HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-7-7, Page 6Kingdom
13y E.
We carry a fckl line of used: parts for
all makes of cars, cleaned and free from
grease and dirt. Magnetos. gears,
Spring's, complete engines, titres, ete.
Highest prices :pall for old care
Write, wire or phone
AirwcpstoEILE 'USED p.orCS co.,
1030 Dundas St. West, - 3'orontp
Phone. Parisda a 4150,
the hostel, ;where a mean was crouch-
ing with a tel glued to his ey-es-
i 1LLd Auto
v y41
To Remove Stains. l "Well!" Mrs, Purdr.a exp'' ceded,
One -of the most important factors a The door opened again, and a email
He loneree it aalroest as they paused i ,• go, shy woman stocd there tunnies cher
1y RE S:11, Y SELLS 1.1-1DAI; : USED
.i..) cars of all types; all cars sold Dab.
,lett to delivery up to 300 miles, or test
Fun of same distance tt` yen wish. to as
gots order as purchased, or paranoiasrine refunded-
KIuG zneeha_nic of your ow choke
p to look them over, or asi:, no to.
tr:ke any ear to city rzprese>;,tait5e for
Inspection, Very large atock ¢hake on
Breaker's Used Dar Market
l(Y loris Styes% ferulic,
anrd waived his hind to them.
"Can'tthe stein is sblll fresh. Drying, er. ir.•p a. package, "I—I wish,I coazld
see any sign of Conyers,
" hr „ _
• shouted. "Ian e erre to ail washing and ironing^ eye e, .he sand.
I nH zzaitlnrg for the pinnace,. p Q' .t ,
y hted) I Conte up here, Tleesag each a ri,Hpmg all make it harder to remove the Ire Sere
� i•- Q Mee
i partially: freeze before adding. the
-"e're very much obliged,' cherries,
SYNOPSIS: thanI h 'f I ° " t Th naturef the t should Mee Rowe airs Purdue h-p.'••e•<l Per"13 ought—if
say more now-- view, scan,. a a e s ain - Black ineplaerry sherbet. One quart
be.ause I am going to tell you, mewl "I .don't believe," Gerald ne rea:ark- 1e kt-+own if :,s+ Ile before its re-, unetorily, l of bkLe . raspberries, six cupfuls of
The gloss ►tri:ten in 1' 16, begins i , F
that .:'P are alone together for a rano-' ed uneasily, "that Ralph tivould like. nzavad i alt rnat , Banco tlr'.s deter The :lytic woman slipped out sr �n. water, the juice of one large lemor,
s e. e
With Lail.** a se:arar,'s luncheon -party snout. teat I leve yeti." that."+ ly. • It was half an hour balaxe Dane and fusee cupfuls Of sugar. Let the
at the Ritz Hoaci, London. dt ^. Ain;a.g the ,,:.: The' made le wayt the n m':r,'es the treatment to be a da�,ed,
, . , erg the
She tuned upon arm a eese i3Hdig- y e 1•e to- of An ur.-uitab'.e stein remover rt$y Compton thought to open her bun•dle:: berries conte to a boil in half the
guests ala I.or, >l;crn.ke, a t, ' ••" :sr e Ban her fa' the house and were est sled by - ,: „ n Her .exclamatron brrught t"e ethers ;eater, mash through a fine sieve, add" y
Affiliate's.; e ""en ^r-:1Tajer Ttais s.n, t.at t,y, ta..ugh the d -r s. set the stain $0 rW removal b.eomes
buxom cranzstep a d to what ;vas `e impossible. stand her, i the sugar, cool, then add remaining
Chief I^s^ec'cr of Field Hospitals; his ;se> st 1 apparent. pt+artzeall a step -ladder opening out difficult ex even �: Ft water and lemon-juice,and freeze..
farege. Ge*alain a Conyers; her bre--Cep-i.e.-in Granetl site exclaimed• Ot to a Alt -slight. h} g 1 The kind of fabric an which the "Will you look?'" .he cried. T.zey'reF i a e
tires, a naval :ranter ant, and bis .;Fou mucid not say that! You nave sky g from here * hey , ,• t new flannel, Every one of them, Aad. Lenrcn mill: sherbet is made with
Rn a Olive ler • �• • • chin �:onald ;v _ r t crawled on to las roof, where .? y statin occurs eke should be known, vn, i t" two carts of milk, three cupfuls of
s .. _ _ . ,. .- .. r a
„tin the clay:+cry, I have P; cry with his back U. a chTmn c .. v ve 'n-' "nes! let the tell you something," su gar n : e *Re o our lemons,
, ,
Qy, Snrnol. �" murals C`n the lnatUl@ eolOr, v ea , fH
.}'t ,,.eek O-.. e . « reeon, Ca ado r.� ht nu t g1 t a mil ,• < , lock at that briar stitch ng, q
Greeer re, hew ,s the hostess, home fould G1;•¢net comfortably ens^on ed for the nmetha�l of tr "atzrext. ae; ends d th i' f 1 n ors
h a "Recut¢ :.ems erne I.teiit. 'onhyer l
n'lght, he a:as -€'e: doggedly. "It isn't a ciga:'e+
e f at Irl• P"<ls :e said suddenly, "k ni y Scald one quart cf milk, cool, zt"rx the
h d ht the f abrrc Do n
receives Icon rras_cr.; tin :i cis l. 41c, Th- ;were my fru nd• "This • isle ar, eve;+g. a. e <
_r • g„ Mwor a Tht� ns 'rather ore on yau�r br3tlh-. an even Hewe must have drawn that out of lemon -juice with the sugar, add to the
o..ip and -.Sa:.er Tl t n tuna �• +•meld. He hates me and I dielike lura, Every er" he clluekled u_n strong ¢ends cn cellon d
Eecre* message freer' ...e b»tt .< .� t 1 her six hundred, a•1 she has in the milk and freeze at once, No harm is
i:l the man nes a r -gilt to do his best to `"Where die a ;:: ��, d ate tact .ltau''d be neutralize3 ,�. T you done if the milk curdles for the mix,
7Rer^.sFy rete.ze :t visitor H' zv' h girl "for. It's the , you find the te. rsrine a , • zvo>.d, alt car lrezvs in the bank, > a
clatter; i�,: rc ^n. -I.c f •re;re. h1.n Geeeei ne Attlee:. I ' . y F
r ` .n t.,e g 1 he caxk� 7 f ties. - afterward �v:Ohba, suHtab.e itllta;a, as Ht,� knot and he happened to say that ture always results in r Smooth s�her-
{ h i t , ],
„ . ene I've relt anyt in
a �'I bonn�zzP t It fr�rair dowaa.,tair ;' he, weakens the faIt
ns:c , e �r�* c r :'. .� will C,t'rnia*iy lir: t t. �` Alis Emily had drum ten dollars, bet.
T :t�rnn.Il r sells a~ err :net's al�artnrarta •tt. I've never wanted thebig that gs"answered. Ao conn, mil have a leak, s Rinse the fabric well. Do not used ,;
,; is,.-, • r - ,,, 'knows any- i1eir;� from env tiverean, And now--- you eat" see the *Scorpion' quite lis-" vel hot water on wool or silk" Rub I -aches," I' -94a Puliiue excklimed,tl '�-''
t t ver w ,e ht he p q to 'y a The
1 this h• Tree a Dream.
a t.t yrs t sem 0 ng a sa must a avoided r
Gere* demes ^,•v knowledge of a him. Over their head aan €le.tna. mei- g; thered around that nn •stercus d it x <'as Nota thing shall ,go into it that does Kittle green tree. so Villa ;Hud small,
y fabrics. Bath woe and a l4 Are
e k.. t ,t Mize Bowes ft, I thought Oat I
ire evades nit@C T"om5.nn's plea for an nun sto:i � p, at first It war, a stand far a gun but gift, Planted there upon Arbor >i1ay,
s, weak solutron of a'nunonra ns rra�cre
i .. 3 t,, the tee girls and Grime!., Blared. "If you say another word I teeosoope but Goraldane shook oleo! nrtrac, do -rot attack 'sails. and wool
n • n ; veli. lir the lr'- with Gerald ! a111B Zap below.'. Arad. Thera was as troubled eapre=-° e daily.
it e;r ret setas:. to his room to thnidi He remained for a moment gloom -;Sion in her •eyes With 'colored nratei-hI, .avodd use
thine ars, , i `, d i,ineee a r rsiroa, lsra turne it impetuously: away from, tinetly. All the officers' . t be. bi d r est b with tk'eee "I alcove that we standardize s ox.
s_ ,z, r , n nn "h -i .'ain L;ereld- iglu S!
't e F
was 1.1 arkling and crackling. She
structure ort the upper deck.I thoughk solved R i not nn" ¢sure un at leas!: halfway to Standing ceder the school house wall,
thou u her rand outstretch- - sat ed by • strong alkalrs, borax ox,. .
nwaiate marriage. Ile ex ostulate, .1 ,-s.
trough to keep him Gana ,
g R pp v It �.„ y I it isn't„ 'ds with the xc tion of! couldn't afford more, blit I can do it Tell me, w lit are you doing, say?
r .. h i.. enyers for elisr>eatng At.nuxa Y y I cannot listen tray nn.ore, she de ; olive helal vat her ]nand fox the suitable, _-.. Aca u h e 'ten tames as well as she can,” Sa Hrlet "au st Hud, .and sa still yorl
i 9 y"I'll buy the material for dreessee keep,for the little girls," Mrs. EIslie put in I really believe you have goue to p.quickly. The others followed no le:spromptly, "Oh, l'en dreamier, now." said. the lit,"But what ehell we -do with these tie tree,thinge?" Miss Compton asked. Of the pleasant days that are to be,"Rummage sale. Anything you Of the robins aud bluebirds that every
l eneneere
esteig fraen a cupb+aal e ilv eesent. A young officer stepped; '"I suppose it's awfully silly, Cap -of a bleaching agent which will de-
.: e ars then a new van se out .f the wireless room and saluted' taro Granet," she said, "but honestly, stroy the color of the material. Be-
ra� V"r Off.e refr,.en • (;.,rat line, p I don't t think Ralph would take it es
• �••.�. - hie re"*irnent. "Very. . '� cause of this it is much more diffi-
C - he inn u need but I era t And t whet • cult to remove stains from colored
t e . e..... r S try sorry for you people. Mz3, a joke at all if he knew that we were
., ,- t r- ` oa \era," a 1 .. � a.
>7 , up here, trying
"wets •e the 1" e to int
t rn� .f] n mat A 19 . was
materiels• than from -white.
Blood and meat, juice ---Use - cold
, , • has 1 ': afraid id we'll lave to put you on shore. going on "
n• t'•- . c -."4 -"Te-"' a+We've an urgent message here from. Ola , set down the 'telescope
9"i.te rt
:i . s .:
well .
.lit, n �, ti t� `',c. envied.
' Yiah:ve
rinse of A, -era to i . wares.
',:'•„ v a peer •,tat:-.,n':yo tee, of
ti ..l c,,,: ,rrrC a main t .n,
'vee t e
' Ik . -ethyl.. elece . • ? tt t awanlle.
"I ere. '. deer in. one n tee he admit -
tel. 1r; o l e e I 7n 11?tt s, rani'.
She kept her head y1 i ' 1 frenl him.
w et ehre'L er R then, rho ¢disused quire
r•tt ;hat R" ,n s n:'•Il. Site tried
'+e think i _f 'Er ;H eta! :�, to say, seine-
tiiinl; to •i.,.uel tl'e� erit~,usres which
;,a ;sit t: flag -ship to clear off all guests.": Ve
"Bat .•e haven't h.itI lunch Vet!"1I' :I didn't think. of that," she nHur-
..:"1 re-
er, age-reeheive,,
.," Gra .et
ie"e ,tern ire:, ,a:s:,.,ly.
Geraldir.e protested. unwed,
toreyers suu'den y* made his appear -1 Gruner laughed easily;
arae in the gangway, followed bes"Perhaps you are right," be admit- and call water 'bleach if necessary.
l� lige. , ted, "All the same, we are a little Rarosene—LTso warm water and
'\%states the message, Howu.1 exceptionally placed, aren't tine? -his.
he ingulred: sister, his fiancee, and=—" leap.
The offieer saluted and handed over : He broke off .suddenly. A bold bad Lanlphinelc and soot—Use keroeeno
felled piece of paper. Conyers read been laid upon his shoulders A. smallbenzine, chloroform, ether, gasoline or
'carbon tetrachloride,
tiz`ater; soap and call water; or starch( "'Meanwhile while, I move that this own- Will come and sit in my boughs'send
mittee adjourn for one week, To Witt sing.
of little Emily Ilowe's clearing the Oh, plenty of company I shall see
situation like that!" In lay gay green tent,°, said. the little
Bluing—Use boiling water,
Chocolate and cocoa--Uso borax
To Transfer Feathers.
To transfer feathers from one tick-_ '"I am dreaming of all the little girls,
g toe • alongone eel a of In gin ;haul aprons and yellow curls.
rn�aarnathr,rap g
' the old "tick" and leave an opening of That under the shade at my leafy
corresponding sire en the new cover-, boughs,
in'g, loin the edges of the two cow- Will make for themselves a wee play-
! orings and: hang them out of doors on house,
a windy day. The feathers will grade- With nice burr baskets, the dear little
ally work down into the lower portion, souls,
and the transfer can be helped along And pepper -pod teapots and sugar
by an occasional beating. When all bowls.
the feathers have been transferred,
rip the "titles" apart- carefully, pin I aur dreaming of allthe barefoot
That will fill my branches with merry
And climbge, my limbs like an easy stair.
And shake down lay nuts till the
boughs are baro,
I shall
Mock bisque ice cream: One quartWh' en3olly I grozzao theeop." saitide little be t e
medium thick cream, one tablespoon -Elizabeth H. Thtunas. IR
ful of vanilla extract, one teaspoonful
of almond extract, one cupful of
The Rule of Toil.
.t with a. flown anal ste,. ped at one- dark man, waw had come round the
out on to the (leek. He gave a fewt corner of the chimney unperceived,
orders, then he turned back to haswas standing immediately behind him,
;meet ,, I "I must trouble you. for all your
' Girls," he explained, "tied you,' names and. addresses, if you pleas¢,"'
Granet, I'm frightfully sorry but 1; he announced quietly.
can't keep you here another second. The two girls stared at him, dumb -
I have ordered the pinnace round. You; founded. Granet, however, remained
:mitt g eton ere and have lunch at, perfeatly at ]Hi -s ease. He Iain down
the *Ship.'11, cone along as soon as the telescope and scrutinized the ne-w-
I can. Frightfully sarry, Granet, but coiner°
I needn't apologize to you, need I? 1 ""I really don't altogether see," he
War's war, you know, and this is a - remarked good-humoredly, "why 1
matter of urgency;' fi should give my name and addax -as to
"You're not going out this tide?"' a perfect stranger, just because he
Geraldine demanded breaathlessly, i ,.
Conyers s col is The man. opened his coat and lis
Mildew --If fresh, use cold water;
otherwise try 'to bleach with Javelle
water or potassium permanganate.
Paint and varnish --Use alcohol,
carbon tetrachloride, chloroform or
Peregiration--Lilo soap and warm
water; bleach in the sun; or with Ja-
velle water or potassium perman-
Pitch, bar and wheel greaese—Rub
with fat; then use soap and warm
water; or benzine, gasoline or carbon
line fest!. .? be in the atmosphere, aisl.a for t
r;Its,,.. r,.i' 1 her. It was he who. broke h h head, tetrachloride,
", , "t ' c •eh—B1 a h in the shine or.
the t+E.3n�e. 1 It isn't that,"he replied. We z�^e played aH badge S c2 e c sun
""clay I us'e you as question, Mils got some engineers coming over to' ""I cam tin GavernHment cervico, sir.." with Javelle water.
Conyers ;"' ; do some work or, deck, and I've had a l eWell, I ane Captain Granet, (rack
"° . question? Why nc+t" ' I private tip from my chief to clear from the Front with dispatches a few
"Are yen r, -ally engaged to Major out. any guests I may have on board-"! days ago," Greater told him. "This is
Th n:eon?" t, "Is it anything to do with thl:s;, Miss Conyers, sister of Commander
"She :.:1 net answer him at once. wonderful screened -up thing?" Olive Conyers of the ''Scorpion,' and Miss.
She eti,t i;, h, her eyee resolutely turn asked, strolling towards the frame- Olive Moreton,, his fiancee. Wo are
tai a zay x t ora .3_ When at East she work -covered edifice. waiting for Commander Conyers at
;:p-ol.a, 1;+,-r :dire was 6�arct1y rased, Corryccs shrugged. his shorlders. , , the present moment, and we were just
.iene aH ;1hiSiler. 1 "Can't disclose Government seeretsl I looking to see if the pinnace hard
Shoe polish (binelc) Use soap and
water er turpentine.
Syrup -•-Ula water.
.Stove polish—Use cold water and
soap or kerosene, benzine or •gaaseline,
Vaseline—Use kerosene or turpen-
Water—Steam or sponge the entire
f`crtainy I am.," she assented. Between just us four—our friend' started. Is it against the law to use surface of water -spotted materials.
He leaned• a little closer towards Thomson isn't here, is he?" he added, a terescape in Portsmoutih?" Wax—Scrape off as much as pee
her, IIs.- voice soH,m:e:i to her very' smiling,—"we are planning a little The man madae a few notes in his ,stblo. Use French chalk, blotting
,ieep and firm. It was the voice of a Hell for the submarines' pocket -book. Then he opened the paper or other absorbent with a warn
iron, or use benzine or gasoline.
collar remains use alrcohol or bleach.
Coffee and tea (clear) Use beil�in
I wont, that s all. He came along in the Adnhiraity who .gives me a few I 'Ghali have to make a report but I water; bleach if necessary.
l r,•in tcgether tae edges of the part
containing the feathers so that none;
cleat •n oversewn theopening
o, the c erse•�m
with strong, waxed thread.
:roan immensely in earnest, i They glanced curiously at the fl -trapdoor and stood` on one sidle.
I >nn ping to be an awful ratter," terione erection. Granet sighed. "No one is allowed out here, sir,"
he set!. •i suppc$e i ought to tike,, 'Secretive chaps, you sailors," he he maid. "The hotel people are to
'.-ia'LT answer to mw o-jaestme as final. observed "Never mind I have a peal blame for not having the door locked
first but that..s nt everything•. It's a hints row and' then. I shall go and have no doubt that your explanation Crream and milk—Use cold way
r ,„,
fair tient between Winn and me. He um h:nm. d then soap and •cold water..
accepted. ted, Will ou be so oo
hates n: y and lakes no pains to Bide p ”" P .c p , „y g
PDcnt you breathe a word about: as to de,cend please?" Fruit and fruit juices—Use boilin
it. He hates me bemuse I care for having- been on board the `Scorpion,''' Graney struggled to his feet and water; bleach if necessary.
veto you knew that. I cull." 't keep . Cotters begged quickly. "They wink turined towards his companions. Grass ---Use .cold water; soap an
is to n y`e f ere if I RtFal.a. ' at it down here, so long as it's done "The fellow's quite right," he de- 'cold water, alcohol, er a bleach:
She ,re -v a tie away but he forced d,s 'reetly, but it's positively against Bided. "I am .only glad that the Gov- agent. '
her -o loots at MM There was same -'the rules, you know." eminent are looking after things so. Grease and oils -Use French chalk
t.. - else 'ae='i'ze• appeal in her eyes• ; °'Rightol'' Granet agreed. "There The Admiralty are much more go- blotting paper, on other absorbent
-You've been the victim of a nils- : isn't a soul I'm Iikely to mention it ,ahead in this. way than we are. I
tere" he ;n .,ste-i, his hand resting ,andownor warm water and soap, or • a'solin
til hers I dent believe that you t "I'll came over to the "Ship' as soon theefront�toeSo tl ue'a ear
uniesl we 'benzine or 'carbon tetrachloride.
r. y care for him at all. He doesn't as 1 can get away," Conyers prone- under arrest?"' he added pleasantly, Iodine—Use warm water and soap
er . the right sort for you, he's so'. :sed. turning towards the man who had ac -alcohol or arumonda. •
r.. h older and graver. You must They raicecl across the mile of costed them. Iron—Use oxalic acid, hydhachlor'
#•t: save me, please, if I have said more broken water to the landing -stage. ""you are at liberby to do wihartever acid, 'salts of leavon or lemon juice
They were all a li'tbie silent. Olive you pllelase, sir," was the polite reply.
was frankly disappointed, Geraldine ""In any case, I think it would be quite
busywith herthoughts. Grant's
was wl g useless of you to wait for Commander
gaze seemed rivetted upon the "Scor- Conyers."
pion." Another pinnace had drawn "Why?" Olive asked quickly.
up alongside and a little company of "The 'Seorpdon' has just received
men were beaeding her. orders to leave on this evening's tide,
"I only 'hope that they really have m,adanv," the man announced. "You
hit upon a device to rid the sea of can. -see that'she is moving even now."
these cursed submariners!" he remark- • They 'looked out 'aerosis the harbor.
ed, as they made their way across the The •smoke was pouring from the Am -
dock. "I see the brutes have taken nets of the destroyer. Already she
to sinking fishing boats now." had swung around and was steaming
"Ralph believes that they have got slowly towards the Channel.
soma -thing," Olive declared eagerly. "Sahle''s off, right enough!" Granet
"He is simply aching to get to work" exclaimed. "Nothing left for us, then,
`, ;. ;: . "Sailors 'are all so jolty sangnine," but London."
Gnanet reminded; her. "They are do- (To be continued.)
Ing something pretty useful with nets',
of course, in the way your brother Trade in Sea Water.
was beginning to explain to me when A London business firm is earrying
Major Thomsen chipped in, but they on a profitable trade—in sea water!
could only keep a fixed' channel clear Trawlers are sent regularly from
in that way. What they really need
is some wary of tackling them when London to the Dogger Bank to collect
they are under water. Here we are. at sea water for London hospitals and
hast. I hope you gia'1's arm as hungry doctors. -
as I am?! As a natural medicine .. for nasal
They laiiiuched in leisurely fashion, troubles. and infantile cholera, this
{:live' in particular glancing often to- new remedy is in great demand; it is
-nares the door, and afterwards they also used for injectiotts for rhou-
sat about in the lounge, drinking mutism.
their coffee. Gianet had seemed to be
in liiigh a spirits throughout the meal, Specially fitted -out vessels are used
and told the girls merny little antic to collect the Dogger Bank sea` water,
dotes Of his adventures at the Pront. which is remarkably free from con-
Afterwal•ds, however, he because sill tamination. After the water• is col-
ent, and finally, with a word of ex- jetted it is' sealed, and kept in ice un-
a,ase. strolled off alone. Olive looked til its arrival in port.
once more tat the clock. -
"Ralpli, doesn't seem to be coming
back, '.dues he?" she sighed. "Let's
walk a little way down to the landing-
sti.•ge,,' ,
The two girls strolled out a'nicl made
their wary towards the harbor. The;
caul.d see the "Scot^scion" bur, there
was zoo sign of any-piinnace leaving
her. Reluetanatiy they turned back
towards the Motel.
"I wonder .what's become of Cap-
tain Granit?" Olive, asked.
Geraldine stopped electet. There was
a ]little fro'wri- gather{i upon hes; fore -
For many years
physicians have pre-
scribed yeast for the
correction of certain
physical disarrange-
ments, such as boils,
constipation, pimples
and intestinal troubles.
Royal Yeast Cakes
are rich in vitarnines
and serve to tone up.
the blood. Royal.
Yeast- Cakes are. on
sale in practically every
grocery store. Bernd
name and.. address for
free copy "Royal
Yeast Cakes for
Better Health."
ISSUE No. 27--'2•i
What Sam Was Worth.
A witty .writer - and speaker, ' Mx.
George Harvey, the new United States
Amiyassador 'in London, appreeiates a
good story. His favorite concerns a
Negro who applied for a job. The em-
ployer seemed satisfied, so Sam :said:
"How much will you give rue, boss?"
"I'll give you`What you're worth:"
That's no good. 1':n getting more.
than: that now," Sam replied prompt-
head. She pointdd'up, to the roof of Minard's Liniment for Burns, etc:
.. tike' .... ..
Ink—If applied! at once sweet milk
will remove every trace of ink stain.
Standardized. • }
The conwmlittee of the Women's
Auxiliary of the Elm Valley Church
had met in •the Sunday -school room to
pack their 'annual missionary box. A
strained silence hung over -the .room,
and as bundle after bundle wars open-
ed the silence 'grew more eloquent.
"There' -s Mrs. Wade'Is to come," said
Mrs. Purdue hopefully. "She always
sends something -gooelt"
"I suppose et's the way everybody's
been sending to Europe and alai; Mlss
Coznrpton remarked. -
"I feel ashamed of what I :brought
myself," Mrs. Elsli'e put in, "but it's
been Iso 'hard these four yearns—"
"There's • Mrs. Waicte's carr now," e
watcher announced eagerly.
Mrs. Pue+dbb'e hurried to, the door,
and the chauffeur 'handed her a large
Back in the Sunday -school room the
women crowded about -while Mrs. Pur-
due out the coed. The bundle contain-
ed a miscellaneous' assortment of
shabby evening gowns and slippers, a
couple of vases, an elaborate subscrip-
tion book .aged a yellow pincushion:
The first wealth is health:
Sicknes1 is poor -spirited, and
can not' serve any one; it must
husband its' resources tb live.
But health or fullness answers
its own ends,, and has to spare,
runs over, • and inundates the
neighborhoods and creeks ' of
other men's nocess�ities Emer-
Ice Cream and Water Ices.
brown bread -crumbs, three-quarters
of a cupful of sugar. Some men to -day are trying to set
Staid half the cream, add the aside an old, old rule, it was framed
sugar, allow to cool, then addremain-
ing cream and flavorings. Chill and
freeze; when the mixture reaches a
thick, mushy consistency, open the
freezer and stir in the bread -crumbs.
Continue the freezing to insure thor-
ough mixing, remove the dasher and
Almond macaroons are used for the
genuine bisque ice cream, but crumb-
ed' brown bread makes a satisfactory
substitute. When several flavors are
inin the bo
use icecream as
recipe, allow more time for the ripen-
ing or blending. have not deserved them. But the ex -
Peach ice cream is made with five cotton merely proves the rule.
cupfuls of milk, or half milk and half
cream, three cupfuls of sugar, six
peaches juice and the juice of one lemon.
Pare the peaches, mash and mix with
the sugartand lemon -juice. Scald one-
half the quantity of milk, cool and
mix with the other ingredients, then
freeze. Three cupfuls of strawberries
or red raspberries can be, substituted
for the peaches, or a can of crushed
pineapple can be used. Fruit must
be thoroughly mashed or crushed, or
it will freeze into pellets. '
Water -ices are delicious but lack
the food value found in ice cream,
therefore are less desirable for chil-
dren. In making water -ices, boil the
sugar and water together for just
five minutes by the clock, and remove
the scum while hot, strain the syrup
through a fine cloth and -cool before
adding the fruit juice. Pack the
freezer as for ice cream. Turn the
crank slowly. for a few, Minutes, then
rest five minutes, turn slowly again,
and rest, etc., until the mixture is
frozen hard: It takes much longer•to
freeze water -ices than ice cream.
When you can turn no longer take out
the daslide and beat the water -ice
well with a paddle. - Then repack as
with 'ice cream.
' Orange water -cite: Add to the syrup
made with one pound of sugar and a
pint of water, the juice of six oranges
and one lemon. Boil a few strips of
the yellow orange rind with the
M these wards in a very old book, read
by old-fashioned people now and then:
"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou
eat bread, till thou return unto the
ground." '
The things on which a high value
is set are the things that come by ea
tort. We appraise a house, a statue, -
a book, a. symphony, a bridge,'a rail-
road, a city, by the effort spent to -
build it. A citizen is honored who has
added one day to another to make a
lifetime of service. The rule is that
we must earn what we get.Sometimes
by accident prizes go to those who
Grape water -ice is excellent and -is
made with one pint of grape -juice
and the juice of one lemon added to
the syrup made, with one 'pound of
sugar and a pint of water.
Frozen strawberries: One quart of
berries mashed with three -cupfuls of
sugar, the juice of one large lemon,
six cupfuls . of water. ' - Make a syrup
of the sugar and water; add the fruit,
mix and freeze.
Frozen cherries require three pints
of cherries to a pound of sugar and
a pint of water. Pit and mash the
cherries, crack a 'dozen of the pits and
rub the kernels to a paste, then add
the paste to the cherries. Let this
anixture stand one hour. Make 'a syrup
With the sugar and water, strain the
fruit and add the juice to .the syrup.'
Place the mixture in the freezer and
When the workers in a factory say,
as they said in Russia, "Let us get rid of
the bo
ss and un thebusiness our-
s s
selves," they may get rid of an indi-
vidual, but they cannot dispose of a
The law they attempted to dethrone.
was that of the reward of merit and
the survival of the fittest.
Days of toil and nights of worry are
put into the upbuilding of a flourishing
concern. e n. The irresponsible,
shared nothing of the labor and anx; m-
ty and took their pay securely, do not
see that in denying any man the
chance to rise by his own determined
effort to a post of leadership they deny
a chance to all.
They 'wish to seize the fruits of an-
other's travail. He has accumulated
and they pounce on his property and
divide the spoil: If -they have a right
to take that which they have not earn-
ed, oilers have 'the same right to come
to thei- and deprive thein of their
sto'en goods.
Thf.i world is not safe for democracy
till the right of a man, be he poor or
rich, to his own. property is assured.
We cannot live by robbing one aro
other. It will never be right that
some who have` snoozed in the shade
while others were sweating in the sun
should rise up and take by force what
the workers have earned and put by.
M!nard's-Liniment' for Dandruff.
An eminent physician was trying to
bring back to consciousness a woman
who had a stroke. dor a long time the
efforts seemed to be invain, for her
utterances were only the ravings of
delirium, but all at once sbe sat up in
bed and looking straightat thedoctor
she Cried out:
"Oh, yin._ Runny :odd man!
"Ah," said_:the doctor•, cheerfully,
`izow Mae s beginning- to talk sense."
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