HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1977-10-27, Page 37minute tour around town, fight lunches and customs services for visiting aircraft. The operators at the airport will have their facilities open for inspection. These facilities include B&B Aircraft, general air- craft maintenance; Sky Harbor Refinishing Limited; Business Air Services Limited, Turbine Aircraft Maintenance and Avionics Shop; and Wingham Air Services Flying Training. Business Air Services just recently opened its aircraft radio repairs shop. It was put together in March and ap- proved by the Ministry of Transportation. It is located in a two piece trailer attached to -the BAS hangar. Chief engineer Juniper says the radio shop rounds out the package of services offered at Sky Harbor. While a plane is grounded, it can refuel, receive maintenance, a paint job and radio repairs. The airport committee passed a motion to give $200 toward the expenses of the open house. The next airport meeting will be Wednesday, November23 at 8 p.m. tf irport committee meets rop duster requests land at airport op duster Frank Szekely Kincardine Air Services made a request to the rich airport committee chase or lease property Sky Harbor Airport to a 50 x 70 hangar for tenance purposes. He the committee at an rt meeting on Wed - y, October 19, that he been operating for the five years without tenance facilities. He he would like to move his dusting operation to rich with his second e as Exeter. committee told Szekely they might be interested asing land to him ,and decided to have the opmertt committee look the situation with d toavailable land. presentatives from ms Service in Sarnia present at a meeting n October 18 to discuss rd mbers Toronto John Berry, Clarke and J.W. Banks from ndra ' Marine and al Hospital will attend 77 OHA Convention to Id November 7, 8, 9 at eraton Centre, Toronto. theme of this year's tion is "Your Hospital Expression of Your unity's Needs" and ,000 hospital trustees, nd medical staff from o's public hospitals and ment ---psychiatric Is and from hospitals Ith care organizations Canada and the United are expected to attend. nvention will include s, panel discussions, display of modern equipment. OHA's Meeting and elections held on the first day of vention. dition to the general s, which are of interest elegates, meetings for Iized hospital per - belonging to the more sections of OHA, will during the three days. dietitians, engineers, cists, directors of er services and many will meet to hear s and exchange ideas of their professional ment. g the speakers at the Sessions will be the ble Dennis Timbrell, of Health for the e of Ontario; Dr. Reuber, Chairman Ontario Economic and Jean-Claude Executive Director of anadian Hospital ion. Galloway, M.D., xecutive Director of seph's Hospital, will be installed as t for the 1977-1978 fficeata dinner to be the Royal York on r8. ndra Marine and Hospital is a of the Ontario Association, a non - .organization of hospitals, many itutions and other are organizations. al Convention is one many education organized by the hospital staff and with the aim of tstagdarhe highest of health people of Ontario. THE BEST 114 Parte Service Accessories Rends k1tEEATI N LIMITED ED NA 42,no9 the situation at the Goderich airport. It was then reported at Wednesday's meeting that Customs Service is en- deavoring to provide Goderich airport with a part- time customs officer from May to September. The airport committee is waiting to receive more information regarding this. Dave Gower of the airport's maintenance sub -committee suggested that cedar bows be planted by the runway fights as location markers in winter time. Part-time airport manager Allan Ball reported that several runway lights have been damaged and that this appears to be vandalism. Gower added that the cost of replacing airport lights recently amounted to $1100, The committee will try to think of protective measures to be taken. Wayne Juniper, representing Business Air Services, was present at Wednesday's meeting to extend a personal invitation to those present to attend an Open House celebration at Sky Harbor Airport on December 3 and 4. The Open House is being sponsored by the tourist committee, the airport committee, BAS limited, and Sky Harbor Refinishing. It is open to the public but more particularly to aviation people. It will include a 15-20 Business Air Services Ltd. recently opened its aircraft radio repairs shop at the Goderich airport. Here, Zdenek Prentice, who works in the repairs shop, checks out some of the equipment. An Open Douse, mainly of interest to aviation people, is being held at the airport on December 0 and 4 at which time the facilities offered by the operators at the airport will be open for inspection. These facilities include B&B Aircraft (general maintenance); Sky rbour Refinishing Ltd.; Business Air Services (Turbine aircraft maintenance, avionic hop) and Wingham Air Services (flying training). (staff photo) Plan Jubilee show The Goderich Little Theatre is well into rehearsals for their first play of the 1977-1978 season, "Shamalot; or the Shaming of the True." This play was written by a local author and is a spoof on Goderich as the Jubilee 3 year ends. The play is set in Goderich Little Theatre the Kingdom of the Felt Shew and has the approval of Mayor Deb Shewfelt. The season's tickets have been on sale for the past month and there are still some available. Just get in touch with any Little Theatre member. GLT will be holding a lighting workshop on November 12 at MacKay Hall from 10-12 and 2-4 for anyone who would be interested in gaining some knowledge in this area of theatre. Registration will be at 9:30 \ a.m. with the fee being $2.00. CHRISTMAS PORTRA ITS Plan now to give the one and only personalized Christ- mas gift, that no one but you can give A fine portrait of Yourself, Your Children or Your Family. It takes from 6-7 weeks for you to get your Family por- trait, so don't watt. 011 Paintings, Needlework & Prints. Choose from a com- plete line of frames & matt colours to com- plement your pictures. For your Fall or Christmas portraits, call us to -day. 1 1 1 1 1 cripripTioviorip:0707.101Tionoxvvipt..ior.ipoTwioriv:vroriveri t4 Goderich Santa Claus Parade '77 SATURDAY, December 3 tif 2:00 p.m. A CARTOON CHRISTMAS IF YOU WISH TO ENTER A FLOAT IN THE PARADE THE DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES IS FRIDAY, November 25 Categories — Youth, Industry, General, School, Services Ribbon awards for 1st 2nd and 3rd In each category .#. FOR INFORMATION AND ENTRY FORMS CONTACT GODERICH RECREATION & COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD 9 WATERLOO ST. S., 524-4373 4 kk 4 the BIGGEST ever I "OUR PARADE NEEDS BANDS" - Let's make_this year's parade GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR,, THURSDAY, OCTOBER2 1 71 -PA ZA'. COUNTRY CLUB • ROCK • SPIEL : SWEEP DRAW • HOUSE If these words mean CURLING to you - join the Maitland Country Club this year. Senior Lady -'130 Senior Man - '150 Couple -'240 PAY AS YOU PLAY (LIMITED TIMES ONLY) - '4.00 CALL THE CLUB AT S24-9641 OR JOHN MacKINNON AT 524-6702 CURLING SCHEDULE TO START ON FRIDAY, NOV. 4 - MEN'S OPENING STAG P.S. •Discount On Fees If Paid Before Dec. 1, 1977 B You're asking Why "wine and liquor lists do not include a list of non-alcoholic drinks"... why "alternative non- alcoholic punches aren't offered at parties' ...why "people are always trying to 'spike' your drinks" why"if a drunk gets behind the wheel of a car and his wife reports him, nothing is done - she is a trouble -maker unless he kills someone." You're concerned "Society makes you feel like a freak if you don't drink"... "the You're talking about the problems of alcohol in everyday life - and that's bringing them into the open. You've written in from coast to coast in response to 'Dialogue on drinking' to share your suggestions, experiences and reactions. It's clear that responsible citizens — drinkers, non-drinkers, social drinkers, ex -drinkers, teenagers, grandparents, social workers, students -- are concerned about Canada's alcohol problems. All agree there is a crying need for moderation along with more information and education on alcohol-related problems and some feel there is a need for a change in attitude because "often more tolerance is shown to the drunk than the non-drinker,' even though responsible drinkers and non-drinkers are in the majority. message constantly screeched on TV is you have to drink"... "25 glossy liquor ads ran in the same issue of the magazine as your black and white ad showing the o her side"... "the macho image 1°equires that a real 'he man' be a hard drinking hero.'' You're pointing out "in many small towns in Canada the only social activity is to go down to the local hotel for a few drinks"... "I'd rather sit next to a smoker on an aircraft than next to a drunk but i don't see any non - drinking sections"... "I am not advising absolute abstinence but am absolutely convinced of the immoralityof permitting oneself to become so intoxicated that one inflicts harm on others." You're suggesting "A series of radio or TV programs showing realistically what happens when a person drinks too r-6ch ..."bans or controls on advertising . "very severe penalties for im• paired drivers"... "courses for senior girls intent on rrmmving young on handling the situation of a drunk husband." And...you're doing: In Ontario, the Thunder Bay Committee for 'Dialogue on drinking' is well on its way... in Nota Scotia'; local committees have joined with service clubs to discuss with hundreds of people, alcohol and its impact on the community... in Rothesay, New Brunswick, 40 Knights of Colum- bus have asked how they can help in northern Manitoba, 'Dialogue' posters are appearing everywhere even in the hotel washrooms... Medicine Hat, Alberta. has its Alcohol in the Community Program... and in Vancouver, teenagers petitioned against opening two liquor stores because some of their friends had been killed by drunk drivers. Now, we're talking! We're talking about,the problems alcohol can cause...but better, we're doing something about them together...and because of your efforts, a more responsible attitude to drinking is emerging. rr "I see my own and my peers' attitudes changing. Instead of bragging how drunk we got on a particular night, we are more apt to take pride in being able to control our consumption at a reasonable level." And that, after all is what 'Dialogue on drinking' is all about it's a program to help you talk about and do something about drinking problems. We'd like to bear more from you. Dialogue on drinklng ideas from concerned citizens and Operation pe bon Lifestyle. Health Santa et and Wetfare Bien -etre social Canada Canada Box 8888, Ottawa Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario. . 33 Russell Street. Toronto with Centres across the Province 1 1 0 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mum No al at