HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-7-21, Page 81 YirT1917 Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Wheat 1.23 ..... .....—. Seeley 48 to 55 ,Dets X I Family Fur Fe.d. Flour S'Itc•rzs • • Brett li.reratery Butter ..... Butter .. _ .... 31 26 40 .3.30 The Trivett Memorial Church Slue 2.00 vSchool will picnic at Grand Bend 1.40 cm Wednesday. JUIN- 27tle ExarEit Ativinaralt THURSDAY, JUIN 215, laBi LOC& Dals ags t The rneoven' tiaI election in Aabeete Mr, George ,Mantle is laid up with lumbago this week. Judge E. N. Lei -is of -Goderichheld. Dtviserne.rourt here on. Friclae. t of the hay And wheat is now • — barn. ia .the The heavy rain. 'Tuesday Morning will delay Iboae who have not fixe.shed. James Street Sunday School pienie is ben e held at Grand Bead to -clay, "Wednesday; and Main Street Sunday Seeete picnic is la Hooper's Grove., About twenty Boy Scants Sarnia ton a bi-oy..:le tv:1), dropped off at Exeter eon Monday evening, and were t •-• „! ...r nght 1,:t• the ..%,Couts 1 iUr. Burtoe R. Preszcator, son ot: ond ;Mrs. Sarauel Presecator of town,, was united in ntarrge in. De- trort on. Monday last to Miss 7.11argaret 20 ile te $13 tit cit Ti tYliS e Fees,. e...hes 2:2;n03,4%:•,-. t'rntt :1•1•1o.:.4 to his already w111 lest 1)4,40,r - with Ski-Optontet- e: .:-neineer:. This eis him r.n ase r ieripment toe sight 1:st- ...le your serviee :re ve- le.: reerer ee,t le, .1e.• BilereE.B. se.:ond-hated 1%1,e:et-mit:le itiaele: %eat, fer setle. Apply \V. eye. OT—At el -reed .9cnd, 1.Ved.nesdaN.- ENe Telly ke:.- --rag with beech ieeNe„ k:„reiliy return to j. 3(i.itete, Beek or Commerce. Exeter r %MON N.:RA-MS FOR SALhe 4.te ea:tee eretes, 1-ty 4 teL used ti;11. tliAf: 0: basswoodhalf eree Aer.'1:4t Lleo. Hay, nele west e; tie:ere:ea, or write ntra: rt.Nutte 1. lf you he anything to sell or you sweet to buy. try The Advocate Want; Column Reeristee wishes to rtee eitet ere. +:4-.;72'I ie WM be c/ostel wil.;7e.;t lir etterntl Netiee cr: re-even:zee, tees -r Il.11.111..1011.14 'WOW Allenbrook of that city. elessrs. Roulston, Snot!, Rowe and Rivers fr.ttended Gtxler:ch Bowl: g Tournament last weelz, making a 50- ee cieet. Vireeidee won le thy for the second tune. ook Piece 921 MOnday and resulted in the defeat of the Liberal Gorer.ne ment end the election. of a Parmers' Govenueent. The furriers will have at least 36 out of 61 reembersl Earl. Ealkwill, sort of Me. and Mrs. Sewell Ealkwill Wilson a visito with \ e and l‘irst Hawkina" elf* Usbeene. met with a painful accident an artele tree ancl, ,to the ground; breaking his r t arm at the wrist the tether,- eley. fie, was climbing Miss Jessie Eowey spent a few <lays hi Loedort. Grigg hes been visiting friends in Guelph Horton left Tuesday for t trip un the lakes. \tr. James Sweet is home from St. e-,Zatharines for a few days Nies Ruby Treble of Toronto holidaying with her Parents here and Mrs.. Jos. ,Fonielc• 'of ton, ere visiting with relatives here. mr. and Mrs. Frank. 2tIallett spent a couple days in London last weekt Dr. John Harrison and fautilY. of De-, trait are visiting here with rel4ives fr. C. H. McA.,my Deltroll e here risiting his mother and other rel - 11r. and :Nis. W. H. Lovett of Loa - :don spent F"riday and Saturday in Th. and :Airs, F. A. Chapmanandson• left Petiday tOr Port Stanley i Spend a menth. Miss Ida Elatehford of Detroit viSiting ate; parents, Zr.Nand ,,,,trs tor.. \fr. <>fie McPherson of l‘iontreal is isiene his parents, 'Mr. and Mrst lePhersort. NIr. H. J. Willis •of De'troit has. been pending the week at the ,1011tO, of R. N Creec Mr, ,Prraneis Hill of the Demingon ,.Eartlt •etaff, Ottawa, is holidaying at h4sihNeue here. • Mrs. Geo. Crawley of St. john'vis- ited fer cOUPIO days with friends here during the week. George Bayle,y and wife o eetoon WAS the gU0St u:qrs. johe ree'd ever Sunday. N.ladeline Caring of Toronto heliNi,tying at the, home of her uncle, 1r J. R. Cara. M. Grarvin Prang of Strattord vis- ei with hie unele, h.Samuel Presze o „here last we..tlz. M'rs. Richard Delbridg,e Jett To:;'S- (.14f tor the Soo to VISA her deughter etre. H. N. Anderson. elisses Etrethe and Alma Mack .of Montreal are Vieitinee their parents, Mr, and Nirs. David MaOk. and 'Mrs, George Weekes ad rendeltild. are vting here and • tteloh with relatives. eirs. Samuel Sample of St. Cathar es here visiting with. her iperentsl r, and Mrs. Wm. Bagsimw. Jwlge Dickson and family of Go:1- •14-11 were in town Friday last while the way home front Londoe, :qrs. C, B'ireey and her daughitere rs. Ferguson of Winnipeg spent a w days in Belgrave last week. err. G, J. Dow, who had just return- irom Mon.treal, shipsed a lead of rses to that city on Saturdayi, Mr. grtil Mrs, G. G. Essery of Cent- ralie announce the eegagement of their dn„ughter Ilarell Madge, to Wilfrid H. e-4ort God‘rtch, the In:image tals.e. place the latter Part of Julvt Sir Fred Sanders, druggist, or Tor. onto. ,son. o: Mn.. and T.hoe. G. G. Sanders, Huron Street, underwent eperation tor appendicitis. a. few (hes ngo His friends here will be pleased to know that he is flow r,:eay. pic4y. fl Clearwater correspondent to the t•r‘sti: City Courier, seyste-Mr. john 11%;liAtY Ot Exeter and cad friend o the Emburys, is in town holidayein et A. McIntyre of Ex is t -sting his brother, t) H Truemen Elliott made a bit o: reeerd ea tee local tournament on .r..Ight when s rink won the etre.; eaners by erores o: "-.- Creree-ten 4.rere,, V..; te eyell .— tfi't! -'• e-• tee weeks, e W 01; ort 7,1744trft stre;t,1 1- VQV woodshed. Nir,.,rat, •-,t,,,i,J1e,; two :end, with e etratber good fruit Own.A by William Breen Fe: 411,1MOdi;•••• sale. Write DR.OWS, 1}zris• XiONIP.O. .f -4a tiretieree. iNeN,t.r R 1 • levee Howcver ,tIte little 4.0 /1-L His r:,nk was- =•':' aatpQs0:2 it: W. F.46,ht r:mks took p•art :UUTZZaWnt. tour --year old son At J';41.,T; Stire, h'neter .on Sat- •h- drank soave fily-peison from a ieh, end but for the promut action eeleng the doctor and !teeing the temeet, eurauel out, the result might Oa, OM. MOW 1%Vie1Nte FOR SALE iee eereette. London Reed, .1•Orth Eeeeer l'tO S.GIA with crop on te eteei, W 1-Z Let 3, Con • /by. ben. _r.'. tv:.;h timber and weed Poe.. „on given et ence. rhe •tett:,, Apnly at Adv,entc,' ..••••••••• Z.70NTRAC, TING, We wish to .call the attentioa or the Public or Ex:: and ,4Irrotinding• dis- trict that We are oper. to acceot, ender fur coetracts err' ell kinds. of building We tee experienced work - teen argil bys.riet retention to busi- r.ess we !Neva Le shar: ei the contract ;verk. of th„,, dietriet, WARES PRYLee, Exeter. The Advocate has reeiviel a splen- ei,d new stock o Wedding Stationery eting ladies centemplating matrimony ,,eeild sea our samples and prices. eur prinereer is not the blotted, un- readable kead„ but it compares with er,:,e)graph werke HetiCSE FUR SAL.e. Nice erommedious teroom Prattle seaftri on t side of Ann -e.ii. Exeter; in good repur, hard and water. For terms ap- ple ta I. R CARLING. Exeter. AUTO BUS. S. J. V. Cane will be pleased to eon- vev pienic narttes to Grand Bend to- eteer !Noires during the surnmeit 4.•••••••10101 FOR. SALE OR TO RENT. The Livery Barn and other build - :rigs connected therewith, belonging to the estate at the late W, 0. Bissett and recently cccupied by \Ir. W. 11. Hodgert. For terms and particulars apply to ISAAC R. CARLING Barrister Owing to the drop in. all material we are able to manufacture ice cream at pre-war erices-25c a pint, 50c. a quart; Sc. a dish.—W. J. STATHAM, SHOW CASE FOR SALE. Small one, Apply C. L. WILSON. DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractic and Electric Treatments, X -Ray; Hours - 10 ta 12, and 2 to 4, and by appoint- ment Consultation free. William , and Sanders. Moue 43. OX••••••••11111 TENT TO RENT. Suitable far booth, or fce camping. Apply to C. L. Wilson. CARS FOR HIRE—Phane 56, C. L. WILSON. VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Andrew St. Apply at any time 4 to 6 o'clock; evenings 7 to 8. . - HOW IS 'THE PUMP New Iren Pumps and Fittings in Stack, Iron or wood pUMAS repaired. W,ells punreed oat or cleaned, • , S. J. V. CANN, Phone 115 eeew it; doing nieely now. The Orange ceb.bration in Baytieid as a reel live affair according,o ,reports. About 2000 automobiles took ebout etteu peonle to that vfl.. G ;were, Mitre the celebration was held 'foe the first lime in 26 years. A. .hub ere:essiontook mace and many 'line •addro.,1-:,Os war given., David Bacon, Q4, wort tiaj priee for the oldest mem- tr.. ber haying heile 74 yeare an, Or- arteetnani. Clinton. ladiee lodge won - the, rrriee tor 'first womaa'r lodge the County. Clinton had the largest \I numbe- Gf members in the proees- to sion Blyth .bad the best dressed • lodge* „Crnton the best band; Lon - ed elesbere the best fifer; Walltort the ho best hatmeet exaomIonvoixxx TO SHIP TO ENGLAND, Since the markets of the. ljnyi.ed States have been practically closed to the cattle men. of Ontario, a number of the shippers of Exeter have taken specin a boat for over SCIO cattle end Neill ship them to England the first week in August. About twenty men will accompany the cattle. It is many years since there was much shipoing of cattle to England SALVATION ARMY Thursday night, 8 o'clock, in. Victor- ia Park; Sunday, 11 a.m',, and 7 p.m. Town Hall; Victoria Park 8.30; North End, 3 p.m. Y. P. C. A.. BurinJuly and and August the Y rooms will be opened only Monday and Saturday eight4, but any members wishing to enjoy the games can apply for the keys to Mr. Cole on eny other Aught Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.--' 7 p.m.— R.-eq A. A. Trurnier, Receen OATEN PRESBYTERIAN CatiRCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m,—Sunday School and Bible classes. 11 a.m.--"13eginning." 7 p.m.—"What Has Gone Into the Foundations." Prayer service Thursday evening at 7:45. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wiason, B.A. Regular services next Sabbath at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The, Minister. 3 p.m.—Saba th School and Bible Study. Short Helpful Serves. Excellent Music. All invited, MAIN ST. METHODIST C-PIURCH ' Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phionte 21'3 11:00 ,ain,—Rev. Solomon Cleinn 3 pext—Sunday School, and Bible • 7.00 4:).1711,—Rev.' Salomon Quinn, BETHANY ' 2,50 pe -,Rev, SolotnOn, d4a• 'etre Nichlin and ,babe of Guelph have been visiting the former's bro- ther and sister, De, and..11iss Kinsman,. Miss Mildred Norry, after holiday- ing at her home here for a couple weeks, returned to London Friday. ,3,Irs, Ferguson, who has been visiting her parents ri end Mrs, C. l3irney, left Tuesday for her home in 1Vintrile peg. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Frayne and family of Brantford are visiting with the tornitir's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Frayne. \Ir. and 'elrs, Harry Triebner corimun, are here visiting the for- rner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triebaer. Airs. Trothan and two children returned to their .home in London the latter part Or last week, after a visit with friends here. Miss Grate :McLaughlin of Glencoe, who hr.s been, spending a, few chyle Nriss ;Afr. Morgan. on Andrew treet, returned home 'Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Weekes and daughter Gladys. of London visited fr, and 'Mrs, Robt Dinney on Sunday. C will main for a couple weeks. -em Alta Morgan Little, nee Lizzie Heist formerly of Crediton, but now of Los Angeles, Cab., is visiting among rela- tives in and around Exeter. ere. and Mrs. Geo, Herten of :Man- itau, elate, called on. friends here last eft ,and intends visitine here again before returning to the *est. Miss l'eft Edmonton, Altai, who was visiting her aunt, il\ire. Thos'. Laing, is this week visiting iia Heasall and vicinity. err. and Mrs. Samuel Sweet and daughter Miss Imo, were in London during the week, where 6kfr. Sweet is undergoing further treatmen,t. Mrs. ,54. Lament of Toronto reel Mess Phyllis Lamont are spending a few days with the farmer's sister, mrs. Win). Ward, on North Street. Mi a Perliscilla Collingwood returned' to Part Huron on, Monday, afftee nenditer a{ wieek at her home her Thoma .> Welsh, accompanied her back. Miss Ruby Pirsons and Mrs. Mee Ewen 4et on Sunday for Rocheste., Minn., to undergo treatment at the Maya Hospital. They were accom- panied by Reg. Parsons, Mr. Mc- Ewen, and Mrs, Simpson. Mr Wm. Gould of Miami, Mane speat a few days with ,his mother en town He left again Tuesday for Belleville, Port Hope and other east- ern points to soend a few days, And will return here for a short time! Mrs. J. H. 13ollitho and two daugh- ters of Rockaway, NJ., who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs). Rica. Yellow, le -ft Tuesday morning for De- troit, where they will visit for 0, week before. returning llama. Urs. I3olitho was !formerly 331atchlord and spelt her girlhood in Exeter, 1 '-'41t-ruiroidali■wilwepoeietoempoot.e.0'selemiellsowilemiss•web.44,,,als+-4481/10.0 1116"..32- JONES • :MAJ.... Vibite Wash Dr; SChell Fodi • Come In and Let Him EzzmineYour Feet and Advise You FREE If you are tired of being bothered by hurting, tender feet, here is your chance to get immediate relief and permanent correc- tion. You are invited to consult this foot specialist while he is here. He Will Be Here Thurs. July 28th Don't wait until the last minute and, maybe, lose your chance to get foot comfort. Come in any time during business hours and talk it over with the expert. Mem is a frik boll Aprlignoe orRema&R)425.rootrirgaz There is no need to suffer from any foot trouble, any more. Be it ever so simple or ever so serious this specialist;who is a member of the Staff of Dr. Wrn. M. Scholl, the noted foot authority, can show you the way to immediate relief and to ultimate Foot Comfort if you'll step in and give him the chance., fie can tell just what the cause of your trouble is, and he knows the remedy. Improve Foot Appearance No larger sized or oddly shaped shoes needed. Wear the kind you like in perfect comfort. The Dr. Scholl Appliances actually improve the grace and beauty of the feet. JONESi & MAY "Watch Your Feet" PHONE 32 R. Carling, B.A Banister SolicitortNotary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the •Mol - sons Bank, Etc. INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bands, all legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing prices from 6 per cent. to 7 Der cent can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DEI4TIST Office—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, Jahn St,, Exeter (lately ,accuoied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED Office—Carling Bk., Main St., Exeter by C. H. Sanders at thAdvocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness, e SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 FLEET FOOT SHOES For every sport and recrea tionl For every member of the familyl Before going on, your vacation be sure to have a, pair to take with gout The prices are quite reasonablet FACTORY COTTON SPECIAL WHITE FLAN. SRECHAL Extra good weave' and price 35c yd 27 in wide flanneleithe; old price Special value 10 yds for 81.75 a5csr)oecvitriyvaiguDoed10,quyadlisty,f.or $1.75 SPECIAL IN MINN'S OVERALLS $1,79. A year ago this overall sold for $3.00 It is a good cloth, made fula , and roomy and stand at lot of rough wear. Special value at $1,79 LADIES' CORShTS $1.48 , MEN'S SHIRT,S 51.39 3 doz, D. & A. :corsets.Regular 4 dos Tooke Shirts., -.'Reg. value value - SAM A 'splendidcorset ,in. a 52.00 Sizes 14 to 16; 'A good shirt 'good w -eight for warm -Weather, Sire for summer wear and extra valne 20 to, 28, Special value $1.48 at 4$1.39. Bouthcott Bros. This St07;,1yjjli close, exery Wed, afternoon during June, July, August, Dr. G. F. Rouiston, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Cloned Wednesday afternoons. Dr, A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Taranto Unireereity Office—over Gladman & Stantittry,'s Office, Main Street, Exeter, C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER 'AN,D VALUATOR for Counties orlitiron Perth, Middlesex and Otkord. Finn Stock Sales a Specitlty. Offiqe at Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. FRANX TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer tfor Counties of Hunan and Middlesex Prices • Reasonable and Satitsfattion Guaranteed. Crediton, — Ontario. If you want to ,order a daily PaPc or magazine, or renew a present tri1i.e. 1 cription, leave your order at '0, tvocate Office. We save you papal, veloPe Pleselfie $aull) and. eV of money ordAr .and when clubbing alit' tle snore besides. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest GLADMAN & STANBURY Banisters, Solicitors, Exeter ,