HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-7-21, Page 4The ,Exeter Advocate! � '�'
Sanders & Creech, Proprietors
Subscription Price—a advance $1.50
,per, year in Canada, $2,111 in the
United States. All subscriptions not
Paid in advance 5Qc. extra charged.
Display AdvertisingMade .town
Dae appin:atiote
Stray Animals—One insertion 50c.,
three insertions SLOG.
Miscellaneous articles of not inert
than five lines, For Sae, To Rent
Wanted, each insertion 50c, Lost and
•FFsirnd :ovals 25e. an insertion.
Local reading notices, etc„ 10c. _per
line per insertion. No notice less
than 25c. Card of T1ianles 50c.
Aue t on pares 53 for one insertion
and 51,50 for each subsequent in-
sertion if under five inches in, length.
Legal advertising 10c. and 5c, a line.
ar'n or Real Estate for sale SOc.
each eiserteen for one moi th of four
Art l'.ibait3 Asti G ep les..�it i as
44 yie-ws to many iae dee ! eamtniln t '
when they, learned of the deism of
A4.. Archibald McGregor. which took
place in St. Josenh's hospital. Li n-
z• -
^'v � `h a
Len -
don, J � to ,l? C t 'the age
n :f i; 'd .. .
of 76 years. The. deceased bad been
hi rattier poor health ,for some little
:time His t.onditien, however. w'3s
nO' eoeteidered in the bast dsit ,ert>tli,
- but was deemed advisable tee rimder
ga an aperation for his trouble. arid
last vert; he w n, la the ntospitei. The
otR_,zton was performed. and for a
etre t time- h, was thought to be em -
;> ov:;rst;. but hes condition. took a
change for the worse and he grad-
Amity sank. till the end canto, Th. ie -
cased spent nearly all his life in
Tto:k'ersni th, 3te.ving farmed just one
mile east o Kipue n, end was among
the highest .:aspected of the color•
menity. He. Inas Asa quiet, et r r,g
dispaelt on, iris 3nome was hie realm and
his:fatally his chief care. He was :a
member of the Presbyterian Church
and was seldom absent when ._shit
Red:m tied Bs s`'s grief striekea
yellow, ie ,s survived by two 1 one,
John and William, arid :our daughters,
dire, Mustard, Mrs. B. Edwards, Miss
Ne ie and May, teachers. The funer-
al t 'ole place Monday.
Rev. IS W. Wcl3:lame,B. A.. and
11isse; :Mae Wilson, Violet Sharp, B:e
Fa!',z awl \fury Webb are home from
Summer School at St Thomas, where
they spent last week.—Mr. D. Eagle -
son's oldest son had his face cut w•izh
the ,morn+er rives and is under the
doctor's care,-1fr. Henry Bahram t4
ro ovcr,'ngafteran operation in London
Hospital .for ars3aendieitis,—:ekes Lil'
bet Ulens of Toronto spent a. =e e:
days •with her parents, '.Major W. T,
'aracd firs, I:tens.—Mr. and Mrs. Robert
erePi erre>n and daughter of Buffalo
are holislay:sg with his father and
mouse., \11 and \ire E. McPherson,
r -M s. Elgin \i'•,bb and her mother
spent a. <lay or two with \1rd1 .cu-
sped en Exeter.—On Sunday, July 3rd,
IVIee and Mrs. Wm. Mellen, sr:, held a
fam ly rte weloin at th r home. Aii
the"r family, four sons and live chugh
to s, with their wives and husbands
and children to the ,number of forty
were present. Refreshments were
served ed an the lawn and a quiet, ;fired
rile - ant -.lay was s.7enly. 'chase from
re c Since were the eldest daughter
Scree. t, sirs., Snezcer, husband and
fatr".e. of I?et_o.' Mrs. 'r°,dem'an and
t 1,t of. Stratb.rav, ,Ir. and Mrs
IV s
licks rnd the dren of Kerr -
weed is is the first time they ;sere
all ire:. ice sext?en yearn..
Work.nita completed the laying of
the .cere.ent walk on Albert Street on
.�„ he Br�ear3 s
Eve r body'Cr isheshe1
well Happy and
rai=ivit she starts out
on life's adventure.
She should have
health to be ;ill with.
Good looks in woman
do not depend upon
age, but upon health.
Tim never see a good-
looking woman who
is weak, run-down,
irritable, out of sorts, fidgety and
11ervotts. I3eadaches, backaches.
and troubles of that sort are all
-.destroyers of beauty. Men do not
,.admire sickness. It is within the
reach of every woman to be well,.
healthy and strong if she will take
Dr•. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
TORONTO, ONT.—"Less than a year
ago I was in a very poor state of
ealth;' my back ached dreadfully and
.leec7el'd" scarcely drag myself around
:to do my housework. I started to
lake Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription`
.and "I✓'cannot praise it too highly for
the groat benefit I received. My back -
.ache and pains disappeared: entirely
,sand I soon restored
to perfect
1:16alth, rknew' that Doetort,Pierce's.
.`Favorite Frescriftici�n''tis the best
-woman's iedicitine, 'or;;I ;:have tried,
;.others that Sdere'recouimended, an,d
tnothing'hae'e1d�`r lfelpecl'ine'so fiend
c.. "_ M
ass the "te.: ,1r
F �; m L'
vo es.,f� ;
$ �R
Pt" s.
KATIILERT:WirILLAvs, 13BrookfieldSt.
Send 10 cents to Doctor Pierce's
Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y.,
for a trial package of Favorite
Prescription Tablets.
The council et the Township of
Stephen met July the 4th, 1921, at
1 pan. All members were present.
The minutes of the previous meeting
were read and adopted,
Penllale Sweitzer—That i,3yiew
No. 2;6 of 1921 be amended by the
striking out of the nonce of Dr. H.
A. Eckert and substituting the name
of P11 I:awSon in' lieu thereof. Car
Hayes —• Penitale —• That David
\Vebie be appointed overseer of the
construction of eulverts contracted.
for by Ales:. Foster and Peter Eisen -
haat at $3.50 per diem. Carried.
A .communication was read from
Mr. Isaac Carling written ou behalf
of William Moffatt complaining a-
bout a certain dump of cans and
s'efuse on the lst side -road opposite
lot 5, eon. 5. The Council instructed
the clerk to write lir. Carling ex-
plaining the
1 lain ng .boundaries of the high-
way in. the locality with the request
that 51r. Moffatt take hia fence off
tine highway and place' it on the pro-
per boundary. : ,
Wel}'i►—Hayes That the Reeve
and Clerk forward a request on be-
half of this council to the Hydro-El-
ectrie Power Commission of Ontario
retluestiai' them to send a represen-
tative to the Township of Stephen to
explain the method of rendering ser -
to rural Mein—unities and assist
the council in aecuritlg contracts
with individuals desiriug service.
The tollowleg orders were passed
Provinciak treasurer. hall tax,
$3.00 P. McKeever. gravel, $29,75
David Sheppard. mixer. No. 6, $,13..
$15.60; Harold Ryan. gravel con -
No., 6. S.B.. $123.75; Nicholas
Bearer. work on 3rd S. Rd„ $6.25;
Peter .leKeever, Held's statute la-
bor. refunded, $4.uu; James Willis,
culvert 3rd S. Rd.. $10.00; Earl
Webb, statute labor and rep. roads.
cote, 1S, 314.00; Henry Clark. gravel
contract No. 6._ 2st S. Rd.. $39.50;
chaet Matltt.n. Comui'r No 6. 1st
S, Rd., $5.00; Ross a Taylor, cedar
posts ,for guard;;; con. 2. $3,35; Jos.'
White. 'contract No. 2, 1st S. Rd.,
$22.50; A, White, grading. $25.20;
Henry Clark. gravel. No. 6. lst S.
Rd„ $7.60; Louis Schroeder, drain
and culvert. $34.00; Mich. l:inkbein-
er. grading, $32.50; Victoria Hospi-
tal, account re W. Reeder, $223,50;
Ontario Hospital, Woodstock. re
Williams, $19.50; John Willis and
others, work on iron culvert, con.
5. $41.25.
The Council adjourned to meet
again in the town hall, Crediton. on
Monday the lst day of August, 1921,
at 1 p.m.
Henry Eilber, Clerk.
Craton and t•rediton, we under-
stand, have droppep out of the base-
hal/ ;gigue, leaving Goderich, Zurich
and Stm:'Siford to fight it out: God-
each has prote5s'ted their last game
with Zurich,. claiming.,tite Zurich pit-
cher used rosin,,
By J. E. Middleton
There is a group of Superior Persons
in every colninueity, persons whose
winds are perpetually, made up. f
a man runs for publli office, they
ridicule his ambition. If he falls, they
say "Feerves hint right." If he suc-
ceeds, they suggest that he l; "erook-
ed. " To these, every artist is making
a fool of himself, evelytlercyrnan ie a
hypocrite, and every layman has a
relish for thistles.
The Superior
n or Person is -o ro?rlplctely,
ineredult,us, that tie at?;ii`t•n o:
2 and 2 pre:'ents to him grey
difii ultics, Pe is r shan'ed ti, S. :
that the sum is 4, lest he be found
agreement r,ith the :s:aority of wen.
lie cannot discover any other total
and thrrefote assumes this attitude
of s's:'t, wenn to
be r l t, i,c't that tee, :gums
acr,'„t „ w
'11.1• .e elfeon,tt idea ren ors of
witty ale de. eettled enemies of the
liy9l,o- leen i.Sy,!cm.. 1.ha•system
rll lea;r :.,t. ie folk l.r u , nag
established by n -en of abounding
p ei- :, l i., ;nen who ardently
deei cd to settc ti.e iniereels of the
c; crul body of iii ens. '1 he censor.
teeter the Li t and . idi. ale the sugges-
i n that ane. man can be other than
e Hydro" has been euncessful
Ley ;:,d h. h• I.e.. of i':, r,.ost 'v deni
i, heels ;.,t'a cat n`.aJ-3j ity off 1. )pie
1 nv that a.te.e. svice is .eligible and
that the ayes a:e far lee e7 L can they
were emtlee p:ivatc ownership, The
Superior : , e.: en sniffs, and says
"See .ebody is nm' ing a r.illine.
'1he at, aunty of the "hydro" are
audited by a`: epu table firm of Charter-
ed Accountants, utterly independent
of the organization." The Superior
Person still denies the authenticity
of the figures,i
There is clear proof that not one
mill of taxation has ever been necessary
to carry any Hydro -Electric enter-'
prise. The Superior Person says "We'
are paying through the nose for this
Folly in our taxebilis."
• a;tnit'criticism of this sort there
.is no defence. If a citizen .declares i
that in his opinion Lake Ontario is i
composed of salt waster, what can bei
said Who can -rove, to that man,
that if isfi•eshi? fhe onlything to do'
is to follow the Scripturl"injuction'
and Suffer fools ladly." p
Nine -tenths o e criticism -directed
a ain t.
-Electrics te.
h dTrs
g r .. �ySystem is
Of- this iia' '
n ne ort; based on the denial
,of facts that are either elernonsiraleige
erelect axiomatic: ' '
_c p
' The . u ori r ;' .,, '.
�, r,o Persons, .,their � noses
in then air a
'nd their tonguea,x.uLte>mieF
strange• matters are uneeti3c"Sous rom
edians,. Thea more in;reduloris_ and -
cynical they grow, the more clearly
shows the Motley through their sum-
mer tweeds. , -
important Events Which, Have
Occurred Duch -ix the Week,
The Huse World's happenings care-
fully Compiled and Put Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
site Readers of Our Paper -.- A
Solid hour's Enjoyment,
"Babe'" Ruth made hie 32nd
The Windsor Jockey Club meeting
opened to -day.
Motoring accidents are reported to
be increasing.
Chatham suirers from, most violent
Aorta of years,
The French Senate ratified the
Treaty of Trianon,
Many Orangecelebration were
held during the day,
A $100,000 fare took place on
Richmond street, Toronto.
;!lis* Annie Fortescue, Australian
educationist, visits Toronto.
member of a well-known West
'fork family is electrocuted.
Carpentier will defend his light
heavyweight title in October.
a'iftsas. Violet Met/maker of. Owen
Sound drowned at the Sauble.
The Cr. S. steanmer Western. Front
ieretire oft Laud's Eud, England.
Three boys were hit by autos in
reroute on Monday; one ntay die,
Thermometer climbed nine degrees
xa 1ionday, with no sign of change.
An auto ran into a milk truck in
ror•>uto. The milk driver was killed.
The court sustains injunction
against Grain Comunission of Inquiry.
B.lfast was the scene of one of the
,..tt#est h=;hts in history during, the
;teeirii crowds in Toronto sued re -
.;.•i franc heat at that city's tine
. -«0159-, ,> ,tette,.
r ....i , ,:= r Kite at3anrr, want-
.n,,.«.i ;i de. was found
•.',.1 et his .ititee with his throat
Rev Peter c'.a; aph.31l, Toronto, one
of the piaueer tca.asionaries of the
Methodist chum. is dead, aged 65
Through the generosity of lir, C.
Coxhead.. 1rli.niea, a drinking foun-
tain was install d at Stop 14, on the
Lake Shore road.
Percy Ralph Hunt, of the :head of-
fice stat' of the Canada Life Assur-
ance Co., Toronto, has been missing
for several days. Mr. Hunt worked
as usual last Tuesday, but since that
time he has not been heard from.
A big Orange procession was held.
in Belfast.
"Babe" Ruth adds two homes to
his record.
Toronto -St, Simon's beat Orange-
ville, 4 to 3.
De Valera and his lieutenants ar-
rive in London.
Suspect foul play in death .of
Kltcicenbr nikn,
Ulster leaders declare against sur-
render of rights.
Best Pal won the Frontier Handi-
cap at Windsor.
Build canals, not warships, says
Sir Adam Beck,
Another series of automobile acci-
dents is recorded.
Torpedoers of Llandovery Castle
on trial at Leipzig,
U. S. Senators fight bill banning
beer as a medicine.
There was a heavy slump In the
price of raspberries.
Andrew Bigger drowns In river
above eiagara Falls.
Ex-Ald. Rae of Lindsay dies sud-
denly at summer home:
Canada -West Indies agreement bas
been ratified by Barbados.
Miss Leitch, British golf cham-
pion, may play in Canada.
Toronto baseball team beat Read-
ing in bath games on Tuesday.
Veterans discuss farming amalga-
mation to play active political role.
Gerald F. Sharkey, Toronto, was
killed in a motor smash at New York.
Orange lodges hold bi:;g• st cele-
brations in history of the province.
Marc small fi_ee are reported in
Northern Ontario, but nothing ser-
John Gooduceyer drowns while his
wife is helpless on beach at Ward
Island, Tcr,>nto.
Yukon reg, irrsas prohibition law of
1920, and will revert to the sale of
Iiquor as a beverage,
Harry Hawker, the first aviator to
essay a flight across the Atlantic, was
killed at . Hendon, England, while
Italian colony in Beaverdale, Pa.,
driven into the hills by citizens, fol-
lowing the determination to get rid,
of "Black -handers."
Sinn Fein release the Earl of
Storm wrecks ore bridge at Sault
Ste. Marie.
Heat claims several more victims
in Ontario.
Holland is eager for invitation to
Hail cut swath many miles long
in Southern Alberta:
Lloyd George and De Valera hold
first conference.
Former kaiser refuses to pay
municipal tax in Holland.
Scottisb soccer tourists beat Beth-
leheui, Pa., eight goals to one.
Guards at Jail Farm found" not
guilty of ill-treating prisoners. •
David O'Brien, Peterboro', killed
in train wreck near Madoc Junctfon.
• Duncan and Mitchell, British pro.
golfers, lost to Travers and Marston.
Toronto baseball team beat Read-
ing twice, winning -four games in two
John McGraw and Charles Stone-
"hair have
sold the Havana Jockey
Toronto Scottish beat Fort ; Wil-
liam - 4 to'.,0,-•in_•the Connaught Cup
-.-Farmers ":"
in -Western;
W stern iJriited-- States,
esp ha.r e t+:by;moonlight owing to
he<,h - :
F tf �
Slloe"•'`Retailers'' Convention told
labor costs control the price offoot-
The University of Toronto 6r -
ranges Course of lectitre5 on town
Toronto breweries cannot Dope
with rush of orders as 19th ap-
The death rate for Toronto during
June was the lowest tor that, month
since 194,
Jim Barrie, U. S. goiter. who was.
detained by Immigration authorltles
at Ellis Island, New York, is re-
A big gold strike is made in
Lloyd George makes an appeal for
Paris is celebrating the tall of the
The Prince of Wale* is hivited to
Visit Japan.
Single G. paced a mile in two Min-
n e.eg
ain-ne.eg at Toledo.
Canadian scores at Bisley are be-
low the average.
Harvey St. Denis drowns in Handl-
eon l3ay while bathing.
Dreann of Allah won the Provincial
Hanti,eap at Windsor
The Leafs defeated the Newark
tlas,ebell team, 6 to • .
His Honor Lieutenant-Grovernor
Lionel Clarke is reported iii.
Premier Lloyd George and Eamon
de Velem deet in conferenne,
Gan OQutnaisswniar names slew gas
rates for Southwestern Ontario.
A large number of xisitora from
the United Stats reeteh Toronto.
Georges Carp.'ntie€ %ailed for
home on the La Savoie ore Thursday,
Leroy Rennie was beaten in the
Canadian tennis singles competition.
The annual ,statennent of Tooke
Brea., led., showed a sharp drop its.
Sir George Fos.er has peen: award-
ed an LLD. by Edinburgh Mei"
An unknown man drowns lit To-
ronto bay while his young companion
A Durham county coast:Ole was
titled in the police court for a la. each
of the 0. T. A.
Toronto employers and workmen
hold joint discussion of buildiug
trade conditions,
Drought is des,roy*ing harvests in
'"w.ss valleys.
Admiral Sims gets many letters of
Pitcher leaden. Baltinmre,
won twenty etudes,
Premier Lloyd tieorge again con-
fers with De Valera.
Brattord to pa>,e street to
work to uneiupioetid.
Electric storm etrikea White
House. Washington.
The public prosecutor at Leipzig
asks for small sentences.
Marutora township farmer killed
by lightning in bay mow.
Farmers think grain flattened by
storms will turn out all right.
Bennett and Holmes will play on
the Canadian Davis Cup team,
Over $1.400 was eoIleeted at the
Marquis testimonial game.
The Toron.o it>ternationals won
their sixth consecutive game.
Sir James Craig, Ulster Premier,
sends to Belfast for colleagues,
Drowning loss in first half of,.July
in excess of figures of last year.
All National League games were
postponed. Friday because of rain.
Ward 2, Toronto, assessmeut fig-
ures show increase of $9,803,343.
Mother and three daughters are In
Kingston Hospital from poisoning,
Capt. Potts, York Rangers, fined
1400 for breach of temperance act.
Utilities commissions reported to
have purchased property adjoining
the -Board of Trade building.
The Toronto Presbytery refuses to
act on the vote of the congregation
of West Church to retire minister.
Aiom won the feature event at
Germany is successful in arrang-
ing credits.
Lloyd George meets de Valera
again to -day.
Canadian Exchanges were closed
on Saturday.
The N+' York Kitties are half a
game behind Cleveland.
Danger of uprising in Silesia
again reported from Berlin.
Sinn Finn leaden issues manifesto
on self-determination stand.
The Scottish soccer team won two
more games in the United States.
The Toronto baseball team and
Newark broke even on Saturday.
Mary Kane, aged 17, of Windsor,
was drowned in the Detroit river.
Forest fires are raging around
(aenbirnie; in vicinity of Kingston.
America's big dirigible, built in.
Britain, is to crass the Atlantic soon.
Japan is anxious to limit debate
an issued at Washington Conference.
Auto bandits make two hold-ups
in west end of Toronto, hut get little.
Three little girls were drowned
near Island Cottage on the Ottawa
Thomas Gnadinger and team was
killed by lightning at Aberdgen,
Toronto Scottish beat Fort Wil-
liam 11 to '•0 in a Connaught Cup
The naval inquiry on the United
States policy upholds Admiral Sims'
Blood poisoning from a bee's
sting causes death of Newboro, Ont.,
Last hour rush to till cellars be-
fore to -night taxes • capacity of -cart-
age men.
A wily prisoner in Toronto obtains
detective's confidence and .,,makes
,getaway.. .
Daniel McDonald, aged 60, of
Gravenhurst, was struck by a train
•irid !tilled
Alice 11Y,„ r'aged2.4 ; and two
nieces, aged '8 and;' 6, drowned an
awn rlv er
The discovery of a. body solves
the myitefc` tiY.
, #e tI issingut retihmber'proTbhee ittneilss: ,a..
We' N.,..• ..•¢.;.t
nto� ixbser ` '
Toro vel the '
tival � of
vIount Carmel.
The sef9ooner' Bowdoin," with the
eon ald ' B. • MacMillan% exploring
)arty, had left for 'Bantu's Land.
'rhe steamer Rapids King; with
3339 passengers, Is on the rocks;
the passengers' were taken ashore.
all others in general excellence --
xcellence --
is enjoyed by millions of devoted friends
-Black, Green or Mixed Blends. Sealed packets only.
incorporated; in 1855
Over 130 Branches
The cost of living is falling. also the orrice of food s
This necessitates increase*d production. Produce more
deposit your surplus in The :afolsons Bank. where it
be ready for any call and ye t be earning interest,
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business daily.
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch.
C. .'ellse+AIf,:,Aw .F w�v�� r.:,+.,:: .e1SE.C+..�.G,F: i2•.f•Y:O'..
Get Highest Prices
for Your Cream ?
You're entitled to them and .''ou can, get them if you
send your cream, sweet ter sour, ;to us. And we sup-
ply 'cans free, oay express charges, and remit promptly
every weak.
Write far cans now.
70-76 ~Front St, East, Toronto.
Sixty year$ ;of leadership—of giving good value, heaping satisfaction
and real servicei That's why the Gilson name wins respect and
confidence from coast to coast. That's why we are proud to sell
this dependable farm equipment,
Ali Sizes
Costs Yon
The famous Gilson "Goes Like Sixty" En-
gine—any size for any purpose—can be pur-
chased on the easy payment plan. Let it
pay for itself. Its economy and depend..
ability have made it the biggest selling en-
gine in Canada. Let us demonstrate on
your farm.
111 0
The Hylo Sylo insures
sweet, fresh. succulent en-.
silage"' down to -the last
forkful. It is built to last
indefinitely. Excl usive
patented features of de-
sign and construction
explain why. the Hylo is
chosen by the discrfmin-
ating farmer. Pays for Manure is the best fertilizer. You have it.
itself in the first season. Use it! The best Manure Spreader made is
Then year after year, pays the Gilson. Why? It has a wide spread.
100 ey cent.
P on It is low down. It has light draft. It will
your investment., Can take a real load. It is free from clutches,
• t. ;- ou,beat 4.4 4, ,,•r - . r'r : "gears and all complicated parts.
Call and xee.o,ilr;riearest"iiesIermebelow.
"^ria - `
. save
the uipm.nt illuistrated and'.an ��jj0 s, Dh ie- and makors, money,,
eeqq 6 lad rite fo lier talox,ei.Aee.Tr
•GeinderstPbmp''JaFys,.Bplti ct e.: actorl,:WlibtfSaaysi'
wwri s'
,.. �.,-. _ r'R• .i t ,for CStaloiC't i',u
,;, ., r .,•. •., .. ;•s: blade in tantrda and Gu" tv a,, ° • ,.. .r ' . ,.. P,t ,,:.,
!f r •1
Cali and See. N�rae���•Dbarler"
Oren S. Winer, Crediton Ont.....
"The Wonderful Gilson" stands supreme.
More Gilson Silo Fillers were s old in Canada
last year than any other makd. It is guar-
anteed to be the lightest running blower -
cutter made.
Be independent—get a Gilson Silo Filler and
fill your own silo—with your own engine,
4 b.p. or larger—at the proper time, when
your corn has the greatest feeding value.
Idle Money
idle the
not only
to that of
very mit.
a sound investment,
- $15,000,000
$ 15,000,000
to your
your cowrie
you Accu.
:%"- ,- , f.-
P,;, 9 ,,
11,-,14 •own
-.mt. , -
O leave money
thue is harmful,
prosperity, but
y y for the financial
and trade are
sop your Savinga!
enough to make
welcome small accounts.
- -
BRANCH, F. A. Chapman,
incorporated; in 1855
Over 130 Branches
The cost of living is falling. also the orrice of food s
This necessitates increase*d production. Produce more
deposit your surplus in The :afolsons Bank. where it
be ready for any call and ye t be earning interest,
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business daily.
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch.
C. .'ellse+AIf,:,Aw .F w�v�� r.:,+.,:: .e1SE.C+..�.G,F: i2•.f•Y:O'..
Get Highest Prices
for Your Cream ?
You're entitled to them and .''ou can, get them if you
send your cream, sweet ter sour, ;to us. And we sup-
ply 'cans free, oay express charges, and remit promptly
every weak.
Write far cans now.
70-76 ~Front St, East, Toronto.
Sixty year$ ;of leadership—of giving good value, heaping satisfaction
and real servicei That's why the Gilson name wins respect and
confidence from coast to coast. That's why we are proud to sell
this dependable farm equipment,
Ali Sizes
Costs Yon
The famous Gilson "Goes Like Sixty" En-
gine—any size for any purpose—can be pur-
chased on the easy payment plan. Let it
pay for itself. Its economy and depend..
ability have made it the biggest selling en-
gine in Canada. Let us demonstrate on
your farm.
111 0
The Hylo Sylo insures
sweet, fresh. succulent en-.
silage"' down to -the last
forkful. It is built to last
indefinitely. Excl usive
patented features of de-
sign and construction
explain why. the Hylo is
chosen by the discrfmin-
ating farmer. Pays for Manure is the best fertilizer. You have it.
itself in the first season. Use it! The best Manure Spreader made is
Then year after year, pays the Gilson. Why? It has a wide spread.
100 ey cent.
P on It is low down. It has light draft. It will
your investment., Can take a real load. It is free from clutches,
• t. ;- ou,beat 4.4 4, ,,•r - . r'r : "gears and all complicated parts.
Call and xee.o,ilr;riearest"iiesIermebelow.
"^ria - `
. save
the uipm.nt illuistrated and'.an ��jj0 s, Dh ie- and makors, money,,
eeqq 6 lad rite fo lier talox,ei.Aee.Tr
•GeinderstPbmp''JaFys,.Bplti ct e.: actorl,:WlibtfSaaysi'
wwri s'
,.. �.,-. _ r'R• .i t ,for CStaloiC't i',u
,;, ., r .,•. •., .. ;•s: blade in tantrda and Gu" tv a,, ° • ,.. .r ' . ,.. P,t ,,:.,
!f r •1
Cali and See. N�rae���•Dbarler"
Oren S. Winer, Crediton Ont.....
"The Wonderful Gilson" stands supreme.
More Gilson Silo Fillers were s old in Canada
last year than any other makd. It is guar-
anteed to be the lightest running blower -
cutter made.
Be independent—get a Gilson Silo Filler and
fill your own silo—with your own engine,
4 b.p. or larger—at the proper time, when
your corn has the greatest feeding value.