HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-7-7, Page 2tea' 0 ape THE SUNDAY SCHOOL i The rations for the :vitae pig fora ... . Meat t�.Fs, t331kare, or 51i,m-nil:l� _ .. to titles -to insure summer production• weaning may be responsible n +,- development rat o'f meet Ire alaz!aa'e i71 suffeieut q.lan few weeks s,tbcequert and prior JULY 10. .. - : -' In a lame f Teo mien hen:; have teasel! laying measure for. the later developn e r� y au a the .mal. Iropi p'er feeding at this Saul the Pharisee A�cls 7: 54; S: 3; 22° 3, e 26. 4 51, 9,10 - - and. are +Ealy to be culled because =n: , frequently causes ii'reparabla� e attcns to Faocen h tol e ,�cdress, ccmmz,it c. Treatment of Tera 'feats, Golden Text 1. Tim. 1: 15. �IFits:, '3 gciebaide S# �4'est. Toronto,. their ivAi1't• help them a ,' tem. thus molting is pat off until fall, harm, and the fee?ing ability of the!• Connecting Linke-The Jewish sect j reed' :with thins the wort of life, the' !largely the length of the rotation. r and n ., Pri3v `caretaker. ma be most a'eeurately of the Pharisees to which Paul be- 3 story of Jesus ministry of love• and of ,,.c Je_y ..0 tc g Tna mopish fowl is not, neeessa . , •; acted dee:, r•- ann;7t'be e_ ll,' bringing the•1 d had •t Elgin in the secondiSis death and resurrection, Zhe fire r twoGta . attire c p sic:~ but it is out of condition, Taken J } - . , � A Christ, in the oppose � was not Siting➢u.,hed, eine.' two cr three sears hay, f b it ire noel: Fi•d laced on a good through this erit~cal time century befo h fr'nz t oc P � •' inert of man who lveie�spremcl into a grit l 'd' h b d ill Y When a cell tt .1'S c :t upon, ba - , . el judged ,b :s succi s In - onge , a its o of :1a1 for- ie but stirred and : 1v,�311er •� Ft ant lvi ening cd .!vete ora ,.,:,r! t.ta„ �f nee. ti r.i, 1 killed t •;`Asuccessful t" meg t e e- tion on e 1,a , S \ • i.E T: ` .3- . t ,1." . 1, V the ,tit en. < . • a h £ th anti law to tha introduction 1 22 1 f I tlour�l with +� t• -go. ,.. ,t, ed, C • a k d� Greek religion, and was front h steps time the clovers are at i- e !stat for a few clays will often ration s .,are be �17i brass '� ol3s: � strangiy attached to the ancient Jaw- ante, . ,Salons toward Gad.. It ^ , , o. e Vii* t ontai ilia in ]s al T 'looked , i e, T § of Glee ideas, ' l the o'f the castle p'. off wive; r t .a. \ , ➢ ! he atter !et t• a • n be for, ,., .Ia,ae part a faro as little cl7an,ed• i tbef d ' l 1 G k # This lcoppositionre religion, ,Lan ,! Anton It in Jel trsalem, after he had 0 e eirE,. , h rii gFil,se_ t',. better wer>c than owing with me.,a- s.r,bed as fG i^ •a tiler 1 light growth of4 1. FR silt' Dig2>t z _ • ,' � �"- .�.. ' ti- •,. rr•171 a` Grein fetid, size:::• e in liberal � a tom- er'a mind; xee time etas }sitter f. been rescued from the nigh which t l 1! !i `'➢t •p l a zee e from tl e z z th t f persecution, into z sE,v i.' t :� w: ,.,. _ ..• r.! res ras::lre :s a.. , � ,<ln a zine o per , .,t tf . ,, -l`tua:=t:Fs. Iia:,;, grans, ca *:I>Q as k` '.:` ..;m,x �fi1kR Jewish Patriots' would have taken his life, that Paul F d f f al o➢ conflict, winch Jev pit ne of the a words, , .., .it s a,. ahe o he 1 1 •re of lay, -e•• �d d r3 ypeak fought f dependence ilgalrst t sp ke :a i f'.^.r n .: i s :S in 11 :i<;., e : •,_ nzorh used , illi .,�. ,- . z �rC ©Te tD • ,,•• � COtI' ie , In >� coin. .. _ ds He gives his per. "..-:. , f' £'..;'_➢C,°' two r ii fP :raps , green , niedi-, is uesurgasese- ,^_n gene:. _l -, •oug or i:] been ailiuser- ,, ,...; ! a , • . i3facet Grein teed !las a „G ia1 , Greek kings of Sy-ria,'secutoi•s credit for g d' u, s ale . :::,::.G , .:; -- \ t in -int+ : year S� ,R.. -07.44'd etae, expect i.c : , fowls. noa en in tali ' b cC'"_ _a red a.. an i'seent-_. 1 armies of the '= 2C itib 6r e Sas t - :o tt • ..,„ ,a , - , r r; to fin:d E.i a i•:.lee oi. ed oats axe g ig Tut°: g the and were victorious. But mere Inde -;ward God," re h t,:, ;. ,. ti,...,.,- 1.. ➢ ^i1 Ci.::7 l,wx.<.,E9 O_.. m.,y k}r „ feed is available, spratzed gats are in f�E ,.r. the small pig a Fez-We/ice of for€ign powers was not faith, as he himself had been before „ �,.,... ani n* .t c� d. ail oz➢3:t of r ltl c, mai a wc::lt .:x period at leas.: , r - the e i ...:y a goad.d ;_, enough for the zealous defenders of be believed in Christ, i recalls his hinges a'v'ays " Of La:v Fibre Content. Expel, , , religion and thee. ,• student clave, and his nlisteken zeal, "u'3 ,= Seel way Or the tether, 'i encs ,➢..i a , C1� �' • ^.i,rr s� e.,:➢ .'', • I, z- a ua. success int Sault fouled t_.im. 'es 111 s a ,c ...,. (13„y ::, P ot,.er thnt,> be ng rl e3 Two pa one s ••r, .,, ' ,, constituted authority, a o4 cars, s little mare ani the #z ,,.e morrow duty. They put inter - very zt:°,:.1: welter. 1 3. C :eu:aEe:l to Grown Iione,s zealous fol. religion. 'roe a: r - pl Sinew. --The little pig,' eeivacl the il:,rne c£ I'hzri.ee-, or sip- omni s:s upon ritual, upon every efdetail re a c. F=: e -en _t r. ➢ :.:da,a Lora;- :<n r,w eggs fro-2:iE„ ti to prevent'. ilio .:a and . ,. to held r. , �& not m�.r2 8a grit! 11➢"� bat„ arat➢Std, because a1ESE` ti -F} Cll+?Seof worship, and rials!, ri a • < -::. .dzda : *ding tire' err+,,, intone s r.kez end aaher;ng ince ,.,b l e , . ,., 1 g''•, trenisc:ve$ cruse fl(11 • the common cf lvaz'thia; and sacrifice, an sabbath .l 'Y;t Er y is 3."> ➢ •:.., often fPiC2I1. $"st,Ec be made to lengthen c2:t and. a tae t ._-e e••---,• is the ,.t,', _,.,- oi,E given: T xieopla, gig Eng -late StT`Ct elr'ervance keeping, and lith' ga�ir,U. and recite - • • - n t 'ye;,i::,I 3, frame orlon which finish and'' - En,. the law and formal g. an recite ..: til!^? Z;. e 4: 1',+ --t t?r-i r; .:. ,.11 3., lr,,., on Gni side #ir .T +o all the data ar:d require lent% of o• t_ a.:, se, ,. i'a as' ,rater be further ht➢i.t lip.` the law, The scribes wore their law end use of !;:eras and ph=ases, In all fi .. three er :corer days., trier% elle side that. • ' ;?T3-iil..a„�' ..�s ;�, ot;; ,',n? ..titi:lil:,�'3 ar Wept!!, [`Ei'S Area if�t'ller3. An(1 4.:^;:tenet! gi't;!$ tl' ee s'ir:,•t fl!':er1'anceS Paul had been t' = �s• lt::: tri, Fat !t i1z 'te :t:,r as,i hail rt. t in:!rafted, Nolo he had Colne to see • • ", ; :.;"e i+'- .-. , •..n,• irk ft::l't11E' tt1 f''+I'al or 1!,'!r'_C"� T C:• -•ed,' Sniltience amean tl,era. `� Wei: oocia � t1.1;.', 3, argil, nee, (: t?1 `:'It.ii tial Ste rl,.e 1 .,.,e fere, , filet salvetien and right -!flier.%, dict net 1:` E ? .::, •,. +. .; �. ret be .a., ,lite.! in this, can-�^ ntiltll7e':F, however, were never lei';: 'rl t i e : <'h tl '- \ x`i. is, � , t < ',great, but th.'1 i e ',adlren fe t let dt •Ed won them, but•'klpnn faith and tar . L1..=:'- ' s:.r,g L the 4...<7.r,P: ti far hers e': iS piaeele:' +Sieben lily g,^.Ye tllfin authority mil dignity Ione -wing the exampleof Jesus Christ. x .':'; 'c> •S ns<'� t• ,, �1. C'':?: t;ve a Small Preportion of .. leen 1n bon;!^i;e is tl, • ;,' n , J lice; Wet. 111 e: :tlTla whE1, i • �} , p '•' s _ , ly � in the eyes rf the !;So=le' lie Esti lie e , , . pix',. , '• 3 l E :,; eDige, arab Qe, I'ooil, n e,•!, lout rl^t' he WAR free, O, ,a , 3 3:n .,..., t � - .I t' �, •: •.. »,,.,, ., - 1:. 1~ at,y E:r - y 1h% wrote in tit a .E�l a , L :1r a it i5 n • ' Acts ,''i-1- $..,, r lt`e namewas } U "With : ! ! 3�'t '� a n txogenrus +!Allan iso one r.P hie epistles, who adapted the mime of T'a,,! f ,c, ,,,1.1 i,e nEtit cnt~ing e.} a^•',tin in ["lit I tE' r...-.., t.. Bs iii. t _ < The etter too, ..t . et • dere t!. • ,: SN. -4113 :: iges are : ! K.. 2 >° n e,r, 1 1,0 •'i ll'il nor, tart Gn .. ' 8on ed and , .. ¢ s e 1 i'e xe-•eaEedly pr,: -en that,! 1 a , c,;,nflict with and than tells the story, the amazing a 1 *i iii Gr z, , ti hen he., oil leeer. , t.., setae , s t• then v kings of their own Ghoaslilg• story, of Is conversion, T• ^'"�" ..a '?. S uli a the failure of 7g weaning •g to in Giie t pro- . c 26: 4, 5. After the straitest zest, , they f F arites arose among the patriots, moo, .: ., : -a t :e alga in tete orre:j en barn dears, he- stay _hut ee(,a ,, ,- :est:el -..sea ore a :1 to be.The, Portion to the fibre content of lila thet„ ding for the king and The Pharisees were undoubtedly very 'a"?'::' r , -,a11 F ? esea ?for ^a::'�w 2't t\:.1 \ c? 1:'.i T"ks one wants them .� . - convenience ia- � tr ''bar more strict and very naxlo7n in thiel in z . ` .,ersi. latter a met:Wen cl7 of 1e11gicus du y Y .c'ir SI^.. _.:,:" i freedom {lid (" i t; t •se' us free; algae! fast, there- 1i s:'E -L t!':: a 1.- e, ir. the , ;.3e'1'e fil'c'Ts' for f,:i'•E' are tarp@:,gi'il'i_ flare or IlnoE',•t't meal .afGe. he lie:^elle.' a• Christian, wen At (12.. a, . ea e , aa: test :t l(•', , , R3�« ,,+ T.. be t' ...l lever ageot,S=y to reill.ICo the ..;.r time A F;1Ttntly n- tine, AS ail 3 ar t t f 1 Ute' n 3=t ok Stti t)o' < - � F, _}l .? a , _,1. ilei._, :alis- . ,,, . l tl. ;a P I'h 1_ E. .(', i - '„ 11:.^ ..t.::' �: r.'..lri• .•,•r4, q f:7t '' m .vs:l frarnnl the S llp.e' nail 'i h officer of the Jev: i h a`ortlierl, the' Snn- `the . �^ ; �, - 1,41,1;":'..1 i lnai;er Ilan a It t?, h d tile'TAItI'E` of it��e3 told Jame far true xe- hg 'ani ':1 lr :! : to /iiw:r. r, to tl!e you , ,•„ ' Saul, E' ": 1Tcu:es fair +eine of the 1 aseline' 1:ir u1y (':call cd, .` ma',1 quantities of e a j 1 3 1 Sou., ; _ e, t Start tha i ttie r- to eat inn t„ 4' ::_.�, ..T: to iz:ar...'e t,.L' i:.Iin'rDS;r heiil,n. tie nlu t 1.:iS'E= E1: 1°giP!i. `,:litaC is the ;Same ala➢7,�.,4AM tA- ,,, !creep tr sena este pen, as serien as 110: speech cf Story -n, ,:l gibed! t'zat first dar• are a 'same goad Pe to. I...,ter... • ,; � de^l3rwzl that• y'• build '';� • f t1 , „ ;.,,, .Z tie ti"... t I)+ be of C"gilt ti e.' de a he:?,, erotl, any interest in feel ,:,;li caber. Christian marry ..e diT;• U• !'.l.:t re m i,li.d co ht. eo new; tea:. trey . ^ i , :i ` u ce^' than tll•� Ilinther tenmle and law were rot, anti nr.ver i Els s it r+=lr s a},: at the Church, .ii ..:i,..;:arc't;*o • ➢3t it I:y ro r:,.,r. '1 ram, r''e . sources • �^ a, 3. 2. pravi led `the As has rkinl=nl:ik,x had been. essential ito `f the tree woes �� r , tcacl_:nh I:• lar;=e11 made un of -- - -- +:ester.; say a leer: "1, 011., ,,•t1 s of Gad, and 1,.,1 showed l t th • •?t i.: her ci f u fu'1 of the n . iit...0 of email qa ars .t ea of • hip 1 the c tnolrennr nml prohibitions. While :te.,'�ta to e:C,; a, with h 1 7_ � <' ^t it : e .,.1 :,,�, hale ple,tity ai' I f d t •lt to a • l , e , *thee animal ,G' -,a vet ::l t,. ?�: • r; .,. =(till. Txv this e:- r.elemt the rat;, -:l at th,. sta.,e; eil,i • ststed the teachers fi➢d the leaders leer. flier must never tale the fist era .,, fx ,➢;1 tic/. i ., . ,, at; A est , 9 new they !t C a>p .r ;•a..: til a i:.e .. , .::�. r a':��c n*• a: the her, ilii ;} laax, floor speaking„ `s T:. ,..�,_ ,� l ➢ :e, ..tt:.. <,: ;` ..t �� , �: ., is� ] (hrtst, ar•4 i1 e 0 -Ta a ori a carr nit p grit feed her ➢ d �'us I'i;lii. 1'l:o Saul iall4 , a 1' 1: `•4 ,I••d net be i i f liriz' �ltnla•t�ts t e mbLr.:t.,.,s A'1 it„d ZOaio then cnarc cd I'1 til,a„m • t •�'±: ;this must have n - q tip I sexily• mug • • clear evidence of hi .eery t rat e nre- le of Isl�El figs! ar�l,n and again re- our vivo end laws, our commando- lin p prat i itious may be goal in their • , er w \ e k'1. gr'oar i flan r line gent tl,Eln b C,o 3, e.cn a 1 ..e �7•c fir,t r ice is fir Je�u, w »., E a, P 1 l fl s. fi Toa ,tla.t P S et tt r•1rg with 1 !re C 1t an had zeye ed Jc n Cl:i i, t. Int tilos Let 'u•• .,, f r • i can. �r '4 ere 'keep 101 t :Fre o" ii •• 4` seeiuC:1 little 'lets r tui 1 int. I�,ttrl a .} net i - at t'c caw. a her oats rats i wee,. : Stith r,� F n 1)1ascheer.Gus, '.+r.,i yet Cale may int- „1'i • , ,,, Oats is one of the hest of fcrd:s� Eiet'«i�rC'1 the*. 1',4" wee S'inCerer and r;;, a ,.= evil.! :11a: E f a caw. horse a ne that he net E 1 forgot, and could , ! t that i e evils. He ➢ for the meaning pie.D.ee.=a halts' there le r. E»c,, , :y:::t "'i 'rind !!tile t:2a ria.;l':e: ii S lief,. E'r tDf; , the firCt'!+Seel^ £gri;at, ,fit: i i 'S•aTgFl112:i3l, alis!, t1.euero1 e P n , t i e nue it t•1 43'Se, lite? ,:I`:1 ' :a1 ,....1 Ft."'e 7•114....21111r.$ clo .e the test ellqu.l i,e ' aftel nut ,ioi , r • g, that In Gr l s ;,or„ t' ale it in t,antight , •. ,,,*-r: m• :nal . it t.lEa prase•t, thee fe.rlin� conviction in his +,tend, or at least aest•> ey the Ciif teat} ngG wassuvl'rpn':. a ^"c : as➢ia;,, o yx t EI,. c,.t,.1„ th� in. P:tir,,.. , tl vt.� .t •» C, ' 'u for oat meal. praetical .y a flan+, ns• I�r• - prepared him far file startling and .? ere , ter tee -sr lee i;i 5,,t' :,.,t> .Ire rE,lG.,a, .emany' l'evo1ut90niZ:ng esrerieli^e lvhi•h dine and believed he Was serving: C+E':i in e. Ile rug a r, � eta -> • lite 'e. erre t: tight to t,:e Fe ap:e for facts.: E'ei1aR+t', ,anis Coil:ala? the ,nr•mmum R.^, to I).tnlaseus, fif d bel lied he it. Ilea experlen..^e . gat. ! ••- t.,n. •t '• , 1 � It is to be highly zrom to him on the y a accrete. is nit a inlaran- ?a A ,ir -..' -r r �i s :a ••l'rt"(+pt.' :'seta-':. h 9 -. , r fibre. this is stage. But here Paul eh;,re,st the'. fury of theles that . 1 Where :a frac➢ lc::t' r:,t;at:tali That old roof which seems shiest r8 qi E 1 •,ct ,hl „ n rad meal of the mob and the guilt of the murder tee of truth tied right. The sincere r;, e ' gee ; e e ;wee ...lige* ee s:.ve:d be laying. •pre -c •^'el ,l,.ilc, a fir... ' t ry n, In the , t of tion which and zealo➢FS person may be very Wroth ,,,rW, I r . a. 14 i v c hey En pa ,n i,1 fibre content =limited exel etsa of Stenhcr 1 to the wrong - for c s <- : a• 1 E,':i. ,ver e y a pared rooting A I", Wm : ;,•:.. lt• .! ice}, lsi:ore � � .,�• uxsin •these are n -: ell it, - Glv Ftl •e , • . • the pigs and for the m(ither as now began he li ala en active hof ea< . ,•.-,.n ,:,: is being lean ; rat.:, while they are nursing; g P :, painting : ._. When n . ,. �.: c •l1 t1 F til, „;;• ler ;eel:, t, . . i �. � f correct .e tY.. fila rantenta„ o seam. ? i piers rs Cur. !louse epeei it ,,,t:1.t qn s:e'1d be paiEl ;e «- T :':,,. e1: ,tor; a the tp ventilation. Fresh air from the Pig" feeling. d. Commercial weaning mixtures f ::•,;.;r ,,;;r s. . Ft: int 'e. a outside will dcalEtr:ze paint more z :• • ,, before' *' quickie. thin anything else. Pails of . Ere to tae re rrramended where it is ;•:+;1 (s t ➢ �':1':�t' r <=ire eft e ,1 , i in rooms which have Jur.... f.) to grow •or buy the cern- £ , ^➢-.. ,!,� : :id"' s':i�LHrE' rE'.li3y,. an l thus' been p. ice %, t i i Pant ill parts of a home -mixed ration. t �, c is , rye r a mix- been newly painted will clear the air, . , e,,'1 s .:..:: ': •.--te quickly of the effnilsit' smell. If hay. r � t°arty o1 itis 31`.-e s!➢.t�i.k, e..:ll1 at the , pP Church, seawhing heueee, dragging Ccns e1euee is not by any n.eanv ar men and wcmcn to began. In later infallible guide. Saul acted aecordinr years, remembering what. he had done, to the dictates of his conscience, fox he said, "1 pun•:ishe i glen! oft ill every undoubtedly he• regarded the surpres- synagogue, and compelled them to (or sion of Grhristianity as a religious rather, strove to melte them) blas- duty. A conscience uninstructed may pheme; and beiug exceedingly mad be as dangerous as a conscience des - against then!, I pereceeted them even obeyed. No ship sails without `a,coFll- to strange cities" (Acts 26;.11). And, pass, yet'even a compeer r ' , nog' in his istles, be ne ),rc than mice re- !inion. There is no magnetic needle 1 p (1u.� '•4 ` �z' "tiobtained this �piendid Ahva - strand brooms on their "; rate s e.:<� ,.^:1 a l a?f ilii:"he'T For, can be o 7tnuiel is iS a ` F:.: f d A` handles, or hang them on a nail when fors with deep sorrow and regret to which points with exactness tonal a lc>'il :t, A. few : ,': , �'f dies el:eti sawn 01 ng for removing the paint odor. , ` 9 Ft .:,:r.;; - r Ser - 1 putinto a basin of warm i rot in use. Dip them in boiling soap- these acts of persez lotion, evhieh, he the north. It may be diverted from ti e ttveez ., - - > area �e,.t ,. are handful `':'. ..:.::. ,•„ . „,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,ter will clear away the smell with'' suds once a week, and they will last! says, he did ignorantly and in un- itief s the atmosphere, the the cargo, ---'d with Stephen's death, only zeroed to from time to time the compass- needshasten the. spread ef the gospel, for attentien and adjustment. . So thethey that were- scattered abroad went eenscienee is not -an infallible guide;'i eveeywhere preaching the word. Flee- it teeds to be adjusted and enlight- ing from their persecutors, they car- ened. • • °'`' 1^ Ga ' for mean, 1.. twenty vowe for a! astorisheng repidety.But the -perseeution, which began or even by the sails in the masts. eo ;C• ir.:1}' li.,ce hm fol° t t� ,•7'� E f 't., e ♦`^� t iti:..na SnT1n., °a', t e 'is, nfc,,ir the rc ➢3tar pleture is fit. to!-- . ..ra,n- 'd ! sown to any of the I a "1 w he area three Wee can then he': nnri it it,.^•sea: :°plug^ (naps or he used for l , g'rt+:v ir.g a summer Foiling eros!. The 6 risen nee 1•<, l t°si+ie is that the land 3 a fa:rlyi a,.., . :It' l cn,' ea - n:,,: teeS',if .nem-•:. t,.0 ,.t44:r• car �btit 411 ere There !e always a period varying :. _;;c. t,.a ^ .f.wren: the latter part of June to the! G, wee ; teen rail0..,e r,f July wizen even the hest of garlic! as a business, and e big bus? substalitlA'I and Cervicaiter mach7rzes the t - 1 rail ..,e ,. u ;_ i v mere or: gars at that, it stands every farmer lt3cst rabnilt typewriters are sold A brave young Duck came up Shyly. c r._ri: lchteh is Y - • . Th begin to .,y up • hand to be businesslike in the meth andel a service guarantee, under Old Man was hungry and when h.e "Ah! cried Old Man. "Here's a good ,.,. s ;F , : r.�r^e-,^3' :cgs, Thie, e^ -n?::._ .°1 with an ocovisiem •lei , which the con any agrees to make: came to the lake and noticed the big brave Duck. Close your eyes when „ ge in area, makes provision : ad of handling his affairs. Numerous. p g r ;. :trio) n e.ite. al ` eree up you dance. Every one of you there *:,r s..,...a form of silt: IE;:i:entary feed- •matters of ordinary routine, but im-! adjustments and replace broken or i hack of birds he made his min• In nee- in- i " , ing t P portant nevertheless, must be taken xtlia- laced parts .for. a period varyingi to have roast duck, - - close your eyes. If you peek I'll give i e 1 ,„ , , one, ,.:g (hiring , <liis period advisable, „able, ifyears, according to i He built a fire and made himself a- you sore eyes forever!" tet•„ ,- not absolutely ILS:ersaly, If the tows care o, by mail, and the greatest ad- from Ane to five ah 'the averages little funs drum, which he be to In fear every bird closed his eyes. e- a e : },.' t .a ere e.lawe.l to decline in m=ile flow 3unet to orderly and. properiy con- the company, thong a y ` ht . .' tee or Little ducted correspordenee is the type- gumra.ntee is for one or two years, I beat, When he sang the ducks heard Old Man drummed and. the brave : ',ace tree Tn at this tinea for 11311t a3 a ..tt.e extra A post card bearing your name and him and they swam close in• to watch young Duck waddled around the fire, !, yen, l lee . ee mane as :ling', it Will ;tike three or four writer. y "Kee it up. Great!" shouted the Old. time the amount of feed later on to Not long ago, a farmer with large address and sent to any company 7 and to listen, p -ts ' steak and real estate, whose advertisement appears in a. re -j •feswira closer, little • brpthers," he Man. "I am dancing!" cried the Duck with joy. When the. Duck passed in front of him Old Man struck flint on the -hemi The �:y ewriter on the Farm The Greatest Adjunct to Farm Correspondence is the Type- writer -By Ralph Jameson. In these days when farming is r•e- service, they have generally proved 1 .s The Children's Hour. i now on all you n -en ducks will be ger- •.geous. forever!" Ire took up his drumsticks and be- gan to beat time. "Who will learn 1 Blind Dance?" he shouted. get them back t, anywhere near their interns t about a type.., liable paper or magazine will bring$ "Game aslicre and have a former production_ Pas.tire for the Breeding Herd. There are three ways in which sup- wrz e i ; f. are lcmentar feed of a palatable and S It Old Man cried a Wise Or. +car.; .arms there areas p y mad as permanent pasture. This nutritious nature may be supplied. tyre of pasture can Le made fairly First, by carrying over. a quantity of pec i:ic sive .f ..ell handled. The ensilage in the bottom of the silo; tr ilii',. t, :illy is that it contains a seeend, by growing soiling crops; and es, -:arIt,vfly few kinds of grasses third, by :owing an annual pasture and consequently dc•es not carry over erop, The first method is the most the whole season. Another fault is satisfactory, but where it cannot be that, being ur ultivated land it re- practiced. possibly the annual pasture ceives iitt'e consideration. the stock crop is its closest competitor. This being akv: ed to overrun it early and • type of pasture is produced by sowing late in the season, with the result that a mixture of equal parts, by weight, it never gets enough growth to keep of wheat, oats, barley and spring rye. it from drying out in the dry season, If other grains than oats -are not and it does not get sufficiently ad- easily obtainable, the proportion of vanced to reseed itself. This year cats •can be increased without spoiling plans should be Laid to touch up any the mixture, as oats are the most de - poor spots in the permanent pastures sirable of the grains mentioned. This by sowing by hand a light seeding of mixture should be sown at the rate a mixture of such grasses and clovers of three bushels per acre, not too as timothy, orchard grass, meadow early, or it will be ready before need - fescue, red clover, alsike' clover and ed, and not too late, or it will not get White or Dutch •clover. The rest time well started before the drought sets to do this is .early in the morning In. This crop can be used fox pasture when the ground is heaved up by- the as soon as it reaches a height of six inches. It should not be past-ate:I too closely, and thus stop all growth, nor yet be allowed to head out, or it will then cease tending out new growth at the bottom, If the •area to be used for this : purpose. is near the regular pasture, so mueh the bette'r, for" then it will he convenient to let the tows in for a few hours daily, and they will then cut and haul their own soiling erop: If a light seeding of clover; '7 pounds per acre, is sown along with. tl:e grainy it will make additional feeding in the fall. It has been found that one acre of annual pasture such as this is more than sufficient in itself to carry an animal over the season; therefore, if used in 'conjuntion with the regular pasture, one -acre for every four cows should be sufficient: Gine to in o inquire magazine, shouted. 't r_ "T have began to realize," he you typewriter Literature which usu-I dance!" Stip t „ sorry to the business end of farming. these companies act as clearing Duck. "Keep away from him!" .and he died. Old Man pub him be - An incident just occurred which made houses for typewriters which have hind. "Now the next!" he er�ed. He me determine to get a typewriter been trailed in on new machines. For The Young Little Ducks couldn't did the same to a second and a there! this lesson it is not always possible take that advice. Such a queer, sing- and -a fourth Due wnthout delay. funny Old Man! While the fifth Duck was denting °fAbout a 'year ago I rented a to secure promptly the make of type- songy, t en -acre piece of land, which I - writer You order, since the machine Old Man sang - louder squeezed ever. Loon peeked and saw. "Old Man is ow ty ' must be procured bythe company g q p killing you. Run. he shouted, and awn in another section of the province, pray be- The Little Young Ducks .. ueezed u to a man who lives near where my fore it can be rebuilt. against the bank to listen. Some bold fled clown the lake himself, closely land is situated. The arrangement Select the Right Type. ones waddled out -on the land. A few pursued to the enraged Old Man, who, was concluded by corresipondence, and Now a weed may be in order as to Geese and a big'Loon came• slanting es -he dived under the i erface, gave 'n th t ith him a kick that he felt many a day, besides knocking his tail off. That was how the Loon lost his big tail, action of a spring frost. When the frost goes out the seeds will be cov- ered up and;will start to germinate as soon as the ground warms up. A mix- ture of the above grasses and clovers in equal parts by weight, seeded down !ti ith a light seeding of barley or oats at the rate. of 18 pounds per acre, will mace a falm'ly productive permanent prey ure where it' is desired to estab- lihohne :;: In mist cats, however, the pasture is of i ined fear the tillable area; the': is, from that part of the farm Il ich. comes under a definite rotation. If 110 defim:te rotation is followed, one eie,T'.,d :he outlined and followed this e::- wee if best results are to be ob- i The quality of tbe pasture re - :eve from rotiution of orops depends - lamed, "that a typewriter is neces- ally fists all makes of machines, since I am positive that I told him in the the and 1 lade l i the- ty'p'e of inac'hnne it is best to se e waertie. leer. . To begin with, it S"Say,hould be a great splashes. fellows, what's letter which I wrote him that the rent would be $150; but 1 foolishly kept, cisiibie writer; for the average farm- it all er is not an •expert an the keys, andd he The Ducks couldn't talk. They all "Anyhow," said Old 1VIa7rto hint - no copy of the letter. Now, when the last payment is to be made en the likes to • late tnlprovenientS such as a5 -back- see what he is doing. The looked very pretty, nodding.their self, as be saw the roast! Ducksscatter_, ` I heads -ut time w the music. have five about?" rent, he insists that the rent which - - - - we agreed on was $125. It was a small spacer, gin r 1 s t 1 The Loon stood a little way off, From that time on the Ducks wens "I'll seared of Old Man. But they roar releases, es wo-co or - matter and I did not think it worth ribbon, ole., are not absolutely nacos- sneering. He said, I11 bet there is very while to bother with a lease; but I sary, though they certainly. 'are- con-, a trick in it!" kept their calors, whichare very gor- see now that if I had used a type- venient, and they a4d considerably to Suddenly Old Man stopped beating genus, ,as you will nr;t ;e if you ever writer,and kept a carbon copy of the the price of a, machine. Furthermore, his drum- Suddenly I welcome you. see the Wood Du.: anti the Mallard letter hich I wrote hint, the net sae- a typewriter may be very reasonable Now, I anti willing to teach the fine Duck •amid other Wild Ducks. -An Ings to rile would have made a good in price and yet •gave very good ser- _dances that I have learned during my: Iridian Legend. • big first payment on a machine." viCe. Always Make a Carbon Copy. When you are •ordering a type- This man now has a typewriter and writer insist on an instrwction book he saves •a carbon copy of every busi- giving. instruction. •on the operation news letter he writes. The conies are and cafe of that parbi-culrar machine. filed away with the letters they ans- Study this book when it arrives•with wer, and thus a complete record of the raaehine, and study the machine ,eI wisih to bepainted, he every transaction is on hand for easy as you would a new binder, mower or up -.sir," ref travels. Whoever :ants to dance come forward and ] will paint you:"' Notes By the Way. "Really'! He will paint us! How A main its knYown by the company he wonderful!" tittered the Ducks. They keeps out of. were Wild Ducks, but in those days It's all the same to the hen whether they were all dull gray or white. re say "sit" OT ",set:" A very brave young Duck waddled The best time to catch soft water is when it is rathing hard. - It is easy for a man in heakh to preach patience to the bicl`.. We're never too Old to wish we could go wading in the creek again. Leave erowli lig to 'the doge; they do it better, no mattey how hard you try. Who ever'heard of a, picnic with- out somebody sitting in the pie? Beware of excesses of any kind. ''like the horse,to say"neigh." Learn, g A barking dog may never h1te, but manuie-spreader.. Get the working said. "I aen the. Wood Duck." erence. At first thoueht, it- may appeaex that principle fixed in your mind; then if Old Man painted him host beau'ti e involves a rather large any thing goes wrong with it -that is, the t,lpwriter In g investment; but tliis need not be so any Miner thinsg-such, as the 'break - unless a high priced new machine is in+g of a. tension cord or metes oft! desired.' There are many excellent re sible spring, you oan fix it yourself. said the Wood Ducks y. built maGbines on the market at prices I Ordinarily, a typewriter requires "Ah! How wonderful the colors the from one-fourth very little care. An occasional oiling .are,:f sighed•the Loon, pensively. ranging all wail/ one-half of the' original east, The (the +instruction book will show you "Paint me now, ;0 -id Man! to All the Young Ducks 'crowded up and Old Man painted thein. Only he did not paint tJie women ducks. - "Fine!" exclaimed Old Man. "From death by fright lasts hied as long. • fully. • "Now send up your wife," said he. "You needn't paint her at writer has bed experience wite sev- eral such typewriters of different makes, and though they have been subjected, for the mewl part, to hard where and hew to oil) and thorough cleaning end dusting, are all that are needed. The ribbon -must be changed cr1rasionally.