HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-11-03, Page 23He say, the arty S5gaed 'orth n nsidered: d itis i01 Se), n value, ment s en part main fling ie enj is pala d. One ix of h ' 4y. t in Lee 11 ethell Lr, ggirp back, sa trie tray fairs cause hl od ex who he Jo, In alit my at moss lay, salt and They paint so the) s pa standards he woo ▪ lit '.veryth' He wauH ng some gan. He up his os. He Goderirl •oup ni Allan. e firstp ne from s art go, visitors xebec, Chicago, alongh ourage y few the s enjoy a ke in a Ip fora •rangem nduct -e trips DLINE FOR BULLETIN BOARD FARM SECTION ADS 00'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY every Tuesday at the Vanastra RR 5, Clinton, 8 p.m. regular card $1.00. regular $15.00 games, hare -the -wealth, jack - 200.00 must go. sion restricted to years and over.—tf RICH Community Union 24th Annual g, Dinner and Dance, d Valley Hall, y, November 26th, 9.44a r NOVEMI3ER Fair Bake Sale and Tea at Street United Church dnesday, November m 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. es- of the United Women. Come and friend. -43,44,45.._ RICH Township ion Arts & Crafts, ncing November 7th, .m., in Holmesville chool Library. -44 ce to the music of OOD TIMES" ron County's own sc jockey service YOUR CHRISTMAS ARTIES NOW :PHIL MAIN JR. Days 524-9671 venings 524-8991 YGURN: rHE BEST 'arts ervia iccess leatals YU ECRIA NAM IV le 1 TLAND TRAIL SOCIATION UAL MEETING at rtson Memorial biic School 5 Blake St. W. Goderich ov. 3, 1977 at 8:00 p.m. & Refreshments LL WELCOME CLINTON LEGION BINGO, every Thursday 8:00 p.m. first regular card $1.00, restricted to 16 years or over. Fifteen regular games of $15.00, $5.00 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200.00 must go each week,-19tfar BINGO every Saturday evening at the Blyth Memorial Hall, Blyth, Ont,, 8 p.m. 12 regular games, ` 3 share -the -wealth and Jackpot $150.00.-38tfar HURON Trail Riders annual dance November 5th, San- dpiper Inn, Vanastra. Dan- cing 9-1, buffet lunch grovided. $10 per couple. Band - The Tikis with vocalist Gloria Hart. For information phone 482-7994, 524-7046 or 594-7917 —43,44 The family of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Salter of Goderich are holding an "Open House" at 190 Oxford St. Goderich on November 6, 1977 from 2-4 p.m. and 8-10 p.m. in honour of their parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary Best Wishes, only Mr.'& Mrs. William Snyder Goderich invite Relatives, friends and neighbours to their 60th Wedding Anniversary To be held at Victoria Street United Church Saturday, Nov. 12th 2-4 p.m. Good Wishes Only Bingo In The New Goderich Legion Hall BINGO EVERY SUNDAY 7:30 P.M. SHARP NEW REVISED GAMES 11 Regular Gomes -'15.00, 4 Specials -'18.00 4 'Share the Wealth" with a chance at the Jackpot. Two door prizes. 5110.00 in 56 calls ADMISSION '1.00 DOORS OPEN 6:30 All PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK 'C:t>- xs.==sf tc==xlextc= HURON CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ?S DANCE At The Vanastra Community Centre On November 12th, 1977 'RONNIE ROBBINS" Popular Nashville Singer Lunch Served - Refreshments Available Admission '8.00 per couple ifQilC==-tK_'t UARE MEAL UARE DEAL TRY -NOW OW FULLY ;1' CENSED _, 1 ODERICH RESTAURANT ROYAL Winter Fair bus leaving Friday, November 18th, Queen Guineas. Night performance; Musical Ride. Phone 529-7888 or 529- 7921.-44-46 THE FAMILY of Mr. and Mrs. Don Riehl invites relatives, friends and neigh- bors to an Open House on November 6th at 3 o'clock at MacKay Hall to celebrate their 40th wedding an- niversary. Best wishes only please. -44x The family MADELEINE and D'ARCY RATHWELL wish to extend an Invitation to all friends, relatives and t neighbours to help celebrate: their 40th ANNIVERSARY on Friday, Nov. 4 9:30-1 a.m. at the White Carnation Holmesville Best wishes only 43,44 Christmas shop now at your leisure! OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. Discover Distinctive Gifts at Squire Gifts HIGHWAY 21 SOUTH GODERICH HIGHWAY SOUTH GODERICH /•4�\ "The Ircauettes -here to stay Great Buffet Great Entertainment Downtown, London Centre Arcade King & Clarence • Tel. 672-8570 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • CAMPBELL'S 168 THE SQUARE GODERICH Thursday, November 10 1 3 p.m. FREE ELECTRONIC HEARING TESTS REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES OF HEARING AIDS LICENSED UNDER THE LIQUOR LICENSE ACT 42 WEST STREET J.D. FAIR Hearing Aid Service 91 Brunswick St., Stratford 273-2118 ACT1ON.. YOU BET! WESTERN FAIR RACEWAY Qtteen's Park London, Ontario HURON COUNTY Family Planning Project INVITES YOU TO ATTEND BIRTH CONTROL CLINIC Every Thursday From 6.30.9 p.m. Huron County Health Unit Shipley St., Clinton For information call 482.3416 Weekdays or Thursday evenings Everyone Welcome The family of DON and MARIE LANGRIDGE wish to extend an Invitation to all friends, relatives and neighbours to help celebrate their parents: 25th Wedding Anniversary Saturday, Nov. 12 9:00 p.m. - 1 a.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion Goderich Music by the Cavaliers Best Wishes Only i GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3,1977 ---PAGE 541* JIM'S PIZZA 68 WEST ST. - SPECIALIZING IN ITALIAN & CANADIAN FOOD FLAVOUR CRISP CHICKEN (ODERICH FAST TAKE OUT SERVICE 524-2184 524-2185 sC__ X1•=ltC=-=r0 - '5* '5FCr x}C Goderich Minor Soccer Da,nce a ogerich Mew��,ri Arena Friday, Nnv ,dr dth, 1 C77 Dance 9 p.m. GIP!: Music by "Sot.: hero Comfort" Tickets *10.00 For Tickets Call: is Per Couple 524.9348 or 524-2981 1.5iI lc= 1,==.1til i A Fora Tasty Treat Try (At NESE 3 oor• Phone 524-2242 Eat In or Take out HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. Fri. -Sat. Sun. 10 a.m.-10 p.m. 10 a.m.-12 p.m. 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Open Wednesdays Esquire Restaurant . The Square Goderich Appearing This Week WED., NOV. 2 TO SAT., NOV. 5 41 FLYING MACHINE AT THE BEDFORD COURT LOUNGE Coming Next Week WED., NOV. 9 TO SAT., NOV. 12 TUMBLING DICE Goderich Magnifique! TRY OUR DELICIOUS TRY OUR DELICIOUS SMORGASBORD TU ES. 12 - 1:30 p.m. $3.50 EACH WED. 6 - 7:30 p.m. $5.95 EACH SUN. 5 & 7 p.m. $5.95EACH Bedford Hotel 524-1337 Attention All Goderich Community CREDIT UNION Members It's our 24th Annual Meeting DINNER and DANCE SALTFORD VALLEY HALL November 26th, 1977 ANNUAL MEETING - 6:00 P.M. RECEPTION - 7:00 P.M. DINNER - 7:30 P.M. DANCING 9:00 P.M. to 1 A.M. 55.00 - DINNER & DANCE 53.00 - DANCE Tickets Available at your Credit Union Office 39 St. David St. 524-7931 Myth Pony Club' will hold their Annual Fall Dance at Blyth Arena Saturday, November 12th For Tickets call: 524-8030 or 524-6452 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "I'll Be Seeing You" with Stan Profit • CABLE 12 LISTINGS * Thursday Beginning At 7 p.m. _ * * * * * * "Foxy's Friends" with Ronnie Varga "Time -Out With Jed" Local sports with Jed DeJong Wednesday 7 p.m. Featuring people 'n places of interest * * * * * * * * lit * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Monday 7:30 p.m. -- Lions TV Bingo Kentucky Fried Ckickne TUESDAY SPECIAL DINNER FOR ONE (Regular Price '2.20) TUESDAY ONLY *frws fned Ckk. Colonel Sanders' boys and girls make it finger lickin'good. 94 Elgin Ave. Goderich, Ont. Do you know where your children are? Do you know where your friends & neighbours are? Probably watching TRIGON '77 An evening of one act plays proudly presented by THE G.D.C.I. BARNSTORMERS (formerly G.D.C.I. Drama Club) FRIDAY NOVEMBER 4th 8:00 P.M. PLAYS "LITTLE BROTHER, LITTLE SISTER" "POUNDS & PENANCE" "OUT OF OUR FATHER'S HOUSE" Come laugh and cry with us in an evening of top-notch high school drama. ADULTS X2.00 STUDENTS al .°° Tickets available only at door SPECIAL GUEST PERFORMANCES BRADFORD DISTRICT SOUTH HURON DISTRICT NOTE: ONE NIGHT ONLY - DON'T MISS IT! • • 5