sheila
Theresa Courtney,
correspondent, 529-7189
Frank Sullivan „ was
released from the Alexandra Sinnett, daughter of Jim and
Marine and General Hospital, Yvonne Sinnett,, to be held in
Goderich on Monday, April St. Joseph's Parish Hall,
17. Kingsbridge on Thursday,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moran, April 27 at 8:30 P.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Farrish Everyone is welcome.
and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bill Berry, an employeee
Farrish have returned with the Great Lakes Drilling
following a two week vacation and Blasting left this week fot
in Riverview, Florida. Calgary, Alberta where they
Sympathy is extended to will be drilling for oil and gas.
Mrs. Chester Finnigan and Don't forget to turn your
the Finnigan family on the clocks ahead one hour on
death of her step -mother Mrs. Saturday night, or you'll be
Alfred Sherwood on Wed- late for church on• Sunday
nesday, April 19 in her 90th morning.
year. Her body rested at the
MacKenzie McCreath,,
Funeral Home, Lucknow
where the funeral service was Three teachers at St.
held on Friday, April 21 at 2 Joseph's school, Kingsbridge
p.m. Interment was in South were presented with awarjs
Kinloss Cemetery. for their outstanding con -
Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Root, tributions to. education.
the former Louise Courtney Certificates of Merit for the
of Grand Rapids, Michigan Outstanding Young Men and
are spending a week's Women of Canada Program
vacation with her sister and went to Barb Eedy, Nancy
brother-in-law, Mary and Park and Joanne Hamilton.
Jack Farrish and families Education Week is now
and visiting with another over and what a success it
siter Ozella and Jim O'Neill was. On Monday, April 17
and family. grades one to four par -
Lorne Farrish., a patient' in ticipated in the - Kiwanis
the Wingham and District Festival in Stratford. Even
General Hospital is con- though the choirs did not
valescing at the home of his place, the school returned
sone Jack and Mary Farrish. home with honourable
Miss Mary VanRooy, R.N. mention.
at the Vancouver General While the Primary Students
Hospital, Vancouver is were in Stratford, a select
spending three weeks with Junior Intermediate team
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. took on the ladies of the
John VanRooy and family. community in volleyball and
Mr: Raymond Finnigan the students were defeated by
who has been spending the four games to'none.
winter months in Florida has Tuesday afternoon saw the •
arrived back home. Welcome Garvey Public Speaking for
back, Raymond. Grades 5 to 8 with the
Misses Janette Hogan and following results:
Mary McKinnon returned to Grade 5, poem recital, first
their homes here on Thur- - Tommy Gilmore; second -
sday, April 20 following a ten Mary Lynn Doherty; third -
day vacation with the for Ron Delbergue; original
mer's sisters Kathleen and poems, first - Vicki
Anita Hogan in Calgary, Doherty, second - Shannon
Alberta. 15urnin; third - Gerda Hen -
'Grade 6, poem recital first -
Michael Austin; second -
Shawn Durnin; third -
Rosemary Gilmore; original,
poems, first - Shawn
Doherty; second - Casey
The skits were won by
Betty Jane Foran, Christine
Stapleton and Vicki Doherty.
Second place was awarded to
Shawn Doherty and Steven
Grade 7, poem recitals,
first - Diane VanOsch; second
- Liz Vogt and Marion Knoop;
third - Lisa Frayne; in-
troductions, first - Carol
Foran and Joe Gerdes;
second - Linda Sinnett; third -
Brent Berry. Impromptu,
first - Lisa Frayne,; second -
Carol Foran; third - Heather
Ann Stapleton and Diane
Grade 8, poem recitals,
first - Debbie Drennan;
second - Diane Miltenburg;
third - Cathy Van Diepan;
introductions, first - Yvonne
Sinnett;. second - Katheleen
Foran and Jackie Dalton;
third - Dana Doherty; im-
promptu, first - Kathleen
Foran; second - Debbie
Drennan and Willy Hendriks;
third - .Jackie. Dalton and
Kevin Leddy.
• While the speeches were
going on, Mrs. Rosemary
Evans, Public Health nurse
was speaking to the Grade 3
and 4 students about vac-
Terry Bullen, organized
French public speaking for
Grades 6 to 8 on Wednesday.
This is the second year of this
event and already there is a
marked improvement in the
standard of oral French.
The results are: Grade 6,
Betty Jane Foran, B Perry
VanOsch, John Lalonde;
Grade 7, Diane VanOsch,
Carol Foran, and Joe
Gerdes; Grade 8, Rose Mary
O'Keefe -and Jeannette
Pelletier, Jackie Dalton,
Annie VanDiepan.
In the meantime Kin-
dergarten to Grade 4 went to
the Pinecrest Nursing Home
in Lucknow where they en-
tertained and visited with the
Thefirst in a series of three
workshops in the use of
metric was held by Dave
Zyluk. Representatives of the
entire community were
welcomed. The next
workshop will be today,
Thursday, April 27 at 8:30.
A 'folk dance was the
highlight on Thursday as the
Grade 5 and 6 class managed
to involve all observers in
their dances. Kindergarten to
Grade four public speaking
was finalized Friday morning
after Mass at 9 A.M.
Two pre-schoolers, Rachel
Brophy and Kim O'Neill,
were awarded silver dollars
for their efforts.
The winners according to
grade are as follows: Kin-
dergarten, Laurie O'Nekfl,
Rhonda Hogan, Sarah
Brophy; a prayer; Brenda
Van Osch, Brian Redmond,
Douglas Tulk; song; Sandra
VanOsch, Jennifer Dalton.
Grade One, Christine
Connelly, Steven Tulk, Wendy
Miltenburg, Vince Doherty;
song, Sharon VanOsch, Patty
Grade 2, Lisa Card, Patty
Durnin; shopping, Lisa
Durnin, - Ronald
Plasschaert , Maurice
Delbergue; song, first prize,
Maureen Stapleton and
Cojleen VanOsch..: ,.
Grade 3, y Darrell Durnin,
Andrea Smith, Agnes
VanOsch; song, Angela
Foran; a self written
paragraph, Mary Katherine
Stapleton, Paul VanRooy,
Kevin Hani.
Grade 4, poem, Danny
Wilson, Darren Connelly,
John VanOsch; song, Cathy
O'Connor, Lonny Doherty,
Patrick Frayne and Stephen
VanOsch, speech, Maria
Dalton, Sally VanOsch, Linda
In the afternoon the school
presented an afternoon of
(Continued from page 7)
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Adams of Clinton visited last
Sunday with Mrs. Beth
Mrs. Kenneth McDougall
and Mrs. Gordon Gross at-
tended Open House in London
for Miss Sheila Cope, bride -
elect of this month.
A Primitive Rendezvous
will be held at Bert Moss'
gravel pit north of Auburn in
West Wawanosh on April 29
and 30 for muzzle loading
rifles. Primitive camping is
featured sanctioned by the
OMLA. Everyone is welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Robertson of Meaford visited
for a few days with her
mother, Mrs. Elva Straughan
and sister Mrs. Tom Jardin
and Mr. Jardin.
Mrs. Anne Redmond of
Goderich spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Johnston and Miss Laura
-Mr and Mrs. Stewart Ball,
Mrs. Dorothy Grange, Mrs.
Elliott Lapp, Mrs. Eleanor
Bradnock, Mrs, Thomas
Haggitt, Mrs. Beth Lansing,
Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs.
Robert Turner; Mrs. Russel
Brindley, Mrs. Frances
Clark, Mrs. Albert
McFarlane, Mrs. John
Durnin and Mrs. Ernest
Durnin attended the Hhr-
ticulture District rrieetinti at
Wingham last Saturday.
The committee in charge of
the April 29 dance in Auburn
Community Memorial Hall
with music by •the Silver
Tones of Mitchell have
decided to sell tickets. If you
wish a ticket, phorfe 524-6370
or 526-7595. , This dance's
proceeds are for the 125th
birthday party for Auburn
folks busy
It's good to be home from
hospital again, and a special
thanks goes out to all those
who were so kind and
generous with cards, letters,
flowers, gifts and a very
special thanks to all the
neighbors for food brought to
the house since my arrival
Visitors with Mrs. Gordon
Finlayson and boys were Mr.
and Mrs. Rod Finlayson and
girls of Sarnia.
Mrs. Hunter, who has been
residing with Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Macintosh is now at
Pinecrest in Lucknow, and
I'm sure will welcome callers
Mr. John Martyn and Mrs.
Isabelle Martyn were recent
visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Ewan MacLean and Mr. and
Mrs. Doug Martyn and
family. John has been
residing in Eastern Canada at
St, John's.
Miss Doris Wylds of
Toronto and Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Wylds of Kincardine
were weekend visitors with
Mr. Dan Wylds and Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Wylds.
Mrs. Rhoda MacKenzie is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Neil MacKenzie after seven
trips to Florida this past
winter as tour escort with
Hanover Travel.
Sympathy is extended to
relatives of Carl Pollock who
passed away suddenly in
Florida. Mr. Pollock was a
brother-in-law ' to Mr. .and
Mrs. Frank MacLennan.
Mrs. Ewan MacLean was in
Wingham on Saturday where
she attended the District 8
Horticultural Conf'ention.
Weekend visitars with Mr.
and Mrs. Oliver McCharles
were Mr. and Mrs. Donald
McCharles and family of
Mrs. Emile MacLennan,
Florence and Sandy spent
Sunday in Stratford with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack MacLennan
and Johnny.
Mr. George Richards of
New Jersey was a recent
visitor with Mr. and Mrs.
George MacDonald and Mr.
and Mrs. Finlay MacDonald.
Knox W.M.S. Afternoon
Auxiliary met on Tuesday
April 18 at 2:30 p.m. in the
church parlor for their April
The meeting opened with
singing the theme song Unto
the Hills followed by prayer
President, Mrs. G. Kaitting
welcomed all and conducted
the business. Secretary, Mrs.
J. Wilson, read the minutes of
the last meeting and 29
members answered the roll
call. There were two guests.
Treasurer, Mrs. G.G.
MacEwan gave an en-
couraging report.
A thankyou was read from
Mrs. Cepha Bell and the
Friendship and Service
committee reported on
visiting several shut-ins while
others reported telephone
visits with many of the
members who are not always
able to be present.
The Presbyterial Spring
'Rally will be in Hensall on
May 17 at 1:30 p.m.
An invitation was received
from the Arthur Circle to
attend their May meeting on
Monday, May 15 at 8 p.m.
when Mrs. Freda MacDonald
of London will be the guest
speaker. Members were
reminded to bring their
Blessing Boxes to the May
There was a splendid
representation of Knox WMS
members at the Synodical in
Leamington on April 11 and 12
and Mrs. C. Edward, delegate
from Goderich Auxiliary,
outlined the territory covered
by this Synodical and started
an interesting account of the
two days of meetings with the
extra, highlights given of the
two days' sessions program
by Mrs. L. Royal, Mrs. R.
McAllister, Mrs. Ron
McCallum, Mrs. E. Bogie,
Mrs. G.G. MacEwen, • and
Mrs. G. Kaitting. At this
Synodical an invitation was
extended by Mrs. R.
McAllister, from Huron
Presbyterial, to have the
Synodical meet in Knox
Presbyterian Church,
Goderich, ,n April 1979.
The meeting closed with the
singing of a hymn and the
benediction and the ladies
then enjoyed a social half
hour together.