HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-12-15, Page 28PAGE 4A--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15,x977 _ ..,,._•• • ..•,.,—,..0 TV Channel 5,- Saginaw Schedule for December to December 14 (Exclusive to Signal -Star Publishing) MORNINGS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 7:00 TODAY SHOW 7:30 TODAY SHOW 9:00 MARCUS WELBY M.D 10:00 SANFORD AND SON 10:30 HOLLYWOOD SQUARES 11'00 WHEEL OF FORTUNE 11:30 KNOCKOUT 12:00 NEWS AFTERNOONS 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 12:30 CHICO AND THE MAN 1:00 THE GONG SHOW 1:30 DAYS OF OUR LIVES 2:30 THE DOCTORS 3:00 ANOTHER WORLD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15 1 AFTERNOON 4:00 STUDIO FIVE: "EAST OF EDEN" James Dean, Julie Harris '55 - Fine drama of frustrated love existing between father and his two sons. Based on novel by John Steinbeck. EVENING 6:00 -NEWS 6:30 N.B.C. NEWS 7:00 BEWITCHED 7:30 MICHIGAME 8:00 C.H.I.P.S. 9:00 JAMES AT 15 10:00 WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO THE CLASS OF '65 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW ' FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16 AFTERNOON 7 4:00. STUDIO FIVE: "GREGORIO AND HIS ANGEL" Broderick Crawford, Connie Carol '70 - An old man who is custodian of a church is fired when unjustly accuhed of stealing an image of a Saint. EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 N.B.C. NEWS 7:00 WILD KINGDOM 7:30 MUPPETS g:00 HALLMARK HALL OF FAME: "HAVE I GOT A CHRISTMAS FOR YOU" 9:00 1977 RODEO SPECIAL 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17 MORN INC ; 7:00 SEARCH AND RESCUE ••8:00 C.B. BEARS .1 9:00 THE YOUNG SENTINELS 9:30 THE NEW ARCHIE—SABRINA SHOW _ 10:30 I AM THE GREATEST: THE ADVENTURES OF MUHAMMAD ALI { 11:30 THUNDER 1. 11:30 SOUL TRAIN AFTERNOON • 12:30 SCIENCE—FICTION THEATRE: "NIGHT SLAVES" James Franciscus - Aliens hypnotize an i entire town to help repair spacecraft. 2:00 SATURDAY AFTERNOON MOVIE: 1. "STAGECOACH" Bing Crosby, Van Heflin - A stagecoach with six troubled passengers leave for j Cheyenne after the slaughter of a detachment of U.S. Cavalry. '66 4:00 N.F.L. FOOTBALL (Buffalo at Miami) 1. • EVENING 6:00 NEWS 7:00 HEE HAW 8:00 THE BIONIC WOMAN • 9:00 MOVIE: "THE INCREDIBLE ROCKY • MOUNTAIN RACES" i 11:30 MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE: "GUYS AND DOLLS" Jean Simmons, Frank Sinatra, ,Marlon Brandon '55 •- What happens when missionary girl 1 meets Broadway gambler, proprietor of a floating' crap game, and his fiancee of 14 years. (Due to length of this feature, there will be no "Five Star Theatre" on this date). % SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 MORNING ) 6:45 DAVEY AND GOLIATH r 7:00 - OPEN CAMERA 7:CARTOON CARNIVAL 80030 - REX HUMBARD ) 9:00 - ORAL ROBERTS 9:30 TELEVISED MASS { 10 00 ABBOTT & COSTELLO: "THE WORLD OF ABBOTT & COSTELLO" B&W - Abbott, Costello, Anthology of Stars ' 65.- Comedy highlights from 18 i of the most popular Abbott & Costello films. Narrated by Jack E. Leonard. ;'AFTERNOON EVENING ) % 7 12 30 MEET THE PRF cc 1:00 N.F.L. FOOTBALL (teams T.B.A.) 4:00 N.F.L. FOOTBALL (Cleveland at Seattle) 6:00 NEWS 6.30 WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS 7:00 THE NUTCRACKER 8:30 THE BIG EVENT: "FATHER KNOWS BEST" 10:00 DEAN MARTIN'S CHRISTMAS IN CALIFORNIA 11:30 CINEMA FIVE. "FROM HERE TO ETER- NITY" Burt Lancaster, Montgomery Clift, Frank Sinatra '54 B&W - Powerful drama of the passions and violence of a group of soldiers stationed at Pearl Harbor just before World War I1. MONDAY DECEMBER 19 AFTERNOON 4-00 STUDIO FIVE: "ROAD TO BALI" Bing Crosby, Bob Hope '53 - American vaudevillians, Bing and Bob, fleeing from some irate Australian fathers, wind up as deep,-s'ea divers, hired by island potentate to recover treasure. EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 BEWITCHED 7:30 ADAM - 12 8:00 TEXACO PRESENTS THE BOB HOPE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 9:00 WILMA 11:00NEWS r 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW TUESDAY, DE -EMBER 20 AFTERNOON 4:00 STUDIO FIVE "HIGH SOCIETY" Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly '56 - Reporter and photographer for magazine cover a fashionable Philadelphia wedding, and their presence in the household causes a series of events that make prospective bride question making stuffed shirt her second husband - EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 N.B.C. NEWS 7:00 BEWITCHED 8:00 MAN FROM ATLANTIS 9.00 MULLIGAN STEW 1000 ORAL ROBERTS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 1E00 Nt.wS - 11 30 TONIGHT SIIO,W WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21 AFTERNOON 4:00 STUDIO FIVE: ' JUST FOR YOU" Birl 'Crosby, Jane Wyman '52 Big-tinie theatrical producer who has too little time for his teenaged children learns to find time with assistance. EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 N.B.C. NEWS 7:30 THE CITY THAT FORGOT ABOUT CHRIST- MAS -- An animated special which tells the story of a town that lost its love when it loses the spirit of Christmas. 10:00 THE UNDERSEA WORLD OF JACQUES COUSTEAU 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW 411- 1 J zzazaz Z 1 za ZZ ZJZ Z Z Izza-zzazzzorazz-Lazzz, Appearing This Week SKY HIGH c 01 WED., DEC. 14 TO SAT., DEC. 17 I• , H H H H H H N TUES. 12.1:30 P.M '3.50 ea. N WED. 6-7:30 P.M. '5.95 ea. SUN. 5 & 7 P.M. '5.95 ea. t O. H H H H H H ;N N ljH Goderich 524-7337 a. Z Z- �ZJZJZ�Z Z-DI.+ZJZ 1-•Z�Z-.1. pla.14-, DZ IJZJZ e1-1 ZJZ I- Z'�ZZI ZJZJZ�Z.+, • i ) • AT THE BEDFORD COURT LOUNGE COMING NEXT WEEK-. WILD PINE WED., DEC. 21 TO SAT., DEC. 24 AFTERNOON MATINEE SAT., DEC. 24 PLANNING DINNER OUT TRY OUR DELICIOUS SMORGASBORD 1-1 Make your Christmas Party Reservations Today. Bedford Hotel Handel's Messiah raised composer's spirits from the depths of depression BY JOSEPH HERDMAN When, in the year 1710, the young Handel's wanderlust first took him to London, England, the musical life of that city was- almost com- pletely under the influence of Italian opera. No conditions could have been more congenial to Handel at that point in his life. Despite' his training as a church musician he was, by temperament and early professional experience, a man of the theatre. Already, at the age of 25, he had five operas to his credit, and when the libretto of a new opera, 'Rinaldo', came into his hands, he set to work on, it immediately. The music was composed in the incredibly short space of 14 days, and the opera was produced_ sumptuously and successfully at the Queen's Theatre in the Haymarket. It was Handel's first London success. Handel returned to Ger- STARTS SUNDAY DEC. 18-20 SUN-TUES. ONE SHOWING 8 P.M. The story of a young, English footman ;who served the Lady Booby but loved the little Fanny. STARTS WEDNESDAY DEC. 21-23 C1977 M„ne. 8 .,, Inf. COMING SOON 6 DAYS STARTS 26 DEC. "It's true. People have trouble remembering My Words. Moses had such a bad memory I had to give him tablets." • • PARI GODERICH ti) 1111 IAPI Program r'1 a IN! ' ,''1 Ifs 1 sublecl to chang Alt/LOND11IONE D •••••••110111101/041 fashionable opera of the ' period, helped to destroy month leave of absence to resume his duties as Musical whatever prestige Italian many at the end of his six Director to the Elector of opera still had. Hanover, but was back in But Handel was determined London two years later, and and obdurate, and continued this time to stay. to produce one opera after From the beginning of another on subjects from Handel's permanent medieval romance or remote residence in London in 1712 to mythology. the time, some 30 years later, At length, with the failure when the libretto of `Messiah' of his last opera 'Deidamia', stirred his imagination as it Handel, now a very sick man ' had never been stirred close to bankruptcy, retired before, Handel faced triumph from public life to the and disaster, saw much of his.. seclusion of his bachelor finest work treated with in ms at Upper Brook Street, difference, and realized that,/ Hanover Square. the English aristocracy of_the And it was then, at perhaps eighteenth century was as fickle in its support of the arts as it was in the conduct of its social life or its love affairs. Opera in the Italian style was steadily losing its at- traction for the fashionable world, and the production of 'The Beggar's Opera' in January, 1728, by a 'rival company, with a libretto that pokes sly fun at the * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ******* * * • CABLE 12 LISTIS110,_ * * * Thursday Beginning Af7 p.m. * * "Foxy,1s Friends" * with Ronnie Varga * Wednesday - 7 p.m. _. "I'll Be Seeing You" * * with Stan Profit - * * Featuring people 'n places of interest * * * * * Wednesday, Dec. 21st— Fred Salter's Film of * the Goderich Christmas Parade will be shown • Monday 7:30 p.m. -- Lions TV Bingo * * * ********************** 4 4 4 V HURON COUNTY'S' FINEST DINING AND BANQUET CENTRE 4 4 Come vt\ Out and See Us! FULLY LICENSED UNDER THE L.L.e.O. OPEN: 7 DAYS A WEEK 12 NOON. 8 P.M. FRIDAY , AP(b SATURDAY EVENING 'TIL 1 A.M. For Reservations CaII ire. 36 FOR DANCING APPEARING THIS WEEKEND: "Southern Comfort" NO COVER CHARGE - NO BLIJE JEANS PLEASE SORRY SOLD OUT SATURDAY, DEC. 17 RESERVATIONS STILL AVAILABLE FOR FRI., DEC. 16 7 HUS..a DINE FANiLY STYLE Now Accepting Reservations for CHRISTMAS DINNER Sunday, December 18 BOXING DAY DINNER Monday, December 26 Served Continuously 12 noon - 8 p.m. FOR LUNCH Luncheon Buffet, 12 noon - 3 p.m., '2." ea. FOR SUPPER Fish 8. Chips, Steaks, Ribs, Chops, Seafood; Smorgasbord served on Friday, Saturday and Sunday FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE Dance to "Mystery Train" 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Then Ehjoy our Hot Buffet LIMITED TICKETS AVAILABLE' 17.50 COUPLE INCLUDES HATS, HORNS, FAVOURS, FOOD RESERVE NOWT AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY DINNER Served Continuously 12 noon - 8 p.m. grs 'No re IF. the lowest point of his career, that Handel received from Charles Jennens the libretto of an Oratorio titled 'Messiah'. It gripped his imagination and roused him from his depression. He worked on it - and worked as he had never worked before, The composition was started on August 22nd, 1741, and completed in 24 days. It would surely be true to say that the year 1741 saw the death of Handel as an opera composer, and the birth, through frustration and despair, of one of the most inspired and best -loved choral works in existence. DUBLIN In the same year that 'Messiah' was completed Handel received from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland an invitation to visit Dublin and give a series of • charity concerts. Handel gladly accepted, and left London for Dublin in November, 1741, taking the newly -completed score with him. He paused at Chester while waiting for some calmin the rough seas of St. George's Channel, and held the first rehearsal of the new work in that city, with the aid of local singers and instrumentalists. Handel was greeted with enormous enthusiasm when he finally reached Dublin, and was installed in a fine suite of rooms in Abbey Street. He wrote to his librettist: "I cannot sufficiently express the kind treatment I receive here, but the politeness of this generous nation cannot be unknown to you, so I let you judge of the satisfaction I enjoy, passing my time with honour, profit and pleasure". A series of six concerts proved so popular that it was followed by a further series of six, but the score of 'Messiah' remained hidden, and Handel made no mention of the new work until sometime in March, 1742, When the existence of 'Messiah' and the possibility of its first performance in Dublin became known, the city buzzed with interest and excitement. A public rehearsal was held, to which those who held tickets for the first performance were ad- mitted. Those who were present at the rehearsal were so thusiastic about what t had heard that at the public performance hundr of people had to be tura away. The performance given in a music hall recently built in Fisham Street. It was a small hall pathetically small for such event - but a public requ that the ladies come with, the hoops that we necessary to make th dresses billow fashiona and that the gentlemen off their swords, was swered unanimously, and absence of hoops and swo, enabled some 700 people cram into the little theatre, A sum of 900 pounds raised for charity and work was performed again June 3 before Han returned to Lond refreshed and exhilarated, Nine months later, March 23, 1743, `Messiah' given its first London formance at Covent Gard and repeated twice in same month. Other p formances followed, but was not until 1750, w Handel established a directed an annual series charity performances at Foundling Hospital that work began to gain fav with English audiences, eventually to take firm as the most loved of allch works. During the years mediately following, Ha added many magnific works to the choral dramatic repertory, Sem Judas Maccabeus Solomon among them, bu never again received from English audiences the s port and recognition that his due. His health decl steadily, and he diedonA 14th, 1759, It is interestin recall that on April 6, 1 Handel made his last p appearance, conducting performance of 'Mess with great success. Terry Crowle GODERICH 524.9075 representing DEA ND 6 11 GO ing re, t r en e sh $: 'Ss en F An ing urn eir l ver f rt nds om se. - GO ing 12 e -til 00.- U`. edl our all tm a. 'TO rt icte en 0, of 00 —1 na W( 1—! cie/s a► cPi eYevit 144611-v*1A t LIN For the first rime Blyth Summer Fecnral is offering season's tickets for the 1478 season in time for Christmas giving NAME .............................................. ............. You can get or g12 • 4 adult ticket vouchers f for 210 • . 4 senior citizen vouchers • 4 children vouchers for S8 SEND YOUR ORDER TODAY ADDRESS ............................. PLEASE SEND ME ADULT SERIES OF 4 TICKETS AT S11 PER SERIES SENIOR CITIZEN SERIES OF 4 TICKETS AT 110 PER SERIF) CHILD SERIES OF 4 TICKETS AT 18 PER SERIES 1 4A1'ABLE 1D ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND A CHEQUE FON ""'......, • RLYTH CENTRE FOR THE ARTS. m Er BI