HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-12-22, Page 82Page 3$
She wishes Santa was real!
I would do something about you can't enjoy your resolve to get a little hi-
hope the whole world will
My Christmas Wish
I wish there really was a racism because we are all knowledge or wealthorsdiet deavours.iness hrough these e - come united and wars be
human beings. If I were resolve to eat a proper settled. I wish Communism
Santa Claus. When you're Lila Stewart can be stopped and terrorists
very young you believe in Prime Minister I would try to with fresh air and plenty of be controlled. I wish mostly
Santa, but later when your help anyone who needs help to exercise. peace will stand
older you find out what he make this Christmas a happy With all of this well-being it t My Christmas Wish that
really is. It is very disap- one. should be a breeze to gain I wish that for 1978 Canada throughout the world in years
pointing. Bernie Burgsma much knowledge and obtain will stay united as one to come.
better marks all around. I country, I would like our Kevin Alton.
istmas day,
I wish every child in this My Resolutions for 1978 resolve to try much harder to ' dollar to come up in value and.
world of ours could receive With a New Year about to
something from Santa Claus. begin, what more
health could I gwish
reater soretdoing ain things
shall find whys to wish racism would come to an BecausI like e I like to play
I know this would be im- for but good g gain a little wealth. end and that radicals can be I like Christmas night
possible; but if we all worked knowledge and a bit . of g A future with good health stopped. I wish that the truth Because I like to fight,
together somehow to really wealth. and greater knowledge would come out about the Jeffry
make my wish come true, we Good health is most im should make it much easier to mount cover-upand politicalffradeh5m
all would be very happy. . portant to everyone's well obtain a job. Therefore I phones being bugged. Colborne
When I see people giving ' being. If you don't feel well
donations to help unfortunate ,,_ rsne
peop le I think San ta is there, 'ss >s>ugy mi
and I think everyone who ,. �; r. ,.•
gives to someone else is A • ''
really a Santa Claus too. ; 4
Bonnie MacDonald W
Grade 7 `
My Christmas wish is to �. 5
have a puppy. I have a kitten W J:
of my own which is pure black W\ '. "%"."�' .' r- :. ?= •+;
but I still would like a puppy. �;
The reason I can't have a uE
puppy of my own is because
we own a camp. It the
summer we spend alot of our
time there. Dad doesn't want W
our dog running lose because W
campers will let their dogs
run lose and we may have a 14
dog fight. In the winter mom
and dad both work and we go
to school and we couldn't 1
leave the dog in because you W
know what would happen and �w
it's pretty cold outside in
winter. It doesn't sound like a i
very good reason but it all A
adds up meaning I can't have 1
a puppy for Christmas. Even W
if it's the thing I want most.
Lisa Dickson ;
Grade 7
Brookside A
My Christmas Wish
My Christmas Wish is for W SAM and Miriam Anderson wish
poor people. That is to send all their Goderich friends a
money and food to the poor sl' Merry Christmas and a Happy
countries. The reason is that ii New Year. —51
Christmas time, is a happy
time for giving gifts, andSEASON'S GREETINGS to
some people religions 14 friends, neighbors and relatives.
celebrations. For poor / Phyllis and Clive Allin. —51nc
families they would be sad, W
not able to give gifts, and not . WE WANT to wish all our
relatives and friends the Merriest
to have a religions
celebration because of the t Christmas and the Happiest New
ruler. For these reasons Year - Toynbee and Violet Lamb.
Christmas is ver, sad for 51
then . So 1 would li' • +0 give a VfTo all our friends and relatives,
happy Christmas poor Best Wishes for a Merry
families for their first time. Gp�( t Christmas and a Happy New
Wouldent you? Year.- Marg and Howard Aitken
George Alton IA and Sue.-50-51nc
Grade 7 4
Brookside g Merry Christmas and a Happy
My Christmas Wish W New Year to all our friends,
If I could wish for anythingneighbours and relatives. Paul
in the world. I would have two and Sharon Steep.-50-5loe
wishes. One of them is that t
more food and money is given R Merry Christmas and a Happy.
to the poor people. The poor 4New Year to all our friends,
people have it pretty bad Wneighbours and relatives. - Lloyd,
Compared to us. Sometines I �sKay, Tracey, Doug and Grant
grumble about not having tlLounsbury.-50-51nc
enough food to eat or li
throwing it away. Just A Merry Christmas and a Happy
thinkingthose people only WNew Year to all our friends,
have one meal a day and we %Cneighbours and relatives. -
go and waste food. My '''Brenda and George Van
second wish is that thederburgh.-50-Sloe
retarded people will have a A Best Wishes for a Merry
good Christmas, and be loved WWe wish our relatives, friends We would like to take this op- Christmas and Happy New Year
by everyone. I hope this Wand neighbours a Merry portunity to wish relatives and to ll our pfri,nds and
coming year will be a good Christmas and a Happy and friends in the area a Merry Y eP
Christmas and Happy New Year. family.-50,51nc
at one for all of us. %Prosperous New Year. - Walter- George, Evelyn and Ann
Ruth Martin ppffand Ihla Tigert.-50x Chambers. -50,51
Grade 7 Igl
Brookside 4,
I would like to wish my friends, In lieu of sending Christmas
neighbours and relatives a Merry
If I was Prime Minister this g cards this year, we are making a
Christmas I would give Christmas and a Happy New donation through Victoria Street
Canadians less taxes. Too `Year. -Clare Sproul. -50 Church to India and would like to
many people are going broke .. take this opportunity to wish
4&� because of taxes. I would also t BEST WISHES for a Merry friends and neighbours a Merry
like more jobs. There are Christmas and a Happy New Christmas and a Happy New
_Year. - Joyce and Joan Year. - Kurt, Berta, Carola and
people who have a University
Tony Dierolf.-50,51
Degree and still can't get
wogs pa scsasam vsx icgOlsrA Acit Iza Psi 30OrtsmatAssigtax it91 xgs � PA VA MA ZA31:4705S3tA 12CA ASS RIMFm0sz55:ZxZ smss0
Friends are a wonderful part of
Christmas, so we want to say thanks for
our congenial and warm relationship.
May it continue to flower long after Christmas.
MERRY Christmas and Happy TO OUR friends, relatives and DUE TO ill health we are not
New Year to my friends and neighbours, we wish them a sending out Christmas Cards. We
neighbours. Jean Adams. —51x Merry Christmas and a wish all our friends, neighbors
prosperous New Year. - Gerald, and relatives a Merry Christmas
Betty Fisher and family. —51 and a Happy New Year. Frank
and Elaine Leddy. —51,
IN LIEU of sending cards this
year we are contributing to the
local Retarded Children's Fund
and would like to take this op-
portunity to wish all our friends
and neighbours a joyous
Christmas and a healthy, happy
and prosperous New Year. Edna
and Stan Jones. —51
To all our friends, a very Merry
Christmas and a very healthy
and happy New Year. - Anna and
Dick Berryman. -50,51
Best Wishes to all our friends for
a Very Merry Christmas, a
Healthy, Happy and Prosperous
New Year. - Sincerely, Marie A.
and Dennis LeBlanc. -50-51
To all my friends and relatives, I
wish you a Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year. - Sincerely,
Harry Fritzley.-50,51
Wishing relatives, neighbours
and friends a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year. -Bruce,
Florence and Ron Sower -
by. -50,51
TO ALL our friends and neigh-
bors we wish a Very. Merry
Christmas Happy and
Prosperous New Year. Mariette,
Tim and Angie. —51
Happy New Year to our friends,
relatives and neighbours. - Ralph
and Norma Kingswell. —51
We wish all our relatives, friends;
The blessings of the Christmas and neighbours a very Merry`
Season and Best Wishes for the Christmas and a prosperous New/
coming year. - Harold and Jean Year. - Ken, Ruth, Dale, Dawn,
Bettger and family, Ruth and and Dorie Oke.-50,51nc
Brad Walker. -50,51
Best Wishes for a "Merry
Christmas" and a "Happy New
Year" to all our friends, neigh-
bours and relatives. - Ross and
Alice Pfrimmer.-50,51
Season's Greetings and the Best
Wishes for the New Year to all.
Love Martha and Walt Rath-
bu rn .-50, 51 nc
Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year to all my friends and
neighbours. - Ruth Leonard.
To all our friends and relatives
we wish you a Very Merry Season Greetings to my friends
Christmas and a Happy and neighbors, and Best Wishes
Prosperous New Year. - Dick, for the New Year. Mary
Jean and Steve Steep.-50,51nc Helesic.-50,51nc
To our relatives, friends and Merry Christmas and Best
neighbours we want to wish them Wishes in the New Year 1978, tol
a Merry Christmas and a happy all our friends, neighbors and
New Year. - Tim, Diana, Tonya, relatives.. Ron..ludy. Steven and
and Alesha Glousher.-5,51nc Jason Austin.-50,51nc
Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year to all our friends,5
neighbours and relatives, •Keith,
Pat, Barry and Lynn
I would like to wish friends,
neighbours and relatives a Very
Merry Christmas and a Happy
New •Year - Charles
McCabe. -50,51
To all our friends - Best Wishes
for a Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year. - Huron County g
Library and Goderich staff.
In lieu of sending Christmas
cards we are making a donation
to the Cancer Society. Merry
Christmas and a Happy New
Year to all our friends and
relatives. - Lyall and Karin
Mabon and girls. -50,51