HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-12-15, Page 15i0 0 ro 15 15 10 15 15 '5 10 15 ime et Im �1er b Pe lak edet 35 ecfo wn Council Briefs Planners bid f erek Little of Municipal nning Consultants in don and Mary Ellen ren of The Proctor d fern Group, Kitchener, eared bo°re town outl necounciltheir nday r rk �osals for the lwo o fore ertaken by planners Neighborhood rovement Program P)• area in the north-east ion of town has been cted as the neighborhood IP funds to be spent. The step, is to carry out a es of public meetings and eys to determine the ngs of the people in the area regarding ssary improvements, as as to draw up extensive for the work to' be ed out including a cost sis. is stage is normally done the assistance of plan - To date, three firms made presentations to cil: Municipal Planning sultants have estimated job would cost $15,000; for and Redfern, $10,500; Jean Monteith of icoke, $15,000 to $18,000. sMonteith has stated she act as project co- ator while both icipal Planning Con- s and Proctor and ern have suggested that ical NIP co-ordinator Id be engaged, possibly ome extra cost to the was pointed out during y evening's discussion the NIP co-ordinator can volunteer, a member of resent municipal staff or son especially appointed the temporary position. cost could range from nil 'substantial amount, it Id dicated. uncil will make a ion about which plan - firm to hire at the first ng in January which is ' y, January 9. +++ w officer Dick Eisler ed before town council ay evening and said that the first heavy and, e season, the annual em of dumping snow lyisagain prevalent. rding to Eisler, the has a bylaw which is a homeowner from ting snow on the road on someone else's y. He argued that residents are not aware bylaw and the bylaw t officer suggested that an advertisement be placed in the local paper as a special effort to make people knowledgeable about the bylaw, Councillor Dave Gower said that copies of Bylaw 38, 1960, had been circulated to all people in the business of removing,snow. If the bylaw is published in the newspaper, Councillor Elsa Haydon suggested that it be written in layman's terms rather than the usual legal jargon. Mayor Deb Shewfelt suggested the bylaw was "difficult to enforce" and reminded Eisler of the need to consider every case separately. +++ Town council learned Monday evening that a contest to rename the arena is going on at the present time. Residents are invited to submit their suggestions for names for the newly renovated premise with the contest to close at�he end of the year when the name will be chosen. Roy Breckenridge made his "swan song" to town council Monday evening and was thanked by Mayor Deb Shewfelt for the year he had spent working on behalf ofithe municipality. Breckenridge leaves the town's employ today (Dec. 15). In his final report to council, Breckenridge noted that building and renovation in Goderich is down close to $1,000,000 from last year. lanning oing ahead Site plans for two - possibly three - new parks in Goderich will be prepared by Moote Associates at a cost of $1,000. The funds for the plans will come from a portion of the accumulated interest on the parks special reserve fund. Council gave its approval for the preparation of the plans Monday evening. It was clearly understood, however, that the town is not com- mitted to complete the work in building the new parks. Parks Chairman Elsa. Haydon said if the costs are too high or if council rejects the proposals for the new parks, they will not be built. "These are site plans only," said Mrs. Haydon. "Surely planning is necessary for parks as we do' planning in any other department with great success." Councillor Don Wheeler asked Councillor Haydon whether her committee had considered the Outreach program offered by the Royal Botanical Gardens. Accor- ding to Wheeler this service is free and he could not see how the municipality could be getting . a better deal from Moote Associates who ac- cording to Haydon, were doing the site plans at a greatly reduced price as a kind of personal favor. In a telephone interview Wednesday morning, Haydon explained that the Royal Botanical Gardens service is not available to municipalities for the preparation of site plans. She said private firms feel such a service would be using tax dollars in direct competition with their livelihood and for this reason, the services of the Royal Botanical Gardens are limited in their scope. Haydon also said a program through Fanshawe College in London had also been investigated, but it was found with all things con- sidered, the price of Moote Associates was the most reasonable. Shepromised, however, she will make another complete study of all avenues before finalizing the matter with Moote. Site plans will be prepared for Dawnrose Park, the new park in 'the Delbar sub- division, and another possible park at a site beside the sewage plant with the suggested name Lakevie*, Park. As well, Moote Turn to page 24 • /Uncocut mall Si 114,1:14i 9A) 6 41;iii , sport sh.ou SALES AND SERVICE Lim& Suncoast Mall 524-2822 Goderich —STOCKING STUFFERS & GIFTS FROM $1.00 TO '25.00 ORT SOX )QUES IRES p SOX NNIS BALLS LOVES PSHLIGHTS CISE EQUIPMENT *BET BALL EES �KLE Box L_ Il 11 I1 1I LJ rJ X-C GATORS SKI TIPS POCKET KNIVES WINE SKINS FILLETING KNIVES DAY PACKS HOCKEY STICKS SPORTS SOX GOLF BALLS RUGGER SHIRTS WAX REMOVER r1 ri u Il [I r NIP Only 26 new dwelling units were created in 1977 as op- posed to 32 in 1976. Total permits for 1977 amounted to $1,952,194. In 1976, total permits amounted to $2,750,493. Council approved the ap- pointment of Andy Boutilier as the Interim Chief Building official for the town. He will be in the office Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. He will commence duties December 18 at a rate of $6 per hour. ++ A large number of spec- tators were in, the council chambers Monday evening, mostly members of the Goderich Ratepayers' Association. j-ob: During the question period, several questions were asked by the taxpayers about various municipal concerns including the NIP program and the cost for snow removal at the airport. One ratepayer Wanted to know where the town would get the money for the NIP program. "More taxes again?" he asked. He learned that the town was not yet -committed to any of the NIP program, but that it was considered wise to make use of money that was available to the community from such government programs. "Council is aiming to stay within the present tax structure," Mayor Deb Shewfelt said,' About the costs of snow Warm up to Christmas.... GODERICH SIGNAL=STAR,-THUIRSDAY, DECEMBR'15,I977—PAGE IS,'' Nx vihRil moist: iv i m inutifmdimayo 7M ivis 1fBFlailiAi,yos Mo .. D.i.RK'S:..J removal at the airport, 5 Councillor Dave Gower said „I no figures are available on this at the present time. He said the municipality is responsible for snow removal at the airport 24 hours every w day. Councillor Dave Gower warned council members the 1 town is running "over budget" on winter control V throughout the entire com- munity. +++ • The matter of county -wide V residency for all senior f citizen housing in Huron County was to have been' decided Monday evening. However, it was agreed to refer the matter to the V Housing Action Committee for recommendation. A HOT DOG WAGON WILL BE CLOSED FROM tyi iN DEC. 19th to J'AN."l6tIil Mary & Dirk would like to take this time to wish all our friends and patrons a with beautiful gifts for your home, for your whole family Drop into Glen Mark Lumber on the Square. or Glen Mark Home Centre at Suncoast Mall today., You'll be amazed at the many, many gift items available to you. Gifts of warmth and beauty, functional or decorative, from the Lite Gallery, fireplace departments or gift item displays. Useful hard working gifts from our Tool and Hardware Departments. Whatever you need for those special people on your Christmas list, you'll find it here at your Homecare Building Centres. You'll also find our prices are very attractive too! See, touch, handle one of the largest fireside collections in this area. AV` � 111011110.11111111111111101 Cr, koob`er1 MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR Once you've made the initial invest- ment these units help save on heating costs for many years to come. Great looking and functional, choose the one that suits your decor and your budget the best. Y'ti' � ar» -norr-i 995 t ' -,nP`r0.nC.in z4ypt5 13c Hocas rJ�.i53Or +or.95 wood holders o�hc'r ry,)e5 4'cO-I100 ipp.45 (Sicel) t2.84J "5 YEARCuARA,UTR-• -1;11< I:5ox e2CrG 104r4Ce -r( C'r.e4-c.3y So.. 35.ze� A eilabl� 365.99 Li- , ., 'Conuec: , �ica�cCs FtQm I L1- 9 9 5 �1 GVr �-Q,iF i! l'il r ,'-,.,,,,,i,.. � I i., c:. -70,,t: 1 -: , c4 ic_ily 99" !"OCrI ri/eiola es.•.. olympsc mc,clel5 c 7 .l q> 3I4ci� ,s J. r--i9vs oro„9e baited acrce!er, , C I.alcur r+1oat65 51' i3twck ,/9.9 Decorative Wall Plaques, Mirrors and Wall Clocks 1 Tool Segs 1111 *um MR Ma{c1,1n9 PireplacQ Se+'s , You'll pick up some hot gift ideas. tfltHark umber 35 South St. ( . GODERICH 524-7308 BOTH LOCATIONS Shoppers Square Goderlch and Suncoast Mall GodArlch arg 1,1 HOME CENTRE Suncoast Mall. GODERICH 524-7308 EXT. 8 imiumu mum