HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-7-28, Page 3We Pi0.sv Dor listnedles
Book on
and How to Feed
1 Tile -lied Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
N. Clay Glover Co., Zak
XIS West Slat Street
..................„ New York, U.S.A. 1
for most makes oriel modes of ca.
You old, broken or worn-out parte
replaced. Write or wire us describe.
Ing what you waut, We carry the
largeand most compete stock in
Cenaela of elightly used or new earts
said automobile equipment, We ship
COD, anywhere in Canada- :Bathe..
rectory er round in full our motto.
snnwIn Auto Salvage Partals.VP17,
eea-eee peace/a $e, Toronto, On,.
Japan Crown Prince Sees
Metric Units.
The visit of Crown Prince Hirohito
et japan furnished an occasion for
eailing attention to many sights un-
linewn to the average tourist, but even
Frenchmen well acqualtzted with Paris
offerings stared blankly when told
that the prince had actually touched
the standard mere scale •and knee
gramme weight, which are leept in the
Pavilion de Bretenia neer St. Cloud,
These two objeete, whose accuracy,
hes been accepted since 1875 by all
nations adopting the metric eystene
are constantly guarded in a cellar by
guards appointed by an International
The pevilion itselt IP situated in the
midst ot woofle ant a rained pleteau
net approached by ordinary reeds.
Nene except the guards and occasional
visitors of note or experts desiring to
compare otber scales are ever per-
mitted to enter the almost sacred ter -
deny aud then only for brief periods,
as the eellarli ventilation le controlled
byspeciel air purifying apparatus
to prevent any substance get -
ting to wich might eorrode the dell-
cato objects. In order to maintain an
equal temperature lee is actually
brcught from tte iiigbeat attainable
points cn Swiss glaciers. The guards
therdeelvea awe reported te walk about
In slippers to prevent the slightest
brations from disturbing the closely -
guarded position of the weighing in-
Finds Singing Builds Up
It you want to be healthy sing ae
often as puesible. is the advice of Prof.
Frcseard of, tire Scrboune, \OHL was
reverted to the Freriell Aeadeniy of
Science bY hie colleague, Prof. deer-
sonval. says a Paris despatch.
Prof. Frosaard bas experimented
with hundreds of casco ot overexcite -
lion and sympathetic nerves, as well
as gruitrie cases, and has found that,
when the patients keep u cheerful
mood, singing music f',1 the gayest
quality, the equiulbrium of the ner-
vous system is restored within a few
weeka and badly damaged appetites
commence to reappear with full force.
The Academy recommended that
special attention be given to singing
classes in crowded distriete where
everything tends to break down the
nervous and digestive syeteuis.
Musicians in the Olympic, by means
of wireless telephones, entertained the
Aquitania's passengers to banjo se-
lections while the ships were two hun-
dred and sixty miles apart.
THE REAL "MONTE c'elza::°°:irt's,!::„ge11:, 1:11iDad tvee,r in
tained front rifled merche.ntrnen end
looted towne Yellow Jack claimed
Fabulous Wealth Discovered
on Cocos Island in Southern
Pacific Ocean.
That very useful slaud, 'where Du-
fan here,Monte Cristo, found
fabulous weeitti, had its poattion in
the eelebrated inithofe imagination
'What would he ease written had lee
known that the real thing was then in
existence and within easy reach ot
these wile liked to look for it?
An Engliehman. in the year of Du-
, fed Ids pocm kets froone
or the many hoards there. In the last
severity years, at least tweety-nine
known expeditions have visited this
treasure -strewn lecality; and more
than one have retureed, with retrieve4
Pacific Phantoms.
The Wand is to be inVeetigated
milli by 4 party made up. mit of leer-
111n-searnut treasureeseeex-Bltere or ama-
teur diggers, but or ritisit and
Ithited States naerel (ACM, aetilete
by °tere with Me intimate lexowledge
Qf miuing. Ilitlaerte opera,tious have
been on primitive lines, or, at the best.
Nth spades and explosives. This uew
patty. with a eubetautial quancial
bac-hind, propose a to make full use of
male -date scientifie and entrain& engi-
ucering appliances, and to provide for
; a long stay.
Some ot the "denims" which have so
long defied discovery may be brought
to light.
Real Treasurelslaud is no barren,
sterile eput. Early last century it bad
a solitary settler. and before that
ethers. WItat became el them neither
htstory nor tradition hints„ but if
ghosts baunt any spot it ought to be
this remantic Island. Wild Pigs and
e, doves.field ether motive fauna
are in abuudanee; and the shore wat-
ers swarm with fish and sharks.
, They who, two centuries or so ago,
Ede up their palisades and bruellwmd
hut, dug welle and made use of the
•island for obtaining frerat stores of
water and fool, were dihe others who
followed than. keen Judges of a handy
and comfortable rendezvous. Whether
in the East or the West Indies, the
northern Indian Ocean or the West
Pacille, the Black Flag Orates laad the
knack of choosing a pleasing brise for
drinking and murder.
Since these bold bad men of the
seventeenth century hid their vain-
able.a and ,specie, town to as late as
1835, many millions' worth of treasure
have been hidden fer safety on Cocos
Island. Among the principal hoards
is that of pirate Bolden
This Spaniard, traditions say, hid
!wallow, •41••••••••••••=•••••••••••=1•,•••••
Surnames and Their Origin
Varl atio ns --11 es keth.
Racial Origin -English.
Source -A given name.
Here is a family name, widely
known if not widely borne, which
would be a good bit of a puzzle were it
not possible to trace it ba.ck, step by
step, through the centuries to a
source in. an old Anglo-Saxon given
This latter is one of those which
have entirely disappeared in the
course, of the development in nomem-
clature which followed the Norman M-
vasion and the language changes of
more modern times. And it might be
remerked here that the number of
Anglo-Saxon given names which have
disappeared completely is far greater
than those which are still in use to-
In this case the name was "Hes-
cuith." It probably suffered a loss in
the period immediately following the
Norman invasion. Nevertheless., the
old names were retained to a certain
extent among the subdued Anglo-Sax-
ons probably the greatest number of
them disappearing in the latter period
of amalgamation than the earlier one
of subjugation. But the name had
not entirely disappeared at the time
family names began to form, and it is
first traceable as "Ilescuith's-son."
Ease of pronunciation first caused the
dropping of the ending and then the
suddenly rt Panama, and be, with
his dying breztb, divulsce to bis chief
einem the whereabcuts of theT-
AS Always Full a Life and
"dump," Reforg tee veesel set sail,
both of them were kIlied in a droxiltea Energy—Failures Are Weak
fray, and all keowleage of tae trea-
sure was lest.
. and Eloodles.s.,
} mom rfg&
Yee, Sirl
"Ycesir, eighty-two I De, are every Feels Full of Energy All the
Caches of Qoid. Some men seem to have all the luck. teeth in my 'ead same as W day I
47,1-, If there are any geed things going were borne;
Plans and deem:neon-, indleatirg
these men seem to get them. If they
other great cache came into the Dos-
cession et two muddsh women,. two are business men they ere successful;
hunt en the gee". lasted Ter mates job. They have the power of,• Seatiznental Young Ledy, pro -
sure fessor. whet would this old oak say a
sever,. weeks. The expetlitiou dis- lutluelleing PeoPle-
The same is true of women. donde it eould talk?"
covered the well-defined rocks whiele
are supteozed to inlicate the treasure. Prgfeaeor-"It would say, 'I am an
have the charm that makes men seek
if they are workmen thee- get the fore- Sweet Confusion Followed,
are before the war. and their tree-
cave's entrance; also the creek, The them cut; Gators are neglected. But
" 4
waterfall, and several other marls thl.z 2e nee teele js duo to a person%
iceatice, but unfortunately the face of al gitte-vitalitaa Men and women of Business S°InIsi."'1•13'
the cliff bee slid down over the mouth this eort are never weak, puny in- Wife -"Now, dear, here's the (lector
of the cavern. mills. They may not be big. but they to see you:"
There are thousands ef tons at de. are full of life and energy. The whole elerchant Prince (irascibly): -
bris to be removed before the wee thing is a matter of good Wood, geed' !"Send hire AWRY and feta the under -
can be redehed, but trio proposed ese nerves and good health. Everyene talter. You know I never deal with
world wise to be like this and the Pelidellemenl"
Pedition of. treasure -hunters has some -
qualities Mat make for vitality and
thing to ge en tyltb, the previous party
erzergy are purely a ea -Ater of healtb. p
elle el their labore, , 41 building up the blood an nerves, litop, Look, Listen.
having left eeough evideeee ef the , . .
' eleepleseness. want. of eriergy, weak- Ha; (eautiensty)--eWould yett say
The wealthiest of all to come., ce. 0 the back, ited4dcdds ddd the 'yes tf I fretted you to marry meat'
ineffectual sort of praauace which rea17-. eeSeheeetstlailtairnidu°rneaaalia!i°1YVansV°11
heard a is, undoubtedly, that of the i
and -many pale dejected. girls end WO -i marr7 :Y(1147" 1-1-7:012youa .% k e ca , maeldao
Peruvians' millions,• hieden In 1355;
and it is interesting to roto that as ilrYid et7lerf.ireleMwialk'nietsisnlicaPilbeh:voet r l's;u1:11..."t-y .3Y -e -s'.. -
late ra 191,3 the Panama eutberities made many weak: fired men. elgeroui3,
heard, that a Vetted States steamer
had left tbe ialand With a large gnaw. men, rosy and wreathed ey dame,: Fiction Provided Fete
on. colleetore In lielted States nerves. 11 you are weak. ieeeedegaee wife ea for a tolidaY- "Aiagg!0 dean,"
ing their blood and toning up their! The husbatel was neeing Irie beaoved
Lily or treasure-trove aboard, Later
were healing that golden pieces of the
early Peruvian Republic were uet so er uehealthy, try Dr. 'Williams' Tenn.. he ealtl. 'hadn't yeet better take mimed
Pills argil note their beneficial etfect. deal= with you ter while away th0
very rare. You cau get time plies tbrougit any thltedr
1855 cache. or trent the entailed Medicine dialer er by mall at dO cents "Oh, no, Georgell
," ehe said, "You'
Itheoubtealy theee collet came from
sum secreted en the Cocos ton a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The be sending asoma letters,
De. Williams' Meeleine Co., Brockville, I
earlier by the defaulting heade et a. Ont.
revolutionary lUnta. in Peru, two or
ouble Langua.ge is Costly the,,,,,twp at japa.a uttia camellia
ilteir vessel, the tliird beiug at
Shoddy Sheep.
:where met unknown deaths on board D "x believe go over and examine
• Valparaiso. to League, er," said .Mr. to his wife; "he's
lot Landmarks, Obligatory us of two languages. offered three of 'Vat ter Ora. II r
in dm tte, permits,ns. Itnrd prmed French and Englieh. in all its trans.' holtori but hint as do 1 4117/
the mammal on board ado aeasate t• he heatiquartere Getteva are given deeee, ttiu't half cattult 'stead 4'11
barque, Mary Dyer, lying in Vallee hY the settee! committee luveitigatiug , wool."
ye e
' tahilets treope. sent the contents ot autina- and the high cost et living a to be mire 'fore he gets her Lett the r
Roads. Her hands, three nights later, tbo workings ei tb* leeeglie of Na-)
white the mato was anbare owingto aadus an explanatien of what has
A Natural Mestake,
the skipper's sudden and etrange been eustblered In S°P40 quarters as At a cottage In au isolated part of
death. slipped anchor, and, escaped to the el.:euEulve est tit tbe urgaulzutlulli West Perthaltire visitors were so rare
ace before the tons could hold up the eay a deapatelt from tecueva. Sett- that many of elle children have never
veneel. zerlend. The expense a the 1881 year, ,gcea any menfolk excel); tlioso ot
When she was captured a :few weeks ' 2.411readY reported, ,
was about e4,150,-
1, Quo day the children were pining' One firm in Britain produces 200, -
their own household,
There eau be no doubt. says the —.77
later by a Peruvian warship, the nu- Yvv•
baPPIIIY tOgether, when a man was es. (100,00e !males per annum.
Omit richea had dieappeared. Three
et the crew escaped bond handed at committee's report, "that, rightly or : pied en the killside. evidently making -.--.
wrengly. the League et Nations bas :
mised to reveal the cube, and another. for the cottage.
the yard -arm -two seamen, who pro -
the reputation 01 costing too much." •Oue of the children. who had been
Thomson. who had been seriously 41.1. The report then goes on to explain' gazing at the unwonted apparition, re -
Time Now, Says Hamilton
"Well, I don't know What it is, but
there's something about Taulaa that
certainly does the work," said A. Let-
ris, 484 Queen St. North, Hamilton. Ont.
Mr. Lotus is a well-known printer and
has been with the Grimes Printing Co.
for nine years.
"Yes sir, I can recommend Tanlae,
tor it leas straighteeed me out twice
and I believe it will help anyone else
whc tries it, Two years ago I took
the medicine and it fixed me up in fine
shape and I felt good nail a little
white back when I commenced to feel
rundown. I got to where I just had
to drive myself at nay work and, as
my appetite was gone, I seemed to go
down bill all the time Instead of get.
ting better.
waZetilioInggoutamuel smoymeapTraenulta: hanadd 110.
new seen. I have just aniseezi my
sewed bottle now and I eau eat any.
thing at any time without Its hurting
me. That 'Urea tooling is gone and
I feel full of energy ell the Mao. Tan -
lac is ail 'het le claimed for it and
it certaitily is the medicine for me."
Taulac is sold by leading druggists
everywbere. Advt,
Largest Fabric Belts.
For convoying teal a Pennsylvania
volliery has been equipped with tee
of the largest fabrie bet e ever made.
each being more than 1,000 feet long
by fur feet in width and two inches
in thickness,
Mineral's Liniment for sale everywhere
A French electrielan eleinte to have
inveetea a waelline which will preluee
eleep. The eleatric eutrent is Twee!
into the lenty by greane of dray bat-
teries fixed on the whet and instep
and jellied together by tally wire:. The
curreet relaxes the nerves and pro-
duces a sensation of playsical ease,
which is followed by sleep.
well e.t the time and in lila bunie flaw the camillexItY* I'llverditY and maimed seating niten-eYea .1rent the
novelty of the work undertaken nem-
ing t0 pe0Ve that the treasure Wee dere.oralt ttihleencorittlaaredfoiradaomarseTeanlllotiangg-
Sitteequentile the two eearnere on try -
sexily cost heavily, particularly since
hidden on one ot the Galapagos, were 11' is in the hall" of a "M3114111011' iu Amaze:
shot as liars.
young institution and Mel "
ts expert- 'Oh.
father coming:"
Thomson eseaped at Panama, and tiWe' Oh. mither, here's a thing like
at. Celan found a kind N'ewfoundlanth
bcard bis vessel, bound tor Kingston,
who smuggled. hen in. ettiring translation And duplicate pub-
er, Keating,
counts for one-third of the entire es -1 A Question of Dignity.
licatien of all documents alone ac-
peue hreportsays.It thents
e. t e po n Da a case tried in tho North of Eng-
Jamaica. There Thomsen dieappear-
ed for ever; but in 1863 and 1866land the judge very sternly demanded
Keating visited the Cocos and lifted out that the location of the beadquar. of the defendant:
These treasures of the Cocos are not "since tde math I "Your honor," was the reply, "he
"Why did. you strike this man?"
some of the treasure . ters in Geneva mattes a sed deal of i
the excessive outlay.
early fortiea of lest ceutury enriched mission of Inquire Is to suggest every "Is that true?" asked tbe judge,
purpose of the Com -1 called me a. Hag."
mere myths. An Englishman in the
form of economy," the report says, "it turning to the man with the battered
.els bound to point out that, at the countenance.
"Certainly, It's true, your boner,"
was the reply. "I called him a liar be-
eause he is one, and I can prove it.'
Then thejudge turned to the de-
fendant with;
other city in Europe and where the j
rate of exchange is, at the moment of
"What have you to say to that?"
writing, the most disadvantageous for "I don't think it has anything to do
the great majority of states members with the case, your honor. Even if I
of the league." am a Har, I've got a right to besense
league headquarters in isrusscis, Fon-
'five about it, ain't I?"
The report suggests that were the
tainebleau, Turin or Vienna, or almost
anywhere else, an immediate economy
would be effected that would be appre-
ciated by all members of the league
and particularly by those whose ex-
change is depreciated,
Criminal Flowers.
Lilde human beings, flowers have
their likes and dislikes, and vent their
displeasure in no uncertain manner
upon their unfortunate victims.
Poppes, for instance have a very in-
jurious effect upon other flowers
placed in the same vase, which seems
to react upon themselves, as they soon
fade and -die tinder such conditions.
The same remark applies to sweet
peas, which should always be placed
by themselves.
If other blooms are placed with mig-
nonette, there are few which will sur-
vive such intimate contact. A yellow
tea-rosefaded away in two hours
when placed next a pink one, yet in
the ordinary way it would have lasted
seveeal days.
The dual language of the league re -
changes in spelling to the two modern himself from a hoard there; two
forms. ' separate American expeditions, a an- moment. Geneva ise-and so far as it
tive of Lima, stud, .Joseph Keating is possible to foresee will remain -a
have done likewise. city in which the cost ot living is corn-
paratvely higher than in almost any
Racial Origin -English.
Source -A locality.
The origin of the family name of
Lineoln is simple. It comes from the
town of the same name in England. cholera. infantum is one of the fatal
Like all surnames of the same. classi- ailments of childhood. It is a trouble
flatteon it was originally descriptive that comes on suddenly, especially
of the bearer's place of residence. In during the summer months, and nil -
that period of the middle ages when less prompt action is taken the little
population began to increase rapidly one may soon be beyond. aid. Baby's
the suppty of given names was over Own Tablets are an ideal medicine in
taxed. The first result of this was the warding off this trouble. They regu-
tendency among parents to give to late the bowels and sweeten the stout -
their offspring new variations of given aeh and thus prevent all the dreaded
Wailes, made up often by the addition. summer complaints. Concerning them
of dimunitives milled to the name or Mrs. Fred Rose, of South Bay, Ont.,
a single syllable Of the name. Even says: "I feel Baby's Own Tablets
this, however, was not enough, when saved the life ot our baby when she
communication between various com- had cholera infantum and I would not
inunities became more common and be without them." The Tablets are
men moved from place to place. It be-
came quite usual to speak of this, that
or the other Roger or John or Ivo by
reference to the place Prom which he
had come. Thus the name of Lincoln
was originally preceded by "de," indi-
cating "of Lincoln" or "from Lin-
The place name itself is a relic of
pre -Saxon days, being compound of
"lie and. "cin," signifying in the
ancient Britislr tongue, a lake on a
hill. The Welsh is "llyn," the Cornish
"lyn" and the Gaelic "linne."
erience ofothers
rofit by the
—which has taught thousands
that Instant Postam is better
for health than tea or coffee.
PoSeru.1t has a flavor
similar • to coffee, but con-
tains nothing that can disturb
health and comfort.
"There :s a Reason"
For Po S Fir m
Sold by grocers everywhere
sold by medicine dealers or by mail
at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
It's What You Do That
It isn't the job you intended to do,
Nor the labor you've just begun
That puts' you right on the ledger
It's the work you have actually done.
Your credit is based on the things you
Your debit on things you shdrk.
The man that totals the biggest plus
Is the man that completes his work.
Good intentions do not pay bilis;
It's easy enough to plan.
To wish is the play of an office bay,
TO DO is the work of a man.
He Knew.
Mr. and MTS. Jones had been invited
to a friend's. for tea, and the time had
arrived for preparing fOT ane visit.
"Come along, dearie," said Mrs.
Jones to her three-year-old San, "and
have your face washed."
"Don't want to be washed," came
the reply,
"But," said the mother, "you decal
want .to be a dirty little boy, do •you?
I want my little boy to nave a nice
clean face for the ladiesto kiss,"
Upon this persuasion he gave way,
and was washed.
A few minutes later ne stood watch-
ing his father washing.
"Ha, ha, daddy!" lie cried. "I know
why you're washing!"
This explains why, after arranging
perfectly fresh flowers, one collies
back, in the course of an holt or two,
to find that some of them 'have wilted
badly. In nearly every case, it is 'wil-
ful murder on the part of the other
flowers which would not bear their
A Dominion Express Money Order
for five dollars costs three cents.
In Switzerland it is a .criminal of-
fence to strike a goat. To avoid the
arm of the law, a man once held up
a train while an obstinate Member of
the goat family was coaxed off the
The famous "Hindenburg'', wooden
statue, which was to be covered by ad-
mirers with nails at a small charge
each, was recently advertised for sale
as firewood.
MInard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
Bulk Carlots
The Original and Only Genuine
Beware of Imitations sold on the
merits of
"Bayer" only is Genuine
LetCuiicurallealYour &CR
In the treatment of all ficin
troubles bathe freely with Cud-
cura Soap and hot water, dry
gently, and apply Cuticura
Ointment to the affected parts.
Do not fail to include the
Cutieura Talcum in your toilet
SKIM. Ointment 25 aca 50o. Talmo 2e. Hold
throughouttheDominion. CanadintiDepot;
Limans. LintitA, 344SL Pon! St.. W. Montreal.
2191iir*CuticurSoap shoves without mug.
Tells Remarkable Story of
Sickness and Recovery.
Toronto, Ont.- "I suffered greatly
from weakness, seemed to be tired all
the time, and had no
ambition to do any-
thingor go anyplace.
My nerves were in
bad shape, I could
not sleep at night,
and then came a
breakdown. I read
of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's VegetableN
Compound in tho
newspapers and rev-
eral of my friends
advised me to use it,
ae it sure y pet new life into me. Now
I am quite able to do all my own work,
and I would strongly advise every suf-
fering woman to give Lydia E. Pink -
hate's Vegetable Compound a trial." -
St, Toronto, Ont.!
The makers of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound have thousands of
such letters as that above -they tell the
truth, else they could not have been ob-
tained for love or money. This medicine
is no stranger -it has stood the test for
more than forty,years.
If there are any complications you do
not understand write to Lydia E. Pink -
ham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn,
Manufacture• of Monoacetica.celester Masa.
Werning! Take no chances with
substitutes for genuine "Bayer Tab-
lets of Aspirin." Unless you see the
name "Bayer" on package or on tab-
lets you are not getting Aspirin. at all.
Tn. every Bayer package are climections
for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheu-
matism, Earache, Toothache, Lum-
bago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes
of twelve tablets cost few • cents.
Druggists also sell larger packages.
Made in Canade. Aspirin is the trad
mark (regtstered in Canada.) of Bayer •
of Salle,ylloacid. • ISSUE No. 30-e21.
enee eeeeedereeeeeigeeetaaageela
• • .• .