HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-9-29, Page 8TIFTTIFTV" Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY 'WEDNESDAY . a. •te 1.20 48 to 55 Barley *.r.e.a. •Ail...f • ..... 4.- 50 V31111V Flower . ,.. ''' 00 Feed Flour • e• t 2.20 Sberts t. 1.65 Bran ., 1,55 Creamery *Butter .. . 45 Da're Butter ....o. 36 Eggs ... ... . . . ... Lard ie. e Hay per ton ..... .... .......... $10 to $13 Hog.: ...,.{... ..,..... 9.00 Wheat LIBIBE AIIIIIIGATE, TUU 3111Y • &BPI% 29 121 Local Doings Bread has been draped from 12 to 10 cents a loaf in Exeter. Messrs R. T. Luker Son won first motley with The Emblem at the Chatham races last week. Ste. 0. C. Ward isle. charge of lqr. Reg. Hecigins' implement shop during h:s absence for el few weeks,. A nurse has been engaged to care 40 for Miss Ethel Bissett, who, has been 20 cenfined to her bed for some time past. Borer. Cunningham, having resign_ e1 his position on the 'Staff of he Nielson:, Baal: at Aylmer, is attending the Exeter High School. Zurice leas nude arrangemeats for a ser 4es of enterea'Ouneats to be put. on by the Dominion. Chautauqua, Ltd. some time within, the next five mon- On. The Dominion Stores, Ltd., has ieaes ed for a term the store south of Air. W. J. Powell and owned by Alre A. eteDonell and will take posseasion or October 1st. Mr John. 'Wood's new, modern brick Owelline on I -Iron street is fast near iett contriteaati, as are also the two hemp built by Mr. C. B. 5rx211 on Aim street. and eir. Chas. Birrtey on the corner V GidleY and Cooling streets. Tbers died et the home V Ms brather. ji Vanstone. West Tal bot Road, Westminster Townthip, on Thursday, Sept. 27., George, A. Van stone, a tormer resideot of Exeter, aeee. 40 yearn Mr. Vans -tone bald beert in pear health for some time. The Clerk or the Muulcipaliity tunerat 1.(k Dice to Sc°tt'lville cern- ttery on sSeturclay. On Wednesday, October 5th, Mr. Dawson. or Royal Garments, well disPlats a fun range of faucy, serge and silk dresses. We win be glad to have you cyan and see this display. SOUTHCOTT BROS. COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF EXETER. of the Village of Exeter. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Court will be held, pursuant to The Ontario VoterLists Act, by Hie Honor the Judge of the County Court of the •County of Huron at the Town Hall. Exeter. ten Tuesday, the lith day V October, 1921, at 10 o'cloek a.m. to hear and .determine complaints or errors and oraissione in the Voters' List of the liunieipel- ity or the Village of Exeter for 1921. Dated the tteth day of September, 1921. Jos. Senior, 6'0 CAR NT,INIBER LOST. Lostesar nuiriber 191752. Illinois. be- tween Port Franks and Exeter, on Sept 20. Finder will b suitably re- warded by leaving seine at this office. :FOR SALE O FF.4.1R.BANItte-MORE CtsAs o.:Er14;:r1;;, berse pover teo ...seresto. t.t; e newt tee -nee net .7"ar. W.c.11:S; steady n :trent ; eel w toe: taken ea:, , sunattng ender now. I ' 11: wood ta the leis : sesinel see. joh WOO sell suit pure'easer, 71 • • " ••• ,•r !."t :166 R LUE, fleeter Rev. S. F. Robiosore rector V the Church of •St. John the Evangelist in. Strathroy for the past sixteen years a.nd the tirst rector of the Teetvtit Memorial Church. Exeter, is about to retire from the active mtnistry after a long period. of able and faithful ser- vice. His application. for retirement bee :besn passed by the executive of the Diotose of Huron. and 'Mr. and Mrs. Robinson expect to. remove to London to restd.e._ :qr. Robinson has bent upwards of 50 years in the :ter- -tee cet the churele lie is chaplatn. of AltddleSee reeiment, holding tien- t-are- rank of major. VESTCOTT—HOWARD. •••••••111. A (teen event totes: place at lut list pareonage, Kitchener, re - cane when the Rev, W E. Preecott ttfetell marriage Miss B. How - t BUSHELS ef eetel teloet to a et.:e SI 5ts est ttustt.e. Eerl Geises, Dashwo-t4 n rd, the youngest daughter of Mrs. R. E Howard of Guelph,. and. Mr. Are eld J. Westeott, son of Mr. Wm. Vesteott, Seaforth. They were at- tended by Miss Ethel M. Cudenore, etsaer et ties bride, and Mr. Albert E Cudinore. cousin ot the groom: Thi v oung couple left for a short honeymoon to Toronto, Niagara Falls end Butiale. Onreturning they will te.Oeup their residence at Scaifeetht C:0111 STORY. The London Advertiser of Thursday late tenea'.ns the following cow story teene the autheneicity of it to noun 41e plume, of "poo. Dia.—the tr0:ident happening some where south Exeter on the London, Huron and Bruee railuato "The morning train .wae rattling merrily cityward, when much to the engineer's disgust, a cow. u as discovered standing in the middle er the track musing over things in general With a terrible shriek the engine approached, but the caw did ot worry in the least. With a ernd- ne of breaks the train came to a. standstill tiedthe engineer muttered several things. He wanted for some time, but the cow remain,ed steadfast and then being in no humor to give into, the. animal,he. decided to execris silent with. a hite,,hrrto. untried method of clearing the way. Suddenly he pulled open the steam cocks and a. errific hissing resulted, as white louds enveloped the engine. The row, ziwakened from her reverie, star- ed wide-eyed at the ,apparition, and then, trembling with f ear, she jumped cleat of the teaks and into a culvert. She was still there, unhurt, as 'the trete, eassed on. 41 CONTRACTING. We -0,5,-sh the ..,ttention public Exe:..r an ,,urroundaIR a!s- text that we are open to accept, or lender for IN.catracts for all kinds oi building We -,r4 exprienced wo.rk- men and by sir:et ettent t on to busi- ness we hope to share in the contract work of this cilstrct. WARES Ss PRY.D.b., Exeter. .1•11.1111111.••• HOL:SE FOR SALE. Nice ezernmodious 6 -room Frame House, situated' on the south side of Arm street, Exeter; in good repair, lend and eaft water. For terms ap- ply to. I. R. CARLING. Exeter. DR. JOHN WARD, having reeently pesseet the exaralrvita of the On it Min Board of 01'0ml:1y, in spate ; fled to test eyes and tit elatees tee ' entetoalty, eirropraate: ttnd Electri- cal Treatments for Chronte and Xeres 'us dizeases. Hours, le to 12 and 2 ta 5, an:1 by eppointmene Office cot- ter ani San.ders street. APPLE BUTTER AND CIDER. I wel be eptn to make Apple But- t !er aad Cd e every Thureinv and e rr.:1ay till terteer notice—e. J. Cann et..).: OPENEONVeNTION OF THE NATIONAL LIBERAL ANI) CON- SERVATIVE ASSOCIATION OF 'OUTH HURON I\* 11. be held in }Instal on eatm-day, ;October ist, at 2 o'clock pane to which all mea and women ,who are tee erab'e to the Alsighan Government ere Ottited. A. candidate will be ,thos- en to contest the riding. 1)r„ et: ••4eel s. 11.P., ''f South Perth, the or- ganizer foe Western Ontario, will be rtesere and d liver an address. A ineettng of the Executive at one o'clock. By order of the Executive. Cash and Carry' We are inaugurating this system in our Grocery Business, Ey doing bus- iness on the cash system and doing away with the expense of delivery we believe we can. save our customers money on their groceries and con- fectionery. We start October lst, Complete Hoe of fresh grace:Us al- ways in stock, Fruits in Season. All accounts are now. due and must be settled at once, C. L. WILSON*, Exeter SOUTH HURON FARMERS' CONVENTION. The South Huron Unite& Farm'ers' Pallticel Association will hold a Conventem in elle Hensel). Hall an Thursday, September 29th, 1921, for the ourpese of selecting a can fer the. Federal House efeetings for the appointing of del - ;agates well b held in each poll iin each municipality on Tuesday evening Septerriber 27th. All electors in sympathy with the principles and pol- icies enunciated in, the platform of the United• Farmers of Ontario and the Canadian Council of. Agneulture and willing to, support the United Farmert Political Party are cordially :invited to attend, W. BLA.C1C, Pre,siderre GEO, LAYTON, Secretary, 41. Y. P. C. A. The "Y" Bowlinee. Allies are still un- der repair for a few days. Opening soon as possible, Trivitt Memorial Church Special Harvest Thanks- giving Services Sunday morning and evening. Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector. OA.VEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible classes. 11 a.m.—Rally Day Service. Princi- pal G. S. Howard will speak. 7 p.m.—Regular service. Boy Scouts will meet at the church Saturday evening at 7:30. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. -- HARVEST HOME SERVICE 11 am. and 7 p.m. lay the Miniet!sta Sabbaath School 3 welcomed Morning: Soloist --Miss Walsh, Hen - sail. Anthem: "Praise the Lord 0 Jar- - usalem." Maunder Solo: "Open the Gates of the Temple," Evening: Soloist—Mr. Goodwin, Hensall. A.n.tb.ero: "0 Lord How Manifold." Barnby. Solo—"The Thresher." MAIN ST. METHODIST C-1TURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 21z3 .11 em.—Ree 5. le Fot,ter 7 0..0 Re Ja LF t H. B editor ad proprIener Of Abel Wingliatn Times for a. number of etears, has sold out to Wm, G. Colgate V Teronto, Mr, Elliott will continue his store ad stationery busi- eese. in the 'prize list of the Exeter Fair last week W. E. Dearing was e'edited with the Black Minorca prizes. These should have read, Jos. Sutton, he hav- ing taken all the prizes .to this class four fiests and four 4.excrac1. A meeting of the ministers and, laymen of the Exeter District of the Methodist Church was held in the Main Street Methodist Church last week. Sessions were held in the af- ternoon and evening. Rev. Geo. Rivers, of Heusall, chairman of the district, conducted the meeting. The secretary for missionary work, Rev. el. J. Wilson, presented the figures for each circuit with an increase of 25 per cent. on last year's givings as the basis for this year, which was adopted. Rev. J. E. Holmes, of Stratford and K. J. Beaton, returned missionaries. gave addresses with in- spirational effect. The edeeattonal value of the church was represented by Prof. A. J. Johnston et Toronto. The ladies of Main Street served supper in the basement. Rev. 1. J. Beaton gave another address of ex, ceptionally teUft effect. Miss Grate •Creech visaed in Strat- ford over Sunday. Miss Trothan of London is the guest of eirs. 5. N. Howard. Mrs. Jas. Beer of London. is visiting with Iter son, Mil, W, J. Beer. Air. and Mrs. George itlawson. via- ited at jameetown for few days. Miss Margaret OltAlieter, Toron,to, ts' a visitor at Alain, Street Parsonage elessre A. 5. MQDonell and F. El- lerington attended Listewell Fair last Friday and Saturday. miss Vera Rowe who• has been. holi- daying for two weeks In Toronto, re- turned home Alonday. ft's. R. Rt.night, who has been \este- ing in London. for a couple weeks. re - 'Write::: home Saturday. Atter bene in the West for some time 11.1. Earl Southetett returned to Ws home hare last week. Airs A Swayze and Airs. J. fet truth of London are visiting sen: mother Airs. Broderick. Mr. end Airs. R. N. Creech and son motored to Brantford last to• visit with friends. Mr Reg. Bissett of Chatham vies !tea over Sunday at his home here, Ins mother and sister being III, hiss lia Weeteatt, who bas been vise tee hen; for several weeks, return. ed 0 her eeree, Winatpeg Saturoate Airs John Snell left Tuesday for Calgary, Alta., where elle will spend the winter with her son, Mr. R. Snell Mr Peal Coates, who has been vis- iting among old friends in the West for several weeks, returned home il Thursday evening. r.s. 'Wm. 'Newell, who has been weittnet- on her mother, Mrs. Thomas pessett. visited at her home in,Strat- ord over Sunday, \res. R Alexander of near Lumley eturned home on Friday, after spend - tag a week in ttown with her siseer, Mrs. Thos. leterniek. Miss Mary 3. who has bent visiting here for the past few weeka, lef.t for London Alonday evening to visit a few clays prior to returning to Detroit. Alr, Jas. Murray, wile has been en- gaged in the Bell Works, Sea0etie, for some time, returned home last weak the company having shut down their plant Dr. and'elrs. H. S. McDonnald mo- tored here from Hollandale, Wis., to spend a few days with the eatner's sister and brother, Mrs. Of. E. Gardiner and Ern Davis. "Mr. S IcFafls, who for the past two years, has been an the staff of the liaisons Bank here, has beet% transferred to the „.A.ylmer brancb,and left on. Saturday to take up his work there "—Clinton New -Era. \Ir. Jonathan leOrdd, who has been on a th.res. months' trip to different parts of the United States, having travelled upwards of twelve hundred miles, has returned home, He has three brothers living in the States, one at Cedar Rapids, •one at Gilmore City and the other in Nevada, all of whom he visited while away. He looks as though the tries agreed with hien. Mr. Wes Snell, who, aecompatned a large. shipment of cooks to the Old Country returned home on Tuesday night of last week, He reports a good sale and a pteasan,t and smooth voy- age over •but the return. voyage was ace so favorable, it being very rough on times. Being Otis first trip to thee Old Country he enjoyed the passage very much, and also his visit while there. iVir. Frank ICnight of Ontario, Cal, was in town..Friday last, shaking hands with old friends: He had come here for the purnese ,of attending the fun- eral of his brother, the jate Dr. -win Knight, who, crecently died in Cork, Ireland, the imeouncereent of which was made in !these columns last week. On arriving east he learned that his brother had ,beee ,buried Mettreland before receiving the cablegram in- structine shipment 'of the body here. mr. Knight left the same evening to meet hiS uncle, Mr. J. ,J. Knight, Toronto. FOR SALE—RANGE Nearly Coal or wood range, cheap. Apply 'to C. S. Snell, Exeter. Unexcelled dining car service Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cane on principal day trains. Full information 'from any Grand Trunk. Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ing District Passenger Agent, Toronto N. J. DOR.E Phoas 46w Agent, Exeter MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED C H Sanders at the Advocate Of - !tee, m St ictly confidential o it PHONE 32 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 • EXETER FALL FAIR SEPT. .1.9 20 Complete Showing. of Suits, Coats and Dresses 1 +1, NEW STYLES NEW CLOTHS NEW COLORS LOWER PRICKS Northway & Rogers' Garments —Coats, plain and ,wittle fur collars, Dresses in Serges, Tricolietest Etc. Suits are mostly in Serges. Don't miss seeing this magsificent display. Special Values in Salts' Blaclz Plush 'Coate, ri;e134LCK14e Men'and Boys Overcoats 86 Suits YOU COI bay Overoeats end -suits theright prices ,now. NOW' $4105, Neu- Colors.Cloth. Fine Cloe Thee' have taken a big iir(41. Coin in and see for yourself. 'MEN'S OVERCOATS \IEN'$ SUITe' \1OTORISTS FALL COATS $10.00 up. $5.00 $1,4 oo to, $15.00 CHILDREN'S HitAVY OVERCOATS BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS $5.00 up Ages 10 to 16 at $10 to $12 Children's Shoes We k;;TP these famciug lime,. etoek. for Children, li.URLBU'r CLASSIC CECIL: New Flannels for Middies, Jumpers, Etc. Just arrived] in beautiful quality in colors of Paddy, Navy, Coe_ enhagen, Scarlet, Win; Brown. w Leith 56 trawl, Conte to iehis store for your New Fall Hatt New Shape, Fine qualiey. 'We sell 4he famous Brock Hat, ie. tEetjatest colors. JONES & MAY — 1. R. Carling, B„A Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissionen Solicitor for the ma- sons Bank, Etc. INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victory, Dominion on and Municipal investment for Trust of Canada, Pre - Bonds, all legal Funds. At existing prices from 6 Der cent, to 7 per cent cao be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of initerest Office—Carling Bk., Main St., Exeter R. N. RONSTE FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Embalmers License No. 210 Motor Hearse Service Phones 203 and 20W. Oseeelleseseseellseselliesela If you have anything to sell or you want to buy, try The Advocate Want Column. • Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest .groceries,' fruits spices, teas. coffee andevery- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A, trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. The Leading Commercial School of Western Ontario; a school where you can get thorough courses -under com- petent instructors in Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Depart- ments. Students get individual in- struction and may register at any e, timGraduates are assisted to pos- itions. Get our free catalogue. DPrincipal al BROS. • PHONE 134 •PHONE 134 BARGAINS FO R FAIR IDAY. We have decided ,to have a few specials for Fair Day,. A , feweof tbent are mentioned below, aand they are real bargaias, and will be sold only on 'Fair Day at these prices. 30 pairs women's button and lace shoes, sizes, 2 1-2,.3, 31-2, 4. Regul- ar values up to $5.00. Fair Day special $11,98 FlannelletteSpecial, 35in. wide, Regular price per yard 35c. Fair Day ,special 10 yards for $2.50 Shirting Special 7 yards for $2 Black and w'hi'te. Reg, 35c. Fair day special 7 yards for $2..00. 'Ten's Work Shoes -50 pairs tan with or vsithout toe cap, Reg, $5.50; Fair Day .price 4.48. 20 pairs Children's White Pumps clearing at Fair Day prices 48c. r ; n w ness y;01.(targ ppgat, ho,r,4 on Fair Day, • 40 3111 Factory Cotton, heaviest we have ever see t for a long time,— splendid for pillowcases and sheets Old price 50c. yd: Fader Day special 10 yds for $.495 • Corset Cover Embroidery. Reg. 40 and 50; yard, good ,weight and fine weave: Fair Day 25c yard. White Flannellette, 27 inches wide a lonely white dor children's use. Fair day special 10 yds for $1.75 Boys' Finerair Sphaoyp es—x15pe sazer.3s9, sizes 11,2,3, 4, 5,: These will soon go at Ladies' White Canvas Shoes —Si- zes 2, 3, 3 1-2, 4. Regular $3,50 F ' P DR, HENRY A. CORSA,UT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office—Bakers Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or. night DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occunied by Dr. Vining) Phlegm 26w MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Ofe fice. Strictly confidential; no wilnett Dr. G. F. Roulston, L. D. S,, D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr, A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto UnivergitY Office --over Madman & Stanbury!ii Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEhR AND VALUATOR for Counties of Htiron Perth-, Middlesex and Oxford. Fan Stack 'Sales a Specialty. Office at Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed tinctioleer for Counties el Price, Realutabalgeld anidddltTixslaktio• vi Guaranteed. Crediton, -- Ontario. If you want to ,order a daily AaP4T or magazine, or renew a present nth', sonption, teame your order. at thse; Advocate Office. We save you papa., envelope postage stamp and cold OX money order .and when clubbing a lit' tie more besides, MONEY TO LOAN We ,have a large amount bf priyat•s funds to loan on farm and village property 'at kw rates of interest GIADMAN `& STANBURY • arnisters, Solicitors, Exeter