HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-7-14, Page 8EXETER ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, FITLY 14, 1931 Exeter Markets. CHANGED EVERY-WEDNI.SDAY Wheat .........•...,..• 1.25 iBarley .., ., 48 to 55 Oats , .., 35 to 37 Famtly Flour ..,5.30 FN.. Flour 2.00 Shams .., 1.40 Bran -, ... ......... 1.40 t, a -en •ry Butter . ......... 35 Dears. Butter .., ....,.t... 27 to 30 Egs E,.. •..K 28 1 gra at,..,r 20 Hay e'er :on ... $10 to $13 Hogs ,.. 10.00 'airy tae a di Fitton and chill _, .te er., v.s_targ with lir, and Sirs. F site_ and Iter eon Robert vis- iteal ,sits. M_. and :11rs. Geo Willianis last week, 1veattisilie Slasterao wht has been t v . . t ;' e1....ves stere. returned to Detre:: Wednesday. of To - Mrs. S. oni Mrs,Gee Hawkins, and. ate. .war 13 owe^ re zre vomiting !n Pert Huron begs week ear, «r.+! Mrs, Wets. I.cwer lett on lateo.aey t*tornine for tht,r home rL Seuta. Bees!, lade atter spending av- ' s e :ate: t ear daughter, Mrs. Joan leyior, A,it^n St. !'., 1' A. br m a ambe wed (laugh - tee V. li rtaatton. are v • t,^.g; S; t° c. •,ta 3 .s tIL :owner's a . .'r, .t.t. areola alto recess** re-- noose! e-.Z.,e! to her leer... :ram Dr. llynd- :n n. lies gel. and Jo now recovering 21 ease Dr. .&r Mete* Sa Sher' to anne afnee lite: dte t;tl ..•>;;:;'.C"-;• will be closed Sea 1111:1St he is .rb- nt NaR..ce xe-apening wea be eSvenS. tires. e:oluntnst N01:10.;L. aye ,a,' esee ioessoo. e�y - te A end Croupij ton ;end Hosiery, ry, =K'ier t° + weeks. W ! .. N E LA NNaa M eepetia levet., R.1 FOR r- ,'ltd. area. ^aJ,11.1 li*tn tncrn, ,, ,,,•..i" t. Yr. stsase.; two ,¢ot4, or esa i, wita:: =.a,,.B:1, er - „acral frtda esses t,$)" @;..4i kat": ,:t+�� l:,iarn Rr ?wn ter'; el;.e.w e,;ar'. ' _';' Nt- :. .BRC}t,1 'a .e'i::, Ont. oAl.E.- sesree Lenelon Road, ~tonal of E res e s 'Wale - s' -ad :1' th crop on it. :,a its ..:e, 1V 1-2 Lot 5, Con . ..,e:. l4.11 :v. 't timer and .i . OneQ. I'lt.r c' 6.,S .\,j i t` 'tit. Ad's Scat: CONTRACTING W a wash 1,-* v :,ie the attention of the Oubliss i.'e h: end surrounding dis- tiret eet ers open to teem, or tender fee + e1•ntra is for all kinds of bu eta, W ;:r% experienced work - :nen, .::1 be teeriat attent a on to busi- ness we lope ;o sitar,: its the contract eek of the. dliorict WARES St PRVLaa, Exeter. The Advotote has roolved a spiels._ did new stock cif 'Wedding ;stationery 'z is ang ,Iasiie, contemrslatina matrimony ,:, .pull see our samples .utd uric: e. Our printing se not the blotted, un- readable kin!, gut it t•omp;ares with .....' graph worke. HOUSE, FOR ALE. Nice ,c+ r rust ion 1 -.room Frame House, siteat:,i on the south side of Ann Street. Exeter; in good repair, :era anal see. .eater. For terms ap p._ to I. R. ?.. ARLING. Exeter. ALTO BL'-. Se J. V. t an.•t ^41 be pleased to con-• yea pireae n.,-. es to Grana Bend, dur.ns; the summer FOR SALE OR TO RENT. Toe Livery Barn and other 'nes v ennecced therewith, belonging to the. e tates; tete late W. G. Bissett ani a :nay occupied by 1Ir. W. H. I! Iger . For terms and particulars apniy to ISAAC R. CARLING Barrister Oeveng, is the drop in all material we are abs.: ter manufacture ice cream at pre -was :rices -25c a pint, 50c, a quart; 5e. a dish, W. J. STATHAM. SHOW CASE FOR SALE. Small one. Apply C. L. WILSON. DR, JOHN WARD, Chiropractic and Electric Treatments, X -Ray; Hours - 14 to 12, and 2 to 4, and by apnosint ment Consultation free. William. and Sanders. Ptom;e 43. TENT TO RENT. Suitable for booth, or for camping. Apoly• to C. L. Wilson. CARS FOR HIRE -Phone '56, C.. L. WILSON. TRUCK FOR SERVICE. I have a truck for seservice.P' hone 115, Exeter. S. 3. V. EANN. assionsa VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Andrew St Apply at any time 4 to 6 o'clock; evenings Ito 8. TURNING ,MILL All kinds of Turning, Gumming Saws, Etc., done on shortest notice. APPLE BUTTER AND BOILED Cider, !first-class quality,., S, J. V. CANN, Phone 115 • Local Doings r, Clyde Heywoad lost a horse from • colic: last week, and 11:Ir, John Gtliespie load a horse dron dead: Capt. Barr and L;eut, Parnell are here iestabl sh;,ng a Salvation .Arnie n town, They have been holding some open ar meetings,. During the ;hot spell ;the river has be* n the attraction for many of the boys end men during the evenings. A 4iu ea the water is refreshing after a atOt day.' For, of whatever color or species may not. be hunted, trapped or taken, be ween Apra 1 and November 15 each v -ear, according to an order -in -council appearing an the Canada Gazette. The daily press of London ,;'fates :hat Clinton has had a shortage of water during the dry spell and ;Gener- al Manager Buchanan of that city has been called on to ,assist in getting 4, e•onpcent well driller on the lob. Lt. trot H. B. Combe, who took the lolst Huron Battalion overseas, and laves: went to. France with the Imper- al forces, received official notice last week from King George, that he was appointed Lt. Col, of the Lend Forces of the Empire, dating from Oct- 31, 1416. The South Huron Choral Society was cormed last week, when repres- ea.atives were present from surround- ' ;; .pl ses at a meeting in Exeter. i' :a#essor Anderton was. appointed e'ysnalue.oe. Oftieers were elected as lows, -Pres., Andrew Hick, M.P.P. Ceatr'al.a; vice presidents, J. Senior, and t130 telergy of the. different tinter - seed churches , secretary, «Hiss Vera l:ssery; treasurer, :Milne Rennie, of Hsnsali; fnembe.s of executive, Atlas E Rann e, Zurah; Mass Huston tend $. 11-,•..n, h,xs;ter, Roy Goldatff;: Kirktori. i�ARMn Rea' EXCURSION OFF. Pexinib...ve, railway rates and the in - la ? tv to obtain special exeurstiort presiteges Warts for the Farmre' ea- toreatet ,c, the Experimental Farm at Gust'ath ,it ;Agust axes said to be oti, BOWLING. NOTES. ilea<1latswi.rs are > 3 ben:sn;their .rat versary on Thursday, July 28 1a t : one day tourratines t. to which pe ,.r as invited to send three , rinks. Feu; rinks of Exeter bowlers via - ..0.1 Hensel/ on Thursday k:vvleng. and ttl.iced two ten end gani.s, the home bowlers winning out on the aggregate. ate. Gel/er:eh iie holding a ons -day tour- Dainart this \Vetlnesday, July 13th, and moo ii'ednesday Seaforth Scotch Doubles with three trophies, is on. l-le,arar, and Creech hold on of .hese on.'tiee, haring won it in 1919 and 1920. TALL TIULOTHY.. lir. Thomas Fisher of 1Jsborne Iasi Thursday hnde3 its a timothy stalk that measured t feet 11-2 inches. Thi,, is a remarkable growth consideringthe dry, !:est weather we had been !haring for a Month, previous to that timet 'Sato t can be said for Tom in. ° the production of long timothy ,grain, etc. mot lee doe, i. all single 'headed. If our popular friend had the help of a partner like the average farmer, "what would ',the harvest be then..'"? I, a DRIER W MORI,�L The Laurier Monument Committee aasaounces that the public subscription Which was limited to a sum not, ex- ceeding $5.00 from any individual sub- scriber leas realized 535,293,20, repres- enting many thousands of subscrip- tions The sculptors have been 'hos- en and the monument on the grave of tate illustrious deceased is being prenared. Ilse Committee, in .its name and that of Lady Laurier, takes this occasion to tender heartfelt thanks to all subscribers. -By order of Commit- tee, I', C. Larkins, Treas., Toronto. SALVATION AR 1Y Thursday might, 8 o'clock, in Victor- ia Park; Sunday, 11 a..m-., and 7 p.m. To1sn Hall; .Victoria Park 8.30; North End, 3 p.m. Y. P. C. A During July and ,and. August the Y rooms will be opened only Monday and Saturday Alights, but any members wishing to enjoy the games can apply for the keys sto Mr. Cole on any other might Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.-"That which is .Borrowed." 7 ,p.m. -"From a 'Meditation." Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector: CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.ni.-Sunday School and Bible classes. Services as usual„ JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. 11 a.m.-"The Hour Glass of Life," 3 p.m. -Sabbath School and Bible Study. 7 p.m. -"Thee Worst Meddler in Ex- eter." Short Helpful Services. Excie llent Music. Ail snaked, MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A'. Phone 21r3 11 aio -"The Fifth Mystery of the Kingdom." , 3 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7 Derr_.-"Chr`BETHsti,auvhttyANY . is Religion." 1 G 2.30 pm, -"The Tree Full of Bards.' 2,3($ p,ni.-:" Old' Beeald 'Pmol" t We were asking for ,rain. -and we sure, got it a ,plenty. Ma ,Anry Wre:xler had the misfor- tune of losing the diamond from Ns ring last Monday, valued at $175.00, Mr. Reg, Hodges of town,~sustained a heavy loss last week, when his Cigar, billiard and bowling rooms were des- troyed in. the big fire is Guelph. His loss wall, be about $2509s with littlein- surance 1lr.liodg;os bought the busanesa last April, and was about to sell ea when the fire occurred.. Dmeg .the. Lixst sax ,months of the year Provincial .Officer Fellow of Godericb bad 68 liquor eases before the comas and in all but 14 comic, tions were registered, In two eases the parties convected preferred go- ing to jail to paying the fines; Fines ag-.• gregati g $4,565 were imposed ,These were sefor Jitiuor cases. .Harry Seldon and another boy had an unpleasant exuerienee at Grand Bend on, Sunday. They were conning down 'tile flooded- river ;n a canoe, when at struck a submerged post neat Brenners Hotel and capsized, and it was sometime before the bays were able To reach the bank. Luckily they were Stat injured when the canoe turn- ed over, or the result might have been. different, CAR. TI•IIEViS. Oa o'clock Tth evaea tole of .#eJohn :Rat- eltf,le'sFord ear, from has farm, Tkname. Road, leavrin a Chevrolet :at front of lir. Allison's farm. From a letter in a coat left in the Chevrolet it was found that the ear was owned by J. Buh:vant of the Greene '& Swift Co., London, from whom the ear had been stolen earlier in. the evening; After being communicated with, he got his car back on Friday. The Cbev -otet ran out of gas, and the thieves found it necessary to steal the Rat - ear before they could proceed oa thein journey, Before getting the Ratcliffe tear the thieves attempted to steal Mr. ,,a,, H. Down's s Gray Dort, but they accidently touched the horn and Doupe awoke and seeing him move in the house the thieves made thy'r het away. Mr. Ratcliffe's car was tound in London on Friday, The same night three then attempeted to take S1; Harry Elworthy's can but tear- ing them Mr. Elworthy apse fr<cl on .he st•eue and they escaped, but het before Mr. Elworihy tore half the coat of:' one of them. It, however, eontahrsed nothing that would ';lenti- fe the mace; there being in he pock- et a cigarette, a box matches and a ' toe et to Lowe's theatre: Airs. W. S. Sims is visiting i'. De- trait. airs. Ritchie of Windsor visited :tile Amos last week. Mss Amy Johns, teacher, is home from St.. Catharines, 11r. Harry Fuke. of Toronto is holi- daying at his home here. 'e1iss Verde Leavitt of Walkery aIle is home for a lee holidays. 'Miss Ida Wambold returned to her home an London on Tuesday'. sirs. Jas. Atkinson has returned from a resit at London Township. air. De Jean of Harrow was here for a few days during the week. lir.\. R. Gray of Landon, spent Sunday: with fir.. F. A. Chapman. Vrs. Hobbs of Toronto is visaing her daughter, Mrs. T. 0. Southcott. !Misses Carrie and. Minnie May of Toronto are visiting relatives here: air. Frank Sweet of Sarnia is spend- ing a few days with his parents here. arr. And Mrs: Thos..Boyle of Tor- onto are vi.satimg in. Exeter and vic- attty, Sir, Harry Parsons of Chatham is visiting relatives in, town for a few days. Miss Rata Rowe is taking a sum- mer course at Guelph Agricultural College. Mss I(aithar:ine Inwood of London • s visiting Bass. Sanders and Miss Vosper. Mee #Beverley Acheson of Wood- stoseke Gass been holidaying at his home here. Mrs S. A. Poplestoae and his moth- er of Blyth spent a week .here at the latter's hornet Mrs. -B. W. ;Ware of Dayton, .Ohio, !spent the week end with her ,sister, rrs. B. A. Chapman. - Judge and Mrs. Dickson and Mies Dolly Dickson of Goderich were vis- itors there on Saturday, Messrs. Douglass Stewart of-Torom•- to and ,Wilfred Stewart of Kitchener are home for a few days. \ir. and Mrs. Fowler of Toront:cafe visieeng :thelir dough ter, M. art • W. Gladman, Mere and ,at Grund. Bernd! :1rr, land Mrs: Wm. Sweet of London and Harry Sweet of Detroit spent a few hours Swn,da,y at their home here: Miss S. McDonell left Saturday for Saskatoon, Sask., where shse will visit with bier sister,, Mr!s. E. A. !Bennett. Missea'ilviarry and Lottie Johnston o£ St Augulstine are visiting, among rel- atives here,. the guests .of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Samiders, lf: s. James' Waeneleas,' after spending severer month w tth herr parents Mr. aod Mrs, L. Hardy, left on Wednesday for her Lome :n Dulnuth, Minn Mr, and Mrs. N. N.J. Dore left 'last week Lo • Toronto by motor. They intend to take an extended trip froth bTor otcon'thero, with tIae latter's rnostherand ear. J C. ,Tom, wit* has been visit- ing es, Toronto, Port Hopei and Pick- ering, returned last wieek silo vissvt his sister, Mrs W; D. iYeo, before re- turning to this home an Golden, B.C; Mrs, Richt. Quassee, Sr., and Mrs.. Samuel Skinner of town and Mrs: Samuel Hicks of ;Centralia, who have been, visiting ,relatives and friends at Croswell, Mica., returned home last week. errs. Wm• Jones of Regina Sask., and Mrs. Schroeder of S,askatooan;Sask.. are. visiting With their parents spear rand Bend:° The ewo ladies are wins and theycame theme to celebrate hoer 44th birthday, JONES 4..MAY PHONE .32 WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT MISS I, L. FIITZGERAL,D, Graduate Nurse, General Hospital,' Ottawa,. Canada, guilt Graduate Corset Hygienist, Nemo Hygienic Fashion Institute, New York, will be he their Corset Department, TUESDAY, JULY 19„ It will be her pleasure to helpyou select the corset that will do the most for your health, and style. Let her advise with you. There will be no charge for her services. . ..*•44+***.r: 4 .*. fir: r..4444 + 4 + : e?* *'.`'** *,*r:..,'' * ,' q* ** ;:$.*t. *< .,4 44 To Set Off Your Favori• te Frock 04110 4444 441.4 11 41* +.4 ers Wear It Over A Nemo Corset which is scientifically designed to meet the individual requirements of every type of figure. A Nemo KopService Corset does not "dig in" at the top. It does not constrict the ribs, It d.,,S not "ride up." It protects the abdominal organs, controls excessive hip and thigh flesh and cod.s fo.rah. eforth t � ..... flat, fashionable lines. While You Are In Our Shop let us show you some Nemo Corsets. You will find that the wearing of a Nemo will give additional style to your gowns. JONES & MAY e• 4 4 4 4.4 P5, 4 IssasessiseseelleaselosselPealliteesilisalla 1 I. R. Darling, B.A Barrister Solicitor; Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etc. INVEST, YOUR FUNDS , in Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, 'all legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing ,prices from 6 per cent. to 7' per cent can be obtained from these bonds, Orders received by me.. Money to"loan at lowest rates of Interest Office -Carling Bk., Main St, Exeter R. N. ROWE FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Embalmers License No. 210 Motor Hearse Service Phones 203 and 20W. FALL TERM FROM SEPT. 6th CENTRAL STRA'rFL RD. ONT. The largest and best Commercial School in Western Ontario, A school where you can get thorough sourses under experienced instructors in Com mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy departments. Graduates assisted to pasitione.. , Hoene study courses can be arranged Get our free catalogue, D. A. McLachlan, Principal Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness, SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 FLE.N,T• "FOOT, SHOES For every sport and recrea tion!. For every member of the family) Before going of your _vacation be sore to have a pair to take with you: Theo prices are quite "reasonable" , FACTORY COTTON SPECIAL WHITE FLAN. SPL; CIIAL Extra good.wielave, and price 35c yd 27 in wide flalnuel:eitte; •old prvc,e Special value 10 yds for $1.75. 25., very g.o,od ,qualiaty Special, value 10 yds ,for' $1.75 SPECIAL IN MEN'S OVERALLS $1,79. A year ago this ,overall 'sold lar $3.00 It is a good cloth,,' 'full and roomy and wall stand at lot' of rough wear. Special value, at 51,79 .' LADIES' CORSiTS 51.48 MEN'S SHIRTS $1.39 3 doz. D. "& A. corsets. Re.gulat' 4 doz. Tooke Shirts. Reg. value value; $1.75; A !splendid corset in a 52,00 • Sieves 14 to 16. A good shirt 'good weight fon warm weather. Sire for summer weasr and extra value 20 to 2&. Special value $1:48. at :$1.39. Southcott Bros. This ,Store w;il1 close every Wed,. eftergoon during June, July, August, DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr; Vining) Phone 26w If you havie anything to sell or yogi want to buy,try The Advocate Want Column. . DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office -Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day ar night. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L, D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr, A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D.D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office -over Gladman & Stanliury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER 'AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middles,ex and Oxford. Farad Stock Sales a Specialty. . Offic,e at Central' Hotel, Exeter,'Ontario. FRANK, TAYLOR .Licensed Auctioneer £ow Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satimsfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, • - Ontario. If you want to order a daily paper or magazine, or renew a present sub -''a""': scrfption, lenge your order at tlai Advocate Office. We save you paper, envelope postage stamp and cog of money order .and when clubbing ' alit tie more besides. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest._ GLADMAN &r STAN•B6JY, Ba¢sisters, Solicitors, Exeter