HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-11-10, Page 14t. Yi 1. , PAGE 14—GODERICH SIGNAL STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1977 • rictThree talk to Allan Anderson news Residents interviewed by Farm aut Lions Club to raise Leader Dog mone Lion Fred Lawrence, president of the Auburn Lions and District Club presided for the meeting held last Wed- nesday evening in 'the Community Memorial Hall. The minutes were accepted. as read by Lions secretary Bob Ketchabaw and Lions James Schneider gave the financial statement. Lion Bud Chamney in- troduced prospective new member Clare Millian. Lion Fred Lawrence stated that the zone meeting would be held at Blyth on Wednesday November 9. Lion Gordon Daer and Lion Bill Crawford were asked to sketch aa Auburn Lion's pin to be sent to Mr. Garrison's son to see how much work will be in- volved in making the mould. Guiding Lion Charles Shaw introduced Lion C. Casemore of Wingham. He is chairman of the Leader Dog program and he explained how the contributions made by Lions Clubs are used. He spoke on the work of the C.N.I.B, and the great demand for support. He presented. a film on the Leader Dog Program and showed how a blind person comes to depend on these highly skilled animals. He told about the Leader Dog school which is supported 80 percent by Lions Clubs at Rochester, Miohigan. He said about _0O dogs are in training at all times at a cost of about $4000 for each dog. The project committee plan to have a dance on Saturday, November :.6 and also an auction sale on' November ::6 in the Community Memorial Hall at p.m. with proceeds • going to the blind program, Donations will be kindly accepted (no clothing please). For pick-up or in- formationplease call Ross Dobie at 5`6-7779 or Marinus Bakker at 5=9-74:.8. The meeting was adjourned on motion by Marinus Bakker and Mark Arthur. WALKERBURN CLUB The Walkerburn Club held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Worthy Young of Goderich, Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey presided for the meeting. The minutes were adopted as read by Mrs. Thomas Cunningham. The roll call was answered by giving a donation to the Club's Korean Fester Child by eleven members. The treasurer gave her report and stated that the foster child's support was paid up to the end of January and this included the birthday and Christmas gift. The draw prize donated by Goderich Little Theatre Mrs. Marian Hunking was won by Mrs. Roy Daer. Plans were miNe to hold the next meeting at the home of Mrs. Thomas Cunningham with Mrs. James Schneider and Mrs. Leonard Archambault in charge of the program, and Mrs. Marian Honking and Mrs. Roy Daer.. A successful auction was. held with Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey as auctioneer, Mrs. Ron Gross and Mrs. Lloyd Penfound were in charge of a program of contests, soap, patch and Auburn news Eleanor Bradnock correspondent, 526-7595 Hallowe'en. Mrs. Elliott Lapp won the prize for having the lucky cup donated by the hostess Mrs. Young. Lunch was served by Mrs. James Schneider, Mrs. Leonard Archambault and Mrs. Young. SOCIAL NEWS Mrs. Douglas Chamney, the Auburn Librarian requests all Huron County Library hooks to be in by November The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lawrence on the accidental death of Mr. Lawrence's brother last week. Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, Mrs. Robert Peck and. Mrs. William Porter of Goderich and Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock of Auburn attended the Guelph Area of the Women's_ Institute convention held at Bingeman Park in Kitchener last Thursday, Visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davies were Mrs. Edna Sippell and -Charles Wilbee of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Monck of London and Mr. and Mrs. Spencer German of Wood- stock. Mrs. J. Ball of Bayfield and Mrs. M. Redden of Timmins visited Mrs. Bell Allen last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raith- hy attended the Camp Her- mosa annual meeting held at Mountain View Baptist Church, Georgetown and visited Miss Norma Thom- pson last weekend. Prize winners at the weekly euchre party held Tuesday evening in the Community Memorial hall were high lady, Mrs. Bob Ketchabaw; low lady, Mrs. Roy Daer: high man, Douglas Glousher; low man, Ernest Durnin: novelty prize, Mrs. Roy Daer, A Goderich Little Theatre workshop on lighting will he held on Saturday. November L. at MacKay Hall, The first session will he from 10 a.m. to noon. The second session will he from 1.. p.m. until 4:30 p.m. Jack Wright, a former member of G.L.T. now residing in Cornwall, will he the instructor. Everyone interested in stage lighting is welcome. The rehearsals for the first G.L.T. production of the season are well underway. The play, a spoof called Shamalot, written by a G.L.T. member, will be presented on November 30 and December 1, 2 and 3. An ad will appear in next week's, paper with in- formation about the times and dates for the box office. Hope everyone has their G.L.T. membership by now. If you have been missed, call one of the G.L.T. members .-,QUARE In the October 29 issue of The Canadian in that same Saturday's London Free Press there was an excerpt from Allan Anderson's book, Remembering the Farm. Three of our local people were interviewed when he was doing research for this book. They were Mrs. Cecil Blake, Mrs. Marjory Pen- tland and K.K. Davison. A quotation from the latter is as I understand, included in the excerpt of the story about the whip and the kicking horse on the rake, Some may have heard the radio program on this a little while ago during which several local recallings were quoted. CHURCH NEWS Sunday, November 6, the Sunday preceding Armistice Day, was observed as Remembrance Sunday at Dungannon United Church including prayers in remembrance of the fallen in two world wars, "0 valiant hearts, who to your glory came - Through dust and conflict and through battle flame, Tranquil you lie, your knightly virtue proved, Your memory hallowed in the land you loved." The choir sang an'anthem under the leadership of organist Shelley Rivett. Rev. C.G. Westhaver told the children's story. "Turning Your Enemy into a Friend", before the children went downstairs for Sunday School. The sermon was taken from Genesis, "And the whole earth was filled with violence." Hi -C group held its first regular meeting in the Nile church basement at 7:30 on Sunday evening. Young people of high school ,age in the pastoral charge were. invited. A nursery is expected to be inoperation next Sunday at Dungannon United Church. Parents interested and any who would volunteer their services are asked to sign the sheet at the entrance of the church sanctuary. A crib would be most useful. Anyone having a crib or playpen.that they would be willing to donate for this purpose, please contact the minister or • Mrs. Penny Hodges. The Explorer group meet in Dungannon United church on Tuesday evening under the leadership of Mrs. Donna Snyder and Mrs. Sandra Curran. Choir practice will be held in Dungannon United church on Thursday at 7:15 p.m. The November meeting of the UCW will meet on Tuesday, November 22, at the home of Mrs. Cecil Blake. UCW visitors for the month of November are Mrs. Linda Curran, Mrs. Sandra Curran, and Mrs. Emily Drennan. An intermediate class has been formed in the United Church Sunday School, open to young people ap- proximately 12-14 years or upward. Mrs. Westhaver is the teacher with volunteer assistants. "Energy Conservation Products" of Waterloo and Durham are promoting to our churches a system of cir- culating air with ceiling fans which, it is claimed, makes the temperature almost uniform between floor and voderlch 4040* MOST STORES WILL CLOSE From 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. REMEMBRANCE DAY Friday, November 11 To allow their staff on opportunity to attend Remembrance Day services MOST STORES OPEN Until 10:30 a.m..and 12:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. ceiling and so eliminates a fair percentage of fuel cost. Their representatives called and inspected the church last week, in the course of their travels. The minister has details, if the officials of the churches are interested. As Sunday, November 6, is pulpit exchange day in ,the northern district of the Mennonite Church there was a visiting pastor, Mr. Ernie Martin from Hanover, in the pul"pit of the Dungannon Christian Fellowship Church. Pastor Lawrence con:- ducted orn-ducted the services at Bethany and Glen Allen Churches near Elmira. During the week Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence will be in the Tillsonburg area showing slides of Africa and Papua, New Guinea. On Sunday, November 13, the Youth Sunday School class from Trinity United Church, Ashfield, will be visiting the Christian Fellowship Church. After the service, they will meet with members of the Mennonite Youth Fellowship for a time of friendship and refreshment in the basement of the church while they participate in a question and answer period regarding the doctrines and beliefs of the various bran- ches of the Mennonite Church as found in the Old Order, Amish, Conservative, Mennonite Brethren and Conference Mennonites. It is anticipated that there will be a profitable' time of discussion, as well as a social and sharing time. 4-H NEWS Roll call at Dungannon 3 4- H Club's seventh meeting was to tell about a fruit dish served at home, giving fine's own and the family's com- ments. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Alma Black on October 17 with 10 members present. The minutes of the last two meetings were read by Vera Van Diepen. The treasurers report was given by Sandra Pentland; The club decided to have a Pot Luck Snack party for their last meeting on November 7, at 7 p.m. at Mrs. Blacks. The pictures are ready for the notebook covers and four seniors are' going to prepare the display for Achievement Day. Joyce Dougherty led in a discussion of Garnishes and Accompaniments: Frpit Specialties; Fruit and Cheese Trays: Fruit Fondues: and Fruit Arrangements, Sandra Pentland demonstrated the making of chocolate fondue sauce and everyone brought a piece of fruit to dip in it. The meeting adjourned with the repeating of the 4-H pledge. SOCIAL NEWS Jack Caesar, Wayne Ellis and Ross Hamilton from the sales department at CKNX, Wingham are accompanying a group of their clients to the Barbados for a week's Dungannon doings Mary Bere, correspondent, • 529-7915 holidays. CFPL. London sales personnel and their clients are also in the group making 160 people. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Reed of Port Colborne spent a day or two recently at Jim Reed's summer home (the former Dungannon schoolhouse) and called on Jack .and Gwen Caesar one evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. King of Detroit called on Mel Jones on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. K. Dawson called on Mrs. Chas. Fowler in hospital in London on Thursday. She is improving but is still in traction and faces a long convalescence yet. Mr. Richard Thomson returned home from St. Joseph's Hospital in London on Wednesday. He is recovering from back surgery. Miss Sue Godfrey and Glen MacDonald of Kitchener spent the weekend with Sue's parents, Howard and Marlene Godfrey. W.I. The Dungannon W.I. are planning to visit Huronview. on Wednesday, November 16. Mrs. Bessie McNee, president .of Huron West District of the Women's Institute was guest speaker at a fall banquet meeting of the Goderich W.I. held at Vic- toria United Church in Goderich, on Thursday, November 3 at noon. On Thursday evening Mrs. McNee spoke to the Blyth W.I. as Huron West District President. l.'na Watson crochets a place mat while she waits for customers at her booth at the Legion Ladies' annual Snowflake Bazaar and tea held last Wednesday. Mrs. Watson rented a booth from the Legion Auxiliary to sell her crocheted and knitted creations. (staff photo) DISCOUNT PRICES ON YOUR EVERYDAY NEEDS MAKES TRIANGLE DISCOUNT We'reWorth Remembering NOXZEMA 170 ML �4 9 SKIN CREAM ONLY • CLAIROL HERBAL ESSENCE SHAMPOO 2 . 700 ML $ 5 ONLY AQUA FRESH TOOTHPASTE 100 ONLY 9 9 SECRET SUPER DRY SPRAY DEODORANT 9 OONLY SCHICK INJECTOR 39 RAZOR BLADES ' ONLY 8 9 BIC DISPOSABLE LIGHTER ONLY9 94; TRIANGLE DISCDUNTIL. formerly CRAIGIES 58 SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH Mrs. Mary Bere, Jamie, Dale Maclnnes, and Miss Debbie Vella visited John and Maylin Bere and family in London on Saturday. Welcome from the com- munity to Mr. and Mrs. Tony Vollich (nee Kathy Rieck) who have moved into the home on Joseph Street for- merly owned by Ken Bowden. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gilbeault and Kelly of Essex spent a week recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooper, and Mrs. Wm. Garten of Leamington and Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Gamble of Ripley visited with Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Smith this weekend. Miss Beth McConnell requests that all Huron County Library books be returned on Saturday, November l'.as they are soon to be exchanged. It might be pertinent for the Township Councils in both Ashfield and West Wawanosh to discuss the possibility of placing restrictions on dogs running around the village. Residents of Dungannon on both sides of the highway are complaining of harassment by dogs and especially the nuisance of having garbage bags broken into and scat- tered on Saturday mornings - r as if it wasn't e gather garbageoncet, Limited Olii A UNIQUE CHRISTMAS GIFT,,,, Queen's Jubil Year Spoon 3, SILVER PLATED STERLING, SILVER 11 quite HIGHWAY 11SOltit HmniIIIIIIimiu IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlll11111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl111111l111111IIIIIlllllllllllllmll CULBERT'S BAKERY . "Home of Tasty Pastry" P. 49 WEST ST. GODERICH 52 F. 100 years of Serving Goderich and M area residents with quality bakery products REMEMBRANCE DAY We will be closed during ceremonies in the Park FE ONLY * 15 varieties of Donuts available daily Tsllllllllllllllllll111111lllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIii1111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU diamonds for Christmas Diamonds, both large and sni,ill, make cherishedlm gifts and wise investments. A diamond is apo" anytime.Chris Planning to purchase a diamond this Remember, no two diamonds in the world are the Each diamond has a personality of its ntin.That'swhfP vary. . At Anstett Jewellers. we've been diamond Orli twenty-seven years. Our two on -staff GraduateGemol. can explain (o y0U the dtl'feren(s' in carat weight da color., and cut that determine the price of each sione Our expert evaluation and appraisals, and fn ^uldiam advice; will assure you Of a life! of pride in. purchase. Now with two on -staff graduate gemologists .JEWE ANSTETT 4f. Renowned for Quality Since MO 11' -ALBERT STREET CLINTON 482'3 SEAFORTH WATERT. 48 yf 5a wf nE in if Cli e at h pl