HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-6-23, Page 4- 'he Exeter Advocate
c:e . ,commodious 6 -roam Frame
rl'tuse, situated on the south side of
Arm Street, Exeter; int good repair,
hazel and sot: water. For terms ap-
ply i.e I. R, CARLING, Exeter,
Sanders 8; Creech, Proprietors
Subscription Price—In advance $1.50
,. er year ha Canada; $2.uil in the
Zinitea States. All subscriptions not
Paid in advance 50c. extra charged.
THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd 1421
An event long t . be *-anaentbei-ed
by ebe F rineis families and er:nnec-
' C°ions was in.augLrated at Spilaagbank
i, Tuesday :ase, There were 80 in
annual! s.mwbeberry social held en
t:reise.r's orchard under the auspices of.
the Y. P. and I e+lie :..i of . ai-
vary Evangelical Church was a splen-
did success. The crowd gathered 'n
goo; time from near and far, swell -
Are ais.e, gate -a;c.ipts to $126. The
baz=tr wes well patronized, the sat s
amountlag to almost $400. Art Weber
our namti .ar auct,ore n w e1 L d the
hemmer in erre sale of t.quilt.
Many bidders were ,present, but. Mr;.
Fre the sa:c*w-ma:t, was suet salts;
Fit +ru g urs fire T ';,hest bid. Great.
cred-t is due ,*.aa els. Earl Garner in
nreparing zee grounds. The lighting
system was Well arranged by Mr. T.
l 1tltupn, Ox ei': ng any P Me!e airs yarn
The talions select;ons of the program
were well r ce.ve1 br :lac: large and
epu e ' ::ae a
tud.enwr, The pastor,
Ret. W. -J )rager, as the. er ase of the
evenineta proceediags expressed la's
apu eriseien of the way the members
of the Ladies' Aid Area of the Y
€tssietea :n making the hOCial a tt'.'f}_.
'tounse 1 success.
Our Junior baseball all a am elased
eiesenees liana of bell et Sleeve
wa lee gee enet rte, -e5a; �.;
scrim. U 1s-17,.
Pbe i-,tnitertn St.aday Seh "eel p c nye
be held en 'he vhureit grow ad
on i 1 ur sd ,v a` nE m. Stapn-•r w l be
set i :n the bas meat of th: i hutele.
St: Merle Brekeeshra attend:it tie:
tenerel of Sats 5 tizwe, lits J'14311. dolt-
loc=i:. itt Miela`gan on Sasurdee-
ir. ::red else ea \ vt:n: and Nees
'Thoanpso a of Lesndeta are vise in„ at
the. home of A. E. Oast -reicher.
Miss Fame et Pr Bier has scolia t1, at -
ter s *nine tor sem': time n til 1..
tbete a member tram tier • attended
the cute taalmerit at Credit= t r iia;+
'CYr, and sirs, RWilbur Gt;iy b:el of
la oeilstiere spent Sunday :e^tti tlaY
fo seer's perci' .
The se, un1 game o1 soft bail cal
thie seasessi was, pleyed On that neer.
diamond here -on Month eight ties nst
Eiseter.'nut res:ear:; were the tt
ne , by a score at 24-5.
The Y P. :1 of the limit„ e'it':al
Chiir.-h hail a pienie on 1lttnday 'ire: -
aeon at the Pinery.
Nee and Mrs. Humble of Sarnia ,pen:
eundae in town.
lir, W. Thaler left for his home at
Elmwood this weak.
1Ir• Howard ',s presidia; at the ex
aniinations heed at Exeter th'e week.
Mr. Harold Bice and wife e1 Detroit
are. spending a few days with the
formers parents,—Mr. Robt, McFails
has move;i to Lucan. He has ben 1.v
Irma- here tor the past three years.. --
The Farmers' Club of this vicinity has
received seven cars of coal during the
.past week,—Miss G Bice is visitiar
relatives in Detroit.—Mr. Graton of
Lucan has meed to our town.—The
Clandel)oye Public School is hold ng
an ice cream social on the school
grounds on Friday evening. A good
program has been erran ged.
airs. T. L. Wurm took in. the Grey-
'riound excursion tc, Detroit.—Mr. and.
M. --s. Thos. Johnston, who have been
ore an extended tr_p for several weeks,
at eastern Points, returned home, —
A very interesting event took place at
B an:ford in, the R. C. church when
Earl nau, son of JIr, and Mrs. John
Rau, Goshen Line north, was united in
mareese .to .bliss Beretta Shanchen of
that city. The young people after a
visit is the groom's ,home here, left
for Detroit, where they will reside.—
Mr- Wm. Lamont is visiting friends
and selativ es st-Mihhigan.—Mr. and Mrs
R. Ohlert, 'Messrs. A. Henning and
A. Siebert spent a few days in De-
A Friend of the Family
'Over fifty years ago a young
physician practiced widely in
Pennsylvania and became famous
for his uniform success in the
curing of disease. This was Dr.
R. V. Pierce, who afterwards estab-
lished himself in Buffalo, N. Y., and
,placed one of his prescriptions,
'which he. called "Golden Medical
Di"acovery," in the drug stores in
the United States and Canada, so
-'that the public could easily obtain
this remarkable tonic, corrective,
and blood -maker. Dr. Pierce
manufactured tills "Discovery"
from roots and barks without
.alcohol —a corrective remedy, the
ingredients of which nature had
••put in the fields and forests, for
keeping us healthy. Introduce
pure red blood into the system,
stem Y ,
nand healthis assured. When you
feel run-down, out of sorts, blue
. and despondent try the energiz-
ing influence of this reliable tonic.
You tan obtain Golden Medical
:Discovery in tablet or liquid form
:at all drug stores, or send 100 for
.s trial package to Dr. Pierce's
.Laboratory 'in Buffalo, N. Y.
the gathering, composed of r.°letiyes,
and abeu, twenty-fixeof these were
trent Croswell, Mich, the others being
from different parts .of Ontario. The
entre nrnnib€r were conveyed there
by melees. After dinner short ad -
1 > ,:.. were delivered, and the su-
ee,nnan was made by one of the speak-
ers :hat the gathering bemade annual-
ly, ithiels me, with unan'mous aperoha-
.trt, whereupon a committee was form-
e' t.).,tr:ke arrangements for future
events, vomppsed of the following:
Jaren Francis of London, ;chairman);
lid. Franc's of Croswell. Web., (sec'y-
els ); 'yrs. Straftun and Wm. Fran -
07.s. or:
r n-
or: Croswell: : Roy Fletcher of
Woolhatn. and ANI. Francis of Exe-
�. The event was somewhat marred
f7r :nteemitteset raaes during the day,
Nete:thelees a btapny Lane teas spent
be 3t1 ,tetneeta showers the greater
number of the visitors inadu gena :n
tai an4118 and pastime
:fit the best only a light apo:e crow
's tee general report at present:
Paper has increased 103 n'r •cen'.
ant !sheer 65 per cent, since pre-war
Tito :,w;1 =er boys returned from the
ease) st s_ inshore on Saturday, leis kaes,
The NV:ddle-school or 1:n ranee to.
Nosiest exemination;, aro. bell; held an•
the Public Sc1v)ol here this week- -
G se ne tool~ another drop in nece
ty .Ind : S now seen ; for
a l e ese s a gallon. titt.t.t7 has also tak-
e.i ; ting of a 1tabt year a , ound:
Yee .;ceesSiesable :tzar. 't now ap .
pews, the London T'ntes hs been
enht'.hel ;Ili S loss of $111,00 a we'e'k
;\,t tit; sore raw of gee; n4 most eoure-
tre ee errs -ti C.anati:a would b: bank -
rule n Sasseess thenthencin yc:ea tar:gl`a
Mount Carmel
lease deaila cet:n:urred oa Saturday, the
lr:h. et Her bene, on 1?th coon. Ste -
01161 of 'mess Elie Reardon. She un-
derwent a slight operation at St,
lo..enh- Hosi):tel, London, about a
tu{)nte ago. and seemed to b: doing
nicely wiwn she conga:eel the sum -
mor liu, which developed in conceal-
ed pneumonia, whiell restarted in. her
death. She is survived by two sisters
anti one brother, who have the sym-
pathy of the community. The funeral
\ a•at
t )a • sec on . Iond, 10 . me to R.
1 �
C cemetery, solemn High Mass being
cerebrated by Rev Fr, Corcoran, pas -
assLste.1.. by ,r. Sullivan as Deacon
en. Fr. Kelly as sub-deaconi.-
Ri:v. Basil Sullivan, C.S.B., of Sand-
tv:ch College is visiting Fr. Corcoran
and also .his father, P. Sullivan.— The
efeeill held here on Thursday of last
,ve:•: was a success, about 500 being
!treatise—Rev. Fr. Corcoran is attend
n' ;he. annual retreat held at Sand-
well this wee1, :rlisses G. McKeever
W \sadden, Mary Houlihan and Eileen.
O'Rourke arrived home on Saturday
to :upend the holidays.—Mr. Mat Doyle
nur,•ha:,el a Studebaker car last week,
1. and Mrs. .Per, Barnette and
to li.iy m to:e4 up on Saturday even -
:ng awl seen; Sunday with Mir. awl
iIrs, tiIkQueen,—Mr. Georgi Dalrymple
is at t>resent suffering from a very se-
vere attack ot blood poiscaing n the
hand.—Mr. and Mrs. Noah Horton mo-
tored to Goderich on Sunday tovisit
firs. Horton's brother, Mr. Johns, New-
ell,—Mrs. P. McTaggart and Miss Net-
tee of Exclterre visiting Mrs. Johne
John M Gleno this week.—Misses Hel-
i.en aa.ii Alma Millar spam. Sunday in
Se%forth Miss Stacey of,Toronto and
the Carom family of Exeter spent last
Sunday at Mr. Wellington Kerslake's.
The Hensall G. -Est ,is to be el -
fere. for sale under .mortgage Onetime
3011e-1%1-aster'Paton, Boyle, whno un-
derwent an operation in London for
apteudicitee is progressing very favor-
ably.—The pig -nen, adjoining the
slaeghter house war destroyed by- fine
on Tuesday of lass week. Messrs. T.
Drummond end son bad twelve pigs ;n
the eseun and six of 'them( were burned
co death end t -he other six wer.ee, bad -
scorched. The origin, of the fire ,is
known,—Ree. J. R. Peters, B. A.,
of Be:grave had charge of the services
m ih•e.nlethod st Church Sunday—Mrs.
Thos.:eendock, who has been visiting
with her sister, ,Mrs( Foster of North
Tonawanda !foe a few weeks, rciurned
home.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arnold
are on a levee weeks' motor trip to
Toronto and other places.—The work
on the new blacksm (th shop of Mr,
Geo. Brock ::s now elmosi completed.
:Erni. Shaddoek of Monitrest ins
spend;ng a few weeks at his home
here,.—Mir. R J. Drysdaile and Mrs.
V. A. McLaren Seri Thursday to visit
1 Lends en M}c.hcgan.-The death oc
cu=reel un Victoria Hospital, London,
of - \ei1 e Mae • Meller, beloved
w,ife. of Dir. Thos.' Sherriit, Jr., . on
June 14, as the age of 26 years and
6 Menthe, Mrs.. Si'erritt had beep. i,11
to -over a year. Durung the past two
rnont_bs she has received treatment in
V_crorin Hootae. The deceased was
a rnniivei of Hensajl and spient her life
he*q. She leaves to mourn her loss
her husband and little son • 'Thomas
Ha old rhe tuneeal was held om
Wednesday aftetnenr n from the ;iom;e
o1 Me. "T'hoe. Sherr:.tt, Sr --The mar-
-age v ok place at , Setricoe en jams
8 of bliss Van,% ,May Lea, co'• Wpl1eam
Lloyd Stacey of Amherstburg, son of
John Stacey at Hens*. They well :re-
s-d:c wni Amherstburg.--he dwelling
a .1 are erre ,the late Mrs. Francis
C ',einan has been purchased by Z.
Deeardine sof Zurich, who wJi take
possession ;in July
Important Events Which Hava
Occurred During the Week,
The Busy World's happenings Gare-
fully compiled and Put into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Prtper— A
Solid Hour's i njoymenat,
Sterling closed at New York at
"Babe" Ruth made two borne rues
on Monday.
West York election is expected be-
fore harvesting.
The Leafs defeated the Reading
baseball teant,5 to 4.
Senator Robertson is not likely to
leave Cabinet for a, while.
Gen. Gomez, fernier President of
Cuba, died in New York.
The Intercoliegeate senior football
series will open en October $.
Baltimore internationals won
their 25th consecutive victory.
Silesian insurgents have Peen t r-
dered to keep beyond certainfines.
Rioting in Belfast prevailed front
Saturday night to Monday morning.
The Minister of Railways gave
evidence before Radial Coninifssiala.
Lord Byng eablee accept:. nee u►
invitation to address Toronto wo-
Toronto Methodist Conference
hears striltiug printers, but shies at
short skirts.
Crown Attorney Langworthy o -
tepees from overstrain 1aa wart at
Port Arthur.
Eva May Collins. 17 years old, ot
Ingersoll digs e utidt'nly from un-
known cause.
Toroiata's Council sancit n.s erdit
of Y. w►tie►.te00 for r'habfl.t,ttua ot
steee't reilt:ay.
Bsente 'k s t; a,•r lett Citure'ee, To-
ronto. extend:: a 0411 to nt•v. N. A.
Maclwaehren. S Leith's Fulls.
The Crated St :tri Ills asci passed
the Porter ree ,s 1tQ►n t'a end war
with the Central Eimer's.
Exereseaker I.utttheE cat the 11rItiS:1
House of Commons addressed the
Canadian Club in Torouto.
There are good prospects of nego-
tiation between the typothetae and
»striking, printers of Toronto.
Power shortage at Peterbtaro',
Belleville and other places in Trent
Valley systeiu. due to accident at
I3ealey's Falis.
Germany planning to double cost
of coat.
Premier Meighon arrived at Brit-
ish port.
"Babe" Ruth raised his home run
total to 23.
Hailstormworks much havoc at
Neville, Sask.
Newfoundland will take prohibi-
tion plebiscite.
U. S. Senate Is opposed to Porter
peace resolution,
Mnie. Curie is presented with
medal at Chicago.
Great Britain will give Mesopo-
tamia Arab rule.
The Leafs defeated Reading on
Tuesday, 12 to 0.
Large consignments of whisky are
coining from Scotland.
Fraser river flood waters reced-
ing; damage considered over.
The British Commons will discuss
the Imperial Conference agenda.
The Timber Commission is skep-
tical of evidence being presented.
Baltimore Orioles scored their
twenty-sixth consecutive victory.
Sterling is quoted at $4.23 in To-
ronto, and $3.75% in New York. •
There was a sensational drop in
the price of strawberries in Toronto.
Rev. Peter Bryce appointed child
welfare superintendent for province.
Bridgeburg man arrested for
speeding sells car to the officer next
Autonomy to be granted Alberta
and Eastern British .Columbia
miners. -
Ex -Speaker Lowther states plan
for Dominion representation in
London. '
Jos. W. Butler, cyclist, fatally hurt
in collision with motor truck in
Another step has been made tot
wards amalgamating veterans' or-
Vancouver G.W.V.A. and. A. &
Veterans will continue to sell beer
to members.
About 150 Canadian weekly news=
paper representatives meet at Lake'
Louise, Alta. ;
Chicago defeated the New York;
Optimistic crop reports from Sas ?
The G. A. U. V. requests J. Harry;
Flynn to resign.
Clyde Mowry given high Masonic':
honor in Toronto,
Smith's Fall`s ratepayers reject
daylight saving. S
Belleville -Prince Edward bridge;
tolls cease' July 1.
Official farewell to Canadian Bis-,
ley team at Montreal.
Great Britain to spend £2,000,000;,
on capital ships.
The United States and Japan are
to negotiate issues.
Machine guns for Ireland seized
-on United States vessel: r
The Leafs defeated Reading for
the third consecutive time.
Convocation on church music held
by Lutherans at Kitchener.
-King George's horse, Willsomers,
ran second in the .Derby stake.
Deadlock on national defence in
joint Congressional conference.
Timiskaming Telephone Co. refus-
edi permission to increase rates.
John W. Beaty, prominent in fin-
ancial circles in Toronto, dies.
Britain warns Angora Turks ;
against attempt on, Constantinople
Saskatchewan .Anglican Synod lay-
men 3 to 1 for admitting women.
Egbert P. Baker, aged 18, dies at
s'mith's Falls from drinking poison.
Canadian is elected president of
:he Rotarians at Edinburgh conven-
ti on.
' Ontario druggists will watch Jegis-
_ition • conpellirg them to keep
A slight decrease
ing reported by tit
,After equalling
cord, Baltimore
Sale of liquor in British •Coiunebia
under Government control com-
Sample shipment of Oanadian cat-
tle to show Scotland what Canada
U. re O. clubs in South York will
support Labor candidate for Rouse
of Commons.
The G. A. U. V. directors give
favorable bearing to suggestion of
Charles Saehkoff, Hamilton Rus-
sian Pole, shoots child -wife dead,
and then himself.
The Leafs defeated. Reading by 8
to 3.
Thousands reported to be dying of
famine in Kiev,
Britain sets aside $000.000 foil
subsidies to civil aviation,
Crisis is impending in Dutch Cab-
inet over new Army Bill.
Anti -Bolshevik troops are report-
ed to have captured Omsk.
Dannon. S. Godfrey, diver, Perishes
at bottom of Georgian Bay.
Allegations of brutality at Jail
Farm are denied by guards,
New Zealand power magnate here
with $5,000,000 machinery orders,
Allied experts are discussing
means for converting' German bonds.
Eugene La Planta, restaurant
keeper at Niagara Falls, is missing.
Port Arthur Public School teach.
ers agree 10 10 pee cent. salary cut.
Premier Disney will inalst upon re -
real of Dominion waterways le„ isla-
leeted 414,066 for consumptive chil-
thePse Day taggers in Toronto col -
A deer chased by a dog into Hal -
fax rains into a fence and breaks its
i'atnadian soldiers still is France,
•netting lonesome, want to come
[t^ata elo le to go dry on July 18.
:wording to Federal Goverement's
present plans.
Mrs. W. F. Loupe. St. Thomas,
Blies of sleeping sickness. after two
we tek' illness.
St. Paul's Roman Catholic ehureh,
Toronto. will unveil statue to 81
fallen soldiers.
madame Curie. discoverer of ra-
dium. receives an address from
Canadian women.
Safety League in Torouto calls at-
tention to increase of traffic acci-
dents in Toronto.
The Leafs were idle at Baltimore
on Friday.
U. S. House insists on cut in the
size of army.
King George is resolved to pay a
visit to Ulster.
Conference of veterans resolves in.
favor of one national body.
Machineguns seized at Hoboken
were intended for Ireland.
Edward O'Connor, 106 years of
age, dies near Powassan, Ont.
National Council of Women favors
appointment of women to Senate.
Ontario strawberries compete with
Quebec fruit on. Montreal market.
Sailing }3. established a new
course record at Connaught Park.
German farmers are to deliver
2,500,000 tons of grain to Govern-
The Boston Red Sox advanced to
foulth position in the American.
Thirty Girls' Training Camps will
be opened throughout Canada this
Disappearance of the young To-
ronto girl cleared up by a romantic
Mrs. Ed. Fehrenbach, Kitchener,
dies as result of being knocked down
by motor car.
A Toronto firm will be entrusted
with the financing of the Windsor -
Detroit bridge.
Theft of $10,000 worth of apparel
from a Yonge street departmental
store in Toronto lands two in toils.
in t.te cost of liv-
e Department of
the world's re -
was beaten by
That this Dank is anxious to assist the agrie.
cultural development of Canada is shown
by the fact that two-thirds of our borrowing
customers are farmers.
An application for credit from you will
be givea the most considerate treatment. ,s$G
EXETER 13RAXCH, F A. Chapman, Manager.
Incorporated in 1Sa5
Over 130 Breaches
The cost ;o: living is falling, also the pace 01 food stuff.
This necessitates increased proluction. Produce snore and
deposit your surplus in The tilolsor.s Bank, where it will
be ready for any call and yet be earreng interest.
T. 8, WOODS Nauager,
Centralia Branch open for business daily -
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Braneh.
Display Advertising --Made known,
on appl<cation.
Stray Animals—One insertion 50.7,,
three insertions $1.00.
Farm for Real Estate, for sale 50c.
each insertion for one month of four
Miscellaneous articles of not more
than five lines, For Sale, To Real,
Wanted, each insertion 50c, Lost and
Found locals 25c. an insertion.
Local reading, notices, etc„ 10c, per
line per 'cnr ,per
tt.o'n, • No aata
than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c..
Auction Sales $3 foe one insertion
and $1.50 for each subsequent in-
nsertion if under five inches in length.
Legal advertising 10c. and Sc. aline
Unsexcelled dining car eervicat
Sleeping cars on night trains led
Parlor car4 on principal day train%
Full information from any Greed
Trunk Ticket Agent, cc C. E. Horn-
tag District Passenger Agent, Torosto
shame 44w N, Agent,. Exeter
Printers in Toronto are still on
The Leafs defeated }Zaltimore.Sun-
day, 6 to 5.
Many British miners will resume
work this week.
Chas. Paddock broke five world's
sprinting records.
George S. Lyon won the T. and D.'
golf championship.
The United States poloists defeat-
ed the British team.
The Scottish soccer team beat
Vancouver All -Stars, 3 to 1.
German military organizations in
the Rhineland are being dissolved.
Rochester business men inspect
Toronto harbor and are impressed.
Saskatoon street car system com-
mences operating on one-man plan.
Over twenty-one thousand in the
parade of the Holy Name Society in
Despatches from Manchuria say
anti -Red forces are winning in
Orangeville and Toronto- St.
Simon's, 0.A.L.A. teams„ played a
tie game.
Peterboro' ratepayers demand in-
dependent audit of Utilities Commis-
sion books.
Four •cygnets hatched out by one
of the royal swans in Pinafore Park;
St. Thomas. 5'
Fifteen new distributionstations
are to begin operating in China's
famine area.
Conference of Dominion Premiers
was opened to -day at 10 Downing
street; London. ,
Reports from Constantinople tell
of poor morals in the Greek army
in Asia Minor.
Steamer Laconia carrying first
shipment of cattle from Montreal to
Glasgow has sailed.
Two heroic rescues from drown-
''ing occurred in Humber river and at
!Kew Beach, Toronto,
Geo. Harper; aged 25, was drown
ed at Van Wagner's Beach, near
Hamilton, when Canoe mosets
Wm. Magee, guard at Burwesh:•.
Prison Farm, was accidentally killed,
when overseeing stumping opera-
liquor. d ons.
.: %...x11
N you require a roof, the measurement
will be in squares (100 square feet). A '
basis for analysis of the costs of Brantford
Asphalt Slates is given below:
1—INITIAL COSTS OF MATNRIA7 S--Banderd Asphalt Slaly.tp
sometimes higher in initial cost for the material.
9—NAILS ' REQUIRED --Brantford Ashpbalt'Siates require ONLY 684
stLlay a sgaare. Brantford Asphalt Slab Slates requireONLY
450%,—COST OF LAYING—Brantford Asphalt Slab Slates ars four en
one strip—require onityp one operation in handling, one operation
is Indkrkdnal slates are 8-x 12X inches—Cut easily. tit
easily. fit on anglerand bead aver round surfaces. Yon sate
30 to 50 per tent. inlaying.
4—,aro PAINT Olt STAIN REQtII*ED--The sarface of Brantford
Slates la is nature's: permanent colon, green and rd,
safedeltble. des attracts a,--rediag an slain to - produce
artistic elfeetsrno ltgeld coalslo male thins tee—resistant.
L. -CAVING 01? I1iSUTBA14CS-Brmtfeed.A ltSIades are classed
as ooa-combustdNe-by flra,bsjuanoa —s dtrectaaskag.
et front 101. 20 per cent. en premiama,i. elected- In certain
localities *re regulations demand asbesiea-paper'ander some root
Materials, but Brantford Asphalt Slates are tare-rsslatant and are
iuns from special regulations. •
a—COST OF REPAIRS—From tie day they are laid Brandied
IF 4pbaa Stats roofs abowalmost loopsrtent. of the original rootnn-
fcnched. Brantford Asphalt States do not curl, split, crack or rot.
d protection rind permanent i r ked:mare built into Brant-
forAsphak Slate Rods.
Compare these roof costs arith those of any other
roofing material; it is your money you are spending
and yeti want 'value for it—then buy
Distributed under Brantford Roofing Trade Marks,
through Brantford Roofing Dealers. Stock carried,
information furnished, service rendered by our dealer
in your district.
Brantford Roofing Co, Limited
$rantford :tanada
i Branches at Toronto, Mon
,trerAlp• Deltas andinn
��R • � '
For Sale
by Ross Taylor co., Ltd.