HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-12-15, Page 19tis is my ids rly end get Articles for sale an one dresseryand Phone 524 - an Y 524- W . -49,50x COLOR TV, one yeaold; I .5 one u, ft. freezer,year aVenport style couch. Phone 524- 96after G p. m.-49„50 SED Westinghouse, walnut, le,stereo, in good condition, 0per cent Solid State, with AM, M FM Stereo, (ival turntable, d provisions for tape deck, irty day warranty, $159.00, sed Electrotome, walnut n ltio ,1on cent excellent Sol d ndition, 100 per tte, AM, FM, FM Stereo, dual rntable, provisions for tape ck and external speakers, 60 y warranty,,, $289.00. CHISHOLM TV, 29Kingston Street, Goderich, phone 524-9576. -50ar ACK seal,4full.length coat, size fresh out of storage. Phone 4.408,-50, 51 is c NE Air Hockey Game; two pair Boots. size 10 and 111/2; two ension gates for -stairways. one 524.2444.-50x ORD Player Turntable for le. New. Phone 524-8546.-50 - STMAS TREES - cut your $4.00. Saturdays and Sun- ys of December. Three con- sions north of Clinton, Hwy. 4 cessions 6-7), turn east 11✓z essions.-49.51 FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS VISIT NOREEN'S ANTIQUES & OLLECTIBLES HWY. NO. 11N., GODERICH Large Selection of glass & China 524-9190 IE �0 , afro, to bet, „load' B. Radi ante. at reefs in end opt stet able"' 4er Ydu, XMAS SPECIALS melite XL Chain Saws '99." eed Eater Trimmer '79.95 teve Argyle Outdoor Equipment Bayfield 565-2800 49-51 ar DEADLINE CLASSIFIED ADS 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER CLASSIFIED - 11C per word, minimum *2.25 1. Articles for sale NORTHERN SPY, McIntosh, Red Delicious, Cortland apples. Potatoes, onions, turnips, sweet cider. Delivery around town. Gerald Bell Fruit Farm, RR 2, Goderich. Phone 524-8008.-48t fa r CHILDREN'S BOOKS, jewelry, crystal, Fenton glass and hun- dreds of knick-knacks at the friendly Christmas Store, 7 HE PIDGEON HOLE 7,BOUTIQUP, Brucefield. Weekdays 10:00 to 8:00, Sundays 12:00 to 8:00. Come browse anytime.-;48-51ar 1. Articles for sale SOFA BED in good condition, beige, Seldom used. Phone 524- 7810,-50 ROGERS MAJESTIC color TV, good working condition, °25'' screen. Phone 524-8039.-50 ORCANA console 24 chord organ, with bench and music, Phone 524- 8185. 50 HOMELITE - chain saw sales, parts and service. Chains sold, installed and sharpened while you wait. STEVE ARGYLE OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT, BAYFIELD 565-2800,-49-52ar HAPPINESS IS AN ORGAN for CHRISTMAS - from PULSIFF,R MUSiC, Seaforth,-48,51 ar GIVE APPLES FOR CHRIST- MAS - Maclntosh, regular $5.00 a bushel, Special $4.00 a bushel, plus container: we also have Northern Spys, Cortland and Red and Yellow Delicious; Red and White Potatoes, special $4.00 for 75 lbs. Fresh Apple Cider, Special $1,25 per gallon, plus Container,. Delivf•ry around town, Phone 524- 80:37. ART BELL'S FRUIT F•ARM.-48-51ar RUSSETS, Maclntosh, Cortland, Northern Spy and Golden and Red Delicious apples. Potatoes, onions, turnips and fresh cider. We deliver in town. Call Bellview Fruit Farm 524-8011.-43tfar • CHECK our prices on chester- fields, mattresses, chrome suites, coffee tables. C & E New and Used Furniture, 524-7231, 1,4 milesouth.of Goderich.-tf AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffineyer Plum- bing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich. -14tf GOVERNMENT SURPLUS COMPRESSORS, VISES, DRILL PRESSES, TABLE SAWS, TOOLS Ideal for workshop, machine shop. Also: Post office bins, Tables, Office Desks, filing"Cabinets, Chairs in all types. NORM -HAMILTON OISOUTH ST., GODERICH 524-8602 Reach all of ONTARIO With your special classified ad his newspaper and The Ontario Weekly wspapers Association we now offer an ntario-wide classified advertising Nice, all 524-8331 for details SIGNA -$JAR PUBIISNING IID. P 0 Box 220 Goderich. Ontario 1. Articles for sale SMALL electric Sunbean snow blower, Very good condition; $45. With 50' cord, $55. Phone 524- '6037.-50x 'PAIR of Garmont Ski Boots, size 10, $35.00; electric Olivetti typewriter, $100.00. Phone evenings, 524-2981.-50 USED Berry garage door, 9 x 7, $90.00; two new Newel posts, WE ARE now handling lots or $10.00 each.. Phone 524.7669.-50 part lots of furniture and ap- plI clays. If you have articles to sell privately or by auction 2. Mobile Homes c•un1.rc't Rothwell', Auction Service, Phone 482-3120 or 527- 1336.-29tf FURNITURE, glass, china, clocks, hells, brass, copper. Will buy ftiu' cosh or sell by auction. Mike Cummings, Auctioneer, 524- 9064.--22t 24-9064:-2:)t f 4. Articles wanted WANTED,;. Old deep freezers that are out of order. We remove free of charge, or repair- if possible. Call 524-2005 after 5 p.m. What cur) you Tose?-50,51 WANTED: Old hric•k buildings for demolition and salvage purposes.. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia.-35tf MUST SELL - two bedroom I975 Marlette set up at f1uron Haven. Any serious offer will he con- sidered on this beautiful home. Phone 526-7784.-44tf 1976 MIDDLEBURY Mobile Home, excellent condition throughout, Deluxe Model, 12' x 65'. Will sell with or without furniture, will move anywhere. Best offer. Phone 482-7246.-38tf HOMCO Ambassador mobile home, 14 x 68, two miles north of Goderich in i Huron; Haven 35 MM automatic slide projector, features remote control slide Village'. Call 524-9808.-44tf editor, timer, many extras, $60. Phone 524-44987-50 35 MM Universal slide trays, holds 40 slides each, 25c each. Phone 524-4498.-50 1973 SKIDOO Olympic Snowmobile, .340; double Skidoo trailer, Phone 524-9249.-50 FORD 8 foot fiberglas topper with roof vent and deluxe aluminum roof racks. One year old and in Al shape, $475. Phone 524-6061.-50 PA SYSTEM - Bogen 100 watt RMS amplifier. 2 - 4 foot columns containing . 4 - 10" speakers in each. Patch cords, covers, microphone and stand. All like new, $295. Phone 524-6061.-50 PAIR of snow tires, size G78-15, on GM rims, $15.00. Phone 524- 9343.-50 24 INCH electric range, automatic even controls. Double stainless steel kitchen sink with taps and copper trap. Four wooden bar stools, like new• Phone 524-8545,-50 ELECTRIC Clock Radio; four TV trays and stands; card table, new; antique card table; antique genuine mahogany table (clover leaf style); 39" single bed, with springs and mattress; three pair man's skates, Bobby Bauer, sizes 8 - 9 - 10; one Torcan heater, cold or hot air; end table; 26" Admiral Cabinet TV; Simplicity washer span -dryer, new motor; sleeping hag, new condition. Phone 482- 3608,-50, GRADE A;1 BEEF - Hinds, $1,09 I6.; fronts, 69c Ib.; Sides, 89c Ib. Cut, wrapped and quick frozen at no extra charge. Ripley Abattoir, 395-2905 or 395-2979, after 6 p.m.-50ar ONE CHEST of drawers, a% width bed. Excellent condition, Call after 5 p.m., 524-4130.-50tf WE HAVE bicycles in stock to suit everyone from age 5 to 105. W.hile supply lasts', we have one of our lines of ten speed bicycles on sale. Bicycle accessories also make good gifts for the Christ- mas stocking. Don's Bicycle Repairs, 305 Ontario St., Clinton, phone 482-9941, Raleigh and Sekine dealer.-50,51ar SINGER - For Authorized Sales & Service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners; parts and notions, service to all makes. Pratt's Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton_ St., ... 524-8431, Goderich.-28,29tfar • 12 x 60 PARAMOUNT Mobile Home, sliding glass patio doors, situated on serviced lot in Dungannon, $5,500,00. Phone 529- 7951, 9 a.m. to 6 p.ni., or 529-7907 after 6 p.m.-48tf 3. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS for all occasions, Free style brochure, Rawson5.._._S.ho.p ... for . Men, Goderich,-20tf we can suit you. for every occasion FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTAL Exclusively at CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Free catalogue FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524-6231. LEASING Check out the reasonable rates and excellent service of the nice guys. °GREEN PARENT • FORD MERCURY SALES LTD. 263 HURON RD. GODERICH RENT -A -CAR • WANTED TO BUY - Goats, Rabbits and Barn Pigeons. Contact Mike Cummings at 524-9064 LOGS WANTED Standing timber. For top prices & instant cosh call your (local sawmill. CRAIG'S SAWMILL -AUBURN Bill Craig AI Craig 526-7220 526-7512 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1977 VOLKSWAGHN RABBIT four door, standard transmission, .excellent condition. Certified, $3,895.00, or hest offer, Call 524- 8741 after 5 p.m. -50 1967 TWO DOOR Chevrolet Caprice, 327 motor. Phone. 482- 3608,-50 1,966 TWO DOOR Ford Falcon Sports Coupe in running con- dition. Recent paint and body work. Sold "as is". Phone 524- , 9484 after 6 p.m.-50tfnc - 1975 AMC HORNET Deluxe, low mileage 19,800, excellent body, no rut, Neige. six cylinder, two door. Asking $2,900.00, or best offer, Phone 524-7027, after 6 p.m. -50 1973 TOYOTA, two door, good body, running. Wi11 sell cheap. Phone 524-8389, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. weekdays, ask for Steve, -50 1975 tj'i TON Chev. window van, excellent condition, 350 automatic, new paint. Must sell. $3,600,00 firm. Call 524-9024 or 524-7435.-49,50ar 1970 TORONADO, excellent , engine and body. Good for second car. Phone 524-2063.-49,50,51 6. Pets PUPPIES - Border., Collie, German Shepherd cross, ready fur Christmas. Phone 529- 7843'a-51 REG' 3'F-ERED Yellow Labrador Retriever' puppies, 6 weeks old - outstanding pedigree. Bayfield 565.2168.-50-52 REGISTERED American Cocker Spaniel puppies, black or blonde. The ideal gift for the wee one on your fist. Gerald Mar-rc'ne, Seaforth, 527-1507 evenings. -49- 51 TR DPI CA I. fish, canar•-ii.s. Complete pet supplies. Pat's Pet Shop, 350 Main Street, Exeter.. Ontario. ()pen 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily and Friday evenings.-20tf 9. Accommodation to rent: ONE. BEDROOM apartment, heated, close to Square,not suitable for children or pt'ts. Phone 524-8140.-.48,49tf TO RENT 2000 Sq. Ft. Office Space 524-8382 MAPLE GROVE SENIOR RESIDENCE LODGE Just two blocks from Shopping Area Dignified living for Seniors A stately residence in scenic Goderich on beautiful Lake Huron "It's home because we Care." For full information phone or write the Manager of Maple Grove Lodge 45 Nelson St. Goderich, N7A 4G6 or phone 524-8610 or 524-7324 2. Mobile Homes 9. Accommodation to rent TWO BEDROOM house in Hayfield, close to main street. For information phone Bayfield 565.2011.-48tf OFFICE to rent in good location. Amalluhle October 1st' ('hone 524 5545 after 5p n1 - 4211 'i(• LARGE four bedroom house in Clinton, to reliable family. $215. per n t nth" -Available July 1st. l'hont' 519 658-9879 --40t 1 'BENNETT APARTMENTS Two bedroom apartment • 5268 per month; yearly lease. Stove, refrigerator, TV cable and all utilities -included. Also one bedroom bachelor, includes fridge, stove, cable TV and utilities. 524-4658 EM 9. . Accommodation to rent ROOM for rent, kitchen and living room privileges. ,hone 524-2731.-49tf ty, IN CLINTON, duplex, newly decorated, cosy, 3 bedroom apartment. Private entrance, heat provided. $225 a month. tF'il Phone 482-9596 or 582-9703.-50,51 ONE. BF:DROOM furnished nailer. all utilities paid. Phone 524-6008.-50,51 i.W'O BEDROOM house, full basement, forced air heating. Located near Sheaffer Speidelon Huron Road. $175 monthly plus ut,lit itis Possession Jan. 1. Phone 524 6542 or 524-9662.-50ar TWO STORAGE: sheds, one suitable for car or boat. Phone 524-9995.-50 t OMFORT AHI.E 4 bedroom 11,.0-e, garage, 2 blocks . from Square. $215 monthly. Available ;titer Jan. 1. Phone 524-9435 or 27 1841. -50tf APARTMENTS READY FOR VIEWING • Drop in anytime during the day or call for evening and weekend appointment to see these brand new one and two bedroom apartments, which are located 114 blocks south of Lucknow's main street. Available immediately. Call Gerrie or Bernice Of Glennhaven Apartments LUCKNOW PHONE 528-3234 or 528-2330 2. Mobile Homes 4. Articles wanted WANTED - Full size pool table. Phone 524-6573 after 12 noon. -50 WANTED TO BUY, table saw, in good condition. Call 524-9991.-50 KURIOSITY KORNER will buy outright ci)mplot' household estates or' -single pieces of fur- niture, Best price paid or will sell by auction. Do -nut hesitate ttital1 us. Our aim is to please. 67 Main St.. Seaforth... Phone•. • 527- • 1336.-2ltfar Christmas WEED EATER' Special The perfect gift for gardeners and home owners. Weed Eater trims, edges, and manicures your lawn with amazing speed and safety. Weed Eater slashes away unwanted grass and weeds In hard to got to places that can't be reached with conventional trimmers. Weed Eater turns yard work into fun. Try "Weed Eater". It cuts with fishin' line. MODEL 517 "Needie" Christmas Special MODEL 817 "Jiffy" Christmas Special X79.95 X66.95 ARGYLE Marine And. Small Engines 88 Britannia Rd. E., Goderich 524-9201 41111111111.1111111111. • 1969 GREEN Ford Falcon, 79.000 miles, new brake and exhaust system. As is, $275.00. Phone 524- 2276.-40t fnc $2,450.00 or nearest offer. 1977 Austin Mini, four cylinder, front V, heel drive, four speed standard transmission,. average's=forty-one miles per gallon, driven only 2,000 miles. Phone 524-9111, after 6:10 p.m., ask for Jim.-47tf armix" atir'OaS siamormalril SPECIALS Home ; for Christmas 2. Mobile Homes .04 8 RENT YOURSELF A 1978 FOR THE HOLIDAY FRIDAY AFTERNOON UNTIL TUES. MORNING AS LOW AS - $54.'5 55Q FREE KILO'S INCL. PHONE EARLY 524-83.11 holiday Rent -A Car System air • • Remember the p,tter potter of tiny feet run ning to the tree on Christmas morning the joyous laughter as a little girl hugs her doll...a small boy eagerly opening pockages._wide eyed expresstors dnifv'the troditioribl warmth of Christmas mor ;.,.,- nmq ,l„. ,,,sisal, and Snooty of Christmas in y„u, OW, H,,mr` At Huron Haven we know tr, w cm !lone ,,f ynr,r ,ery hi ,,q .he alp, r" and we 11105 .1 fint,ren fn,.yn„ We have the truly affordable homes...manufactured homes by Bendix and Commodore. Double and single wide of various sizes and prices. built to quality standards, fully furnished if required and fully affordable. Homes with o new flair for living. Come In- spect and experiencti,our choice units. ...Home for Christmas, it's the best gift of all. own con eon help ', •4. HURON HAVEN HOMES HURON HAVEN VILLAGE Bo. 121, Dederick onte,ln WA 151 Highway 21 North of God,,, kh Phone: (5191 524-384