HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-9-29, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. tr EX.ETER, ONTARIO; TIIITIISDAY SEPT. 29, 921 SANDERS & CRELeCal CARD OF THANKS • We wish to expeese our atncere ep- nreciation and thanks tor the many acts of landnese extended to us deer. Mg the illness and subsequent death of our near mathere (Mrs, john Hack- ney.)-- the Family. alias Joeephine Davis, having tesign- her Position with Mr. Lee Wilson is filling the vacanca, La Mr. J. A. Siiewart's store, cued by the resig- nation of Miss Verde Hill, who is about to take a more important pos- ition. Pima 813. .11.1•1••••••11111114 TAMAN'S For All Kinds of Men's Wear W. W. Taman Tailor& Furnishe BROKEN RIB, air. • Wes; Dearing • o• f the 3rd of Stenben Met with a painful accident en Wednesday of last week. I -le -wee assisting the threshers in backing the separator into ,the barn and while holding the tongue of the wagon one of the wheels struck the floor before the other, with .the result athat the. tongue swayed sbarply, Strekina Mt, Dearing in the side with such ''force as to 'break a rib. Mr. Dearing is out around but the injury is very painful. Exeter Council A regular meeting of the alunicileal a -ounce'. held Sept 20. Absent COLUI- cillor Penbale. The minutes of the meeteng held Sept 12, were read and appravea, and ethe eeport of a, speciel• meeting beld an the store of the Reeve Saturday, Sept. 17. Ann street open ditch was :the matter of discui- siote. Per Eleton, ,and .Davia that no action be taken in eeference tt) the (wearing of. said ditcheaCarried. Councillor Snell's offer, as appear- ing in the. minutes a meeting beld Sent 12, was witledr.awee. Petitions were reeeived and read from W j. Statham, C. L. Wilaon, Harvey „Sr Harvey and R. latacKenzle & Son, agreeiug, to close their pieces of business at 8 o'clock p.m on M011 - thy, T.u.eadays. Thursday and Friday nights et the week, beginning October and ending alarch. Petatinn Petition signed by 33 business mon esking that a aight watch be placed on duty throughout the baseness sec. tton. Petition The Reeve was instrueted toeee NIL rb\ and secure and order planted teee fiewer beds with tulips awl :1:tfict (las Motion per Elston and Darn.— Cerriei Tax tollowenn accounts were read Add erdered patch—Ross-Taylor Co.. aeennetery ate. lumber, $72.35; James Ocarina% teaming gravel, cera ay. anent ea Vent labor. $16.50; Mrs. E. Har- man bell engtng, $35; L. Baynharn, at Band grant, $50.00; r. :lenders Veber .. $10.50; R. Qatutve, labor, $6,0 F 40., $13.15; J. Parsons, $11•54 W 'Fraser a5a; J. g. wiL eonstable. $6; Frtd. "'anklet, on oahle, $4. Adjourned by Elston, Jos. Senior, Clerk. Rupture Expert Here ,••••••••••••• Crediton M.yrtle Hewitt sot Exeter .pene the week -end with 'enss Grazella Lam- port. N. Sambrook has returned to Chat-. ham after, spending at few days with hie parnets. . There is' some talk of putting ona Feld Day ot sports and a baseball game with Centralie in the even,ing. some day. next week. Full partalculare 13.er. Since the proposition submitted In; the Hydro aoreausseen, not very faverable there zs a strong feeling n irony our peepto buy an engine and, dynamo and obtainour. lights ;n taimanner until swat time as teener arrangements CPA be obtained front the Hvdro •Commissioa, No doubt our emu lethers .will -call a. meeting no discuss the matter. On Friday eaerting the. Y. P. A. held a community weaver roast on the base baU <1;antartd. • A .goodly ntunber were •eresent and all ,ealoyed the game. A lig ben lire was lit, aroupel vouret people gathered, sang son. ge turd !tail their lunch. It .was a big. night Larne Brown has returned to To- ronto to resume his gaieties in the Uri vetsity Ernes.. Gettinger has returned home from the Hospital itt I,onelore 1-1's inativ friends weleome 'him back. atesr. Lorena Sambrook is attendant bsnesColl:ge in Chatham?. Wo el has bon received from Lon clop that Mrs. Rosina fiauch is at eres nt quite ill. Oxt aceeant et he: sayeneed age poor hopes are inter tenel for her nee -ovary. Dashwood i)344,4" SQtV,C:t., W..M" in dee raiteeeeketiceal Churab tiunday eves -awn e neelaue,ted be th Y, P. A. A stn g program teas IZFven. eat eanas tea =nate teak. by ate., P. Fen. alias Ed :a :zad th. Rev. Yager. laiSfereat mem beta 'Ai each depaetneent of the Y. P. A, taste gave, short addresses ex -- e.Se. ley Famous in 'lids Spee'alter, Callea to atratford. F U eeley of Chicago and Phil- eallephia. the noted truss expert, will pereonally be at the 'Windsor Hotel, end wet remain at Strattiord Wednes-, dav only Oct, 5. Mr. Seeley :•aysa! • "The Spermatic Shield will not only retain any •case of ruptare perfectly but contracts the .orrening in ten days4 an the average case. Being a vast aavancement over all former methods —exemplifying instataneous effects ima metliatelv appreciable and eithstantl- Mg any straim or position, This en. strument received the only award in Pengiand and in Spain, producing re. sults without 8urgery, injections, med.a teal treatment, or prescriptionsla Mr. Seeley bas documents from the Unit- ed States Governments, .Waaington. 1), C., for inspectinta, Beakless de- mands prevents stopping at any oth- er place. in. this •seatione P. S.—Every saatement in, this no- tice has been. verified before the Fed- eral and State Courta—F;. H. Seeley. Stewart—In McGillivray, Con. 6, Cath- arine Jane, widow of the late Archie bald Stewart, ixt her 75th year. See The New 1921 GRAY DORT OPEN AND CLOSED ST YLES ON EXHIBITION. WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING USED CARS IN GOOD CONDI- TION, FOR SALE ---, ONE GRAY DORT 1920 SPECIAL ONE GRAY DORT, 1917, TOURING • ONE GRAY DORT, 1921 DEMONSTRATOR, • ONE FORD, 1918, TOURING T. H. NEWELL PRICES TUMBLING Tile purchasing public will, be 'glad tot know„that owing to 'the Lower Prices Lor Wheatwe are quoting lower peaces for Flow. To Day We Quote as followsa MANITOBA'S BEST $5.00 MODEL , $4.65 WELCOME $4,15 'alb will mean a conside rata saving for those who bake thea own bread, Tthe quality is just as good as ever. Call in and take some 'home ,and make your Wife Happy. We ffiave still a few hundred bushels `of those fine WHITE, OATS, 'cleaned, freg front dust and seeds. We have '30111e, of the FINEST CORN also Harvey• Bros. be expected, ,but wii be .off work tor a. considerable ?ease Jese Hodgert spent the week- enel &n Seaforth.-41r. and Mrs. • Ed.' Pollen and babe af Exeter and Mr ana airs George Coward and family visael at Mr. T. Hauarnes.—alies Agnes Fenwick spent the past week in. To re:Mo.—Mr. and Mrs. C. Borland and family Ma. and airs. T. Ballantyne ant family visited Suralay at Mr. Wrn, Passmorea, Millet -at -ha recently. returned from the West, as- . daa a. few days jest week with his s.stei Mr anon. iodgrt—Dont forget the Wemen's W. I. meeting luesday. Oct, 4. Greenway atrs. Wareham of Sarnia. vasited her Parents, Mr. and airs. E. Mason /3St ‘1, et;k.—The anzaversary seniceen the altanoalist Church oa Sundey. Sept 18. were very succe,seful. Suva d sermons were givea by the pasaor, Rev. D. laa Wilaarns and Rev,L, W. U� of Parkhill. Tuesday en ng The Harvest Home was, a grand succese The goad dinner, tallow:ea by an ex- Iceilent program was eateasa by all the attests bang Messrs. Cliratiarai and Knapp of London and 'Miss tiobbs lair. Hill made a fine chairman, and arateresting addresses were gaeen by Rat's Cexrare ;ad urges.— h.' se- es of the alethodist Chureh wit be withdrawn next Sunday on account anreversery services at Grand Bend —Anraversery set viCeS, will be, held in a:irace Church next Sunday, morn'ng and evaaang.—Mrs. A. M. Wilson is atterarna the meeting of :he W. M. a. Benet in Toronto this we:a •mr•••••••1•10p•ww**.mr Mount Carmel Re. FaanrC 't Or.vin On enn e th neeraiaga 04: Mr aleatid Rvea To. al e • \late t.e- Graee Bieithalrea earn:,t1it.tI 3.0 i.41 %VI neet week —air. and Mee Ken nv eal : et: lyz Detroa Veiled Me. Mrs. Beta. Cenn. near Kaiva. this we ta—elr. Feeek Deyle rpt Bey Citv ale tern: al •' of McGill'vrav T is oat:nine the work ot each: At the •• cana of the service a splendid tads- ; vea:a.ataehi', awat, alre. M. O'Brien, ICI ,c,urciry tattering as received, 4 :4.!A wee weak.—Ward :ea Mrs C. Stade thio week raelang lac:y.41 hara 1;4'4 waak the la4h 'n Forest let Patrick 11:1IB of Detroit, formera. We ar= Pleased to. report that Mrs, A LW• -itUVral took ; J. he aman ;a slowly improv:ng, eiteare at t: ;^:tv aaturdan ler hr lengthy illness, Reeerve (La. 14th or the Bat Fara funera; of the late Mrs. Pbilip sp. loran Chuaat M the Skatant Rink. aupeeer eanan IAN rreatt \kw Mrs, John Goetz is attentlina tin, • ple 1)anroit tha week; • \leeere W• 1. and G:nrg,vk \list Clara Kraft ie at present eas- af !.borne Taft last week to at,end tang fu Thedford. the neral ot their brother. Thomas, • saan be able to be out again. S miss Luella alerner is imroptvingand at Parry uund.. air. and airs. HNa H. nlert, airs. tier, man Zimmer of Stratford and \r.Willert are this week visiting aealich- !gam atr. and Mrs. Baumgarten have gone to alkali:tan to spend a. month wadi friends air j•aceh Herne:h. has al his ereln ard a plum tre: with several blos- som:. on it; .something rather unus- ual, Centralia The creamery ran out of ice during the recent hotweather, but they have • ben, supplied by London, having re- ceived 30,000 pounds. Wm Colwill iS again. buying hay for Pressing paying therefor $15 a ton! Four caes cattle were shipped from her to Toronto last week. Mr. A. J. Perron, who has been liv- ;lig with alr. and Mrs. G. W. Davis Huron. street, has rented the hawse on. Sancoe street, ocean:vel by Prot Anderton, and ewill occupy it when vacated by air. An,derton.. arr. W DaSanders has rented Mrs. John 'Snell's residen.ce, East of Mr. D. Russell's 'blacksmith shop, and will move in shortly, Miss Raze Hanlon of London is vis- iting at the home (gator parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Luxton. of South Bend. Ind., visited at the home. oft !i T. T. 'Willis a few days this week. Preparations for :the laying of the cornerstone of the new church are being made for Thursday, Oct. 6th, when a fowl supper will be held in connectien. Mrs, Sambrook of Creditart is spend- ing a few days at the home of Mr. H. Mills. • Mr. Atkinson of .Clandeboye bas re- opened the barber alto;p b,era. Little M.innie, daughter of Mr, j Smith, who has ben ill with diph- thexia as recovering rapidly. Mrs. Henne.sey, Who has been quite ill for the past week„is recoveringl Andrew Hicks, lea P. P., U. F. 0., member tor South Harare whale as - stating in filling et silo on the farm • Harry Wilson, fell off a load of corn and dislocated two• fingers of his left 'aand. The.ehand will be useless for a couple weeks. Farquhar The funeral of the late alrs. Mar- garet Hackney was held on Saturday last to the Staffa cemeleary, and was largely attended,—Master James Bal- lantyne seen, ,of MA J. S. Ballantyne, Wlaile wheeling ,from Cromiarty church an Sunday night last me: with. a severe acciaena It appears that he was rid- ing along the sede of ahe road and melang to same parties. in a buggy, when a car dreven, by 'a party of the neighborhood without tany lights on, turned out to apes the Jeuggy, and net seeing the wheeler, ran hem down, dislocating iiis arm and breaking one leg. The Limbs ,were attended toand be. is doing nicely. -,-Mr . Arthur Camp - ;bell also is POreltiOd to his r0Orn as a result af a kick aroma young horse which he was working an the plOWI, One trace became unhCitched and, in t,rying to get ahe anianal itt place 'to hataa. it again r Campbell vvaakick, ed =icier the alight amend ltaa sever- al nibs br,okea, After treatment by the doctor he it doing ns well as can. Grand Bend afr FriM 1.sgi s on the sick list. —Mrs Aaron. Oliver, who has been for some timeeft Friday for Lon- don Hospital to undergo treatmeale— Mrs. J. 'Meet and sea of Port Huron are visiting at Aaron Pattereceia—ala. ana alas Farney of Port. Huron tted with Mr, and airs. P. Baker Sun- dan—alessrs. Tiedeman and Bert Holt movez! tnio atr. Boseenberry's dance laet week. Aimee Morley ehas been suceessful in passing ,his supalemental Exam. Chemistry, thus obtaining complete Matrieulation and Normal Entrance in one year. We congratulate Jim nem his success. Tbe Canning Company completed tha largest corn pack in the 'history of the company on Tuesday. The whole district surrounding Exeter hae been gone over by the Government inspectors, and they have declarei all sections tree from the corn -bonne DEATH OP MRS. JOHN HACKNEY Margaret Bruce, widow of the late John Hackney, passed away at her home on the south boundary of Hal- bert, lot 13, on Thursday. Septem- ber 22nd in her 84th year. Mr.. Hackney was bora in Ireland and came to Canada at the age of 11. She was a member of the Thames Road Presbyterian Church and was a woman who was highly esteemed her friends being limited by her ac- quaintance. She is survived by five sons, three daughters and one bro- sone, three daughters and one bro- ther, Interment was made in the Staffa cemetery. DEATHS Vanatone—In, Wetstmen ger Tp., on Sept. 22, George A. Vanstone aged 60 years, a farmer resident of'Ex- eter. Hackney—In Hibbert Tpe on Sept. 22, Margaret Bruce, relict of thelate arehr Hackney, .aged 83 years, S months and 22 days. IN MEMORIAM In. loving memory of Pte. E. Penrice, killer? in action at the Battle of Sambrai, France, Sept. 28, 1918, Mn ever glorious France, Near the unrestmg sea, They laid my bay. to rest, • Far, far from me,. Kind were the stranger hands That bore my soldier son. To his last bivo,uae, To rest well wap;. They placed the lowly cross, Blest sign to all who weep, And her. with other. boys Left him asleepe , • , Wild birds. sweet requ.eem sang, Wild poppies' radiance strew Above those boys w.ho died •For me and you. They fought their inward fight, They conquered aicatal Lear, Then flung away sweet youth To them so dear,. • 0, boy any bay, my boy, The heart aches ever new; But, 0! I am so proud, So proud of youl FALL S HERE ! Long nights are coming and you will need good Battery for your car. The Prest-O-Lite Will take care of you. 1 can keep you, in battery for $10 a year. Come and see me for Battery Service. Taylor Tire & Battery K RKTON FAIR Thursday and Friday OCTOBER 6 and 7, 1921 Speeding in the Ring LOCAL RACE LAny Inman OPL'a ACle t.djU phivLits, adeaneh saneennenta ge; anaaaa EN tilia iJAB' latital; daoalPialti itaNi teT. MM. BE IN A[TACE "lasraa eer sebaneth i. refor Fran Liq. Wm. Brock, Pres. .Amos Doupe, Sec.-Treas RS FOR SALE pen. isNo. 4.1 MP. Hup 20, 4 passenger, reasonable 90 Overland Touring in good shape Bowser Tank & Pump, Al Outfit, $200 Gray Dort and Page Cars Sunoco Oil and Gasoline arta', REPAIR WORIsr. ON ALL CARS. Pilon & Foote Huron Garage MI Exeter J. A. STEWART Phone 16 Swagger Coats for Ladies, Misses and Children They arein the very latest cloths and •the styles are the last word in Coats. Be sure to see our nifty Range before you your selection. overcoats for Men and Boys We have a full line of atelias and Boys' heavy Winter Coats in All 'New Styles and New Cloths Fall is here so don't de- lay inn picking out your New C oat, The Prices are New—not las t year's, New Dinner Sets Just .received ,a crate of New Dinner Sets—aull 97 Pieces China Cups and Saucers, balance of set. Fine Semiaparcellairil China, They are ',al neat Pink and Blue. Designayou will make no, imistake in making a selection as a., very gcarce. Corsets Corsets Special Light Weight Cars it. good style, Regular $1.50, sale price 98c. • J. A. STEWART Highest Prices paid for Pa tatry and all Produce. 1 1 1 1 A 1