HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-11-10, Page 17Ivailab se 10 sren's cl ANK QED ment. You. 3482.333 IONAl ,EANI he dirt each shampoo quickly- line R CA n Street ch 440 EYE eating NCE IN ST, IIc 5, dr iishwas ues, li rls I•Nurse e Centre ublic notices 25. To give away RATULATIONS! King GOOD hone required for small Fish Shack. D. A. white poodle. Phone 482-7543.-45 gh, Contractor, Shear - Electrical Contractor. -45 SURER'S SALE OF D IN ARREARS OF TAXES UNTY OF HURON E IS HEREBY GIVEN tax sale will be held in until Chambers of the House, Goderich, On - on Tuesday, December , at 10:00 A.M. re any taxes still outstanding date, as shown on the blished in the Ontario eon September 3, 1977: CE IS HEREBY HER GIVEN that if any unpaid lands remain an adjourned sale will eld on Tuesday, ber 13, 1977, at the hour and place. properties involved secured at my office in urt House, Goderich, Oodsrl0 SODDI (RUBS ling you Jr La sr. Ire he ,UMIN OVEM 'RESENiI IUGEAS ROD I SIDING 001 ON tAn0NS 0040 ID" GD 448 RICH :redil ring e of Re he To n,yoffi theO reqs parti d by 977,1i of the h Oa 06.19 IEGE, risters; trealSl ch.0a .the Es G. Hanly, Treasurer County of Huron J st and found Would the person who e light•blue raincoat by on Friday, November 4, ord Hall please call .524- 5x Lady's used all weather vy-sand reversible, size inder please return to rank Hawkins, 524 - FREE — Catalouban Leopard puppies, need good home. Very "intelligent and quiet. Good with kids. Phone482-7285.-45 31. Card of thanks TWAMLEY: My sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for flowers, gifts and cards sent to me while in A.M. & G. Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Drs. Lambert, Hollingworth and Cauchi, nur- sing staff in the intensive care unit and all three shifts on Second E. for their excellent care. This care and kindness will never be forgotten.—George Twamley.-45 . DYKE: I would like to thank the ri5any friends and neighbors who sent cards, gifts and best wishes while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and during my recovery at home.—Catriona Dyke. -45 CONGRAM: I want to thank all those who atisnded my 80th birthday celebW,ion, also those who remembered me in various ways especially my family who planned the occasion, all was heart warming. "Thank You".—Pearl Congram.-45 LAWRENCE: The family of the late Dennis Lawrence wishes to express their thanks to their relatives, friends and neighbors for the -cards, flowers, ex- pressions of sympathy and acts of kindness during their recent bereavement. A special thank you to everyone who looked after our children and those who of- fered help. Words cannot express how much your kindness and thoughtfulness has meant.—Fred and Laura Lawrence. -45x WILKINSON: I would like to thank my friends, neighbors and relatives for flowers, cards, gifts and many acts of kindness during my recent stay in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Watt, Dr. Lomas, Dr. Cauchi, O.R. staff and staff of second east.—Jo Anne Wilkinson. -45x HICKEY: We would like to thank everyone for the cards, flowers and visits during our stay at the hospital. Special thanks to Dr.. Hollingworth and the second floor nursing staff.—Teresa and Erin, -45 memoriam RLANE: In 'loving of a dear husband and ohn who passed away one year ago November a nature you could not art that was purer than ose who knew him and ory will never grow missed and lovingly red by wife Marg and nd John. -45 MORRIS: I would like to thank all my relatives and friends for the lovely greetings and visits on the occasion of my 95th birthday, October 27, 1977.—Sincerely, Mrs. Herb Morris. -45x KERNIGHAN-BURNS: We wish to express our appreciation to our friends, relatives and neighbors who celebrated over marriage with us November 4th. We sin- cerely thank you fcr the lovely presents and generous gifts of money.—Dan and Trudy. -45 Kingsbrid A meeting of the Kingsbridge Genealogical Society was held at the home of the president, Mrs. Jack (Bernardine) Kinney on Friday evening, November 4. Other executive members present were Teresa Cour- tney, Carrie O'Neill, Helen McCarthy and Grace Austin. The Kingsbridge Genealogical Society came into existence in August, 1968 and was spearheaded by Reverend Father Ralph O'Loughlin, C.S.B. Father O'Loughlin has a keen in- terest in the study of genealogy. It was'his mother, Mrs. J.B. O'Loughlin who researched and published the History of St. Joseph's Parish, Kinsbridge in 1937. A copy is filed in the University of Toronto library. This little booklet is no longer available although a few mimeographed copies are still on hand. It is one of the aims of the re -organized society to publish a new and updated history of St.. Joseph's Parish, Kingsbridge. In July, 1977 a Reunion at Kingsbridge of the descen- dants of Morgan King, one of the first eight settlers in 1839 created interest. A history of the King family is completed and it is hoped that other histories of first settlers will be researched. Anyone who has a family history is invited to send a copy for the files. A grant of ten acres of land was given by William O'Neill about the year 1844 for a GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY; N9V Genealogical S Catholic church. In 1855 Father Wassereau was ap- pointed pastor of St. Joseph's, Ashfield. He lived in Goderich and came out on Saturday for Sunday mass. A new church was begun, The timber was hewed and the frame raised like a barn. It was sided with lumber which was drawn from Goderich with oxen. The present church is on the same land. It was com- pleted in 1905, having taken two years to build. The bell, weighing 2,000 pounds pur- chased from McShane Bell Company of Troy, Michigan is still in use. It was moved from the old church to the present church. old church to the present church. SOCIAL NEWS Spooks and goblins were out on Monday evening, October 31 for trick and treat. Many attended the hallowe'en party and dance held in St. Joseph's Parish Hall at Kingsbridge. Games were enjoyed with prizes given to the winners. Prizes were also given for the best original, best dressed and comic Hallowe'en costumes.` Winners of the family prize went to Mr, and Mrs. George Brophy and girls who were dressed like the members of "Little House on the Prairie". (Children's prize winners were: Lisa Frayne and Teresa VanRooy; Jennifer, Raymond and Cathy Dalton; Patrick Frayne and Vince Doherty. iosp. Auxiliary hears therapist The members of the Hospital Auxiliary were privileged to have Mrs. Catherine Dixon of Toronto as a speaker at their regular meeting. Mrs. Dixon spoke on the Addiction Research Centre of Ontario and par- ticularly on the May St. Clinic where she is a therapist. The speakeremphasized the dangers of alcoholism and told how the clinic en- deavours to lead a patient back to health and a life of full potential. The president, Mrs. Carl Worsell, expressed ap- preciation and a momento of ,Goderich was presented to Mrs. Dixon. The Gift Shop will be open in the evenings as well as in the afternoons. Children's clothing and gift items are available in the shop. The Auxiliary hopes the extended hours will be helpful to hospital visitors and friends. Twenty-eight teenage candystripers are doing volunteer work at the hospital and they do a great deal to relieve the pressure on the nursing staff. 1978 Hospital Auxiliary calendars are now being sold. The selling of these practical calendars has been a wor- thwhile project for several years and the Auxiliary is hoping for continued success. Calendars may be purchased from members or at the Gift Shop. Adult prizes went to: Mrs. Betty Doherty; Mrs. Betty Frayne, Mrs. Clarice Dalton, Miss Diane VanRooy, Miss Denise Dalton and Miss Bridget Dalton. Dancing followed to the favourite hit tunes on record. Judges were: Mrs. Jack (Bernardine) Kinney and Mrs. Walter (Mary) Clare. The Annual Com - Mrs. Mark (Clarice) Dalton mencement exercises were assisted in handing out the held in the auditorium at the prizes. F.E. Madill Secondary school Mr. and Mrs. Eugene in Wingham on Friday Frayne, Mr. and Mrs. Finlay evening, November 4 com- MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. mencing at 8:15 p.m. Warren Zinn, Mr. and Mrs. Congratulations to the students from this immediate area who received diplomas. Secondary school graduation diplomas were presented to Mary Ann Miltenburg, Henry VanDyke, Roderick Simpson, Linda Hendriks, Gordon Kirlahan, and Paul. Drennan from this area by Mr. J.P. Alexander, assisted by Mr. K.E. Wood. Mr. John VanDiepan was presented with a Certificate of Training by Mr. A. Corrigan, assisted by Mr. G. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Austin spent the weekend in London with Mr. and Mrs. Ray McLean and with John Finleon. They visited with his father, Mr. Frank Austin who is still in intensive care at the University Hospital, London. SCHOOL NEWS Kingsbridge kapers Theresa Courtney, correspondent, 529-7189 Donald McKenzie and Mr. Girvin Reid attended the Wardens' Banquet held at North Street United Church in Goderich on Thursday, November 3. Mrs. Mark Dalton and daughters Denise, Bridget, Jackie and Marie spent the weekend in Mississauga with Bruce and -Ann (Dalton) Pritchard. Trust Mr. Eugene Frayne, Separate School represen- tative on the Huron County Board of Education presented Senior Letters (The Big "M") assisted by Mr. K.E. Wood. Mrs. Warren (Marian) Zinn presented the Proficiency Awards.assisted by Mr. R.P. joyed "a hiliday' an Frltw•,dG..,. November 4 as It W;11# Professional Development Day. MISSING TRUCK The 1974 International Cattle truck loaded with corn and belonging to Mr. Howard Culbert, RR 1 Dungannon reported missing last -week from the M.J. Smith Grain Elevators at Port Albert was found on Monday, October 31 by the Ontario Provincial Police near Southampton. The truck was out of gas but was still loaded with the corn. The Culbert's•are thankful in having their truck and corn returned to them. THANKS At this time, I would like to say "thank you" to those people in this area who take time out to give me a call with news happenjngs. It helps to keep Kingsbridge on the map. To those who are meaning to do so, I would appreciate your, call before noon on Mondays. Thanks. HOCKEY Intermediate hockey players from this immediate area playing for the Lucknow Lancers are: Paul Frayne; Graham Hamilton, Mike Courtney, Jim Frayne, Gary Courtney, Greg Hamilton, Mark Chisholm and Steve Hackett. Ritter. Mrs. Emma . Franken 'is president of St. Joseph's school association; Mrs. Nellie Plasschaert is the secretary and Mr. Dave Zyluk is the vice-president. Parents were over- whelming in favour of school dances. Questionnaires were given ,out with 36 returns, 20 of which were' in favour of having three or four dances during the year. Constable Bill Wilson of the O.P.P. Goderich Detachment was at Kinsbridge, St. Joseph's school on Monday, November 7 speaking on School Bus Safety. I-te showed the film which demonstrated how quickly accidents can happen and gave the students something to think about. Kathleen Foran and Jackie Dalton have been named to the student council executive of St. Joseph's school association. Parents from this area attended Parent-Teacher interviews on Wednesday, November 2 at the Goderich District Collegiate Institute. Teachers had a busy evening as parents made ap- pointments and waited in line. Students of St, Joseph's school at Kingsbridge en - me, your pL • Ever had to explain recently acquired pilot's something to a friend when licence. So he decided to kill you have a feeling the friend two birds with one stone, He isn't going to like your ex- borrowed a friend's four planation? How would you passenger Cessna and flew it like to have -to explain to that from Montreal to Goderich. friend where you left his That way he could log his airplane? flying time and visit his Don Chisholm, son of Mr. parents and friends . in and Mrs. Ben Chisholm of Goderich. Albert St. in Goderich, faced His plan was to fly into that problem when he Goderich Saturday, visit, and returned to his home in fly home Sunday. Mother Montreal on Monday. Don Nature had other plans. had to tell his friend that the Sunday the weather didn't plane he borrowed from him permit flying so Don ex - was in one piece and in tended his visit to Monday. Goderich waiting for the Monday he took off and made weather to clear. it about 50 miles and ran into You see Don needed to log some cloud forrnationns that in some flying time on his forced him to fly by in- istrict news East Wawanosh names plan rep Gerald McDowell has been appointed by East Wawanosh Township Council to be the Township Representative regarding planning for the upcoming Auburn Centennial' in 1979. McDowell was ap- pointed at Council's regular session on November 1. Council issued five building permits at their November 1 meeting. Jose Homen was. issued a permit for a driving shed; Robert Campbell for a house addition; Murray Scott ngannon W.J. sponsors euchreparty ridaYaPternoon, 48, Dungannon Institute sponsored and Euchre party rookside school. were 17 tables, and winners were: high, ary Errington and th Johnston;;second s. Essie Gibs n and Fowler; low\ Mrs. Ivy and Mrs Ida lucky score and rs, Jean Jardine and le Stanley; birthday date, Mrs. Frances Family Affairs was the convenership for the regular Dungannon W.I. meeting held on November 2 at 8:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Hugh McWhinney, with Mrs. Alvin Kerr,and Mrs. Cliff Purdon in charge. President, Mrs. Elmer Black, welcomed 14 members and three visitors who an- swered the roll by naming "Little things that make life beautiful," for example a kindly smile, 'sunrise and sunset, children, a visit or a phone call, etc. were from Goderich, and the In the business period it was noted that November 16 lag area. The party is Huronview Birthday Party arranged by the for 27 residents. Committees eincharge. will arrange a program, lunch and gifts. Achievement day is November 26 at Brookside School and W.I. members are welcomed. A C.N.I.B. letter of ap- preciation was read. An in- vitation was received to at- tend Carlow W.I. November 24 at 1:45 p.m. The Federated News brochure is to be renewed, 10 copies. Members are to come to a quilting being done at Mrs. Graham McNees, beginning Monday morning. Plans for designing and making an Institute quilt are underway. The date set for the Christmas party is December 7; to be held in Carlow Hall at 7 p.m. with Branch Directors in charge. The canvass for Arthritis gratefully received $146.50 in this area towards the Lucknow and District Branch. The Motto, "no one is rich enough to be without frien- ds," wa's well illustrated by okside Aenings 50 -Mile Club at e was finished this d anyhe ystudents have 00 laps of the ded to win a bar. ctivities took place side school in con - with Hallowe'en. s a record hop for grades; a costume nd a UNICEF film junior grades. The sten calls made nal parade around l, ncostume. rezise of Brookside a meeting of French after school on Y and the senior Education --tea chers meeting after school ay poems given by Mrs. Win- nifred Girvin. Mrs. A. Kerr gave a topic on "Changing trends in today's homes" making comparisons in expenses, types, and expressing ap- preciation of our ancestors. Hostesses, Mrs. Wilmer Rutledge and Mrs. Graham McNee, served sandwiches and relishes following the Royal Anthem and the W.I. grace. Goderich W.I. hold dinner Members and guests of the Goderich branch of W.I. enjoyed a turkey dinner, on November 3, at Victoria Street United Church. Rev. J. Wood welcomed all present. After a_ toast to Queen, Grace was said. Mrs. A. Schram, President, opened business meeting with a poem, Forgive me, When I Whine. Mrs. M. Clairmont in- trouduced Rev. Wood, and asked him to entertain, with several piano slections. District President of Huron West, Mrs. G. McNee, of Dungannon was introduced by Mrs. Schram as guest speaker. She told of a recent workshop on W.I. workshop on W.I. procedures, held at Carlow Hall and led by Mrs. C. Diamond. Much valuable help and in- formation, for W.I. members, was gleaned. The history of F.W.I.G. formed in 1919 was reviewed by Mrs. McNee, also mention of peace gardens, on Manitoba and U.S. border being maintained, also Adelaide Hoodless Home. Mrs. E. Lockhart, showed slides on her recent trips to Western Canada, which proved very interesting and educational. A thank you from Mrs. E. Wilkins, for card sent, was read. Also a Bazaar at Blue Water Centre, was an- nounced Mrs. D. Riehl extended an invitation to members to MacKay Hall on November 6, to help her and family +++ The children were at camp and the parents were having a quiet Sunday breakfast. "1 miss them already," sniffed the wife, "Don't you?'' Husband: "Now that you mention it I do. Why don't you knock over my coffee and rub jam in my hair?" HAVE A F'AP If ST THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY t celebrate their 40th Wedding Anniversary. Mrs. G. McNee, drew the lucky ticket on an afghan on which tickets have been sold for some months. The winner was Christine Laithwaite, of Mississauga. Mrs. Schram closed the meeting, with singing of 0 Canada. for a barn addition and bunker silo, subject to the approval.__.of the Ministry of Environment: Hank Kikkert for a dwelling subject to the approval of the Huron County Health Unit: and William Empey for a dwelling subject to the approval of the Huron County Health Unit and the Huron County Roads department. An "On -Site" meeting regarding the Johnston Municipal Drain is to he held on November 10 at 1 p.m. with interested ratepayers being notified. Eldon Cook's severance was approved by Council. Council authorized the Road Superintendent to advertise for an operator for the Township Truck. The road accounts of $2,399.94 and the general accounts of $2,258.32 were passed and ordered paid by Council. The next East Wawanosh Township Council session will meet December 6 at 1 p.m. 1 struments. Being an inex- perienced pilot he decided that he would rather look at the ground to make sure he was flying straight and on course. He turned hack to Sky Harbor and bought a train ticket home, Don's scepticism over instrument flying is un- derstandable yet unusual, One can imagine that flying by instrument would he eerie not being able to see anyEhing but cloud hoping that the instruments are accurate and that you're not 50 feet off the ground when you're supposed to be 5,000. But Don owns a business that deals in in- struments that permit man to know where he is without actually seeing anything. His business, Air -Com Elec- tronics, sells, installs and services radio and radar equipment for, aircraft and ships. Don hasn't given up though. He plans to return this weekend to fly the plane back to its owner in Montreal. He may have to make another decision this weekend if the weather doesn't co-operate. He'll either have to trust the instruments in the plane or come up with another ex- planation that his friend will buy. Performa death -defying act. vpril Exercise regularly. Give Hear' FUnd.C9 Proclamation The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Goderich at a meeting held Monday, November 7, 1977 resolved that November 14th - November 19th, 1977 shall be observed as "CANADIAN FORESTERS WEEK" in THE TOWN OF GODERICH In compliance with the aforesaid resolution I hereby proclaim November 14th - November 19th, 1977 as "CANADIAN FORESTERS WEEK" in THE TOWN OF GODERICH COLLECTION Discover an exciting cr>Ilectic>n Christmas gift ideas, spccitiicallr chosen J'or you and ,your life style. New and classic ideas for your h(me, for entertaining cooking, and gift - giving from continental Europe's skilled craftsmen and talented designers: D.J. Shevvfelt Mayor Th -E QAINTc�EE " When your taste goes beyond consensus" One Hundred and Twenty Eight Albert Street Clinton i•