HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-6-30, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO TITURSDAY JUNE 30, W21 Our, Corner Outside the 20 -mile ` .limit the par- cel post rates Kaye bee.•. increased from 10 to: 11 (cants for the first pound and four to five cents for ad- ditional pounds. none 81a T.MAN'S For All Kinds of 8ummerwear W. W. Taman Tailor& Furnishe r The most dangerous part of an auto- mobile fis usually 'the ver.'R A l:emeardine man says that what makes him mads that to pay Ilia in- come tax, he has to borrow the money from the man who has no income tax to pay, The dust was so deep o'n: the coun- try roads on Sunday,.that great clouds arose: with every passingcar, but the rain of Monday changed theeface of things couade:ably, The ilea per cent• reduction lir Pass- enger railway rates goes into effect on Friday next. July 1st, thus returning to the sates prevaa% .ng prior to Sept, 13th, 1920. This does not effectWest- tn. passenger rates, nor pulbeeet Tates. Chicago reformers are out against short skirt with a new argument. The claim is that, while short skirts lessen danger of accidents to women, they increase accidents to men. The men are .so interested that they don't look where they're going. The Goderich Star, editorially cern- stenting on the decent vote of the Huron County Council regarding the matter of grant for hospital co4-nstruc- tion for various centres throughout -the county, finds fault v,ith some of those members who voted against the pro, posed hospital granas,, and says: „Some of the representatives from other centres whseh are scot yet ready to use a greet for hospital construe= tiara, seemed to be afraid they would not get their share when the time conte, and for this reason announced their opnositioa to the report of the �. ^• 1 HasPi:ai Connm tree;. and as a result Goderich has to pay the pen- alty of being one of the first places ready for hospital expansion." and further asks ""why should Goderich and St'ingbart have to wait until Clin ton, Seaforth and Exeter are ready to make use of a grant for censtruc- tion; ? " If the see the thing rightly those representing the centres com- plained of are to be commended for rhea. attitude Le .the matter, Why should the municipality of Exeterand other municipalities be compelled to contribute large sums of money to the construction. of ,hospitals of 'which they would receive no benefit what - evert? Building up Goderich in boa- pital proficiency, or otherwise, at the expense of other parts of the county is unfair. There has already been loo much of this kind of thing done in the past regradless of rightor merit. Speaking for our own r'enresentn;tive and those of the adjoining townships we pat them oh the back for assist- ing in the defeat of this umponulfar. one-sided pronosaa: CORRESPONDENTS ATTENTION. Correspondents will please get the budget; of news to The Advocate of- fice ttnot later than Tuesday, and we hope always on Tuesday morning, It is necessary so that the half holiday be observed on Wednesday for t summer months. See The New 1921 GRAY DORT OPEN AND CLOSED STYLES ON EXHIBITION. WHAT ARE YOUR TIRE REQUIREMENTS ? Why send to Toronto and buy "seconds'' of unknown make, when we can supply you with tires of reputable -manufacture that have stood thelest of ye'ss. Owing ton large purchase we are in a position to supply you with Tires and Tubes at a very law price and guarantee satisfaction. FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE GRAY DORT GARAGE. T. H. NEWELL THEN and NO 11 Since the day when. Jacob ate cakes baked from the meal ground by ail .beloved Rachel is a lar ..ry. Many generations of ,mmllers and i,i'r'veetors °Oat rathenery since then have used the,i>; wits to produce a finer meal a ----- Wei' flour, The result is the splendid stoner Flour •of the present We, make it here an Exeter; Our 'brands are Manitoba's Best, Modeland Welcome, the hest money can buy. Buy a sack of it said whiae, you axe enjoying delectable bread made from tmagimie how Jacob's whole being would have tingled with, joy if 6'veet and winsome Rachel could have placed suets ambrosial food before Oar devoted a,pousat , :Ars we cpoee aerly en, July for xepa;iss, farmers` will do well to get some Harvey Bros. 1 Exeter Council Crediton Ifonalay. June :7th, 1921. Nathan Sambrook of Chatham is A. gar meet;ang of then Exeter Council. uAbsent, Counetae- Steell: The ns scutes of the meeting held Juane 13 were read and aperovecl. A communication was read from: the visiting his parents for a few days' holiday s. M''Lily Lawson has resumed her duties at the Telephone Office, after =omelet Treasurer`s office, Toronto; t`vo weeks' ,holidays zx Windsor and Londono. Re distribution. of Railway Tax for 1930, weal a cheque enclosed for $73.80 orrae.red filed Nat'ces ' - i_a me th County Clerk, outs G. W. Holman, Ret, County rate for 921 was read and is as follows : Font gen- eral County purposes, :2045.16; Good Roads =le: $]345.50 -..Total $3390.66. ' A peat^: was received and .a3ead, signed by ratepayers along Albert St.,, between Huron and James streets, aak- tag that, "That portion of the street be watereele a Granted on motion of Elston and Penhale. The following accounts were react and ordered paid:--I,?ominio, Rubber System, Toronto, fire hose, $184.08; J. Br;ntnell, labor and material Town Hall, 534.73; Cr. r'ttantle, coal for Lib- rary, 586.70; John Kycid, labor cern., $19.50+! N. Vale, labor do., 730; C. Ford. do., $18; R.. alecKenzie & Son, supplies cemetery, $S;J. Ford, flowers, $30.90 pt. salary, 162.50-..$93,44; R: Luke:. team labor R.D., c32,50; T Mesa Merle Clark was in Londonlast week trying her musical exam nations The members o e f the local Orange'. Lodge marched to the Methodist church an Sunday everting where Rev. Brook preached a very insole -lug ser - mom wel- come mein ops were was atandstill, owing to the dry spell. Our the summerl„holidays,+n• Thursday thoe Trustee Board veal e able topretain 'the: s`ea,ff of teachers as they have p:ove,d themselves very efficient. Commencbtg with next Sunday ev- ening the services in the Evangelical •ehurele will commence at 730 for the months of July and August. airs. Emma. Scott of Philadelphia visited ala and firs H. Eilber toy a few days last week - Mr. eek4r and Mrs. Daniel Qe t-eicher 'ere seated d io" Tav stork on Friday Walpe: do:, 17.15; Harvey Eros., do.. exon ' to the death of the letter's $26; P. Coleman, do., 161.75; T. afoul- s'^°'tar, tics' .'',zcklea, The deceased was den, do., 545.50; C. Heywood, do, welt known here and her many friends 522,75; Ontaro Flax Co., .$32.50; R. wish to extend to the bereaved lam- a. Davis. do., $9.75; R. Giil'.e., do. a sly anti Mr .and Mrs. Oe tri .her their $17„2; Gar. Stanlake, labor do., .t6 sytnpa by in the their hour of be - Parsons, do., $29.40; F. atallett,do. reatenzerr.. de..5")1; G. Sn do., 50c.; R. Quancc Quite a number from here attended da., 52. h, .he special ia1 decoration services held in ;'::seed on motion of Elston and 'ne •1 ew:' c•em,etery .on Sunday. Darts. Ad jouritment by Penhale. ells:; Nem HoltGmana inteeds leatame Jos. Senor, Clerk, for Lardara shortly where sh£ e w , gc. --0-__. el;:.'t rt: its a nurse at Victoria1las, Ii pea,.t1 e w..sla her ever} sweets,. Beet -hell tans have. r , eceited weer. ae:ful betas, this ,past week, a, a re - fin. a".. the two ;Tames played withas; ; CI.rtoz tee; Goderich. The result of Ta- "eta ,Muni with Clanton was expected Local News A rare daughter of air. and M Fret, Bloomfield, Exeter North, ceottal a severe gash in the head wit, platelet at school on Tuesday. PROPOSE BUYING ORGAN. The people of James Street M;et Nast Church protease baying a ne organ for the church, end are at pre en making a canvas of the eongre ation with a eaew to ascertaining h hue they could secure by subserap ..on. The organ would cost abo $.I3,Q00, and already over half tit amount has been subscribed. HIS LEG INJU?teD, Mr. Chas. Delbridge of Winchelse recently had the mfsfortune to ha about a twenty -foot face of gray sli:e an Mm .in the pit, with the suit that his knee was twisted, ;tin the cords of the leg were rupture* The accident wall lay him up for set eral weeks. It is a busy time to laid off, just now as the haying an harvest :s about to commence, 1 ESTLe-SANDERS. 14 beaeue>a• we had heard their team had sutteaea c.•onside rably on account of some of :heir men leaving, but the, trip to Goderich was another matter. Since hT canesderable opposition: was heard to spezd.ne, money on the imported play- tv ers the management decided to use s- their'"home brews" and really to say eongre the least we were dee-lighted. The game w.;! Clinton on Tuesday was es practtcally wall: -over. The mem• berg of ate junior team who 'rare dratted into the Clanton team have e ery promise of making' good nlayers end we may look. for good results itt a veer or so: Bill, Watson hurled the ba]latar our team and. certainly had things going. Gerald Hanlon took his place tor three inniazgs and showed lots of pen and steam, showing that we have .good material here to make up a ]irs't -class team, It wasn't long' before our players got an to the Cline; ton pitcher and certainly slammed the ball all over the .field, Bully Feltner had his ankle badly wrenched which kept him out of the. Goderich game, The store was 12-5 in our favor. Clinton 000200012 -- S Cooper, Norris Crediton 6 2 0 21 010 -- 12 \'Vatson & Hanlon; Beaver, On i'hursday a lot of our fans ae- conzpa.nied the boys to Goderich and ,o hear them talk the next day would do your heart good. It seems that right from the start our pitcher Bill mate had the. boys of the County town guessing, while our boys 'slam- med the Goderich pitcher all over the lot Bissett Falmer made six two - baggers and splendid work was done by almost every player. The follow - Me is the sco= e Goderich 0000006001-7 Ramsay Bissett Crediton 3 2 4 01010 2-13 ;tote Beaver; It will be seen. that up to the sixth irur;ngs it was a shvtt-tout and in spite of the shouting of the fans; Go�'erich was held down. Two of eur men, were caught napaeng on bases and some errors allowed Goderich to•bring in six rune in. the sixth mning's�,. Our boys were d•elrghted with the way they were received by Goderich and have nothing but the best to say of them. e a hat, rte d be A quiet we:idsta was solemnized a the James Street parsonage, Exeter, o June 29, when alis Lela Sanders, sec end daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D Sanders became the bride of Mr. Ru fus Nestle, son. of Mr. and Mira. Ed ward Kestle. The bride wore a navy silk with accordion pleated skirt an she wore the e groom's gift, an exquisi string of pearls. After the ceremo the young coupled motored to Lando where. they took the train. for Toront Niagara Falls and other points.. 0 theirreturn they will reside on th groom's farm in Usborne. May tine married life, be one ,of bliss and hap pines is the wash of the Advocate n to ray n o, n e err UNITED FARMIERS MEET. The South Huron, United Farmers' Political Association met in Hensall on T.hureelay aftentoon, June 23rd, with a good attendance, By-laws to com- ply with the Ontarta Co -meanies' Act were adopted and directors were eject- ed; resulting as follows :-W. Robinson, Stephen; E. K1o,p, Hay; J. A. West- lake, Stanley; E. Wise, Goderich; J. Scott, Hullett; R. Do ranee, McKillop; J.Finlayson, Tuckersmith; W. Haw- kians, Usber ne; liras. Glenn and A, Munn, Hensaal; Wj G`. Medd, Exeter; A. Moore, Bayfield; A. J. McMurray, Clinton; Geo. Turnbull., Seaforth. At a (meeting of the directors held after- wards the following officers were elected: -W. :Black, President; J. N. Retcliff e, Vice-9',re4, , G, W. Layton, Sec'y-Treas. It was unanimously de- cided that the ladles have equal rep- eesentation art the board of Directoa•5 and they will. before the an- nual meeting in November take the necessary ,steps to allow them to do se._ The following resolution was pre sented by Messrs.. Sanders and Turn- bull urnbull aand unraa,ineously assented ea:- ATth�e " rees pet its ' posisthble (that within the next yeas a federal electron may be held and we :believe (hat the South Riding of H.uroin,shoald be represented by a member tanat will give expression tjo tis,•views of the Usnited Fas:rn;ers, ;therefore we desire to reaffirm our decisioat Ito place a candadafte in the field at -the (next Federal election, and we hereby advise the Executive t,o complete the orgainizatioan of the co'is:tiEtuency amd be zn a.posaition to call a nomination convention, when the prover occasion arrives.,. Me. A. Hicks, Gove.anmcazt Whip, gave a s'hoet'address before adjourn- ment GI. W. ,Layton Sac`y, f�j='IIGPJ.11lel4. TUCKERSMITH.-The niarriage oc- curred at: Trinity church, I3ayfield, on Jwre`22:nd, of Eleanor L., only daugh- ter of Mr, •a -,d ,MTs. Albert Town- shend of Goderich Tozvnship,to J. G. Nelson Crich, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Crich of Tuckersrnith. Thefollowing is the standing of the teams in the. league:- Won eague:-Won Lost Per C; ZURICH 5 1 833 GODERICH 5 3 625 STRATFORD 3 2 600 CREDITON • 4 .4 500 CLINTON 0 7 000' Soft ball games are peening very in keresti ig: It ie a great . sight to see our straight-backed business men throw the ball' and run basest. Practice is be- ing 'held regularly end we know our Seam will come out ,on top. T.hes is how thio league stands just now: - Wan, Lost Per C. Crediton 12 0 1000 L+XetCr Dashwoad Centralia Gurieh 2 , 1,' 666 1. 1 500 1 1 500. 0 3 000 BIRTHS O'Neil-At'Lucaiz, loan June, 23,. tea ,Mr,. and Mrs. Arthur. O'Neil, . nee 'L.ilay_ May sBiawdea, a daughter, MARRIAGES Kestie-Sanders-A.t. the Jarnes Street Methodist parsonage, on June 29th 'by Rev. al. J. •Wilson„ Mr. Rufus, W. nestle, son of 'Hire Ed. Kestle of Usborne, . to 1dliss Lela Blaatch, • sec- ond' daeghte ec-ond'danighte of Mr, enol Mrs; Sanders of Stephen. Eyre - Bristow -At the Methodist Church, Serafertli, on, June 22, Ruby Oar 4 SANDVX.Sli CatEaCxl lir:."-^ ...~xxl wammit -i .� 4 EXETER CH A,UTA Q A. July 741 PROGRAMIN DETAIL. Afternoons at 'Three O'C9oele Evenings at Eight O'clock, FIRST DAY AFT... RNOON-.- Opening Concert hi charge of Superintendent. Entertaining Concert—instrumental and Weal - THE CASTER SCOTT CO ]'"ANY, EVENING Concert Featuring Chester Scott, Marvellous Cornetist TSE cfmsTER SCOTT COMPANY Popular Lecture ."The One Hundred Per Ceut DK, •3, FRANKLIN MAR , of Raeton. SECOND DAY AFTER] *flON— Prelude Concert by PRINCE, the Prince of C'oncert Aeeor- dionists, Lecture—"Red Russia With the Lid Of[.” LIEUT. W. 3. OSBOR r -DEMPSTER, M,C., M,S,M, Who recently travelled 22,000 miles through I3olshevilr Russia. EVENING— Prelude Concert by PRINCE, Concert Aenerdimeist, dagie, Mirth and Mystery, with Inexplicable lllusiotae. DAVIS, MASTER MAGICIAN. THIRD DAF. TERN•OON-•- :1 IIutaical progratnntt; with Entertainment Numbers. TH.F..TORN QL'3.LEX TRIO and •HENRP1 REED. Lecture for Conmaunity— '.Corntnunity Nuts ire Gmelin" D. LEE FIT7.P,1TRIef . NG— Preeentation of the Faniourr Comedy Success, "Contentment" TWO ELLI.S DAY PLAY Care PONY of Competent Players Presenting One of Last Season's Great Successes. A Co FOURTH DAY. AFTERNOON— Grand Concert with Operatic Selections. FERGUSON'S LIGHT OPERA. (,li INTETTE l✓VENING-- Lecture "The Outlook in Europe." }ION. I'ERCY ALDEN. Member of I3rltish Parliament from Loudon Musical Programme Featuring Selections from Vietar Herbert's Comic Opera, "Princess Pat." FERGUSON'S LIGHT OPERA QrINTETTE GENERAL INFORMATION. Single Admission: Afternoons, 50e; Evenings, 75r,. Children, 25e and 50e. (War Tao. Additional.) The Season Ticket costs $2.00; junior tickets, admitting chit- t; dren between the ages of six and fourteen, $1.00. Both are subject to the war tax. Season tickets cost less than half the aggregate of the single admission. IT PAYS TO BUY A SEASON TICKET. Bristow, only daughter of 1• Tr. and Mrs. W. H. Bristow, to Mfr. Henry Eyre, son of Mr. and Mars. Silas .byre of Tuckersmitle DEATHS Gill -In Windsor, on June 24th, Eliza Cockwill, relict of the late John Gill of Exeter, aged 77 years and 4 menthe. Henry -On Con. 1, Biddulph, June 23 Annie Hodgins, wifes of Andrew Henry, aged 63 years, 7 monthss Bradley --At Lot 19, Cas, 9, MicGilliv- ray, on June 25th, John Bradley, aged 74 years and 2 months. J. A. STEWART Phone 16 Dinner Sets for the June Bride 5 new 97 piece Dinner Sets-Pori'e ai;n Chime la very neat Floral and Coanveaztjonal Design with and without gold handle. Shoes Shoes White Canvas Shoes-nearlyall sizes and good shapes. Special price this week $1.68: Stockings nice fine ribbed, and plain -all sizes. An excellent wear- ing stocking, ;et .1 1 I Special 30c, a pair, or 4 hair for $1 Specials in Salmon Title„ is a good Rink Salmon, solid meat in 1 lb. cans;; reg- ular' 30c,; ,now' 18c, a can. or 6 far $1,00' 1-2 Ib. can regular 20c.; now 2 for 25c, Soaps All Brands of Laundry Soaps. Spec-iall 14 bars for $11.00 This store will be closed e very Wednesday at 12.30 sharp during the months of June; July and August. J. A. STEWART Highest Prices paid far Poultry and all ,Produce, 1 -i 1 1 1 1