HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-7-7, Page 1THiE.TY-FIFTH YEAR.
Qtr. Corner
of honey, the best since 1918, News -
Prospecks are good fora large yield- -
u art Q London a tine
Local ewC� Miss Jeanie 1I , f L c3
"* e guest GS 1;_S. Joseph. Senior.
you (U 11 . Ls. \l'hi;e has taken little Susanna tete and Mrs. Wm. I.err of
Do tot Rzlyde:a to her aura's elm. Salkeld at "'Bend' Ind" aro i s_t'ng w -h-
(ratle^ch and will remain to take'dlang?ster ears. John Taylor
ow m.,n�og tags are being, worn
in Exeter, and hon many dogs were
destroyed for not wearing them?
These are quetions which were not
asked by the cnumer tees
Phone �81a
All Eiads
W. W. Taman
Tailor& Furnisher
Keep as coaufo; table as
during tchis,, hot weather.
take too many elm:ices.
Tlae motorists seem to be let loose
o.. Sunday. Each Monday morning.
read of a seri=s of motor acc..-
ents ort Sunday.
It Semi, to be getting hotter every
day. 1. pretty relzab'e thermonscter
registered 96 on Monday, ay, whil`• others
scent as high as 100.
Who said you could le. your weeds
was s seed? If you don't get them
u: on your vacant lots thea Taal: out
or a summons :and a the
Tiara suitingayof grcommenced last
weal: and types week the fall wheat
ei talein; before the Ender. Botts
c oyes ;re goof!. but a liftle .ionler
av aeher would be better.
\Ve have land two weeks of 311:
Ito:test kaind of !weather. There has
been lade ;)reeve and little rain In,
:bat time, and fewer clothes are be-
ing worn Each. day. All who, are ex-
tlese 1 Oe the sun in any nay are tak-
ing on :he l ue at the Indian. Sleeping
has beep .liffieult owing to the hat,
zed for the sink ,t alae been partcui
Orly .1a -in weather.
T. S.. Z rys Journal p ,
ubli bed •a
list of the ,prase-offica;s :;rdl no orieet •
i s 'n a seet.;a;a t➢1 Ontario of tee
eveepe l .a,a lea.an; taken trams :a du
utnesa5 toned :n en old buiatane that
wee en„ cern down ,at Lakeside. It
gasp; ns. Exet;;°s pa, ;master \\",'loam
mad, We have niever hurry of
}Vans ete•Dnn; ld being postmaster eat'
a ',e.or..41 are that dot; e bay k !pair piney
()n- veer,. we refer the matter to ou
reg<4er renders for verit:eat?on.
\Ve were n pre ss:NI with the
meet: of one of our readers, who said,
"We teas, eco much flew/alas talk. We
;•peak lightly of our neighbors wale.
out cause. We injure by gesture and
innuendo. Our conduct n this re-
Spea:t is Harmful and hurtful to others.
jV atela out that it does not resod on
our own heeds." The truth of these
statements will dawn erten all, of us.
We talk too plush without giving
thought to what we say or the vonse-
ouenees that will follow. Guard well
thy speecle •
Correspondents will please get the
budget„ of sews to The Advocate of-
fice not later than, Tuesday, and we
hone always on Tuesday morning. It
is necessary so that the half holiday
be observed on Wednesday for the
summer months;
See The
New 1921 GRAY DORT
Why send to Toronto and buy "seconds' of unknown make, when we
can supply you with tires of 'reputable manufacture that have stood the lest
of years,
Owing to gelarge purchase we are in a position to supply you with
Tires and Tubes at a very low price and guarantee satisfaction.
Since. the day when Jacob ate cakes baked from the meal ground by
!saes Beloved Rachel is a tar cry. Many generations of millers and inventors
oaten machinery since then have used their wilts to produce a Pane: "meal, a
Vatted flour. The result is the splendid Roller Flour of the present'
We make it hexe &ni Exeter, Our brands are Manitoba's Best, Mocleland
Welcome, the best money can. buy.
Buy a -sack of it aid while: you are enjoying delectable bread made from
it;+! ^aginel how Jacob's whole being would have tingled wept, joy ail his
awed end winsome I a,cltiel could have placed such ami roeial food before
f devoted sipouael, a
As vele close aar1y soli July for repairs; farmers will do well to get some
chooelataa4g6. .i .
Harvey Bros.
o , :
charge for a week or two. 1
D • l -.(p e rind daughter ails, Beebe
Oa the event of the res natio:; of of Paris, Ont., are expected toarr?1-e
leas Myra E. Horgan, who has been a Teseadav evening of ibis wee by motor
teacher at S. S. No, lel,' sborne, fon and will be week end v,s.':ers'sells 1?:
the creast four years, the children of !cod '1's. Richard Yellow at Mount
the school --emembered the teacher Please;; Farm,
W_. e a beautiful blue b'rd Fruit •ow•l,
tee tattngly f'l'ed with roses. pro-
1 :!ctrl by the deffe-,int pupils of the
sehcol which w -as very° much appree
€a.ems and will be a lasting memory.
The. rnt:nabers of L. 0. L. Nee 924
Exeter, aecompan€ed by many of their
.c: trete from toe surround?:ng lodges,
int:htd ng 24 lades of the L. O. 13. A.,
Lue3n,headed by Gran'} :;!;stress Car-
ter, and marshalled by W. J. Arrni-.
;age,County Alaste:, of leucon, at -
omelet! disine. service in the Triv;tt
elemerial Church, on. Sttnday afiernooa
last et 3.30 o'clock. The brethren as-
seethe:1 et their hall here, and ablaut
100 marched to the church, where:
azo. A. A. Trumper, the reeler.'
petit •!tees! a eery able and +asteri'ng eie-
couesef from the text. "Oar Life for
vows, if ye ut;ter not this our bus --
ness " The choir rendered exrellen:
School Report
Promoted to Sr. 4th. notate'
Marion Ilia: e•tt 7e • Meta Sat r
1largat' t Johns 76: Harry tiate-ll
lines -Harold \\'bete 74; !toot
elembrill 74; Hurry vett . ;; 1.10
Foot( 73; Mildred elurphy 7 ;lige
aunty+ as 72; Irene Lamport 71; W
ter Spe•ne z 69; Jaanes lenitive tl
Elva Ilatnitiat GS Margaret Hare
e7; Ilarry Nelson 66; Iteta !;}wort
tri➢; John Iar'ydc Gat.
Number enrolled 39; average
teudauee. 37.
The excessive heat of the past s eek
,has caused the craps to . oen (artier
;elan Mn past years. Wheat ;,ad ha►-
e.r4•be ag eat this weals mid barmy
oats are capita along fast.
On a ceount of the busy sea;():; ap -
p,n.iciong tor the farmers h wigs
thought •best to posteone the Evan -
t gelical Sunday school picnic whish had
been arranged for the lake this week
on Thursday. As ;uon as a diet ss:il
be found cone, eine to met z:verelotly
ample sloa.e will be given.
"alis. Grslele,y. of ilcaro t �s r t•'f
her another, airs. Fred. kill�,r. .root
few days.
Our pe'anle went to GorLrit h fen-
leaf a anal tete Lake en the let (sur
ball pea»ear out tha t.worst O, n the
:ou nameat head :tt Godc.rc r that Cleo
\Ve ere. pleased to ie am that Mrs.
aRev.) pewee improv t- g reaely,• .41 ler
• pale"-- •.l'-', an operaeant. 'a to It =-': eo,
Lt,zclf):a, on June 2,
.type! L. L dR:eon, aged 58 years.
I Kay --Ai Blenheim, on Jupe Z8U1-va *7 le Vieteree line: AMLO icKali eldest daughter o f ...
,eftabes, Loadore o:J.els \ J�t7ay, sormerJy?t 34ICPSinElizabeth Dillon, formerly at heel r. egad 27 years. d
w..•Cteear_ l ''err r ,�y�
'">i�• •spells _ i •. -
re eptly.
l.,ltn •EJLi r of lab;y. elie'lee, o. ieel
Hee.l,rt:.1:(r, /henry. am '. twrel:ay".
alr'...lca'i-a Yeiun lied '3a.• tat=t�nrit'
. tl:..rd a acture :ter !gilt on l r 41 >
alv i' n ea.; r , goat; r ".`aai;!..;;;..
jY. e .rJ9j tn, t:; h teiten rd nsaaa.le
inn , el ,.5r,. Wa:M :1:-.;. ;,..- W :, sorry :,J e
dal e n .iq, meeforturee eed !,reel -,.'1:
„e,.4 INS :,,eon 3 -De :Zee to he enamel eigeie,
ae. •, :1.,': lee i ;ra,w nt t;ut lett for Len-
, ..y, *Kt \:e lay, elle;.. q141 1t ll :a.
,, leer :a nue° li e:10 as Ill sp t:tl. Beer
lee f moo; tries;1 ,lt 9ei;r every site n . ss.
I «Oise Adh ' (setaer aotl eh ,'!Neste
at- 1IIz aa1.t' and 1 .;LL 0e:streieher are at -
•en l ea„ ti.a '+plc• a1 course 'n Agrieu -
sure given ..t the O. A.. t'., Guelph
the, monte, Alias Alineela Itankbeitter
junior .e t" her u9 our selueal is tek tet
a syeeeal trainaeg in Kintler;zrten
work en lir eloo
Our trustees tree r. -engaged era
. , ut to do.rs for the otn els: you..
\'; is lit .tle et Cllath:am i.' -•pend-
Ott his hod ] aye at home
+1 se Le e tea Holtzman. whey lea:
been ongaool in the Bank for alert
time, bas. resigned her position:. dr.
C:ame:atr of Dundas has suceeedeti her
as leper. -lie `per.
Ed. ]::that • is having lies hoiel re -
palated. WilPaa:t Weitzel is putting on
the parent and making a good job of
.\i end airs.Telfer and �hildraa of
Lon�d"vrt re t s i't ,t:g Airs. Ewald;
ease Lily Lawson, who bas been giv-.
ing 0411 :_::nt service at the 'Telephone
Central for some time, has resigned
her laou.ion and will leave. for Windsor
shortly. Alelean Gans is now being
"brul•e:a in" and if mistakes are tom -
mon leave a little patience as he will
soon be on the job;.
Al. A. Horton
Prom 5t'. 3rd to Jr. 4th. Honore,
--Eugene Howey 64; Frank Creech
79; !Hugh Creech 77. Past -Mar-
jorie ;'lark 08; F lorrie West 66; 3.
Luntz 66; Edna Russell 63.
From Jr. 3rd. to Sr. 3rd. Pass -
Kathleen Heitman 72; Marvin How-
ey 70; Muriel liowald 70; Teddie
Taman 68; Marjorie Medd GS Reggie
Beavers 63; Lyle Dinney 64; Viola
Ford 61. On tr ial---Edith Walter 57;
Jack Gambrill 57; Muriel Luker 56;
Stella Northeatt 56; Ella Sanders
555, To be given another trial in Oc-
tober -Nona Reeder 53; Vera. Mac-
donald 32; Wauetta Nelson 52; Ida
Mitchell ell 5U and Garnet Beaver 49.
Number enrolled 33; average at-
tendance 36.
Jean S. Murray.
Sr. 2nd. Honors - Catherine
Woods 80. Pass -Winnie Bishop 72;
Greta Bloomfield 70; Baden Powell
68; Jennie Passmore 67; Sydney
West 67; Alvin Passmore 66; Myrtle
Beavers 64; Georgina Nelson 63;
Stanley Walters 60; Alda Macdonald
. Jr. 2nd. Pass -Russell Snell 69;
Dorothy Hardy 69; Wm. Balkwill
66; Wilma Kay 65; Charlie Lodder
63; Clifford Lamport 60.
Number enrolled 33; average at-
tendance 32.24.
H. M. Kinsman, teacher.
Promoted to Room III. -Hazel
Bloomfield, Mary Wells, Gladys
Smith, Gerald Skinner, Russell Col-
lingwood, Rosie Jennings, Hugh
Wolper, Ruth Collingwood, Violet
Gambrill, Ilena Kestle.
Sr. 1st to Jr. 2nd, Honors -Lor-
etta Little 78; Margaret Martin 77;
Madeline Stewart 76; Forbes Chap-
man 75. Pass -Grace Christie 73;
Helen Penhale 72; Lloyd Freckieton
66; Mabel Snell 63; Gladys Hutchi-
son promoted on year's work.
Jr. let to Sr. 1st. Honors -Edith
Kestle 75. Pass -Marguerite Bloom-
field 74; Margaret Ellerington 66;
Stella Little 63. -
Number enrolled 37; average at-
tendance 32.9.
Reta N. Rowe, teacher.
Jr. lst to Sr. lst. Honors-WaI-
Iace Seldon, Almer Hunkin, Ruth
Balkwill, Mary Cann, Dorothy Cox,
Helen Stanbury, Harry . Cole.
Pass -Harold Appleton, Joey
Jackson, Kenneth Ward, David New-
ell, Teddy Wethey, Viola Hodgson.
Class III to IV,` Honors. -Marion
Davis, Richard Trumpet. Pass -
Chester Cornish, Aldin Appleton.
.Class II to III. Honors -Allan
Quance. Pass -Vera Kestle, Allan 1,
Fraser, John Paine.
Class I to II. Honors, -Joe Creech
Pass -Grafton Cochrane, Hazel And-
rews, Jack Pryde, Mervin Sims.
Class B to A. Honors. -Utah
Clark, Lois. - McDonald, Dorothy
Davis. Pass -Connie Jennings, Ruby
Stone, Marguerite Cann, Tom Eller-
ington. -
Class C to B Pass-Stanely Ward,
Eddie Ward, Eileen Snell, Irene
Collingwood, Ilene Cornish, Jim
Sanders, Gerald Bagshaw; Jean
Pilon. •
Number enrolled 44; average at-
tendance 40.3.
Olive, M. Taylor.
etr. 'W. Parsons has been condined
to his bel through illness bat ice. some
what improved.
\Le W. Colwill who has been aa a
businese trip to the west, has returned
A game of soft ball between Cen-
tralia and Crediton was played Mon-
day evening here, resulting .n a score
of 11-4 !n favor ,of Centralia.
Mr. Harvey Anderson is %tai ing at
the borne of airs. A,. Brooks.
Mrs. Lewis of London.s Visiting her
parentts, Ur. and Mrs: Connor.
air, and Mrs. C. Turner.end :am ly
of Philadelphia are. visiting the latt e's
uarentts, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E sery.
The Methodist Church Festival ern
July 1st, svgs attended with great suc-
cess. A. large crowd was. in attend-
apse from far azsd near, and in,otweth-
s tanding the •extreme heat everybody
enjoyed themselves.• There was a
goodly supply of beautiful strawber-
ies and cream and lather edibles, and
tyle usual lust ,of sports was carried
out and were keenly comlteste:de Cent
tralsa woo out an ithe soft ball game
with Exeter and Centralia beat Wood-
ham en baseball.
1)ejean-At Dr, Hyn,dmen,'s Hospital,
on July 3rcl, to ,ale, and Mrsi. F. W.
De Jean, of Harrow, a son.
Russell -At Bxwcefield, on. July lst, to
the late Piostneaseer W, J. Rus'sie11,
and Mrs, Russell, of Exeter, a daugh-
Davis -In Usborn,e, on June 29, to Mr
'and Mrs, George, Davis, a soal-
Harold Francis.
Preszcaeor.-In Stephen, on, lune 30;
to, 1\h- end Mrs:. Wm. Preszc.ator, a
s gine.
Crich -Townshend -At Trinity Church
Bayfield pm, June 22, by Revs.
Pitts Elearuor L., only daughter of
Ma and Mrs.'Albert Townshend of
Goderich Tp., to. J. G. Nelson Crich.
son of Mr. and Mrs., Jos.- Crich of
Coops-Kading-At the James St
Methodist parsonage, an June 29tlr,
by Resp a. J. ,Wilson, M:,. Robert
F Cpoper, son of Mr. and ears.'
\Vin. Coope , of Tuckersmith, to
Miss Bertha Elizabeth Keeling, daugh-
ter of Me.. and Mrs. Charles Kading
of Unborn .
July 7-11
A tet4trons
Opening C'etinert in charge of Superintendent.
Entertaining Concert -Instrumental and Vocal.
THE (WINTER St 'MT ('( )iP.'3x . ,
PI(DGIt:i i.
Three O't'Inc
Evening. at Eight ;ht A'(`Iock.
NG --
Comet t F(.etetrinfi ('heet(er Scott, ?li9rvelloar, ('ornptist.
THE CHESTER scow C(oliiac3NY
Popular I eeture-.-•'The One Hundred leer ('rent. Man."
DR I. FRANKLIN B3RR. or Bosom.
Prelude ('ori•,* rt lay I"I IN('k , the PrSlae4• of ('aila.>crt
l.eetettr-•-,••I earl } t, :;i;9 [Vitlt the LW Off.**
LIEUT. W. J. OSI.el1;1h-Dl gtt'::Tit•:I;.
w bo t'•,r'r *pili tri v -;; -9i ...:pee9oe three➢3.!h0:\;lee.hoea y
f'ei•r;r`e•rt lav; PRINCE, ,
Concert Aec➢trtliR>niti*.
:Hallie•, Mirth anal °it -.;sieve with lur•xidieaivler Ilittsitra'.
DAVIS, eitsrb;l'I 1:1(atTAN. o
:musical programme with* Entertainment Nuriihrer::.
THE •JOHN t;ji':li.i;N 'ri'.iO and Iiia'>ii]:
Lecture for Community --"Community Nuts to Creek."
I1. 1.1*; FITZPAT1U('K.
Pre9.ntatlon of the Fanrou s Comedy larr•i•r•s.. "C011tF?ntIne
A Compaany of Competent Players Presenting One of Last
Season's Great Sucee+ssec.
Grand Convert with Operatic Selections.
Lee t line-a-The
VEN ING----Leetnr.a--•,The Ont hoz k in E urope.
HO . PERC Y ocra ox.
Member of British Parliament from London
Musical Prograrmne Featuring S(vleetiolis frons Victor IIerbert'r.
Conic Opera, 'Princess Pat."
Single Admission: Afternoons, 50e; Evenings, 75e.
Children, 25e and 50e.
(War Tax Additional.)
The Season Ticket costs $2.00; junior ticket:, admitting chil-
dren between the ages of six and fourteen, $1.00. Both are subject ►"
to the war tax. Season tickets cost less than half the aggregate of
the single admission.
Phone 16
Headquarters,Trnk3 Suitcases
and .everything required for your summer vacatiiart.
Corsets _. Corsets
Ladies' Ladies' Summer Corsets in a good staple style. Good qual-
ity. All sizes. Regular $1.50 Sale price 98c.
Twilled Sheeting
2 yards wide bleached Twilled Sheeting. A good heavy
weight, Regular $1.25
per yard. Sale price 65c : yd.
Clearing Sale of ail Straw Hats
All Meln's Boys, assd Children's, Straw Hats must be sold
thve:efore was are cutting the: priceof every summer hat,
Work Shirts
1VIen's.Blaick and White. Stripe Work Shirts, nearly all sizes
Regular $150. Sale price 98c.
This `store will be closed e very Wednesday at 12.30 sharp
during the months of June, July- and' August.
Highest Prices paid for Poultry end all Produce.
I :v