HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-11-03, Page 21Juc. mp. Ses, As h :es .V VY g. 3.6 Good loom, PANEL E 15 PANEL BLUES )0 odel lank loge ging Wed ado. 3 B GODERICH SIQNAL-STAR, THURSDAY, NOVg,IVIRER 1.1 ,f,7.,-4- rttji parate school reviews 'total expense y Wilma Oke uron•Perth County Catholic separate oard reviewed the capital expenditure forecast as requested by the mini3try of education. Once more the board will submit a request for renovations at St. Michael's School in Stratford at an estimated cost of istric ne bies tized cial vice received into the d nurture of United Church on the rite of infant ere: Tara Lee- hinney, daughter a and Robert ; Tenille Louise daughter of and Cecil Cran- ebecca Nicole daughter of d Gary Dauphin; izabeth and Ryan dren of Peggy and y is in prospect for caretaker of the United Church. persons may gannon doings , correspondent, 9-7915 e minister or ngton. tian Fellowship s organized a ible Club and the g of the fall held at Peter artin is leading ngers in a weekly . has been well the weekly Bible study on Friday taken from the es on the subject ST STOCK COUNTY RK OTS ustrial rm ctory ret toe RE PROOF LES S $165,000 to provide for home bconomics, industrial arts, and a music room. This project was submitted in 1975 and rejected by the ministry because capital funds were not available. Irl 1976 no ,forecast was requested. As well, the board will be requesting approval for $15,000 for the replacement of one 1970 school bus in its fleet of eight buses. Declining enrolments continue as a concern to the board as well as to other boards. Joseph Mills, superintendent of education, and Jack Lane, superin- tendent of business ' and finance, attended a meeting in Toronto of the Commission on Declining Enrolments on October 14. In their report on the meeting they said they were provided with statistics on the declining numbers not only in Ontario schools but across Canada. They said the commission was set up to study the problem and will be taken to strategic places in the province to receive briefs from school boards, com- munity groups and in- dividuals. They said the board will haveo look at setting up a task force which would in- clude ratepayers, trustees, administration staff and school personnel. The task force could begin the study after another conference in Niagara Falls on December 1,2 and 3 on the same subject which will be attended by trustees Ronald Murray, Ted Geoffrey, Ronald Marcy, Arthur Haid and David Teahen. - William Eckert, director of education, said there was a decline of 161 students in Huron and Perth separate schools as had been projected and that next year they were projecting a decline of 180 students. He said that classrooms cannot be closed according to the decrease in enrolment because the decrease is spread out in the 19 schools in the two counties. Mr. Eckert said the public must be educated to the problem so they can un- derstand why changes must be made by the boards. At the meeting in Dublin Monday night, a presentation was made by John McDonald, RR 2, Mitchell, Regional manager of the western region, St. John Ambulance, seeking to have the first aid program purchased by the board for use in the schools in the system. Mr. McDonald outlined the history of the association which has been established to promote healing, sustain life and alleviate suffering. He said safety habits come from changing the attitude of people. He said this has proved successful in the factories and among other workers and now the em- phasis is on school children. He said a special program has been set up for the schools and explained its value to the school system. He stated that the knowledge that children gain in handling accidents is reflected in safety habits in 7/ A the home, that the first aid Skills the student learns will he of value to that person throughout his or her life, and that in many summer positions, a knowledge of first aid is necessary or at least helpful. Mr. McDonald said that the eight-hour course would be given to only grades 7 and 8 students. It involves training the teachers first that they will be able then to instruct their students. He explained that the Workmen's Com- pensation Board endorses the program and will pay for two teachers from each school to take the course. Any extra teachers taking the course would cost $16 each. The hoard would purchase the program including films, books and other materials. Mr. Eckert suggested that the proposal for the course be presented to the principals to find out if the teachers would be interested in taking the course td teach it to their grades 7 and 8 -students. The hoard members agreed to this suggestion. The next professional activity day will be held on November 4. r� J,�Lif N S TV r,r r:rI In recognition of their services as foster parents, these people were presented with certificates at the annual banquet of the Family and Children's Services recently. Left to right, front, are Alma McLean, Lila Thompson, Evelyn Boyce, Betty Hamilton and Verona Snider. Behind them, left to right are Ted McLean, Lorne Thompson, Kenneth Boyce, Garth Hamilton and Russell Snider. The Thompsdks, Sniders and Hamiltons have been, foster parents for 10 years, the others for five. Certificates were mailed to Hazel and Herbert Harrison, Yvonne and Dennis Brown and Diane and Barry Hackett, who were not present. (T -A photo) YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR • ROGERS MAJESTIC TV • EXPERT TV SERVICE • ANTENNA & TOWER INSTALLATION 162 MARY ST. GODERICH 524-9089 Trying with Try 'ietPe our diet? •:.*�.,:{,:;ate.... ss SHOP the &lu,rrr, Poch ont Pepsi-Cola and Pepsi are registered trademarks of PepsiCo. Inc. Now you can save' 15C on your next purchase of Diet Pepsi-Cola. Keep on trying with your diet and use our money saving coupon. Just say Diet Pepsi please. MEM 11•111111 SAVE15eaar‘g/eer1s5Cize onbottlyouPepsi-Colaext purchase of Diet Pepsi-Cola in the 26 fl oz or - lI MR. 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I think I've been had, can I do anything? It's doubtful! Companies pushing• this type of "distributorship'' usually urge investors to sign con- tracts on the spot. Our advice is that NOTHING should be signed until you've had time to do some checking. This can be done through your nearest Better Business Bureau or Consumers Protection Bureau. Contact a lawyer and have him explain the terms of the Contract, and. -never ever sign until you are familiar with ALL the implications. Make sure there is a demand for the product and don't fall for promises of "small in- vestment with big returns." call BILL MELICK at your COLLISION REPAIR CENTRE SOUTH END BODY �` ,j\;, I` t t, rl ,i4- -� s 524-9181 BAYFIELD RD. GODERICH Six months ago I left a deposit with a big city fur- niture store, this was for a table that was advertised but was out of stock. What can I do to get my table or recover my deposit? Unfortunately you did not set a specific date for delivery. Now you can do nothing but wait until more tables have been shipped to the store. If you had set a certain date then you could sue for delivery and if the store failed to produce then they would have had to give you your deposit back plus the dif- ference between their sale price, and the price you would have to pay at another store to get the same table. Shop locally next time, and avoid the hassle. IF BUSY 482-9796 What is IMPACT'S opinion about food plans? Food plans can be both good and bad because as food costs increase more unethical dealers seem to appear, giving the entire industry a had name. Make sure you understand exactly what you're getting before signing any food contract. Be sure you know the cuts and grades of meat you are getting, as well as the quality 'and quantity of groceries, plus the itemized costs. Be suspicious of mem- bership, (service and handling charges) which could cost several hundreds of dollars for a six-month period. Some food plans operate on a premise of selling you a freezer. This gives the operator even more profit because the cost of the ap- pliance is often inflated. SCHUTZ j Your Full lino !if rmtvfn;j • CHRYSLER • PLYMOUTH • DOGE 524- 8311 holiday 414 HURON RD. GODERICH Nr, yn; .04