HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-6-23, Page 7WATER SSS INTO BEIET, DROWNING GREAT LAKES DIVER A despatch from Sault Ste, Marie says:-De,atll in one of its most ter-; rifyir.g for carne to Damon S. God -1 Frey, a diver in the .employ of the Great Lakes Towing & Wrecking Co.,: on Thursday, when the great copper' helmet he wore .as part of hi, diving; dress became loosened in some way; while he was down 25 feet on the bot- t tom of Georgian Bay, near Little Cur, rent. Ont. Little by little the water: began to trickle inside the diver's r'ab',er .uit as the helmet worsted still looscr. Damon seared -led frantically to his':. matee on the tighter above to be hauled up, 'but in some way, it is said his jerks at the lifeline were not` r;rcperly understood owing to the lines becomingtangled, and the men. at the air pump continued to send down fresh air. Finally, when no further signals were received the helpers became alarmed and hauled the diver up. Whea the helmet was. 'unscrewed Godfrey's head toppled over to one side. He had been dead for several lar Utes. Godfrey had been in the employ of the Great Lakes Company Ice 15 years, and was considered one. of they most expert deep -water divers on the Great Lakes. He was 55 years old and lived at the Canadian Suo. H:sl wife, three daughters and four ons ervi :•e. SWEEPING ROUNDUP ! Downpour May be BY CROWN FORCES Favorable Omen Sinn Fein Gunmen Arne; ted A despatch from Lethbridge h "Murder" Counties. ! says ; AAnici a downpour of rain the first sod in the Lethbridge A despatch from Dublin says: ---northern irrigation project was The Government forces have been turelizd on Thursday, with Lieu, malting a sweeping round up of ce:'' y tenant -Governor Brett and Pre - win areas in the last few days, with mier Stewart officiating, and the apparent 'niers a!' making 'Iv r other members of the Govern- who ov ern- i t d 'ft' them for men' cap urea and sifting , who are "vaulted," The operations anent and repro usent atis is of 1 F 1. have been In progress in Monaghan Federal.. and Provincia ar,la- county a,U this (-eek. hundreds of ments in attendan�eo. etas*e arreets were made, but en Tues:taay work has commenced on the big 100,000 LII' IT OF all were re:; a:ie:l 'with the exception project, and the majority of the GERMANY'S ARMY of about a, dozen persons. !earthwork will be completed this THE WORK QF THE SINN FEIN The 'picture showy the Puhlin enStonla 1➢o:a <� Waring ing jest. fighters arrival. Sine Fein forces seizeel the h'ltitc�.r,r poured gra vipers and (Imre and ripen fired it. Five cavalry regiments invested; season,. Staff Officers and Sbb-Officers Carrick:omer:Fs, M^nagllan- early on -+o- * ini Included Total Pernutted ebursdfay morning and eomlamar>tieered; oral private heloses They made Fighting Forest Fires, to Receive 'Training. several ONTARIO WILL BE DRY AFTER THE EIGIITEENIE OF ELY Canada Gazette to Conttar » Prod?,cation Giving Effect to Result of the Plebiscite -Act nettorns Operative Thirty Days From Date of Publication. de patch from Ottawa says:- Proclamations a s: --- Pru la mat ons to give effect to the result of the pith-lseite held in On- tario under the Canada Tempereeee Act and to provide for two plehieeitee elsewhere was ' published in a fi 9 urday's number of the Cana oa I: Gazette. The proclamation nes; Ontario provides thee tet t, days from it pn•dii:ntion, 1 is, an July. 18, the seetione GI the Cat- : ada Temperance Art prohibitin • het- portntion of into: denting• bee-ere:tent Into tie proeinee shall bene E ative. That is to say, on and » a , 'Jolly 18, ila.nortat'ion.. of s,eih ext^ pt for mcdieine, i..•;a trial sacramental purposes, into Onto-i',, yr :? be i1 real. Another rr eg..;fixation for a vote in New Bransiaick cn a c ;te to be fix: ? :he chief electernl of:i er, on the c,ueetion whether or not i , .tatien f ”sluors into that 1: .... ra::'d be prr >4it- 1 lel. A tie.. -3 • f{,x' a votzi, 3 ... City:a ti:c / q' amtal .e fd��tr':.Jra.e • .tea .h.�t• 1"a w 'i xxt ¢t 1p°4 .., s 1a f:.:.E' 223 (t tit +'" ^..r �..' ° nni it isit all:1 T� ; F p :a Teles for sale of c,:Tit. r2 t t,u, a tl.re a,h G..-ve rye r_•.nt v en. t resident`, of the prctlar.e, to England ISR o t Butter. eb ark r.t ra C-10 Car. - "ad a by ..2 '7..iv,.,. y.'r,� t� far tr t ��.a to rt from Par. �' „ ° c-'.mr,r' t'i'c£•' feet t:`Al; mettle:.of Englanddtriag 2e a't months 'a-, 1:+21 :' .. '9 t:f,.rta e of 4. :: iter been imnortirg butter in aluant.i:lc unparsalle:ed since 151 asci , ecar e. ra arts foe para:ie1ed since theta, ➢ ais'ing reel lvt trJ,1 01.1al.s� f 112,72,9X80 pound,. from ,3:;nararr+. to April 1, a total almost twee, ee ,-� great as that received during the coif- 1 respertsm parted of 1:120. Tl e 2 ,�. c 4 r Ir l } t pr J� int? Infiee ee uta n , during the e+arre,pcit;. ing per:¢ r.. w 14153 totaled 11d itii1410 polintls. An-; Year admit. ergs :re's wi,h :Imports 3: . . that eo entre d tang the e°orrespt r _'in p.e'ricd of Ilea, tc.;. etis ;:r tie' limn 8du- t;.'r: 1. The lar,,",4 ga era- tm,s,41 on n , w11aar 1: 3. 1, ethen deleentro1 noel: ole t.'d' 'fatal 5.r$ ount of butter imported In gle • f7 d 1 r I- )neon, •!cane 1 �_.--•-•-1iurdera hY ticipatian of an advance in price foal- rcllels in Ireland since July, x.020, !pain; dee:intro! may leave been Tee i l Cee x.`35:. rcorm have totalled ti:4. Sir Hamar Gpuns iblc for the uncial volume 1 tin, lsraglt.4). butter 2narleet. - .. txr veru arre.ts, inc:`risng a ciespatcb A de atria frond Berlin sash ---The f the"Irish h R ''• i Over � considerable portion of the p f •canal. Chief sec • tar;• for rela;Acl, ; tft 4 d in the Hoarse of carrier rrs epnaa12Can- ' Reichstag on Tha^r: tl +; ;:rise•: a nev. „ ''P ,occurred : rov.nc:e, .articularly in the northers; r., ,- ,g t► , Army. Similar raids cleans e 1 at 1 T law fi:tin definitely the ex;.at nu... e# Coinnon:, ta1A `E herr �t:las•. The districts, forest fire'. continue to 3!e g alaaml:t'i` nae t -.o.":!1 ;•' • i l e4►D1i i(l Serte anis nga.sane. dt , t;f ofliecrs and ee t which the: Mini:- .• pt Barin?, nr•rl,?�.1� of fsra:a;pllt „•�, A� �.-. 14:-411. e(I seal' R;a➢D'fit•D' D;:1 lAe +�n1E+ Severe engagements between' ar I t. keen ' t!'y of War svl fl ;oe . enre,.a..dl to q r CrrPti1•ttfPri:::5 and' Sinn Feinersor. and Silvia pail,lla. tie: theta �, c7, law e,^;=�'� i,r'le:;a �@rat)tl, lie'tat;t,:.�, E'.`i,:a' 1°5aa' adj., for +...+, tee'P>ta..:4 under arra:. Tae 1 none: ,, ?..At..: h ; ad - xetuned in Dublin ony Wednesday thefir; sittua.ped s t al..lois➢l l • e, ice : i'v the inter Allied Connell Cern- tars, Dxon , l"sic P, , a. frig h Con- ing early Thursday morning, fsi-• sunlit::'ns as they arJ:=�. tree Dtatll4:t!- a•, t , ++ ➢ pollee nt, 44't, -t Ti'. t4a1 lett . er t.f Ger- stakiul cr;, ono; and the .� v' which has been 1,-.1 is nt losing lair irl ing being the L..a nest h eh e tt.•��'. In at't;c• t'' t iattE's' being teeny e, Ins:mt:arA fRad'?Fs i+ rtrt, to es- t+11=C113d9!"la's, l�til a 13•' 1 1 femu° t ihld ¢ came some viers tactual suggestion:: ; . . , T-- quarters declines to issue a report. p , ,1 not, tat civet+e• i tiaatia th al°pan-�l. The There are various rumor:. as to friinl a mala who has pati wide ex- !,s aautiarr grR.:.>' ..,;:t 3:7raattel the cause of the outbursts, which took pericnce in protecting foreA against a t+f �c q•s ter 1a, tli ...r's .l a> Willey heard in the city sine the rebellion t,ei Islet los;? G K run ! Cia° ' lSip t8 `yl ails'". t,s'ng staff off ser. ' ^ `ed . rc ae, In this week's n:A'1 1 + found t iai insane. . five years ago. General military head- int vvaa..a,. 't .:anal suaa.t:filer�. cite r..taml:tarr �f svriell place about 11 o'clock. Officially, the tldrudge by burning, and with the ap-; (:,ha17. loot he m ern th�al fis•t� Per cent, oly reason assigned is that a number ?roach of that season of the year ttf ! tahe n.'et-' th ta•f ve erg and of civilians firers on sentrie outside when dry spells are common, it would o the ruins of the Customs house, but seem to he arprcp1•iate to give pub-: mel►.Tale War Mini -:ter will be unasrle,'. the inost intense fire occurred in the Hefty to the suggestion':. thcref4re, tsl, call more than 100,000 centre of the city. About midnight, The hest thug to attack ,'t fore t; to the colors annually as was origin - it is reported, a party of the Crown fire, he states, is at the break of dawn.' , forces were sniped �as they crossed At that time a half-dozen men will' "5' planned, O'Connell bridge by melt on the roofs aea'ornplish more than fifty men can •-�'-"`' of buildings and front concealed po- expect to do at two o'elaek in the University Finances.sitions, afternoon. Promi events -five to trine A, machine gun was brought into as- ty per cent, of the perimeter of al "A university supported by 'the• tion and Westmoreland street and surface fire actually goes out without state far all its people, for all its sons any human assistance whatever be- anal daughters with their tastes and e� fore sunrise, but if nothing is don. alit:tildes as varied as mankind, can while, the flames are at low ebb, they • place no bounds upon the lines of its will, by the middle of the forenoon, endeavor, else the state is the irre- have abrin started sufficiently to pre- para1le 1Jr; r." (From the inaugural sent an unrrckeit front. A forest fire naturall • prccceds in i t president of antoCharles the Van 'Ilse,of b � late Fleis.ent pf the Unzvd.rsity of the general direction of tha wind, `i, isconsm.) burning an eliptical shaped area with Service such as that indicated in head, flanks and tail; The most of -j this quotation is being attempted by factual places to attack are at the , the Provir:rial University of Ontario, head and flanks. If one can have only! b this greatlycurtailed i by the lack of funds. The University Saeltvklle street were swept with bul- lets, Searchlights -lit up the city. Par- - attention being paid to the roofs of housee and offices. Installation of Lord By ng Probably at Quebec A despatch from Ottawa says: - It is presumed that the installation, of Lord Bynk as Governor-General of a single tool to fight the for Mrs. W. E. Sanford President of the National Council of Women. now in elision in Calgary. BIGGEST GOLD PILE IN THE WORLD •eoent imports The seg r es from ssh eb riceive�d this butt.. l . act e::«atx;;c. 'fa:a btlttec rt . thintl:lrieg the v :r are f to ", to, ceiree the most i^ll.•y! a ` L Y:I. 1,._-r; 'Future peri:::avant. .,4,.1y r� ?n in:• i a 'aBsia 1--a,t;iai•� t , the l:.:d :- :�I, t s ,. n dads rite •kt. t is ran ettt t•t f<+,• i:c•c;7 er- ide rt: here en bav : 'i -r- 8 p ,. r„ t"eeenla. e.f "never in �,re..7iaa:,l th;ring t!. o ria°s': three zna 1:ta. :;7A"nw-i emit tett ti:: sante a, a ,. IIJ '1.�1f1. t :t ]- ada, while' not fella 'rt the h�:; a , et; ,' dice Englitsh butts: to rile. I•� r,'►sa , rooting the butte Ida laFtl a, et,'lli' ;t that the 'Elites I+.It to t.a�7 will ; tot+.Ji an unlimited nrerl,t•t it the future. i� Denmark, always :l dr chi -t' your e of lin;land's brae- s , i:; 2r t t`a 1 new contpetiticn at4s'er -d by New /en Re l .cez' by 1921Cass Aw4. ^a^,.. it r.^.r P. ria :.s],`.' Sol- d:ere o! the G:'�a.�:-• of 1519, who were trloa:tti f-'1 eerie in .•lady for duty or t'::' Rhine, in the slue: _e!iorf area. •c.a.raer.t•": res.,, .. Vic;' •J Primo or is e'en. t '. ;,] went 41'r e' a tv �a'er ... ,..r+. .a .i;;'" le the J ?,. 't8i:re�S.i.^.0*: 3SJ t :6 ttarn; t.,3 ei: •.°' i,".. c^ a,, .. a,G1'= r , • gr.. . t;8t.; re, A":t l a r. ^, .... 1:1a:Wer #,oy :f t•1-€- /:�L P•12 ,W.:1. who are its Pierty of Scope for It. "lla eeiteiti--:a l- 2 a�eeileriul tb1ng. tse i it "" "Yee. d r•tl1 P ..e it is, but what made y..at think of that now? 1've j:a- lw='n r -cling tie. new Weekly y £e a rket Toronto. 'lfaritvb a wheat -No. 1 Northern. $1.$5 No. 'd Northolt. 1$1.8-t£n; N. 3 Northern, ,1., ars; N tb. 1 `l l... t, Manitoba oath: -\t+. 2 t'\�Y, No. 3 (.1V, 411/;e; t' tr:t N. 1 feed. 11�ac; No. 1 feed, 3'; ••6t.; Nt'. _e feed, fletee. Manitoba barley -No. 1 (IV. ,i`q-c; No. �4 C\\ , r i?.t:. rejt�ett tl. I' :?.,r . All the above i►: store Fert \ •sl'iam. American corn -Nu. yell w, 42 to est flames i hut I'ls sel'vtee is eu 44e. Canada will take phare at Quebec-, in- he should choose the shovel. With! of Toronto mast "get along" on nn asmuch as it is anticipated that he this he can eut the edge of the surface' annual income on. which a United will arrive in Canada while maviga- fire and throw it back. He ran also States university of equal size would r to . theburningembers t still 1 throw dirt on are the acoonr- Lion on St. Lawrence River is .,t 1starve. So cramped open. The Department of the Score- duce the temperature and to exclude modatson r of the Provincial Unsver- tary of State, however, has not yet oxygen. The plow is likewise a good city that the President's hone has ascertained the exact date of his com- tool, where it can be used, to limit been expropriated and is being "made ing, the area of the fire by plowing a nor -over" into classrooms.. Of all the It has been the custom for the Gov- row strip aeross the path of the dreary and uninspiring envircrnra •pts ernor-G'aneral to be installed at his flames. Where there is hanger front imaginable for purposes of teaching port ,of debarleation. these fires the community should be that of an old house made to serve as Hon. Arthur Meighen has arrived in London to attend the conference of the Prince Ministers of the Empire. organized to get clot in force upon a moment's notice. Britain will give Me siopotamia Arab rule. FRENCH SCIENTISTS CONQUER FOOT AND LOUTH DISEASE A despatch from Paris says: -The discovery of a serum rendering cattle Immune to loot and mouth disease has been made by Professors Vallee and Carre, of the Alfortville Agricultural ',%esearch Laboratory. This anounee- inent was evade on Thursday to the Agricultural Commission of the Sen- ate by Senator Beaumont The discovery is the result of years oR "experimeting with `blood elements end microbes in order Lo make pos- sible the fixation of the bacillus of frot and month disease, which is so infinitesimal, that it could not be re- tained in the most minute filters. Once this was accomplished, it would be possible to cultivate the germ. Fixation now has been accomplished., and the serum has been made in small quantities through a phagocytic pro- cess. a school is the worst! let the Uni- versity of Toronto uses six old houses for classroom accommodation! On June 10th approximately nine hundred graduates received their de- grees from the Provincial University. Computed in dollars, what are these highly trained leaders worth to the Province? As' well ask a father how much money his child is worth to him. The University of Toronto is struggling to do an immense work -on a relatively meagre income. The ac- ceptance by the Provincial Govern- ment of the University Commission's Report would solve the problem. She Did Her Part. She -"Before you married me you. used to say that I was the sunshine of your lifer" He -"Well, you still do your best to make things hot for me." P-10 1 NIA c z).z'---t Doc -s aT Mt<A�N Kf Cct= 45 W tiNT t'tRE `ri t�Sn. `CN I1' S `(o u N (,D ll�l --rfkv- (CE BoX� Will Take Four Men a Month to Count Money in U.S. Treasury. .\ tie ^:etch front N. w Y arl; says:- The. task of counting., pica by piee and mate by note, the barge -t amount of gold and gold eertifs.4€s ever brought together in one spot in the history of the world has Lien un ser- taken by four of the fa test counters in the employ of the Government. These four men constitute a bcard representing the Treasury D.part- ment and the Mint, and it is thcar task to check up and calculate the amount of gold now held by the United! States Assay Office, with cer- tificates held there, and to certify the amounts -as correct to the last penny. Just how much gold the members of the board will he obliged to 'count will not be made public by the Assay Office officials. In fact no figures ever have been given out as to the amount of gold the vaults hold. It is known, however, that the amount is upwards of $10,000,000,000, and probably close to $1,250,000,000. It is the largest amount of gold ever concentrated in one spot. t Ontario wheat -No. 2 Winter, 41.50 to $1.0;0, nominal, per Oar lot'; Nye. Spring, $1.40 to $1.45, n.oninal;- N. 2 Goose st.tt 2p18 r I, ,n 1.8 n1 points, ateorling to freight. Peas --No. nominal. Bade: e-Mehin; 65 to 70o, acdoed ing to freights outside. Manitoba flour First pat., $10.5'l; second pat., $10 Toronto. Outwit) flour -s$7.50; hulk, eeea- bcardl. 1liillfecd - Delivered. Montreal freight, bags included: limn, per ton, $25 to $27; shorts, per ton, $25 to $29; goad feed. flour, $1.70 to $2 per bag. Hay -No. 1, per ton, $20 to $22; straw, car lots, per ton, $12. Cheese -New, large, 17?"s to 183:c; twins, 18 to 19c; triplets, 18% to 1.2%-c; old; large, 33 to 34e; die, twins, 3$ to 34%c; triplets, 343 to 25e; New Stilton, 20 to 21c. $utter Fresh dairy, choice, 25 to 26c; creamery, prints, fresh, No. 1, 30 to 32c; cooking, 22 to 24e. Margarine -22 to 24c. Eggs -No. 1, 36 to 37e; selects, 37 to 38c; cartons', 40 to 42e. Beans -Can. hand-picked, bushel, $2.85 to $3; prime's+, $2.40 to $2.50. Maple ,products -Syrup, per imp. gal,, $2.50; per 5 imp. gals., $2.35. Maple •sugar-, lb.. 19 to 22e. Hioneyy-Yi0-01tins,. 19 to 20e per lb.; 5 -21/4 -lb. tin's, 21 to 22e per lb. Ontario comb honey at $7 per 15 - section case. REGLAR FELLERS -By Gene Byrnes rt 7!4,T.e t n f:3: - ti :it` i,w,1., 80 to 38e; 18eev y.: tt te 31e: tzt lied 48 to !lee; ro ' , .27 to 2s. , cettage rolie.'t to '; 3'at, . Jt leteire. 33 to iSe; sneeia!int. haeon, -15 t. 17e; tt}ir '''i 41 t'., 4, Curt,: ra t' atF ®l ng d!c'nr Paean. 17 to 18e; elver he ' es. 15 to 16e. Lard-= I'ure taerece, 12% to 13'; tubs, 13 to 13t.at, pail , I'P-s to 13%e; print,:, 11 t., 11 lee; Shortening, tiercee, 11 to 113:, •; tubs, 11' to 12e; Fall, 12 to 121xc; prints, 14 to 1.4?;.e. Cheiee heavy steers, f, .50 to .9.:0; good heavy steers, $8 to $8.50; bat- ehers' mule. choice= $8 to $9; do, good$7.50 to 38; do, med., $7 to $7.5(4 do cont., $.4.50 to $7; bate hers' cIAW, t tiT't.e, $4.50 to $7; alo, godly 8(1 to $0.50; do. conn., $5 to $6; hut. there' Imllee good, $ti to $7; do. coal., 84 to $''; feeders, best, $7.50 to 58; do, 910 lbs., $7 to $7.50; do, 800 lbs, $5.75 to $0.75; ea, t'om., $5 to $6; canners ani: cutters, $1.50 to $4; r, ilk- er. , goc.,s to the a e. $50 t i 5585; do, cone and meal 530 tc $50; choice springers, 540 to e60: lambs, year- lings, $9 to $10; do, spring, $13 to $14; sheep. choice, $5.50 to 56; do, coin., 52 to $•4.50; Calves, good to choice, $10 to $12; hogs, fed and watered. $11 to $12; do, weighed off cars, 511.25 to $12.25; do, f.o.b., $10.25 to $11.25; do, country points, $10 to $11. Montreal, Oats, Can. West., No. 2, 60 to Ole; do, No, 3, 55 to 56c. Flour, Man. Spring wheat pats., firsts $10.50. Relied oats, bag 90 lbs., $3.05. Bran, $27.25. Shorts, $29.25. Hay, No. 2, per ton„ car lots, $21 to $22. Cheese, finest easterns, 14' to 14%c. Butter, choicest creamery, 28si'.t to 29eec. Eggs, fresh, 35 to 36e. Potatoes, per bag, car lots, 50c. Good veal, 57 to $7.50; med•., $5 to $7; Ewes, $3 to $5; lambs, good, 512.50' to $13; coni., $10 to $12; hogs, off ea weights, selects, $12.50; heavies, $9.50 to $10.50; sows, $8.50. 7KE_LL.., 11-(E C. T.S Goff ':tea Y•