HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-9-29, Page 5Cleaning Up Adjustments Adjustments On faulty tires rarely satisfy --they are annoying too, and take time. Except in the case of Ames Holden "Auto -Shoes" Should the necessity for an adjustment arise on any Antes Holden "Auto -Shoe", an obviously honest effort will be made to meet you—frankly and fairly, without quibble or red tape. sVr'eSox' Tulles AMES HOLDEN "AUTO -SHOES" Cord and Fabric Tires in all Standard Sines For Sale By "Red Sox" 214.4 4,111-o SNELL, EXETER, PHONE 1011. FOO 2 Sc PILON, GRAY k1QRT G41E ,GE, leXETE#L, AUCTION SALE t2F FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. on Lot 8, Cost• 1,. Stephen, one teoxt1 of Ceextraiie, on TUESDAY, OCT. 4th, 1921 At 1f?'ciocla sharp, the following i - Horses -Draft geldi oe 4 years,s,oeed a;td faithful, draft mark 77 -yrs. is foal to Prince ercelus, eottnd, good work- ; aged horse, draft colt, Cattle -4 good dairy . owe in calf to- ocinew early; heifer ailing 3; Z heiress .2 -yrs. ; 3 attars, 2-y ear. ', ; 2 stela ricins, 2 -yrs.; forts spring catveua. Implenwknts.--M -H. binder in Wool e3 motley mainta1c s.conomy, No matter hove much you pay "per gaga" foreitharlubeitspe ting nits you ,gat tutor 10;1 rtt- Con "per dollar"' when yell buy Imparxal Polaris Motor 011se Maintains Economy IMPERIAL Polarine Motor Oils save many thousands of dollars every year for Canadian motorists because of reduced operating expenses. Imperial Polarine Motor Oils cut down repair and mainten- ance costs, reduce fuel bills and insure you for all time against excessive depreciation and repair expenses. Imperial Polarine quality maintains economy all along the Line. Judged by quality—gauged by actual miles of perfect lubri- cation each gallon will give, and by real motoring satisfaction, Imperial Polarine is the least expensive motor lubricant that you can obtain. The more carefully you check up costs, the more thoroughly convinced you will be of the advantages of using Imperial Polarine Motor Oils exclusively. Standardize on the correct grade of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils. Consult our Chart of Recommendations at your dealer's or write to 56 Church Street, Teronto, for bur inter- esting nteresting booklet, "Automotive Lubrication." IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Branches in all Cities For a Clean, EfficienttMotor Clean out your crank -case every thousand miles or less. Imperial Oil dealers displaying the sign shown on the right, will flush your Drank -case with Imperial Flush- ing Oil, a s p e o i a 1 l y prepared cleansing agent for. crank -case cleaning purposes. You save money in,donger „life, and more efficient service front, your motor by using this. service, LC, . pNl. 7 orde-; Tudhope-Andersott. mower; II. cxeroverly xMeCormic hayloderrgM- ; emit steel rake, Nome.; 11 ,hoe drill . M. -U cultivetar, scoffer, 4 -sec, har- rows.:,f.il. di;c harrow, outthrow, Set isleiglf", bulks complete; heavy wave buggy, new hay rack, cutter, Clinton fanningriding plow, walking m`!plopoliter, gravel bx,,tock ack; 1 165 foot rope new; car slings and new rope, :1f,H. fertilizer seed drill, steel tare top buggy .nearly near; set double harnss set Angle seprlogging n,new IeLe al separator, vhif freer, fleckyokes car ch:, to ;;;, etc Ha)" and Gar. --IS ton first ela;s tim- othy hay-. 1918 Ford Tourists ear. Conte dog. Household Effects -.-Pandora rano belstedds. kitchen table, bureau, com- mode, dressers, coal( of stave, 3 -burn- er, earpets, clocks, pictures. b"iat<ia, curtaete, stands, etc. Alt sums cof $15 and under lash, over that amount 12 months credit oft approved joint ,notes, or discount cif 5 per cent per ann'Rttrt for rash on credit amounts. W J. Smith, Prop. F. Taylor, Auct. A. Hudd, Clerk. AUCTION SALE OF RACE FIOR$ES, CARTS, HAI - NESS. HUBBLLS, KNEE PADS QUARTER BOOTS, BLANK- ETS, 1,TC, ETC. At Dr. T teant's Barn, Exeter, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER lath, 1921 At 1 o'clock sharp, the following: The Salvage, Canadian. No. 2838; Amere:an No. 63992, shale, brown, horn 1910, bred by L. E. Brown, Delaran, ill.. (d. S. A., and.ow• ted Nov, 30, 1918 by James Essery Centralia; Enrolled No. 534e, Form LA 1. Brood mare 9 years old, Gaiety Belle, 2654, vol. 20, pf, 537, A. T. R., female - Petchen Wilkes Colt, rising 3 years old dam, Gaiety Belle. Gelding, rising 2 years old; dam Gaiety Belle; sired by Salvage,. Suckling colt; dam, Gaiety Belk'; sired by Salvage. of turray racing bike, in good shape node? S„ nearly naw; track harness, set hobbles, boots heavy t,lankets, ewe:era, and ,other articles that be- long to race horse stuff, too oumer- ctus to mention.. Terms -Six months' credit on fur-, n;sh:ng approved jai:tt notes, or a dis- count of 5 ,per cent, per annum off for cash. Frank Taylor, Jas. Essery, Auctioneer . Proprietor AUCTION SALE Of VALUABLE FARM LAND In the matter of the Estate of Rob- ert Leathorn, (rote of the City of London, in the County .of 11iddlesex `Gentleman, deceased, and of the Dev- olution of Estates Act and Amending Acts The Canada Trust Company, the Administrator of the above Estate will offer for sale by Public Auction on SATURDAY, ,OCT_ lst, 1921 at 1 o'clock p.m., the following val- uable farm land, - LOT NO. 15, ,in the Second Con- cession of the Township of Stephen in the County of Huron, containing One Hundr..0 Acres, more or lass. There is no more productive land in. the Township .of Stephen, and up- on it is erected a commodious two- story frame house and two good bank barns. This farm is wle11 fenced and drained, has a nice orchard, s spring creek with water ell the .year round; fine for stock; has fifteen acres ; eed- ed down, all the fall ploughing is done, and there are ten acres of fall wheat. The above, sale 1411 take place on the. premises. TERM'S. -Land will be ,sold in one parcel, subject to pc reserve bid, fix- ed by the Official Guardian : of In- fants Lor Ontario, 10 ;per cent ,of the purchase money to •be paid out day of sale, the balance to be. ,paid into the Canadian Bank of Commerce, to the joint credit of the Administrator and th e Official Guardian; within' thirty days thereafter. Possession given on°'tthe lst day of April, 1922. • In all other respects the terms will be the standing conditions of the qurreme''Court of Ontario. For further "'particulars apply to F. W. Harcourt, K.C.,Official Guar diem, Toronto; Tthe Canada Trust Company;' London; the Administrator of the Estate of the late Robert Leathorn; Jonathan Leathorn; .R R. No, 8, London, or to THOS. CAMERON, Auctioneer, Exeter ISAAC. R. CARLING, Vendors' Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario, RIMONDALE SCHOOL FAIR. The Hurondale School Fair held on the grounds on Friday, Sept. 16th was a decided success. The weather being favorable, there was a good crowd present. • The display of vegetables and flowers from the home gardens work- ed by the children, was a credit to them. The work done by the girls and boys over school age showed that they were eompleting their edu- ation at home. A. booth in charge of the Women's Institute provided ample refresh- ments. A good program of sports supplied amusement for all. Among the many different features, a ladies' driving contest and different games of tug-of-war, filled the spectators with breathless interest. The results of the judging were as follows: Live Stock. Boys under 16 --Draft colt foaled after March 1921, Mervin Dunn; calf showing best care, Archie Etherington, Melvin Moir, Jack Horton, Melvin Moir; pigs, best Pair 'under 2 months, Jack Horton. Poultry. Children under 16 --- Rocks or Wyandottee, Verna Oke. 11larie Squire,. Melville Down, Jack #porton: Legborzts or Minot -ens, Jas. Oke, Alma Etherington, Mervin Dunn; Ducks, Archie Etheringu p, Jack Horton; 1'igeous,:Mfervitt Dunn; Rabbits, Mervin Dunn. Grain, sheat. Boys under 16— Oats, Melville Down; barley, Melville Down; corm in sheaf, Gordon Cud- more, . rebie F,3tberington, Harry Strang, %'vgetables from Children's Gar- den's ---Big Q11100 8. Verna Oke, Reta Oke, Harry Strang. Pearl Wood; Dutch sets, Melville Down, Norah. Oke, Mervyn Cudneore, Gordon Cud - more; tomatoes. Olive Wood, Norah 011e, Melville Down; carrots. Richie Etherington,' Id. Cudmore, Kathleen Strang; beets. Reta Oke. Pearl Moir, Pearl Wood, Verna Oke; cabbagee. Helen Noir; cucumbers, Kathleen Strang, Alma Etherington, Archie Etheriugton: turnips, Norah Oke. Alive wood: ntangolds, Rets Oke, Pearl Wood, Pearl Moir. Harvey Hydea potatoes. Harvey Hyde. Har- old Cudmore, Archie Etherington, Eldon Kading; pumpkins. Norah Oke, Melville Down, Harry Strang, Olive Wood; citrons, Reta Oke, Har- vey .Hyde, Verna Oke, Pearl Wood. Flowers. Grown in Children's Gar- den's.—Zinnias. Pearl Moir, Pearl Wood, Verna Oke, Harvey Hyde: balsams, Harold Cudmore, Helen Noir. Alma Etherington, Kathleen Strang; gladioli. Harry Strang,. Kathleen Strang,Itiehie Etheriugton, Eldon Kadiug; asters, Hattie Ether- ington, Vera Dunn, Violet Hyde; na- sturtiums, Helen Moir, leathlec'n Strang, Richie Etherington, Eldon leading; eoemos, Bernice Horton. tonsils at Vittoria oHspital in Lon- itun To -For Children under 16 - Apples -.Spies, Elmer Dunn, Marie Squires 1lervin Cudniore,Harry Strang Snows Kathleen Strang, Harvty Hyde, Gleanings, Kathleen Strang, Gordon 4udmcre Melville Down; Kings, Har- ry Strang; Tatman Sweets, Maybelle aerane 'Melville Down.; Pars, Harry Strang, \faybelle Strang, \Tari Squirt,: CANNING -Girls under 20-C •1. c f Vegetables -Annie Strang, H Eh elengton; herugton; Col. pickles, Hatt; thcr °ngton Rosie Moir, Annie tr an . COOKING -Girls under 20 -Dark seem c cake, Annie Moir, Rosie :Moir. Biscuits, Verna Oke, Lareen Dunn, Rosie Voir. Anna, Moir; Apple pi:, Loren Dunn, Anna N1oir, Rosie Mor;: bread Rosie �Lo:.r, Anna M &r, Lareen Dunn; butter, Hattie Etherington, Ver- na Oke. Loreen Duni SEWING -Girls under 20 -Button holes Vera Dunn, Rosie Moir, Anna Moir; Darting Vera Dtmn, Rosa Moir, An- na Moir • Handkerchief, crocheted edge Hattie Etherington, Olive Wood, An- R1oh Rosie Moir; Fancy towel, Hat- tie Etherington, Anna Noir, Rosie Voir; Tea aprons, Rosie Moir Anna \Sots Pressed doll, (girls under 12) Verna Oke, Pearl Moir, Pearl Wood. MANUAL TRAINING -Boys under 1.8 -Axe handle, Harold Wood; Fan- cy ancy box, Harold Wood; Hammer han- dle (13oys under 12), Harvey Hyde, Melville Down. WRITING -4th class Ocean -May - belle Strang, Lareen Dunn, Nora Oke Hewson Hill; 3rd class Ocean, George Boa Verna Oke, :Maurice Boa, f' ath- ieen Strang; Change about, Rfabe1 Reynolds, Marie Squires, Eva Boa Archie Eth[rington, ART -South America, t laybelle Strang Pearl Wood, Nora Oke, Lore - en Dunn; South America, 'Mervin Dunn \'taurice Boa, Verna Oke; 4th class, Union Jack, 'Mabelle Strang, Norah Oke, Loreen Dunn; Mervyn Cudmore; 3rd class . Unidtt- Jack, Geo. Boa, 14aurice Boa, Violet Hyde, Jack Hor- ton; 2nd class, Union Jack, Archie l:therington. Judges -Classes, 1, 2, •3, 4, 6 and 11 Mfr. .Ortwein and Mr. Grassick, alas - es, 5 7 , 8 and 9, bIrs.. (Dr.) ,\moo., and Mrs (Dr.) Graham; classes 12 and 13, Miss Jeckell and Mrs. (Dr.) Gra- haze, Hensaii On. Wednesday as Mr. R. Sylvester was getting this hou:aehald effects loaded on a wagon for Thedfard, the wagon lurdhed \back saver the side- walk and crashed through a, large plate glass in the shop he had been ac:cupying in the Oddefellows block, breaking it atoms,-Tihe Rev. G. M, Chidley of Thames Road Church will preaccl in Carmel Presbyterian Church next Sunday evening. Rev. Ivir. Mc- Connell tweediest ;isi the morn,;ng,- NIr. and Mrs, Normans Haines and lit- tle ,con, also Mrs', Frank Kelland and children- of Kirkton motored to Hen: sail and spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs; Colin S. I1udsone-Mil, and Mrs C..'A.'•McDanell ;ti d daugh- ters "borethyand, Mildred, accomean- :e . by Moss Hattie D. Sutherland, spent the week -end with relatives and Eros'. in Forest. -Om. Sunday the Rev. A R. E.Genre/ft preached his farewell sermon aim. St. "Paul's Angle- ' 'r o{{ttjj iitt /i l Correct Installation You may resolve to have the very best furnace money can buy. You may pay the higbiest market price for a furnace -- And yet fail to satisfactorily heat your Koine. Much depends upon. the way in which a furnace is installed,as well as on the bind of furnace you buy. For- some homes a One -Register (pipeless) fur- nace is suitable.. .: • For others a ,piped furnace to deliver the beat to distant xopfust, is neczssary. But no matter what size or model of furnace you may need to successfully heat your homer or what kind of fuel you may burn, there is a Sunshine Furnace that will Beat your home without fail. There are two reasons why you are absolutely assured of Satisfaction in a McClary's Sunshine Furnace (Pipe or One -Register) ;- 1. Because .the dealer knows and will recommend to you the correct model of Sunshine furnace fes your fuel and plan of house. 2. Beeause the furnace will be installed an correct principles by an expert chosen by . McClary's who know that he understands his business. Only such dealers can get McCtary's Sunshine Fur- naces to sell. McCiary's stand back cif every. Sunshine Furnace and guarantee it to do its work, so they see to it that it is correctly installed. it is not enough for McCiaty's that the Sunshine Furnace is well built, but it xnust be correctly set up be order to radiate and deliver the required amount of heat to each room in the house. Every dealer •who sells McClary's Sunshine Fuuaace is thoroughly quaiihed to advise you on your heating problem, and to instal a McClary's Sunshine so that it will give you the utmost satisfaction. Write for descriptive booklet to any branch. `Clary's London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.B„ Hamilton, Calgary, Saskatoon, Edmonton. lifcClary's —Makers of those "good stoves and cooking utensils". For Sale by W. J'. IIEAMAN 4 can Church. -me choirs of tilt three churches ant joining in prtc•tice ander Prof. Anderton at Exeter for the ren- dering some titre in the near future of "The: Messiah." inn, whkh two hua- dred voices will take part, including the e•hoirs of Exeter and other teac.es, -Mr. T. W. Parlmer has taken a sit- uation as commexele1 traveller with a firm in Woodstock, -The Rev Mr. M,- iConnell and Rev,. Mr, Foote of Exeter" s exchang4cl duties art Sabbath -evening last„ -The choir of St, Paul's Angli- can Church conducted the service of praise. at the Harvest Home services in eteffa on Sunday last; and wee.: listened to with pleasure by a large . congregation. -Ray McArthur had one of hi,, hands badly injured while repair- ing epairing a car in the pit of tltr- McEwen garage. when the owner of the mach- ine thoughtlessly atepped on the sart- er and shot ahead, catching .there - pair man's fingers in the merhani;m.. He. '♦vas rushed by motor to St. Jaa- eph's Hospital, London, for an. X Ray examination, and later advice from London was to the effect that the hand would be saved, AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Oa Lat 17, •Con. 7, Stephen, an TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1921 At 1 o'clock sharp, the following: Horses -Draft mare, 6 years old; draft mare 5 years old; draft mare 10 years old; black general purpose horse driving mare. • Cattle -Cow due April 15; cow due alar 17; cow due June 5; 4 spring calves. Pigs -Pure bred sow with litter at foot: grade sow due Nov,. 18; 8 stock- ers, 100 pounds; 8 stockers 75 pounds 50 hens, .2 geese, gander, 2 clucks„ Implements - Massey -Harris binder in good shape; Massey -Harris mower, new; 4 section diamond harrow, extra beavy; di.„' harrow, cultivator, riding plow, two -furrow plow, set sling ropes 2 heavy wagons, cutter, new hay rack, gravel box, wagon box, rubber tired buggy, a quanntity of buck wheat and straw, to be fed on the place; quan- tity marigolds and turnips, set double harness. white rubber mounted set single harness, quantity lumber, robe,. Terms -Sums of ,$10 and wader, cash over that amount 12 months' rcredit on approved joint notes, or a discount of. 5per Dennie for cash. Sam Finkbeiner, Frames Taylor, Proprietor ' Auctioneer MITCHELL-"Meadowside Farm;' situated on the Huron Roa.d, 2 miles west. of Mitchell, and contain:Mg 225 acres, large modern brick house, also large frame house, two excellent bank barns, one house and barn lighitled throughout with Delco light, has been sold • by Mr.' W. D. 'Perry to Mr. Wm1. F. Kumm of Renfrevre possess-! :an to bet.givee .N,ov, lst, The price, paid was C26,00.b0. HOW IS 'THE PUMP ? New Iran Pumps aid Fittings in Stock. Iron or wood pumps repaired: Wells pumped out pr cleaned S, J, V, 'G'`ANN, Phone 115 Lumley e1rs SVm. •Glenn returned to iter teems in London, east week, Veer ..?ending a ti ouple weeks with her two lens•. The ,people here are always pleased to have Ries. Glenn in the neighborhood,-32rs. Hugh McDougall lest weak purchased the home of vire Wm Rfartin on the 12th enc.,.'s>n of Hibbert, ft Rfl1TUNI9LY THE DOUBLE TRACK ROI -a. Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO MONDAY. The Kitties beat Clearaland Sunday by 21 to 7, Hillerests won the T•A.B3. A.:->nior championship. Miss Cecil Leitch wits tate Cana- dian golf title. Leagues of Nations takes : ct.ion in 'Vilna issue. York county police discover sev- eral illicit s:ilis. National Catholic Union c von - tion opens at Hull. Prices of farm implement: :•re soon to be reduced. An unusually vivid f•11 of observed in Toronto. Lloyd Ge urge's reply t likely to leave door open. Premier F :rad res )I :: d o attend Disarmament Conferenca. A man in Toronto ardars his wife; then kills Maisel,' . Rotarians raise a :,d "and for clothing of poor children. Toronto -St. Sinton's •). A. L. A. seniors beat Oranievili•' 4 to 3, Labor opens Federal campaign in Toronto with open-air meetings. Chancellor Wirth sa.j s gold indem- nity payments will bankrupt Ger- many. Albert Doyle, carpenter, was in- stantly killed by falling of roof of ,a Chatham house. Canadian apples will be conspicu- ously advertised at Crystal Palace, London, England, Fire destroys woollen mill of Pearce Lumber Co.,. and power house, at Marmora. A. young woman was killed and her male companion has been arrest- ed after auto mishap - Laura Labelle, 18 years of 'age, fatally. injured in elevator at 'Gen- eral Hosp.i .a1, Cornwall. James Turnbull, Hamilton, sues to protect 20 -year-old judgment for $1,373, claiming now $2,745. span; en Lockyer and John Howlett of Ward's Island, Placentia Bay, and Jas, Young, Tidewater, St. Jacques, Nfld., drowned while fishing.