HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-7-28, Page 8EXETER ABITg8ATE, THURSDAY, JULY 395 1921 Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Wheat ,,,.,.,., Barley,......»...,... ,,,.. Oats t.. ..;i Family Flour Fee Flour . Sert> �...,.. Bran Crearaery Butter ..., Dairy Butter Eees H y per ton lioga 1.25 40 5.30 2.00 1.40 1.40 43 .....,,..... �, w~ 26 Vim 4 70 • .. $10 to $13 • .,. 12.00 .? F -1k\1 HAND. . es-ese. able bullied }'utt`t`; area at eresent in Englame, bas written »he Apses ate that he will be pleased +o renin+ to Ca xaia and tali: a poe tion then at his trade as shoemaker and reteseese er an a farm. He kis tear_ eu»,a= - l ".:.e e nevi with all keels of Save were e n was ea t: areola for seven " y .ars before the war. h �s not so- reuse; a :natter of wages as • e. • e ro^'t hohe wishes. .t . Wo leu ,e;tori. reesive .$Harlem CIVIC HOLiD..Y PROL.L A\IATICeN 13 W. F. BE.FIRS, reeve' of Ex- ct :. se rel+yp, crtil ':r, Monday, August Tee. seises Uier, a v for the ti it ige, aad steer .":t `se t ,acvernattsnt teeses $.1 B. 1'4" F. Beavers, Reeve. '!'lila EYES. baba wishes to arnnouncs: that he has seldolci to lets already w pl +egerpnc,l (t:al lest pay or Wens', Perm--el.ter with S; i-Optouv. ser a t: el:mon t Ibis gases horn epees -slew t %,"j.,.oree t for a aht tsst-. Out end ple eS at your `ertege an ov- ,. a pa r:or wireh is east class. All .York euarantesel. Local Doings Hay and Wheat being harvested, oafs ars i barley are now being cut Everybody compiaists of the mos- qu;toes. They do get busy some terms. \fir. S. Coxon of Grantors is doing some decorating at the home of err. Hubert Junes, Dr. and Mrs. Raulston and son, and Me, and etre Geo. Mantle left Wed- nesday .on a motor trip to Megan., Capt. Isaac Hetherington of Shen- pardton was elected t.D.G.M. of the Masonic District No. 4, South Huron at the Convocation in Ottawa last week. Miss Ruth Jory, daughter of \1r. and Airs; Jory so; Stephen, when eking teas, e:tperieneed a rnneway n which she was dragged some dis- tance, but was fortunately* only some- what bruised. Oa Friday last a number of the Exeter Boy. Scouts went ort ,, like to Isepnen, where p Scout squad is being prganized. They camped out for tiee night and returned next Jay. erasing +enjoyed the outing. \firs elcEn ern ,and Miss Rtiby Par - sone, veto. left ,.•+ere ,cast week for the eleyo Hospital, Rochester, Mime. un- eer;cent operations for goitre, tale former on :Monday orad the latter on Tuesday. Both ,patients came through the ot,=tion st,cely and at lass, ac-. ,scants R'ere ps-ogress: reg favorable. Mr. George Horton, of whom men - ion was made last ;week, is again with us. George, is well-known here, bet torose of the old school. He hes t s: away for a good many years, but ed ta) come back just to see the tresnds.aril the old towns where early days were spertlt. George Iotas many interesting incidents and sspe.:ant rs of his e;arh' lite and of those who lived in the early days -- massy of whom have since passed away --baht one cannot fah to enjoy a chat A':tl aim it they son figure• back atty- s. re in the sixties, and evert later. O +, burse George lived in than' "scrap.- p e (Los, and many t bout he re - 1 te° va tat witlegserte, enterezt» George p a se eg goo -head Exeter. Exeter_ i]l9til.'!~It 1 OR S U.te, seatiesialesee q ¢ eeles eel cut, tsar asee, :'tpp y W.. Ward, 1.,..111.,., tbNiON +.r.AIE` FOR SAiLls. •�4.'eseen. erstes, sic 4 See::,�+t,� t Retest:en welliesa, resseemee 't.. . dente, < rtes.'. »t ri. +,b+: essett ear .. few weeks wisest ee ebsere Wes. -seemly. F 101:Sr FOR e °t.LE. Qin Weeeara Serest. h e +•l• tv as , 1 sea tore: , v.:t t),�l kitelt n. .Poods. e,.d, sae srse steles ,; two lots tar 'sofa, wee aealmber segeed asest 'tr. L'. t� cost i v:.0 \; 2 lana Br eu n F . ^ immediate -:.ale Write N .1. BROWN, Paris. Ont 1.'si�at� 1'1+R SALE. t1 sea eaves on 1- » Road, ' d, -.Crte al Esseee. Wie ` seed with top on t Air.) a , :tt 1.2• + 5 sty: 4 11.4" a»,• l vti, tint: er and ., v. vii P'.y .en eer. ,. epee. Pla » tet:»e ses tees; at Ade:P.at: CONTR AC TING. We eiesh t eall the tri+» t ora of the public ct E.N.e., r end surrtunding els- . ct that :es ere open to aecevt, or ender ter so -enacts Sor all kinds of beetling We ire eex, . freed work - :nee and he oret ettent ten to busi- ness we heso t + s .ars in. the contrat;t :;I of tees slietriet, WARES t P YL.th, Exeter. ;e Advestes has received a splen-. 4-,A1 new stock et Wedding Stationery yeeng lades c eeterpiatine matrimony ,tar.: se: our emples seed nri!e s. Sear gar. nt.n.. is nuts :e blotted, ten • Sabre i,::: Fels but itcompares with ,a>nsape, w rke. HOOSE FOR SALE. Nice ,it,mmodious b -room Frame House. seuat a on the south side of Ann etrest. Exeter; tea. good repair, hart and set water. For terms ap- ply to L R CARLING. Exeter. AUTO BUS. S. j. V. Cann will be pleased to con- vey picnic sorties to Grand Bend t" other poere during the summeit, FOR :+ALE OR TO RENT. The Livery Barn. and other build- ings ti ennected therewith, belonging to the c,tate et the late W. G. Bissett and recently occupied by :lir. W. H. Hedgert. For terms and particulars apply to ISAAC R. CARLING Barrister Owing to the drop in all material we are able to manufacture ice cream at pre-war r rices -25c a pint, 50c. a quart; 5c. a dish.—W. J. STATHAM, SHOW CASE FOR SALE. Small one. Apply C. L. WILSON. DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractic and Electric Treatments, X -Ray; Hours - 10 to 12 and 2 to 4, and by apvoint- ment Consultation free, William and Sanders. Pt none 43, TENT TO RENT. Suitable for booth, or for camping.! Apply to C. L. Wilsoan. CARS FOR HIRE -Phone 56, C. L. WILSON. VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Andrew St, Apply at any time 4 to 6 o'clock; evenings 7 to 8. HOW IS THE P,tJM New Iron Pumps and Fittings In Stock. Iron or wood pumps repaired. Wells pumeed out or cleaned. . , 6. J. V. CANN, Phone 115 A 1 Y O1.G:1,N, r e t� ii t Brand av Jeres ere t est a rest Clecoll met tel. Monday cv wryiz; .;r der .vd ta> pur::hes'. alit, - -a n C r... ed Pipe Organ from the Warren :o ntroeny of \Voodstosk at a ei :,bout $13,0e0, includ'ate 'nt- �ta,at.tan. It is to be instated by .'en;6,+.,r 1'-t. The money lets rear , all been :»ubser bed, A cornneetee s be atnnonted to complete the tr- tteso HO LING NOTE':se Hensel' f".s 3told ing :a liowl *tg tour- at;3a:ae tt tire Thursday. The local Friday evening bowline; tournament was Won by, e, Pryde, J. If. Grieve oriel R, N. Creech with three straight wives by narrow merger, Eight rinks engaged in the play. Messrs. Dunseith, Harstone, North .geravie and Tovell came over from Al, rys on Friday afterroon to :attempt to lift the Victor Trophy wit'eaa F.xoter won in St. ;farm, East v: ar but thy t:alee by es shot les r;,. Herman, Stewart, Taman :inti eldoa defended the trophy, Two. ]fairs of Scotch Double Bowlers titters: d l the Seaford: 'Tournament, and a rind: went to Stratford last wed,. The boys are plot having their usual curscess this. year, getting only about 75 per cent of their ;amen it stead of 10ei per .cent, which is risc- essery to win trophies, Un to the present it is en off year for Exrtet' SALVATION ARMY Thursday, 8 pini. in Victoria Park Mejor Byers, Divisional Commander of Stratford Division, will conduct spec- ial sere ce. Capt Barr and ; L'eut. Parnell will assist. Do not miss this service. Y. P. C. A. During July and and August the Y rooms wilt be opened only Monday and Saturday nights, but any members wishing to enjoy the games can apnly for the keys to Mr. Cole on any other ;eight Trivitt Memorial Church 11 7 pee— Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector. OAVEN PRESBYTERIAN C.H.u.ROH Rev. James Foote, B. A„ Minister, 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible classes. 11 a.m.—"The Universal and Abso- lute Rulership of the Future." 7 p.m.—"The Waldenses." Prayer service Thursday evening at 7:45. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. 11 aim. --r Communion Service 3 p.tm—Sabbath School and Bible . Study, 7 p.m:—Commu1nion, Service Any who wish' to unite in Church membership elea,se attend the morning service, Excellent music, All invited. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A'. Phone Zlr3 1 aims—"Tine Spectacular in. Liife." 3m.-' p. bunday School and Bible CJaitses. 7 ,panni(_"Sixth_ Mystery of the Kingdom," . s BETHAIV'2 3;30 p.n.—"Birds out 'Glia„ Bralnchee Spontan,•eet s, /combustion. is suppos- ed to ha''e caused the destruction, by fire of the barn and entire season crop of )untied Morrison, hear Park- hill on Saturday aright. A Grand Bend boy has beaten the record of the Detroit .boy in swimming around ;the pond meta„ at Grand 13end The Grand Bend boy made the trip it: three-quarters of the time it took the Detroit boys to is said. no fxanne work of the ua.ew flaxrnill et Exeter North was raised on Frit - day last on the old site of the one: tiestraayed by fire a few reenths ago The new mill wee <be 36x56 and will be seedy to take care of this seasaat's c,:;1, ina couule weeks, A product of Huron; le the share ofi a huge ,steer, weighing 3,570 pounds, and named S.ir, Douglas Haig, is see ,ex- Whiten in, ZL'_ttagham, It ;is a grade 'Durham, almost thoroughbred, has a girth of 10 feet, 9 3-4 inches aid sold for $5,000. It will be exhibited at many of the ,Fairs this fall;. Mr. Geo. Hind has been holidaying in Toronto. ...Mr. Harry Ftese returned to Tor- onto Ibis. Aveeh, J' Thomas Harton ,of London t, -is- eted Isere for a• few days, are visiting wtb their unele and meat Mr. end etre. Ewe Roweliffe, Mrs. S. Quanta of Toronto is visit- ,n.,e g' - lati.ves and friends hero Mrs, E. Nowa ed of Lon;do»n as twit- fine bee sister, elm. ES, Chattel e, elr Ed Crocker, wife anal faintly of Toronto are holidaying le teevn, etreand lire Beloit .Bared of Alvin- ston are visiting :elatiyes i, 'town, Miss Ella Link ,of Welke ton ytsitin i with ,her mutt, Mrs. Wm, Kuntz Miss Bessie. Hartaaolt of Toronto has been visitiang watlt friends here, 'Messes. ;Silas Reid and Bruce Riv- ers are spending a. week len Windsor~ 'Miss Edna Vosper or Toronto is Visiting Aliss Sanders and ,Muss Vosper efiss Ethel Dow, after a. v nsit with the tamely here, has returned to Win- nipeg. , I Miss E.ti«.th Elliot of Toronto is vis- iting, at the home of her brother ,;4r E. iitl:iot '.lies Florence Schroeder of Bally- ntotte visiting, with her friend, \!ss ,`ate; a Box. ;Le Wtee lalu r, wife and fenele of t"t Forest, are dsiting relatives 7-t t;t9s vic°anty. elr and Mrs, K G. Mark of Lore= are resiting with the Tatter"s feeler, Mr. A. Bowey, Zr,vCase Howard of New York is hood e a vsaa with his parents, kir. and Mrs J. N. Howard, Mr. end `lrs. Hubert Jones return- e.i Friday from their honeymoon trip by boat to Duluth. 1Ir, Alva belly of Benson, Sask., is visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rey^- noe?'s, Victoria a Perk,. ,Mrs, Gregory and daughter, bliss Stella, returned last week from a vi.s- it with relatives in Chicago. Miss Verde Rowciiffe of London is lfus Beatrice Dwteart and Arthur holidaying at her hoixe here. 11r, and Mrs. Jobnn Rowe Mrs. Hos- kins, firs. Lamport and Miss Lamport are holidaying in Muskoka, Mrs P I rayne, Mrs. Johnston end 1:r. ane Mrs. Asa Perthale visited Mr. Johnston of London, who is el Mrs. le G. Seldom, and family at- tended the eleKenzie-Chesney tved- ding an Egmandville on July 20th, Mr. George Willis of Loa tion visited his mother here this week. He is now at his summer, cottage, Grand Bendi Air and Mrs. Wood of Hamilton=are visiting with relatives here, guests of the latter's brother, 1Ir, H. Walter. .lir, and Mrs, aClubine .of Toronto have been visiting relatives here, the gguestas of lien and \Ira. Henry Par- sons. arsons. \fr. and Mrs, T. S. Woods and daughter. left Saturdnv for tw,o week's outing on Lake Huron near Sarnia.. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mace of Winni- peg are here visiting with relatives, guests of :ti: 'I. R, and the Misse. Carling. Mrs, {Dr.) Lindsay and son. Donald have gone 'to England to 'spend a few weeks with the doctor who is taking a post graduate couesea bliss Quinton returned last week from a trip down. the St. Lawrence to Chicoitiml. She was accompanied by Miss :Mary Ellerington. Mrs. James Foote and family who have ,been in Belmont visiting relatives for three or four weeks, reelisi d to their home here (oil. Sunday. Dr. and .errs. Harriscn, who have been visiting friends ,and relatives here for a couple weeks, left Tuese day for their home n Detroit. Mr. Chars. Tom, w ec'has been visit- ing here with :his sister, Mrs. Yeoland other• relatives :n Ontario, left for ;his home ,in. Golden, B.C., ton Thursday last. D=, etcTaggart anal Mr. Geo Case of Toronto visited xelatives • here over Sunday, having Came west to at- tend the W. O. B, Al tournament' in London. . Airs, Nichlin returned to Guelph, this week, going by ;motor- with her brother and sister, Dr. and Miss Kiss - man. Miss Kinsman will visit thereto/ a week gar `two Mr. and:Mrs. P, B. Dignan, and fam- ily. of Toronto are 'visiting with rel- patives here for a; week or twot Mr.. Wm. Dignan and family of Lucan were here ,ove-r Sunda'yt Mr. Wilbert Wood and wife of Fort William spemit a few; days with their uncle a,rsd 'aunt, ,Mit and Mrs Frank Wood, They madethe•n trip here part- ly by. boat, but twill motor back. Mr. John Simigulat and sant' Thomas of 1CIi.ften, Kansas, are :here visiting ,w,ilth, the former's ;sister, ,Mrs, Wm:; Bagshaw. Mr. Sngular was a former resident ,o2 these leases, but left hers: many years ago. Mrs, ,Sh rey, nee Ida iBalkwi<ll, daugh- ter of . the ;lame Mr, an eless Jobe t3alkw.il.<' of Ese(ter, is v lsitieg rele- s vas 'n Seel persons] Execteri. S7ie` is now rsitieg.;wa,th Mr„ John, Gart.es„a relative at Dashwood; 1 JONES & MAY PHONE 3Z SPECIAL..ANNQUNCEONT. • A foot comfort expert specially trained in the Dr.. Scholl Method of foot correction will be at this store Thursday, July 28. Bring your foot and shoe troubles to him. No charge. No obligation. Final Clearing of Summer Goods CHILDREN'S DRES 4S at $1.65. Children's Dresses ages 2 to 8 years in pretty Checked GI/tghatns regularly priced at $Z,50 each. Summer Clearing price only $1.65 each, LADIES' Wei IT. SKIRTS AT $1,50 We have several odd hinds and sizes of Ladies' White •Wash Sk' .s° clearing at about half price and ,less --$1,50 aaaCla ' We have better lines of Wash Skirts clearing at $Z;35 and $3.3$ each. CHILDREN'S COTTON HOSIERY 25c P.r. 15 dozen Ribbed Cotton Hosiery colors, black and brown, a clearing at 25c. pair. 1 sires, LADIES' VESTS AT 49e. Each 10 dozen Ladies' Summer Nests in Cumfy Cut and other styles„steev.' less and quarter -sleeve, greateee eedueed,. tai clear at 49e. each. LADIES' 6110:MLR COMBINATIONS AT 98c. Si.' IT. 3,0 doaen Ladies' Summer Cozntiniata tions regularly calaeci up to $Isl5 San Hearing at only 980. suit HEN'S STRAW AND PANAMA 1-IATS $1.95 Odd lines of glen's Straw marl Panama Hats, all this season'- styles, sitz, 6 3-4 to r 1-4, clearing this week at only $1495 each? SALE OF LACES AND 'CRESS TRW INGS 5c., 10c., 15c YD. Hundreds of yards of expensive Laces and Dress Trimmings at only a f eetioit of regular price, divided into =^three jots at 5c,, a0c,, and 15e. yd. ALL SUMMER GOODS MUST GO REG ARDLLSS Ole Ti1E COST. •m,w THIS STORE WILL Bk. CLOSED EV,uRY WEDNESDAY AFTER- NOON DURING JUNE JULY AND AUGUST. JONES & MAY T. R. Carling, B.A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etc. INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing prices from 6 ver cent, to 7 per cennt, can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan. at lowest rates of Lniterest. Office—Carling Bk., Mao. St, Exeter R. N. ROWS FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Embalmers License No. 210 Motor Hearse Service Phones 20J and 20W. i If you have anything to sell or you want to buy, try The Advocate Want . DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT Column. VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Tea & v offe e Calls promptly attended t' to day or, Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery ,i ne Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce night. DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate 04 taken in exchange ifice. Strictly confidential; no witne8's: Jas. Gould Dr. G. F. Roulstosn, L. D. S., D. D S DENTIST FALL TERM FROM SEPT. 6th CENTRAL s'rRATFORD. ONT. The largest and best Commercial School in Western Ontario. A school where you can get thorough sourses under experienced instructors in Com mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy departments. Graduates assisted to positions, Home study courses can, be arranged Get our free catalogue. D. A..McLaachlan, Principal SOtJTHCOTT BR OS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 PLEJ+,T .FOOT•' SHOES For every sport an'.l recrea tion}. Pore every member of the fancily! Before going an your vacation .be sure to have a pair to talee wlbh.you' The pz'zcett are ciulta reasonablet FACTOa ° COTTO4 SPECIAL WHITE FLAN. SPIbCIIAL' Extra good weave end price 35c yd { 27 in, wide flaanneeeitte old price Special value 10 yds fit's $1„75 135c., very gorrcl •,qualiity» e Special vaiuo 10 yds for $1.75 SPECIAL IN MVILN'S OVERALLS $1,79. A yeses ago Thee overal sold for $3,p0 It as a ,good cloth, made 'full toruli ‘6'0.1.127 and Will eterslatter of rough wear. , Speeseel treble at $1,71 LADIES? CORSETS $1.48 MEN'S SHIRTS $1:39 3,04. XJ, to A, oor ts. Regular 4 dos Tooke Shirts. Reg. value vz1s '.x.1.„%5!/ A'. ltd tweet in a 62,00 Sizes 14 to IA,. A. good '.shin ' ,et}aezglrt foe' mom weather. Size forsummer wear end :extra vaiu}e 20 to Zf Seseeaal value $1,48, at $1.39. Southcott Bros. Thi.. $;tore w;tll close every Wed, after soon• during June, July, August, Office over Carling's Law 'Office Closed Wednesday afternoons, Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate Toronto Unn jereity Office—over Gladman & Stannt ury,'s 'Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Heron Perth, Middlesex and Ozfvrd. Farad Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Central Hostel, Exeter, Ontario FRAN'.l TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satlifactio i. Guaranteed. Crediton, — On'tario. If you want to ,order a daily, paperor magazine, or renew, a present Wee. scriotiose leave your order at t1T Advocate Office. We save you paper, envelope pbstage tan ttamp, and cog Of money order .and when clubbing a the more besides. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and- village property- at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter,