HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-7-7, Page 4The Exeter Advocate Sanders & Creech Proprietors eaessesee Subscription Price -In advane e $1,50 per year in Canada.; $2.0 ft the `shite, States. All subsaraptie s not paid in advance 50e. extra charged. 11 -11:11S -DAX,. JULY' ' . :eat Dashwood d'; e ale. setsek wise erelae-iia;'s I een„ wee es letteas ea. MJ.^,a Sei w.- ca: ave , elas y9- ne r"+rte ea e . ;a,..1! n.•B ..t ..:`' :>: Fr*, ...:I.e. a e' a, _perreieleesseen T.. - eel ;vete ea.e, ♦ es r.1 .G•'.a ih11. , , :7. - t e.. enateeri :ae,t+'s y 1e'era .'t,..; .3 .'easeaa. a) >.r. ze- e er ,;stew Fester *H a.esae a' '4' i" s :ya •'vet er. ai;fi Wit-,tt„ TM- , TM a.rger Ze r',a: $ "oe w r` Ne as 4' d He ke ea . 6 2a, a *.ss erbu 3r /SYSr. g tea enc ,. teenee ea s ata S 'fi i sea t e.earne : Oaess..ar,: ti ;a«t ▪ "' zee--+ G,w :-, » : iereter �a ,'pais-e:rens Isere.' larva. e t,. til y :a:arena tap eat 11 ee a let: I: -.) :e eut ar. tee tomea: l.,. Fr, d J. eieatteee freem se;ne url;no son. T ,he:.sax seen ,t arinted and eZ bye pre:tinit aid e ties- pseopla 'ite heeding was seved. ton,;tier:tia1r dw, n ee wee done tee the interior se rk us :iat our t n 11;.e.NisL*i Death o▪ : Mrs. Br ew:>.-Th.• death €tf ehe, Brow:r oe urretl t, LI)t kerne ef ear deueehaeee, firs, F. Jen- nings :LLn ngs gen re es Js Medford cur Sunday, The r.erne.ne were brought to her aormer home hers from which the Serve sl 'rFiat, pt ee on Tuesday after - neer. ftor..neer. ,o the GU teen Linrn tery Rei>er. u' Prt>moton ExaminaL'aas- Rea;rr II -Sr, iII., TO:a1 marks $35 Pees mark. 501; Anna 'Malan 657, Eugene 'I' iia et)3, Harold Kellerman 543. Lambe~: Witmer 521, Kenneth «Veen. 511, C1arer.c,. Fischer 450, Hate rg Harteib 341. Jr, III., Tectal :narks 775, Pass mak 435; Harry Heitman: 512, Grate 'Guenther a 4e , Fltssse I..l,.:rutiv.r 441 Edna Wilds 415,.3wa► t Wjliere 411, Jeanette St a hagea 372. II. ,..)til maks 625, pass 375; Marguerite _te Held 5u0, Theada Hayter 476. Lou ,Hey Burmeister 462, Ethel! Har Leib 461, tI�'dred White 455, Aaron'. Re s:ersey:" 451. Martha Graupner450'. F1-:e,e Gu.n.h:< 447, EL;'a Merner 434, v^rdon Bender 433. Eddie Ha anaaher 42.0; Clarence Pfaff 400, Ian L p• s • . 391. Nelda Fasseld 354. Mar - gaze. :. s.er 37S, Leneel Bea Ser 352 Pz. • ander 333, \Z alle Eve1and 318, Floyd s "get .9Q, Earl Wiener 27e. Jr. ].. Total marks 550, pass mark 330 Selma Guen:ner 379, Garnet Burmeis- ter 341 ,Lnuzs Zimmer 300, Louse Stau'. bus252, Adam Stire 179. C. Edmesto,z, teacher. The Needless Misery. That Women Bear WHEN the house- hold cares and the worries of everyday life have drag- ged you down, I. made you happy, andllµ ,. there is nothing pa- in life but headache, back- ache and worry,. turn to the right prescrip- tion,+one gotten up by Doctor Pierce over :fifty years ago. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., 'long since found out what is naturally -best for wom- en's diseases. He learned it :all thru treat- ing thousands. of eases. The result of bis studies was a, medicine called Dr. Pierce's F a v o r tare 'Piescription. 'This med girlie is 'tirade of vege- •Mable groi tths th yt nature surely intented for backache, headache, weakening;' pains, 'andfor many ,disorders common to women in . aifi -ages of life. • Sold by druggists "' do tablet . and liquid form: Send Dr. Pierce -1.0c. for trial package. Lucan ,M�ie,IM S'ti ez +'gt to Haskete aged L>9. who la3-] leis hip E- li tit ed er Str a,:a*n t be be,.'*e,, st-Hell by a ra. c .art ie laic watehino,, the tee es Den : ere Ilse-, was a nes. ssa'+rt.. here Se,.:d y, t" Grand Bend sr .r; e ,.,-.. - . _ x , Nee :: •, :': Y"' . -a':'+, ; 1♦ etes R-:,te a ii a ',.;".'r pe) '\ : r ."m .L ; ' ,a * ei i So as B ea gate, '. 'Laietereer ;neem Rt: Sr les. s-# ,',.e.sed ii a ,.,ti; " :7, , :sena e ; Hay S k 4. -Lay lx se^ • se rase:° Usborne rsetrerel oce a: ..:tin. r.. _. ees- : Li:ac• ct, they as be etas ief SrIV Aia.,Sbei c Strang.Mleaaei :",.,., .i er atarr. 4r . - 'i". S."a e l r ] , lame >,� N rseh gals,. 4b : ser/ Hai e ri. , Weed.' Bare:4 i cities laa-v v lisde lea Mfxir er i.4 : inar;ece, Bim, t e: , : Oke. Jr ii ervr-n Dunn, Re:a tOkse Cee etreala. Jeek tier oce Kathie:. [ ii, ! o.,z..t Hyde G ,`^ tree: Sr 11 Eva Sea, Archie Watering- on, aterin g - I'" Har, Par Meer ]r Primer, B'' tire' Herrn, Aires E'h2: ten, kadon Kadin; ny. i‘1yra E. Morgan, °ea: er. .Stephen SCHOOL REPORT OF S. S. NO. 4, S•ea--Prometina Exareinet ores - The led vizi pass, -Jr 1L" G ideas i'4 exaet of 1, Leer. rd Wein- 5S4, Lor- ene:: e wa .-. 533 ; Jr. III, Erma Fah- nee- 530, RuheI ober 521. arena Sta- les 511 `.,.::teen Mo Hoek 43S, Roy S. warty tat ed, 347; Sr.IL. Selma Ra- le: horrses 521, Irene 'ride "re 496, Arnold Besker 45Leo yd L d i er a-5 .t ,a , jr, ll.a k'taM i,,,- e , 45La ^aa. , e _aleree.ne 433; Jr. ab., Lorene beams 41:3, Thema Weber 4e7. Greta Beaker 330...-15 ,a M=',_ E:htere, --ach- er. TUCKERS.%IITIH-T e home of Mr. and :firs A'- cur Roz t:edge was on June 2.9th the scene o; a most harm- ing June Wedding, when. -a r niece. Miss Phoebe Isabella Verna a nox was united in, marriage to Mr. Reba. Mc - Clare. eaea Jackals and Crocodile Eggs. Jackals aid byeaas are very fond of :rocodile eggs. The former is the more successful'poaelier of the two. Na- tives of central Africa say that the jackal has sixteen eyes, with one of which he watches the eggs and with tare fifteen others be looks out for the 2rocodiie. The hyena, on the other hand, .being very greedy, bas all his eyes on the eggs and so often 'fails as victim to the watcbfui crocodile in mo- tionless hiding The natives say, too, that the crocodile sometimes knocks its prey off. the :bank or off, the canoe with its tail and then seizes it with its wide oi>en jaws. The Earth and Man compared. If it were possible for a man to con- struct, a globe 800 feet in height -much less than twice the height of the Washington monument -and to place 1pon any portion of its surface an atom one four thousand three hundred and eightieth of an inch in diameter and one one hundred and twentieth of an inch in height, it would correctly denote the proportions man bears to the gigantic globe upon which he stands. . Lazy Larks. Investigation `has ruined the lark's reputriition for early rising. That much .eiebrated -bird is quite a sluggard, as it does not rise Mill long after chaf- Andres, linnets and a number of hedge- row birds have been up and about for some time. Pa's Weakness. Little Nell -=You've got a good papa, Willie. Willie.--Paain't so bad, but 2 ,wish'lle, w,aeit t so much in love with mamma i ,.he believes, everything she says about.me. G M1inotoneus.' "Why donoti call your hotel the fireakers sng 'more:"' "Aw, everybody bad to crack an al- leged joke as .be.paid. his bill" -Louis - ;dile cot! riegi.tourum.. s:• NEVIS TOPICS OF SEE irrtsortant Events VYhieh. Have Occurred During the Week. he Busy World's ilnl>pe)ilugs. care- fully Coutpiled and Pitt into Hand) and r>ttrnetive Shape for the Readers of ()IIx taper ,-. A Solid Honr's E:r nevment, TUESDAY. Canedian .gad l • a, Rotarians are visiting Paris. The Leas won their sixth eonse- .al ae e ieto s, 13tintor get 5\ i tee'r 4> tee ie ;t Glc:e...deed. ,., • erret ;1a.S t " Y2"•'4°+.A. ,�.t-r" ece Ile r:a to:stereo, Britain i s. eere leant nee.; ts= et ng a 'efe to /rat Keeeee aree :ger. . e es- ir: et zee ed • . . .t. Ter$ to s< reti• a::.-ses- 1S. R --- _., .• k M • .i•. .,.ediecil::tl isieeeeresd its:* •nihil 6t1F A3Ee ix • y e. ei i how to pet crimp eu leitxt, ee oil et r,it.aa s leen rsere „s: 9 TMresetrae'ilt0 of Ar:s ,a '' s. recti; 1. gaud , h fete ei .s ,dT«e ti' 4 St lei els P' -;24n ea -emelt. Ter a -ca "w.ts,• aw : -:ea tit Dee a'r . A.. 4:,e4.:z; ..3 +:t).,rter- Stan t' .` r eU e'.:",:;_ . 'ta eeauforth • yx Tenser .N '+ A� !, l HAW iillwki SlR. Rtl'o.n - were i2 Sea56. sntl.pa!r d watt. $2-6e.e95 itn the fares insult y ear. Verset' liell.otte dies from injuries received ,.: arena ;a e tight et Whale or with haunt a dezt'i: other alien. Salartee of 3Ain eters Sat the Pro- yiitCi l Go Re" .n:=r'to and intlemnities of te.e mbere a !'V4l Legisla- tures, are aatel t•st ineol« a tax,. ie the judt3',me& t of Hoe. Mr. Justice .r7.u- dette, of the Exchequer court. 1,1EDNEsI)A2w *• Printers of Montreal aro demand- ing the 44 -hour week. University of Toronto stadiumis. being practically rebuilt. Ridley cricket eleven was beaten. by Germantown, Pa., 98 to 82. Reformers are trying to prevent the Dempsey -Carpentier bout, Power is to be given President Harding to put duty on lumber: The College 01 Physicians and Surgeons opens annual Meeting'. Effort to be made to direct elni- gration from Britain to Dominions. Anglo -Japanese Treaty Is before the Conference of Dominion Pre- miers. The commission investigating the Matheson fire of 1916 makes interim ,report, Thomas Bell, R.C,M.P. constable, Regina, walk' in front of train and is killed.. Rev. W. R. 1 salts f resigns as y g as - P for of the West Presbyterian Church, Toronto. Mistaking carbolic acid for medi- cine, Henry St. Amend, Buckingham, Que., dies. Archbishop Worrell resigns his see of Nova Scotia to become Bishop of Bermuda. Thomas Morris, Oshawa's veteran town clerk and treasurer, dies at the age of 78. British coal miners' strike has been ended - men start work on Monday. Rain halted Toronto -Jersey City game in the sixth inning, the Leafs losing 2-1. Dr. Lynch of Saskatoon flew 7 0 miles in 57 minutes and saved a pa- tient's life. The Faculty of Medicine is ar- ranging a course of special studies for .doctors. Dr. H. S. Griffin, Grand Z of Royai Arch Masons, Hamilton physician, dies suddenly. Congress conferees agree on form of resolution to end war with Ger- many and Austria. John Wanner of Strasburg, aged 18, instantly killed while unloading logs near Nese Dundee. , THURSDAY. The New York Kitties beat Boston twice.. Big Bill Haywood is returning to America. Quebec police and firemen's strike is settled. Lady Randolph Church dies after an operation. Babe Ruth made his 28th homer of the season. Ridley College cricketers beat Ard- more C. C. 181 to 48. Algonquin won the Dominion Plate' event at Hamilton. Elmer Farr, five years old, drown- ed in the river at Brantford. Germans are angry that TJ -boat murderer is placed in irons, Eamon de Valera refused to at- tend a conference in London. Miss Elisabeth Ryan qualified to play for theBritish-tennis title. , - Cloudburst floods many Toronto streets and cellars and. imperils I lives. A petition asking clemency in the case of Wm 3fcraddYen is largely signed.:: Sir James Craig, Premier of Ul- ster, declines invitation from De Valera. The Ontario Motor League gave an outing to 1,300 children in Benglt.. Pr9noast, aged 15; Three avers- drowSod sciaile bathing. in St, Lawrence. eeeleee. Edgar Pepin, 22 years old, drown- ed in the St. Charles, near , Quebec, while bathing: - '. Mrs., J A. Mohlin, .;while waiting to pay flea t ,, ;• ,•' r V aticotrver, ;. dropped, dead Lord 13,, e4 of 1 i +.• . Canada's new lovernor-General, is t-.> land at Que- bee August 11. 1 Edward Bruce Bates. for 41 yearn employed in Ottawa post offiee, died at the age of 72 Mr, 3Ic1iati at radial probe opines that the limes should pay for teem- -elves in iftj: years. - Annie Brown, aged 4, was trilled when lightning strikes grandfather's house near Cornwall. Ont. The Aero Club is to raise a fund for a monument perpetuating the glory of Canadian war filers. � "tlenrpts ?;o1~ Iiprevtnt.ID:1Y, the big fight, failed. Pittsburg won two games from c'ineinnati. Dodge won the Wentworth Handi- eat) at Hamilton. A statue of Washington was un- . ltid in London. Si: James Craig will not accept 1alera's invitation. 'Teeny" y" 1:=oltl outpointed "Teddy" Jcas s-. in le rounds. t*.'.det Corps gather at Niagara ;;a for training. Tea- eto ,;.tot= til=> Fayelle French iii lee a great re=ception. T' War Vete r tees' Masonic Lodge $ testate:tett in Toronto. isyrecetse beset -eta! team defeated 1 the A.k af$ en Thursday. i to ted, :art - n, Swath lfriea. poll Play •a for the British tennis title. ' man was killed by an auto at Lesee dte the driver war arrested. Former President Taft becomes `'.,%1° cane-' of the 1,Hated States. .sr:el ,ase ,. • evidence idence at the Leipzig rest rtl. t-n.slas murdered pris- • rS, ;:t° .Jcalm 11<. Burke,C.S.P., ap- .'rise rt'eror of Nf'wpian Hall, Toronto. Wm. C. Nixon has been aPPointed, Agent -General for Ontario in Great Britain. ..^.n inquest is to be held oat the dv chill cat the late Lady Randolph Chur Ft^sults of Faculty of .Music exam- s. I'niversity of Toronto.. are ennouneed. Si: Robert Horne says work and production are only remedy for trade eonditions. SATURDAY. The coal strike in Britain virtually at an end. The fluteh held monopoly of Dial - rat oil Ileitis. Sterling exchange closed in New York at $3.72 N,. My Dear won the National Handi- cap run at Hamilton, Milted States railway workers on duty under wage Gut. St. Catharines O,A,L.A. seniors beat the Beaches, 7 to 4. France sends note to Britain on situation in Asia Minor. Henri Beprado, 12 years old, drowns in Ottawa river. Premier Drue'y addressed V. F. O. picnic at Windham Centre. Kemal's agent denies ` that Cos- sacks are in Angora army. Belleville -Prince Edward county bridge becomes free of tolls. No. 2 Stationary Hospital estab- llsbed headquarters in Ottawa. Premiers' Conference favors tri- partite agreement on Pacific. The Ontario Medical Council ex- amination results are published, Mr. Arthur Henderson, British Labor leader, plans to visit Canada. The n nete i enthnnua a 1 Horse Show In Toronto wan a complete success. The French mission is the center of many interesting functions In Toronto. Bentley, Baltimore, leads Inter- national League batsmen and pitchers. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King ad- dresses a Liberal meeting at Brome, Quebec. " The Dominion Day regatta in To- ronto attracted a tremendous crowd on Friday. Two young women were drowned at Fisherman's Island, Toronto, while attending a picnic. MONDAY. The Leafs lost in Buffalo on Sun- day by 3 to 0. Toronto Scottish won the Ontario Cup final, a to 1. Semenoff Is getting ready for the struggle in Siberia. W. T. Tilden retained the British tennis championship. U. S. is building submarine fleet to cost $130,004,000. Mrs. Debeck, the oldest woman in B. C., dies, aged 107. A London butcher is badly beaten by robbers in a lane. Gen. Smuts is likely to visit Ire- land to aid the peace move. The Anglo -Sap treaty automatical- ly continues for one year. - - De Valera. and Southern lanionist` delegates meet in Dublin. Riversides beat Weston by 7 to 6 in an O.A.L.A. senior game, The French Mission was given a big reception at Hamilton. Five coroners have been appointed to conduct all Toronto inquests. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King ad- dressed a meeting at Beford, Que. Toronto women writers are guests in week -end' journey to Niagara. Peel Battalion (23.4th) will donate fund to dependents of fallen men. The biggest cadet camp ever held in Canada opened to -day at Niagara. A conference is calked of all •inter- ested in building to plan for revival, Jack Dempsey knocked out 'Georges` Carpentier in " the fourth round. Louis Williamson drowns while swimming in the Humber river, Toronto. . A negro w;a$-arrested :in Toronto after wielding a razor on a:man who may die of Wounds. Twd Toronto people were killed and sin= others :.injured -1 is ran auto accident near=Winona: Rev-.' Dr. Shields of Jarvis Street Baptist Church, Toronto;' tells hie congregation he will not resign his pulpit,,' Dominion Steel set earnings for the year ended Mauch 31 were $4,-. 668,311, against 33,261,813, in, the year preceding. FLAVOUR IP -the charm of is in its ue flavour rich . _. ... q _. _.. _- _ av o ' � �_ deco-acy; And It never varies. All grocers sell "Salada" in sealed metal packets only. 5836 AreYouTi g of rrave lin rrilE Travellers' Cheques issued by this Bank are' payable (without delay for identification) at all. the principal points in Canada, the United States, Mexico, West Indies, South America or Europe either. through one of our 535 branches or by thel�pond- gats who represent us throughout the world You will.fittd,these cheques a very convenient and IndsIndsway e carrying your #'uLads. rod THE CANADIAN BANK . OF COMMERCE M RC. PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND RXETER BRANCH, l A $15,000,001 ;15,000,000 iapman, <elannager. 1110,1.4.11, Incorporated in 1S55 ;CAPITAL RESERVE $9,00000 Over 130 Branches THE MOLSONS BANE The Molsons Bank wants every farmer to feel that he has a real friend in the manager, that be will receive a hearty welcome and can safely discuss with hint his matey needs. t" ^>,r; s t. r�rti. ,. i . ,. t,urgari5.', EXETER, BRANCH T. S. WOODS Manager, Centrali `Branch open for business daily. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch. Established 1893 Reference'; any Bank or Mercantile Agency CREAM SWEbT OR SOUR -WE WANT IT, We are paying at the present time. 32c lb. of butter fat delivered at any shipping station 30c,.' ib. of butter fat over Territory where we have a system of collecting by trucks. Payment made on Fourth Day after the Shipment Received, Cans supe lied freer BOWES CO. LIMiIThD, 70-76 ,Front St. E. Toronto. Our Capital fully Haid up in $756,0QQ.00 E SELL GILSON''7 FARM EQUIPMENT BACKED BY SI Mr YEARS' EXPERIENCE) DOMINANT IN QUAL. ITT AND SERVICE' Sixty' yearn of leadership --of • giving good value; heaping satisfaction and real service! That'swhy the Gilson, name wins respect and confidence .from coast. to coast. :That's why we are proud to sell this dependable farm equipment. THE GILSON ENGINE All slaw Costs Yon Nothing The famous Gilson "Goes LLke Sixty" En- gine -any size for any -.purpose -can be pur- chased on the easy payment plan. ',);et it pay for itself. Its : economy and depend- ability have made it the biggest selling en- gine in Canada. pet us demonstrate on your farm. ' HYLO SYLO 11111 • I?a , m .trot erre; acs The Rylo S¢lo" insures sweet; fresh; succulent en. silage down toAbe last forkful. It is built to last indefinitely. Exclusive patented features of de- sign and construction explain why the nyto is chosen byfarmer, the diPasenmin; stingPays for monorails the best fertilizer. You have it, itself int the first season. Use it! The best. Manure Spreader made is Then year after year, pays the Gilson. Why? It has a wide spread, 100 per cent, profit on It is low down. It has light draft It will ygnr anresftment, Can •take &•real load, It is free from clutches, you beat it? tae geplsand all complicated parts. ' Cale leqanudipeemenour t i'i lui strAastte'ddeaauledrnaareainlNrB,.i,Hr: i°e-vofiannsd Tmraakcfoe nyouWo.d Saawo:i,Grinders, PunpJacks, BeltipR, ate. Write Foe Catalog, • . Made in Canada and Guaranteed , ; GILSON MFG. Limited - by CO., dGUELPH,' ON7': Call and See Nearest Dealer Oren 8. Winer, - Credito b, Ont: "The Wonderful Gilson" stands supreme. More Gilson Silo Fillers weres old in Canada yearlast any other e. It lar- antedto be the Iihtestunniugblower- cutter made. Be independent -get a Gilson Silo Filler. and 811 your own sato-with your own engine, 4 h•p• 'or larger -at the proper time, when your corn Lias the greatest feeding value. THE GILSON SPREADER ti