HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-7-28, Page 6^ eitiree The Kin.'don. of The Blind By E. PHILLIPS OPPENEEDI. t""ee'ehti AUTO USED PARTS We carrir full line of used laarta for it makes of cars, cleaned and free from grease- and dirt. Magnetos, gears, springs, complete engines, tires, etc. Highest prices paid for old can% Writewire or phone AtrgObTOInIfIX XISEP reersiTsi co,. 1630 VtiPidai! Wet, Toratti.. WhiMO narking* tied- Gerelctihe left her place at once and. up the hastened into the lihreryreceiver, times, but especially so in warm xe snoiuct e we • holier, antil m d cook unixture *oats , She took Is that you. Oantain Granetri she 'weather when itrey are most FOPS:tiVe`' bigkaOritisfTecente. 'Strain' enol, Add vane Summer Care a the Feet, I over the egg, which hae been beaten ll ,ed d at with ,sugar end salt. Place in doable So many imperitiee are careled offs et elt that I xnuet ring e he through the pores ef the feet, that the Caeoa erenna-4 euPs eroana teoPridgteel) f shm up, • ireunr, 1 cup eager, 1g3 teasideon salt , The ambaesailar shrugged his shout- dee:hired, "to congratulate, you, miss' daily bath is really a neeeenty, If tee SYNOPSIS:, iot With LAnselman's luncluton-partY in already this mornieg to talk about' sponging to bp followed by a briSlz, ' t th f tt 1 tahleattien vardna, 4 tablespoops amount of boiling water, acid te creara, • ouyersi upon your lothesis exp e• n lo bath't -I shall net press you," he ;odd. I have had half a dozen soldier fellows" can be sponged ie a moment, the: cocoa, Dissolve co In ie very email The store, vs ratan in 1916, begin5 ars' at the Rite Ifoiel, i.ondoe. Au: ieg the -I shall ciny put before you the altern- in and wetre simply mad with ctuorlid-,' rub with a mien* towel. I sugar, flavoring, aml salt. Freeze. - „ „ • r i, a. Cabinet atVe„ You nre at this present rno. it Chocolate sauce -11h, squaree ellce- M:nister; Surgeon -Major Thenison* ment upon French seal. If y013 refese osity. Do you think we ,shall be i If the feet are eeneitive ar.d tender, 1 t 1 ' t Chief Insp,zetor f Field Hospits.ls; his this inion which has been offered .toon how it wee done?" fiancee. Geraldine Cor,yers; her bro- te you, I shall detain you here until int „ , airier s goivg clOWTI tO. the Admir-, I teaspoon ezieam of tartar, 14 teastwors ' bathe them in a solutioe a hi -carbon-. ' ' ' :pileugar p,, cup -water, altv to try and find out." Geraldine ate of seda and hot water; tee) table: ,..3' eill ther, a ruival Aierztenant, and his I have ihe means of sending you under ; 1 an a. o sugar, water, and creem dt replied. AkRalph doesn't say a linnet: spoonfuls a soda. to a pail ef Wat er : of tartar to the ceneiste ey of thin fiance, Onve efereton; Ceetain ttonalo escort to Franee,'. ) • - la wi'relese from him this.moniing," i often relieves the pain eaueed by corns"' sYruPi and pour over the melted Owe - with rs anandee arrn Lieut. iiollYeri Penneton exelaimed angrily. 4 "It really doesn't platter much does e n ' an unions. Any attention given the; olate. Cool slightly, and aid tanilia, esne rir i ti -dor Th,mson de'z'Q"es da quiet re.P1.1,-. " e 1Fc'e''''''''s '‘''':1;rr.2- 'sk'r• on a "nlYs,e'r "On the chariee ?if treeson," was tne s al have vou ^- 4 t hranet went 91.4 "SO long as we get ii h Het fudge sauce --2 squares clan- , or corns e, mild fellow the hot, 1 t 2 Grano,. eephew of the hostess, hal" "Dotain me? On tvliat charge, exceet thathe sunk them We've had' will be eefficient A bath of this sort soiree se from the hand'hitlet. • -eil and searched in this ream. 1 shall .4 f th 14 2 1 • tile V • n e rotes. Ives periodic cer-1 bath 1041 Cups water, cup sugar, and Ronisee reeewes a vienin all' • neve N'Cll'" hieentge and Your "re csineertati. s: „Lii Cabin?: Min- 1 A. thin, when we were down at Voris- steaspeens oornstarch, 1 tablespoon, i In ce.rine," for the feet -cut the nails ister's secret Seaninge tvith Germany. FV.11';•"Led ai the XIII:a!! Hotel , . nd noWi, 7":"•i?Far:F•e'r, •?..i:11,S at Granet's apartment3 - "tf,,qisiear Itaineten? 0 4. tan man e- s bewilder -:thing up his eteeve, Does give one thrill, doesn't it, when one's aehore cording to the ehape of the toe. In the grated ehoeolate, water, and sugar, mouth, that your brother had some-• . -,_ n i butter, 2 tablespoons gold water, 1 tea -o a,,, m concave term. or straight 4CrOSS, 4C-111pooli vaAna, 14 teaspoon snit. mite te dirrietr w'te71;er he knows an'ir' , 12 ,,s, I:11°r? - allli Nait was be - thane ebest lie -a Rmasec s risinat- et, , -"Y.'s' t`ale' eeNnveler' ee • and doing nothing, to reed a thiegs any ease avoid cuttil ig the corners of. . e -1 •s, t tee wee -ens -ere of a usuerent. sort. zee hie this?. end cook uetn the sagar is dis,sigved itim,a,,,t 41lemes ary karieNN.e .ee(t• ia f ent steadfastly. 0 - , -i ire tivasies Than:sem $ P ' ' ne ey,iiegieeltites eel him? rieessi:e marriage. e - • '" , "I (liPlit know," he sighed. Th " ---eY ' muter the fiesh when inflammation le well Cense:es for diselesing . duairalty "-What is the nature of this (leteut- talk about giving me a house t sure to follow, eometimee with eerioue 'oh and '. , ' i 4 erarat, mom mernieur, which you expee oil den't think I covid stielt it. Are you g the nails too short, or the skin a the Ars:ern-an ehaplain. ter4,* tlx"eglIt ' lett a $0011. he a work. again, ow, tee will he forced over the nail and ir a nevi • iea inr an no- \Cho was there who could have oetrey-itoid hint einnteragingiyi !further growth of the nail will force it to *he two en s nn After a wall: its the park with G:ereld- finl nnit/Dgf4 my helevigings he de". walking its the Perk this morningn s $1aTp vortiers o . e neee (nrevet returns to his room to find manded, Miss Cone -ere?" is euel De rounded by means a a nail - rens" isleriervaist that a new hand. has -Genially to the Freneh people." the ettoi 4n.1 playing golf at Raned Pain and infisonmeition in the large h a bents rsnsesne from a gal-dr:aril. Ile: "An authorized offer of peace from zhe hesitated for . mordent. file, and the chocolate melted, 'rhea add thevornStarel-i, which is dieselved in 111 the cold eveter ann the butter. no.. 1 NURSES The Toronto Hospital for Incur- abies, in affiliation with Hellevue and, Allied Hospitals, New York My, offers a three years' Course of Train. log M young women, having the re - (wired education, tend desiroue of In- coming niArses, This Hospital lias adopted the eight-hour System. The pupils receive uniforms of the School, 4 monthly allowance and travelling expenses to and from New York. For her Information aPplr to the Superintendent. carbonic acid gas, which, hough form- ing only 0.020 per ceut. of the atmos - inter% plays an important part ia the eperations of Nature, and provides the whole of the vegetable world with eari bon, its essential food. 14 however, M. Martel, the well- known, French iselentist, is right, we Peed not worry about the stature of Me atmosphere 200,000 years free, now, for his ievestigations into tbe erosion and corrosiou of the earth's surface have led him h.) predict the end of the human race in a few gene, ratious. three minutes-, stirring eonstently. Mit Auger, sett, and flavortng. Serve while warm, or cold, on me cream. Vanilla sauce -1 eup bolliug water, 1 tableepoon eernstexelli it eitli engors • nier,-,,,1 the garne. War Ofilre refugee asellaeender answered elowly. It is leo.'" * ] joint may indicate the formation of a 1 teasels= vanilio, 2 tablerpoone but - se a:7, -w hins to roniin ide reedinent.' at* seiNtml attemPt 'which ,nas Peen "Alight I eall this afternoon?' 1 • - , bunwn end should be Mrefully noted, ter. Blend butter and eornetarch and add te water Add sugar Boil until They declare that the POrtiOn of the Th. neer. geet `to the Front to into:- ula,sie. The first was tern inte fragr view sir -ire -Int nenerel asii ha- ills, ments before the fare of the person, A ,'• YOU nee" she assenta A ter i Bunione aze usually mueed by pres- it Or:eke-as, coed siightlYs and $tld WOrld whist we occupy, is beunded by four (Mock, though, beeauee I am s sure, and relief comes by Outlying th vanilla Seriee i t ; sesininont coniireini.'Granet motereu wlia bad the effrontery to present it. steying out to luech." . e d shoes width fit more easily. To post-. . on ceocoiake ice cream. great icefields. width -forrn a berrier rise tie . gigs: ts Perierneetn to visit The seiesncl, Monteeur Pailleton, Carainel sauce—Make the eame as between us and vast oceans. The ice is in "Thank you so much," he repae tes.: :senor:* and tr:ea :,:.ur pe,,,,„,i,„, you may keep it if gratefully. 1 pone or prevent the forseation of a: ranee{ sense and neeer with caeatnel barrier is being pressed continually by to hn esier tie' te. e e eeiirie 'hiller* you will. In Brazil you will find it of She sei down the receiver again and'- ,burnen, grasp the big toe end work it; syrup, Tent nionee. 're anii These:ton werns dun; win:. went hack to the brealsfast-roone li, round end 'romul in a rotary motiern; iti" :nit ''..t ensPeet. Gneeral-, Monsieur Paineton folded his arms, , "Captain Granet just wanted to cen-' in order to loosen the joint; this eau"; boCilliZmwealteSr7ILrlan!setTzesust'uga".1:, aeunfl et nit its iv ,.t.gagon,-n•- „nee -I am -t Fresichman," he prod:1'11110i gretuinte us all," she ennounced, and, be followed by applicatiofie a iodine.; add to hoiiin ,ier titer,'" esire "till: .,"3"- "'Willa I may lite! dh f's(:ir Frdinetiii to know if he could mine in th tee this For bunions which have alreedy de-' g water. Boil te a thiels SITU " .« at tie diiien lista. and 4. • a hegneittoenr," O. The water level et the earth," M, Martel tells us, "is being lowered con- tiuualiy, and uniess we can discover bow to prevent this the human rime will perish from lack of water in a few centuries." In direct contradiction is the pro- pbeey of Sir Archibald Gencie, "De- cay of the land is going on at such a rate,' be said a few years ago. "that a comparatively short period will else flee to reduce most et the dry land to the level of the sea, and bring about , a second deluge." Those who believe that the earth Is it have a, theory equally fantastic. glvt :4 frs Kalt;er 1.1 pease it:* ask him to dinner, rtiv veh41°) isse medicated bunion phis- ,Pr:az,tv r..?•'0.• The an-tbasIzador etruek a bell upon dear." the At) teti h t terse These give instant relief and in • Best. Pura sugges osen- time wig effeet a cure 'Dressin Aete table, One of his seereteries 8•He's a fine youtig fellow, - 17. Lin* " • 's Sara: premptio• appeared. Soft corns form between the toes; of 4)11ne you went prettiness. rr- eni • the Fr- ei • alio tseto colonel wfarge to me at 194;4;1; u'ilihry thoughtful of him to and tinkle absorbent cotton is inserted lvere writing a renipe for the older • o • w • 0 q.• • r 01% rvt rAl ,e," hie teed ordered, Lady Conyers made no vomnient. to prevent rubbing a eeeortil corn will woman s elegises, it would read tome - be so ciese that there will he no re - There wee a brief pante. The am- wg lo"' er• t*.oe. Dr. Gal- thing tl ed. t egr sen s • equa these oceans, and our end will oce-ar when the enveloping waters burst through anti two the laud to is high- est peate. Another idea is that the sun is a rigin light towards which the earth. moth fine to its dom. At we cirvie round and rotted It, we are eupposed to be decreasing the distance between the two hodiet. tin eventually we shall Geraldine ae bendinover her pate. appear On the th i i*assalior was basI7 writing at 11,_is tith„le• The Admiral rose to his feet He was braith, in her book on perzonal , sistiug the sint's attraetion. Then it by. quantities, mixed well with a heaping win swallow as up. eiLAPTI,;:lt XIV,' Centtlni ;Paine:en, who was breathing neavInh much toe excited to pursue the eon- giene, recommends the application of measure of prettiness." After all, you ' :.1",ly I .' ;1 iittte eiresery es your said nettling. Preserstly an officer In ! versation. itnow it takes petite sixteen to wear e. :re; ihree l.° the arnientanor Freneh uniform entered. ; i'l shall walk dost -n to the Admiral- bluestone in the treatment a sat , Rainbow Revelations. , tv tied eve if I c,an t hold of old orns. The stone is moistened in 6everitY with anY degree ef bee°1115ngi. An arebed rainbow i ; a pretty sight, "t.::yeurenif so far; "Moneleur le Colonel," the ambits - des• .-% of Aeas great struggle, eviler said, stretching Gill 1.11•S band -to- *Meek," he continuer "If he won't in water, then applied thoroughly to ne"' ' i . , . but it may be assumed that few of ni * te gggine we ,t-'n't' "e4t who' warns Pailleton, "you will ?went the tell me anything, Ill wring the old the vorn and a bit of absorbent often° I've imown a ftill to take ten years are learned in rainbow lere. Here . stes with ef those- when eltaxge of this man, whom, you will beggar's moth incised between the toes. stemte of from a svoinan's age, Funnel's is also „ * . afine the er, s so, d i id the friend of the mature WOPUM, t . ate " ' '''' -'-' revelations. Lien Penni interettire renbow • l'I'il%-I! th:-.! ,1•"•-'1I gileal tithe 'consider under arrest, I taw the full; The Admiral left the house 4 few zinc which is tn.,- , . ern lehni that tteamer."',reeponsibility for this proceeding, You' minutee later and Lady Centers reeommended in the treatment of sat 01306'411Y if she is graving stouter., ni., -sesta- Penne ten le .in in Fonie :will consluet him to :Nur roems here' . . To prodUee it rainbow there meet tee - ns- es ierever hineed. He was, and you will search him. Any walked arm in arm with her daughter iloenh into the pleasant little morning -room -et-ie.-. 1,FtVrAIWil. 'rnent found in his Possession Yon will' which leeked out upon the Square, eti. raisei=s-wa, 4.1 do not bring to me. When s-ou have finished*. The former paused for a moment. to w.▪ i, Tine nnesion ta Brazil let Inc knew and I will give you an look at Thomson's hotograph, which 41r ehen see, speak - it 'un have no authority to prosecid to his apart.," stood upon one of' the side tables. earns. Dust the powder freely onab- TrY a few scft fo.ds to hale I e awk- sorbent cotton sand place between the ward "rye a the hiPs• tees, And there the quention of calor. When the skin splits between the The small woman need not worry her It .1 ib the -I I— -lih !nto co Ora y se la re lips, v. t e h d • "^ • be tailing rain, bright sun, and dark (suds—the latter always eppoeite the 1011, The sun't rays are then divided toes, apply chalk, the kind, us.ed for - writing upon blekekboards. Procure it stick of the chalk, scrape off the outer layer and throw this away. Scrape the remaining chalk to a. fine powder ruiout it ,- s P , 1 P . net in exactly the same way an a gro•:::' nue, rt aloe Carnet it he en- , meets in the Milan Hotel. You under -i Then she doted the door. . match the color a her eyes or te prism, or triangular piece of glass. treste 1 te els3:t?' other nwssenger?" gstend?" I "Geraldine," she said, "I am not choose a ehade that brings out the The continued span of a, rainbow 44 -eget' res, my dear sir," was the, "Certainly, my chief." n1. isnnising reliiin- "It is Yeue-ei The officer saluted and moved th- "Why not, mother?" the girl asked, - In erY haPPy about you and Hugh.". lights in her hair. But if iso•a are caused by billions of raindiot siditi stout or your hipn unusually large or ' • ' ting the suins rays iuto colors, and. M- ::-our Peinkeen—whom the Presi. nward Pailleten. i looking out of the window. your back broad, or your arms big, nett Setirc-i as trees.? to Brazil." 0,„ and dust this powder between 'the toes. . . . making a band or series of them. 1 "You will come quietly, monsieur, is: "Perhaps betause I like Hu weevil out for slendenzime steinies. :4 -II': S. 1'- i;,realiing in upen it not so?" he asked. The chalk has a -drying elf ezt which A double rainbow is not: as some Psi:re/tire Ile eienohni hie fists. i Pailleton waved him my:en id 'Lady Conyers went on quietly, "per - is very healing and gives quiek relief. 1 . • think, the shodow or reflection of the Dark colors are less bulk i arid con- • -I e11. to he got A r47. C.f the way!" he turned to the ambassador. —e haps, too, bemuse I am net sure that wheal made up, than light first. Each rainbow is distinct. In ex: ..iniiii. "The President fears me "Monsieur," he decided, "I will go given have done tvisely. You haven't Hard cams should be pared or re- sPiea°u-s, given me any reason yet, have you, for moved after the bath. A solution of shades. NtaVy blue is nearly :Always a one Wet see tbe sun -rays entering the pentiesnly, he itziez my following!" !to green:, breaking your engagemont?" one tahlesponful of turpentine and safe choice. It's one of the popular raindrops at the top, and reflecting the Tie- ernisair.aissr drew himself a lit-, Geraldine was silent for a moment. two tablespoonfuls of olive-oil,l• app ld e -cotton shades, too. When the Oder colors to the eye from the bottom In tle non,uprle.-hi, it stiff, unbending; CHAPTER •XV. Then she mine- back and sat on the night and morning, may assist in the rine-ari wears a becomine nay eblue , S the second rainbow the sun's ray'a en- figix,-, His words eremen suddenly to rug at her mother's feet She kept cure a the corn. If in caring :crepe or 'voile, ehe may have the eatis- ter the d.rops am t the botto, and re- it:eine- eh:I'll:CI ssnth more weight. ;TWO MORE GERMAN SUBMAR- her face, however, a little turned away. fied feeling that it's the smart thing fleet the eolers nem the top "Mel -neer Ps:int-ten," he :aid, "thel INES SUNK WITH ALL "It's to bard to put it into words for the feet you shouln unfortunately to do. Lovely browns and graes come And who has noticed that the colors both in silk and cottons. The older of the second bow are, when compared woman may even venture a inediura with the first or primary bow, all re - green if it's a soft shade. versed? The rause of this is the same I might be tempted to say, don't as that which makes the colors of the wear figures and stripes, if it weren't secondary bow weaker. To get the that I have just seen such pretty latter there has been two reflections— small-flower-sprigged wiles and Mar- One more of the last than is the ease row -striped gingham tissues. The with a primary bow, The colors are, small figures and pin stripes add so therefore, weakened. Ude to conspicuousness that it is Ala evening rainbow in the east is a among these that the older woreen sign of fine weather. The rain-cltauIS, may satisfy her desire for variety. which generally come to us on welt They are so cool, fresh,and summer- and south-west winds, are passieg t nee tier a- teen I- ranee fears is HANDS -Lreseilieryl" i mother," she said thoughtfully, "only Pen:seen gripped it the ha& of his; The Admiralty report that they re- Hugh never seemed to give me any ehine The moan fer a moment swam eeived last night a. meseage from of his :eonfidence. Of course, his is Cominateder Conyers of the destroyer very dun work, looking after hospi- liefere hie eyes. "Seorpion " announcing. he has de- tals and that sort of thing, but still, "Is this en insult, Monsieur l'Araj etroved GL.man submarines U 22 and: I'd have liked to try and take an cut the flesh, bathe the \veined at onee with an antiseptic lotion. Forty parts of listerine to one part of carbolic acid is good for the purpose. When excessive perspiration is pres- ent apply the following powder, night "Teke it as an insult if in. your ,2-71 with all hands. interest m it He must have seen ex -land morning:Salicylicni 105 . am , Lzart Theil? '..q no shadow of treacherYi 'Well, I'm dambv the merest chance ned!" the Admiral eiting things in. France, but it is only grains; powdered boraeie acid, 360 toward.- the France that is to -day, to- exelaimed, as he laid down the news- that one ever powdered talc, seven teites tr., ta ee of the Allies as it is paper a few m"Ralph's the Front. He is so silent, so se- ounces.ornings later. realizes- that he has been even near grains; pure ver was the stern answer. . cicee it this time and no mistake" eretive." The perspiration which is accent - Lady Conyers took up her knitting. panied by an unpleasant odor is really "Some /nen are like that, dear," she a disease known as "bromidrosis" and remarked. "It is just temperamental. Perhaps you haven't encouraged him to :talk." "But I haven" Geraldine Instated. "I -I retest? to accept this extraordin-n Geraldine looked over his shoulder, iny rnit-sion," Panleton declared, ris- her cheeks aglow. ing to het fest. "You can send whom "I knew at seven o'clock," she de- yciu te Brae% I have greater dazed. "Harris brought me the paper affairs before me." up. They are -all so excited about it in the kitchen. You'd just gone out lidati IN 1 VITAMINES t'N,, (.• vt MADE IN CANADA • The inaportance of Vi -amines in food is being recognized at the present time to sit -greater extent than ever before. It has Been con - elusively demonstrated that yeast is rich in this ail imp o rt ant element, Many people have re- ceived great benefit physically simply by tak- ing one, two or three Royal Yeast Cakes a day. Send, name and address for free copy "Royal Yeast Ce..kes for Better Health." C. W. GiLLErr COMPANY LIMITSD v,:...... wn..1,.., TORONTO, CANADA Noma., ia tpl a in the Park. "I want to know how ihave asked- ham no end of questions, t was done," but before he has answered any of the Admiral speculated. "Can't have them properly, I find him trying to change the -conversation. "Men don't like talking about the war, you know," Lady Conyers went on. "There was that nice Major Tyn- been ramming if he bagged two of them, and they surely never came to ,the surface voluntarily, with a de- stroyer about." Geraldine glanced around the room to be sure that they were alone. . dale who was back from the Front the other day with a V.C. and goodness "Don't you remember when Olive and I were at Portsmouth?" she said, knows what, Not a word would he m "Ralph had been absolutely dumb say about any one of the fights, and about it but he did just give us a hint he is cheery enough in a general way, 16he, and fond of talking?" that he had a little surprise in store 11 for the submarines. me- "Even then," Geraldine protested, There was so "Hugh's work is different. I can thing on. deck, covered ail up watched by a sentry, and just before and understand why he doesn't like to talk we sat down to lunch, you know, we a,bout the wounded and that sort of thing, but he must have had some were turned off and had to go to the 'Ship.' Ralph tvouldrettell us a word int"eresting adventures." about it but I'm sure he's got some I don't thiek," Lady Conyers said, new contrivance on the 'Scorpion' for fighting the submarines." 'Then may be something in it," the Admiral admitted cheerfully. "I noticed the Morning Post naval man the other day made a very guarded -reference to some secret means of dealing- with these vermin." Lady Conyers sailed; into the room, a telegram in her hand. "A wireless from Ralph," she an- nounced. "Listen." Have sunk two of the brutes. tore to come. Love. Ralph. They pored over the telegrars: and ed at her mother. the newspaper until the breakfast was "Now what reasons could he have cold. The Admiral was like a boy again. "If we can get rid of these curses of the sea," he said, eettlin,g down at last bo his bacon, end eggs, "and get - those Gee -mans to come out, the war will be over months before any one expected, I shall go down to the Ad- miralty before bteakfast and see if they've anything to tell. Ralph gave me a hint'bout the net scheme but be never even mentiomed anything else." The telephone rang in the next room and a servant summoned Geraldine. "Captain Granet wishes to speak to Mies Comers," he announced. ISSUE No. 30—'21. "the -very nicest men talk about their adventures." Geraldine made a little grimace. "Hugh doesn't talk about aliything," she -complained. "He goes about look- ing as though, he had the cares of the world upon his shoulders, and then he has the—well, the cheek, I e,all it, to lecture me about Captain Granet. -He does talk about Captain Granet in the most absurd manner, you know, rneth,er." "He may have his reasons," Lady Conyers observed. Geralclinte turned her head and leek - for not liking Captain Granet ani sus- pecting him of all manner of ridicu- lous things?" she asked, "Did you ever knew a more harmlese, ingenu- ous, delightful Young man in your "Perhaps it is because you find him all these things," Lady Conyers sug- gested, "that Hugh doesn't like hint" "Of course, if he is going 1:o be jeal- oue about nothing at all— "Le it nothing at all?" (To be continued.) 4:0 Mlnard's Liniment for Dandruff. is difficult to cure. The feet should h be bathed night ke that, with a supply of therne on away. •and morning in water containing salt or alum. The stock- ings should be changed daily or even twice a day, and several pairs of -shoes should be kept in use in order to allow hage rases. each pair to be thoroughly aired and There is something else about this dried before being worn again. For eeasonis fabrics that ought to please the older wstman: it's the softness of the treatment of broraidirosis try the following formula, to be dusted in the many -of them. If you are older, be him he was in bed with, a headache, or or something else. sure there is crepe de ,chine, Canton rheumtism* shoes night and morning: Salicylic acid, one dram; -boric acid, four drains; :crepe, or cotton crepe on your shop- One day Healey was totterng miser - menthol, thirty grains.; eucalyptol, ping list. ably down the road, when he fell in with a burly trien.d of his named Sen. thirty minims; French chalk, four hand, one wouldn't stop to envy the wearer of awning stripes, cheelter- Minard's Liniment for Burns, etc. hoard- blocks, blanket plaids, and -cab- Good Fruit. Healey spent all his time talking about his health. He was always ill, and usually wheu anyone wen* to see ounces. Ruh into a fine powder in a mortar (this should be done by a pharmacist). Many feel the need of a foot powder, and the above formula is excellent for the purpOse. rhe End of the World Prob-i "Jenkins," he cried, "I'd give any- thing to be strong and healthy like you. What do you live on?" "I live on fruit," answered Jenkins. "Fruit, eh?" said Healey eagerly. "That sounds good. I'll have to try it. Seasonable Dishes. What kind of fruit, Jenkins?" has calculated that if the mass of the The fruit of labor," Jenkins re - There are many other frozen des- earth contains two parts of radium. setts, but none of them contain so in every billion, this would increase pIied significantly. much nu:Iris-I-anent as does the ice the temperature of the interior by Not Fit for Company. cream which contains milk, cream, and 1,500 degrees centigrade m a hundred Rine—"Please, ma'am, I've broken sornetimes eggs. There is water ice years. made by freezing the jeice of stewee Very little of this heat ce.n esca,pe smmeistthr4esng,a" --- Well, Jane, -e-bat is it?" fruit swgetened with sugar; when this Samuel the earth's solid crust, so ono Jane (erying)—"I'In very sorry. is frozen to a mush -like coesistency it day or other there will be an explo- couldn't help it." is -called frappe. They are appetzeession—radium will blow the earth up. Sherbet is -water ice to which gelatin This is a new addition to the long list or 'beaten egg white has been added, of ways in which the end of the world while parfait is plain ice cream, flan- will arrivo. tend se desired, into which svhipe-ed The most popular theory seems to cream has been foldedbe that a cornet will bump into us and Neapolitan ice cream -2 cups milk, send as to destruction. As a matter 1 cup cream, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 6 egg of tact, although Some comets occupy yolks, 1 cap sugar, 1 tablespoon yan.. more space than the sun, and possess Ilia Scald milk, and pour elowly on taillless bvrehhilenlid sthentheyteealui for a tmr e: ce illieoxncl s eat. the egg yens, which have been beaten m ingly light in composition. A collision with the .sugar, stirring constantly so the eggs will not cook, but blend: -vrith the hot milk. Plaee in a double boiler, and -cools until the mixture coats the epoon. Strain into a bowl, chili, add cream, salt and vanilla., and freeze. The children's ice cream -3 cups whole mill, 1 egg or 2 egg yolks, 1/8 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon vanilla, Yr cup sue= Scald milk, and pear it len" Puzzles Professors. Mule. Curie, the discoverer of radi- um, believes that the earth, instead of cooling, is steadily getting hotter as the result of its store of raclio-active substances, and a Frefieh colleague with a comet, even if it occurred, would not be attended with fatal re- sults, On the other hand, Professor Flind- ers Petrie, the eminent Egyptologist, prophesies that tb.e end of the world will come about 200,000 years hence, by ,reason of the disappearance from the atmosphere of the last traces' of Mistrese—"Don't be silly, • Jane; tell me what it is," Jane ---"Oh,, ma'am, the cucumber was crooked, and Boeing you had com- pany I tried to bend It straight." It is enJul enoties, to die happy, but it is far better to live that way. elie. Uses Lt REAXEY SELLS TEEM* USED care of all typos; all cath soldSat>. iteucnt otfo sdaemliveedirystsUpootooliailzOomilu v‘elso,b,..ortiteasIst mic.t order as purchased, or Puretase rice refunded, RING naechanic of your own 01101011 to look them over, or ask us t° , ta e any car to city representative tot inspection. Very large stock always on hand. Breakers Used Car Market 408 O31fG st.e.„ FIRS Furth, CI A de Premies to del than. Si pects, bemuse Sinn F( etples, 'tabled 1. The greats's, *mastic i ehort oi 1. Th 13ritish liquidet Unseat 000,000 Aet 2, Th and We 3. Tb ports is The Mons T report is Anal KIN A ch Xing gerden inghein The hrilltar 414 R.0 fenetio foutigi the DI e rsi Kine betide ' The la eubsti King, thia tions pmeen The rather at Aso of the lately PAW App A t tippets: world provic of R thine and t been tea o serabl Thc terri of r3 niullio vatiot tally am14 - Last reach demi heyor riot series Buil A The tvith ships affec the enee, Oomi Fu said eenf( cess, 1TtOV ern