HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-11-24, Page 6741357.7p.' 577.77,44:?i, 5r. aP41§R 24 1977? • 10. • ,• • '14 „15 Grade 2 students of Victoria Public School examine one of the many tables of exhibits on display during their arts and crafts fair held at the school last Thursday. All the students of the school entered an exhibit in one of many Dear Editor....... • from page 4 success and prosperity. Businessmen should be genuinely concerned with teat ning the needs and wants of the community and then happily providing as many of • these services as possible. Keeping a store well -stocked requires extra money and planning, but it surely more than pays for itself in satisfied customers who come again because there's a good chance they'll find what they're looking for in that store. Recently something im- pressed me in one ladies' wear store in Exeter. They welcome mothers with children by providing an attractive play area, near the dressing -rooms, equipped with children's furniture, books and toys. It's hard to resist a warm, relaxed atmosphere where the customer feels welcome and important, where the sales people smile, and go out of their" way to pleasantly provide the customer with what he is looking for, and without pressure. If the customer feels comfortable, he'll want to come back, and tell others too. This attitude of friendly service and caring can't be an act. It has to come from the heart. But in business too, a little love goes a long way.. - Yours sincerely, Phyllis Durst Warning Dear Editor, In 1929, the International ouncil of Religious Education, made up of the Protestant churches of the United States and Canada, copyrighted the American Standard version of the Bible "to insure the purity of the text". In that translation, the name of God appears as "Jehovah" 6,823 times. The Preface states: "This personal name, with its wealth of sacred associations, is now restored to its place in the sacred text to which it has an unquestionable claim." The Catholic Encyclopedia, on page 329, acknowledges that Jehovah is "The proper name of God in the Old Testament." Page 331 says: "Modern Jews are as un- certain of the sacred name as their "Christian con- temporaries." Can we wonder that "Christian contemporaries" are uncertain of the sacred name? On November 3, a Catholic 'Reverend' dealt with the "Lord's prayer" (or the "Our Father"): "And so Jesus said to them: When you pray, say: "Father, hallowed by Thy name. • ." Then in his entire article, gave no in- dication as to what the "name" was that was to be hallowed! Then, on November 10, a Protestant minister opens his "Church Page" article with: "Psalm 135, 'verse 1, starts with "Praise Ye The Lord, Praise Ye The Name of The Lord..." Later on he refers to "Almighty God". But not once does he disclose that "Jehovah" is acknowledged by the aforementioned authorities, the name of Almighty God! (Psa. 83:18) AV Have these gentlemen forgotten what is stated at •Exodus 22:20: "He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto Jehovah only, shall be utterly destroyed."? ASV • C.F. Barney Clinton Good writer Dear Editor, Congratulations upon the quality of the articles in this week's issue by Joanne Walters. You have here a very competent writer. I suppose there is some reason, to me obscure, why "of Goderich" should be repeated after every name in the illustrations. With hest regards, W.E. Elliott. In order to assist senior citizens on a fixed Income this :g Christmas season, we are offering a SENIOR CITIZEN (65 OR OVER) Special Present your Senior Citizens Card and you will 10% DISCOUNT Wednesdays Only .squite col 1 • HIGHWAY 21 SOUTH, GODERICH . g *ovamoefossioRovoismosisigbosamyessmetmesuaosiessa.FA: receive a categories that Included, arts, crafts, writing sidlls and carpentry. The exhibits were prepared in honor of the sesquicentennial of the town of Goderich. (staff photo) Help, please Dear Editor: Enclosed please find correspondence from Roger J. Proulix of Toronto dated November llth. Mr. Proulx is seeking assistance in locating a former hockey player who was born in Goderich, Mr. Albert Percy Dewsbury. If you can be of any assistance to this man, please write him d,irectly. Thank you. Yours truly, Larry J. McCabe Dear Sir, I am writing to you with the hopes that you will be able to assist me in my .hockey project and my research into its early era. Since 1966 I have been trying to obtain the signatures of hockey players of past eras. These I enter into alhums cilongi with .the photo" and record of each individual that I can. The sole purpose behind alt this is my desire to work towards preserving our hockey heritage and the memory of these men who helped pioneer this sport. This I want to one day leave to my sons as their legacy so that in years to come they and their children will have a chance to know of these former players and fee? a personal closeness to our hockey history. I would deeply appreciate any assistance that you could give me in this search. The past player I am trying to locate was born in your city and I can only hope that he returned there to live upon leaving hockey or that some relatives can be found. I am referring to a Mr. Albert Percy Dewsbury. Let me assure you that my intentions are sincere in what I am trying to do and to say SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL RED CROSS that all items sent to me will be treated with great care and due respect. As I close I want to thank you for reading my letter and,. I send to you and your family my very best wishes and good health to all. I remain yours truly A devoted hockey fan Roger J. Proulx 711 Windermere Ave. Toronto, Ont. MES 3M2 Take care Dear Editor, Talking to persons who hunt, I often wonder if it is a hunting trip or a drinking trip they go on. Then I hink of the high powered firearms they, take with them. Mixing the,: ,haating and drinking, could. ;proie; tG esonieones lask .hunting trar as they m find out what a bullet feelg searing through their body from some impaired hunter who thought he. 'saw an animal. Another aspect that could prove dangerous to the amateur hunter is losing his bearings and finding himself lost in the bush. You don't even have to be drinking to have this happen. Follow the ten com- mandments of bush survival and keep liquor out of the hunting part of the trip. (1) Tell someone where you are going and when you ex- pect to return. (2) Carry and know how to use a map and compass. (3) Carry emergency foged, matches and a good knife. r (4) Check your position frequently. (5) If lost, don't panic. (ti) stay put, prepare shelter and fire. (7) Prepare three signal fires in a 60 -foot triangle ready for lighting at the first sound of an aircraft. (8) Conserve your food supply and strength. (9) If you leave your shelter, blaze your trail. (10) If you are not lost but only delayed, notify the Ontario Provincial Police and your home. .0 - - t You can dc Ybuir part l'o" make hunting a good safe sport by using good sense and forethought. Don't let alcohol destroy your life or your familys on the trip up, there, or on the way home. Remember YOU ARE NEEDED by 'those back home! Prov. Const. R.W. Wilson No.3629 Com m unity Services • Officer. MayWe Help? Let us help you find your new home. Now is a good time to buy. Excellent choice. Mor- tgage interest rates are attractive. Im- mediate possession in most cases: Phone, or call Alexander & Chapman Realty Limited. 8 The Square, Goderich. Phone 524-6542. SendPhoto -Greetings ... the nice, cheerful way t() .VU y Merry Chri.s.nnas ---- so personal too! 153 WI I 1,13.1 -SSilatqht • -14, - 5,t015 Nr, 1./114 Ssirmr°171r8e4`Chi:thre 'magic COntribntiOn ,Ak, - age of 65 There is a danger neSded and.1411144,4:'1„.,h0t, t ' that sfooleftsetecit Y'wniiiim'giat teaalugyhat tnts exP741 erienee is ''PaPle inaitc,'• . sought after; that 'YQii'r ' lit go overboard to supply the itYlle is byeriagrt:choice, i:Ed;th:::;,;: ecovuenrytrthyinsgsethneioyt dceimtizaennds.wairtlhd fanfeed:mediFal care 11161/g' with pected, to bdot. . ' food for the -1?ody, the mind surroundings and adecluat.0':•:: a few things they never ex- ' Already the more vocal and and the soul is your right able senior citizens inCanada Who knows? Maybe when •are using tgeadheir antheir senior citizens are given this limited earning „,power and kind of treatment by society, their past performance there will be an increase in, support for everything from the amount of responsibility shown by families who may record to arouse public free camping in the nation's have forgotten to honor the parks to sponsored bus trips aged as generations before'', to Rockies. To be sure, them did. Canada's seniors deserve respect and consideration'. .. but ' there is a limit to the amount of 'goodness that should be financed out of the pockets of taxpayers. Still, there is a long way to go in some areas to ensure that senior citizens are able to live in dignified cir- cumstances in residences with proper ventilation, light, plumbing, wiring, heating and furnishings. There is much to be done to make certain that senior citizens do not waste away for lack of companionship and the stimulation of conversation, activity and feeling wanted. And there is a real and lasting obligation to society to see that all agin,g people - i•egardless of their ability to pay - are given a choice and that none are pushed aside and ignored until the Grim Reaper claims his victims. I've always believed that growing old is one of God's richest rewards. It is indeed a privilege to be a senior citizen Your letter is welcome ! Write a letter to the editor -4/ • EVERYTHIN FOR THE INDOOR GARDENER& SEE 'ART'S NURSERY LANDSCAPING NURSERY landsca IL GARDEN CENTRE S lAtIS BENNETT ST. GODERICH PLANTS • SHRU9S • TREES The Goderich Ratppayers Association is holding another public meeting:' at MacKay Hall on Monday, November 28, 1977 at 7p.m. We utge all current meMbers, and citizens who wish to this association to be in attendance. Which items of would you like us to approach Town Council about. an behalf? To be effective we need your support. •0: '•br;• 0. JERRY • "The Paper People/ invite you to visit our Showroom and Warehouse • 185 PARK ST., GODERICH and see our displays of *PLASTIC PLATES•CU'TLERY*W1 GLASSES4D'TABLECOVERS•PLACE MATS* PARTY SUPPLIES • ALL AT Wholesale Prices • JOHNSON'S INDUSTRIAL CLEANING SUPP\, also.. •TAKE OUT FOOD CONTAINERS•PIE FILLI •PICKLES•RELISHES•SOUP BASES *TOILET TISSUE•PAPER TOWELS•FOIL PANS AND • SERVING TRAYS A 31/2 " x 7" card from rectangular negatives • including 110 negatives 3'/2" x 5" card from square negativeSlo• (not available from 110instamatic negatives) ALSO AVAILABLE A : 0151015 NO I MI 35 • ' Folder Type PHARMACY • SHOPPERS SQUARE, GODERICH 524-7241 DESIGN NO. 140,136 At this season we are specializing in Christmas Tablecovers & Napkins If you are... CATERING for a group or party, we have everything you need right in stock and priced to save you money H.O.5 DR,O,TPhiNepjOaRpPeHE01110E...op52140-2085 185 PARK ST.,-TOODERICH ,o0 oftdro ers v that y bt fri ce f fperb pouni romsstiphisi sed.: tlu or 1, lay t aim 91 ne the byCE WI o to: g Pi wil aoMPemgnmrtaraiiri::trlveil ulIne Rem to ners up proj ria rth • ".. . . •