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Addrese cemmunieations to A4tookaliist, 7a Adelaide St. West,. Terenta
United States Tariff on
Agricultural Products.
History repeats itself. Prior to the
cavil war- in the United atethe trade
; between that country and Canada, fected, but a ditty of 25 per cent. ad
1 under the treaty AA 1854, was peaeti- valorem is •also placed on meat pre-
; catty free. This continued during the pared or preserved, of 15 cents per
Saul Teaching at Antioch, Acts 11: 19-30; 12: 25. Golden
aaree-wee-a.e-m-ar-r-r-reagetertege—h weereetraree
ih„, and cream, exported, 1,279495 gals.te't
velued' at ;1,987,461; duty t placed 51
cents per gal. These are the principal/
agricultaral articles a exportation
fecon. Canada to the United States af-
I war and for some time afker. 'Xhent bushel on Ind=
' corn, a 2 cents per
the Llhited States having recoveredi gallon on fresh mirk, a 20 cents to
When Corn Eats Most. :age can raise a flock of target's with' from the devastation caused by that SO cents per bushel on fax or 2% to
gl-t interrecine struggle decided 0 cents per lb. on butte; of 20 to 22
The restalts of ie,,..,tit extierielente a reasenable investment in feed. The
of sma twat ie no 4 eo P' mole thatxuprotectioncattTethras necessary againet per cent, ad valorem on cheese and of
on the effeet of eevarying supnly a ions. e treaty of 1854 was 10 to 30 emits per bushel on apples.
nutrients at 4i..1(..lient peri.4.-, ir. the f" turktar raising as the birds will, i _ 13
r b • • ed .
Text—Acts : 46,
Connecting Links—Antioch was, in: Jew nor Gentile, but just Christian,
the days of Paul, a great city. It was; He was glaa and exhorted them to
third a the cities a the Roman worl&! fidelity and whole -hearted devotion,
the "Queen of the Est." aeti had! A very high character is ascribed to
,e gat 3: ailed ff A similar Othe- articles of farm production are been, bth
efore e Romans came, caplet Barnabas, He was a good man, and
growth tat the cern elarat are just re- range on the neighbors' land and 0 o c o
tithe- h happened • Th
for foodstuffs from the 'United States tal of the Greek klagdom Syria ,g full of the Holy Ghost and of taith.
' quentle e -t quite a jarge t of 1 asnot- e demand dealt with,
In modern times known cis Antal His mind and heart were open to 'the
grain. The faxer.er with a large acre -
ported. Ir.. this work teem weet growu
ice mate:ley in large ttylitalers eentairi-
tug. pure W1lite stegaiatel
ttdent SYltation was made area g"iver., to
-8 part the plants. Anot:-...Jr
of twae-tweflieth stre7.1g,tli
stzl.r.da7r.i was giv..7.?: to p:azzts
p wit." weelt e-elatien
t tome 1•11,,,'eP •
• z:r::::„?
' ' staml-
ta the
the weali,
' 41..4 trr...•.:4iad
n• r-
e., t,4
Web, and is a mall town of about generous and breadeeing and warm -
Queen of a Home,
six thousand inhabitents, It was buil mg intlueuees of the Spirit of Chriet.
will often have a weedieed and- has slackened eonsequent upon the
ge ending of the world Tar, and to offset
elover ileld just right for the fora Home 1$ her kingdom, 10Ve her dower, on the banks of the river Oroutes, 'Since much people were being
; the result what is eaLed an emergency ahe seeks no other wand of power near where the Lebanon and Taurusbrought into the chureh, and the work
...,VL „. tariff has been adopted. While the
Young turkeys need feeding about
tariff is not in particular aimed at ' To make home sweet, bring heaven
four times each slay until they Are five
or ele: weeks old. Mer that they wig Canada it will naturally affect this , To wee a mile and wipe a tear,
he terkey hen in her foraging couthtry the most, as some figures4And do her duty day by day
mouutains Meet, and ebeeet sixteen was greeepg, Itarnaoas felt the need
miles inland aeon.; the Mediterranean! of a strong helper, and went after
Sea, It was still, in Paul's time, al Paul to Tarsus. For one whole year
-n-1 pi up such of their living from pro
0 hei,la le irat at tnea _
u.ea eeGreek city, and its prevailing lane; they worked together and Wight much
abuneantly prove. The articles most In her own quiet place and way. gpeople.
gage was 'Greek, but there wes a : • -
sodsanti meadows. Turkeys
• mingling in it of eastern and western The -date of Paul's coming to An -
have t avenons appetite for bugs and directly affected and affected to the
ve to raise; greatest extent are: wheat, a which, And round her childish hearts are ideas and customs and of the worst; tioeh must here been about 4ii. or 48
sheas end it is very twined, forms of eastern and weeterri viee.1 .A..Dt, about ten yorers after his cell -
in 1020-21 we exportee to the United4
advaatages of a broad range. The feett State", e •4 e • e s ne a
• ; ebrined, gatheeed gap the church beat Jen-sa years in the prirae of life and rigor,
• There was a large jewish eoteriy, but! version. We call imagine him at this
9 3a4 894 bushel ^ t Christian preachers had attrneted and time, a man of thirty-five or foety
thin: properly un:ess they have the • a As round some reverent saint ea -
fox th • t f gt *94,1•42-X'98, and °11 which a dutv Of And followiug her the ehildish feet eel dreeki, and 4,11 of enthusiasm for the great
per buehel has been 1 a A
-e young turr..tn7.. ean a ne
eist ef bread atel milk squeezed nearly antdhee:
tfiscur, of which we sitnilaPriayeeex--;'' to
After leaving Jerusalem Paul had, cause which he hal esponeed. The
gone to his native city of Tarsus, and best teatimanY of the work dono
't t the -event tar le as they grow Ported 1,187,750 bushels valued at in her tlivinest motherhood, hal continued to preech the gospel in these two fellow -laborers is that,
,- Later rellea oats will be of beneat
oater wheat er'areenings and eraeked `912"023'89°‘ and on Wineh a duty el
en Lem be fed two or three tittles rer cent. ad valorem has been' This sad old earth's a brighter pine
placea; potatoes, exported 4,204,084, All for the sunshine of her face,
,lav. When sereenings can not
•• • „ bushels valued at $8,328,862„ duty' Her very smile a bleesing throws,
Ctlleta and .Segia, Barnahas, who knew , the end of that year, they were sepia--
... .
lune in Jerusalem, saw how valuable: atea by the ;Antioch Church an a rent
such a man would he in the mixeC forth on thew first mtesionary aavan.
church. of Antlech -a. highly edueatediture into the regione 1741;e/tel. A -Cherie
placed 25 cents per bushel; cattle not/ Aud hearte are happier where she • Jew of the Phariseee, 11. 111t0011141 tan ecannumity wheah can eet iteelf to
i),I3..... let;. go J a a
breeding, exported 294,009 heath; Greek -scholar, and a Roman citizen.O its own Unfiiiisheal task, anti at the
ined from the eouunereial serateh
tears :path ae, fere used fer the layillg. far goee, he would appeal to Jew, Greek, •andfsame time set apart ite ableet. lezlers
valued at $21,232,551, duty placed 30: A gentle, clear-eyed messenger, Roman. He had already the purpose!for Illisaionary week abroad is trifiy:
no well .Per cent. ad ValOVO111; meat, fresh: or To whisper 101re—thank God for heel - and the Ambition to carry his 111Nsagelgrowing•••
a t e . .443, duty pieced 2' cents per"' Commence fittieg your live stock to the outside world. Where eauld he Came prophet. The Ohl Testernert
When turkeys are strong
reetheree they will "me much ag frozen, e-apotted 430,142 cwt. valued; •
': ',...teintiar003111 tililee lilla07:.all,rdilnel;N;hwoaot ibtaST;1040?, exg.orted 7,128,065 roe. veil.; per the fall fairs at once,. have found a better starting point? 'Prophets were flret of all preeehers et
11: 19-30. They which were•scatter-atruth end righteousnese. They were
ee 41 to meat near home ast ued at $2,094,093, duty placed 15 cents/ --.....e. . ed abroad. See 8: 1, 4. Persecutione intexpicane of the puet, teeelens of
. to 45 certs per lb a co • i had amen nigny frow. Jerusalem who' the peeple in law and morals, and
4..ee given only
one meal a day daring ity value; Milk, prepared or conclens-i "-Ben Hur" was being Produced on the preached Christ wherever they went These New Testament Prophets, how-
and!sornetimes predletera et the Panne,
p . c Id ng to qual-1 During the twenty-one years that Carried their faith with theme
a zarl egainst thieves. If they , •
ed, eaPorted -4,910,288 lbs, valued at stage it is estimated that 20,000,000. The very mean?, which were used to , ever, seem to have given therntelvata
the setenier eeason it should be at
; h
this kelpi
teonx them homedestroy the infant churm
ch were ade:chiefly to the for:meting of futuie
, gt
nittha, ro; s o , t-oe"50-
,319, duty placed 2 cen.ts peri people saw the play.
re roeat. the providence of God to inerease , events. It is significent that they eet
I and strengthen it. Christianity. has , eaPY a very small pines in the New
If the terkeye roost in a colentr",,
!agate lt ehttela he open clear across! Cover Crops lOr the Orchard prosperity and -wealth, than from
always been in greater danger from , Testament Church. The geetiel t il the
, per.; Lord Jens Christ is not nmelt eitiel in
seeution or poverty.
the frut to ire a plentiful supply
d ear. Erameth wrest be pro-
, its appeal to humanity ly eregiattena
;e1 to prevent aAVeraiN eallirat. If tile, I3Y EARLE W. GAGE ; These first missionaries, driven by Agabus, however. gild prealet a fain-
i necessity, went ath
s far as e coast: ine which. came to pass m the days el'
rooete s
ret tga x phtee is not eutisfaetery to; ' cities of Phoenicia, which tar along: Claudius Caesar. '7.111S Ftatonwnt
m send' the sea to the north of Palestine, and .e Ps a, 0 ;h. - 1-.. (*ten . ti. eua
; In most fruit -growing dieariets chase commereial fertilizer to replace' to the island of Cyprus, and to the 'life, for eittnaitla reigall frau 1-1 la
thea it,
. there is not enough beret -art: manage. the clover this green manure would city of Antioch. It was natural that., 0.1 A.D. id, e know t4:1 :'r'wal
.14l'n to to maintain the soil fertility, und mean several -times the expense in-' at 'kat thev should .bear their message famine in eertaill Pada af tha otlull'e
some other 11197hoil must be used. eurred in this simple method. About to Jews only. Their Jewish prejudieee during his reign, In Juee„r
d, o.ae,p1r:s
n 113'e5; Cover crope add organic mato.. 10 tea pounds should be seeded
per acre.levere stilt very strong, and they dise tette us, there was 'amine In the yeni•
liked mingling with the Gentiles.0 ;10 A D4
h tine-, the soil, ana if they are legmninotte Clean cultivation in the early. part tut) a 1 i it had This , 1 4 e e
niff,,e,,T• crops, alsn nail nitrogen. Ihey do not 14f the season, followed Ity a cover emit recover these ear y eac ers the s P1OP wee 0 .agalnis :el to a
elnala"tehlz, altogether r pleee barnyard immure, later, is the most up-to-date und best idea that the gospel, and the kingdom, generous rceolve on the pert oa the
and the province of future glory and; Christiane of Antioch to eetel relief
''' ilt,MT,.; but will de morc teward Iteeping the method of handling orchard soil., ank power were for the Jews, and not tor' to their famine-etritiken 14e:three in
orchard up to a high standard of pro- enn, he wed 'with good results more i other people. i Jerusalem, and that which they me.
auction than any ether one methoa generally than any other system ofe yen use. sqil management. But some of thewere men of ey-iltribUted out of their compnrative
g hours. prus and Cyrene. Jews who heel lived i wealth was carried up to Jerusteein
la theit , we __
edge as: The maintelanee of the productive Legumes and Non -Legumes. so long among Greeks and in foreign; by Barnabas and Saul.
power of evils depends in a large de- a- countries that their prejudleee had! 12;25. Returning, when they had
filled their miehon, they brought
are two main types of cover broken down. The gospel appeeled to ful
le farm gree upon the upkeep of the vegetable erops that can be grown, the legumes them as eornething broadly human, w:All them John Mark, Barnelms' Me-
, :er s SOn, who was their cempanion an
tpers as, matter in the soil. Humus is one of and the non -legumes. The legumes are not to he confined to one sect er na- /
. -1 f 'h insects which the last stages in the decomposition :ill those plants which belong to the
e tion. They spoke to the Greek -5 tam; the first missionary journey, 811;1 was
!afterwurd the companion ami frieaa
d th hand f the Lord ' ell
wogs is of the vegetable and atainal matter in, Fame, family, as the peas, vetches,Mei; of Peter, and writex of the gospel
-beans, clover, ete., and the non-lega them. Many were coaverte'd,
which bears his name.
eaes in the soil, and its benefila may be sum -1
Jews and Greeks -came together in the i
ma the med up about as follows:Application.
1 umes all plants not included in this-
in life Effects of Good Drain:a-re, 1 family. Legumes are more valuable' church awl in Christian fellowship./
The gospel was already breaking down; .1,eB;;6rher:etaisanreteveoTglnl‘i.teenl lAltleel...)tanpailglevi:efti
to sup- A well -drained Eoil rich in humus is/ than the non -legumes, because they national barriers. It was beginningtl
if TritnesuitTeeeltnee(wP Aelee.olS frrnit,aNect,'•en
ther for also rich in nitrogen; evidence showsi are capable of gathering nitrogen, to realize the dream and hope. o
gh there that, in the process of the formationi human brotherhood, (See Eple 2. lo -
when he found it growino in a new
from the air, and when turned under,
of the of humus, acids are produced whieh , increase the nitrogen content of the .....e't).
fatten- are capable of dissolving mineral. soil. unto the ears of the Church in Jeru-
This startling turn of events came garden." This is not by any means
an easy thing to do, We assoeiate
plantfood, and in all probability this Rye is one of the best Christianity with -certain outward ar-
equently of non- Wein. It was a difficult and delicate
as their corapaniments, tied when these signt
is how they become available to the, legumes. It grows readily on most situation to hazialle, requiring unusual
are wanting we are not disposed to
gh food plant; humus increases the water-; soils, catches easily, is hardy, and tact, patience, and discretion. Barna-
e range. holding capacity of light soils by con-' furnishes a large amount of greenstuff bas, himself a man of Cyprus, was believe that the genuine article is
• h
,:r tatir inetinet will set.
the trees at night alai,
4 y diffieult to teadit t
in 'any kir. of u
ut!,Py breelere iatila a roof e
,na then :over the eiles wit
-h wire. This keep- the rai
higie but furnirhes an abt
• • ef e:r. If suth a house i
"Ihrjhr'i night it ehoula openea.
att• eart prat:marring hafore etarting to mil
„ otaer taria 'were. as the eittis th
:4VA, Cr,
et Pee tee I'v't; beet hunting in the cool mornin
"""; when the ineeet life is not eo
„ ,
lt" a e later in the day.
: rtItl""8 Tarheya are an asset on ti
s. et me mg,.
Patete htearg .4 liter earader of wethc -
*et, le troubled with mew:hal
. •
"elteae retre entl of the grewing they will clean up in a few
nn-nt...'od larger an.1 more vav large, many a the lo
;1'.°11 turitey raieing are due to turn
•elant fotel. P';raeo- early mrds an the range to enrly
tha Kt* nItf"....°"t3 without givinz them any grain
2."6",„wa'3 plement the fiVI that they ga
r r• thtenreives. When 't u' is hi
is temptation to cut it out
ltterohi af "grt "l the turkey's ration, at least until
reete. A: fte time et :az:virile- the
weight of tepe tees ftem time to ing thne. Young turkeys fr
receive no attention as soon
as tht. (amp seems to contain enou
renting up,.,:a amount Of ara"aine
••• f which they have found on th
A lew supply af available ettrients
A regular growth should be p
inenaso.1 the priviTtlyn of nitrogen, from the time they are hate
,voung turkeys are stunted it
Phatealatrula arai Pta.4z4/1211 f"nd al. difficult to bring them ba
r_tsat-er that obtnined where a
i::pp:y ninrt food was • feeding
thrifty condition, even with
methods. Turkeys
romoted solidating them and making them
lied. If less porous. It acts as a soil sponge;
is very it ameliorates heavy soils, making
ak into them less liable to beke and puddle,
the best so that proper 1thration is secured;
are dis- humus generally increases the warmth
; eouraging to the farmer that endea- of the soil. The dark eurface draws
21! vors to raise large numbers of them more heat than the lighter -colored
than "1'4 (bi without work, but they are profitable one; humus furnishes food nutterial
for bacterial action in the soil.
'fl in tne hands of the grower who will
I keep vigorous unrelated breeding
Turkeys a4 a Side Line. stock and feed enough grain to give
'he farincx wi:o has sufficient acre- the birds a chance to grow.
The tmoeter is a very necessary part
of the flock during the hatehing e.ea-,
sere but as saon as the last setting
has been made his usefulness is ended
and it is time to bid him good-bye.
Roosters eat considerable feed during
the summer and do not add to the egg
production. This puts them in the
same elass with the cull hens and they
should be given the same treatment.
At least ninety-nine per cent. of the
roosters should be either sold or eaten
as soon as the breeding season has
passed and all others should be care-
fully penned away from the hens.
Dealers are glad to buy discarded
males and often pay a good premium
in order to get them out of the coun-
Only the exceptioera rooster is
worth saving for the next yea's
breeding pen. Yearling males are more
active and give better fertility than
the older birds and are to be preferred
except by the man who is practicing
line breeding. If a rooster is to be
saved for the next year's breeding,
then he should by alit means be penned
during the summer to keep him away
from the laying hens. The infertile
egg is the only quality egg in sum-
mer and to produce infertile eggs all
mature males must be kept away from
the laying flock.
Here are seven rules for getting
the most money from the stuniner
1. Produce infertile eggs by remov-
ing tin? roosters from the ileac in the
summer time.
21 -Provide clean nests and keep the
eggs clean.
3. Do not wash eggs.
4. Gather eggs twice daily Ceing
the summer to preventethern from be-
ing heated by the hen.
^ 5. Keep them in a cool, dry piece,
away from the flies.
0. Market them at least twice each
7. Insist that they be bought on a
quality graded basis.
Acts Affecting Agriculture.
Three important Acts relating to
e agrie ura industry v me passe
at the recent session of the Dominion in as a permanent cover crop„ancl had
tect and maintain Canada's export proved successful on a deep soil with
Parliament. One is designed to pro -
an a-b.:Indent supply of moisture ding
e ras
to plotv under in the spring, besides chosen to have the direetioe of this • ,
Christian community, the mein of Jesus He appeared to Mary, sho
furnishing an ex.cellent mulch during new'
for the first did not recogmze Him at first. His
the winter months. About ninety hers of which were now,
appearance was difterent, and she was
pounds per ;acre should be sown. time, called Christians.
not prepared for the change. All
He was glad. He was big enough in
Winter wheat is a good second, if heart and soul to appreciate and to honor tIfarnabas, that when he
rye be unavailable, sown at the same understand what was happening. Ile, found Paul doing a. most unexpected
rate. Although buckwheat is a good saw the grace of God, how that God, work he could take up the words of
cover crop on heavy land, it is a verythrough the gospel, was building up the psalmist: "This is the Lord's do -
poor winter protection. Rape is very
a new race, which should be neither ing, and it is marvellous in our eyes."
good sown at the rate of six pounds
Value of Vetch. Pure Milk Products.
per acre.
Many writers have told us of the
many valuable features of alfalfa as The necessity for purity and clean-
= orchard crop.. Because of exper- Hairy' vetch is an excellent legum- liness in food cannot be over-emplia-
ience and observation with this crop, inous cover crop, and gives good re- sized. Any steps taken in any come -
1 must disagree with these men, and suits, It is extremely hardy, will with- try to further this desirable end are
believe that too often their recoenmen- stand hot summer drought, and is a therefore of much importance to Can -
dation has been based upon theory fast grower. Because of these features ada. Particularly is this the case
rather than practice. Generally speak- and its ability to gather nitrogen front when action is taken in the country
ing, alfalfa has not proved to be a the air, it is, perhaps, the best cover to the south of as. .
good a/VOX crop for the average soil trop grown. It should be seeded at There has lately been put on the
and orchardist. A few of the chief the rate of from twenty to twenty-five market an article.of food under var-
reasons are as follows: pounds per acre.
Crimson clover seeded at the rate icoolinsiintgrabdeestnakinnews,vnbtaits w"fihirela
is be-
Alfalfa for Cover Crop. d
When planted alfalfa is usually put
of fifteen pounds per acre is ale° very Filled mill- is a mixture of skim milk
good. Ay crop that will make a good and some vegetables oil, which takes
growth in the fall and early spring so the place of the pure butter fat.
as give a large amount of organic An investigation is now going on
matter to turn under is a good crop to before the Agricultural Committee of
grow. the House of Representatives at
July and August are the cover crop Washington as to the advisability of
months usually turning the geound suppressing or regulating tilled milk
and ;naling it ready as early, as pos- by law. A number of experts have
sible, same giving it several cultiva- been suninioned to give evidence as to
tions, thus conserving moisture and the results of their investigations and
getting the soil into an excellent state research in- the matter of proteettve
for the seeds to germinate. . Where foods. The first witness called -was
trees are not coming into bearing as Dr. E. V. McCollum of Johns Hopkins
soon as they should because of the University, Baltimore, a scientist
excessive _growth, sowing down the whose name is well kntown in Canada.
orchard to one of the sod -crops is a Dr. McCollum testified that his
good plata or Owing the cover crop studies convinced him that dairy pro -
earlier in the season. This will tend ducts ,supply the only protective foods
to tcheck growth and throw the trees likely to be used in sufficient quanti-
into fruiting. ties in the diet to promote normal
Cover Crops Make Good Stand. growth in children, optimum well -be -
Many make the objeetion that the ing in adults, and to prevent the ad-
vance of senile decay. The great races
of the world are those who are large
users of milk and its products. 'Phe
•prOper system of soil management has use of any substitutes in a milk pro-
duct should be discouraged as having
been maintained in the early part of
the summer there wi;1 be little trouble
in getting any of the crops mentioned
to come. If a seeder can be used, the
;3.eed.' is thus sown below the mulch
where the soil is moist and the. per-
centage of germination will be in-
zaeasec The crop shout(' be turned under as
soon as there is a good amount of
Good nature and good sense must ever
greenstuff to turn under. Do rot wait . .
for the fast-grai,viag crops, such as 01T1
rye' ea they are liable to get; ahead To err is human, to forgive, divine.
andgive trouble.
—Alexander Pope.
trade in dairy products. IA provides ing the summer months. The success
that on the recommendation of the en these soils had led many to sow
alfalfa on the lighter soils where the
moisture supply is already deficient.
Sonia orchards have been transferred
into hay fields, the alfalfa receiving
more care and thought than the orch-
ard itself. Too much of the crop is
removed from the land.
We must remember that we must
have sufficient moisture to feed both
the alfalfa and the orchard during the
dry summer months. There are very
few orchards with soils capable of
doing this, since orchards are usually
located on the hilly land, Or land well
drained, rather than on bottom lands.
The crop might be well enough if it
were turned under or disked into the
orchard soil, but to think of harVest-
ing both fruit and alfalfa is out of the
A Good Soil Builder.
Clover is an excellent soil 'builder,
and if used as a cover crop, will sup-
ply nitrogen and organic matter to the
soil. The same difficulties lire en-
countered with clover as with alfalfa
and must be guarded against. As a
rule, clover should never be left in an
orchard for more than two years with-
out being turned under. Special are
should be taken on light soils, where
the crop should be turned under by all
means, and will prove the best pos.
fable crop fot this purpose. To pure
Federal Minister of Agriculture regu-
lations shall be formulated for the
grading of dairy products intended
for export for the establishing of
grading storages, for the issue of
grading -certificates, for the special
marking of dairy products to he grad-
ed, for the establishment of standards,
definition and grades of such products,
for the arrangement of fees, for ap-
peals to the Dairy Commissioner as
to grading and for the appointment of
graders and the definition of penal-
ties. Another measure designates
August 31, 1922, for the limitation of
the manufacture or importation of
oleomargarine and March 1, 1923, as
the limit for its sale.
A third Act extends the period dur-
ing which compensation shall be paid
for animals officially slaughtered to
prevent and check contagion to May
24, 1924, or for three years. At the
same session appropriations for the
purpose of agriculture, including the
$1,100,000 divided among. the prov-
inces under the Agricultural Instruc-
tion Act, amounting to $6,649,214.50
were passed. No branch of agricul-
ture is overlooked in the apportion-
ment, but increased attention to the
health of animals and to the purity of
ineat and canned foods is provided for.
Keep the cornfield clean.
crop will not oatch in the late sum-
mer. This may be true on soils ver,'
devoid. of organic matter, but where a
a tendency towards weakened disease
resistance, and the encouragement of
rickets, among ether complaints. In
Dr. 1VIcCollurn's opinion every person -
could use two quarts of pure milk -per
day with advantage.
He favored the prohibition of the
sale of filled milk.
ICeep the water troughs filled.
Live stock cannot fight flies and
make good returns at the same time.
Spray with some good repellant,
Consistent shallow cultivation is the
only weapon in the farmer's posees-
sion for combatting drought.
Hickory is one of the strongest Can-
adian woods. When properly sea-
soneda hickory column will support
a weight of twelve tons per square
inch tross-section.
. Every farmer will be glad to see
the increase in the price of hogs, but
no doubt, will regret the fact
that they have none to sell. Steady
production is the safest plan in the
hog business.
va mom ma.nat •qm
0 Critical
0 Periods3
1. At Seeding Time.
Delay seeding to escape the
Hessian Ply. Use fertilizers
to catch up wheat growth.
2. in Winter
d Produce good tap to protect
p wheat, and good rooting to
• overcome spring heaving.
IF,Deorttsil.izers produce top and
01 3. At Heading and Filling Time
sei Force early wheat growth
IP by fertilizing at seeding
• time, and escape) 'drought
r," and heat injury,
0 order Fertilizers Now
for your Fall Seeding
ig write for Free Bulletins.
Soil and Crop
P Improvement Bureau
0 of the
Canadian Fertilizers Association
goorn 14, Manning Arcade
rit Toronto - Ont.
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