HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-7-14, Page 4The Exeter Advocate'NEWS TO PIC WEEK
S OF '
Sanders & Creeeh. Proprietors
Subscription. Price.-Ia advance $1.50
per year in Canada; ede7de En the
United States. All subeeriPtione not
paidn advance 50e. extra charged.
11ii2lealeadd dULY 14.e.
aS.1214.7400d See:- 7.* A,- e te several.
• LLS. , edelenr•ee N nereeete foetid
• en aneed "deireene, beieeene
dine Teeeteto crieenanee boot -Alailey:
le -7. dee:. oenet te? eee.
Important Events Which Hav,,,
Occurred Outing the Week.
le Busy World's.- Happenings Ge'e-
till compiled and lent into
Hand) end Attraetiee Shape tot
the Readers ot our Paper
Solid Value. toapatiietzt,
en a
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Vert! :Xi:: S55 ilk
`xere feem
Gran di -120th e,
Was a Girl
OOP skirts were
worn by those who
first asked the druggist
for, and insisted on
having, the genuine
Golden Medical Discovery put
up by Dr. Pierce over 50 years
ago. Dress has changed very
much since then! But Dr.
Pierce's medicines contain the
same dependable ingredients.
They are standard today just as
they were fifty years ago and
never contained alcohol.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery for the stomach and
blood cannot be surpassed by any
tonic and alterative today.
When you feel "all out of sorts"
—your vitality at a low ebb --the
blood becomes surcharged with.
• poisons! The best tonic is called
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis-
covery. Dr. Pierce manufactured
this "Discovery" from roots and
barks without alcohol — a cor-
rective remedy, the ingredients of
-which nature put in the fields and
forests for keeping us . healthy.
It puts vim, vigor, vitality into
the blood. Try it! All druggists
Send 10c. to Dr. Pierce's Bridge -
burg, Ont. Laboratory for trial pkg.
e.- : • d * ", s dOw Las-
• e• trete de-
ra-h.e t4*
.oe : e •
See. F• :s
. - • . Teernmeeot
T. • ee rk en.„•::earee. won
theta eeee. en- ',every.
A Tite vaca-
tien :desk, :le Ind:. 1 by train.
Premiers' c r eeee Lozelen
dieneeees queetleer:: of tellitary de-
University of Trete bringe its
arts come within reach of ambitious
into police make important ar-
rest of alleged chef of city's drug
Sacretary Hoover and Secretary
Denby of the Harding Cabinet will
vieit Toroeto.
Repert of provincia1 education in-
quiry recommenee drastic changes
in High School system.
Thousands of trout are dying in
the streams and rivers of Upper
Michigan from the effects of the hot
weather, which may spoil fishing
there for the remainder of the sea-
son, according to the Michigan Fish
The cadets at Niagara camp held
Tae Leafs defeated Jersey City by
8 to 5.
Deseronto insurance agent held up
and robbed.
York and PeeI farmers start to
harvest wheat.
Pittsburg beat St. Louis 3 to 2 in
thirteen innings.
Another lvsuit against Jac k
Dempsey has begun.
Christian Endeavor Society holds
•convention at New York.
British authorities in Constanti-
nople arrest Red plotters.
Albert Gough was Diu:tiered in his
home near Sault Ste. Marie,
The new Canadian •five -cent piece
will not be issued until 1922.
Gen. Smuts returns to London
with Irisb basis for settlement,
The G. W. V. A. decideto hold
their tonvention at Port Arthur.
A boy was killed by aa auto truck
in Toronto and another seriously
A. E. Phipps has been a.ppointed
general manager of the Imperial
Toronto working, lads contribute
big sum to maintenance ot Bo
Germans seek to throw guilt on
Poles of French officer's death' in
W. Pickard's Canada rink won
the Ontario Bowling Associanan
The results' of entrance exams to large manufaceeeeng planes
the Royal Military College are
Extension of tlie Tinaiskaming &
Northern Ontario none, team Coch-
rane has apparently bet u shelved in-
The Canadian Government, grA be-
half of the Canadian National Rail-
way, has se/4 to a New York eyndi-
eate of banters $25.000,000 worth of
25 -year 61a per cent. sinking fund
gold debentures.
The Leefs beat Jersey City by
3 to 2.
Another German ever -criminal is
A. thunderstorm, passed over To-
ronto etibueles.
Deinaue won the Canadian Derby
at Fort Erie.
Rein ciaees the forest tires iu
Nor.-aeen Ontario,
The anen1st: eaecer teem beat On-
-ars 3 to 1.
Alden Ba7.tkit1•14 4,4 pars old, was
dr av-.'n,t'd at Winesor,
dezenke city nee, note on Seott Act
• en. oe aerie: `see 12.
arsP Kee, eee since eeln was
ne at reteerde - Peneee.
Tree ee-e a
'it .tnr VP° mur-
: • reit e roar the Soo.
N Y Kinth s ere, one and
- s iteldr veland.
ilt et se zte nohis e tneeenee with
7-e: e, tee Irle:. et:esti:ma
eny W. titewel in the sup at
et York 'tt. Toronto.
Two wr,-,:ito 12:4-11 bcep pp.
•d cst Touto leniver.
mereeeee Venetia Chth rink won
liowling Association
•--ever-Wei girl eves killed by
-!. Tor14:tte, Tie, driver was
:•. r era st.
nee 1 oenatliane are at-
: t.. nerneenti lead, aver con-
e: . Nen- York.
r e:ry-treaeerer
• e reb. was fin-
• • •e.. elierge of
• : it 'rho case
, •e. of five
heene.:g liquor in
e. tlate receetraele
algin 2.
End:denser Vadde hae balks atsg pay-
text e.
T'. "eeteelene 0:w game as
Jean, Porelena. arontinent resident
oaf 41„..t.4:4* -1'..
Cornwell vet, A tio Storniont
traeeh.ee. :
le...lima:a Detroit.: hit a ball 610.
:10.:•W record.
A, eorener's jury pleces no blame
fer Winena auto fatnlity.
Arthur Mat tee*. rieer. driver,
alteeens in Saviene Rapids.
Protest made against removal of
Lets office from Chatham.
A Ina" of the new King's counsel
ee tee be tesued shoetly.
Observatory states sun. spots were
eel reepoeeible for . •
Ceseation of hostilities will begin
-Ieeland cm Monday et noon.
rreeesed nonotietiene• with Kemal
tempororily euspended.
A en:et:attire eyelene hit Toronto,
nrieeeee neeicotee rain in its wake.
itepresentative Fordney beales de -
on the United Stetes Tariff Bill.
Frence has withdrawn her mission
Leipzig owing to farcical sen -
Jack Bewley leads the Inter -
'..d 1.0:52gti.0 batsmen aud
, retehere.
Weei.e geards were figlehie a ere
et lee Jail Farm, two prisoners
Eemonn de Valera has accepted
eland George's invitation to London
rence. •
A Torento man has been elven
eleare.e of Canal's ease in the''Lab-
-elder heendary tEeterte.•
Oxford Univereity has conferred
• on honorary D.C.L. upon Sir Robert
Faier;:r..•,-r. president of the Univereite
.f Tor, .to
Steeck ny lightnine while eitting
es. ear nees'- et Newnierket. Mrs. F.
Hilton is paralyzed from her waist
down and reported to be in a serious
conditie n.
Fifteen are killed in Belfast riots.
Earl of Craven is drowned at Isle
of Wight.
The Seivation Army opens a cita-
del in Perth,
A young /emk clerk drowns in the
Niagara river.
The Scottish soccer team. beat
Canada 1 to 0.
The Leafs broke even with Jersey
City on Saturday.
Canadian Stock Exchanges were
closed on Saturday.
Orangeville 0.A.L.A. seniors won
in Brampton, 7 to 5.
Street cars run on Sunday in King-
ston for the first time.
Toronto Orangemen hold annual
parade to St. Paul's Church.
Windsor street railwaymen de-
mand five -cent -an -hour increase.
Sterling closed at Toronto at
$4.19, and at New York $3.66.
The International Theatrical Mu-
tual Association begins convention.
The Attorney -General may appoint
a new police magistrate for Toronto.
The Victorian Order of Nurses of-
fers 50 scholarships for public health
nursing course.
President Heeding approaches Bri-
tain, Feance, Italy and Tadan on -Dis-
armament Conference.
One man was killed in Toronto,
and three injured, when an auto
erashes into a milk wagon.
Lord Bryce sailed for New York
on Sunday, where he will attend the
Congress of Publicists and Profes-
sors, who will discuss international
On account of the great distress
among the laboring classes in Cuba,
owing to the closing down of many
sugar estates there, the Cuban Gov-
ernment, it is learned,: is arranging
to repatriate 1,000 West Indian
labo.m b.
The collapse oftwo dams at
Brockton, Mass., holding millions of
gallons of water „etre Standay night
deluged the surrounding country for
miles and threatened the plant of the
Edison Electric Co., which supplies
power to sever. I towns and many
Ali Classes More or Less Liqble
to This Trouble.
The Cause of Goitre Not Yet Wen
Undeestood--Simple Treatment Is
Suggested—S.1)113mm, Dairy Milts,
(Contributed .by Ontario Department ot
Agriculture. Toronto.)
OITRE, or 13ranchocele, is an
enlarged condition of the
• thyroid gland. which consists
of two lobes situated one on
each side of the windpipe in the re-
gion of the throat, and couneeted by
an isthmus. Animals of the different
• claescs, of all ages, are liable to this
condition, but we wish to discuss the
trouble when appearing at, oreehortle
after. birth
Emelt of the seid lobes is ovoid,
and consists of illitittte vesicles stir-
! rounded by a plexus of minute blood
resseis. The gland has no duct, but
is Plentifully supplied with blood
vessels. and secretes an albitininoue
whieh beeoine abearbed. The
•function of this glanti is not well
• understood. The lohee can be felt in
an animal ot any age by careful
zunnipulation. and. as stated. are li-
able to become enlarge:I (either one
or both lobes) at any age. In some
• cases, especially in Iambs and calves,
it Is of abnormal size at birth. This
is more frequently noticed in lambs
than in any other class of stock, and
sometimes the enlargement is so
great that respiration is interfered
with, the young animal is weak and
Unthrifty and not infrequently dies.
It is worthy of note that in foetal
life the gland is (pike lar -e, but nor-
nzoy reduced before birth.
Tice cause of enlargement is not
well understood. Some claim that the
condition in the young animal is the
resale of insufficient nourishment for
the dam during the period of geeta-
tion. Others ebbe that it is caused
iblymet.ne preedient animal eonseming
water too highly impregnated with
Symptoms—The symptoms cannot
readily be mistaken. Either or both
lobe.: are enlarged, sometimes at
birth ard eemetimee ent nntil a var-
iable time after birth. If both lobes
are enlarge:I a well -marked, movable
lump will he noticed at eaeh side of
the throat, there not appearing to be
any conneetion between the two, but
appearing, both to sight and maniple.
lation. as two separate lumps. If but
one lobe he enlarged, of course one
side appears normal. These enlarge -
merits are not sore to the touch, and
in most cases do not apparently inter-
fere with the health of tho animal,
but in some cases, especially in
anlamastrength, ga
bsirtelnieylloterfere respiration
Treatment—In many cases treat-
ment is not necessary, as the glands
gradually beeome reduced without it,
but treatment is wise In other ca.see,
and in all cases hastens reduction. It
consists in rubbing well once daily
with an ointment made of 2 drams
each of iodide of potassium and iodine
mixed with 2 oz. Yaseline, or other
ointment or liquid containing a large
percentage of iodine or one of its
compounds,—Dr. J. H. Iteed, 0, A,
Colleges Guelph.
Summer Dairy Notes.
I realize that the majority of dairy
farmers do not need reminders as to
what they should do in ordinary prac-
tice, but mankind tend e to slackness.
lost men need a wife to give occa-
sional prods "e order to keep them up
to the mark. These notes are given
with the same good intention tbat
wife "just tells her husband"—be-
cause 'she is interested in him.
Failing pastures should be supple-
mented with grain, meal or green
feed in the rtable. The hot dry wea-
ther of June means short feed for
July and August; this means small
milk and cream cheques, or a small
amount of brtter to sell. By the size
of the milk or cream cheque we may
know the value of our herd, but not
the value of individual cows, which
latter can be known only by testing
each cow in the herd, with scales and
fat teexstt .
to feed in importance, comes
salt and eater. Without plenty of
these, cows cannot milk well. Salt
aids digestion and glees tone to a
cow's system. An average cow re-
quires about one oupee of salt daily.
Water is the great carrier of nature's
supplies of plant and animal feed. A
cow in full flow of milk will drink
from ten to twenty gallons of water
daily. Needless to say the water
should be pure.
Cooling milk and cream on the
farm is perhaps next in importance.
-Milk for the condensery, eheesery, or
for city trade, should be cooled to be-
low 70 degs. as soon, as possible after
milking—to a lower temperature if
at all possible. Some firms will not
accept milk at a temperature above
65 degs. F. and prefer it below 60
degs. Plenty of cold water, or pref-
erably ice -water for cooling milk is
•needed. Where water is scarce it
may be used for watering stack after
cooling ahe milk, if the cooling tank
be kept Clean. A milk cooler is a
great convenience where there is a
good supply of cold water Tinder
Cg cream is much more easily
done, because there is only about ten
to fifteen per cent. the bulk to cool,
as compared with milk. Immediately
after separating the fresh cream
should be placed in oold water and
alloWed to remain there until the
cream pail is needed for the next lot.
Empty into the create" oan, wash and
repeat the operation twice a day. This
will insure good, sweet dream for
buttermaking or for any other pur-
pose. We need better cream for the
making of fine butter in Ontario,
Everybody should give Ontario butter
a boost upward. In quality.—Prof,
a Dean, 0. A. College, Guelph.
is all fresh, ilavoury young leaves that yield
generously in the teapot. Always reliable.
Write Qo one side of the popes.
Cbecic off this liot, it nay asaiel
inmt to retrAsulicar an important item.
Deaths Marriages, Births.
Accildents. Church News
Suppers or Presentations.
Removals, Visitors,
Lodge New,
Pub/le Inapnwtreuvelats,
Late Caees, The Crape,
$atinet 1.0,tter.
Avoid all items reflecting on, pezr-
sonal character, but send ALL THE
Incorporated in 1Sdel
Over 130 Btanehes
Buy Canadian Goads -and hep to keee Canadian workmen
eusy, it win help you.
Buy wisely and save as much as poieible and depoeit your
savdags in The NIOIsone Ba r."4
Courteous Serriee to ad.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business •laity
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Bran h
Established 1.3.43
Referenees any Bank
or :Mercantile Agency
We are paying at the present titne.
32c lb. af butter fat delivered at any shipoing station
30e. lb. of butter fat over Territory where we have a system of
collecting by trucks. '
Payment made on Fourth Day after the Shipment Received.
Cans supn lied free,. •
BOWES CO. LIMITED, 70-76 Front St, E. Toronto.
Our Capital fully paid up in. $756,000.00
To You
Who May
Be Thinking
Many folks don't find out which is
the best phonograph until after
they've bought the second-best.
You don't have to run that risk.
We let you hear the four leading
phonographs in a scientific com-
parison. That enables you to de-
cide, before you buy, which is the
best phonograph.
Just come in and ask for the Edison
(Given only on request).
.--:1 litittspay develop and improve v-tr. cr:
b . but tb standard of 0. C011iTtrYIS eatt1. f
pe. i -: op. Worts of the farmer in this diree 0 i
We-a-fe gia to assist any responsible farrag
who requires financing. stis
PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND — $15,000,000
EXETER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager.
Incorporated in 1Sdel
Over 130 Btanehes
Buy Canadian Goads -and hep to keee Canadian workmen
eusy, it win help you.
Buy wisely and save as much as poieible and depoeit your
savdags in The NIOIsone Ba r."4
Courteous Serriee to ad.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business •laity
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Bran h
Established 1.3.43
Referenees any Bank
or :Mercantile Agency
We are paying at the present titne.
32c lb. af butter fat delivered at any shipoing station
30e. lb. of butter fat over Territory where we have a system of
collecting by trucks. '
Payment made on Fourth Day after the Shipment Received.
Cans supn lied free,. •
BOWES CO. LIMITED, 70-76 Front St, E. Toronto.
Our Capital fully paid up in. $756,000.00
To You
Who May
Be Thinking
Many folks don't find out which is
the best phonograph until after
they've bought the second-best.
You don't have to run that risk.
We let you hear the four leading
phonographs in a scientific com-
parison. That enables you to de-
cide, before you buy, which is the
best phonograph.
Just come in and ask for the Edison
(Given only on request).