HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-6-23, Page 8Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY WEDNJ SDAY Wheat . ,...... 1.55 Barley .4.-... .. ,.....,.. , 48 to 55 Oats ... 35 te. 37 Family Flour ..,5,30 Feed Flour .. ,.... ....-. 2.10 Shcrts ... 1.40 Bran • .. 140 Creamery Rueter ...r,..., 33 Dairy Butter ".,.. 25-28 ,. ...31-33 Eggs ,......,, ... Lard ....,.... 1$' Hat• per j«oo, $15 to 516 'fig b3be�tas $k Pe~ fent f 't Hogs 14.00 an Flak Mille at S Cent of its penises.; ZO • EX.SrU* AI]VO1 ATE, THURSDAY, Ulgi a3, 1921 Local Doings entree Ceenty Agricultural Societies sent a deputations . to; Goderich Neel. to secure a urger grant ° from the: County. Council, The deputation The exawnneratiors for Exeter cora- quoted f gut es to 'show that other p?eted their work this ween, couat�es ore mala grants averagsn $100 to 1375 eo each agzieultural song Mr. Hotc and of Dashwood: is pre;:tij- thy, Wile en. hiurou at was Dally $25 Ing at e;xatt ,Isere this week. tr* +each. seetety, 'The grants were %n, _Ars. Ferguson of Chatham is .here c=eased tet cf0, war ring Pfl her moltlLer, wino is quite-.-.,�._._ - ill, CANADA'S CONTRIBUTIONS. The rima Street Church people en- Canada Produces 90 per cent; of the loved R strawberry festival an k'riday, world's cobalt;; 8g per feat, of its et o its cockle r Several stacks of flax belonging to'the per petits of alts e0 per tet 20 per 'the Canada eaforth per feint, of, its Legs burned last Wicks. but the build- }as - �id of �a 1oen0 r; 14 oats; saved by the O flax were « ,its sever; i4; per firemen, rent o€ its it heat, 4 Per cent!. of its al Wo-. y ° eld; and 4 Per cent!.of its cooper, On Saturday last the Ilurored ree rds Institute held a picnic at Bay- DIED IN .*1ICHIGAN , tie_-.. Hn=•oadale <:amnturuty etas well! represented, Over 200 were presentRelatives here rece`ved word sixteen cars conveying them to ripe ' Jane 15th of 'the death that day V- tee ounds. Both old and y Dung iP,gegn, ;inch., of a comer +wider f enjoy ee ;the day at .the lake and ex -1. ehn oQtvns ry of key hen, Ira the pe_- piouid 4nianeshine' . , h`; Institute, J o�M,*zaryc aBrged h/xe, ►60e of ',,s r the fta-' orlocL, aged about 60 years; Toe fore. Iteeeesee atlas ooze in Ste The Exeter baseball team has drop- l and resided there trend? about 3a Years having a Playepee out ot d aJunior mau (ATI' `s, owing Soy ed tovef n n,whed ze ther ee h,av since age in their geat et any such ames, The locals claim to be rune- t daughter Besides alshusband, one R er enre ate had gone to a ntion. as the ale and elm sisters -John s l?%Qt lefat , latet JolaR Brol;enshar Se'I O:`, Grease, P at, Specialises. All e part times Commlssi basis, Shout i have car or rig. Samples free. Write for the profitable terms. T.let.r- er.es from our Ontario Station, no dut3 or ex.haage. - Riverside Ref -r leg Co.. Cleveland,' Ohio, I. 0 O. F. DECORATION Tee Exeer t?ddfe.lotvs +v.n:? .meet at ..et: Lodge Rodna on Sunday, Jame 20, a: 2.30 o a:o -k ;rad by automobile go Co the ternet.ry to decorate t1Cegraves of dep.:see i brethren. Remember the Corvert and Straw- berry Fes: ;tali in Dome Runk, Exeter, r, ski Jtrne 24. Brueswiel; Trio end tens mese Eeker4, Reader, London. \rosic Song and Laughter. Admission 35 seats, eireeren, 25e. 1IAY .FOR SALE. By publ au lain On Lot 17, Con, 14, I. sbor. e, an ['gars. Jose 30, at b p.m. • =S acre Otani .ria hay, S toms hay in +now. Thais is choice. hay; ;Bust be sod zo Lack or storage. Terms tot suit pt : iaaser. Joan Shute, Proor:e- esr; W. J r::ompso , euct oeeer. HE IS COMING, -A. E Almond, the noted a esight speciaint of Tamale seal be at tree rental; Hotel, Exeter, >.<a anti 9C;-� ci: jtay. knele d E OR TO R&:NT The Leen; Barn :anti ether buIa- rg c'onncited therewith, belongieg to the estate of the ?as W. G. Bissett eltd ens ri.:?•r e,a ti t:peel by lir. IV. H, iiedeert, For terms ,end particulars .:play tri Ie L4.0 K C ARLING i ,hires:er TICKET LO:T. A eteurrt R. R. Tit nt:t-Iii+ t'r to F rk1ae. Reward en return to this Owing to the drop in all material we ;re able to manufacture ice cream at pre-war .rices -25e a pint, 50c. a quart; Sc, a dish, -W. J. STATHAM, ESTRAY STEERS, These strayed onto the premises of the undersigned, two yearling Hereford steers. Owner can have same by prov lug property and paying expenses. JONATHAN KYDD, Hay P.O. STRAY HEIFER There strayed onto the premises of the undersigned, Lot 2f0, Con. 4, Steps her, a red yearling heifer. Owner can have•ssme by proving property and pas Ing expenses. F. TRIEB'NER, Jr, SHOW CASE FOR SALE. Small one. Apply C. L. WILSON. ROOMS TO RENT~ In Pectate Home at Grand Bend; also tent with four cots in good loca- tion, with rustic 'table and seats. Ap- ply Box 111, Mass Emma efollerd, Grnd Beard, Ont tr DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractic and Ens tri Treatments, X -Ray; Hours - le t•o U. and 2 to 4, and by appoint- ment Consultation . free. William and Sanders. Vacate 43. TENT TO RENT. Suitable for booth, or for caxnPing. Apply to C. L. Wilson,, WANTED a local representative at Exeter to' represent "The Old Relia- ble Fonth:l1 nurseries", and coversur rounding territory. A. splendid oven- ing far a reliable man. Exclusive ter- ritory.- STONE & WELLINGTON Toronto, Ontario. CARS FOR HIRE -Phone 56, C. L. WILSON.. PLOWING DONE. Having purchased a tractor outfit I am prepared to accept contracts for plowiang.-E. $. Mitchell, Centralia. TRUCK FOR SERVICE. I have a truck for service. ',bone 115, Exeter. S. j. V. CANN. VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Andrew St. .Apply at any time 4 to 6 o'clock; evenings 7 to 8 HIGH INVESTMENT YIELDS. NOW AVAILABLE Dominion of Canada Victory Bonds Province of Ontario Bonds. City of Toronto and other bonds, ERNEST iiLLIOT Office Elliot Building ..<Eyewr TURNING MILL All kinds of Turning, Gumming Saws, Etc., donne on shortest notice, APPLE )BUTTER AND BOILeD Cider, first-class 'quality; S. J. V. CANN, Phone 115 see,e.ary era Proper turne, but the sec- Atwood, Seas o£ Londorn; Fran1 ooff retretail: rs ;notoa er el them tithe Put- St. Thomas, Ed. of Stratford, Ifark of a l: cou',d not play, loath ,zfter Jae neslawood and, W,iilTam of Ailsa Craig, had game or •iwe f4nis :1, 9", i,ucas and firs. Bennett of , �!;; c L�, Dull the5r• elixir, and 50 thiel• :wood o03 Adams Of London, \t'rs, i.ucAats diol:: ed out of ,the league, ,rad ales, Jonas Sims of Exeter �-,•.. rile funeral took place on Friday and BOWLING NOTES: €r grad Mrs. Sims and Mark Broken: W li Gangers, R z‘Llwitfalit.ty and moire motored over to attend the Fun - R G. Sedon were winners on. Friday Ie l' ec euine at the local bowling :tourney; i »RS. earner er P,E SSEe, ern sing three straight games, Eight reeks tompeted. t 1 ! .nether of the aged residents of ;Exeter Passed away acs June 140, THREis BROKEN RIBS.' :when Ann, Swan, relict of. the late. ;lir. W. H. Kay was # Jame s Ar.:a, died at the home of her ed r•hil4 a ale painfully incur- daughter, Mrs. E. Coombs, Exeter d in doing some re- ! No;. th, alt the age of 84 years, 9 months parrs nt the .home of :1Ir. Z'4 m. Reid -n k)e••eased tell Over a year ago and die- lone He was ort a ladder and nn 1 lac a teaher hip. This, together with tante mariner accidently fell some dis- - the usual intf-�mlties of old age, was ground, with the result Ito c.,use of ,her deme, She was that he sustained'"°'"""threee^ broken ribs bora in Perthshire, Scotland, and came 1-.0 canaria its a child, settlieg with Iter le. P. 0. AT CHURCH inareets in the ,Tow -ship of Hibbert; The .4.: ?aranch of the` U. I': U. ! There she was married to .'lir. girth s et ended anew service. en :Sunday lee end. 'nfe-Us they moved to the 3'att t ening.June 19th, at the 7'rit,tt +I=mor borate. The husband died ial Churr!a. A very aporoprate ser•. n 'e,een years ago, since tviouh time mon was preanhed by the r:ctor. Rev. 1i;s. Airtla Inas resided at �aarious times A A. Trumper, from Eeelesiastes Ii trig her son Ur. er, M .Ebi, et combs and to "In the morning sow thy seed, Ia^"ac incl daughter, 'Airs. E. Coombs and in the ev aing withhold not thin: ofExeter North. Besides the sozsarad hand for thou knowest not whether daughter she is survived by one sreter shall prosper either this or that, or, Mrs. Van Horace of Le'aniiseetom De - whether they both shalt be alike good," ceased was a Presbyterian n religion He spoke of the very itnnortaat work and .respected by illi, when knew eer. pdrfarmed. xt this country by the The itute:al took place to the Exeter farmers and approved of the present The ort Friday afternoon. movement which bas for motto, "Equal _rights to all, special Privileges to amen which is far reaching for the up?itt of hurnanety, bringing it to a himoh lie antim'piritually, thus restoring '1f J as brotherhood,hSunday parents. t The musical part of the service as rendered by the choir, was highly ap- preciated and much enjoyed by all. After the service the members re- paired to the club room, *here a unanimous vote of thanks was tender- ed Rev. Trumper, the wardens and choir for the splendid service. G. •Bawdeat left on Thursday last for his borne in Edmonton. Mrs. \teDonell, of ,Detroit is visiting her father ;�Ls ,Folin Rawkshaw, Mr. as, Sweet of 5t, Catharines t ere over tv%tK his .errs. Ewing and two children of Fort Wanton aro visiting firs. Amos ,Mrs. W. j, ;fallen and son, Kenneth etre. visiting meth :1Ir, and Mrs: 'Hsel Heywood, Mr, W. W. Taman, was in Blyth 'last week ids tine his sistera who were there from. Detroit. tie daughted r, isles. Latimer StrathrGrieve o d vis- /tee with relatives here last week. Miss Emma Heideman, accompanied by her little niece, ' visited at her home here for several days during the week.. Air. and islrs, S. B. Bagshaw! of To- r onto are visiting Mn;. and Mrs.. Wm. Bagshaw in, town for a few days., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dow, of Salt ford, visited in Exeter last week, the s•uests ox i1r. John Cold 'laborite. Mr. C. W. Robinson, who has been: visiting wjeth a siick brother `in Strat- ford, returned to town, Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald of Grimnteu Iowa and *Margaret Smith of Windsor are visiting with Mrs McDonell's mot- her, *Mss. John Snell; Mrs. 17 Gregory and Miss Stella Gregory .deft Monday evening to spend a, few weeks visiting the formers daughter in Chicago Mr. Wm. Newcombe who bas been visiting his mother and sister here for some weeksleft on. Tuesday for his ,home in Spokane, Wash!. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Cann and family and Mrs. Ferguson and James Rerguson, spent Sunday with Mr. and airs. Joseph Ferguson at Chisel:Ilen . .Vers, (Dr.) Bowerman, who was here attending ;the funeral of her mother; the late Mrs. •Torn, returned Theirs-; day Ito her home int Menomenae, Win, Miss 'May Clarke last week attend-. ed. the Graduation Recital of Miss Hilda 1%iVlilbem, pupil of A. D. Jere din, at the Instiitute of Musical Asst London. • HAI FOR SALE. Twenty acres good hay to be sold on the ground, Lot 17, Cory, 7, Us - borne. The undersigned will be on the farm at 2 p.m. Monday, June 27. GEO. WILLIA,MS, L, O. L. 924.. Special :Sleeting on. Thursday, June 23rd at 8 p.m. Third Degree to be conferred by Clinton Degree team;, A full attentiarce requested. A. A. Trumper, AUTO BUS. S. J. V. Cann. a1111 be pleased; to con- vey picnic parties to 'Grand Bend. during the summer ani will run his bus to, and fro during July Ist. Y. P. C, A.' Luring July and ,arid August the Y rooms will be opened only Monday and Saturday alights, but any members wishing to enjoy the games can apply far the keys ,to Mr. Coke oim any other Slight. Lor*k, out fez- the first tennis game between. Creditor: and Exeter Friday night. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m:-".Rewards" 7 p.m. -"Fringing back the . Sbadow". The Trivitt Memorial Sunday School will picnic at Grand. Bend on July 6.'I Rev A. A. Trumper, Rectout4' CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister Regular services next Sabbath at 11 eau. and 7 p.m. The Minister. JAMES ST. METHODIST. CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. 11 aim. -"Teva Bread Question" by . the pastor,, 3 p.m. -Sabbath School and Bible Study. 7.00 p.m. -"Lord's Day Alliioance. and its work" by Rev,. Stevenson of Staajtfozd, Excellent and inspiring music, Awelcome to, all. MAIN ST, METHODIST CHURCH Red•.. Geo. McAlister, M. A. 'Penne 21r3 11,00 alta. 3 p.m.. -,Sunday School and Bible Classes. '7r.- . P. i1G 2,30 p,M.-1, BET.I`•IANy' • l2r, and. Mrs, J. M. £outhcatt, who took in the Canadian Weekly' News- paaer Associiation excursion to the Pacific ,Coast, •returned Monday after a most enjoyabletripe Mr. Beverley Achesors, who has been on the. ledger •im the Barak of Corn amerce than been 'transferred to the Woodstock branch,, and left for that city ors Fr!dasy eventing last. Mr, Roy ` Reichard au>d bride of De- troit, who aee ion their 'honeymoon, having ibeen. married ,on Saturday last, visited with their uncle and cousins, hxr. Bower., and the Misses Bowie. Mr. Robert Sweet ,aped .family and Mr. Frank Sweet, accamparu,ed by Mr. Parks of Sarnia, motored here Sunday and' event the day with, Me and Mrs James Serene Mrs: Sweet stiff con- tinues gwilte Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Riddell and Mr, Alf; Thorne; of 'the Free Press, Lone don, visited wist:li e'Vtzsi, - Ridddell's Fath= er, 2dr. Those. Clark,, the ;latter part of lest week. Mr Clark accompanied thern' home, zee-sr/tilting Saturday. MrCTom C. J,af Golden, B. !C:, lvhia was la�ere/ariten.d,bag the funeral of his motbei, the,late Mrs. Tom, left Thursday last to visit at Toronto; : Porn. end Pickering,far a few weeks, tl after which he wiii return t,o :Exeter+,! i u JONES & MAY PHONE 32 Clearing Sale ol Sweater Yarn MONARCH DOWN (3 oz.) BALLS EACH 39 CTS, We. Place, on;,sale this week all nopu?ar coIors of the celebrated Mon- arch; Bowan Yane each bail full two oz. weight, to clear at„ only 39c. bail LADIES' LI$LI , HOSIERY AT. 25c. A FAIR. 10 dozen. pairs Ladies 'Lisle Hosiery 1a black and white colors, only; -- sizes. g,= 9 1-2, and 10. Slight impe feet ort weave, to dear at only .25c SPECIAL -Children's brown ribbed cotton ',hosiery eleag at 25c. a pair, "MARTHA WASHINGTON" HOUSEP DRESSES AT $2.60 sewe 8 dozen, house" dresses, the celebrated "Martha Washington Brand, worth up to $4.00; clearing sale price $2.60. - CLEARING SALE OF GLOVhS Speciale -Ladies' Lisle and Cotton Gloves, .n short style, worth up to 75c.; clearing at 35e. pair. Lalli,'- long Lisle and Silk Gloves --Odd lines and colors clearing Txicoette Blouses --See these new lines and styles at ponular prices. MEN'S OUTING TROUSERS We have a nice range of C1etbes, in light colons, suitable for men's out- ing trousers which we will make to your measure at reasonable prices. 79c. Sensational Shoe Bargains Now when you treed them, not when the season, is over. READ Tif IS LIST Ladies 'Black or /3r We Fine Kid Slippers, in cross-straoa, ties, col- onials and Plain .Fm ues, Lady Belle or Gracia :lakes, all at $4,98 Ladies' Black, Brown, or Grey fine leid Oxfords, reg. $7,00 for 4.98 Ladies' hi41aest grade Empress Kid Oxfo-ds, Louis .heels, reg- $9.00, for 6.75 25 pairs Ladies' Pat Empress Oxfords, regular $8.50, for .,.., , 6.50 Ladies Peteztt Mary Janes, low heels, re;, 4.50, for . 3.75 Ladies' one -strip House Skippers, reg. 3.50 for ere- ..., .. 2,75 Ladies' Canvas House Slippers, leather soles for ........ ., `.,...,.,. 1,0 CHILDREN'S SLI?1'ERS Girls' Classic Slippers sizes 11 to 2; reg. 4.50 for Girls' Classics, sizes 8 to 10 1-2, reg 3,75 for , ,,........... ► Girls' Classics, sizes 6 to 71-2, reg. 2,95, for Girl. ' end or blue Classics sizes 2 I-2 to 5, for ................... ... 3.49 2.98 2.49 zee .,` 1:98 THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED EVh,RY WEDNESDAY AFTER:- NOON FTERNOON DURING JUNE JULY AND AUGUST. JONES & MAY I. R. Carling, B.A Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Strlie:tor for the Mol - sons Bank, Este, INVEST YOUR FUNDS an V,tctoyy, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Funds, At existing ,prices from 6 per cent, to. 7 pee cent, can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me Money to loan at lowest rates of interest Office -Carling Bk., Malin. St, Exeter R.. N. FALL -TERM FROM SEP.?. 4th The largest and best Commercial School in Western Ontario. A school where. you ca1n, get thorough sourses under experienced instructors in Cor mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy` departments, Graduates assisted to positioans. Home -study courses can be arranged Get our free catalogue. D. A: McL chlan, Prirncipal Tea & CoffeeStore ROWE For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Embalmers License No. 210 Motor Hearse Service Phones 203 and 20W. CO* Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED anders at the Advocate Of- face Strictly confidential; no witness. SOUTHCOTT. BROS . PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Hot Weather Specials • 25 pairs of 'Ladies' White Canvab Shoes, ,with spool, or military heels. 'these sold for 54,00 .and ,15.00 a pair. For quick *Axing : we have redac- e4 the price ea ,Der pain' $448., Ladies' House Dresses Besides the Billie Burke Dresses we handle a splendid range of dark and fiat house dresses that have good style and are ,splendid wearersc Out' outsize dresses for stout women are big sellers, ,Priices $t,00 to 54:25 35 pr. Child+n's Canvas Sandals, 98c forc�(1 rein, for .Reg r• s1,5o. line; sizes 6 to 10; 11 ea 2. This, tis. a, splendid shoe h t ho rve 'then! It n•;: � is a nee we, want eta clear, which es the reason for this very low. 'p-Aleet Per ,pair 98c. ' -Sa,cott Bros. This Storp w.11 close every Wed, Afternoon chrimg June, July, August. DR. .Al. E. TENNANT Vettedacsary SurgeonMcDone MeDonell's Stables, Jobn Ste Exeter (lately occunjed by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w If you haere anything to sell or yptt want to bay, try Tlae Advocate Want Column. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office -.Balser, s' Livery Batty Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or, night Dr. G. F. Rousstoan, L. D. S., D. D. S. .DENTIST Office aver Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. a; Dr, A. R 7CINSMAN, L. E S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate Toronto Univerlity Office -over Glasdman & Stantiureea Office, Main Street, Exeter. " C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER, AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Finn Stock . Sales a Specialty. Office at Central Hostel, Exeter, Ontario. FRANZ TAYLOR. Licensed Aucettipntleeir for Counties of Hutson and Middlesex Prices Reasonablaatinteje anid Satisfaction Gua Crediton, Ontario. If you want to order a daily paper or magazine, or renew a present sub- sicrtption, IeaVe your order at *1 e. Advocate Office. We save youeseeer envelope postale' stamp and Cone oiF money orderr and t(hien clubbing aline tle .more besides. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to, 'loan on farm and village PtsoDeety at low rates of interest' GLADMAN & STANBURY, Barsjsters, Solicitors, Exeter: