HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-11-10, Page 231 ti iflparticula 14-4 A 3 9 ARE ARD 9 ARE 4AD 9 TARE ARD 9 arden's Banquet was held last Thursday evening at North Street United Church to ruutgoing Huron County Warden Douglas A. McNeil. Friends, family, past Wardens council members were present. Mr. McNeil is seen here with his daughter Mary ire) and his wife Minnie. (staff photo) ld newspapers make ood reading anytime Transport Torpedoed. . .Germans onger than at any time in tiie war. . ducal rations for Home forces in gland. . .Long casualty lists of nadian soldiers killed or wounded ompanied such news heads as the rcgoing in the Toronto Mail and pire of February 7, 1918. A torn and fined copy has been found by Mrs, H. Reed, 84 Arthur Street, wrapped outa waterpipe. ith it leas a November 12, 1945 issue the London Free Press, published one r later. .. 'War flour 'makes good bread", the ke of the Woods Milling Company erted in a 1918 ad, In accordance with the Fuel Con- ler's request." Eaton's Toronto store s to be closed all clay Saturdays and ndays. ogs brought $18.75 at the union stock d.s, With the Mad, and the Free Press was part of d 'I'orv,nt() Cilohc of March 19, 1918, reporting that 395 "Firsts" in the Canadian Purees had arrived at Halifax for three 'months' furlough, also that Parliament had opened at Ottawa with 122 new niorOhers greeting the Borden Government–half the total membership. The 1995 Free Press contained a news item from Goderich, reporting that 200 ,veterans of both wars had.takenpart in a Remembrance Day service in North Street United Church, under I.egion auspices. Rev. R.H. Turnbull was the preacher, and he also conducted service at the cenotaph. Chief prosecutors were named for the Nazi war trials. War production branches at Ottawa were dissolved. ,Jororrre Kern, noted composer, died in New York. 1ping Hands hold event nnual meeting of the Hands Club was held y at the home -of Mr. s. J. H. Johnstone. as opened with the re read by Mrs. E. er, followed with by Mrs. Johnstone. readings were given is and members, The Otto "Others" was all, inutes of the previous were read by Mrs. GEST STOCK THE COUNTY PARE ORK ARD 9 ,ARE LARD UARE YARD !si OOTS Industrial —Farm Factory or safety toe TURE PROOF SOLES SS OE SHOP 141 The Square Goderich Ont Baechler. All joined - in singing the theme hymn "The love of God". The evening was then spent in playing a game, prizes being given to the winners. It was reported that the Members made 535 visits to patients and shut-ins, and 947 deeds of helping others durir,;.the year. A cheque was sent to the Scott Mission in Toronto, four 'Solar heat. ^ails-wQc •-from page 2A heated by a resistance coil however, offers a variety of options other than electricity to heat the coils. A consideration of energy sources that. ere available to heat your home, involves you in an interaction with the environment around your house," says Tony, "You,. begin to think about the situation of your house, the t4 direction it faces and the existence of windbreaks." "You don't just go into the house, shut the door and pay the bills." The McQuails have been pleasantly surprised at the success of their efforts to use passive solar heating to provide the heat for their house. Their primary source of heat is the sun and 4 thermostatically controlled wood stove as a hack up unit. But, on sunny winter days. they do not require the use of the stove and the room temperature often reaches 75 degrees farenheit. Tony drew up the plans for the house three years ago when he knew less than a quarter of the knowledge about energy and resources he has today and before he had any of the experience he's gained from building it. He could build a better house today with what he has learned but he and Fran are happy with the way their - plans have worked. The 21/2 storey house of approximately 2100 square feet, is oriented so that. the walls face true south, 'north, east and west. It has 228 square feet of windows on the south wall and 48 square feet of windows on each of the east, west and north walls. During the winter, the latter gifts were sent overseas and a sum of money was Pres. ated by Mr. Johnstone to Mrs. H. F. Carroll, for the workshop for retarded adults. Brian Fitzsimons drew names for the door pi zes'and winners were: Mrs. N. Fit- zsi 01005 and Mrs. C. Stokes. Lunch was served by the hostess, and before departing a 'ver'se of Abide With Me was sung by all. Huron Park, Ontario (519) 228-6691 HELP US LOOK FORWARD TO OUR NEXT 10 YEARS..., Plan to visit our College on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 for ACTIVITIES '77 10:00 a.m. • 4:00 p.m. We'd like to show you what we offer to the agriculture and food industry in this area, Two -Year Diploma Programs - Agricultural Business Management - Animal Health Technology • Food Service Management - Community Home Economics WRITE OR PHONE: Centralist College of Agricultural Technology Huron Park, Ontario NOM 1Y0 (519) 228-6691 are filled with rigid styrofoam panels and in effect become insulated walls. The first floor wall is ,fopt- thick stone with 4 inches of fiberglass on the inside. The rest of the walls use two 4 - inch fiberglass batts with a fiberboard divider between the two •layers and pine sheathing on the exterior. The roof is also composed of two 4 - inch layers of fiberglass laid crosswise and an exterior of steel roofing. The north wall is set into a hill so that only 14 feet of wall is exposed while on the south 22 feet are ex- posed. Wind breaks have also been planted which intime will reduce wind exposure. This year they hope to finish double glazing all the windows and build airlock entrance ways for all the exterior doors. A greenhouse will he added to the south wall this sum- mer. They hope to use' it for food drying and heating as well as for plant production. It will he vented to the house on cold days and to the out- side on warm days. The stone wall of the house will form a heat sink as will oil drums filled with water which will support the greenhouse benches. The east and west walls of the greenhouse will he heavily insulated. There will he an insulated steel roof to provide summer shade. It will he angled to reflect winter surf into the second storey windows and reflect summer sun away from the house. The ground in front of the greenhouse will be graded so that it will serve as a reflector of sunlight off winter snow. The McQuails carry their water from a spring but in- GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, tHURSDAY NOV! ID • tend to pump the water from the spring to a storage tank in the house which will gravity - feed the taps and hot water tank. They will construct a pumping windmill to move the water to the storage. For heating the water, Tony is designing a thermosiphoning solar collector to he mounted on the greenhouse roof in conjunction with a ther= mosiphoning coil in the wood stove. Tony and Fran recognize that their concept of quality of life and the' way they are trying to attain it will not appeal to everyone. That is the value of a free society where people can subscribe to different views says Tony. "We are concerned, however, that the pursuit of quantity is destroying the biosphere on which we all depend and as such poses a serious threat to the variety and freedom of choices which are available in our society." For this reason, Tony is offering a course in Alternate Energy Sources to' urge consideration of renewable energy sburces and energy conservation as safer and more secure methods of meeting society's need than the present emphasis on the nonrenewable sources. GARDEN SUPPLIES Pots, Soil, Tools, Planters,In- secticides, Plant Foods, Almost Everything For Indoor Gar- dening. ....Priced Right! SMITH'S ' FARM & GARDEN CENTRE 66 HAMILTON ST. 524-8761 AUBURN HARDWARE. STOCK SALE Starts - November 2nd Discount On Hardware - Paint -~Auto Supplies E. & A. TROMMER Auburn, Ontario BUSINESS DIRECTORY DIESEL Pumps and Injectors Repaired For All Popular Makes Huron Fuel Injection Equipment Bayfield Rd. 'I 482-7917 Cards For Ali Occasions * Gifts * Books * Stationery Supplies * Records f ANDERSON'S BOOK .CENTRE 33 EAST ST. GODERICH Durst, Vodden & Bender CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 37 West Street Goderich, Ontario 524.2011 J AILABLE BY TH! WEEK OR MONTH _KEir%_iovEu ‹ecoratinc Ltd, 33 Huron St., Clinton Box 337, Clinton NOM 110 482-9542 529-7939 Paints, Stains, Min Wax products. Wall coverings, Draperies, Floor Sanding, Text/ring Interior & Exter Contracting FREE ESTIMATES For FASHION RIGHT SHOES The Place To Go ROSS SHOES The Square Goderich s \ WEST ST. COIN -OP LAUNDROMAT 8 DRY CLEANING 54 West St. Open Daily 7 a.m. - 11.p.m. 11 Drycleaninl 524-9953 8:30 to 5:30 p.m. MacGillivray & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS RONALD E. TAKALO, C.A. RESIDENT PARTNER 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH, ONT. 524-2677 MONTREAL TORONTO BRA.MPTON HAMILTON ST. CATHARINES PORT COLBORNE LISTOWEL WINNIPEG CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER OODERICH Science and Fashion In Hair Care • M'Lady complete hair care services • M'Lords hair cutting & styling' — Tues.. Thurs. evening • Senior citizens discounts Wednesday afternoons Plus • Nucleic acid &'protein hair treatments IN Where??? AT The Beauty Lounge 81 East St.. GODERICH "Naturally" 524-8994 - Aii R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square 524-7661 PHIL MAIN HARDWARE FOR HOME, FARM & `P INDUSTRY (formerly H.O. Jerry'.td.) 84 Kingston St. GODERICH • Wholesale Cable, Rope and Fittings • Fire Extinguishers & Service • CIL Paints • Window Glass and Screening Repairs • Small appliance repair .. Hours Mon. - Sat., 8:30 - 6:00 PHONE 524.9671 %t: l tn. ,t :.,r>, Nein i;rr,, Ronald L. McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 39 St. David St., 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario CHISHOLM' FUELS Distributor3 FUELS <SUNOCO> PRODUCTS HOME, FARM, INDUSTRY * 24 Hour Burner Service * Furnace Financing * Gasolines & Diesel Fuels * New Furnace Instollation & Hot Water Boilers 524-7681 OR 529-7524 YAMAHA We believe we have the finest selection of MOTORCYCLES in the area. We GUARANTEE our SERVICE AFTER SALE! COUNTRY RNER STORES MT. CARMEL 237-3456 OPEN 10 - 10 MON. . SAT. NOON -6 SUNDAY RADIO SERVICE CITIZEN BAND - MARINE - BUSINESS WARRANTY & AFTER WARRANTY SERVICE ONTARIO RADIO 450 WEBER ST. NORTH WATERLOO ONTARIO Radios may be picked up and dropped off at MR. STEREO, 40 WEST ST., GODERICH Peter S. MatEwan INSURANCE AGENCY Residential - Commercial Auto - Life 38 St. David St., Goderich Ph. 524-9531 or 524-2522 'Theses It�ytet$fions ' and '�1it1r .ver% bosRd 00 Ontario Law,are pubiished to inform and not' 10 advise. Ho on* shquld try to apply or in. terpret the raw without the aid and advice of a trained expert who knows the facts, since the facts of each case may change - the application of the law." NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. Readers are reminded that AO., letters addressed to this column, will receive a per- sonal reply, provided you enclose a STAMPED AD- DRESSED ENVELOPE. 3 HOUR SERVICE REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS Call A blind friend of mine was involved in an incident that took place in an out of town restaurant. He entered this place with his seeing -eye dog and was refused service. He pointed out to the waitress that Ontario - law made it illegal to refuse him service, but all his pleas fell on deaf ears! Could you spell this act out in black and white, please, so that others will become more familiar with it. The piece of Ieglistatlan that you speak about came into effect in Ontario in January 1,-.t 1976 and it sdoes indeed make it an offence to refuse service to „ blind person accompanied by a guide dog, Th.: blind person though. has to be carrying a white cane. call BILL MELICK at your COLLISION REPAIR CENTRE SOUTH END BODY 524-9181 BAYFIELD RD. GODERICH When we apartment year lease owner has eviction demands moved into our we signed a two but now a new delivered us an notice which immediate ter- mination to our lease. I have told my wife not to worry, but she is very upset. Can you set her mind at rest, please? From ,ill :hat you .tate,irnmyour letter. it would appear that yo ui 11 t.; r,v.racr ha., -;m great 'iiia. to li;,rrn about being a Id id ora l'nless he has some ser y %olid reason for im- mediate ce fiction the new owner'.if a previously rented properly' hitss that property subtest to ,ell r'x,-ling leases. 10 ether words, whether The na'\'. i;.nr'r like, it or not.. he 1',is nor hole.' hut to wait until your 'ease tun. out IF BUSY 482-9796 My beef is with a record club that had a special otter to its members, By purchasing two or more/ records they were entitled to bonus coupons to a Free record. The catch is, that to receive this "Free" record, a person has to pay mailing, handling charges as well as sales tax. Is this legal? 1'hc Ontario Retail Sales Tax people *,uv that. if an item is really F1-21.1.. 1.. then no taxes ni he charged on it However in gout rase, it seems to he a little hit different because. you poi chased regular mer- chandise which included coupons that could he redeemed as part payment. \pp,rieenily 10 a case like this, tax has io he collected on the Total price of the advertised item Sorry. but that 's the way it .1 ands 1 SCHUTZ ,,,d! eliA1\OA 1111111 524- Your Full line • CHRYSLER • PLYMOUTH • DODGE holiday 44•4 A Cy. S,4rovn 414 HURON R0. 6311 GooERICH )