HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-11-10, Page 15r, noel ubi 'OOf $3 11 e n t iCt I SOUTH; IIIIIII'llll is 1111111111 ifd ho opt 'hris the why spells ,,mala ht. c r diam es for sale plicity spin washer, er,refrigerator. All in condition. Phone 524- LL table and chairs, ige rug, etc. All in dition, Phone 524- R OLD 30" harvest range. Also two year to gas range. Contact 5,46 manent baseboard ' long, 2000 watts, e 524.6700.-45,46,47 anal Cash• Register. 489.-45a r. heggs; red and white ndy Evans, 2 miles field. Phone 982.7562, e,-45tf t, 117;1 x 13; track Br roller skates, ice tbags and 2woods: a g kit; electric floor ther numerous ar- 524-8843.--45 FOR SALE. -$25.00 cord, picked up (32 ) or $5.00 extra aul EIAs, 529.7746, tol p.m., 2 p.ni. to 4 ytoThursday.-45x china cabinet, two doors, 840.00.'Phone IS 295 Snowmobile, ion, $250:00 firm 0.-45 elvet look bedspread .Bedroom suite $225. tion. Phone 524- K CHICK" Leghorns, Id, available for fall 11262.2637 McKinley iteherv,-eme'ar latfnrm rocker with nd hack in excellent hone 524-8851.-45 ble 42" extending chairs; also one G.E.' er. Phone 524 - snow tires, size G78 - Iles. Phone 524 - Spy, King, Snow, Tatman Sweet, resh cider. Cider able to November ing containers. Orchards, one mile arna. Phone 482 - per mag. C.B. an - super 8 m.m. movie light, 350 golf balls. lures. Phone 524- nts, 69c Ib.; hinds, es, 89c Ib. PORK. 89c Ib. These prices ng, wrapping and ley Abattoir, 395- 395.2979, 46ar used G78-15 tires. 0.-45 end tables, end of half price. Lodge -45ar piano, priced Owner moving. Salter 5 p.m. --44,45 a bicycle for We have a good new bicycles and in stock. Contact leRepairs, 305 Clinton, e phone 482- and Raleigh ar DEADLINE FOR TAKING CLASSIFIED ADS 1 2 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 1 2 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER CLASSIFIEDS- Ilc per word, minimum $2.25 1. Articles for sale HURONASTRA Flea Market open all year round, Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. - 5 -p.m, Featuring gifts, dolls, bric-a- brac, antique furniture, glass and bottles, pictures, brass, various crafts, home baked bread and more. Located Hwy. 4 south Clinton, dealer inquiries invited. Phone 482-7910 or 482-7077. Excellent lunch counter. Draws every weekend.-45tfar- SINGER Sewing Machine, in excellentcondition, solid walnut cabinet, with stool. Call 524- 8441.-45 20" ZENITH Chromacolor TV; 90 percent solid state on matching pedestal base. In excellent condition. 60 day warranty. $279. 25" Dumont walnut console color TV in good condition. 30 day warranty. $179. Chisholm TV, 29 Kingston Street, Goderich. Phone 524-9576.-45ar LADY'S clothing, size 14-18, Two formals and a pant suit, never worn; slacks; coat; short dresses; 3 skidoo suits. Call 524- 2374.-45x LADY'S medium size leather coat, past the knee, bone color, zip -in lining. Best offer. Worn one season. Baseboard heater, 1500 amp. Phone 524-7789,-45 NORTHERN Spy, Red Delicious, Macintosh, Cortland ,apples , at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Fresh cider, red or white potatoes, cooking or spanish onions, tur- nips, cabbages and honey. Phone 524-8037,-40tfar SINGER - For Authorized Sales & Service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes. Pratt's Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton St„ 524-8431, Goderich.-28,29tfar NORTHERN SPY, McIntosh, red and golden Delicious, Cortland and Tatman Sweet apples, potatoes, onions, turnips and sweet cider available. Delivery around town. Gerald Bell Fruit Farm, RR 2, Goderich. phone 524- 8008.-44tfar CHECK our prices on chester- fields, mattresses, chrome suites, coffee tables. C & E New and Used Furniture, 524-7231, .a mile south of Goderich.-tf OVEN ready roosters, dressed weights. Phone 529-7152.-42-45 APPLES FOR SALE - $5.00 per bushel, $1.25 per 6 qts. Phone Gerald Rodges, 524-8021.-38tf RUSSETS, Maclntosh, Cortland, Northern Spy and Golden and Red Delicious apples. Potatoes, onions, turnips and fresh cider. We deliver in Town, Call Bellview Fruit Farm 52.4-8011.-43tfar SKLAR two piece chesterfield, Colonial style with matching swivel rocker chair, $175. Above items in good condition. Phone 524-9412 after 4 p.m, -44,45 each all of NTARIO with ),our special classified ad h a special arrangement between Wspaper and The Ontario Weekly Pers Association we now offer .an -Wide classified advertising 524-8331 for details SIGNAL -STAR PUBLISHING LiB. P 0 Box 220 Goderich, Ontario 1. Articles for sale TWO upright pianos, need repairs. Evenings 524-2729.-45 AUTOMATIC Toilet. Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Plum- bing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.=l4tf 2. Mobile Homes NORTHLANDER, $11,500, lakefront. Bendix, $12,500. Mobiles set up and ready to move into. Must sell this month. Open for offers. W. J. Hughes Realty Ltd, 524-8100 or Rita 524- 8480.-45,46 MARLETTE mobile home 11,:, years old, 12 x 63 with 8 x 21 ex- pands. 'Three bedrooms, large living area, sundeck, garden shed, set up ready to move in. In Huron Haven Village, 3 miles from Goderich. $16,000. Phone 395-5258: 395-2841 or 396-7753.-42- 45 MUST.SELL - two bedroom 1975 Marlette set up at Huron Haven. Any serious offer will be con- sidered on this .beautiful home, Phone 526-7784.-41tf BENDIX double -wide mobile home, 22 x 48, with add -a -room, three bedrooms. Will move. Phone 482-3218.-43,44,45 MOBILE HOME for sale or rent. 12 x 60 with 12 x 12 extension and storage shed. Four bedrooms, carpeted throughout. Appliances, washer and dryer, curtains in- cluded. Good condition. 524- 2632.-45,46 1976 MiDDLEBURY Mobile Htime, excellent condition throughout, Deluxe Model, 12' x 65'. Will sell with or without furniture; will move anywhere. Best offer. Phone 482-7246,-38tf HOIVIC'() Ambassador mobile home. 14 x 68 two miles north of Goderich in Huron Haven Village. Call 524-9808.-47tf 12 x 60 PARAMOUNT Mobile Home needs minor repairs, partially furnished. Best offer. Phone 529-7951, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p. m.-42tf THREE bedroom 14 x 68 mobile home on a lot in beautiful Meneset Park. Only $1500 down, full price $14,500. Call 524- 6067.-tf ar 3. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS for all occasions. Free style brochure, Rawsons Shop for 'Men, Goderich:-20tf. I FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself. with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524-6231. We can suit you for every occasion with FREEMAN'S FORMAL- REN- TAL and JEFF'S ' FORMAL WEAR Exclusively at CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS LEASING Check out the reasonable rates and excellent service of the nice guys. •GREENWARENT • MED MERCURY SALES LED. 263 HURON RD. GODERICH RENT -A -CAR 4. Articles wanted WE ARE now handling lots or part lots of .' furniture and ap- pliances. If you have articles to sell privately or by auction contact Rathwell's.. Auction Service. Phone 482-3120 or 527- • 1336.-29tf FURNITURE, glass, china. clocks, bells, brass, copper. Will buy for cash or sell by auction. Mike Cummins,, Auctioneer, 524- 9064.-22tf USED sleigh in good condition. Suitable to seat two children comfortably. Phone 524-6055.-45 WANTED -Good used car, '73 to '76. Phone 524-7980.-45 WANTED: Old brick buildings for demolition and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia.-23tf KURIOSITY KORNER will buy outright complete household estates or single pieces of fur- niture. Best price paid or will sell by auction. Do not hesitate to call us. Our aim is to please. 67 Main St. Seaforth, Phone 527- 1336.-21 tfar LOGS WANTED Standing timber. For top prices d, instant cash call your local sawmill. CRAIG'S SAWMILL -AUBURN Bill Craig AI Craig 526-7220 526-7512 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1974 AMBASSADOR Brougham, 4 door sedan, 360 V-8, all power including air conditioning, 36,000 miles. Certified. Best offer over $2,300. Phone 524-9412 after_,4. p.m. -45 1971 CHEVELLE, 2 door hardtop. V-8 automatic, new exhaust, radial tires, certified. $1,100 or best offer. Phone 524-8541 after 5 p.m. -45,46x 1970 TWO DOOR Pontiac 212, good condition, power steering, brakes and windows. Gold color with beige vinyl top. Phone 395- 2404 anytime. -45,46x 1969 OLDSMOBILE Delta 88. good for parts. Asking $60.Call Mr. David Cooper 524-7663.-45 1977 CAMARO, blue, white in- terior, CB equipment. Phone 524- 2488.-45x 1974 PINTO, four speed, $900.00, as is. Call 524-6233.-45 1972 TOYOTA Celica, good condition, new tires - 2 regular and 2 snow polyester power cushions. Phone 482-9719 after 5 p.m. or anytime weekend- s.-45tfnc 1969 METEOR, not in running order. Best offer: Phone 565-2196 after 6 p.nt.-45,46 1974 FORD LTD Brougham. excellent condition, certified, asking $2,900. Phone 565- 2659.-45,46 1976 Austin; front wheel drive, 40 plus m.p.g. Call: 524-8055 1977 JiMMY, 4 wheel drive with locking front hubs, standard transmission with power steering and power brakes.. in excellent condition. Safety checked, Phone 524-6233.-44,45 1969 GREEN Ford. Falcon,. 79,000 miles, new brake and exhaust system. As is, $275.00. Phone 524- 2276.-40tfnc , 1973 CHRYSLER, four door custom, eight automatic, power steering, power brakes, original paint. Safety checked. Priced to sell. Phone 526--7266.-44,452 1975 MONTI-: CARLO. excellent condition, power steering, power brakes, tilt steering, tan with brown vinyl roof, $3,800 or hest offer. Phone 524-2270 before 4 p.m. -44,45 1972 DODGE'. Van. Best offer. Phone 524-8793.-44tfnc 6. Pets AQUARIUMS, hirds, rodents, tropical fish, plants. Complete line of pet supplies. Goderich Pet and Hobby Centre. Phone 524- 2883.-28tf - 6. Pets IRISH SETTER PUPPIES for sale. Registered. Good tem- perament. Championship and hunting background. $100.00. Pone weekdays after 5 p.m. or weekends Zurich 236-4147.-45,46 FOR SALE - Four male purebred Germa'n Shepherd pups, six weeks old, no papers. Phone 529-7507.-45,46 PURE German Shepherd pups, 6 weeks, raised with children. Reasonable, no papers. Phone 395.5320.-45 TROPICAL fish, canaries. Complete pet supplies, Pat's Pet Shop. 350 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily and Friday evenings.-20tf 9. Accommodation to rent LARGE four bedroom house in Clinton, to reliable family, $215. per month. Available July 1st. Phone 519-658-9879.-25tf TO RENT 5000 Sq. Ft. Office Space 524-8382 BENNETT APARTMENTS Two bedroom apartment - 5268 per month;. yearly lease. Stove, refrigerator, TV cable and all utilities included. Also one bedroom bachelor, includes fridge, stove, cable TV and utilities. 524-4658 SPACIOUS 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE 9 Superintendents for town houses. Good 'remuneration, inquire now. Ample parking, near recreation facilities, utilities included. 5194.40 per month. VANASTRA CALL NOW! 482-3574 MAPLE GROVE SENIOR RESIDENCE LODGE Just two blocks from Shopping Area NOW OPEN FOR RESIDENTS Featuring: • i'ritase, tiemi I'rivast• bed- -sitting rooms • (hsn pusw s.iun. oeleohred • in Large Dining 1t •. Two Lounge.. with Finisher, 1'I11s pitting room.. VERY REASONABLE RATES 45 NELSON ST. GODERICH INQUIRIES - PLEASE CALL 524-7324 8. Real estate wanted 9. Accommodation to rent OFFICE to rent in good location. Available October 1st. Phone 524- 8845 after 5 p.m.-42TF•NC CENTRALLY located 2 hedroom, bath and one half. private en- trance, living, dining and kit- chen. $150 plus hydro. Available immediately. Vacant at present. Phone 482-7860.-45 ONE BEDROOM self maintained trailer. Phone 524-6008.-45,46 CLOSE TO SQUARE, half a duplex, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms,. garage included. Available December 1st. Call 524-4608 after 5 p.m. ar 523-9441 anytime. -45 YEAR ROUND storage space fur your car, snowmobile, boat, etc.: refrigerated rooms, workshop and office space in Luck -now. Phone 528-2900:-45 - SPACIOUS one bedroom un- furnished apartment with lake view, for single person or married couple. Not suitable for children or pets. Phone 524-7884 after 6 p.m. -45 TWO BEDROOM home four bedroom home, also country home close to Goderich. Will rent to responsible parfy. 524- .8480.-45,46 ONE BEDROOM heated apar- tment, upstairs, one block from Square. $95 •a month. No pets. Adults only. Phone 524-8671.-45tf SINGLE apartment - close to Square, furnished, everything paid. Very clean, quiet building. Bob Lortie 524-2437.-45x FOUR ROOM apartment partly furnished, immediate possession, business girl or middle aged couple preferred, near the Square, references. Phone 524- 842.2.-45,46 THREE BEDROOM home located on Mill Road, Available December 1st. $235 per month plus utilities. Phone 524-7822 from 9-6. after 6 524-2961.-45ar ONE BEDROOM '•apartment close to Square, stove and refrigerator provided. Phone 524- 6253 days (Monday to Friday), 524-8936 weekends or after 5 p.m. weekdays.-45tf TO SHARE with another gen- tleman, two bedroom apartment. centrally located, fully furnished. Phone 524-7586, LET PHONE RING. -45 COUNTRY apartment with privacy in quality home, close to Goderich, Reasonable rent to responsible party. Phone :524- _ 8480.-43tf VANASTRA APARTMENTS FOR RENT Bachelors . One Bedroom . Two Bedroom STARTING AT $ 3 c 00 AND UP All utilities included . New Shag Carpets . Stove is Refrigerator , Central Laundry Facilities Near Recreational Centre ... Available December 482-3574 or 482-7335 oorsEffE' 8. Real estate wanted Y Wanted to Buy Mir i.-► i .IM, i .s•r ,-i/i-iAIN, i / i INF iAM' i /Mr ice. 300 - 400 Acres cash crop land No buildings required, (will also be considered with buildings), 2500-2700 heat units, Perth Huron and extreme southerly part of Bruce County preferred. CMI or Write Immediately Joe Leuthard Realtor P.O. BOX 111, GUELPH N1H 6J6. _. TEL. FS191 821-9600 OR t5191 822.3869 10. Wanted to rent ACTIVE Senior Couple require small cottage or similar ac- commodation. Will decorate, repair, For reasonable rent. Call London 471-0726.-45 ELDERLY gentleman would like room and board in quiet home. Apply to Drawer 21, Signal -Star Publishing, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. -45 11. Room and board FORK note completed at the Holiday glome, Clinton for retired people. Select choice of rooms now available. Threq meals served doily. Mrtj. C. Von Dant me 482.3685,-:15tt' 12. Help wanted PERSONS to v, ;tit on tables in our - licensed lounge, part time, good wages. Hos Haven Motor Hotel, 482.3489.--45.46ar 12. Help wanted CARETAKER, temporary position for two months. Com- mencing December 15th. Possibility of long term em- ployment. Apply in writing to North St. United Church, 56 North St., Goderich, Ontario N7A 2T4.-44,45ar• AVON; Dreaming of a "Green" Christmas') As an- Avon representative, you can earn cash to pay those holiday bills. Call Mrs. Thompson, 527-0238 or Mrs. M i l Ison, 451-0541.-45,48a r LAN t41ABON of Hand Hewn Log Hinir's requires carpenters, must he ubk. to work alone. Phone 529- 78k5 after 6 p.m. -45.46 K1•''li()ARI) person worsted for 11,1,71 hand 1Shannon7. 'Aust he tt illutg to play tt ee•kends and h.ite no trees Phone 524-9314 or 524 6804.-45.46 NURSING ORDERLY The Department of Psychiatry of the Alexandra Marine & General Hospital has an opening for a Nursing Orderly. Prior training and experience desireable, but not essential. Will train if required. Position may entail rotating shiftwork. Good benefits and competitive salary. Applications should include statement of education and relevant experience. Send to: Miss J..Shock, Associate Director of Nursing Alexandra Marine 8 General Hospital, 120 Napier Street, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1W5 ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR/FINANCE Applications are invited for the position of Assistant Ad- ministrator/Finance for the Alexandra Marine & General Hospital, The successful candidate will be responsible for all accounting functions, including budget preparation, financial, analysis reports and necessary official reports. Position carries with it line responsibility for Plant Services Depar- tments of hospital, Hospital experience a -t senior level a desireable pre -requisite. Position available immediately. Please submit resume, listing experience, references and salary expectations to: J.W. Banks, Administrator Alexandra Marine 8. General Hospital, 120 Napier Street. Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1W5. MAI EXPERIENCED NURSES and Homemakers COMCARE LTD. Has immediate openings for registered nurses, registered nurses assistants, graduate nurses, nurses aides, and homemakers in Huron County. Full, part-time, and tem. porary positions available for home care, institutional relief and private duty. Choose your shift, and your days off. Transportation an asset. Our representatives will be interviewing applicants at the Elm Haven Motor Hotel, Clinton, on Tuesday, November 15 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. PHONE: 1-800-265-5993 Monday.to Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. A CHALLENGING CAREER as a Credit Officer with Federal Business Development Bank THE POSITION QUALIFICATIONS REMUNERATION LOCATION --Negotiating loans with owners of small and medium sized Canadian businesses and administering loan ac- counts as well as providing management services. Working in o professional at• mosphere- with consultants in law, ac. counting, engineering and insurance. --The successful male or female ap- plicant should be prepared to assume increasing responsibilities. Accounting degree, Bachelor of Com- merce or Business Administration or equivalent experience in the fields of finance, banking or accounting. Some practical experience in business or in- dustry Is necessary. --Based on qualifications. benefits. experience Excellent -Owen Sound initially and fringe Written replies only, Indicating qualifications and ex- perience, should be addressed in complete confidence to: The Manager FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK 1 139 SECOND AVENUE EAST OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO N4K 211