HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-11-10, Page 4PAGE 4--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY,. NOVEMBER 10, 1977
Lest we forget
In time for Rememorance Day 1977, the
United Church Observer has urge,
Canadians to also honor the heroic Ger-
mans of many faiths, who suffered and died
rather than compromise with Naziism.
According to the article, at least 4,000
Roman Catholic priests died by "hanging,
starvation, lack of medical aid and as
victims of medical experiments" rather
than give in to Hitler and his treachery.
The United Church Observer says
Canadians seem to have forgotten the vast
numbers of German Christians who simply
would not do Hitler's bidding, even though
the penalty Was death - or worse.
A paper encyclical, which was to have
been read from every Roman Catholic
pulpit in Gorman," nn Palm Sunday in U 7
called on the people to resist the idolatrous
cult of "race and state". Hitler was so
infuriated by the church's open defiance of
his orders that he "waged systematic war"
on the church until 1945 when the German
army was beaten.
The local branch of the Royal Canadian
Legion has worked hard to encourage
Goderich citizens to remember the troops
who served in the wars so that Canada
could be free. At this time of year, the
Legion provides the leadership and the
inspiration necessary to keep the joys of
peacetime in perspective to remind the
younger generation that this freedom they
enjoy was purchased at a price. It is worth
something and should be valued,
But the United Church Observer is right.
Sometimes in the zeal to honor the
Canadian veterans and those from Canada
who made the supreme sacrifice for their
countrymen, there is a tendancy to put
aside the truth that among the enemy too
were heros - men and women who disap,
proved of the hideous atrocities of war and
refused to kill and maim without
provocation and justification,
This November 11, let's broaden the
scope of Remembrance Day Services. Let's
give'honor everywhere it is due - and let's
pray that the world need never again know
the agony of a bloody battle w ith only death
and destruction as the spoils of conquest..
.v '
BY SHIRLEY J. KELLER concern that the winter
Every once in along while, months may be difficult, both
someone composes a bit of economically and weather -
homespun philosophy that wise, and it isn't long before
' ^� Set in .... and the
just seems to fit the mood of the b
the moment. So it was this corners of the mouth droop
week that I came across a making it all but impossible
poem which has been kicking to smile.
around on my desk for a The natural reaction then
couple of months. I picked it among
g ccut most
bpeoplek on s s toicuo t
up, read it and thought,
"Wow. That has a message cut back on energy outliut,
for people .about now," cut back on Community
Have you noticed it? Have service, cut back on anything
you noticed the depression that will give the illusion of
which has set in across the prosperity and happiness.
town? People you meet just And without these individual
don't have the spring in their bits of impetus, the whole
steps these days. They are scene gradually deteriorates
unnecessarily short'with each • often without genuine
other; they are suspicious; cause.
they are growing less and less Economists will tell you
willing to assist with com- that during times like these,
munity projects; and they are • the best antidote is to spend
even complaining of being cautiously butspend.
less and less efficient in their There's no justification
own line of business. What's ever for buying a mink coat
happening? when you can't' afford it. But.
There's no doubt the if you have the money, and
economic and psychological want to buy a mink coat,
climate in Canada seems to there's absolutely no reason
be deteriorating. I say why you shouldn't buy a mink
"seems to be" because there coat now, In fact, you would
is some real doubt in my mind be doing your bit to boost the
if things really are as bad as economy in the community if
people say ,,,, or whether it's you did go out and make that
really people reacting to a special purchase today,
general decline which is Feature this.
scuttling everything from A man usually trades cars
sales to morale. every two years. This is his
Pick up the newspaper and Year to trade. up. Things
read that the cost of living has really haven't changed much
increased again and the doom in his own private life. He has
and gloom mongers have a the he's monreluctant Lt trade
beccars bu
field day. Hear that unem-
ployment has increased in heard that "things are going
Canada by another per, to get tight
centage point, and soon it So our man decides to wait
feels as though your own job a year. He doesn't trade his
and maybe even that of your car and the car dealer sells
spouse is in serious jeopardy, one less vehicle. The
Somebody expresses the manufacturer in turn sells
The County Town Newspaper of Huron
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Published by Signal -Star Publishing Ltd.
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one less vehicle than
projected figures indicated
and the workers on the line
have one less vehicle to build.
They are that much closer to
a lay off.
Back home, the car dealer
finds his sales are down. He
cuts back on his spending in
the community he doesn't
get that new rug for his
livingroom he promised to his
wife. The rug salesman has
one less sale and he doesn't
buy that new rifle he's
planned to buy for the hunting
season. The sports supplier
has one less sale so he doesn't
redecorate his bathroom as
he'd hoped to do. And so on
down the line..
Compound this incident
Multiply it by 100 or by 500
and before long, things really
are tight. It could even be that
somebody along the line will
lose a job right here at home,
making the whole picture that.
much more bleak.
The fact is, the fellow who
had the money to trade cars
started a chain of reaction
that was totally unnecessary
if he'd only shut his ears to
the rumors about "hard
times" and proceeded as
usual, spending carefully the
money he had.
That may he over-
simplifying the matter, it's
true. But still it is evident that
if people who have money
spent the money they have
we'd all be better off.
Notice! The trick seems to
be to spend the money you
have .... not the money you
don't have or may one day
have. Just the money you
have right now.
+ + +
Now I think you are
suitably prepared to receive Lives changed, moro.
this muquoe
philosophybit inof the right spirit,n Wives
no longer havt
Here it is. Read it. Enjoy it,
time for the house,
Then forget it ... and get on Many don't see much
with the business of living
and hard work.
your life with common sense
In most things now
portance is speed,
"A QUICK. LOOK No time for Whaloth
The opportunities in our
country are overflowing,
Please God give us strength
to keep pace with the
For most of us, there is more
than enough,
For others, as always, the
going is tough.
Life itself can get pretty
Just try figuring it all out in
Progress has been with us for
some time now,
It has been quite awhile,since
the horse and the plough.
Progress moved in, slow at
the start,
Then the Government
arranged for us to pay a large
The first big help was the
So easy to control by the feel
of the wheel.
We could go a long way in just
an hour,
It was deadly if given too
-much power.
There are airplanes and jets
zooming thru the sky,
Many fly safely, others crash
and die.
When Women were given the
right to vote,
Come for tea
Dear Editor:
I was amazed at the way in
which Councillor Haydon
accused me of attacking Mr.
McCabe. I think apparently
she was annoyed that I had
the audacity to criticize the
actions of Council I found her
use of the word coward in
describing my action in using
a, pseudonym was sarcastic,
and sarcasm is the last
resource of defeated wit. I
think we are all aware that
anyone who is interested in
knowing the writer of a
published letter is at liberty
to do as, apparently, Mrs.
Haydon did, enquire at the
Signal -Star office.
My reason Trr not signing
my name, was in deference to
the, wishes of my family, as
past experience has made me
aware that it is not always
I am happy to report that I
have spoken with Mr.
McCabe and he assured me
that, at first he was a bit
upset when he read my letter,
but on reading it again, he
realized that I was not at -
Independence has
Many marriages d
too long.
Big machines tooka
toil and the grind,
Calculators and com
the work of the mind.
Progress has covered
You can see it and
To scientists and
we,must yield,
Or he an expertinour
tacking him, and did un-
derstand my reasons for
writing the letter.
However my original letter
was not to get involved in a
personal argument with Mrs.
Haydon. Each one of us is
entitled to our opinion and to
express it. If Mrs. Haydon
has the time, I invite her to
my home for a cup of coffee
and further discussion. I will
We have a tremen
prove ment in Educati
Here there •is
There are schools
quick •and schools
And busses to takee
to and fro,
Unemployment is still
So are Drugs, M
I ask you all, in your
to pray,
That Christianity
Electricity are hereto
By Luci
A ClandeboyeW.1•
treat her With the
respect 1 accord
guests. self,
1still sign
Trite a le
to the edito
The Colonial Moving
Pictures Company to exhibit
at Victoria Opera. House on
Saturday, November 15 under
the auspices of North Street
Methodist Sunday School has
spared no expense to make its
exhibition the best of its kind
in North America. The
program has many attractive
features never seen here,
such as the eruption of Mount
Pele and also pictures of the
coronation of King Edward
The firm of Lee and
Shephard, dealer in hard-
ware, stoves, furnaces,
tinware and plumbing has
been dissolved by mutual
consent and the business has
been taken over by Mr.
Charles C. Lee, the senior
member of the firm.. ....
Early on Tuesday morning
the dwelling of S. Halstead,
on St. David St., was
'-discovered to he on fire and
the owner, with the
assistance of his neighbours,
mastered the flames without
calling the fire brigade.
The employees at the
Knitting factory are working
overtime and orders are still
coming in from the far West.
A memorial window in the
baptistry of St. George's
Church was dedicated at the
servicee of Holy Communion
on Sunday morning to the
memory of- the late Prof.
Geoffrey Holt, son of the late
Judge and Mrs. Phillip Holt
and grandson of the late
Archdeacon Elwood, first
rector of St. George's Parish.
A scarcity of pork next year
with high prices to the con-
sumer were predicted by hog
producers of nine Western
Ontario counties meeting at
Clinton on Friday night, On
this assumption, they asked
for a continuance of the
government floor price of $25
a hundredweight until April I
of next year.
What is the average
number of persons to a family
in Goderich? The answer is
3.2 persons, according to the
figtrr'es- of the 1951 Canadian
census. The same figures
show that in 1951 there were
1,318 families in Goderich for
a total of 4,253 persons.
The G.D.C.I. senior Vikings
won their fourth straight
Huron - Perth football
championship here Saturday
afternoon defeating
Lords 16-6 in the conference
At a special PUC Genet'
last Friday evening
Whaley, chairma
(ioderearPafety 8
four Y
the coos
behalf °f resentati
from r�aft'tY , •�,
Ontario d cowers
The awar
1968 through l of °
A numberinclud18
c,fficials, mo
Minister of Comes.
Social poured the
Brunelle, Fora.
Clinton Air et
recently with ana 9
development nastd'
Give SOHes
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