HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-9-29, Page 6IFYVT111/71-,
(IVA sheetly after halerest, he loaded
daddreses communications to egrearidet. n Adelaide St. West. 'nitwit'''. five tons of wheat ou his truck, eut-
Avoid Overloading Your
Am en know, who owns a 200 -acre
term, bought a three -ton motor -truck.
'seine time age. Everythine went well
for six week e after he, befoul using the
track. Then something happened. One
Suitable Quarters for the Hog.
rrOPer tAgnsing is essential in pro-
fitable awing production The largest
rianeial returns are obtained onli
when dry, comfortable and eonvenient
houeing conditions are provided. It
it a miatake to think the hog does
not need to be protected from the
Weather. Having- been origienlir a
native of eomparatively warm oil -
Mates, nature has not provided the
bog with email in the way a protect
tive goven. It is true it has lay=
of fat, when it is fat, with serer
protection, but there is not the thick
eeat of hair or wool with which other
tam animals are proviaed. Again, it
recorgnized that the best way to
peed against the ravagete diseeee
le to provide sanitary conditions.
These eonsiderations, together with
the possibility a saving much labor
a welteple=ed house over A poorly
Watered one, makes it import -met to
give rerzeli. thought and atutly to the
problem of houeing swine.
In 1918, a swine expert, through
queedonaires sent to men whose
nee, e were obtained from county ad -
via a publieheel a survey of one hurt -
end ninety-two farrna in which
he : -esented ta,blo showing the vari-
ous itmset, a litter losses.
1: average number of brood AOW$
in the he.rda was fourteen. They fax -
Pawed an average a 7.63 pig -s, and
',mud an average litter a 5.72 pigs.
The total loss was 24.95 per cent. The
verfoue tenses area the pereeatage of
the loss due to each are given here-
Crueleid by sows 29.13
Perrewed wealc • .1,41 22.34
sved dead •••,“•••••••••11 15.88
Chilled • •• •••-• •mk•• **** .4•• •• 10•00'
latiten by sows — 4.59
aitiorted • ••• ••• ••••••••••••• 4.65
Somers ********** 44••••••••• 3.43
rifilUMP8 ••••••••••• 1.78
.".i.ecrobacilloses 1.56
Chasm ••• • *********** ••••• 1.01
Miscellaneous ...............46
This survey was made on farms on
svhieh a good many hogs wore raised
ea Is teen by the size of the breeding
herd. Undoubtedly, they aro managed
by men who raleed hogs extensively
and take better care of thein than ore
dinarily is the case.
Width fact leads us to %vender how
many millions of doll:are worth of
Molting hens require liberal feeding
to quickly produce a oat of new
feath.ere and return to laying condi-
tion. Sunflower seeds have been found
of great value at that time. At least
tem percent. of beef wrap in. the male
is desirable at molting time. It seems
expensive to feed beef serap to liens
that are not laying, but experience
proves that the sooner they are
tan -ouch the molt the better for the
health and egg prodaction of the flock.
Growing stocks on the roosts ean be
protected from lice by spraying the
roosts. Teaeh them to roost early and
it will help to prevent colds. Colds
usually come from overcrowding in
the earners of colony houses or brood
coops. Early roosting is sometimes
a reuse ef crooked breasts but it is
--,ir to hare a few crooked breasts
.00 S.
T. of the American breeds fatten
ease; and it often pays to place them
in seed market condition, even at the
pr. . nt feed prices. There is no de
mutat for skinny poultry and the pro-
duaer can expect little success if such
birds are sold. But the hen that is
begging down with fat is net liked
by the best customers. There is a
happy medium that about describes
the prime inarket fowl.
Last Days With the Garden.
It is a great protection against in-
sects and diseases to rotate the crops
and net plant them in the same piece
tn auecessive years.
A. protective measure against in-
sects is deep fall plowing. Many of
the garden pests winter in the ground
end are killed when they are /dewed
esp and exposed to the cold. The
Viewing also works against the weed.s.
leech as t,he museerds, wall retain,
their vitality even after they have
been buried in tile ground for many
years and sprout readily when brought
Up again to the surface but many
ethers die from one year's burial. In
garde e which has been kept free
ot weeds from frost to frost ---not
lust through the growing season of
emne of the vegetables—fall plowed,
and the crepe rotated there should be
;very little injury from insects or die -
tease and very little trouble with
weeds. The fall plowing will aleo
help to naellow the soil and. make it
Incre workable.
_If you are counting on having a hot -
'bed or cold frame next apring, now
is the tirne to prepare it, The pit
eliould be dug and the inside 4of it
inuiche,cl. Also toyer sense of the dirt
oeteide with a heavy straw =lel
or manure so that it will be avail-
able for use in the spring When the
Pest of the ground is trozen, The
frame can be built now or in the win-
ter if you think you will have more
time for indoor work then.
There is still math tte be done in
hogs -could be saved if hollow tile
houses, equipped with proper tenuPs
meet, were nniversally adopted.
When a eundred or more is mass
be farrowed in told midwinter in a
house thee is unheateds withont the
loss of a single pig-, there is likely to
be something in the construction of
that house to eonunend itself to farm-
ers in a region of' cold winters anti
That very thing happened, not one
season merely, but several, and not on
one farm only, but luany, with a typo
of house designed by the Iowa Agri-
cultuxel Experiment Station mad nam-
ed the "Iowa alog House." Its test,
not merely on the atoll= farm but on
other Iowa farms, has been so satis-
faetory that the station is recommend -
Ing its use by farniere who want to
build a sulaetantial, permanent bouse
for their swine. That this new taloa
ee ensee ie 50 warm, ever* ir* tha deed
of winter, without artifteial heat, is
due to the feet that it is built a
tow eley tile.
The svindows in the roof also add to
the warmth of the house and especially
to its sanitation. They admit sun-
shine, a broad belt of it eight feet
wide the full length of the house,
which sweeps every nook and corner
of every pen and gives every pig a
sun bath at some time during the day.
That makes for warmth, for physical
comfort, for germ destruction, for
health and for strength.
All these things have been secured,
not at a prehibitive cost, •but at a
eest that is well within the reach a
the substaetial farmer who wants to
build a. he house that will stand for
twenty year& or fifty or a hundred
for that matter'.
' eomortab10 bog is the profit,
able hog. The hog that does not need
to store away quantities of surplus
fat, to be drawn upon for warmth when
the tamperature falls below a com-
fortable degree is the hog that is us-
ing all the feed it eats to build hard,
high-priced pork. A hog is not cora-
fortable and contented in a dark,
damp, unventilated house. A. hog in
Snell a house cannot return a. respect-
able profit to the hog man. A well-
built house tneures welt -built hogs.
A poorly arranged and improperly
equipped hog holm may be the eause
of losing a great deal of money a
Ioug as it is used.
ting an a high pair a side boards to
e load, and started to market.
About half -way to market, coasting
down A long hall, an which there was
a sharp turn, something snapped, and
the truck plunged into the embank-
ment at the side ot the read. The
driver was seriously hurt, the track
was badly- sinathed up, and the wheat
was acattered so widely that very little
of it eould be saved.
That man, wlaen he got oat of the
hospital, did what most men under
similar eircumstanees would have
done. Ile resolved never again to
overload Ids truck above its retea
"rye learned my leweet," said he.
"The truck mannitteturers teld me how
meat the truck would safely earry,
and the eapaeity was stamped on the
track, asetas freight -car builders
mark the capacity on the cars they
build. But I thought rd save a few
tripe getting my wheat to market,
when. blooiei I'll waver overload
Ae'esible Accident is only orte big
i:efteon for leading a motoretruelt up to
its rated eapaeity, end no more, That
is enough a a reason of vourse, bet
there is the other eeasen o shorter
life a truelo thus Abused, Any well -
Made truck will last for a long time,
if it la not overloaded, and if the op -
°rater keeps it in repairs and operates
it wisely. But the man who overloads
is generally guilty of other charges—
reckle.ss or careless drieing, and Iittle
attention to the upkeep of the truck.
And no truck ean suffer abuse for
long; it% the same principle as work-
ing you teams day in and day out,
without currying them, without doc-
toring their ailments, exposing them
te all sorts a risks on slippery pave -
menta, straining them to pull heavy
loads in soft spongy. places, and a
score of other evils. A truck le noti
so well etted as a horse, to stand sue
abuses, for the horse has in,itself the
power to adapt itself in te measure t
abuse. Not so with trucks.
There is a third reason for loading
trucks only to eapacity, and that i
the effect on the roads. Beavy trucks,
loaded only to capacity, wear down
roads; but most of the damage is due
to overloading the trucks, and to reck-
less driving. If drivers can not learn
s to avoid these evile, laws will eventu-
ally make them do so,
the flower garden. In the first place
there are the bulbs whieh are to
furnish the early spring posy garden.
They should be planted about the mid-
dle of October. They like lath soil
but must have a layer of sand, gravel,
stone or broken tile under them so
that they will have good drainage. An
ideal setting is a shallow layer of
sand on to for the bulb itself, a
'layer of rioh loam for the roots, ami
some coarse stuff under that for
Then there are the window boxes
which are to brighten up your home
through the long gray months of the
winter. They should be very care-
fully prepared. Remember that these
plants will have to live and bloom
under abnormal and unfavorable con
ditions, and they should be given
every. advantage. The earth should
be very carefully prepared. On
quarter of very thoroughly rotted
manure, and the rest equals parts o
Possibly, more good farm trucks
home been. knocked to pieces in less,
than their allotted time because a
overloading, than because of any other
thing. The • railroad people have
learned that it is "throwing it in at
the door, and shoveling it out at the
windowa" to overload their tare When
will truck niers learn the same les-
Sheep Keep Weeds Down.
Sheep eat more weeds than any,
other class of hvestock, except goats.
Sheep will eet einety per cent. of all
troublesome weeds. They will destroy
weeds in pastures, in grain Beide and
corn fields after harvesting, and clear
the fence rows. However, sheep are
not such scavengers that they tan
I thrive 011 refuse and weeds alone. In
order to get sheep to eat leaves on
e shrubs, the tenderer grasses must be
scarce. Goats are better adapted to
clearing brush land than are sheep.
leaf mold and sand makes a fine
combination which will furnish all th
food necessary and will drain pro
perly. Heavier soil will not drain so
well and is apt to sour. Some coarse
gravel or stone in the bottom ef pots
and boxes will help. The bottom
the oontainer should always •be per
forated, for water should never be
allowed to stand in it. If there is a
pan under the box or pot there should
be some stones or ether supports in
it to keep the tontaieer above the
Breaking a Horse to Ride.
It is well to break the horse to drive
single and double. This will make
him quieter to -ride.
Horses usually buck through fear.
In breaking one to ride, take plenty
of time and do not frighten him,. Put
on the saddle and lead him around
until he becomes accustomed to in Do
not have the girth too tight. The
horse may be tied up for a time and
later turned into a paddock with the
saddle on.
Next accustom the horse to being
mounted, getting on and off a number
of times. The assistant should have a
lead rope tied, around the hoese's neck
and run through the rings of a snaffle -
bit. If the horse attempts to play up,
pnnisla him with a jerk en the bit.
Let the assistant lead the horse
around with rider until the horse is
familiar with the weight 011 his back,
then dismiss the assistant. If the
horse becomes rebellion, pull his head
shareply to one side; de not let him get
it „down. The first few rides should
be in a small inelesure.
The gaits sbould be taught separ-
ately. The first few rides should be
the walk; next teach the trot, and then
the canter. Spurs should not be used
until the horse is well broken.
A few rows of trees ori the side of
the prevailing winter winds will roalse
a world of difference in the comfort
of the farmstead
Some farmers consider sheep neces-
sary just as a means of controlling
Tractor Experience., trector wet "Ill, Farmers We. Trost"
purebesed ear
had :.eti hand ..a stational -3r gasoline
ertgiee- *Kele we ad net care tcl United Grain Growers of Canada, World's Greatest Union
seerinee, and iv.vhieh we use for belt Ey Earle W. Gage
Power, sLxth aa sil Ailing. Aceord,'
Mey we bought A entAll traeter, with
two plow bottoms, .auel have wed it
ceder for plowing, padverizeng, and
similar week. We aaso use it for
hoisting hay in the ba,ret.
The traetor permits no to reelt the
work in spring when the trainaon
the horses is he.avieet. To illustrate:
One spring, fez one reason or an
other, we found einseives with sixty
acres of • coen, unp12ntd, and the
Plantirtg season pretty 'nearly over,
We have about ninety acres of draineA
marsh, which is a llttle late in getting
into rendition. So we took our own
etractor and my am -in-law brought
his newton. and the two meeldnes were
run full bias t natil the cern was Me
Without the tractors,. we would have
Inst at least two weeks, whieh means
much to us, As we are always in
danger of an eaely frost. The crop
of .ellage cern which these two weeks
probably .saved for us would have paid
'the first eoet mad operating expenses
of both tractors for two years
When cur stationary iagine weave
out, or we eau sell it to advantage, we
wili ue.e n traetor for belt power, but
de not believe that e traeter larger
than a three -plow bottom tractor'
would, be economical under our cendi-
tame,. or the eonditious in vogue, on
the average. dairy farin. For two
-years' work we paid anly about Vit.
for overhauling„ and the tractor ie t9 -
clay in excellent condition,
It depeeeds largely "eipon the care a
tractor receives. 1 know of cases where'
machine was ruined the first week
because of insufficient oil, and the
bearings burned out. The inexper-
ienced, operator will also forget to •USO
enough water; he may even allow the.
radiator to beroree dry. It le else
necessary to keep the trensmissioit
wefl greased,
A .six-thoesand tear of Canada
eoronnees rose that that country not
only bas the world's greatest farmers'
co,openitive orgaaazation, but that it
hati attained man-size proportions,
_veletas Earl W. 'Gage, of Miehigen It
is past experunental uncertainty, and
13 a "trUSt With teeth in it," as a
tniddlemen testified to me who had
been put out of busieees by
The United Grain Growers, Limited,
Meludes eixty thousand active .ment-
bera and twenty thousand aseeelate
uaembers, a total of eighty thousand
producers and coneurners. This mem-
beeship includes en* in three of farra
owners aud tenants a Manitoba, Sas-
katehewita and Astberta. The compane-
has a paid up capitaeization of about
$3,000,000, with reserve funds el an-
-ether $2,000,000, while the assets are
' mow than $12,000,000, and pay their
owners a dividend of trera eight to
ten per cent on the stock inveebnent,
beside setting aside a reserve fund at
the dose of each season.
A Gigantic Enterprise.,
Our tractor burne kerosene, anl this
fuel smudges the spark plugs badly,
n is our practice to clean the plugs
every morning to insure good ignition
during the clay, When the tractor is
not in use, it is well sheltered and
under roof.—W. F.
Now Is the Tune to
Deliorn stock.
Hog down corn.
Select seed -corn.
Start a flock of sheep,
Market fat hoga and "grass cattle."
Cull all hens that do not lay, but lie.
Attend fairs mid county club con-
Build fall and winter vegetable
Locate your supply of pedigreed
seed wheat for planting this fall, also
got a supply of formaldehyde for
treating the wheat to prevent smut,
To protect my roses during winter
nut them back quite short, take an
empty box, All it with leaves and turn
It ever the bushes. This protects them
from void, as well as mice. I never
lose a bush.
To control black -knot on plum trees,
prune out the knots before the spores
of the disease have a chance to ma-
ture. An annual inspection of the
trees and the removal and destruction
of a/I the knots in the fall is the most
satisfactory method to follow.
It is a mistake to put off plowing
until late in the fall or early spring.
Tlie„ ground is often heavy andsome-
times actuaily too wet to plow in the
fall, but the action of the frost will
repair all damages, or most of it, at
least, if the plowing is done early.
In the spring, ground should not be
plowed unless it is dry.
The Welfare of the Home
Steel Hard
The mistaken devotion which takes
for granted that ali restriction to a
child's desires means deprivation,
which cannot bear to see a child suf-
fer temporary disappointment or pun-
ishment, allows him to develop an in-
dividuality which later will sap and
prey upon all ether individuals with
whom he comes in contact.
The mother who trails after her
children all day, picking up mislaid
playthings and articles et clothing,
who makes countless trips upstairs in
answer to repeated calls after they
are supposed to have gone to bed, who
rises to shut doors left swinging AS
they rush in and eut, who responds
wearily and patiently to ceaseless de-
mands and questions flung at her as
she tries to read or write, and who
has never really known a moment's
repose during her children's waking
hours; instead of being a. martyr is a
menace, for her children will becorne
the careless, arrogant, selfish men and
women of the next generation.
By Margaret
„ •
We are all familiar with the mem-
orable scene enacted in 'Ades. Ruggles'
kitchen (The Bird's Christmas Carol)
when Mrs. Ruggles, distraught and de-
termined, struggled to implant the
rules of polite behavior in the minds
of her nine harum-scarum youngsters
during the space of a few fleeting
hours. The scene was eccasioned by
their almost immediate appearance at
Mrs. Bird's dinner -table and their
mother's terror lest they conduce
themselves in too outrageous a man-
1 To -day, mothers are confronted with
the same problem; though in a less
acute and humorous degree. Children
go forth to take part in a larger group
than the immediate family tine, and
unless we have managed wisely and
surely from the very beginning, we
are beset with the same misgivings
which Mrs. Ruggles endured; the al-
most certain knowledge that they may
cause us mortification and ,thagrin
It may be in the home that this
realization comes. How many mothers,
entertaining a caller, have suffered
vexation because of the wilful de-
mands and interruptions of an ill-be-
haved child? How many have exper-
ienced the disagreeable surprfee of
fincliog the habit of untidiness, ineon-
siderateness and inattention, over-
looked at home, become appalling
stumbling blocks at school. Outsiders
look upon this child with mingled -in-
dignation and pity. Iadignation that
his parents have allowed things to
come to such a pass; pity that the
child must face existence so handl-
capped at tae start. ,
The mother who determines that
her children must abide by the stand-
ard which requires painstaking effort
and responsibility, who demands the
same degree ef courtesy and consid-
eration to be extended toward her as
ehe extends to her ehildeen, who ex-
pects them to respect her rights as
truly as she respects theirs, will find
herseit bleseedle relieved of mortifioa,-
tion and chagrin and she will know the
joy of a certain sureness •and repose
which will increase her days in the
land ef the living no matter how fillea
they may be With maternal duties
Nearly seven hundred, eceintry eles
eaten are operated by the combine in
the three provinces a Western Can-
ada, two large private elevators at
the head of the Great LAJCPS, The
Dominion government has a seriea ef
elevators, government owned, SO that
these farmers are able to etere each
season, 'without apeculative aid, A
major portion of their crap, They are
not at the mem of gainalers of the
grain pit.
The 'United Grain Growers operates
a grain exporting bueiness, with head-
quarters at New York City, whielt
prior to the war was one of the larg-
est grain expoeting concerns en the
eontinent, and during the war Was
considered So good as to be ealled over
by the allied goverements. It ie now
A leader in the grain world.
with a suspicioneye, and, its supPerte
ers among the formers were all to
few. Adventures in the seune dire..
• tion had had a bad record in Canada,
But the initial difficulties were overe
oome, success brought friends and the
oetaPauer gradually established A ArrA
'feethold, Parallel organizations were
started in Saskatchewan and Alberta
end met with eqeal suecesS, The Sas-
katchewan .comperty still aminteies
its special ideutitn, but the bieuttobe,
and Alberta institutions were ainelga-
mated in 1016 tate what le now United
Grain Growers, Lbnitectee
Now Dolninion-Wide.,
The co-operative moVelnent is no
, longer confined to the prairie prove
incee. It la firmly established in On-
tario, where the United Fanners" O9-
, operative Company of Outeeknergare‘
izedbut a few yeas ago, inzieased ito
turnover by five hundred per gentlest
year, The United VArnten Of New
Brunewick med of British Columbia
are exteuding their eoeoperative f14-.
• tivitie& The dairy industry of quebee
is well organized an coaveretive lines,
the movement has 4 strong footheld
in Prince Edward 'Amid, and a etert
bas been made in Nova 'Scotia, So the
cooperative epirit haa eaught all Can.,
"These ergenizations," =Aimed
Mr. Creme, "ereeted, developed, and
directed by farteleaS, leave elereopetrate
ed that they an safely enter the world
et commerce and distributten and cent'.
pete successfully with old-estabilelied
buainesa inetitutione. Slowly but sure-
ly the eceeperative idea. is making
heedway againet the old, 'capitalist
eystene in Canada, and. it haa at last
aroused a promising Interest in Urban
mumitiee and Imeineae centres,
rentaina to be done in the
wee' a to -ordination and lentsolidation,
but there le Ito maven why within QM
or two decades the whole agricultural
population of Canada should not he
, linked up in vast eo-operativo organ,
leetions which will undertake all ltd
selling, buying and distelbutieg acti-
Tho economic aspect of the Canadian
farmers' movement is but one aspect
of the new era, To -day the farmers'
political activities bulk even more
largely in the public eye. The transi-
tion from economic organization to
pelitical action Was both inevitable
and simple. The organized farmers
found that as long as paramount fin -
• and manufacturing interests
largely controlled and influenced the
legislatures of Canada, especially the
federal government at Ottawa, there
must be A definite limit to their co-
operative Schemes. When people Iseve,
loaned to co-operate in business it Is
an easy transition to work together
in governmental affairs.
Aim of Farmers' Movement.
"The ultimate aim of the farmers'
movement is the improvement of cie
vilization," advises Mr. Crerar,
"through an improved etonornic order
and the ostablisbtnent of good citizen-
ship as au ordinary practice of life,
and their organization is planned. to
run parallel with the popular and rep-
resentative institutions of the country,
the municipal council, the provincial
legislature, and the Dominion parlia-
ment. The loeal 'organizations and
elubs form an invaluable social nexus
for a seattered rural population. They
hold regular meetings and educative
debates; propaganda is carried on to
aid the movement, and efforts made to
elect good candidates for local offices.
In the provincial field, farmers,
through a working alliance with labor
which rnay be developed and extended,
have gained control of the governine
of Ontario, the largeet province '.a
Canada, and in the prairie provinces
their political influence is such that
they tan secure favorable eonsidere.
tion for any reasonable legislation
w hich they ask for."
Thus, the slogan of modern Canada
is, "In farmers we trust," and the
sane and satisfactory government of
distribution, including the elimbiation
of unnecessary middlemen and increas-
ed profits to produters, testified. to the
desirability of this type of organiza-
This gigantic structure of team-
work has been erected in the short
period of a few years, amid a Bald'
strewn with the wrecks of co-operative
failures among farmers, It will trans-
act a "Waimea of more than $100,000e
000 this season, since it will handle
Canada's greateet grain crop from
farm to remotest export point, son-
erving profit to the individual grower.
This is the great 'combination which
is being used as a pattern by the
Americen Farm Bureau Federation in
thoir present organization acheme 12
the middle west, a committee vieitiog
Canada and studying at first hand the
plan, It is estimated that it will gave
e85,000,000 a year in conurtiesions
alone be farmers of six central states,
to say nothn,g'h spec A-
tive profits, where farmers are under
the dominatiom of grain pit barons.
Development of Co-operation.
One of the most remarkable de-
velopmente in Western Canada within
the past decade has been the defelop-
ment of co-operative effort among the
farmers. Although this has expressed
itself most notably in the success
which has attended the farmersown
elevator conmenies, yet the success
has been equally as pronounced re-
garding -creameries., live stock soiling,
wool and sheep associations, cheeze
factories and stores.
"The farmers' movement has now
reached a stage when it is definitely
recognized as one of the most import-
ant factors in the national life of Can-
ada," advised Hon. Thomas A. Omar,
late minister of agriculture and presi-
dent of the United Grain Growers. "It
began in an effort at economic organ-
ization in 1905 to combat what many
western fatmers thought were oppres-
sive monopolies and special vested
privileges on the part of the railways,
manufacturers, elevator companies,
and other interests who between them
had a large control over the markets,
transportation and finance.
"In 1901 the first Grain Growers'
Association was formed at Indian
Head, Saskatchewan, and in 1905 the
Grain Growers' Company was founded
with headquarters in Winnipeg. Its
early trials were many and severe;
the Winnipeg exchange closed its
doors against the farmers, the banks
and business community viewed it
Found It Worth While to
Pack Light Soil.
In my farming experience it has
appeared that we must take advantage
of every opportunity to inform our-
selves on the best methods a doing
our work. We learn much fromother
farmers and fem. our (bounty repre-
sentatives and the experiment sta-
tions, but to make the greatest success
we can not allow ourselves to go to
sleep. I think I have learned a little
lesson by accident which will. mean
as mace to my success at farming,
light poll as any other information
which I have secured. from any other
After preparing a field for rye it
became neceseery to haul across the
land loads of cern for the silo. The
men in driving did not keep to a nar-
row track and as n result •a rather
wide strip of sea was thoroughly
packed and when the seed was put in
this soil was very firm despite the
light nature of the laud. Now the
lesson which I learned was that when
this field was tharvested there was a
splendid stand of rye where the soil
had been thoroughly firmed and not
much of a crop 'elsewhere.
This observation set nie to thinking
and I conchzded diet 11 the oacki
worked in a small spot it ought to
work all over the field. I therewith
procured one of these heavypaekers
and tried, the plan out with very satis-
factory results. A number of neigh-
bors were recently surprised at results
on a field where the packer was used
and where a splendid stand of sweet
clover is the result. It must be re-
membered, however, that it requires
considerable power to pull 'the pacaer
W here the soil is loose. Three, and
still better, four good horses are
necessary to get on nicely. But it
means the difference between suocess
and failure in farming this type of
Melancholia is eften. a result o
• Lice and mites thrive only at eel
expense of the poultry; anybody eeti
,thooee whether- to raise vermin or
The way to make money out a the
production of milk is to begin at
home. Weed out unprofitable proe
&aerie No real business ,man will
keep a -worlonan ill his employ a ,
week if he is an uaprofitable pro-
ducer, and the cow' is the dairyman's
machicie tee dairyman's workman.