HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-6-16, Page 8Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Seo: is 5 .. 1,60 Barley ,.a..,.., oats ... Family Flour ,.... Feed Flour ...�:, Bete Cre.antery Butter oess. . 33 Ssa=ry Butter...,.. 25-28 28 to 30 18 $15 to $16 .., 8.00 48 to 55 35 to 37 ..5.30 .. 2.10 1.60 1.60 Lard Hay ape, tae:, ....... Regis ...... Tti •s,. who attend the Temperate d a s -en on ; i Certitoa ba Wednes e r :.a .er oo;a ::nd es-ere:e t, Jun?. wee `'ave U a opporitunity o£ hearing D. George(:. Pidgeon rector of 81oor Si. resbPy terian Church, Toronto. Pte;:deryof the Ontario Social Ser- eese Ceune on "Social service pIans said e,evo unties, and .n the 4v.ning e•t .he :new est ensiep'. Reports of °Leers wile be received. An interest- ing, ..e:n :s a bouquet at b o'clock, to be toe:owed by addresses. All the eau . hes are ens titled to send delega- tes and everybody will be welcome Your rite r Scar rias reee:ved program. Uuren n v stands well up and it shousil be leer: there. EXETER iylivonafrt, TRU1B311:AY, JUNE 16, 1931 Local Doings OUR, THANKS. Henry Reynolds Rias our 'banks for a b» of the •most beautiful straw- berries it has sever been our privilege to look upon—and they tasted just as gaa•3 as they looked, WENT TO CAMP. The volunteers of Huron, Bruce and \'iddlesex are iza..cauap at London. this week Major Heiman had about forty auader, his command, about twenty go- ing from Exeter. They left on Friday e and w iL return this Saturday. The East time the soldiers went away .iii I was on a different errands, Res. Hear, -les Barad et players :,std singer, w: i part'orm a. t'ra°ci:toe. Fri- eze evert:aa. F+ r per.Seulars se,: Cred- ...st stews, SHORTHORNS WANTED Wame3 number of Shorthorn hetet and a few choice bulls. 0ny- nie weft the above nieettiPned state( to .544 I._ndly communicate et ()nee . + the cdd ess b°low, as I ;.:tend vis - tog, Ewes: ,n the sours. ax xa few Isys.—\V. J. 1::Callum, Bratuleen,Ont RememberCencert and Straw - 9 : n Dame R°nk, Excite-, •Fr.lay Jute ?4. Brit nswick Tiee end `' ss Mee Esker", Re adsr, London. nesse seine title I, ootid;"a r Adtr:'s.sitar cents; u lx.;zirr. 35=. a fete Al TEND D1VlNl; SEF.VIC F. seedier, le ete Ex.t r Drench opt eso F,O \6^,1x" attestd d s ate serve - tee t l sett It unor;. t:ie neh Cert ,LZ: s.C..il,n„ June be, . ta,tan, members ei neighboring °'lui,s:are eseseialls invited. The ma mb.rs and c. • ,at.,.} members will nem t at the Club Benin:'s iia,'l net o t Reck, fan when i`ey w'l march to the ,:emelt et a body. A odd ervitt- nen is esteemed to ths lades. Owing se the drop 'n s:i materiel we ere nb:i ie m.anui u lure ice ..:ream at .-. es•— 5e. ;c p'e,. 50e. a 'Maar.; 5c. a (Ilse—W. J. S"l:WHAM. LOST—A teen oi money on east side of Main. Si., between Men St, church :ltd 1', Elito,t's shop. Finder rewarded by leaving at this o:flee. ESTRAY STEERS. There strayed canto t::. premises of the. undersigned, two yeaiin; Hereford netts. Owner can have same by prov in; property and paying expenses. JONATHAN KYDD, Hay P.O. -- SUSAN' HEIFER l'here strayed onto tie: premises of the undersigned, Lot 20, Con. 4, Step - her, a red yearling heier. Owner can have same by proving property and peen's expenses F. TRIEBNE , Jrt elXO\\ CASE FOR SALE. Small one. Apply C. L. WILSON. ROOMS TO RENT in Pr raie Hume at Grand Bend; also bent with time cots in good loca- tion. with rust.s table and seats. Ap- ply Box 111, Mss Emma Molllard, Grand Bend, Ont. DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractic and Ele trio Treatments, X -Ray; Hours- 1ea is 12, and 2 to 4, and by appoint- ment Coneu.tation free. William and Sanders. Moony 43. TENT TO RENT. Suitable for booth, or for camping. Apply ie C. L. Wilson WANTED a local representative at Exeter to represent "The Old Relia- ble Fonthill Nurseries", and cover sur- rounding territory. A splendid open ing for a reliable man. Exclusive ter- ritory.— STONE & WELLINGTON Toronto, Ontario. CARS FOR HIRE—Phone 56, C. L. ,WILSON. __— PLOWING DONE. Having purchased a tractor outfit I am prepared to accept contracts for plowing.—E. B. Mitchell, Centralia. TRUCK FOR SERVICE. I have a truck for service. Rhone 115, Exterer, S. J. V. CANN. VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Ands'ew St. Apply at any time 4 t 6 o'clock; evenings Ito 8 HIGH INVESTMENT YIELDS NOW. AVAILABLE Domiovion of Canada Victory Bonds Province of Ontario Bonds. City of Toronto and otber bonds. ERNEST ELLIOT Office Elliot Building Exeter TURNING ,MILL All kinds of Turning, Gumming Saws; Etc., done " on shortest notices APPLE BUTTER AND. BOOL1i.D Cider, ifirstsclass quality, S. J. V. CANN, Phone 115 THE SICK. :Mrs. Jahn Hawkshaw, whom, we re- ported last Week as being quite ill, :s new impieties; nicely. Mr. A. E Fuke is ree•overing from his illness, and i►es table to take a +walk down street on iktonday. Mrs. Wm. Hawkshaw has sufficient - 1v improve in "health as to be out around ngaizz,—efrsl James Sweet is e t the mend after several weeks ill- ness.—\ors. Penrice is also recover'ng ,.t: ter a loo',=, i ZaeSS, , BOWLING NOTES. Messrs Fuke and Ferguson and Hea man ;led Creech tttestded the :Verner Cup Aoenbles in ,Seaforth last week, but ;hers: among the "also rans", the cup berg Wan by Burrows and Willis of es force. with Rennie and Wlsite- sides of I-3ensall runners-up for the ;hied time, they los rite to Heamattand Creels in the finals in 1919 and 1920. :Messrs. Thos, Pryde, J. A, Stewart and T. R. Ferguson won the prizes at :he Friday evening Bowline Tourna- ment. Twenty-four players Participa- ted in. the game. The F:it,ay evening ourney is a weekly event to which 'tors a; well es local players are tw:.e i Reprrt et the green at 7.15. BASE3ALL NOTES. Exee; Jurior I.eagu: Team defeated Croton at Clinton c►a Friday afternoon by a score of 9-6, Harness, the Ex- eter pitehet is too good for CVO - a, O -n, and he received exc•e".lent sup- port on Friday. Exeter got away to IR lour run start in .the first ant ngs, Pasman umpired, An unfortunate ac- s .deet: happened in "she last innings when with two. out Livermore of Cen- . en eliding into the home plate got his wrist doubled up in such a way that st bone WAS broken. Quite a number from town saw the Goderich ball team defeat Zurich at .he latter place on Friday evening ea,: by a score of 7-4. This was the first defeat for Zurich this year. diersorman COLLISION. Abntt, eleven o'clock Sunday eight an ?c: c intent took ,place at the south nand of town ,that Might easily have been attended with fatal results. Har- - Cortes and hes sister, 'Miss Len', son and daughter of air. and erns{ Wm, Coates of Usborne, were driving nto tow,, in thee car, and when op- posi e \Ir. R. N. Rowe's furn.ittsre iwareruoms there were three rigs -go- isng south, two of them abreast, and .he third, driven, by Harold McFalls, scut o' Reeve 'V4 illiem McFalls of Bid- iuiT,h, went to turn out to pass the other rigs and •iii, doing so -collided with the car, Mr. Coates seeing the epproach ng danger immecessieli ap- plied the. brakes and the car slid for t'onsiderable distance, but before it seemed the. horse had struck the car, and in some manner got partly into it. S trt.nge. to say none were very badly hurt, although Mr. Coates was struck et the stomach with the end of one of toe shafts of the buggy, but the injury is not considered en any way serious. Miss Coates escaped without e scratch, as did also • lir. McFall*. The buggy had foxily one shaft brok- en, and the top of the car was some- what damaged. The horse had one eye injured and its aegs were slightly cut. Hew all escaped with so little injury e little short of a miracle. Apparent- ly very little blame ,could be attach- •nyone, but with the immense amount of traffic on our streets too muse caution cannot be observed by all drivers of rigs and cars. Y. P. C. A To -night is ladies' night, 2'rivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.—"Loving and Hating to the Glary of God." 7 p.m.—Special service for the U.F.O. Subject—"In. the Morning Sow Thy Seed." Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector. OAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister Regular services next Sabbath at 11 a.m, and 7 pen. t The Minister. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J, Wilson, B.A. 11 a.m.—Rev. A. Sinclair. 3 p.m.—Sabbath School and Bible Study. 7 p.m.—Rev. A, Sinclair. Inspiring Music. All welcome MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 11..00 a.m.- 3 p.m.; -;.Sunday School and • Bible- Classes. 7 sere—le. BETHANY 2.30 p.m;—Ti. 1. R. Carling, B.A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for that Mol- sons Bank, Etc, INVVF$TYOUR FUNDS in Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and. Municipal Bonds, all legal. investment for Trust Funds, At existhag 'prices from 6 Der cent. to 7 ter cent. can- be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me, Money to loan at lowest ratesof interest, Office—Carling Bk„ Main St., 'Exeter tr.' \V$11 •Mansoa received his U.1ev- esity degree of Phm,B. last week, errs. 'Richard Welsh is Making a slow but favorable recovery, after her ree cent oper'ation,. The road commissioner is having the .new sidewalks laid on John and Sanders streets this week, The U. F Q will ettetnd divine sex - vice in the Trivet Memorial Church on Sunday evening next. A. large number ^s expected to be present', 'Liss .\Mary L. Tom, daughter of In - Specter Tom of Goderiela, has suc- cessive -0y completed .her year in med- icine, having one wear more in the course. 'Iz. Fred Kerr got thud place in the.Grand Intetnational .H'andicap Shoot at St. Thoma last week, after beaig tie for second place and losing on the shoot ;off. Mr, and Mrs, John 'Morgan of Us - borne neve moved to town, occupying the home they recently purchased front Mr. R 4ch; Weleel We welcome such worthy citizens to our midst. About twenty-five of the girl feends of efrs. Chester Harvey, nee Laura Joys, tendered her a miscellan- eous shower at her home on Thursday evening ease and spent an enjoyable hour: Lower School, Senior Entrance and .Senior Graduation examinations are now On at the Exetee School with Principal eielay of Henson as the presiding examiner. About 30 pupils are writing, ':=and Mrs. John Torrance of. Clinn ton announce the engag.nient of thea t,•otuageae daughter, Margaret MMarlton- aid, to eft- George Ferguson Fos te, sort of \rr. and Mrs. Cr S. Foote of Port Arthur, Ont, The marriage will take place on Wednesday, June 22nd, For many months, )Jr. Caleb Hey- wood, an esteemed townsman, eas been confined. 'to his borne ;from the effects of a stroke of paralysis, but for the past couple of weeks ,he has beets get- ting out emotes Ms friends, who are delighted to greet him, after his long. confinement =doors. "Cale" is cheer- ful and makes the best of Itis' =for- tunate condition. White not so alert as of yore he seems to be daily im- proving Mr. Joseph Davis has purchased the dwelling pro. erty of Mrs. Win. North- cott, opposite the flaxmill 'property, Exeter North. He has also disposed of his dwelling property* on the west side of Hain street, Exeter North, to Ir George W'eingarden of Parkhill who will lake possession shortly and wad do business in the line of moving buildings,etc. err, 'Welegarden comes highly recommended both as a citizen ;end workman, and as such we welcome nine to our midst, The Clinton New Era says regard - lee ,a former resident o (Exeter,—"On Saterday while err, J A Atkinsonwas working in, the monument yard, the derrick fell, and struck him on the shoulder and leg, causing very bad bruises. A small bone in. the leg was ttoured and his back is injured and he is confined to hs bed? It is reported that the firm of Ball and At- kinson is dissolving and that a dr. Zahfe of Owen Sound will enter the business with \tri. Ball, The new part- ner is here this week taking stock, 'dr. G. J Dow went to Montreal on Sunday rs Verda Rowclaffe of London was home over Sunday. Judge Dickson of Goderich spent Friday ie town on business. Miss Annie. Day of Toronto is ids - Sting with her parents here. 2iss Lulu. Hastings of London vis- ited her parents here Sunday. Mrs. Latimer Grieve and daughter of Strathroy are visiting relatives in town. Orr. C\7i S. Cole is attending the Druggists' Convention at Toronto this week, A2rs. Ernest Webber is here visiting wcth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hardy. \2r. ,end Mrs. Thompson of Beaton spent e few days et the home of Mr. S Ma ilio;,` Newcombe:and sister Mrs. Howald visited lin Stratford with their brother e few days last week. li.4 . ,anr1 Mrs. James Hodgins, of C=editom spent the week end withtee former's sister, \2irsI . J. Broderick. end Mrs, Wilbert Karges, the misses Morley and Mr. Wolfe of Lis - rowel visited at the James St. par- sonage on. Sunday, David Tait of Detroit has been the ;guest of his sister, Mrs. Christie, for A. iew days. Old friends have been pleased to have a chat with "Lockie" again. Mrs. C. A. Heywood of Essex is visiting with herr parents in Usborne and with other relatives here. She was accompasjed by a lady ,friend Miss Kenyon of the :same place, who spent. a few days, Mfr .and Mrs. H. Rowe sand Mr. and Mrs. J. G. josses" are attending - the marriage At Barrie 'on 'June 15th of Ree Russell May,eon of. Mr, and Mrs, Johhi May of T,ororstlo,, to Miss Parr of Barrie. W. J, McCallum of Brampton,. /Ont., and i3ran.don, l\ran., the well lonown Shorthorn dealer, intends visiting Ex- eter district in,.the course of ,e. few days.. See his advertisement in an- other column. 1.: le, issieseentes.sellessiel PHONE 32 JONES &MAY PHONE 32 Socil Vgiles lielly-18-Wcir • "MONKEY BLOUSE" SWEATERS AT $t50 ,EACH, We have just received another shipment of pure wool sweaters .(n the "`Monkey ;Blouse" style, in: a popular range of colors. The demand foe these Sees been es, great that we have been unable 'to ^sectu-c them fast enough. Another shipment has just arrived. Very specially , riced at $2.50 each. HOUSE DRESSES AND BUNGALOW APRONS at $1.25. Large Bungalow Aprons and House ,Dresses in good quality materials, clearing this month at $1.25 GEORGETTE AND CREPe 'BLOUSES AT $4.9T In order to reduce our large stock of blouses we are offering this month several dozen Georgette and Crape -de- cherte blouses, in a popular range of colors sizes 36 to 44, at nearly half regular price, clearing at 34,95 each. LADIES WHITE WASH SKIRTS Thestew Mettler wash skirts are here n gaberdines, repos, tricotines. ete, We have dozens to select from tor hisses, Ladies and stout figures,. Pices very reasonable. CLEARING OF SU.NeMER VOILES Many odd dress lengths of voiles ane other summer goods at clearing .prices 'this month. OVERALL PLAY SUITS FOR &MAIL BOYS AND GIRLS AT $1.35 each These overall play suits are just 'the thing for the little boys and girls for summer, They are easily washe3 and keep their color. Colors are khaki and navy, very special at $1.35 a suit'. Sensational Shoe Bargains Now when you steed them, not when the season as over. READ THIS LIST Ladies 'Black or Brown Fine Kid Slippers, :n cross -strays, lies, col- onials and plain Pumas, Lady Belle or Grae,;i, :Makes, all at ,.,,,.... $4.98 feelies' Black, Brown, or Grey fine Kel Oxfords, re;. ;r„00 for 4.98 Ladies' biglsest grade Empress Kid Oxfords,. Louis heels, reg S9.00, for 615 25 pairs Ladies' Pat, Empress Oxfords, regular $8.50, for 6,50. Ladies Patent elatry Janes, low heels, reg. 4,50, for ,. ,, 3.75 Ladies' one-strlp House Slippers, reg. 3,50 for ,., 2.75 Ladies' Canvas House Slippers, leather soles for 1.00 CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS Girls' Classic Slipuers sizes 11 to 2; reg. 4.50 for .,, 3.49 Girls' Classics, sizes 8 to 10 1-2, reg 3.75 for t...,,,,,, ,., 2.98 Girls' Cla;,sics, sizes 6 to 71-2, reg. 2.95, for ............... 2.49 Girls' zed or blue Classics sizes 2 1-2 to 5, for , 1.98 THIS S1ORE WILL Be., CLOSED EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTER- NOON DURING JUNE JULY AND AUGUST. 'ONES & MAY Auto Licenses and Markers Issued in. Exeter. These aro now being issued in Ex- eter. We have them in stock and can supply you at shortest notice. Have your application forms properly filled it 9. W. Simms Express Office, Exeter. R. N. ROWE FURNITURE DEALER' FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Embalmers License No. 210 Motor Hearse Service Phones 203 and 20W. FALL TERM FROM SEPT. Gth CENTRAL Sefti'rFoP o.. ONT. The largest and best Commercial School in Western Ontario. A school where you can get thorough sourses under experienced instructors in Com merreial, Shorthand and Telegraphy !� departments,. Graduates assisted to positions. Home study courses can be arranged Get ,our free catalogue. D. ere McLnichlan, Principal Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin• ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Fleet Foot Shoes For every member of the family, Fleet Foot Shoes have .proved so •,00ulae and are its such wide demand that the styles have been multiplied tto meet every summer ,weed. These shapes are restful and comfortable and are just the thing for summer weer. Let us show you, the newstyles Billie Burke House Dresses For porch, house, or street wear. These dresses , are made from good quality, good washing ginghams, and come in very smart styles. They are priced:'apt ,# $4,50'' $5.00 $7.50 20 Doz. Black Cotton Hose Sizes n, 9, 9', amd 10. This hose sold last .season for 50c a pair. 'For quick selling we . have marked themat the low price per pair 25c: Southcott Bros. This Store will close every Wed. afternoon during June, July, August. DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied. by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w If you havle anything to sell or you want to buy, try The Advocate Walt Column. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office -Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day os night. Dr, G. F. Roulstoay L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Cloned Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D.D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office—over Gladman & Stanbury,'s Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Frim Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Central Hostel, Exeter, Ontario. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Hunan and Middlesex Prices Reasoaaabbe and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, — Ontario. If you want to.,order• a daily .paper or magazine, or renew a present sub- scrsption,, Reams your order at t15 Advocate Office. We save you paper, envelope postage stamp and colt of money order .and when clubbing alit- the more besides. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village propeerty at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter