The Exeter Advocate, 1921-7-21, Page 6e _ Adcirese commu ations to Aot °monist,. 73 Adelaide St. West. Turento. estimated, for Instance, that the dise Text -St, Matt. 16: 16. The Times a Dae- to Mille soil; they are as careful st Tne followd ineb rules !ire Worthy iof . • eff . covery a . arquis wheat by the Cereal good humus forrnere 7, he e y y every nelson 1,‘ IQ Division of the Exnerimertal Fa ' Connecting Linke--There is no; 26-29. When, Saul was come to Jer- How many ti111:'il a 4.ay a cow -nu 1111S • • . 1. ,,i,, in: as can be planted. It should atso owes or works horses. A iteed lex. is; - ' douot teat Paul's early training in 4 usalem. The years in Deaeascas and noted that praetieally all legumes aro 8 I) breech has enriched the wheat grow, pious Jewish home, to tack the relee u in tlie stable, nis universitv, Arabia laid, been years of preparation. be milked is a I:oxen eneetion and' cieeenroottei plame end hove bring up - P • . ers of the three Prairie Provinces by edueation and training in the school • 0 . ;In the quiet of some Arabian tc ten, or where tne • c•tr be referred to fre- 9 the eub,soil While . S • • , eene00,000 aemeany, and that the ixte a Ganraliel, nie knowledge a the i ecissibly in some monastery +at the seemingly win eine remain so. lle.ore, numeral foed from e . • (meetly. , r troduction of Preston, Steniey aad Old Testament Scri,atures, and a the:Jewisa sect a the Essenes, te which the spirit ei.', Mining ena investiga- hthe e„ leabeen the field bean, the Relit 1. Load, lightly, and nrive slowly. . , 2. Stop in the shade if poseible. - .. - ' Iruren wheats into the othet rovince- Green aeld Hebrew languages -ail i he would have received. a cordial and tion acearne as rampant as it is teeiee , . ' pea the crimsee Omer, and the lu- ; has brought about a gain of at leas4t combined to quaiify him in a uniquelkindly welcome, he studied his prob- e settaraient erne. titonelit 1:•? beve heen tneintra, ., i ,, f .in ne...n.nes for 3. A sponge on top of the neett, or half a minion nonars tile 101,, a .. t.6 x... , ' • 0' ad •esults in the • pities, all „see eo 1 ' way for Ms great task. He. was hoer lega end sought to selye it to tbe light even a eloth, is good if kept wet, lei wbeat is not the only ' V, t h yearly, But called to be a peeacber of tile goepeeioz Holy Scripture, Vow Le 1strendy reaehen at twine a nay. Now it ap- tins Purpose !.,F, the red clover. , dry it is Worse than nothing, , gran' 'a as He could find the foreshadowings of ; to begin the chief busieess of his life, profited immensely thrown -1 the 11,oric Rene thai etote• taeve can ea' nueeel. 'rne value a green, manure has iong 4, weter ,,,z, h ft te . • . e i that gospel and the preparation for! mid be desires to begin it in J61.'•, -.1 +I •,,,0 nee S Ilr ors(' as o ell a carried on at the Experimental Farms.; Christie coming in the Je-wish, writ-. usalena with need n as 1.a .1 It •• ...I-% -- bvea reeognized byl ea -me -tan . nt ein fruit,' , possible. So leep•, as a horse is work- I3e- the introduction of Daubeney, Vic-iings which Ile 'knew so even, Ile could i Tile disciples, that isgthe Christiaa awn fear thiati .iin,:::••• N0red"' Its.t.:T-, growem Neverthe'essi the.re 15,(1,T,f,!!"ing. water in small quantities will not tare, awl in partieular Bawler pats,' speak to fieople o -F all classes and na--; neonle of Jerusalem, were afraid a Pear ant ito- don .ed qt141.;':-:', gienerally throughout Cana= gyms t. , hurt him. But let him drink only a noti itaddaif ••ari et iletlinteiY Atdaeu ef cover crone. Fortunately there Is few swallows if he is goiug to 000 stand, a gain has been made of over e9,000,... tionalities in the universally spoken' him. They had reason D th be. They annually, while other new grains) Gheek languege, et to the. Jews in the. doubted his siecerity. I3ut areabas, P at h•Intl, aa itameniate ani et:one:Mc:A still. z fetch as barley, ilex and peas, have . • • . n d f . 1 • i senagogues in their own Aramaic or -. good man liberal and kindly of fe-rmen.:e ne, es Ne. "in ieeeed :in tlic' remedy foo ehis situation. i 5. When. he comes in after work. in the Hebrew a them veered bean,. spnet, took him and vouc e 01 inn. Live St .'• at Oatrea ni 'Agent withh e . , .he ,0 have teen 1 recene 3 ear . 1 e f. swage on tne narnees maras ano value of $3,000,000 annually. All of oo •en r s o 11 f • -7.7 ' ' He knew the point a view aud the introducing him to the apostles, and o . . . , P. t e p nem e ot an I...crease in sweat, his eyes, his nose and mouth, n - • ntethods of the Rebninieal settoois, and telling et his converelon and his , .7,,n, a . t . d 1 f •t7 these must and wai oeYelop m still could meet and reason with the Jewish: preacbing in Damascus. see -hats al1F-"r te• ' ''' t''' tet 'Pc A)" • - e'''' eieuntIese experiments be- various ex-. eessea a- er, -.me a -es . e penmen., stations an precteca. nun and the dock. Wash his feet but nat „, „, greater profit to the country. Expert-, doctors on their own ground. 'Much said of Barnabas in 4; 36, 37, and 11: th'd-r- d- growers as to the best metlio:1 of in- his legn. tk•ze. !ete: tints eleven beiew 20ie mei , „ ' - - _, treaeom.; the growth of legumes. . t O. If the thenimmenter is seventy- ments in plant breeding work with: learning had not made hint mad, but 22-24. AO . nit ftir evse ann er71 limier 3tie , e . ., • e. ern- ' five degrees or higher, wire him all d- - garden end field trope have len to the had anven hint an adVantage mid ad Paul olefins, bowever. in answer to °yid"' - • • - •i , .. - - 4, it e , „. meet a ith at exeeptren the e. p iseovere o. mane nes orate lee, sue . - -- ID s " • ' • f • . •," t. •• le Power .soch tte few men have aossessed. eome a those dewieb Christians who ann tiee ',ter nee ..11), ele 1,01.F.ytaortuente hnve demonetratea that the Nati over mint a damp sponge, using gine, pi ,dimiter It-iiii r in of trdide niin fs• itee has time aral ag:tin increased ler- 7, Saturday night, give t „,..._ I varieties of tree *tuns nave 0 .., .. . . the risen Christ, and his consciousness. from the apostles in Jerusalem and did Fe!) of the constant preeence, worning. inl uot aele for any. His commiseion and hutore, tiLolarlig, esa AYteinri ' ._?11" -11: "5 141. ,T1-17'' legume Nil known to man la arricidt, gar water if poseible. Do not Wae41' " the Melba “PPiel arlY 4a1ec4m Pitg tieegaulperillseen'tInwgral A1=1'14 , lyceuanretl, ThutieP hf:turiegeltell eorn, Alacrity tomato, etc. Hardy a 7- ,. - ,.. • ne - • .7,..-. a *"11, 'S 2.,;,V . I. .'1•'-‘ •%•Y?' '''''' 1 ''''." :',V.."_,.:,"„. ' ttiVS: gypsorn. Indeed, its systemetie the horte at night. eeretntage of 4.11 et .,at•.uluirac:Ils growth as much as five. mesh, lukewarm d •A -" table Pro of good growth in the Preurie him and through lune of the •Spirit, authority he held himself to have re- am elier •.`4*::F. 1.1i,..4 three tittles ve htitteee 1 ,gi even more e , I , some alua 0 d o , i cei a. t.: per cent. a•k . spoonfulet saltpetre, ; an acne a t'4114e" Provnices while v bl is- f God which was to him identical •ved. from Jesus Christ, when He 1. 1 la merles have been made in forage with the spirit and tae. mind of Oliristn met IIbn on the way (see Gal. -. , es - '.'ir nal neve mit cf ealti in min,. , ., . . ..a., a 1.,.., h , tat.„, of ght; one are near.y always-, neileient 111 SWIM= SW0atillg Maidenly, or if he breathes, Inaneasely valuable researeh Warit has Christ on the road to Damaacels Peul I lied the smile right to speak and teaell He, therefore, felt that he • aorie in which leinnees are grown S. Watch your horee If he eta - ieneee Iinene nee of raiik. 1.34 Ha.. 1 . e • - Ita crops, notably a perennial tied clover) From the day of hie meetiog with; 15-19)• : ,,...h. 1.,,:o '.1 thrteg hght for gnn. Legumee, ef course, must have sul- short anti quich, or if his ears droop,, wee done by the Division a chem.! believed 'himself called to preeeb the, ae Jamea and Peter arid the ether atatida with his. legs hrttre'l- ietry and by the Division et Batman beleg not oue whit behind ne „ ,' ,,!, '7 n ....' '` 0 ,,'' .. . , .;„„ne 1 Phut', tees:Imams quantitiee a it. or if he owl. Ananiaa, who aarne to him ati apeetles, logian4 he deviares -'' h. n !!'t '4'1 a. • 'IN 1"*......1.; Voles's they get it in easily avallahle ' sidewaya he is in danger of a heat,' a . H " "iDawascus had seid to hirn "The God I the &most a them, . . an by the Health of Anintale, Ento- ' ' it ' • agneultural gypeuen, wince is an once, adze has been shown to be the bealthe; that just One, and sbouldest beer the, a I of our fathers hath elloseu thee Dial' that this met was freely aceoaded rauoter ie %tee... cen 9't a I•1ta. al, -fg. 0 ' the silo 1 • starve to death. or sun stroke and needs attention at • tif ili thresayearents only :lee were , "Ira) -. • 13) .. . . • • mo e and Seed B natural rock tertd- 9 If the hoe is 0Yercurne b neet ! • 1 al -ranches- vannethou shouldest know his -will, and see him by the leaders of the Churchnn !Jeruselem, (Gal 21 re.i...e•,. senem eilie: tiL. 07 .1.,••'S • ,,,v.0.4eed "rolled ea "k ' " ' '' I -f ••••• e but! - roigtti,.:zer. furnitiaes sulphur in an Immo., 30. To Tarsus. It is very much to get Mtn into the ehade, remoeT berg y ' lest of all countries in live stook. al voice of his mouth, For thou Shalt he; • !Oa devs. Of oil two-year-oide 7- ”" - " " • " . .. - .. 11,11'.1, .--, 1."-• .: -• ., 1.,. ... ,A 1,,,, :ately 0e -enable, and neutral form -in nees and bridle, wasb out his mouth,. ; fact which must be attributed in lerge, his witness unto all 'men of what thouiPaul's eredit that he desired to stay and give him two ounces of aromatie followed ley the neenith ot .naimaisi =ton, Cbrist had Sald to hon. . . (Acts 22; 14,i in Jermealem and to face whatever . . , measure to the excellent seie'thin ef, hag seen end heard" di!" 7•••''' a --a; '1" i"exisiethi the form that sulphur ia suit- sponge him all Over. shower his legs,' SU `• • d t Iadopted di! l•-) PAW declared also that, in the rhantility car dauger to his life there perttston an von ro an i a • five ever :4 htr: iri',,,% an.: :.',4.4 iniat 200 „; • . spirits of ammonia, or two Ounces of Brandt, By its precautionary "I have i xragbt be. He niehed to meae tee of potatoes. ' sweet spirits of nitre, in a pint of . . eyes anJ, other activities it is 1t0 1114-ike thee a minister and a witnessiHe was evil, n se . reeaael appeared, unto thee for this puritan,' where he had perseeuted Nis followers. ti g hing If to euffer 'mimeo von-iboth of time thiogs which thou hestille had made others suffer, and tea in Ali were who have not Yetavall-I Experimental and Research ed themselves of the service of art ••••••• • Work in Grain ania Field Crops. Experimental and research work, promoted by, and under the guidance of, the Dominion Department of Agri - Ate eulture, bas made igreat stridee Canada during recent years. It is Saul Fe•Odahns Jesus as the Chriit, Acts 9:. 19-30. Golden itspector, which are furnished free of cherge, are invited to eonunuaicate with the Dominion IBotanist, NDA SCHOOL Su JULY 24‘ and fans -.nee aiOii. Ore 7 ely exeeeledi rr" eu " " ' ' :Alf nlie ven; :inane i inrco tailesi . nay., ete e: tan .tt nada, Seed Certcaxio of ni , TlX meaetire o succees a . warm.ne ea a once, using , Botany has saved the country $ , '1 •e S • a eiDi 251011 of seen, ancl of those things in the which' aonte rileaSure t° att'ne fey t,he v„repeg 'ea et, or gae nu a Inn 0 co ee s rvativel i caleul t 1 the v . 944°. !" "" :7'' c6 ''k' •12:z 111'1 T1 - f - ttainellel ('sol 1 '- h d t ' ' Id•Z‘mil:re.. „ - a- inf. tdd'flt, ;d: atgnalnd,t', pend -s not enty upon the praetice of`i ice, wrapped in a eah. :gitlVaanted,°:;:reiaime,":gr01(1,"‘1:hig ,,,':-...,` .1_ „', . ir.,e,l, in the growing of Feed potethee de-- volii water, or, if neeeseary, ehoPlien 000,000 annually, largely by its :t1-111Phisatt e.l.giltrtrZtineflt NI ier:t ciattira. 11.(31101b. athnera„n V11111 44. .10. i.f the lionfe i, off, me feed,. tryi sade against Mut and its 4.0ntr4d en, preen° business of his life, and his one i eerne ta hitn in, the temple na gen. ..ree t1 ri.:,,• t.:.'4,J.,... , . . ......',.., r 4 tale., , , , e , .,.• ., .... gunrts of oats mixed- late blight and rot of potatoes and; consuming passiou, to preach Jesus s uselem, Willie he VIS PraYIng, in 17, fir .!dd er oter up ze 2014,•ten ter' • tttr det nt ts, et nnett tor a ratat impertant 00L:mleratIon, but ! hgt,4 wah two other diecaees to wItich plant life is.wheln he had Persecuted' !which the Lord appeared to hull and ti. ilan mil .;7iii• ter every day they aiso.upon the arahunt of attenthin paid i with hran, and a httle water; and ada subject. Research work in its labor -I 19-20, He preached Christ, declare! etnillnanded bun to leave jeruealem. fee the ,,e, ,,,-.. en,e ase event- day in !he tan.eS. uOth Plants awl tubers, are, oatmeal gruel or barley water to ed in approximately sumeat i drink 100,000 tons al congregatione that Jesus Wa5 the ;nut Sta..* synagogues to the assembled:lee pieaviledsatIlhall,,..heggi:ogpt bdpevrinitted „tnne i; nt:g. ttnitil nt „tie regjoritit to tae neveral diseiesee to whish pill a little toot or enneae, or give him atories by tho Seed Branch has result- I ilia. in the t'N.12•, e . wee, milked nein- times a. ,g tt,,e, • - sereeninge, being made of maximum Cexhrest that is that He was the long-; te at I Imprisoned and beat in cam leynaeogue them, that believed on Thee. eays .11t „f :la,. a th:n1 for igg werk, a nuabin of inspeetors sinew:lei that he can rest well, and clean him is but one of the profitable results ' S • d Ki I ainour an ng, w lose .• 0 And 11.'11011 the blood of Thy martyr any for egi, eue ef 325. tominer for ' To ...e... in !his hater phase of the 11. Man your horse at night, flee value to the live stock feeder and this; eomPeirild , le trairnd in the identifieation of po-i thoroughly. The salt dandruff drying that have been achiee•eil. Turning toiieera. He 0. . nhets for seven hundred, or more: had been proelaimed by pro - Stephen v:as shed, I also was etanding tato disemiee tend in the applieation of i on his shin makes him oneomeartame, -eve Him the ten° on oe shy and consenting unto hie death, and 1:'1174 fer,11 f fr10. a fourth fer 257 nays -- mit ef finh. a tifth foe ana nays three the Entomological branela when it isi God, recogmeing Him thus ae divinelyi kept the raiment of them that slew control measures recommended, are' and often produces sorea under the hira."„Hut the tommatal wile neremp- I again visiting the fields ef ail growers1 harness. stated that to field -crops alone a justie' sent and authorized to win His King." 1 111..;S art,I an f, iir ti nice tett of the feble estimate i- that the depredations • • tory, Depart, for I noll s.end tnee far evil? have made applicittion. for Fetch 12. Do not fail to water Min at . dom and to worn out tbe reciemptIon h , the Get" ." • um .1 nena o..r . 4 • ... o. t out (*f. ei',12, an.1 two roar tirece daily" of insects valise a loss each year of' " ws PeePle• anstetance this seitsan. The accome ight after he has eaten his hay. If n125,000,000, some idea of the colossal' / Aticied to the effect of this vision n0,373 Ilia of milk and 1,024 a fat, a, pltinhatent of several purposes is the eau don't he will be thirsty all night,' 21-22. All that hear4 him wereiwas tne persuasion of Paul's friends. fer every tine• in the yeer, 011e havinie. WOVI: i111701Vea can be formed. In lieldi amazed. They knew his fame as per- racy braught him down to Caesatert p eventage of 5.37 „ntd the other nge, 6.110dt of this assaistance being; ren- 13. If it is eo hot that the I;orzla nusbitnOry, by the greater use a erop secutor, knew why be had come to: (the seaport) and sent him forth to * chief meting which may be men- -eats in the stable at night, tie him rotations and the ascertaining of the , Damascus, and were amazed tbat this - , tweed: (1) the grower is definitely ad- Tarsus. 145 lbs. of mil% and 944 lbs. of fat, al clredi - 1 outside, with betiding under him. Un- most profitable rotations for .„ , dreaded and powerful enemy, who had: -, Back in his own home city and .., , . ., _ 1 the eenuttion of his crop and of the ee less be ems oil dorm the tu e It he • • • • g Is. , trait, It Is estimated that Ontario is to arrest and. imprison them, had be - each else! letters in his poeket authorizing him I 'evince a Syria, Paul continued his vit ce and in the neighboring pro- emeentetee a ...1.. 5, ... oureeea - . , . . , yisect oy the Inspector with regard to • • tad Ileisteins one wee; ranked four, . .. . • • „ natere of any disease found to be .nuot well stand the next day's heat. 1. i 4 tette ittecl annually to the extent of come their friend and adooeete. Paull, . o - work (Gal. 1: 21-24) until some years : a▪ we a itey ter Peery .-ite .1i the 1 0.11'1. reide-ffien 1-Jes-"' ' 's• ' , •a '• ' ein''''''e rircsert; (2) the grower is assisted If sheep raisers enly realized the $3,..,000,000, while by summer fallow -i went on pecaching, gaining s ing, 4 '1 tem urgently encoin•aged ben later, when Barnabas sought him to Iati, ri' 1.'1,470, T't'''''" (it' ;''',''' aTK:'"er : in the eradination of all diseased, weak benefits and satisfuctioa finial dipping the Experimental, Farms branch, the and making converts, until the Jews be his helper arid co-worker in the r 'tnxes i'l "i•'..Yz "a`i tralr tarr or otherwise undesirable pleas from their sheep, to compulsory law would . of Damascus were aroused against; i church at Antioch (Acts 11: 25). $90,000,000 annually. These few facts- him. for 40 days, anetner teem terns tor his gods, if he so desires; (3) be required to make them enthusiastic Prairie Provin.ces are thought to gain i - l Applicatiom will illustrate the advance that is be - 23 -2o. The Jews took counsel to kill him as they had killed hie Master.' As soon as Peen saw the hollowness and persistent in the practice of dip- ping, -- 114 days and tie ee Times, ter 2i13 ilayso ers of crops which, after critical ex - e third four times for 51 tittes and . =Mations have been made of the ihree times fer .204, aril a intlt four plants during the growing season and times forH1t4' ut ('f a' 1, Flft-een . of thc tubers after harvest, are found were milked for ii eertam number of i to rnea.sure up to the standards set after two or thrOO Year6 41 hay, for nayie three times. One tlerne-year-gld i for No. 1 seed potatoes are put in by that time the elovers are all ldlled Holstein ivas milkal four tittles dagly! touch with prospective purchasers; out and even the hardy grasses aro for the whole year, producing 18341: --! (4) direct information is obtained becoming thin, hence a light growth lbs. of milk, .058 Ins. of fat, n percent- with regard to conditions prevailing of grass is all that ean be looked for. age of 3.57, another four times dailyin the potato fields throughout the 4 for 32 nays and three tauten for 33_31 country year by year; (5) records, days, a third four times daily for 1 which are available for the intermit - days and three 'three for 149 days out tion of any one interested, are maan- of a total of 293 In milk, a fourth tained of the history and behavior of nem times for 24 07ays and three times all seed inspected. aer 106 done, a ilfth four ternesna day In furtherance of this work, and in f a 40 nays ard three times dauy for the event of the grower, whose crops Int aaas, a sixth four times a day for have been found up to the standard, et-- days and thrice laity for 23 days desiring to sell his stock or certified . ei of 3C0 in milk. Nineteen others seed, a final examination is made by - , se milked three tunes a day for. a an inspector at the point of shipping, nember of days and tev-o thrice daily upon application by the grower. Pre- fer the whole year, one producing 16,- vide(' the stock has been graded so 215 lbs. of milk, 1324 lbs. of fan a per- that a shipment of potatoes for seed rentrege of 3.84, and the other 18,262 purposes contains no tubers under two lbs. of milk, 588 lbs. of fat, a percent- ounces or above twelve ounces in age of ne22. One two-year-old was weight, a sufficient number of tags to milked four times a day every day cover the number of bags or other In the year, producing 21,795 lbs. of containers necessary for the shipping milk, 842 lbs, of fat, a percentage of of the amount of potatoes inspected 2.86, another was milked four tones is issued by the inspector and placed daily for 103 days and three times for by him upon the shipment. These tags 252 days out of a total of 256 days, a certify that the contents of the bags third was milked four times for 72 or other containers to which they are days and three times for 274 days out; attached have been grown by the per - of 346, a fourth and a fifth were eart e e telmee name appears on the tags; milked four times daily every , that they have been inspected by an malting three two -year-olds so officer of the Department of Agricul- handled. One of the latter produced ture and found to be sufficiently vie:, 19,168 lbs. of milk, 539 lbsof fat, an orous and free from serious diseases, average of 4.43, and the other 11,266 other pests and foreign varieties, to lbs. of milk, 448 lbs. of fat, a per- warrant them being classed as No. 1 centage of 3.98. One two-year-old •,1- 1 ...a.,, 1., -... %) grade seed potatoes. that was milked three times daily for .:.,.p. enhanced price to the grower every day in the year produced 15,707 over that paid for ordinary stock, sat- Tbs. of milk and 535 lbs. of fat, a per- centage of 3.04. Thirty-seven others of the 70 two-year-old Holsteins en- tered wore milked three times daily foe various periods up to 350 days. Thus, it would appear that the num- ber of deny milkings must depend mainly upon custom,. type, condition and judgment. ing made in the development of Can - Good pasture commit be expected adieu agriculture. --0 Experiments by the French Army Veterinary Service show that dried seaweed makes an excellent substitute for oats in a horse's menu. Green Manure for Orchards. The two principal functions 'of green manuring are the use of cover crops in the orcharel and as a blanket for tlie land during winter. The Plants best suited for this purpose are un- questioningly the legume crops. For fruit trees of all kinds the most important fertilizing element is nittio- gen. Through then i nodule framing the reaulting crops will figure well in bacteria the leguminous plants draw the inspection and certieation" re - into the ground and make quiekly cords, and; Other conditions being available for the trees, large quanti ecpfal, thq.. viewer who enters such tiee on the free nitrogen of the an crops in any of the field crop tompe, And not only do the leguniee in- titions will secure a high percentage creates kip =omit of nittogen in that of points -et the hands of the judgee. The Children's Hour The world has little use for the boy ciples and it will, if put into practice, or girl who does not, fit his heart of bring success as a fanner. hearts, want to win out in the things It is success to be an interested, up - that count for most. A shoe string is to date member of a good cattle club, 1; himself and his home decent, he must to a young man or woman who has no upon, but it is a steel cable eomparen. the betterment of any of the farm any kind of a elub that is working for 1 Selling the Homestead allowed to insult the country anil the decent people in it. He must be taegin or a sheep club or a poultry club or be made to do so. He must not be a pretty poor sort of thing to depend •big dream of success in some line or creatures. A boy or girl may put the FOr a Mess of Paint. e there is a better way, a more beenta ful way to live, even if we have to other. very best there is in him or her into Ask a hundred men of the present Ms work in any of these lines. All Journeying across our beataiful pass laws preventing his defiling his day what, in their opinion, is the that is done to develop the finer qual- Canadian tountryside, have you seen, own, and disgusting -every one else. lie greatest 'need of the times, and ninet Y- Wee of the cows or the hogs or the as I have seen, huge signboards paint- even lowers the financial value of his nine of them will tell you, "We need ed with an advartiseme.nt, its crude farm. sheep leas a tremendous value in work- men -good men, and women, women Mg eut for the young person thus en- coloring blotting out the lovely tints His answer is "I can do what I like that can and will do everything they gaged a character worth more than all of nature? Or a barn with the „cam, with my OW71." No, he can't! He can undertake, right." The one-hundredth the money that could be stacked up mand to buy "Somebody's pink pille"? not drive his horse or his tar on the man no doubt would. say, "We need under the blue dome of heaven. Char- I can remember when it began, this wrong side of the raod. He can not men with lots of money. Men of eater counts, for character teaches the desecration of the country, and 776 dam up a creek running through his means can do everything." With these right use of the material things we were told to take (but never dial property and deprive his neighbor of men, "money makes the mare . various bitters ,ancl pills and to use water. And there are hundreds of But while the mare is going, the go." gain. So this is the chief thought. Re- certain corn cures and ointments,. other important things he can not de We neves bought, nor did our people with his own property. money is usually going, too, and pretty member it, if everything else is for - buy, any of these iniallible remedies. He must be taught, or compelled to fast; for the man who depends solely gotten. Success is manhood and WO buy, fact, I never heard of any one who leant., ' that he can not defile and de- an his money to win him success will manhood -genuine manhood, genuine em e We thought them only cheap face his buildings :and his land to malia not win any success that is worth womanhood. All the rest W6 get out 'Liu 'a3r• wan' rat' g. ways of painting the b,arns ,and the millions for bill -stickers and save a of the farm, or atrywhere else, is can - fences; -we did. not think of them as pittance for himself he paint. It LI What, them is success that is suc- tributory to success or detrimental to advertieelnnts at all. But now, barn as great a crime to steal beauty as ii cess? Shall we leave the money entire- it exceeding as we put it into service after barn, stable after stable, fence is te steal cash. He must be taught ly out of the question? Is it not a in the building of real manhood. help in life'? It surely is. The man Now, there are a 'few stepping after fence, are found with these un- he has a stake in the mikeep qf tbe y.' : isfaction to the purchager, the general who would say otherwise would not stet es to success sucla as we have sightly signs plascountrFIe must, first by education tered on them. distribution of a high grade of seed be speaking the truth. We need been talking about In the'first placeWhat de the road users think? and then by justice, be made to see , What do intelligent people think who that he is degrading the country and potatoes throughout many parte of money. Primarily, our efforts in the right kind of thinking. You never crosis the continent in the traine or by dasecrating it by ruining his part of the country, and the acquirement of this world are_ directed toward the can think low and reach up high. - read!? They know these painted barns it, the part he controls, and that it is a considerable seed trade with the acquirement of money or something A na there good becnes and paPets and fences mark the standita-d of life as importa.nt to preserve the beauty TJnited States, have been the results that can be turned into money. As noted during the several years ththe secial world goes., money is a ow - have their influence---ancl it is ' a of the people they belong to. They of the country as its dignity and use ork described has been in pro,greserBut it is not the highest good in . e p mighty influence, too- in working out know that the man who permits his fulness. ws. . teem success. The book or the paper farm buildings to he used as a sign, . By any one desirous of glowing life. Bark of the meney must be the his fence as a slogan, will sell- (has None is poor but the mean in mind, get that makes one think things and do seed potatoes with a view to certifica- determination to use what we wisely and for the -beet good of our, them is a big boost ula the bill of con- sold) ell this is beautiful 'anti artistic the timorous, the weak, tbe nnbelievaensee time the following points should be particularly borne in mind(1) plant selvesof those who are dear to us quest: Show me the books and the he has about his place fax a coat of Jug. None is -wealthy but the affluent : , pipers a boy or -a •glrl reads and I will paint How utterly artleas the eountry in soul, who is satisfied and flaweth only clean seed (particularly certified and of mankind. fOrecast his future for him. has become! Else we would take more over. --Tupper. seed); (2) do not mix the variaties,; Now, it is success to become a good Best of all, keep your 'heart true and /nine in our homes, the appearance of (3). practice seed, treatment, (4) keen farmer. A boy told me the other day honest toward Father and Mother. our farms, the roads leading' to em the toloadde beetle and other insects that many thought he was a fool for . them us, 0 ,givo us, the nean who under control; (5) use ,Bordeaux mix- quitting school and going to work on Love them. Think -with them in all and our countryside. • , sings at his work! He will do more theeStrict attention to these points a far"But," he added, "I am learnright ways:Be-to thein ti support and I see but one way, besides appealing in the same time, he will do it better, , m. - willprovide -reaeonable assurance that. beg every day. I will get to be az a tower of strength, They are worthy to their pride, to reach the farrners he will persevere longerWondrous good an all-round faiimer right bare on of it and you cannon afford to leave who sell their homesteads far a mess is the strength of cheerfulneee, alto, the ferm; so that .I know as much any spot or place unguarded in your of paint. If they have no pride, no gethee past calculation its powers et about how to do farm-werk as I would love for them and the old home. Love love for their homes, they are hope- endurance. Efforts, to he permanent - if I went to sellool. 1 ean't' go to an home, love those in it, love the cote, less. They have been thoughtless in ly useful, must be uniformly joyous, ageicultural sehool now, but 1 can 111 nit love the nation. Defend them -the matter and I hope with this to a spirit all sunseune, graceful from learn as I earn." . all with might at:nd main! Do this and make them sit up and think! very 'gladness, beautiful because . That was a fine declaration of prin.- you are bound to succeed! If a man has not the pride to‘. keep blight. i That, they supposed, was the most. of Phanistusm - he became an active effective waento silence hiin. But they: Christian. There is what someone did not yet see that a trucified Christ! has leaned. "The peril cif the empty and a martyred Paul might still be' heart." If our fields are not sown with. stronger than all their enemies. The: good seed, then very speedily nature incident of bis escape in a basket low-! sends along the nettles and 'weeds. A creel from the -city wall is mentioned:house left standing without occupants again by- Paul in 2 Corinthians 11-.- wifl Tot and mould and fall to pieces 32-33. mach faster than if it were eccupied. In telling of these days in another i And in the spiritual life the danger is epistle (Gal. 1: 13-18), Paul says- that; not less. It is not enough that a man he went away into Arabia. Whether should cease to drink and smote and it was before his preaching in the i swear. Such a man may well rejoice synagogues, or after, that he went, (that he is delivered from such things, we do not know. At least it was threeibut melees he is attively employed in years after his leaving Jerusalem that Christian service the evil spirits will he returned to that city. soon return from the -wilderness. •0111 21