The Exeter Advocate, 1921-6-30, Page 87 EXETER ADVUGATB, TILUBBRAT I JUNE 3U 1B21 Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Wheat Beeler ••,, Oats Family Flour 1.50 48 to 55 35 to 37 • 5.30 Feed Flour 4.... r . .",,, 2.10 Shane 1.40 ,, 1.40 Creamery Butler ..., 33 Daire Butte . , . . 25-28 Eggs Lend . . - 18 Hee' Per ten $15 to $16 Hogs ,,, .. 1200 Now is the erne to cut the weeds in ete back yard, before they begin to go to aeed. )fes 'della. Davis late operaltor zt Ow Telephone Office here, bas aak- eo a Poaisioe, Zal Dr, Roulstoe's office, Friday next is July lat, and a public holaday The day wee be celebrated in 1w\11% Centrieie and Graed Bend as usual. There will be a gett- ers:I exodus from Ener tor the day, ••••••0010., A very pleasant afternoon and evening was went at the home or ear; and Mrs l'as. Earl, of Zion, on Tuesday, June 21, Where etrew- hem,' supper was served. The table was most beautifully deoratee with roses and earnatioes. This was the birthday or the late Mrs. Chas. Cann. Thoes present were Mr. Chas. Cann, Mrs. Geo. Kerslake, Mr, and Mrs. G. Oman and family, Mr. and Mrs, Joint Passmore and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ferguson and family, Mr. aed Mrs. Orville Cann and Mr. and 'efts. Roy McDonald. anapraplawnima 00 ACRES HAY FOR SALle On Lo 11, Coe. 4. N. B. Steelice; fent cut; timothy hay, • Jcitn Ford, Exeter North. CONTRACTING. We, wish :e cell the atterithen of the tauble7 et Zeseer and surrounding tlis- eriet thee Ar';' arc open to accept, or seeder tor eontr;:cts for al: kinds ot b.„). -Kung, We ;;1•7:•: experienced work - teen reni b s,r,et anent on to husi- ete, we leans, cetera et the vontrart work et this destriet. WAAL'S* e: PRYDe, Exceer SPECIAL NOTICk. On Saturday, July 2nd, we will be. -len a Big Cleaeance s ail Sum- mer Goads, Veiles, Nittslime Blouses. House Dresses, Chiltirsn's Wh.:e esees, Gowni, Skirts, Ctuniqoles, Etc. Speciees each week, A call selicited. R.S. W. D. YEO, O*01111011•11...1. Local Doings Who wouidnn be, .4 kid again, now that the holidays are son. The Entrance Examinations are mow are arid school closen for the holidayi this week. Mrs. W. D, Sanders, who has been quite ill for several .days, is novo ern previeg The Exeter Canning C searted eperations last Thursday oe the 'pea crop, the earliest in, the hietory of the company, Miss Lulu. Heatings of London. ie quire ill at her borne here, Ale Hest- nigs as still concerted to his home, and is wail quite The little son of Afr. and Mrs,. Geo. Jones, London Road, fell on an axe .he other dey and sustained a nasty wound in the face. Fall wheat is nearly ready for the labeler. There are some fine cops in the viol:Katy if the weather is kind for the next few days. Rev. Harold F. Swan, BeAts son of Rev. Freucie and Mes. Swan, Vaneou- ver VMS married on, June 15th in cardiae to Minns Donalda Janet Ham- lin of thee town. iefes Swan taughtthe • Edea school chadren some years ago and will be, remembered by many here The Oddfellows t Sunday afternoon drove out to the cemetery and decor- ated the graves of their departed bre- to the number of thirty, who have passed on: The ceremony was conducted by Noble Grand Fuke, and Past Grand Snell, with Past Grand Creech as marsh:et Quite a large number of brethren assisted in the ceremony. The caretaker, ,4r. Ford, • is deservIng of the thaz*.s, of the Lodge for the kindly manner in which he assisted the members in the work or: paving tribute to the memory of thr departed brethren The Advocate has received a splen- did new stock of Wedding, Stationery young ladies contemplating matrimony should see our samples and nricee. Our printing is ,not the blotted, un- readable kind, but A eompees \kith lithograph worke. GRASS FARM FOR SALE. North half Lot 8, Concession 13, Stephen; 50 :wrest All grass; Apply Dan. Barry, Dashwood. MMAOMMIN110 a.0.0,1•,* DEATH OF MRS. GILL. The death occurred et Windsor on June Z4:h o: a former resident of Ex - e'. in. the persoa of Eliza Cockwel, e;elew of ;he lee; jobx �L., at the ge of 7Z !mare end 4 months, The ate Airs. Gill had since the death Gee some feta years age, been resialing with her daughter, Mrs. Barry HOUSE FOR SALe. Nice ,commodious b -room Frame House, situated on the south side of Ann Street, Exeter; in good repair, hard and sof: water. For terms ap- ple to I. R. CARLING. Exeter. AUTO BUS. S. J. V. Cann ,411 be pleased to con- vey picnic parties to Grand Bend during the summer and will run his bus to and fro dining, July 1st HE IS COMING. -A. E. Almond, the noted eyesight speciaest of Toronto will be at the Central Hotel, Exeter, bet ;rid 96 of July, ilarmalmeania. There will be no evening service+ the -Trivia emorial Church on Sun- day 'evening nextt Rev. Stevenson, of Stratford spoke 'on Lord's Day Alliance work in the efetherstist Churches on. Sundae, Mr, Sem.: Johns; of the Ford Sales Room. is nursing eore hand these days, fate resat of. blood 'steaming, ags:, John jarm rOtt hasmoved • to Hiusgreen liveweds her children .and bee rented .her house to Mr .Jebit Pt-y(1n Me. John Floyd the first tOreport a mess of Amy potatoes thes week. They were the Early Cobbler variety and of no mean size Miss Idella Davis, who has been op - orator at the Central Telephone Col.- ace for a number .of .years, this week resieued her position. Mrs. J. A. Stewaxt had the misfor- tune Friday morning to sPrain her ankle, $0, thet she ee obliged to use crutch for a few days, see Hes Honor Judge Dickson of God- erieh was here on Friday hearing the appeal of Mrs,. Elston against her assessments He reserved decision Mrs. Edgar Fannon Tjelnerne, who. was miter. to Victoria Hospital, Lon- don underwent an operation. on Sat- urday last. The operation was a, sue - cess and she is. now recovering nicely. A special. service will be held int be Trivitt Memorial Church for the Or - on Sunday afternoon at 2.30 O'clock. The brethren from the sur- rounding lodges axe expected to ac- company the Exeter brethren. The discovery of a small fire in a pile of sawdtst at the Granton, grist and sawmills. about 10.30 Friday ev- ening prevented what might have been. a serious loss as Granton has no fire- fighting apparatus. After a week ,of very hot weather and tem days without ,rain, the shOwer that fell, 01%. AlQ11,4)r" es.v.45„,lig was wel- came,. indeed. it will bring along the beteies. reed other smell fruits, help the root crops, and keen the fall wheat from ening tooso Mr, George Anderson Met with a fast accident on Friday last, which might easily have proved serious, if Getee, also formerly of Exeen. else-, no: 1;...,30,1. /Fa hod pince4 ile3s,y demise was due lergely of iron above the bottom sash of a beckwindow et the trehOp to shut out the sun, and later on, forgetting ;hat it was there, hewent to raise the window, and the sheet of ironfell on his head, intPcring a painful wound. Luckily the .distance of the tall was not great, otherwise the skull would have been crushed iirnaities of old. age. Deceased was twice norrie,d, first to elr. Redden Crediton, and later to Mr. Gill, Two eluldren survive by the fleet marriage, Arthur Hecklers of Loadon, and Mrs. Gould of Windsor. The remains were bought here on Saturday and inter- ment was made in Exeter cemetery on the arrival, of theevenni ter train. BOWLING NOTES. The local tourreunent 0 n izriday ev- eninz, was won by Messrs. C. Robin- son, G. Anderson and H. Spackman with three straight wins.. These week- ly tournaments are ce gieat interest and ire becomhtg the bright spots in the bowling game. There are many teeter rnen in Exeter who should bowl and .they are envittedto join at any eme, It is a clean and .healthy spert wirieh every man plays the game fairly and squarely, and no man be- comes so, good tt"it as not to receive a good sound drubbing once in a while. One cannot become e professional in this game, and this is its. chief charm for all men - Ti tournament this week will be held on Thursday evening. Rinks will attend the London Elm- wo,o4, the. St. Matthews and Clinton tournaments on. July 1st. Messrs. Stewart ,and Selclon, and Heart= and Creech attended the Scotch Trouble Tiourney at London last week and made a 50-50 record, but did not get en. the Est of prize winners. A -rink skipped by Mr ;Tr R. Fer- guson sves at Blyth tournament last week and also made a 50-50 record. FOR SALE OR TO RbNT. Ia Livery Barn and other build - ns connected tlaerewitla, belonging to the estate of the late W. G. Bissett and recently occupied by \Ir. W. II. IHo.lgert. For terms and particulars apnly to. ISAAC R. CARLING ,Barrister Oseng, to the drop in all material we are able to- manufacture ice cream at pre-war r'rices-25c a pint, 50c. a quart; 5c, a disb.-W. J. STATHAM, SHOW CASE FOR SALE. Small one. Apply C. L. WILSON. DR, JOHN WARD, Chiropractic and Electric Treatments, X -Ray; Hours - 10 to- 12, and 2 to 4, and by apPoint- ment Consultation free. William and Sanders. Mane 43. wommoloada TENT To RENT. Suitable for booth, or for camping. Apply to C. L. Wilson, CARS FOR HIRE -Phone 56, C. L'. WILSON. TRUCK FOR SERVICE. I have a truck far service. none k15, Exeter. S. J. V. CANN. ,.0.11111110101M. VIOLIN LESSONS taugbt by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Andrew St. Apply at axle time 4 to 6 o'clock; evenin-gs 7 to a HIGH INVESTMENT YIh,LDS NOW AVAILABLE Dominion of Canada 'Victory Bonds Province of Ontario Bonds. City of Toronto and other bonds. ERNEST bLLIOT Office Elliot Building Exeter TURNING ;MILL • .All kinds of Turning, Gumming Saws,' Etc., done on shortest notice. APPLE BUTTER AND 130ILE,D Cider, first-class quality, S. J, V. CANN, Phone 115 Y. P. C. A. During July and and August the Y. rooms wel be opened only Monday and Saturday slights, but any members wishing to, enjoy the games can apoly foe the keys to Mr Cole on any other paghtt. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 atm„ -"A 'Still Small Voice." 2,30 pin. -Special service for Orange- men. Text -"Our Life for yours if ye utteenot this our business." There will. be no, evening service, Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector mao.400.0 HIP BROKEN. \tr. Ernest Cowdry, an employe a Ntr, Wellington Skinner of Usborne, net with all untortnnate. and paleful accident on Tuesday of last week. He was otag for the cows on, horseback when the horse stumbled and fell, 11r, Cowdry was thrown off and the; horse rolled over Len, with the result that lee left leg was broken at the thigh. He was removed to Dr. Hend- man's boapital, where he is now doing nicely. Miss Grebe Hedden. of London, is holidaying at her home here. Miss Vine Fisher .of Hamilton is vis- iting with relatives in and around Ex- eter. ens Wilcox and wife of Detroit vis- ited relatives in Exeter North over Sunday. Goderich Star. -Mr. P. Case of Ex- eter is visiting his brother, the Doctor; at Dungannon. Mr. John Krueger of Thedford was a pleasant caller at the Advocate office Thursday. Mrs. W. F. May and daughter Miss Lily tray, and Dr.. Hall of 'elle:bell visited here on Sunday. Me and Mrs, Wm. Rivers and son Harper scent the week end in. Simooe with ele Lloyd Rivers. leers, Kul; n and son, Giffard, of To- eonto are visiting with the former's sisters, the MissenElliot Mr. and ?drs. Eber Anderson of Ab-: bey, Sask., are visiting relatives , in Steph:en far a few weeks, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a,,n.—Sunday School and Bible lasses. 11 a.m.—Boys Scouts Service. Mr. Earl H. Davison of Headquar- ters Feld Staff, Toronto, will speak on "Citizenship as Buiit•up by the Boy Scouts Program." No Funds Solicited. 7 p.m.—Rev. Mr. Chidley, of • Thames Road. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wisoui, B.A. 11 a.m.-"The Science ,of "Gods" 3 pere-Sabbath School and Bible Study. pan. -Earle H. Davison of Head- quarter Staff Boy Scouts will see*, Services short and helpful. Music excellenta- A welcome to all niginq $T., METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 11,00 asm.-"Third Mystery -of • the ',Kme4on:0 • '3 p.-Sundaye School and Bible Cense& 7,00 p.m. -"Wrong Handling of Ese tenatee." • • BETHANY 2,30 p,re.--"The River of God." Mrs. Earl Spackman and son are visiting Mr. Spackman's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Spackmare AL" and Mrs, Frank Johns of Tor- onto are visiting the former's parents efr. and Mrs,. Well Johns. Mrs. Richard Coates has gone to Winnipeg owing to the illness of her mother, Mrs. James Westcott. M?. Percy Westavray, returned miss- ionary irom West Chin,a, visited •les sister, Mrs. Al. Ford, this week. Miss Irene Handford of New York is visithg her mother at Grand Bend an sp.O.sit a day nr two in townt Mrs. Wm. Verity ,of Brantford is here visiting wgh hex mother, Mrst Rich. Pickard, and'her sister, Miss Jennie.. Rev. Russell May acid bride of Tor- ciato are visiting relatives in town. Mrs. H. T. Rowe, who had been, in Toronto return.ed with them Air and Mrs. Harry ,Gould of Wind- sor and Mr. Arthur Hedden, of Lon- don attended the furueral of the late Mrs. Gill. on Saturday, Mr. Aquino, Sbeere of Detroit and his daughter Fens, of Lansing are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. A. Sheere, and other relative,s, Messrs, Chapman, Walter, Fuke :rand Pryde drove to London Tuesday IV:I attend a meeting of 209a St. Johns A. F„ Sz A. M., to witness the lrishWork. Wiz.. and Mrs, Bert Amy and family of Brantford arevis" ..itting with rela- 1,i.ves in and around Exeter, guests 'of Mr, and Mrs, Mises Amy, Exeter Nor- th. De Robert and Mrs, Muir, who left Exeter over twenty-five -years ago GOWanda, N. M., where thley have since •resided, are here visiting reasitives, guests of. M. and efre, Ben. Makin* They made the trip in their can Hen. W. M. Isesetin and wife •nf Regina, Seek., and Mr. Alex. Martin of Kitchener $pent an lbotir or two with Triends here on Saturday ei:lening their to visit with their pareets, Rev:. and Mrs', Martie, neloresess-enelleserilerrealine401..serfle PHONE 32 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 t Clearing Sale ol Sweater Yarn MONARCH DOWN (2 oz.) BALLS EACH 39 CTS. We place on ,sale this week all nopular colors of the celebrated Mon - Arch Down Yarn, each ball full two oz. weielet, to clear at only 39c. ball. LADIES' _LISLE. HOSIERY AT 25e, A PAIR, 10 dozen pennies Ladies 'Lisle flothery ip, black and white colors, only sizes 9, 9 1-2 and 10. Slight imperfection rut wleave, to clear at only 25c SPECIAL-Ciadrents brown ribbed cotton hosTery clearing at 25e a pair, "MARTHA, WASHINGTON" HOUSEC DRSSES AT $2,60 . 8 dozen. house dresses, the celebrated "efertha Washington" Erarid, worth up to $4.00; clearietg sale Price $Z.60. CLEARING SALE OF GLOWS Special -Ladies' Lisle and Cotton GlOves, in short style, worth up to 7504 clearing at 35e, pair. Ladies' long Lisle and .Slik Gloves-Oticl ;doesand colors clearing at 790. Tricolette Blouses -See these new lines and styles at pomilar prices. AMPS OUTING TROUSERS We bane a nice range of Clothes itt light color's., suitable for men's out- ing trousers which we will make to, your measure at men -table prices. MEN'S PANAMA HATS CLEARING AT $1,95 , We are clearing this week many odd lines and sizes of Panama Hats, value ve to $4.00, et $1,95. \Vo olsoltave a complete stock of the nem straw and Panama aallora, CHILDREN'S WASH DRESS4S $2.00 Dozens of Children's Wash Dresses in Gingbams, etc., for age ri 3 to. 14 Ve:IrS, value up to $3.00; clearing at only $2,00. elisklies-regularly $225; clearing at $1,75 each. White Wash Skis'. ts-over orae hundred to select from. CHILDREN'S RIBBLD HOSIERY 25c. a PAIR. 10 dozen. Children's black ribbed tenon hosiery, sizes 5 to 10, clear - ng at, 25e, a pair, Brown. in same quality sizes 9 1-2 and 10 only at 25c. a pair. WHITE OUT] NG SHOES. We carry all. the latest styles in white .canvas shoesOxfords, Straps Ties and Pumps, in leather or rubber soles for ladies and children. MEN'S OXFORDS ANI) WHITE SHOES Stylish Brown or Black Oxfords for Men, also White Shoes Le high or low etylen THIS STORE WILL Bt, CLOSED EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTER- NOON DURING JUNE JULY AND AUGUST, JONES & MAY vaPig011eeelee10e0Geeelloae.sitft410sekeseeSsoesess I. R. Carling, B.A Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissiener, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etc, INVEST, YOUR FUNDS in Victory, Dominion of Canada, vincial and Municipal Bonds, all investment for Trust Funda, .At existing ,prices from 6 per to 7 per cent. can be obtained these bonds. Orders received by me, tioney to loan at lowest rates of interest Office -Carling Bk., Main St., Exeter Pro - legal cent. from R. N. ROWE FURNITURE DEALBR FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Embalmers License No. 210 Motor Hearse Service Phones 203 and 20W. FALL TERM FROM SEPT. 6th CENTRAL ST.RATVORO. ONT. The largest and best Commercial School in Western Ontario. A school where you can, get thorough sourses under experienced instructors in Cam rnerciai, Shorthand and Telegraphy departments. Graduates assisted to positions. Home study courses can be arranged Get our free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan, Principal Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange • Jas. Gould MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no winless. SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Hot Weather Specials 25 pairs of Ladies,' White. Canvas Shoes, ,teith spool or military heels,. mese mold for s4.00 and S5.00 apair. For quick clearing we have reduc- ed the price no Der pair S2.48. Ladies' House.Dresses DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w Besides the Billie Burke Dresses we handle a splendid range of dark and light house dresses that have good style and are ,splendid wearer% Our ,outsize dresses „lox ,stout women are, big sellersi. ,Pncles $1.00 „to $4.25 35 pr. Children's Canvas Sandals 98c Regular $1...50 line; sizes 6 to 10; 11 'to 2. This is a splendid shoe for children for hot weather., It is a ease wle want to clear, which is the reason for this very low. Villoet. Per pair 98c. e • Bouthcott Bros • This Store will close every Wed, afternoon during June, July, August. .,„-2 ',se...se aeee, : If you beep anything to sell or you want ,to buy, try Th'e Advocate Want Colunut DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office -Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. Dr. G. F. Routstox4 L. D. 'S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons.,,,> Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office -over Gladman, & Stanliury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER 'AND VAEUATOR fir Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Fend Stock Sales a Specialty. Offie Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. FRA N'I TAYLOR Licensed AuctiOneer for Counties of Htuon and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton,. Ontario.. If you wgmt to ,order a daily PaPer• or magazine, or renew a present sal. scription, .leave your order at tlid Advocate Office. We save yotr envelope postage stamp and colt of money order .and when clubbing alit-, tie more besides. MONEY TO LOAN We have a, large amount of private funds to loan on farm and. village property at low rates ,of interest. • GLADMAN & STA.NBURY BaIrriSterS, Solicitors, Exeter