HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-7-14, Page 2Address cemmunieations to ameitatanist, 73 Ade:aide st. We Teroeta. Grass and Clover Mixtures. In large seetions of Eastern Cenada,,, the importance of weialealaneed grass, and clover mixtures, partieuierly pastures, is n.et ye e eleerly realize -a; If it were, the commenely ue,el tures eensistane ef tlniethy an3 rel. clover or tinnetgly, re a elover and tal-a sike eveula te seen less eften than is aow the ease. These mixteres may yield, elle year after they ara sow, yaw or twe crops et hay eomposed Of e'-xver; the fallowing, year c7 years the hay ereps seeured w amest ex- elusieeiy of. eimerhy. As theettay, however), lerc-antees a rataer senee eed slow -gab -eine; afteerectah„ it feliows that &ale sewn, ten elcvers arel -ante etley are! hare-es:tell 'der key -furniele pasteire. aft ee the hey ...rep Las keen ta.I.a.T1 off, tht aezernes eempareadvely tneh ie. ea:a:ay ae. retecee, a. en. me the elever has .idsieel Fer ta•s an etber rtesers pe,es wel la :Ili a few aztam geasees and eda • etlar elevers yersiearer tea e lee tee,iir:ery titraehe and. • r re:Neel-es. Cle aerel nermal re elate r tineetley neixe V.! e• eat prinneely fer hay in a ro- t: n reed:: .e niere 1 -ay if a at- eetleav feseee zi perhaps eaeo • aeaea :c a Oa eegteat ;:e:.ir reeal fife, r eatti-eir„, tbe a:mar eraesee '4: 7,," lit':11 ':CV:1•1 e mere emeneee eaaa the any Tan eeme ar• plees ale.; - ee. %reeve. tee ere,. e. " atieley ram .11. 1 Tar ,ake. , ^r : • 9 Ilaueb-creeps, feeding reeks, aisinfec- 1 tante, reemel books, docking end eas- ! trating tools are n.11 put in bns i aheed ; for the coming harvest, which will' repreent his profits on the. business. At no time of the year aoes den-, ; ; broilers and now for those wino are cleee to a god araiier market it pays to sell their ceelawels es broilers rather than hod them until ftflmei e.ell ahem as roasters. It is a good lean, thee:Lae, to ,ge: rid ef 4.1s. many, coeleerel! ea. yeu intend to sell, tleriree the aremer setege, ii' the pre avaitalae at thee time ttlelieeit werth an uemilly it doee. The eellaeg et' broilers at this time of the year cets down on the feel bill eni !eaves more ream for the plaileta to mature. D.—Te mile tare to sea near- ket tam:es is when they are abet teen weeks. et' age and can be merketed under the teaae name of "geeen amaks." razaily where there it: a ae- neenei fc,t, tis ef clucks they bring bigger pr lee rer bir,I at tbis- stage thanat any later zeage. ar.i. the eerie a preelection is water:tally; less. Reaeters.--In spite of the number thet eme e,eal breiters.. the tea a the, eiyAeTels Wr..7. 3/4,0 si.q2 asasttrs;. weariarg fnem te peurele in the: I. Inaisposine,,, of resters it reeee1 eroe feed. The lase pmerel of flesh: is tie, eine:eyes: r.trt of the witele an ie enaaneee the value of he, ere:re lira. Do not dispose a anee elees of pealere- sleek witItout epeziaa fetelaae. ant for the latger eoeleerelse eereeatiae, the. ereee feediree, eyeteer. is Turkeee. ere', Goese,..•.—Vereee are be- eemirer mere eeentler teeeta yeer ae.:F meeeeve tr.",re :atter:teen en the aver- eae !amen !deny have rceeivel, Tiee ames la.aie ea the geeee is att ▪ ag. gilQse fleeh being ore • , eret ezeiltey meet pee Last Year's Yield of liness eouet for name in the poultry/ business than during warm weather.! , . ; it wls kept in closed, steflina, steepmg Potatoes. quarters cannot be in a reefiy healthy! The Conversiem of Dominien atatistics glow that 192(a eon 1i or give very good returns.' saw the largest erop of potataes in: It wetail be much beater to have the Canada on reeord, beth as mgat‘is the wiadows removed from the poultrat Connecting Links—Though Paul their court. But this, apparently, was average yieM per acre, Mae buehelsa house, to have aim cleaned and stor-, was seeking to ted the true way of ; already an or thoroughfare, con - and the total yield, 133S31,400 buslee ed away in seme place eliere tie:Th.1e as a laharisee in strict observance netting different secticns of the city, e!e• It was theught that large quan-: could not be dareeged until needed af the law, end thouaht he was sera; and with the open steeps of the mer.. God in perseeuting the Christians, i chants en° either side. It was lined iitics would ae lost in the winter by; again, eei pleees of wire netting put Ptg he was net heppy. He describes the , wah eolumne, the bases of which can rotting arid freezing. but the mildnesei in the place a the windows. Thai Will expeaence of that periaa ef his life stall be seen. of the seam reamed Tale Imes sa, keep out ane,- vermin and at the an in the seventh chapter of the Epistle! 13-19. I have heard by many of : ie . ieeurred to a nn'z As a consaa time alioa• mere fresh air fer the to the Remans, an experierae of dis-thmanThe fame and dread of quence the surpais in the hands of i fowls, Many of tile losee an ng couragement and defeet leading al- : Sauas name had already reached farmers on Mareh 31, 1921, was ex- adult fowls in the summer seas= are mese to desp.air. The commandment Damascus, and the Chrietian peeple seationalay large, the largeet on re a the reseat of unheelthy roosting guar- (or law) awhich w -as ordained a) life.", there anew of his coming and what cord in fact exzepting only 1910. when' tersthis, he says, he "found to be unto be haa come for. Yet at the call of it was 44 per eene comparel with 40i The poultry house shoal be thor: death." For the law continually set duty, the call of his Lord, Ananiae before him itlmas wh'eh he eteald not' went to bine He did not know but the JULY 17. Saul, Acts 92 149. Golden. Text -1 Tim. 1: IS. tee • - a reaere teres na' re area aa, eare, •-•re eel enanaele nt,...:„" 'tier 1 Ileaairee, Era:Sae:a, re, 1, emerge oehers.a tareenee ete.,,e e.:epte.t. fear te yeare areeiree er amearma. ' eve -et -an 1,:•.1"eee. : .<'4%.14 fee: p era retetere.. ;re leeet Ile neive •Lt7L1it :OSP, T1latt ealter,,,eet meeere edants. It is ieemedale edeert .lieeeee valet re:es:sea..." greseaz otight roe „enter. ail' zee re-Pal:tars tle the eireethy ten1 mixtures. new •einneenly eeel, • ferent neetes :teal ritiite varael reel;',re ere tee:eine: fee ,.lif- t'ere.nt sea! tirel el.teetle Fertherniere. smeln dal is le ho the seepe ee 1-, e etde. the iae- je.,:e. wla • 1. tate aavtege ;n rrelerofare se. e, • . tt:nee filf.411 IS ger ateae-et erei " Fclaw tireee. reeeige-s i.atialiamal eee.ein e.ene ereate. it :ear ere.' re.etieee. neeseleaine, tee,ave'ree ee-ta i".717.4 per cent. this year and 25 per cent! ouglay cicanezi. Give the roosts a reaell up to, and was a" centinual re- „acing might cost hem bas life—never- :eat year. Last year tae surptus one, good eeat of kerosene or serne liquia minder of his faults, his erreas. anti theiese lie went. the date nieutane3 a -as 31.4;40,00W lice killer. clean out the neets and his shortcomings, The law was holy,) :/k aosext vessel, There came, by ;Suet:Jae waae thie 3, -ear it was a3,-.1 burn the eh! nevang mater5ai, then aud just, and geed, but a meant data th:e wcra of inspiration, to Anan:as a 313,000 bushes. The loss from frosti glee Ihe aasts athere:30 wl'alte-washe.t° him• :premise of what such a man as Saul anti roe up to Mareh at, 19:?.1was ing insale. ani out. leaving tilem to dry He found a conflict witiain him be inietat teeeme, if converted to Chris - A man of. bis learning and only 1a per cent.. tec 20 eate 004 twee in the sun fer a evhile. A theroueeh lateen goad aed evil. For, he says: tianttv- tnat which I do I know not; tor no. great abatty and enowledge of the els. As a censetraenee cf ail tads spraying with whitewash of the whole en erv);Izatt 1 he-aetaelath, atat:ildil).re praetiee; b t worM raght imleed by the ehosera ves- there has besomnterier e ething like a glut if the !louse will make ti e a eeto tear Christ's name before the ea potatoes arta tai :entities izave been' place more sanitary. If the floors are 'Tor the god which I weuld I do (entiice and kings and Cie children of fed to 'aye Et.,A. Tbis year there as of earth, remove a few inehee of the not; but tile evil wattea 1 would not, Israel. And thet was the divine word been a, deerease inn the talvt4-04-9" Of aet•es top sail ;Led repiaee with same fresb that 1 practit•e." Fr:.ni this conflict to Anenias. seava; eoneeamentely, it is sefe to pre- sanely soil. If they are ef wooa or he foulld no way of esntae. Eva eeetn-': Ile enterea the house and greeted tliee that the r.ext entatal repeat. tbataemeent. serape and sweep them clean, eel to triumph. Ile wns acing brougint his eneaaa as "Ilrealier Seed." Whe 1,nto captty to Fin. But when, ita ceuld resist the sper:t of brotherhoed is fee tine year erelineg atarela 31, 19aa ' then v:ash with a fairly aro' dis- will show a a;...zuEr.utior. in tine erleralinfetthla :4'014tioll• Suashlae• eaull'ina that'eesair he cries Out, "t) wretched altd gcGawia .h eh V -.a..-; Fa manifest .14, elaantainie quantity an,1 ai the tempi:ea' ed wall fresh air, is one of the beet me?" the aeswer cornes, man I ami Wha shall deliver. =peg these early Christians?? Paul's "Jesus heart was won alai hie ce•ts were the annual average of whieh for ten geria deetraYara 'we have, hat it is Christ" k'. .1 eo, he rays (St Ca; ePerted. The gra-A*301810a was made. years has been aa,343,000 Inueleels, or pas ')e ta haw too much sun for the , "Whet the law vauld not do,' Jesus He was baptized, melting public cone less than fifty per emit. of v.-liat it, fowl'', if seme kited of shade is not Chit did. There is no condemnation fessitel that he now believed in Jesua i, and en. w was ea last roper.e. The average ane .previleel in very warm wether, to be to them that 're in Cheat. Chrietveuld fellow IlirIt as nuel neerehantabie epeumity in t.anada"ustal ea4ert needed. ' Paul must have been irapree;e 1 by not :ha:a urail he war; preavhing, Christ for the same eeried was 0.730:200, Colony houses scattered through an etlie sIlee41 of the mall:Yr, Stvlf"eneiin -tFC.e sYnlgogues* Ities1;als, en eeeo, that, is fi.,r tito fis,m1 oreaara make a very deeirabie plat* alai a nail he had heerd end nv the hereie "rive eoneing et' h. Us to Paul was year meta; meteat al, etaj. iL wes.: for fowis or growing eleickens. Ai- met, els deate patient couragte whin which he for 'hltth :4'1'‘,,m tae very firse a raira•ae of Tie nareet have nue ara Mere atvor, er pae,the wineing of 'Qr.:FA provide plenty of pure drinking heard the taetimona ef many other las heert. an unexempled thspley of weter in clean pane nnd keep it is a Christian men end women. Valle he power. The experience could enly be Care , sittaeral plate. eut a the atm. Ile sere earr:ei on his week el fieree peraera- tte werk of Ge.,1; fer it gave him what Transportation an of Fruits. tae eta lavas ere not tee 'heavily tier: We le.eiven nnue; have leen rera- he b„.1 a re atem takirgeee et el 1; " 1 • 4 I , .14 .11 a. /rig in his mite: ;Ma .eatilttX FC'tt,:'e f Velseeree, a free for. Ineeteteel etteneten aeir.er, glven er ary fatepradatirda, feeds. of tile tenfl:et wns reet.hea on tea way leaver:ea ale -1 a e.ve Lea was a.le ar tee the 4. .0 eral stereete of fralerehat yon nat bee etr'esPuanle,•31,1n*titntill • ierttY:aet'eattlye; ; e EverY Ye:1. ; tt) sh.t.r::;;gt' tQrt i tot 1140:a OVCfee aenother teat fellawee. Pmet renee ta,g, .e -re lae eon- hOia l'a4a re- Je laa•;Y:trig tee un,1 eel! them early veat,e tit lee eee.;ree ee late letters. Tee verdien twae :n !lee larae.t of Aeze, .1rdi sh'IT,Pralg the aril,' is ll'eda ar ‘1,:14:0 thee' are 11 priest wee- etall tine reaief nrimeie- (awe 114 4.r a:a:eh al'aetage g !a 74 '1:0 „ 4`"r4":-^ ina .e.n:Ilt.t.),n, efere they meeta- trate of tare .3 eleb. 1 -.is ,afa -ea taelt • improve e ee ea, le aleen a, nroiT ;,;..;ty wa ▪ .1 i4V eeleb 2 1, a A ..'..""3:14t, Ft' C4n1 ?" Ird1P:i 14"4'"' nre lee keet over earaaaals'-'101`--- oak teeteide at' Pelle taet, laaata. In <4. ".." 4. <44'444 4' e...;:i.trv „tw.. 174'init titv.t, feat grawere, tea; alee ,ereatiar. otaat„,,Theugh entame Reeve, theee jgraa bt• aedages tima Cariet. 'F'• •:-'iL4 Of :3';011 • Lrett'ins t414 thlt tt lateral relate. meaeure, "t 1' an4 $c4f„weverzi,„ nie eaee of elle aorn. reeas :Me tesall fer feat, Lae aaaatas 'artava!!'et da4 adaue•e N111"....4 Wherf, there is an alaine aeee ale P • "'hi.' thirlA '1"4 ""r--C":*1 4' "Iladh I flat seen ' ri '41" -"Ill 4 47117:;4. 0 44 -.:4,-*Tt 1:1* fOr ;tone,: wale, ataeau comineautiee were eameea leraa ;dee in 1 t 'ea lee 11, 1, eta, and Jewish megaaratee aereer Cat of dna time." **Am I net an , 44 . 44 A* ••C • •••' • ' • • -!," • er•2 Ilene • :acre remiee tare ""` "L - „: Tee 1;-1 4 .317S"t1.1:1St a""iIr`t".4 ie a• eta:: eeeemitiel to the beat alahough the hatter W'n3. 1011rAlly lead ear:i1"t reefer% saner time ene ar , 3". t grAeR f"0,1 and aiantal falai Plevea tine power riot only to irapreeere Jeans ma leen!. 'tine 14:talle1* . I14'4. eel time aer eaeat. 1' t'4 oug. titz:ian ;V. in 1,374' ':013n, of inSee'VAi, worats, ets., te tut even to '.41:et the death penelty, P',1 ; taeee 'Pee "Vaal ituraaer aan etetataaea eenee 1 /4 .ttept - b.v tae Reamten eeverner er tleeee eearmie. of the 07,1,.`;-nr4111::!4•A Of 111Q a flv • •• 3 4,411, n 11 • Gus • "I, ea.ar 1.:0 t:ItT ley re re* '`.4 •• 43 2414. 4. ar Mitermdene"al aey him Tt*e —tore 'daeee7n • • S re, -*aat .:011 se 1 fain rie2,'Pi,it the l Real oenaetwer ferect ta.s taerel tar eeeiree greweag :eve:tense-1- :mere, nefoie, h teeteee , . . hIga Plltrq vAc4.141 he reale:eta; 3131''Nee tetala be ferret teat the Chris4 4. 44l4 rer aegeher atael, write the at -elle that. Tha 1%.1.0.11e 'tut t etegra 4. eiews Dianunies, and ;veleta meteor- whom be Mei eereeeeee 1riti 'r33 44.4. try Divisier. Centre! faait ""ala 'Ialaadels 'aa nr.1 Keep et supely of salt Indere tate lea, the arreet nnd punielarient ted the haia, teat had alaie 1‘.M 1:1;0 t41'11X. Fgis:;411, t tTx Cant, fer timir teti:etin aerfaetten af these afferte. in bag Nte. arneraring Peeatry Pro luee rett te• aeon sheer,: t teerete, 'fer Maraet." omen ini 0:etaritt ear: gen e re,4.1 aadaitaes lea eteetaer.z. ntaritett 1 in e'lla" t,t!, *„ with ea:enter:. frere .en,atee: Semee. It reets w... exerees - . ay.! eeaaaace aea •.(ara nal:Lure ceuitt for r. at. tolloa.:,1. het a tem- en.l. anjereea. lIeweeet I eeitent e VIV,1 t ar441 &pent,. ;filet had aeeta emitter int the mira 1 of mere- at ett• ,•:1 ;0,/, l'reparitte for titre Next Loath Crop. Lee ein-ley ezirefel pr dor cal: It 4.113+'1'4. V..11f4T t'n'te yeem ts-:, wiemace tat, ewes 1,1IrZ ;31k. i415 11153 : r 1,41ra:..* 440. preparatimt -ter the next erap shetad be keret :in' mired, Se Vane is mere int:portent teen auriner tiee previous eon- , sere At time time notes ant reeereg eine:111e livaz et! all important itens ...egeaaing the letrevior of. tlie cease- eitneler eit :endue eaell reisas ned weather thQy are 11.0t ;117.0:110.• ere I:eat-lee ate: eretaer wellanilareade eny teller tedeetbie .1aaae no:es C. thii" 4.1..ny ewe :het eets net. e. sees:el:a raise aer offsprir.g ehreelei lee called retiree than ree:t.rele Great care iihottiii be c.,xeriaseel Marizetine the Surelue Stork, - tea: ete the etde rearliet laras '112 twelve menthe. as he shotiet ae a taptene, urefortr, good - ;b1,,,. so: -,,%her, the p,,,lee le h.,0,,d elzeJ, purebred eaamal, full of 'ger pray. And his prayer was answered. ywourrit14:1 ret av,a-1,..iatenrtattriteltze aet. t • the lavas eeeay. As far as nos- aative. and in good bloom. It is Tint many farmers make entre trithtetnhcleenficgue rteos 1For there eame to him, divinely in- structed, a good man and true, whose, wisdom, It was tile -gime enirit w' Nev:rsnkts" e e • 4.. , evonaerful the influence a ram ma - work for themeelves by cutting their nc'efakeemItihs: cf.earipeasrisionn ' nave creel the offspring of a flock of :r .• everything. in the fail of the year. anetch the merkets and. have your ordir.arY ewes. The selection of the ewes is also a' latels rectie egan e•eu can get thel priees. very important feature in connection Hemea—The test -owes are received with the lamb crop. This seleetion may be done when the previous lambs for Lens in the spring of the veal. A are weaned and again at breeding good plan is to cull out all the hens' time. The shepherd has in nand at you do not inteed To keep over for this time uniformity in type. The breedirg purposes another year and sell as soon as elm egg yield drops. more uniform in appearance the ewes are, the more uniformity will be This will oecur after the breeding sea-' shown 211 the offspring and hence the on is over and ueually along about , better the prices to be obtained when the 1st of July for the poorer ones the better lae-ers a little bit later. ones, better time arrives. Nothing at - Whether these birds should be ...; ; .14e buyers like aniformity not ed before selling will depend upon the oely in good condition, but in size, appearance and type. The ewes demand. In some large cities, a bete; age, ter price is paid for the live bird than teeth should be examined and if any foe the dressed'. The killing, there-, defects are found the ewes should be fore, will depend upon the prices! culled. As a rule ewes are not profit - paid. eble far areeding after they pass five Which Hens to Market. --When tees aeee. Not only should seVere trap -nesting is followed. the matter is 1 culling be done to the mature ewes ;simple, for the non -producers Cart be but careful selection should be prac- picked Out at any time. Where trap_aticed in choosing future breeding nests are not used the selection. is: ewes for the lamb crop, always being made much more convenient if leg careful to retain those as near the bands are used to distinguish the hens! ideal type as possible. Too much from the pullets. and the early -laying emphasis =mot be laid upon the cul - pullets from the later ones. With l ling process. these marks the hens and the low- i After the culling and selection work pa -educing pullets can be disposed of. has been 6ampleted the ewes are pre - The aim should be to keep over the pared for breeding. They =et, be well summer months only the birds that1 fed and put in good coedition but not are paying well for their keep, ande overfat As the breeding -time ap- that are to be kept for breeding pur-1 preaches they should be flushed on poses the next spring. some good, green, succulent pasture. In the ease of. Leghorns or other; As many as possible should be bred at Reit breeds, it may pay to keep all' the same time so that the, lembs ar- 1pullets over the summer, but this 1 race in a group and the lambing period must be determined by the number of I will not then be spread over a long eggs they are layiag as soon after, period, vihich is objectionable. their egg prodaction comes belowl .4.s the lambing period draws near their cost of keep even Leghorns the shepherd appreciates the fact that should be dispersed of. 'his busv tune is approaching. He looks Eroilers.--Broilers are chieleens ; to the increased comfort of his flock. weighing net over four to five poundsi If the lambs sae to be born in the to the pair. In recent yent's the de -1 barns the buildings are thoroughly mind ani the prices have riser. fterieleaned and disinfected; hurdles, 1 Citrzetiar.e. lareer, atialaina late iiie apaetle. "1 — i ,,- „. A, ligla from heaeen. Value thank him timt eeel.la.1 me." ite writees, efales art-elm:rite:eat:a to thriftel.' 4" Il'. it 4.'. 4..S Ilia happened we 410 '.4.,4.(anise ataia mar L. al, fer In e e ,,e„ e, ,e „:t 1,,;,4,. te si,e pet know. We might c enjeeture 711:13 Ile aur 3I me ad: hfula appoint:me, 62' 4.4 ` la.-‘1.,.raNa, `," a, `.41"i'te't,tzl..,:ti taa it was a sunstroke, oa en eelaeata• lit.' Itie TO Nis t•er.'"'.,..e; tht4;4.:4t 1 %vat; lee eta: • out but Ito stroll ex:lien:Iron van telly 4.4.- i.we a illnepit, men eml a par,,euttor, par.,....es • grewera wee:a...en, an! govern, a e _r_;;; tai tr,itnt:C11 11111Y haal ve halpto pre- :a reek. I teem ...a?ey fen and enceatives WIT.. a r vierking ear }Ina. iLe vair.e, mere, of a duce 11 phyeleal erisis. But hawever, love which ie. in Cicala ;few, Faithful tiereet.ene. aure-leeed lies in haverg the animal that may be the one feet :s is the ea,yine4U,i wertlay of all ate •••••=4,11.140.* !Saul :gents beyond queetien.i1tmete- unlielief, Atel ea,4 reetee of mar T4 -r4 !Qg!stitred• If You 'delft beliar It, that God speite to the inmost emit of ceptation tbat (atria deette eento hetin this zealous perseautor, eampea , the -e-orai met. eierete: of whom 1 Lamp'atinek at. tar stains: Saterete iteer, your eyee fa:eel, when you att.en.a.. with kermeeni4.? 1,S 33witeh sear aablie sulee. • The rereaarea feat um t.•led. him to SQQ t1331 tit 110:11.)Wk44.ge tbe eel eiticfa' 11 ' 41 1 12.15j. water. , registeeel stale for mutat lees than: ernth. It was God, end yet it wasi Application. ! the regietered aramai. :Jesus, too, whom he met that ;ley (lei 13 15 coeeletena wita the Divine atti- a-- i tile W3' to Damaseus. "I am .117541S tude es vie -v. -ilea at meal' tares that , A *tee' fenee post. with Cite tat awhom thou perseeutest" the vision .Jeeas '.11 4.334 teiveznenee seem+, •eitit six irahees bent sligially inwara t.'er", Gra7n is n t nealed to make carrying -..elsaida In all thie ealy Chrletian ex- the er - e e.re-e.-tut - r eva°a .1 41)1e43:.e,l a ee .retr;1, of ra %eetils lanbendalee ogood . eerier:ea there is an Lientilleatiori of alt.n wino do wrong l'are rat may sin- aesignted in thia way to give ateter pa.sture is 1' .310 Cheep as corn JeStiS With (&o 4. Paul, who had fettat nera but fools. Through tae ecilttlet.:4 '!S ene aro:act:on to oreherds ttfl this year, tareegh, a ',wee cAirn Inas . so hard against Him. now calls Hiei teei has been tryine to get Ids tatil- :,..seare, • - 1. 1 Teas been reeearav rlacel (411 TL Y:2:' Can - a , ee profitaaly fel, Itare is '34624.4.b10 Lord "Lord, what wilt Thou have nie dren into a eeneilee frame -4....e. mind, ; cabal malitet. i paatere erop for ianaese. 11'01Wilat.hteld, he ereaethIt . is '-14111- tet ....'....rialler. eaele .erel tat us ea:a:text I. "lerael ;loth. not know. ray peopee ;Intl 1 fic..ant of the reality and truth ef the . tegetber, ealth file Lord," was the IA/1th L .ie Yrart- ,. . ...ea,.. t .i ka Ito Iiine that -Saul was driven to pray, r. that eeemeth right unto inane but the ivieion and experlenee which heal collie meseage of Leaeh. 'Mere le a waY i He came to pers,eaute; he remained •o end thereof are the wart; Of death." Va&a selemiee of the rern to be used4 s: get elit te ere ..t mengt- . . . . , far water per centinstead of the; name wA as nanias, 11-110 was commis- Ezekiel "axpreseed in "Turn en ye, 1 silage too green is clearly shown by _ naures for dry -matter per centAl sioned to lead him into the ee-ay ef -ye, why will ye die?" This was 'the . a i faith. burden a ist's 01,171 complaint Simple bit of arithmetic. Make., •• chrege from 80 to 60 per cent. water , Jerusalem. "ChrHow ever often wouId I. . . The. street whichis called Straight silage of green corn means hauling 4 , seems rather small, but a change from! in winch l Saul had his lodging, is still but ye would not." This is a rigaiteeee lot of water from the field to the silo, 20 per cent dry matter to 40 per centl to be seen in that ancient city. Most world go -ern d 'b a God I 1 - ; , e e y who Me, and, furthermore, the nutritive value dry metter obviously means, if the; streets of eastern cities in those days goodness. There is no figure of speech of the silage per pound is greatly total amount of dry matter remains. were simply open places, square 013, -strong enoug-h to deeeribe the folly oblong, inside the gate, where the of the man who yields himself to marketers bought and sold, and where wiceeclness. The whole universe is the elders held council and the judges confederated against him. reduced. I have tried this problem on the same that the total weight has a lot of silage experts who were not been cut in half. convinced until they had figured quite This bit of arithmetic points to an a while for themselves. So get out important lesson in silage -making. your pad and pencil and you will be The lesson is to let the water content surprised at the results. go as low as possible without injuring Now for the silage problem. We will the silage quality, before starting to assume a case: Suppose that a field of fin the silo. During this period of corn when cut at a certain stage; growth the corn is actually gaining in yields 20 tons of ensilage with 80 per feeding value as well as getting rid cent, water content. Suppose we de- , of an immense tonnage of water. Half cide to allow the corn to stand in the' the labor of overhauling maybe saved,' field and dry out until the water con- and a better product secured, by mak- tent has decreased to 60 per cent. To ing a rather dry as against a rather simplify the problem we will assume wet silage. also that there is no further produce This bit of commonly misunderstood tion of dry matter. Such would not silage arithmetic also gives rise to be qaite the case, but then this is a heated arguments over yields of silage problem of arithmetic. The problem corn. The man accustomed to making is, how much would this 20 -ton yield a dry silage takes -with a grain of salt shrink in weight with the dropping of the story of big tonnage put out by the water content from 80 to 60 per the man who makes sloppy silage, cent.? neither peaty appreciating the fact Men accustomed to handling silage that shifting the moisture content all their lives come back as a rule very from 80 per cent. down to 60 per cent. glibly with en answer. They reaaon --about the two extremes encountered this way: The difference between 60 in actual practice --causes a reduction and 80 per tent. is 20 per cent.; 20 of just 50 per centin weight per acre. per cent of 20 tons is 4 tons, ancl this The same question is also involved they figure will be the amount of when it comes to fee -ding. A wet shrinkage. The probleni is not so silage has only half the feeding value, pound per pound, as has a dry silage. All too frequently this distinction is simple, nor so uneraportant The true solution of it is as follows: The silage in the first place can- not appreciated when the material is Controlling Rabbit Diseases. raiIsinbgeliervabebittshatb t_huethhuatnehunpili environment that it pay rabbit breeders to have a few fenced yards plan 0' ll a e in which the breeding stock can often be placed for exercise. It gives them a chance to get their feet on the ground and this seems beneficial for all kinds of animals. The yards can be enelosed with strong wire and a trench can be dug around the outside and filled with stone or any material that will keee pests from digging in and the rabbits from digging out. Of coarse, the hutches will still be necessary but the yards will be used as exercise runs in which the breed - Many ra:bbit breeders have started ing stock can be placed in turn. It out with plenty of enthusiasm aid will iinprove their vigor and help in good breeding stock, only to drift keeping down disease. One success - gradually out of business with the ful breeder has such a system of yards - death a the first ra.bbit.from disease. on well deained soil end the rabbits Often before the last rabbit dies it have a deep burrow in the ground in will be bumping its head against the each yard. They seem to enjoy the top of the hutch beesuse of the ae- 01440.1108 of retarnieg to conditions m eumulatien of anere onthe floor. 11101:e or less natural and present the Rabbit hutches should be cleaned owner with large litters, of husky every few days and then sprayed with young rabbits. one of the commercial coal tar diein- Sick rabbits can some-ames be cured but the best method is to keep them free from disease. If dectorizig be- comes a constant practice in a rab- bitry it means that something is wrong with the breeding stock or the system of management and prompt measures mut be taken or the loesee will be large. In its natural environment a rabbit will have a burrow on: a brush heap for a home and it will have a range over plenty of territory and a chance to select a wide variety of food. When rabbits are kept in confinement in the usual type of hutch, each breeding rabbit has a ,range consisting of twelve square feet of board -floor. It is evident that much attention mast be given to rabbits in hutches or they cannot he expected to thrive. . tained 4 tons of dry matter and 16 doled out along the feeding platformfectantsThis destroys disease germs . tans of water, or 20 per cent. dry Maybe the milk pail will show up the and gives the hutches a more agree - matter and 80 per cent. water. In the difference, but only a little silage second case there is the same 4 tows arithmetic will point to the tause. It of dry matter, but only 6 tons of takes 80 pou'etis of wet silage to give able odor. There should be a surplus el hutches so that some of them can be empty at certain times. The empty . water, or 40 per cent, dry matter and the same feeding value as 40 pounds hutehes can be placedwide open in 60 per cent. water The silage loses with the lower percentage of water— the sunshine. Thi e helps to disinfect just one half its weight,the hutch and gives the lumber a the 20 tons as per the problem with which we ehrinking to 10 tons. The asual error started out. cliance to leecorne thoroughly dry.