HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-8-18, Page 4The Exeter Advocatel Sanders & Creech, Proprietors Subscription Price—lie advance $1.50 per year in Canada; $.1.111) Ett the -United States. An subseriptioas not pe tadvazwe 50e. extra charged. 111.1:Rn'DAY, AinGinnr 13, 021 Mount CarTrlei Sr, Ct% IL'r•our;•,.e. Ceeleete, ler.ee.e's e:s.. NO- Tee. •Giteeet Nire. M Reee, deee te.e X.1 on freenF ea leeeoleee. • T kee.o,ly s'eoee e'te.:e..e.o.!ettee 4re ,.eFeeee .e. tee horn.' ete: ee' • --eee.e.te . - ez.o. voeee.; teeo- iireeteee _ r.,'.17r..17,.,.!'".* • 9,711. Bend "ekee.,: tr. ..4.77 V1121 ee- o* ree r. ea..e E tee enee...te eve See. Grt-ertway 1.0100100.01,.. .11 Beee.tete eel:3 ^ T ;• • ',I • :.me- nen .•- tr." IA 1 Fr.ei !else tee...m.1 Yezmir.e. .V1,7P1't tzar- nt.,, .11r I 7; - "eieleeeeeeri„—Niee; ',IS,' • 1e:tree' Welt leee., Whalen 4." t*.AZ t w 'Ont. .%1S: ee:Nir rry Bette:me eeetree.e.?.. erore the hoenoel -end eleezeee Lr. ikt,Cti •4117. eeo --oo-treeele,1 lee!. ored en -1 Mr, 4-1;1Nlee. Weee, ,13ts*Ize: 110,t Mr; R. \Venn --Ins innene, 1 !ern; Lee. t;e: nleine nen vereeine \lee e. 6 DO YOU KNOW HIM? GrandBend Even the En ng Soye will berdly recognize-. their former. leader in the above. Zt is, however, Lord Byng's very latest picture, speecially posed for the Canadian National Exhibition, a few days before he seiled for Canada, for reneeduetion ern a needel corternernoran'ng the opening of the 1921 Fir, over which he will presicn..- on Aug. 2n. Divested of hie military attire the new GeveraoreCeeneral loeka a very different person to the. stern solnier Carioeierse %neve throtieh h:-- photoe Mr. Eineey Carnet of Toronto els- etel ees earenie for a, fsev days last week.—Ennry Disjardirte, Hy, Green, R :se in:seen:nee and J. nlePhee Left for the Wes',. last 1.' Ji ani John Aenster vislecl a few .1,,ye at Se nlarys last week.— ner, entenen o; nliche visited ,his oerents 1r.—jr. Frank Alliseer of St.elarye ‘nsieed rth his family over Stinday.—:eir. and :qrs. Shepherd of Teeliord vted relatives around nen! nunday.—See another column ner aa account on She drowning ac- Q.',.dent. D 12 vIroo d • nix aa.I Mrs. Paulin. Of C:eveland, t'eene. enel Mise ?eyrie. ent....ed at rnn. eine J. Gtteah:r. '1r. nen Mn. Semi ii.eneteer and nenne ee le„..e.clozaer ht week • wee ',Mr. and .Nirs. WM. lehl..rei : etre eluen,lier vesited w.ek. ' atail daugieters. 1ran,1 Altna, tee Niece,„: • lees ;ie.! ..Nneee et Zurich -tete oe Hontorite 'hNies. elejebeeteh gef TorouLo .Nl.r :Ind Mrs. j. iSehrneder, • n'e week eerie. Breeeneee and neer nener en: ee. ee,nee et. se on. Siattlay. ee Ix. .;; Viseeme, ee..ratieerel end erete,stosie. :lee. lemen et.eattord v•eita • :124.1 ee7eink, we;k. neeeel Mee. Dark of Antheeee. eee e.seene. tine latt..'es narerne: enennhaegen. Beef:tin re. - a • • ' ' -- • ' 11 ' :•71 SW:la:514 w • • ,nr neleaa:. Lee :need St s.: 0. the 00•001,1••••100. 00111.1.0400,00.0m In Ye Ode Lime hemp sleirts were worn by these who. env, -'et..1 the ,eeee...e.et iteleted beeliee tlee eeenutee Pererite Pre- scription !•.!, D:otee Pierce fifee reeree.o.„ Drees k,it.L4 th:17.1 r 7' ; extudi Lee then! ie ft., Pleree'e -1i • . einee eeeene ;, the eatee ee.e. -** vendable, 1,.1- grediente. They are stand. .e.„. • aril today just GA' as they- were f.efty years ago -"ee. and never contained alcohol. Beauty 'depends upon health, Worry, eleepleee nighto leadaches, pains, dieerdere atel .4.e:el:mess of a dietinctly feroiCeo .e.raet..r in a short flee?, bring the 41,11 eye, the "crow's the- haggari loek, d ron ping sir eederst and the falterinte step. Te retain the rtprnarrtna!et. youth you must retain lee- I -t ad of lotions, powders and paints, ask your druggist for Dootor Pierce's Favorite Preocription. Putrrtre, .S.e.sle." Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription cured me when ail other medicines failed. The home doctors could do nothing for me. I happened to see Dr. Pierce's advertise- ment in the paper, sent for the medi- cine, and felt a great benefit from even the first few doses. I took but a few bottles until I was entirely well. I canna speck too highly of the merits of the Preseriplion." MRS. .TANET. BROM', R. R. 1. ":-. 1 X,- ,-. ri? .e.,;.'"; • .47. z R et.t 't • netere :ern fr ;I:, 17', .: , t - „, 7.. V., ttor Sr r erei \lee le, eeelete,' , e • r-ir • r- -1 r1„- • t Z o.ra —W. ILI r. 4 r I 'V-, Ft -2.3k :4-ot r. • .4% t:t 4'„r..) 'h. Ray Fee ii-er of remelt Hensall .100 400••••••11- 13.tralEP 1.1edr.n. t 1;6 enn. 'me " anotner, Mee, Nesblei \Ir. J.nutit- ee.reeetel, and dame% tee. \Pee H. D , et n Bee %vele art Waele toele—Mrs, Frank Penni r Ry:.kin 11 'Frei errl- "en ' : • ;e4r. :ono "...e. -et neer ene,:inearet r re," e4eeew Ineee nef road tin: .nr 1 el, 4.122 +ch, turn'tig tnr- t ee. The tee.'unante u -•ere an' nfeareil int: nee Ine- wee ilantagt:1 eel) ,•.i./.1.4 ekety eni Mie, J. • frien eer•e 1..)1 a %v.:eke—John KNiarsieell e.e.tt weel: for eito \L.' Sheffer To-oei ste nt te,v :Lees on tee tather e. ene renamed hie denne See 1.o}e of ter a helday :n and Nine D, DonaLleoz, .lef" Gat snene day or ,evo her "eest week zoneiv".ree aequain tances,—Nlese G. ifard'e. of Toron to ":6 snend'og teeleeeye eeee. witth parente—Nrse Belle Sirs of Brao steed Is thee daeeng wir h her mother here—\1r R Hun ter and daughter el'iss of Saska tteltewan, scent a week h re 1 oyes itere.—NIrs . Tuxford of SaskatcheWart s visiting rela• ices \Ir. emi 'etre. jas. Ross ot Hay Town, —eke and Mrs. J, Leeper, af ter two mon the .11 Wirtn'neg, have returned • boree—Among those who- left on. .he j-learres tern excursion, kw the west were—Wes. Caldwell, Russell Busch, Wee! Nichols, George Ingram, Thos,. Dickson. G. C. Pe tty, Tom Esser', J. Niervyn.Coxwor th, B. Cooney She....1cn. Coleman, N. Bla tchfo-d, W. Par"er, John E. Marshall, George Chambers, -Jack Wren, Silas Eyre. ani Mrs. G. P. Marshall no teleed to. Ottawa .to spend two weeks. To Every Father and Mother "What mean ye fellow citizens of Athens that ye turn every stone to scrape wealth together, and take so little care of your children, to whom one day ye must relinquish all."—Socrates. Thoughtful parents of today are faced with the same grave problem that troubled the Athenian philoso- pher over 400 years before Christ. This is the era of progress. The call for trained men and women to carry forward in Medicine, Science, Engineering and Fine Arts is stronger than ever before. lf you would help your children make the most of their lives you should give them the best education you can afford. A University education is the first essential for our future leaders. A college stands at your door with open gates ready to give them complete courses in Medicine, Arts and Public Health. Adrbission is by Junior Matriculation except for special or nurses courses, and the fees are so low that any one may attend, Western University deipees are universally recognized For information, apply to (4) DR. K. P. R. NEVILLE, Registrar, London L,1 4'9 ••••• VP?' ilaeveet ,':irseete. . •'".. -J. -.'r-. Graile-oe ' -..f nee Wayne .. . „ e„. ,.....- 71.e... per:: :Irk ' -7* leo t_•. of Zur'ele erent e e . *e :. e i te,tDe. N.I.,ee Greve Rn ee; e‘_..,.- e. • : \le., ee se -...et -.end Mr. an 1 —....o. i... 1..:7. ;', ,:- . 8.. .A.gatha end "e V - -. -._ . ...eeeee; so,nt Sueday .o. • eir .:-.n.il .N1.••.. Nr, Z'turI't.:1. Nt!'s Levee:land ener. et. tees: ..e.„.e.e. , S;re....ie lee wk Mr te'eel Grattnner et,: Toroneo 'e• ..e.eeelerte. iee. ea., ....e• *.t. aieet hes ',ee' • ::,. '...1 P!'.:s;. ,:..,ai NlieSes 1' Z1 ee..i lore7, e",..ine .i ere e7,eXng in lee - et eet Local News. Mrs. Cotter and son Harry,. Toledo. - re visiting Mrs tiregory Mrs Howald and daughter are visit - ng in Stratford, Mrs. T. S. Woods is visiting in Dut- ton. The n'enela RaAWaY Alt eeiverneenenue for 3:1,000 men to in itarvesneee the erons in the \V -t. Jun:. cne eel:v.:teem:ern cm- teenred when orders were e:eeen tto eeeoe: nay further lr-ime man - ten ihere were enough inenn zi.;• un,re to ve the crons. The new tateffs of Canada Pace • an, 1 Grand Trunk that went he- ezfeee on....eionday freight rates on eot6ele have rerned.cally b. en nut to ere r.r levels. Last January 5 per eel: wee eut nil: the 40 ner cent. eeeree.ee. granted a. year ago and the reel. :.-it e has wind out the other 35 tier cent Fhlele FROAI BUILDING White werking at Vectoria School, Lertion on Monday last Elmer Bel - back. Pine Line road, formerly of gxeoer North, fell from the building and 'njured his back. The reitort says be may be injured internally,. The lie ambulance was called and Bel - back was removed to his horn.. Centralia Miss Marjory Hepburn is visiting with her brother Mr S. Hepburn and other friends.—Miss Madeline Essery of Palmerston is visiting with her aunt Mrs J. Oke and other friends.— Mrs-Boslough has gone to Clinton, for a few days.—Mies Lillian Elliot of De- troit is spending a few days at home. —Mrs Wes Hodgins and family, Lou- don, are visiting hers.—Ahout 23 ap- ple and willow trees were uprootsd on Saturday evening during the storm about ten o'clock.—The walls of the church have been takeu down and pre parations made for - building a new church. A Pie Social will be held on the parsonage lawn on Thursday, Aug 18. Each lady to bring a pie with her name in it. Proceeds go to rebuilding chnrch. Every person welcome. , • Toronto pencemen neld sports 'der and banquet in the evening, Public Service Commission finds low salaries at Osgoode A cut has been made on proposed taxation in the United States. Contracts are let for the anatrinti- cal building in University of Toronto area. October 20, it Is anticipated, will be date for North Oxford by-elec- tion. • United States and Soviet represen- tatives meet at Riga to discuss relief pians. Marande, of Montreal won the all- around title at the Toronto police games. Miss Frances C. Oaisley, Y.W.C.A. swimming instructor, swims across St. Lawrence river. 'Magistrate Gundy' at Windsor rules that breweries may' legally "ex- port beer to the TJnited States. Three hundred descendants of Thomas Porter and his wife hold fatally reunion in Brantford town - e' ;OM/AY. IFAap 4 is Vtd:Sproer etee Caine- ne. ,01.00,0/0.1000. U. S, Presidnars father marries hie Office nureee Newark bet.. the Toronto baseball team. by 3 to t De Valera sends reply to Lloyd George proposal. Deadlock on Silesian issue in the Supreme Council. Tomatoes sell for 25 cents a box, at Montreal tuarket. Pittsburg lengthened their lead in. the National League. Waragamaelt Pulp Fe Paper Co. passed i s regular dividend. The Denmark vs. Australia DaviS Cup matches were postponed. Hydro Commission asks formal approval for starting rural lines. United States peace treaty with • Germany is to be a separate pact. President Harding sends out invi- tations to Washington conference. The British bowlers lost to To- ronto teamslion Thursday by 16 shots. Hamilton Controllers reduce lab- orers' pay from 55 to 50 cents an hour. Pnederiek Johnston, awaiting trial on then eharge, escapes front Nap- :-.- jail. en unknown amen lingering in a lee,- no. Terentn tires at and wounds 411g eitizen. A ehild fell three storeys front an attic window in Toronto; escapes broken leg. nigneltuan at railway erosaing itt T neento found responsible for the et% of a. teamster nrain alcohol, worth several thou - send dollars. was stolen from ware- .. use itt Saskatoon. Thomas in ;Merman, aged 22, te ,t1 at Le:tee:out While trying to from the pollee, ti. T. shop employee at Strat- ford vete for week's layoff eaeh memo rether than reduction of the staff. seATURDAY. Single G. trotted a utile in 1.59. eoladitione are good on the Stewart of Alberta re- ; r.1.-.2c;e. reann to Jenne session on made his 44th homer -a Friday. nneelaf tlermaos and Poles Is fa er el in Silt sia. Herbert Greenfield sworn in as 'teenier of Alberta. Pit eletre lengtnetted their lead in the Nainend League. The Britisa Cabatet 'will publish, roposals 10 the Irish. Two hundred .eneners leave on an. our of Northern Ontario. Senolarship awards are announced froznnfeMaster University. Public service probe hears com- plaints regnrding the county police. The British bowlers won against teatns from the ease end of Toronto. Prouder Lloyd George returns to London front the Peace Conference. The Baltimore -Toronto game on Friday was forfeited to the former. seAle:ozentto woman grappled with an armed burglar, who makes his „ap Rharbonnea.u, aged 18, was Irewned. in the Back river, near elontreal. • Test shipments to England of chilled beef from Toronto arrive in .:aod shape. Ltier,r leaders of the Dominion are summoned to meet Sam Gonipers in Toronto. The University of Toronto will have its own exhibit at the big fair in Toronto. A further slight drop in the cost of living in July is reported by the Labor Department. Lord Byng, the new Governo-- General of Canada, arrives at Rideau Hall, his new home. Jamie McCully, nine years old, of Stratford, was fatally kicked by a horse near Seaforth. Charles Lemieux of Iliviere du Loup was drowned when his car tumbled into the river. Toronto Typographical Union pro- nist to the Government against alleg- d boycott by manufacturers of firms working on a 44 -hour basis. MONDAY. Tents to the Sinn Fein are made public. Preparations to distribute food in aussia. New York leads the American Leag,ue again. Sterling at Toronto, $4.07; at New York, e 3.66 14. Government control on British railways cease. The British bowlers lost at Hamil- ton by one shot. Russian refugees pour into Latvia from Volga area. The Leafs lost twice on Saturday and once on Sunday. Riversides are out of the running for the 0.A.L.A.. title. Buchanan won the gap -to -gap swim in Toronto Bay. Samuel Gompees, president of the A. F. of L., is in Toronto. " Letters are exchanged between Lloyd George and de Valera. Independent Labor Party has Plans for relief of unemployed. John M. Kinpourn, prominent Owen Sound citizen, dies in 80th year. Major -Gen. Sir David Watson re- ceives decoration from Montenegro. Pumpkins on the market Saturday at Chatham earliest ta many years. Calvin Wetzell. aged 21; of Wind- sor, drowned in. 'Lake Huron at Grand Bend. Cyril' = F.'Musgrove, organist and choir leader, Winnipeg, drowned at Keewatin, Ont. Sir Sam Hughes, former Minister of Militia, is holding his own, hip physicians announce. John McPherson, a fire ranger, was drowned in Trout Lake, 17 miles' from Port Arthur, Friday. The funerals of ex-Ald. Vernon II. Robineen and ex-Ald. John Hawley, of ae Mrri asdi igla ay Sudbury, dFAngeloau1 rl s tao. ygit eco deo k sr) tahbc ee ano taSg_ • temeing to lege her.husband with a butcher—knife. Wheat cutting has started on 25 per cent. of the farms in ,the Saska- Won district. Serious oat blight is ported in the northern part of the &Wipe and a , potato blight in the neighborhood of Saskatoon. • reen-eneennenereneeStene eneenneesene o You Know GREEN TEA has a far liner flavour than that of any Japan or China Green Tea? Send for a, sample and - be convinced. Address—Salada, Toronto. Incorporated in 1855 „CAPITAL RESERVE $9.400,100 Over 130 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK The cost of living is fallin g, also the prk"a of food stuff. This necessitates increas ed production. Produee more and deposit your surplus in The Molsorts Bank, where it will be ready for any call and ye t be earning interest. EXETER: BRA.P.ICR T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business daily. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch. The O'Brien Business College, London 351 Richmond St. (South of ging St) London BUSINESS, SHORTHAND AND THE MACHINE CALCULAIING COURSES ARE, THOROUGH, THE INSTRUCTORS ARE EXPERIENC. ED, STUDENTS GET INDIVIDUAL .ATTENTION, and Graduates are niaced in goad positions. This is the college for ethose who want the tractical traheing and the good positions. Register now for Fall Term startinz August 29th. W. J O'BRIEN, Commercial Specialist, Princinal. ill Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto AUG. 27 --- Inclusive — SEPT. 10 To be opened by Lord Byng of Vimy, Canada's new Governor-General Color of the Orient Gaiety of a Mardi Gras Complete exposition of Canada's resources, ekill of men, wealth of material. "OVER HERE"—Super Pageant of Regal Magnificence dramatizing vividly Canada's Origin, Growth and Achievements. Color—Symbol— Allegory --Hundreds of, Performers—Music--Fine Arts—World's1 Largest Collection of War Photographs— Thrillers of Many Kinds—Fireworks on a larger scale than ever before—Scores of Features only to be seen at Toronto. Canada's Greatest Lice Stock and Farm Display—Machinery and Equipment of Endless Design for increasing the Efficiency of the Farm and the Comfort of the Home. Reduced Fares on All Lines of Travel JOHN G. KENT, ROBT. FLEIVIING, Managing Director President he Western Fair LONDON Sept. 10th to 17th SEVEN FULL DAYS THI EAR. THE POPULAR IiXHIBITION OF WESTe,RN ONTARIO 6,000.90 'Added to the .Prize List BOYS' AND GIRLS' •CALF COMPETITION SPEED EVENTS DOG SHOW AUTO RACES THE -WORTHAM SHOWS ON THE MIDWAY WONDERFUL PROGRAM BEFORE THE GRAND STAND TWICE DAILY 1-141‘ITY OF- MUSIC: FIREWORR'S EVERY NIGHT " Admission 10th, 12th,- 1,6th .8r. 17th 25ce e`13eft," , 15th, 50e. raituf Is01 , All information from the Secrenten. • Lite -Col. W. M. Gartshore, Pres. A.. An Hunt, Secretary VALUABLE DOCUMENTS Bonds, insurance policies and other val. - uable documents should not be kept at home where they are likely to be lost or mislaid. The Safety Deposit Boxes of this Bank provide at a moderate cost a1 excellent means of keeping valuable papers. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND . - *15,000.000. EXETER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager. Incorporated in 1855 „CAPITAL RESERVE $9.400,100 Over 130 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK The cost of living is fallin g, also the prk"a of food stuff. This necessitates increas ed production. Produee more and deposit your surplus in The Molsorts Bank, where it will be ready for any call and ye t be earning interest. EXETER: BRA.P.ICR T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business daily. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch. The O'Brien Business College, London 351 Richmond St. (South of ging St) London BUSINESS, SHORTHAND AND THE MACHINE CALCULAIING COURSES ARE, THOROUGH, THE INSTRUCTORS ARE EXPERIENC. ED, STUDENTS GET INDIVIDUAL .ATTENTION, and Graduates are niaced in goad positions. This is the college for ethose who want the tractical traheing and the good positions. Register now for Fall Term startinz August 29th. W. J O'BRIEN, Commercial Specialist, Princinal. ill Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto AUG. 27 --- Inclusive — SEPT. 10 To be opened by Lord Byng of Vimy, Canada's new Governor-General Color of the Orient Gaiety of a Mardi Gras Complete exposition of Canada's resources, ekill of men, wealth of material. "OVER HERE"—Super Pageant of Regal Magnificence dramatizing vividly Canada's Origin, Growth and Achievements. Color—Symbol— Allegory --Hundreds of, Performers—Music--Fine Arts—World's1 Largest Collection of War Photographs— Thrillers of Many Kinds—Fireworks on a larger scale than ever before—Scores of Features only to be seen at Toronto. Canada's Greatest Lice Stock and Farm Display—Machinery and Equipment of Endless Design for increasing the Efficiency of the Farm and the Comfort of the Home. Reduced Fares on All Lines of Travel JOHN G. KENT, ROBT. FLEIVIING, Managing Director President he Western Fair LONDON Sept. 10th to 17th SEVEN FULL DAYS THI EAR. THE POPULAR IiXHIBITION OF WESTe,RN ONTARIO 6,000.90 'Added to the .Prize List BOYS' AND GIRLS' •CALF COMPETITION SPEED EVENTS DOG SHOW AUTO RACES THE -WORTHAM SHOWS ON THE MIDWAY WONDERFUL PROGRAM BEFORE THE GRAND STAND TWICE DAILY 1-141‘ITY OF- MUSIC: FIREWORR'S EVERY NIGHT " Admission 10th, 12th,- 1,6th .8r. 17th 25ce e`13eft," , 15th, 50e. raituf Is01 , All information from the Secrenten. • Lite -Col. W. M. Gartshore, Pres. A.. An Hunt, Secretary